Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Latest Achievement of World
Realty Co. Has Been Com
pleted at a Cost of
Over $200,000.
Omaha's newest motion picture
house, the Moon, erected at 1408-10-'
12 Douglas itreet by the World Re
alty company at a cost, exclusive of
the site, of more than $200,000, will
open its doors to the public for the
first time at 6 tonight The house
;; is in readiness in every detail, it is
- said.
"The Gray Horizon," starring
Sessue Hayakawa, is the initial
Moon feature. It will be continued
through Wednesday of next week.
Huge Sign Illuminated. '
The projecting apparatus of the
Moon was installed Friday and suc
' cessfully tried out. The finishing
touches of the interior and exterior
illuminating features were made Fri
- day and the sign over the front of
the house was illuminated for the
first time Friday night. It is said it
may be seen for a distance of seven
miles. The sign is 30 feet in height.
The Moon organ, one of the most
comprehensive instruments of its
kind in the country, installed at a
cost of $40,000, has been in readi
ness for several weeks. Giving the
effect of a full 30-piece orchestra, it
is said that only an expert can de
tect the difference between music
furnished by the Moon organ and
that of an orchestra.
Have 99-Year Lease.
Construction of the Moon theater
began January 1, 1919. Excavation
was started in the fall of 1918. The
ite had been acquired early in 1918
on i 99-year lease by the World
Realty company, and plans were at
once taken under advisement for
construction of the theater.
"The Gray Horizon," opening the
photoplay program at the Moon, is
regarded by film authorities as the
best picture in which the Japanese
, star has appeared.
Preferred Parking Space
, For, City Officials
Causes Much Criticism
The resolution introduced into
city cquncil Thursday by Commis
sioner Towl, providing that Eight
eenth street adjoining tht- city hall
shall be reserved for the automo
' biles of city officials is causing
much criticism und amusement.
"If the city council can pre-empt
portions of the public thoroughfares
for the' automobiles of its officials,
then- every business house in town
can mark off the street in front of
its place of business' for the ex
clusive use of its automobiles," said
v one business man.
Commissioner Falconer pointed
1 -out that "sometimes city officials
have to hunt around for some time
before they can find a place to park
theif .cars."
"Well, so do we all have to hunt
around for a place to park our cars."
Said the business man. "And I guess
the city officials Are no better than
the rest of us and, their time doesn't
seem to be as valuable."
t ,
Argument Over 80 Cents
Worth of Fish Leads to
$10,000 Damage Suit'
Eighty cents' worth of fish is the
' cause of a $10,000 damage suit filed
in (district court yesterday by Louis
Margolin. Twenty-fourth and Par
ker streets, against A. Stoler, Twenty-fourth
and Franklin streets.
Mr. Margolin says he is a "large
property owner, owning real estate
and personal property t of consider-
able value in Omaha, and a well
known business man," and that Mr.
Stoler "owns a fish market" at
Twenty-fourth and" Franklin streets.
Mr. Margolin states that Mr
. Stoler accused him, in the presence
of many persons in the fish market
Thursday, of owing him 80 cents for
some fish purthased years ago. He
alleges that Mr. Stoler called him
vile names in the English and Jew
, ish language. All of which damaged
(" his good name and reputation to the
, extent of $10,000. he says.
Chicago Police Hold Negro
Wanted for Murder Here
Omaha police are combing files of
reports of an alleged negro criminal,
named Eason Hill, who was arrested
" in Chicago Wednesday. He is said
to be wanted for murder here. Chi
cago police telegraphed that the ar
rested man confessed to the murder
of a white woman in Omaha.
Chief of Police Eberstein and
Chief of Detectives Dunn declared
they know nothing of a report of a
negro named Hill wanted here for
any crime. Bertillon Officer Hans
Nielsen says he has no record of an
f Eason Hill. Further investigation
v.ill be conducted.
Coroner's Jury Exonerates
Woman for Death of Youth
'- A coroner's jury at the inquest
Jesterdav over the body of Charles
ordan, '5 years old, 2915 Jackson
- street, exonorated Miss Sylvia
' Whistler, 1312 Mason street, from
all blame for the accident in which
, the boy was killed. Young Jordan
was struck by an automobile driven
by Miss Whistler at Nineteenth and
Nicholas streets last Friday night
xThe body will be taken to Glidden,
la., his -former home, for burial.
. ; Mother Uses Bare Hands
-. 4 To Put Out Flames On Son
Jacob Barnes. 6-year-o!d son of
Fred Barnes, 1808 Grace street, was
severely burned about the face and
hands yesterday, while playing with
' matches.
A paper, sack which he was hold-
ing in one hand became ignited.
His mother rushed to his aid when
she heard his screams. ymothered
' ' his burning clothing with her bare
v hands and called the police. He
was taken to the Lister hospital.
Join the American Legion
Delicious home-made pastries in
our Bakery SectionMain Floor.
Friday, August 29, 1919.
' 0)
fcii few
The American Legion For Ex
Serrice Men
Beginning Tuesday, September
2, our store will close at 6 p. m.
Phone Douglas 2100.
New Fall Merchandise Is Arriving Every Day
! i
Our Confidence
In the Public
WE are confident that
the people of this
community are going to
help along our plans for the
future because the plans we
have are for greater service
and greater usefulness to
That our present policies
have been appreciated is
shown by the public confi
dence placed in the reliability
of this Store.
We believe the people want
good things' and that is the
basis on which we merchan
dise. Our Progress Sale offers
rare opportunities to those
wishing good merchandise at
low prices. See advertisements
in News and Herald.
Sale of
YOU have always wanted
a kodak and Our Prog
ress Sale includes these spe
No. 2 Roxette camera, 24x34,.
at $2.69.
No. 3 Roxette camera, 3 ! x4 Vi ,
at $4.35.
No. 2-C Folding Cartridge Pre-
mo, $12.25.
Premoette, pocket size, 2ix31i,
at $9.50.
No. 1 Premo, double lent, 3&x
4H. $8.95.
No. 2 Brownie, $2.93.
No. 2-A Brownie, $3.T3.
No. 3 Brownie, $4.80.
Burgeas-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Harold Bell Wright's new book,
"T e Rnrutionof Iris Kilt"
Book Department ThM Fleer.
Special Sale
of Ferns
59 c
13 EAUTIFUL 5-inch ferns, Bos
ton and Whitman , variety.
The price of 59c has been placed
on these ferns for Saturday only;
at other times they sell for a much
higher price.
Bur(eu-Niih Co. Main Floor..
Creams, 59c lb.
LARGE hand-rolled Italian
chocolate creams that make
you hungry just to look at them,
for Saturday only, at 59c a pound.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Smartly Tailored
For Early Fall Wear
DISTINCTIVE suits to be found here in a
large variety of exclusive models.
The materials are of the finest quality and
include '
Duvetyn, Serge Tricotine
Velour Etc.
Trimmed with beaver, Hudson seal, mole,
etc. ' t
Sale of
BURNASCO initial linen, white
only, with gold initial, 24
sheets of paper, 24 envelopes, at
50c a box.
Stationery, 65c
Highland and Royal linen in all
the dainty colors, 24 sheets of
paper, 24 envelopes, at 65c a box.
Carter's Ink, 7c
Carter's writing fluid, 2-oz. bot
tles, special, at 7e a bottle.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
New Fall Millinery
Many Clever Styles
THE new hats are individual and distinctive
and in this special $5.00 hat section you
will be surprised to find models patterned after
much higher priced hats. They are made of
fine quality velvet, trimmed with feathers, flow
ers and fancies. Extraordinary values at $5.00.
Burgesa-Nash Co. Second Floor.
fS A
IftW Aug
i i - i
Fall Street
In Variety of Models
FASHIONED of tricotine and poiret twill in
Eton effects, beautifully braided. Silk
duvetyn, in navy and brown.
Some trimmed with fur, others embroid
ered in chenille. Also satins and tricplettes for
street and afternoon wear.
ust Sale pfFitrs
Ends Saturday
Save 25
Y purchasing your furs tomorrow, the last
day of our great annual August Sale.
, Furs fashioned from the finest pelts in the
latest styles. Furs that carry the Burgess-Nash
guarantee of satisfaction and quality.
Furs purchased now will be held until No
vember 1st, upon payment of 25 per cent of
their value.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Fleer.
4 Interesting Values Sat
urday in Women5 s Hosiery
At $1.50
Black, whiteand col
ored pure silk hose for
women, full seamless foot.
At 31c
Women's black and
white silk lisle hose, seam
less. Wonderful values.
At $1.35 At 85c
Women's silk and fiber Black, white and col
silk boot, lace hose, black ored silk hose, full seam
and c o 1 o r s, seamless, less foot. Burnasdo quali
Splendid value. , ty, at 85c.
BurgeM-Nash Co. Main Floor
Take Advantage of This
Unusual Sale of Neckwear
25c to $3.95
AN immense assortment
of slightly soiled and
mussed women's neckwear
that we have no room for
on account of new mer
chandise that is arriving
Reduced to less than
cost. Choice, 25c to $3.95.
$3.95 to $10.00
An extra special value in Marabou and plush scarfs
at less than half price.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Our Final August Clearance of Short Lines
and Odd Pairs of Women's New Fall Boots
. . .-it
OEVERAL hundred pairs of new Fall models will
be placed on sale Saturday the last day of our
August Clearance Sale. ;
Tan kid lace boots.
, Tan Russia calf lace boots.
Black kid lace boots.
Black kid vamp, gray cloth
Brown kid vamp, brown
cloth tops.
At $2.9$
Odd pairs of pumps and oxfords
in gray suede, patent kid, black
satin, tan Russian calf, in one big
lot. Reduced to $2.95.
- Less Than ,
li Price
At $1.95
Choice of all white pumps and
oxfords, turn sole, covered heels,
Prepare the Boys and Girls for School Satarday
Dainty Little School Dresses
for the Girls and Misses
EVERY mother will appreciate these
snlenrlirl vnuipsin Haintv school dresses.
1 . - juv ... v.- j
Children's Kid
Gloves $1.29
A SPLENDID kid glove
for children's school
wear. Prepare the children
for school tomorrow.
We are spendidly ready.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Mala Floor
in a variety of patterns in all the popular
colors. Kare values at an opportune time.
Choice at $3.95 each
A Splendid Line of
School Middies
With Monograms in School Colors
V' UMifiimwii entirely new that every
O girl will , want for the first day of
Middies of all kinds, all-white, all-blue,
and combination white with blue collars.
Girls9 Shoes
ONLY the best wearing kinds
in black kidskin, black
Russia calf, brown Russia calf,
Goodyear welt sole, school heels.
Priced from $2.50 to $8.00.
Second floor.
$2.50 to $4.50
School monograms, in the rarious colors, may be
bed for the sleeye of the middy.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor.
Children's Waist
Union Suits
BOYS 'and girls' f full
taped, buttoned waist
union suits, garter fasteners.
Specially priced at 51c each.
This also includes a few
odd lots.
Burgesa-Nash Co. Mala Floor
Child ren 's Cotton
Union Suits
GIIRLS' and boys' heavy
cotton union suits, high
neck, long sleeves, ankle
length union suits.
Sizes 2, 4, 6, at $1.00.
Sizes 8 and 10, $1.25.
Sizes 12, 14, 16, $1.50.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
The Boys Will Like These New Fall Suits
With An Extra Pair of Pants
Extraordinary Values On the Fourth Floor.
$9.95 and $12.95
SCHOOL comes so soon that it behooves every mother to pur
chase the boys' school outfit Saturday. There is but a
limited number of these suits, which are of splendid quality ma
terial, in the latest styles. Do not fail to take advantage of the
low prices of these suits, as well as of the following articles that
are included in this sale. Here are a few of them :
Boys' school blouses, 98c to $2.00.
Boys' splendid quality rain coats. $3.50 to $10.00.
Boys' corduroy pants, extra values, $2.50 to $4.00.
Another lot of boys' school pants, at $1.39.
Boys' school hats and caps, 50c to $3.00.
Boys' school neckwear, priced at 25c, 35c and 50c
Boys Always Need Many
Extra Pai rs of Shoes
Special Values Saturday, at
HE boy must have new shoes for school and here is the
opportunity to purchase them.
Black gun metal calfskin, lace shoes.
Brown calf lace shoes, English last.
The sizes are 11V2 to 13 and 4, 4i2. 5 and 5.
Reduced for this school special to $3.45.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor