J" THE BuE: OM AHA.vfrrf)Nl)AY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1919- A WANT AD RATES Caah With Order.) te pr word .on day ia per word twa consecutive days 4u par word..i thru consecutive day 5c per word fnur consecutive dayi o par word five consecutive day To par word nil copaecutlve day to par word..., ....seven conaceutlv daya And one cent par word each sddltloual dy. No ada taken for y-sa than a total of lOo or lata than 10c per day. . CHARGE, ISO, par tin (count, t words to Una) 1 day 330 par Una two conaecutlva days e par Una thra consecutive day per line seven conaecutlva daya l.4 par Una, .. .thirty consecutive daya CARIM OF THANKS AND . - UNtBAL NOTICES. - 10s par Una seh Insertion Minimum charge, ill cant. ... The rata apply-either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both morn In and evening dally papers for the one charge. Contract Kate a Application. For convenience , of advertisers, .want ad will be accepted. at the following of- MAIN OFFtCB .... Be Building Amea Office 441 North 20th St. ; Lake Office 36U North i4th 8t. Vinton Office .8487 South 16th St Park Office .. K15 Leavenworth 8t. South Side ...V. 2318 N St. TUB BEE will Jiot be responsible for ' more than one Incorrect Insertion of aa tdvertlsement ordered for mora than one 'l,m ".ONE TVLER 1000. Evening Edition .... 12:00 M Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 V. M. Saturday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Store and Office Fixtures. FURNITURE FOR OFFICE OR HOME. THK O. A. 8KANS CO.. l01 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 7l Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, salt needle and part. MICKEIES NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ' DROPHKAO aewinc machine cheap. Bar. nay 6163 Miscellaneous. MALT SYRUP I HAVE S2.000 GALLONS OF PURE MALT SYRUP. WILL SELL IN QUART, GALLON, 6 -GALLON AND LARGER CONTAINERS IF DESIRED. . M. P. M'KINNEY, , 1210 S. 16TH ST. , CALL DOUGLAS 486' I. FOR SALE A butterkist popcorn and I peanut macnine aa gooa aa new ai a Dig sacrifice; a money rouer xor sume ona that haa the time to run It prop erly. Address Y-661, Omaha Bee, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mat tresses made from your own feather, summer and winter aides. 1907 Cuming. - P. 3467. GRAPES Fancy New York Concords for Jelly, wine or grape juice. Houston fruit farm. 70S N. 36th St. Colfax 4464. (Bring your basket.) ANNOUNCEMENTS. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-t South 17th. - Tailors. Dtedrlcfc, P. L.. 11 B. 20th. Tailor. P. 1411. Wall Paper Cleaned. WALLPAPER CLEANED ll.M PER ROOM. 384 Wrt4TH St. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Miscellaneous. CALL Harmon, the OJasler. Colfax 1701. BUSINESS CHANCES. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." . PI ERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrtv-thlrd and Farnam. Har. 64. "FRED E. FER0, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. tSd and Cuming Sts. Phono, Douglas "677. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone. H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors. Til South 16th St. Phone Doug. 1226. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone. Douglas 714. 8212 Cuming St. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, Undertaker and Einbalmer. 3411 Farnam St. Harney 398. DUFFEY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. . 717 S. 17th. .Tylar 176. FLORISTS. TOTI. I.APMflM Fontenello XJX-ii-i xj. uiimuvn Flu 1314 Douglas St. Florists. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson. 1618 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH, 1 8th andrnamD. 3000. monIFments & cemeteries! THE largest display of monuments In th United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1211 8. 13th. Phone, Douglas 1872-6210. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION , All members ef tha D, B. 8. of Omaha and vicinity ara requested to meet with the member of D. B. S. No. 1 at their hall, 2653 Leavenworth, Tuesday eve ning, September 2, 1319. Several im portant questions will be discussed con cerning the national convention, to bo held this fall. D. B. 8. No. 1. JOHN TRAI.LE. Sec. ATTRACTIONS. FOR SALE All kinds novelties, dolls, : bulldogs with diamond aye. Give away , Slum flash goods, etc. VINNICK'S NOVELTY HOUSE. 1 3(1 No. 16th St Douglas 7676. LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST Either at Empress theater or be . tween Fontenello hotel ar.d Empress " theater, a whlfe-gold lavallier, set with rose colored heart shaped jopal and three small diamonds; gems registered. Finder pleas -send same to First National Bank, Decatur, Neb., and receive liberal reward. STOLEN I will pay a reward of $60 for return of all papers and contents In my grip, atolen from my office, 659 Omaha National Bank Bldg., on August 28th. No other questions or further trouble. C. L. Tate. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele. phon Tyler 800. We ar anxious to re . store lost arfVus to rightful owners. vu.aha council bluffs 8t. ry co.vjJ PARTY who took Stona Marten- neck place from Farnam street car at 4 p. 1 m. Saturday, kindly send same to Blackstooa Hotel office and save trou- ble. LOST JULY II. BETWEEN BRANDEIS AND KILPATRICK STORES, PEARL AND CORAL CAMEO; 126 REWARD. - WALNUT 2458. LOST Necklace of round red coral bead. Liberal reward, for their re turn to room 266, Brandeis Theatre building. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. JELLY grapes for sale, reasonable. Col fax 4492. FOUR sample' trunks, 209 .South Twelfth street. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Ar yon abl to judge an extra good proposition when you sea ltt It you are and have $10,000 or over, a well established manufacturing company can ahow ypu where !t "trade mark" alon will be worth $1,000,000 with three year of hustle and push besides . the annual Income. The hith coat of living Haa created ' a demand for aur goods. Every man, woman, child and baby, Is a user. The -human race Is tha "only limit to tha field to be worked. We have the manufacturing facilities and material on hand for S400.000 re- tall business. This proposition wl( stand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part ner. This Is our harvest time and re quire action, ao do not answer this unless you have the money and mean business. Adflress box M-99. Bee. FOR SALE or Trade; 20 per cent Income royalty stock with present additional development ., costing $300,000, which will Increase dividends; a conservative Investment; Ford car preferred or clear real estate. Box 32, Hooper. Neb. KINDLING delivery. $.1.60 load. Wb. 46. "WANTEDTO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered ; full N. T. market and accrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE, Investment Securities. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler $844. FOR SALE Grocery stock, paying busi ness; Best location. Auburn, iNeD., county seat town; reason for selling, age and failing health; for particulars write A. C. Bales. Auburn. Neb. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL 1NTKREST ADDED OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N GROUND FLOOR KEELING. BLDG. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSK THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who wllr show their discharge paper at our office In the lobby of The Bee building, Seventeenth 'and Farnam. fcAUTO DRIVER and repairman wants position in garage or artving; win con sider cut of town. - Box 0-16. Bee. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash; Immediate remittance mad for bonds sent by mall. LKWIS A CO., Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. DISCHARGED soldier would like posi tion as cnauneur; experienced. aq dress Q-23, Omnha Bee OMAHA high school and Boyles graduate desires position as stenographer. Prefer lawyer's office. Address Box Q-17, Bee. PROMPT, accurate stenographic work by day or hour. Tyler 3283. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 10 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. WANT Wednesdays and Thursday doing day work. Webster 6472. BUNDLES, curtains. Webster 4283. LIBKRTT BONDS. We pay the highest market price with accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEP. US BEFORE YOU 'SELL YOUR BONDS. EDWIN T. SWOBE CO., INVKSTMENT SECURITIES, 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. DAY WORK wanted "by competent white woman. Kea (83. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on Sd. 4th snd 6th Issues. Get them before selling or- you will lose money. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. U. DOLGOFF, Furniture and Hardware. Furniture, rugs, linoleum, ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poul try netting and- garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 North 24th. Web. 1607. Liberty Bonds Wanted W will pay you spot caRh for your Liberty Bond or partial payment re ceipt. Room 300 MoCague Bldg., N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. WANTED TO BUY Second hand wheel; --fVlneh frame; $15 to $18. Address Y-626, Omaha Bee. FOR Insurance office, stenographer and reception room gtri; salary o iq iuu Western Reference & Bond Assn., 736 First National Bank Bldg. Reiser buy and sells furniture. Ty. 4341-W. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. DIVIDENDS. Turn your diamonds into cash. Highest prices paid. W. C. Flatau, Jewelr. Es tabltshed 1892: 6th floor Securities Bldg WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and, furniture. Tyler J698t A. Zavett, 705 North 16th St. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. TOP-NOTCH prices for your Liberty Bonds and partly paid receipt. 642 Securities Bldg. LOST Pocketbook containing diamond ring and money. Call Webster 2407. Liberal reward. 1 - FOUND K gold watch anoVother jewelry. . Owner can hava same by identifying same. 2809 Dupont St. LOST Thursday; Eastern Star pin val uod a keepsake. Colfax 1277. Reward, LOST Flexible gold bracelet Sunday. Re ward. Call Wnlnut 1237 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. r TOPMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE. ICour claim, and by this we mean "Bet - ter Furniture for Less Money. Furni ture equal In material, construction and : design at a positive saving a dollar spent with tha STATE FURNITURE . CO. for furniture will do a greater duty. W quota $19.76 dresser for $13.60; $31.(0 dresser for $18.60; $36.00 dresser v. : for $28.00; $36.00 buffet for $24.76; $22.60 chiffonier for $13.16. Bargains throughout avery Una, We specialise on complete home outfit. Liberty bond taken at par. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY 14th and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FOR SALE Golden oak combination , bookcase and writing desk, wired for electric light, first class condition. Will sell cheap. No dealers. Call 114 North . I8tb St. Monday all day or after 6 evenings. SELLING out entire stock of furniture ' and household furnishings regardless of value; act quick, Douglaa 4969. 2421 Cuming St . FOR SALE Dining room, sun room and make appointment. bedroom furniture. Phone Walnut 31 DRf goods or ready-to-wear store or good location, oy uctoDer. Address Y-608, Omaha. Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" R. R. Ticket. Office D. 296. Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tylea 4233. DREi Accordeon Pleating. I ACCOREON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all size and styles; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 3109. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C 312 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dancing Academies. lrF,T-.PTNF. school for danc xvrj jj-raiN Hi 1no. 242t rin,am Classes fons.ng; fancy, atage and social TTMTP A T school for danc- VXJilXXVlJ-l ING. 609-11 Chicago. Phon Douglas 2867. Harny 2679. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Detectivss. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Block. Ev. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 FORMER U. S. revenue officer, vice free. Tyler 2736. Legal ad- ALL kinds of furniture- for sale at 2114 South Forty-first street. Call Harney 1316. . WE sell new and near-new furniture, I stoves and rugs at loweat prices; cash or payments. Arotr. Furn. Co.. 06 N. 16, FOR SALE 300 opera chairs. A.. Omaha. Y. W. C. Pianos and Musica Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. music Pianos for rent, $4.00 per month. SHULTZ piano for sale or trade; almost new; cost- $486 new. Call Mr. Johnson, Douglas 2409. , UPRIGHT piano, Bush A Garts, with bench. Best of condition. Reason for selling, moving away. Harney 8672. PIANO player; 100 player roils; cash or trade on roadster. Douglas 9044 NEW sale. le ott hah ahogany finish piano player, for Reasonable. Douglaa 9044; EMERSON piano for sale. S38t. Call Walnut Typewriters and Supplies TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING ; MACHINES. KV.W jlNn REBUILT. , The most complete line of Typewriter! . and Adding Machlner west of Chicago. Can Jurnlsh any make at most any - price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. -Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 16 years.) Douglaa 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon 1 paper, ribbons and supplies. Service v guaranteed. Try us. Phone, (031. . OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 108 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented . and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. ' i6 a 18th St. Tel. D. 3969 RENT an Oliver-Typewriter, three months for $1.00. . Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam St., city. . 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 197$, BIG reduction in- slightly need and re built typewriter. - Write for list. Mld- land office suopi Co.. 1404 Dodge- Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE One No. 2a Buckeye Die Stock, ona No. llht Buckeye Die stock, tone No. 23- AariDDa chain wrench. 1 No. 72 C; ft L. fire pot. and other good tools, second-hand, but' good as 3. , new; for particulars 'write' , . J A. SHANNON. I. Savanna, Neb. Electrical Utilities. TTT'D'TTTVr Electric washing machines XJ J X IV 1X electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2619. ELECTRIC fans, $8.60 & up; washing ma chines, 139.50; vacuum cleaners, $37.60. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam. Film Developin g. FILMS developed frt ,. Mail orders so licited. THE ENSI8N CO., 1607 Howard Jewelry. XJ1X11.JX UOwth privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Red 6081. Kosher Restaurant. JEWISH KOSHER RESTAURANT STRICTLY KOSHER HOME COOK ING MEALS AND FURNISHED ROOMS WILL" BE OPEN SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. AT 1919 BURT, CORNER OF TWENTIETH. FORMERLY REV. FLEISHMAN'S RESIDENCE. S. MAN- DKL. PROPRIETOR. Plating. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have just opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. rnone iougias 7632. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 320 Neville Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. PT AQQTPQ THAT' FIT IjJUftOOlllO ACCURATELY. SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Patents. PARENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternatlonal Patent Co., 682 Brandeia. D. 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery U. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 117$ Tolliver Printing Cop Commercial Printer. 1816 St. Mary Are. HELP WANTED &ALeT Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Four flrst-clss traveling men who have had experience In handling newsdealers and carriers In small towns: men who are acquainted In - Omaha territory and ' western Iowa given preference; straight salary; see Mr. Ragan, Circulation Manager Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE colored woman work. Call Webster 6921. wants day blankets laundered. BUNDLE washing, lace curtains. ster 1727. Web- nUNDLB washing wa nted. Webster 1196. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED. i Young -man, 26 to 30 year of age, with experience In railroad office or Jobbing house, good education, to handle mill orders and correspondence, pur chase records, collection correspond ence; good position and pay with chance for advancement; old established firm doing business princpally wth Jobbng trade; apply by letter in own hand writing, giving age. experience and ref erence. Address Q-15. Omaha Bee. RAILWAY TRAFFIC inspectors wanted; $110 a month and expenses to start: short hours; travel; three months home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-142, Standard Business Training In stitute, Buffalo. N. 1. Professions and Trades. WANTED " HEAD PORTER BEST WGES AND GOOD HOURS. BOX M-44, OMAHA BEE. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR STARTER. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. BURG ESS-N ASH CO. WANTED Linotype operator with expe rience In setting bookheadings, books, legnl blanks, general line commercial work, and able to care for No. 6 ma chine; union shop, 8-hour day; scale $30, increase as ability warrants. Permanent position, EDUCATOR SUPPLY COM PANY, Mitchell. S. D. WANT Six fast experience!- x-soldier or sail or base bail players, trip to coast. Ad dress by leter only. Good salary. Mgr. World War Hero Base Ball Club, Mil lard Hotel, Omaha. CENSUS clerks; 4,000 needed; $92 per month; age 18 upward: examinations everywhere soon; experience unneces sary; for free particulars, write J. Leonard (former government examiner), 918 Equitable Bldg., Washington. The World's Greatest New Invention. . Wanted One man In each county In the United States, with some knowledge of the farm, to sell the greatest time, labor and money saving machine ever - Invented; machine does the work of three to five men on the farm, weight only 36 pounds, retails for $18.60; auto mobile owners, farmers and ranchmen buy on sight; average sales per day, I five: any man can easily earn $300 per month at home; don't wait to write: come and see this wonderful machine : at work and secure the general sales agency for your home county. THE AMKRICAN MACHINE COMPANY. '220 South 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. HAVE OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN IN SOUTH OMAHA AND NEBRASKA. TODD PROTECTOGRAPH CO., 4;!0 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. GOING concern wants live, .energetic salesmen to sell Its securities In Colo rado and Wyoming: now operating one 'wholesale and seven retail stores and doing a large mail order business; good rating In Dunn and Bradstreet; our proposition appeals to everybody; lib eral commissions; congenial work; for full information write The Thrift Mer cantile Company, 309 Tabqr Block, DetS ver. STOCK SALESMEN Come up and look my proposition over; the fastest growing mail order house In the west; the name Is a house hold word among the farmers; company has an extraordinary dividend record; temporary offices 1031 Fontenello Hotel. w. E. Levey. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity In Nebraska and Iowa for salesmen capable of get ting the business, selling our health and accident policies; new features that make sales easy; excellent agency con tracts with exclusive territory. Call or MERCHANTS LIFE CASUALTY CO. 422 Bee Bldg., Omaha. IF YOU can sell 'insurance snd can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No- stock-selling or organiza tion proposition Address Lock Box $22 Omaha. Neb Hotels and Restaurants. TWO experienced combination pastry and bread baliers; salary no object to the right parties. Diamond Bakery, 1313 Douglas street. - TWO experienced waiters wanted at The Diamond Caf, 1313 Douglaa street. -Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED MOTORCYCLE MAN WITH MOTORCYCLE. FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY WORK. BURGESS-NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. 3oys OFFICE BOY. NEAT APPEARING AND GOOD EDUCATION. APPLY ' MORRIS & CO., SOUTH OMAHA. Young Man Wanted FOR OFFICE BOY WORK. SALARY NO. OBJECT AND PERMANENT POSITION. BURGESS-NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. BALCONY. STRONG boy. 16 to 18 years old, to wrap Apply Tuesday, The Omaha New Co. 15th and Davenport Sts. WANTED Men wishing positions firemen, brakemen, colored train porters, $12d $200 month; no experience necessary. Eastern-Western roads. Write Inter rtallway Dept., (190). Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED All round printer foi coun try position; first-class office and equipment; permanent; union; eight hourB; $28 per week; town of $.000. The Democrat, Sterling, Colo,, - WANTED AT ONCE All around general blacksmith; steady work and best of wages. Fred Heavrln, Bloomfleld, Neb. LEARN MACHINE SHOP LOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A. AUTO SCHOOL. $100 MONTH Railway mail clerks; hun dreds wanted; list positions free. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 131. S. Rochester, N. Y. , WANTED) Auto repairman, one that has had experience on all makes of cars. Address W. H. Bayer, Randolph, Ia. WANTED A ytiung man to learn the printing trade. Apply to foreman of Omaha Bee press roorn WANTED Carpenters at Sixth and Pa cific street. Phone Douglas 109 or Har ney 2406. Llnlnger Co. GRANITE letterer wanted at once. The Cherokee Monument Works, Cherokee, Iowa. I want an all round laundry man or man and wife at once. Marysvllle Steam Laundry, Marysville, Kan. ' WANTED Experienced envelope machine adjuster; permanent position; 46-hour week. Address Y-660, Omaha Bee. GOOD position open for first-class book keeper; must be familiar with lumber business. Address Y-659, Omaha 3ee. 12 CARPENTERS wanted by Home Build ers, northeast corner 12th and Harney Sts. FIREMEN, Brakemen, $150-$20 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Railway Association, care Y-689, Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. Safes. C ATTTTC! BARGAINS, 121 Farnam. OAr riO J. J. Derlght Safe Co. r Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. 11th. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 62. Remodeling Contractors. " LESSARD it Son. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1(12. AN OLD established house can use a few more good men for Ne braska territory; must have car and prefer experienced dealing with farmers. This job is well x worth invetigating. Our men are all making big money.' No money to invest, as we are offering a straight legitimate proposition. We will teach you how. Box M-43, Omaha Bee. Address NIGHT AUTO SCHOOL Next class September 1st, regular electrical and mechanical course for car owners and garage men. Catalogue free. National Auto School. 2814 N. 20th Omaha. Miscellaneous. WANTED OLD MAN FOR DAY WATCH MAN. CALL DOUG. 3424, WANTED PORTERS. Must be good strong men By Burgess-Nash Company. Apply Superintendent, Balcony. - HELP WANTED-FEM ALE. , : Stores and Offices. . WANTED H TOUNG WOMEN ';. " TO ACT AS CASHIERS AND WRAPPERS IN PLACE, OF GIRLS GOING BACK TO SCHOOL. BEST Or SALARIES AND STEADY . POSITIONS. BURGESS-NASH CO. ' L APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. BALCONY. YOUNG LADIES 17-2$ rs of ago. want ed to learn long distance telephone op , orating . Salary paid wtlla learning: 'advancement to those of ability. Apply to Miss Bell. Ill Telephone Bldg. WANTED Two competent (frl to earn $76 scholarship In my shorthand school; splendid opportunity for capable girl. B. Byrd. 209-11 Baird Bldg. Submit application by mall. THE Hudson manufacturing Co., $1$ Jonas St., require the services , of a capable, experienced stenographer who would use dictaphone about X hours daily. . STENOGRAPHERS.-$126, $110. $100. $90. $86; OUR OFFICE OPEN TILL NOON .MONDAY. -WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 113$ FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. -" " - STENOGRAPHER, real estate office, good . beginner, $70. THE MARTI COMPANY. 112 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $126, $110, $100, $90( $36. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Young woman, good penman. - Apply Tuesday. The Omaha New Co., 16th and Davenport Sis. - WANTED Competent stenographer, mon Brothers, 12th and Howard. SI- WANTED Excellent typist chard-Wilhelm Co. Apply Or- WANTED Young lady to clerk In grocery store. Buffet aKSnn, 316 S. 14th St ELEVATOR operator $60 a month; no experience necessary. 224 Bee Bldg. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES, Would you like to learn a Profession? We teach you and pay you well while learning. HltLP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. jGIRLS OR WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND WRAPPERS ' BEST OF SALARIES. PERMANENT POSITIONS. BURGESS-NASH CO., Apply uperlntendent. Balcony. Saleswomen and Solicitors WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR ; COATS SUITS MILLINERY SILKS v HOSIERT UNDERWEAR. LACES PERMANENT POSITIONS APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED SALESLADIES FOR .HOSIERY DEPT. Burgess-Nash Company. Apply Superintendent, Balcony. WANTED Experienced Ready-to-Wear Woman. One capable of assisting In buying for department carrying high grade merchandise; must be good sales woman. TOlxer, energetic. Good position for right person. State full particulars and salary expected first letter. K 11 llan Brothers Co., Wahoo, Neb. MILLINERY saleslady wanted; first-class salary te experienced party. Apply to ilr. T. F. Llnd, Hayden Bros. Millinery Department. Household and Domestic. WANTED Good girl or woman for gen "eral housework In apartment; no wash ing; three In family; references re quired.. 3027 Farnam St., Apt. 2. Har ney 709. I WANTED Housekeeper, lady or girl for general housework on farm; three In family; no washing. Mrs. Wm. Antrim, jr.. Randolph. Ia. WANTED Reliable lady to help care for children and assist in housework; $10 week; good home, farm. Box 603, Rlverton, Ia. PERMANENT POSITIONS ' - Telephone operating is a pro fession you can use in any city. Unusual opportunities for ad vancemeit. Vacations given each year, with pay. " ' ' Girls in this profession come under the direct supervision ' of women only. The work is clean, pleasant and interesting. " Young women wishing to take up this profession, for either long distance or local, apply to thC' OPERATORS' v EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, ' Room 613 New Telephone Bldg. Nineteenth and Douglas Sts. Girls Wanted Now for Steady Work In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. Good pay to good work ers. Must be IS years of age or over Apply at once. Iten Biscuit Co., Snow White Bakeries Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th St. Office entrance middle of block. 1 WANTED Strong boy or man to work on farm; wage $50 per month, room and board. Address Box M-41, Omaha Be. positions. locations, etc., for doctor; dentist, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Knlest, 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . WANTED 76 men for yarding live stock; unloading hay and dipping sheep. Apply to timekeeper,, Union Stock Yards Co. WANTED Pressers, men or women, hand i or machtne. Bluffs City Laundry Dry Cleaning Dept., Council Bluffs. WHITE man and wife for janitor work In apartment house; must be licensed fireman. Phone Douglas dish, LABORERS wanted for long Job: $6 per day. Western States Construction Co.. 409 Brandeis Theatre Bid g. WANTED 25 first-class sewer laborera at once. Good wages. Report 35th and Vin ton Sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED GIRLS 16 TO i$ YEARS OF AGE. APPLY MORRIS & CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Yonng ladle who desire to prepare themselves for good paying po- IHnna t n n rn i I in nil. rf.w a. office training to learn to operate! oompiomeier ana JJurrougns calculating machines. Time required to complete the course, six to eight weak; charges. $40, on easy payment plan. By our method you will succeed and we will help you to secure a position. Call and see us. DWORAK CALCULATING SCHOOL -ljth and. Farnam. Phone Douglas 7415. t OIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN . ICING AND PACKING DEPARTMENT, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS, GOOD WAGES. ' , APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. WANTED GIRLS TO WORK ON POWER1 v MACHINES, NO EXPERIENCE 'NECESSARY. TWO WEEKS' GUARANTEE WHILE LEARN ING. EXPERIENCED OPERA TORS EARN $16 TO $20 PER VBE K OMAHA AUTO TOP CO. 70$ S. 16TH. Wanted, Girlr FOR Labeling Butternut Coffee V APPLY AT THE OFFICE UNDER THE 19TH STREET VIADUCT. PAXTON A GALLAGHER CO. WANTED FITTERS AND ALTERATION HELP. By-Burgess-Nash Company. Apply Superintendent, Balcony. WANTED TODAY BUSHEL WOMAN IN A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR SHOP. One that can make skirts and do all kinds of repairing and alteration on ladlea" garments. Steady work and good pay. ' s V. A TOMPKINS, 1318 H Harnry, Room 2. Red 160. WANTED A first-class cook, also a maid for downstalrswork; best wages; mutt be white. Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord. 6201 Davenport St. CAPABLE woman, willing to do any kind of house work and help with children; good wages; steady place. Mrs. H. S. White, Lyons, Neb. HOUSEKEEPER By widower with three children; good wages for right one. F. C. Llnvllle. iNenawaa. ieD. WANTED Middle aged lady for 'general housework In town. John Purtzer. Mad ison, Neh. WANTED Housekeeper, must bo good with', children. Roy Wells, Rolfe, la., R. R. 2 HOUSEKEEPER, about 28-30 years; no objection to widow with one small child. Address H. K., P. O. Box 82S. GIRL for general hrfusework; no cooking; no children. JL06 St. Marys avenue. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry work. Call Harney 1342. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Small family. Harney 3a Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED WAITRESSES. By Burgess-Nash Company. Apply Superintendent, Baloony. WANTED A colored chamber maid at the Warden Hotel, Sixteenth aird Cum ings; no youngster; good salary -for right party. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED 25 EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE 1 ALL LINES. BURGESS-NASH CO., Apply Superintendent, Balcony. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodce 8L. Tri-City Barber College. TEACHERS needed, grade, rural and Ugh school; free registration. Inter mountain West Service, Inc., Ogden. Utah. PRINTER wanted; two-thlrder or straight matter; man or woman; steady, easy Job. Enterprise, Valley, Neh. MAN or lady for clerical position, and Co.. Sheldon, la. Swift EDUCATIONAL. FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER JD. NIGHT SCHOOL, SEPTEMBER $D. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptomery, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wlrelesa telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and' commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1665 for large Illustrated catalouge. Address, BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building. Omaha Neb. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING DAY AND EVENING CLASSES SHORT COURSES IN -shorthand, typewriting, operation of comptometer and Burroughs calculating machines Individual Instructions, there by enabling the student to complete the course In much less time. We secure positions for graduates. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7416. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING SECOND FLOOR WEAD BLDG. 18TH AND FARNAM. BUSINESS EFFICIENCY INSTITUTION B. W. Byrd, principal, 200-11 Baird Bldg. Gregg shorthand exclusively, Douglas 7774, entrance requirements. ii rarm open aeptemoer s. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Jjougia 68J0. MOSHER stenographer succeed. Learn quickly In school or by "home study." Omaha Business College, 703 Be Bldg., Omaha. D. 0528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 185. 20 Bouth 16th St. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms LARGE south room suitable for two; also smaller room; meals If desired: 1468 Emmet street. Phone Webster 3030. LARGE FRONT ROOM: CALL BETWEEN 5 AND 6 IN EVENING. 1916 PINKNEY. or. SLEEPING and light housekeeping, steam- TWO sleeping rooms In modern home; for Dnllam.. 1 . . , n 1 , s-. I - A... ....men ujiij. ivii ucursi. AVE. NICELY furnished modern sleeping rooms ?JLJIliFarnam ?h Tyler 4838. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, strlct- Miuuirrii. jyier 5d. mr uoage. FURNISHED rooms, Including washing $2.60. 838 South 22d street. Housekeeping Rooms ONE large .modern front room with Kitchenette, clothes closet and pantry. . Webster 2471 or Webster 4027. TWO modern room complete for house keeplng. Webster 2471 or Webster 4027. TWO housekeeping rooms at very reaaon- aoie price. Webster 802. Board and Room SMALL children to care for and board. Pall nmwu. sac, m '"'"rjnta FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartments, com pletely furnlahad. Hotel aervlc. Tylei' 4200. . BLACKSTONE HOTEL On, two or three room apartments, 16th and Farnam .Streets. Phone, Harney Ml FOR RENT-HOUSES. South. 6-ROOM house, partly modern, 100 So. $6th Ave. Call evenings or Sunday. Miscellaneous. STORES :0 00 14JI South 16th Street, ttxtt. $16 00 $226 North $0th StreeL l$x0. HOUSE $1$.0 $4 J 14 South 14th at., l-r.. rear. FLAT $ST.50 lit North Sfd St. room. R A. WOLF COMPANY Ell Electrlo Bldg. Tyler IS LIST your pro prt tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyler tit. PETERS-TRUST CO., Specie list In Apartment mnMematit FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. 713 SOUTH 34th J26.00 3103 Sherman Ave. ..u.... ..... .. . .$40.00 WALSH-ELMER COMPANY. 33$ Securities Bldg. Tyjer 1SS8 GOOD store looms, 16th and Douglas '"""WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone Douglas 6342 MODERN tore near poatofflce; $60 per month. G. P. Stebben. 1610 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT Board and Room WANTED Woman to care for gnlle man convalescing from stroke, in her own home; docs not require so much care but wants a home with some nice quiet family; room on first floor near bath room preferred; will pay well for desirable placeBox tMsBee MOVING AND STORAGE. Fidelity s, co. 16TH AND JAPKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. globe van and storage co. For real service In hauling or storage Xall Tyler 230 or Doug. 4U38, auto or wagon service. SARATOGA VAN and STORAGE CO. COLFAX 01. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South lth. Doug. 4163. FERRIN'S VAN and STORAGE CO. Auto or Horse Vans. Tyler 1200. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler S400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 290s. BROWN TRANSFER CO Prompt Service. JTyJer 966-W. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED WEST FARNAM HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1 IjOeated near Thirty-sixth street and Dewey avenue, we are offering nn ex ceptionally well constructed two-story and attic 10-room brick veneer house with tile roof, built only five years, located on large corner lot having 124 foot frontage, with many fine Ireps; house is finished In solid mahoffany first floor, except kitchen and birch mahogany second, with oak floors throughout; maid's room and bath In basement; full cemented basement, hot water heat, RuuJ heater, thermostat control; heated garage; must be seen tot be appreciated; price $31,000, $6,000 cash will handle; very desirable and priced right. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. D. 758. ,902 Clly Nat. Bank Bldg. MONTCLAIU OR BE .MIS TARK DISTT i J6.600 A beautiful, almost new two-story bungalow, near 30th and Lafayette Sts.; white enamel upstairs and in kitchen; every built-in feature, including built-1 Ironing board; the finest of oak finish. Including buffet. This Is a wonderful home. Let met show you this today. We can arrange terms if you have 12,500. Call Mr. Tolliver. RASP BROS., 212 Veellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Splendid Investment PRICE ONLY 12.000. Four apartment flat building with double garage, each apartment renting for 445 monfhly (which Is old rental basis); this building is stucco, has large full lot just ons block to Dundee car line, can be handled with Sr(10 and 75 monthly; if ynu want a real buy investigate (his. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 558 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. NEAR BLACKSTONE $2,500 Cmy six-room cottage, on nice lot just north of Blackstone hotel; small payment down and easy terms for bal ance. Phone Douglaa 789 and ask for Mr. Taylor. , VACANT LOTS Lot near Seventeenth and Deer park boulevard; 500. Lot tear Twenty-fifth and Arbor; 70 foot front; 500 TRAYER BROS., 81? First Nat. Bank Building. I HAVE 4 OR 5 MODERN HOUSES, WELL LOCATED, TAKEN IN ON TRADE THAT I VVJLL SELL ON PAYMENTS. WATTS, S37 PAXTON BLOCK. OMAHA real estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandeis Theat. Doug. I. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone, Douglas 5074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. TWO six-room bungalows, 3313 and 3316 Howard street; all- modern, newly painted, 7,600 traya both. Call Doug las 3424. 191" CAPITOL AVE.. 10 rooms. WALSH ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. No. 333 Securities Bldg. North. CLAIRMONT . Fine 8-room stucco, east front; In fine -condition practically new; half block to car; finished In oak, white enamel, oak floors;, double stucco gar age, plastered inside; price, 6,300. , Benson & Carmichael, 642 Psxton Block. Sunday Tyler 1356-W. Tyler 3540. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. JUST LISTED. Go look at 121-13 North 17th St; mod ern except heat: 10-foot Iota to each one; price 3.500 each, 500 cash, bal ance like rent. Here le some property the owner doea not know of advance. Look them over and If Interested will be glad to show you through. A. W. TOLAND. Douglas 1575. 10 Be Bldg. FOR SALE North side; good Investment; modern (-room house, handy to street ear, church and school. Runts for St a month; paying over IS per cent on .Investment. Price 13,150; easy terms. Call Webster 17. HOUSE FOR SALE by owner: 4 big room, good water, two lota, and electrlo light. partly modern, 4 years old house. , Cat evening, or Sunday morning. Price 1.200. Leaving clay. Rob Dlttrlcb, 37U3 North 38th St., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE. My hohie In Mlnne Lusa, two. story part stucco, six rooms and bath; all strictly modern. Hardwood finish, built in festures. An Inspection will satisfy, y. O. Wllcos, 2851 Bauman St. FOR colored! 6-room home, close-in. paved strest, 1150 cash, balance like rent Johnson. Webster 4150. FOR COLORED. 4-room cottage, lot 25x1!, 1750; 50 cash, balance 15 per month. Johnson. Webster 4150. WE specialize in North Side pioperty. List your home with us for resulls. R. F. CLARY COMPANY. 2404-0 Ames Ave. Colfax 171. YOUNG DOHERTY. I . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 1 333 BRANDEIS THEATER.! I). 1711. Phone Tyler 1S7 47IJS FRANKLIN ST 7-R., LARUE LOT, NOT MODKKN. 150 CASH, CREIOH, SO.S & CO.. 508 BEE BLDO. D. 200. SOUTH front lot, with garage, fruit and shade; Fontenello Blvd. and Grand Ave. l .275. Norris & Norrls. Douglas 4370. MINN IS LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR SALE by owner, 6 rooms and bath, V4 hloc! from car, close in. 2417 Parker. Webster 8516. FIVE-ROOM COTTAUE AT 061 NORTH TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET. THIS IS A BARGAIN. WEBSTER 4074. South. Immediate Possession. JA large, beautiful two-story home. 1st completed, nicely decorated throughout; large living, dining room and kitchen downstairs; two large bed rooms and bath upstairs; oak floors throughout; built-in buffet, etc. A cozy home, complete In svery detail, that anyone can feel proud to own; 1.000 cash and balance monthly will buy this at a price that saves you money. House number Is 3064 South llth St. Openor inspection Sunday 3 to i p. m. FIVE ROOMS. with all modern and handy conveni ences that make It a pleasure to own and take care of a home. Kooms all on one floor: oak finish, with oak floors Ihroiinlio .1: haa built-in festures, full basement, large attlo plastered and partly flnitdied; good neighborhood where houses are all new. Ready to move Into In about 30 days. Mouse No. 30T6 South r,4th St., 750 cash and bal ance monthly. Open for inspection Sunday I to 5 P. in. Possession Short Notice A six-room, all modern home com pleted last January; Just listed at a luii'o to sell. Owner leaving town. House finished In oak, has full base ment; well built and up to date. Must be ween to be appreciated. Call Wm. Ilaffke for full Information. C. G. CARLBERG, Doug. 5SS. REALTOR. 313 Brandeis Theater Bldg. A REAL HOME in one of tho best resi dence districts; 10 rooms, modern in every respect; built for a home with style and comfort; large screened porch; east front. Garage with room for five cars. 7,600, about 4 what It cost to build the l.ouso alone, Morenty & Con boy. Bee Bids. I). 3S4-L; Tyler4677-W. A Bargain for $3,300. Eight rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, large east front lot on 32d Ave, south of Arbor Pt. 7 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 653 Om. NiiVH B.ink Bldg. Tyler 496. 5-ROOM cottage, South 2oth Kt.. between Dorcas and .Martha, 2.500; 500 ranb. balance $25 per month; all clear; owner Tel. Harney 1270 - Miscellaneous. SHE WILL NEVER BE " - HAPPY until aha owns a home of her own. You can never own your home any sooner than now, and you will never have better opportunity to secure a home on such easy terms as I -'an offrr you today. A brand new five-room all modern bungalow for a small payment down and balance monthly. Make the start today. Tomorrow will cost you more money. Call Douglas 7412 and ask for Mr. Cole. 2920 NORTH 25TH. Nine rooms, hot-water heat, strictly modern, 2 bath rooms. Could be used for two families; 1.600 down, balance 6 per cent. Oeefe Real Estate Co., . REALTORS 1016 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglaa 2715. MUST SELL This eight-room, strictly modern home, hot water heat, fine location, 22d and Wirt Sts. Owner leaving city per manently; very reasonable for cash. For further information phone WEBSTER 4371. NEAT 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2,400 JUST 4 YEARS OLD, modern but neat. lot ouxii, vu win pur in a rurnsce. 4 cash, 15 per month. Call Mr. Erhorn week days at Dourlas 415. A OOOD rental speculation. 2.600. 10 ruuiiifi nyi.jcM, KarHK. I'Ji, uu paved street, walking" distance. Must'be sold at once. 2,600 will buy It. 'One. third rash. Martin Investment Co., 682 Brandeis. 3621 LAFAYETTE, FINE HOME, $7,500. This Is a well built house with four large rooms on first floor; five bed rooms on second, Including sleeping porch; house is quarter-sawed oak fin ish; hot water heatf lot. 60x145, facing on the boulevard garage for two cars; a real good buy at this price. Arrange with us for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, 019-920 rity National. Douglss ; THE property commonly known a.ef''"l,'42f Valley street on which Is an 8-room house, partly modern, will be sold to the highest bidder at the east front door of the Douglas County Court House, Sep tember 2 nt 10 a. m. Anyone Interested In purchasing a home should make an Investigation. For particulars call Doug- las 5400, Monday. THEO. E. PETERSON REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND ' INVESTMENTS. 467-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7024. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beauti fully furnished, on car line and walking distance to town. Phone. Douglas 6760. BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop, erties and acreage nearxOmaba. Harrl son & Morton. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. LIST your bouses and lots for quick sale with Hastings & Heyden, realtors, 161 Harney street. Phone Tyler 60. We Have Property for Rent or Sale, AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. BOli. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on boulevard. 1,600. , D. Arm- strong. 326-6 Securities Bldg. BIRKETT & CO. and Insure, 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. BARGAIN H rooms, hot water heat; 3,400: other bargains. O. R. Stebblns, 1 610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE-Business Proper.-y BUSINESS property and investments. A P. TUKEY & SON. IJLEIi"' National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENTS PRICE $12,500 INCOME $1,380 Attractive, well built, practically new brick building consisting of three 6 room strictly modern flats; oak through out, furnace heat; tenants furnish own hest; always rented to first-class ten ants; 66 feet of ground, east front, on 3.1d St., Just north of California St.; paving paid; improvements alone worth the money. Can arrange reasonable terms. 900 J. L. HIATT CO., FIRST NA' BANK BU S.TUO? JILDI ONAL DINO. PHONE yo TYLER w CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St., Capitol ave., Cuming at. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY Da 101. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE on good land In central or eastern Nebraska, a 12.000 hardware and furnilure stock. 50.000 business, located In good eastern Ne braska town. Address Y-663. Omaba Bee. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses listed In Omaba. Owner wants land. S. a & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED South. BIO BARGAIN LOTS. 1.00 DOWN. 1.00 A WEEK buysXlne garden tract. 47x131; only S blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soil; prices 1295 and 1340 THE BYRON REED CO.. '. 1 FOR SALE Two full size lota In beauti ful Overlook addition H block south ot Elmwood park: set quick ss tbese will not be on the market long. Address, Box Y-94. Omsha Bee. "f: Bee Want ds bring results be cause they reach the right people t Ww-Ji.t"iiy W wine A