THE OMAHA BEE. ttniiWflHt!rtttwiifitiHiiiiiiitit I'itiliaiililftilllliiilntilllililaliiiTrtittiiilnKnttiltili(liiHiiliitftliiliiiliili'lu!ilil utiliiltiiiliiliilil')iii)l'llIiiiitiiniiiiiiituliiliiliil!iliiliitiiuiiliiKilliy 9 S a a s M 99 9 5 a i I i i i s I e s 9 9 9 II It 9 i i i s 9 i 9 i i I M f a Jala Ik Amrfeaa IrSwsA Ai o VfH?vrvi.n LMI.for all II 1 V iVtf II 11 H ll'kw t ii vie ii ivM-i. i mm v-a AltS THI PC1 PMICS0MnNC ONAU Slora Will CIoh Labor Day, at 1 p. m. Autumn Millinery Creation!? jf i As presented in this showing afford jj ' a most diverse selection of - styles fl At $.oo T v HEY consist of the large and medium 1 1 Hats m the various colors and with facings such as Rose, Old Blue and Sand. l: I Also many smart styles in the close-fitting 1 1 Hats and ones suitable for matrons. New ! I arrivals every day. One must see these f Hats to fully appreciate their beauty and f style at this reasonable' price. 1 SECOND IXOOB It 9 a 9 a i i I 9 3 11 11 n :: it il I! SATURDAY-LAST DAY OF Your Last Opportunity to Purchase Furs at 25 to 35 Below Present Value ATURDAY is the final day of one of the most successful August Fur Sales we ever announced. And Saturday is the last day for selection at the August Sale prices. Women anticipating the purchase of Furs, can make a profitable in-, vestment in the purchasing at these prices. A deposit of 25 of the August price will hold your purchase until November 1. Following we mention a few of the most desirable pieces that are still to be ha$l at the August sale prices S M 9 9 a - a 9 S 9S 99 Si' Sa if ?5 9 9 a a if M 9 I 9 5 a S ? 38 9 9 S 9 9! 610.00 375.00 895.00 i' . it II a a 9?' 99 a a s- li i i? II . a m -mm & m H it I! is 9 S3 .. is- II ' 9 a S 9 a 9 S a a a a S a 9 m B Regular' Pnea r Scotch Mel Dolman, 45 jn long 625.00 Scotch Mola Box Coat, SO in. long 525.00 Natural Siberian Squirrel Bob Coat, 32 in. long Natural Siberian Squirrel Fancy Coatee, 27 in. long r Hudson Seal Dolman, natural- Squirrel Collar, 48 In. long Jap Mink Coat, Tail Trimmed, 26 in long 475.00 Hudson Seal Bon Coat, large Australian Opossum Collar,' 28 in. long 415.00 Hudson Seal Coatee, fancy Mole Collar t and Border, 80 in. long ' 375.00 Taupe Nutria Box Coat, reversed border, 28 in. long 325.00 Natural Mutkrat Coat, 32 in. long 225.00 Hudson Seal Box Coat,' large Hudson Bay . Beaver Collar and Bell Sleeves, 30 in. long , ' 350.00 ; Hudson Seal Box Coat, Natural Squirrel f , Collar and Bell Sleeves, 30 in. long 325.0 Sealine Dolman, Natural Marten ' Collar and Cuffs, 45 in. long 287.50 Russian Pony Box Coat, Natural Gray , Squirrel Collar & Cuffs, 36 in. long 225.00 ' Marmot Coat, Blended Muskrat Collar and Cuffs, 47 in. long . 225.00 Near-Seal Coat, Yoke Effect, Dolman Sleeves, 30 in. long . 169.50 l AHIUII ggfk Fries S25.00 S 418.00 f f 495.06 jpjr6j 295 00 MfF ii 278.00 P tfUS is2 so v v SECOND FLOOR The Cprset for the New Gown The prettiest frock will lose its charm over the wroncor ' set The rather loosely-fitted frocks and suits of this season are the most difficult to wear successfully. ' ' WE advise you to have your corset' fitted. It will pay every y oman to spend a little time in our fitting rooms with one of our experienced fitters. You will have comfort, correct body poise and longer service in the wearing of your corset. Warner Corsets Warner's Corseta interpret the fashion for you in terms of your Individual needs. Whatever your" requirements are you will find many Warner models especially designed to mould your figure to correct proportions with the least re straint No matter what you pay for your corset, be sure to get the model that fits your figure. Our new Fall line of Warner Corsets are here and Priced 1.50 to 6.50 - it v 5 - Warner Brassieres Warner. Brassieres and Bandeaux are very attractive for 1 1 the coming aeason. They are daintily trimmed and beautifully tailored. Ask to see the v new Brassiere's when you have the M corset fitted. ; S 9 '-" . i v .,- -','!'.. If ' " ' 'h f ' . '. It Bandeaux priced from 50c to 3.50 H Brassieres priced from 59c to 3.50 ? V . THIRD FTOOR I.SaTISMSI"ll'S!lSllSllS fc ..SiiTWJ auMBH -wall Wt11t"-1f " "--"-"MMTIIIirT1tl'"'a"'J'1" - . . f . v A-:;-- What's Stylish for Fall? JUST about one year ago, the stylish thing with young men was "olive drab;" the "Navy blue;" a drive at "Fritz;" a shot at a "sub." Now "the boys" are backin civil Jif e; they want all th6 good style they can get; we havev it x for thenrin Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; here's information about the newest ideas for fall. v .Belted suits , are here in new designs and variations. Yokes, plaits, slanting, vertical and crescent pockets are all lively touches: Double breasted suits are favorites too; in one-, two and three-button models; some with belts; some without belts. ( " 'I) Coats are a little longer, waists are a little higher; natural: shoulders, higher and wider lapels, giving the wiry, deep-lunged, athletic look that, the young men want. , Now about price and quality; all clothes cost good money; "you'd better be sure to get quality equal to the price. You can get ithere in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; all-wool, careful tailoring; guaranteed to satis fy rnoney back i they don' t. St 7 AttS 1 s fa. it TO SECOND FLOOR MEN'S STORK r Distinctive Fall Hats Featuring Stetson -Berg- Gilleaudeun What men want in the way of Headwear for Fall to here. The right Style,, Shape, Shade, and the Rigfcft Price. Somewhere in this vast assortment ip a Hat par ticularly suitable, just right, for every man. Don't decide on a Fall Hat until you have seen this remarkable line. , - $4-$5 $6-$7-$8 SampleHats2.50 Cloth Hats 1.65 it And we have some Felt Hats, odds and so on, for Fall and Winter wear. Sample linen Hats, Eng lish cloth stitched. Good values. Well made, and of good material. , MAIN FLOOR ARCADE 3 J v 29 7 5 Men's and Roys' Sample Bought of one of tne largest and hjest jobbers of the mid die west so remarkably low that we can offer them to you Saturday At Exactly Half Price In these days of high prices we can't help but call this sale remarkable, and only because a prominent mid-west jobbing house had no further use for these sample Sweater Coats, were we able to effect such a phenomenal saving in this purchase which we pass on to you. Thjs sale brings you at half price . Fine Worsted, Fine Wool and Wool-Mixed Sweater Coats Here's a chance for 2;9 1 5 men and boys to buy now at half price, just the Sweater Coat they were planning to buy Viter on. Here's a profitable Sweater Coat investment no shrewd business man can afford to ignore. Think of it virtually at the threshold of w1 inter you can buy these Coats at these prices: Boys 10.00 Sample Sweaters 5.00 Boys 9.00 Sample Sweaters 4.50 Hoys' 7.50 Sample Sweaters 3.75 Boys' 6.50 Sample Sweaters ,3.25 Boys' 5.00'Sample Sweaters 2.50 Boys' 4.00 Sample Sweaters 2.00 Boys' 3.00 Sample Sweaters 1.50 Boys' 2.00 Sample Sweaters 1.00 Men's 15.00 Sample Sweaters 7.50 Men's 12.50 Sample Sweaters 6.25 Men's ' 9.50 Sample Sweaters 4.75 Men's 7.50 Sample Sweaters $3.75 Men's 6.00 Sampl Sweaters 3.00 Men's 5.00 Sample Sweaters 2.50 Men's 4.00 Sampl Sweaters 2.00 Men's 3.00 Sampl Sweaters 1.50 The sale starts at 9 o'clock sharp. In justice to yourself, be here when the 'doors open. t We advise being here as early as possible. -Plan to buy two Sweater Coats " because in this sale you can buy two for the pried you expected to pay for one. MAIN FLOOR MEN S STORE.