Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1919, Image 1

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Berlin, Aug. 28.The national
liberals are boosting field Marshal
von Hindenburg for the presiden
cy in the first elections to be held
under the new constitution.
The directorate of the party calls
upon the voters to ralfr around the
man whose name has been an
"epitome of faithful service to the
country in war, in victory and in the
hour of need."
Toledo, Aug. 28. Three hundred
and fifty-one thousand pounds of
pork stored in the plant of the
Northern Refrigerating company for
the Cleveland branch of Swift and
'Company, was seized today through
an order of county court.
TThe . Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 62.
ttm4 m mi-ttn mttw Mty JS, IMS. it
OmIm P. O. nt Mt t Mirtk J, M7.
B, Mill (I mi), Bill. M.Ut U4u. S2.S0:
Otlljr t4 fl.M; MUM Ntk. tUf utra.
Generally fair Friday and Sat
urday, preceded by tinsettled in
extreme cast portion Friday; not
much change in temperature. v
Hourly enii rutwrm
a. m..
Is. nt. .
a a. nt..
ft. HI. .
10 a. m..
tt a. m
13 nova .
t p. m.
3 l. ..
S It. m.
4 p. m.c
5 p. m.
p. m.
a n, m.
Goshen, Ind., Aug. 28. John M.
Barr, traveling salesman, likes home
life. Spending part of the week in
hotels didn't suit him and to solve
the problem he acquired! two wives.
One of t!i em lived in Indianapolis
with their little son. The other
lived in Goshen. Neither had heard
of the other until Wednesday, when
Barr was brought to jail for big
amy. A brother of wife No.. 2
made the complaint. Barr admitted
he had twoxjvives and divided his
attention eqifally between them,
passing three and a half days of
each we.ek at each home.
Chicago, Aug. 28. Four hundred
barrels or 12,000 gallons, of .275
per cent, beer, manufactured by the
Schlitz Brewing company of Mil
waukee, before war-time pfohi
tion, was dumped into the gutters
of a North Side street by Otto R.
Fuerst, U. S. revenue inspector, to
enable the company to recover
$2,400 in taxes previously paid the
Paris, Aug. 28. The French press
is almost unanimous in criticising
what it terms "President Wilson's
note to Turkey" with regard to the
cessation of massacres in Armenia.
The newspapers seem to be under
the impression that the communica
tion was a formal one and charge
President Wilson with going over
the head of the peace conference
and declare that the gravest of conse
quences may follow.
"Presidents Wilson doifbtless
meant well," says the Echb De
Paris, "but the note may have con
trary effects to those he hoped for."
Douglas, Ariz.jAug. 28. William
Curnow, an I. W. W. witness for
the state in the hearing of 200 de
fendants charged with kidnaping in
. fit. i! J.H..AH1AM A
1,100 men from Bisbee in connection
with the 1. W, W. striKe oi two
-years ago, Thursday admitted that
though he it art avowed I. W. W.
believer, he would be reluctant to
turn over his property to the
"masses" and accept only such a liv
ing as he could earn.
Curnow answered the question of
attorneys for the defense after ob
jections by the state had been over
ruled. 60,000,000,000 FRANCS
Paris, Aug. 28. Deputy Andre
Lefevre introduced, in the chamber
of deputies a'bill authorizing the
issue of, a lottery loan of 60,000,000,
000 francs without interest. This loan
...:ti i.i.. (f.rm n( KnnHa tn he
reimbursed at par by drawings every
six months over a period of 20
years. In addition to par drawings,
there will be prize drawings, and
every day for two years one num
ber will be drawn which will carry
a prize of 1,250,000 francs, and each
week two numbers entitling the
holders to 500,000 francs each, and
10 numbers worth 100,000 francs
each. '
After the first two years prizes to
the amount of 1,250,000 francs will
be drawn for each week, instead of
each day.
Colorado Springs, Aug. 28. The
appointment of a committee of three
members of the American Petro
leum Institute to investigate and
draft a law prohibiting the sale or
advertising of "wild cat" oil stocks
was made at the closing session of
. the institute.
" The committee is composed of
R. L. Welch, general secretary of
the institute; Judge C. D. Chamber
lain, general counsel of the General
Petroleum association, Cleveland,
and R. W. Stewart, chairman of the
board of directors of the Standard
011 company of Indiana.
The institute also endorsed the
plan for the foundation of a $1,000,
000 research bureau, offered by Dr.
Van H. Manning, a director of the
United States bureau of mines.
San Diego, Aug. 28. An experi
ence replete with hardships and
dangers was described by Maj.
Theodore MacCauley and Capt. Ss-S.
Eberle, North Island military avia
tors, on their return from an aerial
trip into the trackless wastes of
Lower California, Mexico, in search
of Lieuts. Frederick Waterhouse
and C. S. Connellys-missing airmen,
who wre finally found by Mexican
soldiers. They left North Island
August 24. - While flying over the
Pedro Martez mountains they en
countered a severe electrical storm,
twice ran out of gasoline and only
by good fortune found supplies in
inlated daces, and finally experi
enced the pangs of delirium brought
on by thirst when torced once to
tramp miles over a torrid desert.
While flying over the base of the
Pedro Marter mountains Major
MaeCaulev and Captain Eberle
sighted a group of Indians who had
never seen an, airplane before. As
the machine swooped low the In
dians prostrated themselves as
though praying. . The airmen later
learned the Indians believed them to
he some oreat unknown eoo
red mm
Gen. Kamontov's Forces Cap
ture 13,000 Bolsheviki and
Disperse 20,000 Mobilized
' But Untrained Men. !
Within 10 Miles of Kiev and
12 Miles From PeJIura's
Forces and May. Cut Off
Huge Radical Army.
London, Aug. 28. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The Cossacks under
General Kamontov, who succeeded
in breaking through the red army,
captured 13,000 bolsheviki and dis
persed 20,000 mobilized but un
trained men. A dispatcn nas Deen
received to this effect from General
Kamontov, which refutes the bol
shevik claim that his communica
tions have been cut.
A red regiment with 40 officers de
serted to Kamontov, who is forming
division made up of former bol
sheviki, He has evacuated Tambov
and'is proceeding northwest towards
Denikine Advancing.
General Denikine's advance is
continuing rapidly; he is now within
10 miles ot Kiev and i miles irom
Petlura's forces. If a junction oc
curs the entire old bolshevik forces
remaining in the pocket, 250 miles
deep on a 50-mile width to the south
of Kiev, will be cut off.
To the northeast General Ueni-
kine has captured the important
railway junction of i Bakhmacs.
Denkine's cavalry -rand armored
trains are- leading the advancend
are not meeting with any opposition
along the whole western front. The
bolsheviki, however, are massing on
his center and right. The plan of
General Denikine is to clear the left
flank, preparatory to a general ad
vance. -
Reds Claim Pskov.
The bolshevik claim to the cap
ture of Pskov, southwest of Petro-
grad, is probably correct Further
to the south the roles are advanc
ing on Dvinsk and to the eastward
have forced the bolsheviki back to
the Dvina near Polotsk, imperiling
their line.
South, of the Pripet marshes the
Poles have been checked on the line
of the Sluch river. Heavy fighting
is going on at Novgorod Volinsk.
Further eastward the bolsheviki
have retaken Jiftomir. This success
has been countef balanced by the
capture of Fastov by the Ukrain
Kansas Liverynian Held for
Trial on Charge of Kill
ing Two Men.
Eskridge, Kas., Aug. 28. At a
second preliminary hearing, con
cluded Thursday night, Rufus King,
livery man, was bound over for trial
on a charge of murder in connec
tion with the disappearance of a
jewelry peddler at Maple Hill, sev
eral years ago, thought to be Wil
liam F. Ringer, brother of T. O.
Ringer, Tilden, Neb., and O. R.
Ringer, Wisner, Neb.
A week ago King was held for
trial on charges of murder in con
nection with the disappearance of
Reuben Guthall of Maple Hill, sev
eral years ago.
' In connection with the disappear
ance at Maple Hill several .year,
ago of John A. Woody, a young
farmer. King was ordered held with
out bail for triaHn district court on
a charge di murder. Relatives of
Woody identified a skeleton exhibit
ed, in court as that of the missing
yputh. The skeleton was dug up
in the yard of a livery barn formerly
conducted by King at Maple Hill.
King took the decision calmly.
Montenegro in Throes
of Revolutionary Strife
London, Aug. 28. Fighting has
broken ont everywhere in Monte
negro and the whole country is in
a, state of revolution, according to
news received here. The Serbians
are using strong measures in an at
tempt to suppress the uprisings.
"We seem to be in for a recrudes
cence of the Balkan trouble," was a
statement made to The Associated
Press today from -an authoritative
The Montenegrins have cut : the
railway between Virpazar and Anti
vari. on the coast. '
The' Serbians are receiving? rein
forcements but are not meeting with
success in their efliort to put down
the revolutionary movement ac
cording to advices ' r
Distinguished U. S.
Jurist Stricken With
Paralysis in Bluffs
Judge Walter I. Smith
Walter I. Smith'Removed to
Hospital in Serious Con
dition Attack Due v
to Overwork.
Judge Walter I. Smith of the
United States circuit court of ap
peals, suffered an attack of paraly
sis when he attempted to rise from
bed yesterday. The attack is be
lieved to have been brought about
by strenuous exercise Monday,
when some' of the trees, about the
home on South Seventh street were
trimmed and he spent considerable
time helping to clear away the
Judge Smith was feeling badly
Tuesday and on Wednesday had to
be assisted home by his brother,
Forest Smith, after he had gone
to the federal building, where he
has been daily holding court in
chambers. Yesterday when W. J.
Copeland, his private secretary and
official reporter, went to the resi
dence, Judge Smith was still in bed.
He attempted to rise'but fell help
less on the floor.
Dr. F. W, Houghton, the family
physician, was called and it was de
cided to remove him to a hospital.
Judge Smith was optimistic and
cheerful. His condition' last night
showed little improvement. Facial
paralysis makes it impossible for
him to speak distinctly. 1
Judge Smith is but little past mid
dle life. He was born in Council
Bluffs in 1862, and received his ed
ucation in the city schools. He
had the distinction of being the
youngest member of the bar and the
youngest man in Iowa to be elected
district court judge. He was 27
years' old when elected in 1890.
After serving 10 years oft the bench
he resigned in June, 1900. when ap
pointed congressman to'fill the unt
expired term o f Representative
Smith McPherson, who resigned to
accept the appointment of judge of
the United States district court for
the southern Iowa district. Judge
Smith was re-elected each year and
became a national figure. President
Taft appointed him one of the judges
of the United States district court
of appeals, March 11, 1911.
Judge Smith has led a high pres
sure life, crowding into compara
tively few years services to his coun-.
try of the highest character. He has
been slowly bending under the
strain, hardening of the arteries de
veloping, and he has been warned by
his physicians against overwork. He
attacked with enthusiasm the enor
mous amount of work in connection
with the court of appeals and has
written a majority decision in most
of the cases that have been adjudi
cated. He is still confident that he
will soon' be out ofthe hospital and
says he will dictate decisions there
if he is kept confined too long.
Balfour Positive
y He Showed Wilson
Shantung Treaty
London, Aug. 28. Despite Presi
dent Wilson's declaration to the con
trary before the United States sen
ate committee on foreign relations,
Arthur James Balfour, British for
eign secretary, is distinctly under
the impression that he showed Presi
dent Wilson the Japanese-British
treaty on Shantung when he was in
Washington, according to informa,
tion gained from personal friends of
Mr. Balfour here.
Mr. Balfour, who is still .in Paris,
has discussed the matter with his
friends and he insists that the Shan
tung matter was discussed with
President Wilson, even when mat
ters of seemingly greater importance
at the time had to be taken up.
Senators Seek Jo Change
Law of War Insurance
Washington, Aug. 28. Investiga
tion by the senate finance commit
tee of the war. risk insurance bu
reau with a view to changes in the
law governing the bureau was au
thorized today by the senate.
t Commute Death Sentence.
Paris, Aug. 28. The sentence of
death imposed upon Pierre Len
cir, convicted in May, last, of hav
ing had dealings with the enemy,
will be commuted to life imprison
ment . on Devil's Island, sav the
Journal - .
Italy Wondering Whether
U. S. Bankers' PJans for
Jugo-Slavia Didn't Influence
President in re Adriatic.
Economic Development Rather
Than 14 Points-Uppermost in
Executive's Mind at Peace
Table, Is Opinion Advanced.
Rome, Aug. 8. (By Universal
Service.) "Did contracts between
. 1 V V X V ' l IV HL.J11.V-. U U1H1 IIIV p. . V. 1 11,
ment or czecno-MovaKia, togetner
with plans for the economic devel
opment of Jugo-Slavia, influence
President Wilson more than did his
14 points in the settlement of the
Adriatic question?"
This question is now being uni
versally asked in Italy as a result
of facts just revealed at Paris. It
was revealed", among other things,
that the Czecho-Slovak government
has granted a railroad concession of
great importance to the Commercial
Corporation of America, nowbeing
formed at Prague with a capital of
10,000,000 crowns, divided into 500
crown shares, which four Prague
banks have fully subscribed at, 550
crowns each. This Prague company
is to be a branch of the Commercial
Corporation of America, with head
quarters at New York and a capital
of $5,000,000. ' ,
American railroad engineers ap
pointed by the Serbian government
(Continued on Page Four, Column One.)
ON v
World's Greatest Playhouse
Left "High -and Dry" by
Walkout of Union Mtn.
September Pork Recedes $2.75
a Barrel and Csh Corn
" Declines 6 Cents.
Chicago, Aug. 26. Agitation
against the high cost- of living was
the influence which dominated the
grain makets today. Continued
liquidation . was the rule and price
rallies were'the exception through
out the session. The general bear
ish feeling was accentuated by sharp
declines in live hog values, which
were directly reflected in lower meat
products and to a lesser degree by
smaller prices for corn and oats.
The September pork shot down-
?2.75 a barrel and closed $2.50 under
yesterday's figures. December and
May corn dragged all day and
touched new low record prices tor
the season. Corn closed weak anol
near the low points 2Yt to 3?4c net
lower, with September at $175j4 to
$176 and December at $1.36 to
$1.37;. Oats finished llj$c lower
and provisions 85c to $2.50 lower.
Bearish Sentiment.
The drag of lower priced live hogs
which sagged $1 to $1.50 and added
to the bearish sentiment which has
followed efforts to lower living costs
was,felt early and continued through
the day. v
Cash corn, which has been at a
generous premium over the futures,
tumbled sharply, declining today 2
cents to p" cents a bushel, bringing
the figures 12 cents under last
week's price. Country offerings of
corn were light ind some traders
insisted that old corn was still on
the farms in sufficient quantity to be
a market factor. Oats showed weak
ness wit corn, though the declines
were less sharp and evidence of a
fairly firm undertone was seen tfrom
time to time, lhere was tair sup
port at the extreme low points.
Country offerings were small and
there was little export demand..
Provisions were extremely weak,
with all products touching new low
points. The proposed opening of
government stores to the public, a
development in the fight against the
high cost of living, together with
the break in livchpgs, gave full
sweep to bearish activity. Pork led
in the downturn at one time, drop-
ping $2.75 below yesterday's closing
price. A leadirig packer was cred
ited with selling, lard. There was
little support to the market. At the
yards ZjiOOO hogs were received and
about 13,000 of the animals were
unsold at the closest trading. Es
timated hog receipts" tomorrow were
placed at 15,000, which will start
the day with 28,000- hogs on sale.
The close was weak, pork was off
$2.50; lard from 85c o $1.32 lower,
and ribs, $1.12 to $1.85 lower. The
September, product finished pork,
$40.00; lard,' $2720, and ribs, $2120.
Tulsa Gets Jde Bennett.
Louisville, Aug. 28. Geireral Man
ager William Neal of the Louisville
American association club, an
nounced today that he had released
Pitcher Joseph Bf nnett to the Tulsa
Western league club-
New York, Aug. 28. The New
York Hippodrome, the world's larg
est playhouse, which thus far had
been unaffected by the actors, stage
hands and musi'ciahs' strike was
closed Thursday night when 412
stage hands walked out.
Left "high and dry" by the strike
of stage hands, the entire cast, in
cluding 82 principals, 204 chorus
members, 180 ballet dancers, 94
specialty artists and clowns, 69
swimmers, 44 animal trainers, 12
equestrians, 44 musicians, 193 ushers
and members of the house staff quit
he theater and flocked in large
numbers to headquarters of the
Actors' Equity association, where
many enrolled as members.
The Hippodrome management
said that the strikers had been
"treated royally" and were receiving
wages ranging from $50 to $146 a
week, which were higher than the
union scale. All who worked last
Saturday night when "Happy Days"
opened received a share of a $1,500
Asserting that they are "absolute
ly independent" and have no affilia
tion with any other theater in Amer
ica, the Hippodrome owners issued
a statement saying they could not
account for the strike. The man
agement said the cast numbered
1,132 persons.
Strike Spreads to Capital.
Washington, Aug. 28. The actors'
and theatrical employes' strike,
which has closed theaters in New
York and Chicago, has spread to
Washington. Stage hands and mu
sicians at the Shubert-Belasco thea
ter here walked out just before the
performance of "Up From Nowhere"
was to begin Thursday night. -
Nebraska Congressmen Laud
Soldier Chief and Claim
Him as Cornhusker-
Washington, Aug. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Universal laudation of
General Pershing at the hands of his
fellow countrymen was' not confined
to any particular section today when
the house had under consideration,
and with four negative votes passed
the bill authorizing the president of
the United States to confer on him
the permanent rank of general. Two
Nebraskans paid General Pershing
Congressman Reavis, speaking of
the human side of his solicitude for
his boys of the American forces,
brought sobs from the galleries as
he fold of the efforts pnt forth by
Tershing to give the men under his
command that moral and physical
training that would make them clean
and fit to return to their Homes.
Claimed by Nebraska.
Congressman Andrews told of his
first acquaintance with Pershing
when Andrews was private secretary
to Governor Crounse and the gen
eral, then a captain, was taking a
degree in the law department of the
University of Nebraska. Mr. An
drews said he did not want to pluck
one laurel wreath from Missouri, but
as a Nebraskan he wanted to -lay
claim to General Pershing as a Ne
braskan because of the length of
time that he had lived in Nebraska,
and because of the further fact that
his relatives live there now in the
capital of the state.
"As a NebrasUn I pay tribute to
Pershing today for he has shown
many of the qualities of Washing
ton in his ability to select and com
mand men, and the characteristics
of Grant in his quiet methods of dis
posing of his forces to the end that
the whole field of battle was a win
ning field," said Mr. Andrews.
General Pershing will sail for the
United States September 1 on . the
Felicitates France.
'.Paris, Aug. 28. "When one has
known the generous French people,
when one has seen them in trial and
in time of rejoicing, one cherishes
such respect and friendship for them
that one parts from them with real
sorrow," said Gen. John J. Pershing
to a representative of the Journal
"I regret exceedingly that I shall
be unable to be present at the un
veiling of the- monument September
6 at Point de la Grave, raised to
commemorate the arrival of the first
American troops in France. Un
fortunately, my departure canndt be
postponed, the United States senate
having expressed a wish to receive
me .as soon as possible."
' Pittsburgh Strike Settled.
Pittsburgh. Aug.' 28. Street car
service, suspended two weeks ago
by a strike of 3,000 motormen and
conductors of the Pittsburgh Rail
ways company, will be resumed Fri
day. The striking car men; late
Thursday decided to-return to. work,
thereby accepting "under protest"
the national war labor board's
award of 5 cents an hour increase
in wages. The men demanded a
12-cent raise. -
Unless Strikers in West Re
turn to Work by 7 A. M. Aug.
30 Government Will Restore
Service, Hines Says.
Already Some Workers Have
Reported for Duty and it Is
Expected Tieup Will Be
Ended Within Short Time.
San Francisco, Aug. 28. Strik
ing S4n Francisco yardmen de
cided tonight to return to work
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28. Olc
tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, Hanson, Seattle's mayor, who gain
according to T. Ahearn, superin
tendent of the coast division of
the Southern.
San Francisco, Aug. 28. (By The
Associated Press.) Announced de
termination of the government to
restore full railroad service in Cali
fornia, Arizona and Nevada by 7
o'clock Saturday morning, tx-"
pressed in Washington tonight by
Walker D. Hines, director general
of railroads, was generally accepted
here as meaning the strike situa
tion would be cleared in the west
before the time limit set in.
Even before the announcement -of
Mr. Hines, strikers at practically
all points except in Los Angeles
territory were obeying the orders
of chiefs of the international rail
road brotherhoods and were return
ing to work.
Union leaders here urged" the;
men to consider the consequences
of remaining on strike in view of
the statement of Mr. Hines that all
men who did 'not return to their
posts by the time set would find
their positions filled.
The first break in the" ranks of
the strikers came when the Oak
land switch and yard men' reported
for work at midnight last night, en
abling the thfee transcontinental
lines to re-establish full schedules.
Men Report for Work.
Reports throughout the day to
the United States railroad adminis
tration here were that the menwere
reporting for work or were promis
ing to do so. The freight embargo
on the San Francisco bay district
was lifted so far as Oakland was
concerned, but remained in effect
What brotherhood chiefs con
sidered one of the most hopeful
signs from the south was an an
nouncement from Los Angeles
that Southern Pacific officials there
had received su telegram purport
ing to have been authorized by
200 strikers at Bakersfield, saying
they would return to work if as
sured they could do so without loss
of seniority rights and privileges.
'Khe, officials said they had advised
the men they could do so.
A. F. Whitney, a vice president
of the trainmen's brotherhood, and
Nelson Savage, chairman :,f the
brotherhood here, were making de
termined efforts here and in the
southern part of the state to end
the strike. They expressed belief
that they would, succeed.
Send Word, to Wilson.
Among the developments of the
day was the dispatching of tele
grams by striking trainmen here to
President' Wilson and Mr.,. Hines,
urging them to take over and
operate the lines of the Pacific
Electric Railway systems radiating
from Los Angeles. The strike of
the employes of that company was
said to have contributed to the dis
turbanceson the steam lines.
The railroads in Los Angeles be
gan calling their men back o work
early today but none repored. rail
road officials said. Strikers there
held a meeting to discuss the an
(Contlnued on Page Four, Column Four.)
Mentions Pershing
for Next President
in Speech in House
Washington, Aug. 28. First men
tion in congress of General Per
shing for president was made
Thursday during a debate by Rep
resentative Campbell, democrat,
Pennsylvania, who said "the xoun
try cannot pay too great arrhonor
to him."
''I would like to see the people of
thjs country and this house put
aside our partisanship, our adher
ence to democracy and republican
ism" declared Mr. Campbell, "and
make him the unanimous' choice of
the conventions that assemble next
year and elect him president of the
United Staes." t
General Pershing will undoubedly
be given an official welcome home
at a joint session of congress, lead
ers said. A resolution providing
that the speaker of the house ap
point a commitee to meet with a
similar committee from the tnate
to bo on fishing -
mm fit
- 1 sf
Ole Hanson.
"I Am Tired Out," Ole Hanson
Said, in Statement Ac7
companying Resignation.
ed' national fame asa result of his
stand for Americanism during the
general strike here last February,
presented his resignation to the
city council at 1:30 o'clock Thurs
day. It was accepted immediately.
"It, am tired out and am going
fishing," he said in a statement ac
companying the resignation.
"I have no political plans for the
future," Hanson asserted when ask
ed about rumors that he might be
a candidate for the republican nom
ination for vice president.
C. B. Fitzgerald, city councilman,
was elected by the council to suc
ceed Mayor Hanson. Fitzgerald
had Hanson's support for the post.
Hugh Caldwell, corporation coun
sel, received three votes for the of
fice. Fitzgerald received five.'
President Will Start Next
Wednesday on 25 Days' .
Speaking Tour.
- ..... in .in. . -
Washington, Aug. 28 President
'Wilson will leave WashingAn next
Wednesday on a tour of tne country
to give an account to the people of
the negotiation of the treaty of Ver
sailles. Secretary Tumulty made this an
nouncement, finally putting at rest
rumors current during the past few
weeks that the proposed trip, which
would take the president to the Pa
cific coast, had been abandoned.
The trip will occupy 25 days, and
speeches appealing for the immedi
ate ratification of the peace treaty
without change will be made in the
principal cities of the west.
The opening address, Secretary
Tumulty said, will be at Columbus,
O., next Thursday, probably in the
Eleventh Hour Changes.
Eleventh ,hour changes by Presi
dent Wilson prevented announce
ment of the completed itinerary as
had been planned. White House of
ficials worked far into the night
completing the details of the. tour,
but when it was sent to the president
he made slight changes that neces
sitated reconstructing the entire
route. Announcement will, there
fore be made Friday, Secretary Tu
multy said.
Some of the stops enroute to the
Pacific coast have become known
and, according to the best informa
tion available, the second speech
will be made at Indianapolis, fol
lowed by speeches at St. Louis,
Kansas City and Topeka, in the or
der named. From the latter city
the presidential party will go to
Omaha,' thence to Sioux Falls. S.
D.; St. Paul or Minneapolis and
Bismarck, N. D.
Train Speeches Likely.
Then will follow speeches at
Billings and Helena, Mont; Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho; Spokane, possibly
Seattle; Portland, San Francisco.
Los Angeles a n r San Diego.
Speeches may be made from the
train between these cities, but it "is
known the president is opposed to
making open air addresses.
Returning from the Pacific coast
the belief is that stops will be made
at Reno, Nev.; Salt Lake City, Den
ver and Oklahoma City, thence
south and eastward, probably to
Louisville,. Ky. It is not believed
the president will go very far into
the southwestern and southern
states, however.
Railroads Upheld in -Oil
Lands Controversy
Los Angeles, Aug. 28. Holding
that the evidence of fraud was inconclusive,-Judge
Benjamin F. Bledt
soe, ih the United States district
court, dismissed six consolidated
suits filed by the government against
the Southern Pacific comoanv and
221 other companies and individuals.
Legislative Council of Train
men's Shop Crafts Allows
President Stipulated Time to
Make Good on Promises.
Breathing Space Given Palmer
and Assistants to Take Infla
tionJJut of Prices and Punish
Hoarders and Profiteers.
seekinn to have set aside natenti in
to arrange the welcoming session, valuable oil lands in the San joa
was adopted by the house today ' I quin valley. i
Washington, Aug. 28. (By The
Associated Press.) Industrial peace
in the United States, according to .
the legislative council of the rail-,
road shop crafts, depends on the re
sults -4lie government can show ins
the next 90 days in its campaign to
reduce the cost of living.
That time limit was tacitly set
today by the council in suggesting
to" union locals throughout the -country
that president Wilson's
compromise offer in. response to -their
demand for higher wages
should be accepted pending the out
come of the effort to restore a nor-
mal price level.
If the cost of living does not come,
down the 500,000 members of the
shop crafts would reserve the right
tot strike for more money,-and with
them probably would be associated
the remainder of -the 2,500,000 rail--road
employes, alt of whom have
been considering the same problem.
Uneasiness Composed. "
Tbe letter of the 'executive Coun
cil served to compose somewhat the
uneasiness felt in official circles over
the immediate labor situation and to
focus attention on the legal meas-.
ures being directed by Attorney
General Palmer and' his assistant,
Judge Ames, to take the inflation
out of prices, to punish hoarders
and profiteers. , '
"In our opinion," the letter said,
"the next 90 days will bring the en
tire situation to a head and if a
strike is to take place every class
ofi railroad employes should be will-'
ing to join in the movement, share
their full measure of responsibility
and -not leave the issue to be de
cided y the 22 per cent of the rail-"
road employes represented, by the,
federated trades."
Some Apprehension. :
Apprehension was evident, how--ever,
both in the letter and in'Ahe :
conversation of the international of
ficerst, that the men might hot- be
willing to accept the suggestion that
the question of a strike be left in
the hands of the executive council '
and a suspension of work to be or
dered only after a "reasonable time"
had made it clear that such a atep
was" necessary to afford relief. The
letter said the proposal was certain
to draw criticisms from individuals
"who have not as yet indicated a de- -sire
to listen to reason," and that it
was conceivable some men would
want to rush into a strike now?
Officers of the unions declined to
hazard a guess whether the advice ;
would prevail, but hoped that the ,
more moderate element would dom-
inate the deliberations. .' -
Wants Some Convictions. -Attorney
General Palmer had said
that a few convictions for flagrant'
cases of profiteering and hoarding
would end the trouble within 60 4
days. In order to obtain: criminal '
convictions for such persons,, whom '
the administration - believes to' be
guilty of bringing the country into
more serious danger even than' the
war with Germany, amendment to
the food control law now pending in
congress is necessary. The legisla
tion to impose $5,000 fine or two s
years' imprisonment or both for vio
lations of the law has been reported
out in both house and senate, but
neither has acted on it.
Gompers Takes Hold ,
of Restless Labor
Situation. Promptly
Washington,- Aug. 28. Samuel
Gompers took immediate hold of
the restless labor situation on hi'
return to American Federation- of
Labor headquarters from Europe;
. Closeted all day with the executive
council of the federation, Mr. Gom
pers declined to make any state
ment as . to what course would be
pursued in Mealing with the many
problems pressing for attention. In
the case of the steel workers, their r
committee; after conferring with Mr.
Gompers, made public a letter to El
bert H. Gary, of the U. S. Steel cor
poration, notifying him that a strike
would be called unless an interview
was eranted the union rrnresmti."
tives within the time limit previous
ly nxca. i -
Officers of the railway shopmen
unions talked over thpir ui Aa
mands and the administration's com
promise otter with the federauA
-f -