THE OMAHA lihlti. D minium Friday and Saturday will be demonstrative days of our power to serve the multitudes. No person with a single thought to economizing can or will ignore the possibilities that these two days bring forward. Wonder ful saving opportunities are presented. Avail yourself of them. There's not an institution in the country "so , devoted to helping its patrons keep down the H. C. of L. It's our desire You benefit by it Make this your store. ''3 "mini FRIDAY flfJD SATURDAY TOO MEAT BOMOID BAYS ' WASH TOBS x Made of heavy galvanized iron, with securely fastened drop handles No. 1 size, 89d. No. 2 size, 98. No. S size, 1.19. CORSET COVERS Women's and Misses' Corset Covers. Made of a good quali ty material, originally sold for 50e. A large selection in 01 a all regular sizes, each, www 4 GINGHAM 27-inch and 32-inch. Beauti ful plaids, checks and plain col ors. All new Fall OCa styles, yard, ' wB FANCY S1LK0LINE 36-inch. Pretty patterns and colorings. Desirable for com forter covering, draperies, etc., long mill lengths, J g UNBLEACHED SHEETING fine round Sea Island width for 22V2c 36-inch. Extra thread quality of Cotton. Correct sheets and pillow cases, yard, APRON GINGHAM In the wanted blue checks, good quality, at less than to day's mill cost. Limit, 10 yards to a custo- 1 41 fk mer. Yard,- 1 " 2C PRINTED FLANNEL 36-inch Eiderdown, in a won derful assortment of pretty floral and Persian designs and colorings suitable for bath robes, kimonos, house dresses, etc., long'lnill lengths. 1Qa Yard, SHIRTING MADRAS 36 inches wide, splendid as sortment of pretty patterns and colorings for men's and boys' shirts, waists, etc. 00 a Yard, " OUTING FLANNEL 36-inch. Heavy, warm quali ty, with long," fleecy nap, big assortment of pretty 5Qa patterns. Yard, wJfc ROMPER CLOTH 27-inch, plain and fancy styles, warranted fast colors, for boys' and girls' school suits and dresses, 10 to 20- AC a yard lengths. Yard, tw DRESS CHAMBRAY Genuine Imperial brand. Plain shades and fancy styles, guaranteed colors, 30 inches wide, in 3 to 12-yard AC a lengths. Yard, LACE CONTAINS Nottingham and Filet Net curtains, 400 pairs in the lot, all are 2 yards long. On 1 CQ sale Friday, per pair, VELOUR FLANNEL Fancy printed, dark styles for children's dresses, under wear, etc., 27 inches wide. Specially priced for 1 Qfi Friday, per yard. LINOENE MATS Size 18x36, 250 in the lot, all pretty patterns. Every one is an unusual bargain, 4C. at,, each, ,' FILET NET Vnr curtains: 50 nieces. 36 inches wide, excellent quality; positively worth 39c per OQa yard, on sale Friday, yard Aww PLISSE CREPE - In the wanted plain shades, lu nut . floral effects on white and tinted grounds, for underwear, pajamas, JEa etc. Per yard, , w PRINCESS SLIPS For Women and Misses. In fine nainsook and lawn. These come in black only and are and $2 values Ijljg 50 1 for MUSLIN E3AWERS Fnr- Women and Misses. A splendid lot that formerly sold at 50c to 69c. Very spe- 40 a cial for Friday. Each, wV This Basstmont Furnuhinr Store is perfectly prepared te economically meet parent' demands for children's school necessities regarding Soys' School Togs THERE'S no better time than Now, and no better place than right HERE, to outfit the boy with apparel that he'll need and wants. We've made special preparations for school days and stocked up with merchandise of a desirable quality. Buying early, as we did, the school requirements of your boy can bajiurchased at a saving. Boys' Lone Pant Suits al l 4.75 Boys' long-pant suits splendid workmanship through out, in new models for fall; plain blue, green 1 4 7"S or brown mixtures. Sizes for an. Priced at I f I w Boys' School Suits, 5.45 to 11.50 Boys' school suits with one and two pairs of full lined knickerbocker pants. Wonderful values in cassimeres, cheviots and blue serge for boys from 6 to 18 years ofage. Priced q J , DAII.I ni...... Mothers should take advantage DO J J UlOUSeS of this boys',, blouse sale just the blouse for sehool, made of madras and percale in extra good qualities, with CQa collars attached. All sizes from 6 to 16. Each wvlf BOYS' SHIRTS Plain blue and khaki, collar attached style. Good values; specially priced Friday. Sizes: 12 to 14. UJ Each, OjC BOYS' PARTS Knickerbocker Pants that are durable, made of dark colors or striped cheviots, full cut for boys from 6 to 18 years of age. I':.,,1 1.25 to 1.95 e A Very Complete Display of Mew Wall papers IF NEATNESS and attractiveness of the . interior of your home interests you and no doubt it does here are offerings if im pressive importance. Not' only are the papers of beautiful design and good quality, but the prices we've attached to them, for two days only, are strong incentives in themselves. Just look over the items below. x Plain 30-inch oatmeal papers in all colors, aold with cut-out borders 1 i a to match, at per roll, I I B Medium weight papers in new effects suitable for any room in the house; sold with borders to match, at per roll, 5V2c 1 cui-uut uoraer 10 11c and 14c Bedroom patterns, new and pretty, each has a beautiful cut-out border to match, at per. roll Heavy blanks and gilts, nice for din ing rooms, parlors or halls, shown with Extra heavy kitchen block and granites in all colors at, per roll, 10c. L ! ROOM LOT PAPERS A very special showing. This lot has cut out borders and ceiling. Specially priced for Friday at prices ranging from, per room, at 3.95 to 7.95 A Basement Clearance-Sale of Sonets These are odd sizes; cor sets made of best summer mesh and guaranteed to be rust-proof, in low and med ium styles. These corsets are ideal for home wear. At 00 L$w topped corsets, long over hip, well boned, with extra wide front steel, made of good quality coutil. Each 51.00 Net brassieres with the back closing. 1 Ci Each 1 3C Ferris and H.& W. Corset Waists for Girls These waists are made with shoulder straps, lace in the back, or (back lace), and buttons in front. tjj A A Each VI.UU Extra Dig Value in flew Fall All tnJool Serge Dresses We know when women see them and note their cood vsIup t the lot will rapidly dwindle to a small quantity, therefore, we advise as early attendance as possible. Made for practical wear, and priced at a remarkably small figure. For Friday, Good , Styles (01 85 l Values 12.50 They are attractively trimmed with buttons and braid, come in navy and' black only. Sizes 16 to 18 for misses, and 36-inch to 42"-ihch bustmeasure. Also 150 Silk Dresses For Fall Wear And here's another offering that's well worth takine advantage of Splendid Silk Dresses at way under regular price. Friday and Saturday, each 9.85 Sn All Fairness to Yourself You Should Take Advantage oi This Sale of Bungalow Aprons Newest StylesGood Quality You easily save 50 per cent, and in some cases nearly 100 per cent That's worth availing yourself of. The offer ing is worth taking advantage of even if you are amply supplied, for there's nothing wiser than preparing for the future. The quality is commendable, and from a good maker. In this instance 95c has more value than it has had for a long time. jit Striped and a n fp 1.50 and Figured -ISJ 1.75 Percale WW VALUES Very desirable merchandise at a price that would hardly cover the cost of material, and made up in good new styles with pockets and other trimmings of frills in contrasting colors. These aprons also come in plain colors. QCa Priced specially at vJv SCRIM Scrim, plain and fancy, .about 100 pieces in the lot, hemstitched; 15c val ues, special Friday - Yd. lie WASH RUGS Wash Ruts, 500 in the lot, size 18x36 inches, a nice assortment of colors, on sale isle Window Shades Window Shades, 50 doz en in the lot, 29 to 36 inches wide, 6 feet long, blue and tan only. Spe Here's An Extraordinary Two-Day Sale of at m. Ti I? - - - a CI r . ..... distincT Saturday youhave th. opportunity of n.akin. a will permit. Get your choice at the starting of the sal.. ever7one des.nou. of savma; money bo on hand a. early a. convenience Shoes r for Men. SPECIALS FROM THE BASEMENT School Shoes Boys and Women's Tan Lotus Calf- skin Lace Oxfords, elkskin soles that give aoume wear, very aesiraDie for all-around wear; with both wide and narrow toes. Sizes 2y to . Keguiar TAb, now ror Young Ladies. Made of black ma ana gun metal, solid leather soles, mostly but ton styles, with cloth tops. Sizes, 2 to 7. Regular, .&0 now 1.95 of black 2.98 HERE'S A FINAL CLEAN-UP OF Women's Low Shoes And it's -one that you can't afford to miss. They're odds and ends, of course, but every -pair is a mighty eood valtfe. In fact, these ordinarily sold for $3 and $4. Sizes 1 ( If) 72 iu - j. ma mi oisu luciuaes 1 - White Kid Oxfords. Be on hand Friday morning and share in this money-saving sale. I J fc. Hat Men's Shoes We carried over from last year about 500 pairs of men' Endieott Johnson black gun meuii Da lion snoes, osk learner soles. Keels and counter of olid leather, with three styles oi toes. well worth 15.50 but now priced at nson black gun 3.45 Children's Shoes Whjte Lines Button and lac shoes, made on the foot form last, wedge heel. Sizes : 6 to 7; $2.00 values for Boys' School Shoes .45 These are made of dull calf skin, button and lace styles, with full toes and double soles; our own Hickory brand. Sizes, 2 to 5 hi We will stand back of every pair. 1.19 Children's Scout Shoes n i (QIC Children's Scout Play Shoes in black pli able gun metal, with stitched soles. These are usually deemed seconds. Sijes, 6 to 2. Slightly broken. HlFT SMI? IN THE BASEMENT One lot" Fancy Jewelry, all the odd pieces of Brooch Pins, Bar Pins, Circle Pins, Collar Pins, Tie Pins, etc. Yourf Cm choice foR Friday, each, One odd lot of Tablewar) Tablespoons, Teaspoons, Butter Knives. Sugar Shells, your C choice Friday for , vw One lot of Shaving Mirrors, white enameled. Your 4 On choice, at 99 One lot of White Enameled Picture Frames, oval 1 Ca style. Your choice, at vfc One lot Fancy Beads at less' than one-half price. 9 Cm Your choice, at Smart Silk Blouses Best off Styles and, Materials Georgette, Crepe de China, and Pongee Silk Blouses. Many new, becoming, right-up-to-the-minute styles, which' come in white, pink and the natural pongee. sizes dt to 46. Price, 3-69 Percale 36-inch dress and wrapper percale; a remarkable offering worthy of your attention, in light and dark colors, long mill lengths. Very special Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL PER YARD 36-in. Muslin Cambric and longcloth, bleached, for fine underwear and such use in long, service able lengths. Remarkably low pricedfor Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL PER YARD 101 1-9e Silk Shirts $5 to $7 Values It's hard to resist buying one or more skirts Kke these when the price is so remarkably low, and it's practicing good economy to do so. Large, fancy plaids, also some plain silk and shadow striped poplins. Good styles. Very special, 4-39 'WIZARD MOP SPECIAL' A medium size Wizard Mop with 5-foot handle and a 25c bottle of Wizard 031 and a 15c chemically-treated Dust Cloth. 1 OQ Friday for BOYS' KOVERALLS In plain blue and fast colors and khaki cloth for boys from two to eight years of 1 4C age. Each, MEN'S SHIRTS Odds and ends of Men's Shirts (collar attached neck band and sport collar style), while they last, 49C MEN'S HOSE 35c value. In colors and black, tan, white and gray, also Palm Beach, blue and cordo van. Sizes 9 to lift. 10ft Special at 10 KNIT UNDERWEAR Cotton Union Suits for Wom en. Sleeveless, lace trimmed, knee style with full silk taped. Sizes 34, 36 and 38. Cfl Per pair, at wWB ONION SUITS AND PANTS For Women.' Odd lots. To clean up stock, per 9jC pair, at wto WOMEN'S VESTS In fine ribbed cotton, sleeve less style, sizes 36 and 1 C 38. Each, I UNDERWEAR For Boys. Balbrigiran Shirts and Drawers. Sizes 9Ca 24 to 34. Each, 96 SEAMLESS HOSIERY Women's pure thread silk, with double soles, lisle garter tops, in black, white and colon. (Seconds). Per 7Ca pair, FIBRE SILK HOSIERY For Women. In colors, with double soles and lisle tops (sec onds). Per 9 Cat pair, aWli CHILDREN'S HOSIERY In black and white, medium ribbed. Sizes 5 to 9Ca at, per pair, atwW LINGERIE CLOTH 8 0-inch, tinted grounds with beautiful bluebird printings, for underwear, lingerie, JQlt etc. Per yard, UU 27-INCH VOILE v Silk stripe, a beautiful woven sheer fabric, in all the wanted colors for pretty street dresses, evening wear, -etc. 40j Per yard, 0B FLAXON AND DIMITIES Fancy printed, in a pretty collection of neat floral effects. Very desirable for early C( Fall wear. Per yard, VvV SILK MDLL v 27-inch, in all the wanted plain shades, very lustrous for evening wear,' foundations, interlining, etc. Qfla. Per yard, 096 WATER PAILS A good, serviceable pail, made of heavy charcoal tin, with reinforced metal bot- M ft J torn. 12-qt. size, special, vB TUNGSTEN ELECTRIC LIGHTS 10, 25, 40-Watt, special at 60-Watt, special at 27c 32c JOHKOI FLOOR WAX For polishing floors and fur- 45c mture. Very special, at FOLDING LUNCH BOXES Mjade of fiber, end very com pact when folded and a good, roomy mncn dox when open. Special, 29c