Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1919, Image 1

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The . Omaha Daily Be
The loud lamenting of a calf put
a sudden end to an impassioned bit
of oratory in the superior court in
Council Bluffs yesterday.
The court occupies the coun
:i! chamber in the city building and
the calf was occupying a truck in
the alley immediately beneath the
open windows of the court room.
The case on trial was the suit of
'red B. Peterson against the Non
pareil Publishing company growing
out of an automobile accident. At
torney Dickson was representing
the plaintiff and D. E. Stuart the
Attorney Dickson had drawn out
fine point of law and was arguing j
t with fiery impetuosity, address
ing his remarks chiefly to Attor- '
i.ey Stuart. He had reached a criti- :
cal point and had paused with his
finger pointing at Stuart. There was
intense stillness in the court room.
"What is your answer to that?
There can only be one answer," the
voung lawyer shouted.
"Ba-a-al Ba-ah-ah-ah !" the calf
Judge Capell almost fell of the
bench. The jury screamed and
everybody in the court room, was
convulsed W'ith laughter. The at
torney sat down without another
word and the argument was ended.
The court had to order a recess be
fore the trial could proceed.
VOL. 49 NO. 49.
Eat.r4 Mwnd ctan nattw Miy It, 1906, l
Oath P. 0. aadw ct of Kirch 3. 1879.
By Mall (I yur). Dally. 4.M:ar. S2.30:
Dally tad Sua., MM; outllda ItaaT aaatai antra.
Fair and continued warm Thurs
day: Friday partly cloudy and
cooler, possibly local thunder
showers in east portion.
Hourly trmiu'raturti:
& 64 1..... 1
6.1 I M
7 '! I : .H
n 64 ; 4 66
t 67 M
10 7I i 6
II 74 I 7 M
It 7 I , IS
Nebraska Representatives
Make Fight for Bill to
License Foreign Potash
Judge Kinkaid Takes Exception to Statement of Lang
ford of Georgia That Domestic Product is Not Up
to Standard of German Mines Says People Who
Invested Money Are Entitled to Protection.
Washington. Aug. 1 J. (Special
Telegram.) In looking over the
settlement of allotments of claims
of returned soldiers Congressman
Jefferis came across some remarka
ble figures in the war risk bureau.
He had presented a claim on behalf
of A. N. Anderson of Omaha, first
name and number of enlistment not
giver.. The officer in charge in
looking uo the matter found that
there were over 100,000 Andersons
on the rolls and that "A. N. Ander
sor" i an into the hundreds. At an
other time it was discovered that
there were more than .100.000
Smiths on the rolls and that 125,000
were named John Smith.
London, Aug. 1.3. W. H. Apple
ton, chairman of "America's tribute
to British merchant seamen", in
augurated a campaign to raise
among the Americans in England
$5,000,000 of the $50,000,000 which
it i expected will be gathered from
Americans throughout the world,
with a luncheon at which Joseph
Havelock Wilson and Sir Edward
Nicholl, presidents of the British
Merchants' and Seamen's league,
were the principal guests. Mr. Ap
pleton explained the project and
read a message from President Wil
son endorsing it.
Sir Edward Nicholl created a rip
ple, of surprise in his reference to
the tribute to British seamen when
he bluntly said:
"America ought to do it, because
Americans have collared most of the
Sir Edward paused, noticing the
profound silence of the listeners,
and then added:
"By right, I suppose. Anyhow,
the Americans have benefitted to a
large extent in securing shipping."
Salt Lake City. Utah, Aug. 13.
Ray G. Craig, 28, of Los Angeles,
is under arrest here. Craig is al
leged by the police to have forged a
number of checks. He is, also said
to- be the long-sought heir to a
51,000,000 estate in Ireland.
Tilton, N. H., Aug. 1.3. Henry
Ford, wfto is visiting here with
Thomas A. Edison, the noted in
ventor, appeared in a new role Tues
day when he acted as a self-constituted
conciliator in the Tilton cap
ital employes' strike.
Ford circulated among the strik
ers. He expressed belief that their
pay should be increased but urged
them to return to work and sub
mit their demands to arbitration.
Boston, Mass., Aug. 1.1. Shoes
retailing from $6 to $7 a pair are a
drug on the market, according to
witnesses who appeared at the
grand jury investigation of the high
cost of living. They testified that
customers demand a more expensive
grade and that as a result profits
have to be made on the finer grades
of leather, while there is no call for
parts X)f hides formerly used for
manufacturing cheaper shoes.
The needs of foreign governments
after the war began and the in
creased demand for shoes after
America became a party to the con
ilict were among the causes of the
increases' in price, according to
other witnesses. Tanners and manu
facturers, it was claimed, were all
anxious to have prices drop.
Leadville. Colo., Aug. 13. James
Carnegie, who says he is a nephew
of Andrew Carnegie, wilt" not be
'among the mourners at the funeral
of the celebrated steel .magnate.
The aged musician, who for years
earned a livlihood by playing in
dance halls in the west and Alaska
in the earlv days, received the news
of his uncle's death with little inter
est. "When I came to this country,
he said. "Andy gave me a job in the
steel mills, but in the great strike
at Homestead I preferred to stay
with the men and as a result lost
mv position."
He lives almost a hermit life in a
little cabin on the edge of town.
OF $50,000 IN BILLS.
Edmonton, Alta.. Aug 13. Fifty
thousand dollars in paper currency,
in registered parcel post, was stolen
from the postoffice here between
Saturday and Tuesday morning, it
was said. The money was cousigned
t9 I local bank,
Republicans Who Advocate
Reservations Practically As
sured of Democratic Assent
to Their Program.
Both Parties Insist That Public
Sentiment Demands Dispo
sition of League Pact With
out Further Delay.
Washington. Aug. 13. (By The
ssociated Press.) The trend to
ward agreement on reservations in
the peace treaty reached the stage
todav where the group of republi
can "senators advocating reserya
.ions received assurances which
thev accepted as guaranteeing dem
ocratic assent to their program.
Word reached members of the
group, it was stated, that as soon
as they could pledge a score of re
tublican votes for reservations to
the league of nations covenant along
the lie recently agreed on by seven
republican senators, the" administra
tion forces in the senate would be
willing to line up on that basis for
ratification of the treaty.
There was an intimation also that
the reservationists had reason to be
lieve their ranks eventually would
include Senator Lodge, chairman of
'.he Foreign relations committee and
republican leader of the senate.
Twenty republicans, it was de
c'arcd, would be enough with the
administration democrats to make
:ip the two-thirds necessary for rat
ification. The program on which
it is sought to unite these elements
contemplates reservations to further
protect the Monroe doctrine, to in
sure domestic control over domes
tic questions, to amplify the right of
withdrawal and to fortify the power
of congress to decide questions of
peace or war under Article X.
Hitchcock Not Spokesman.
It was declared the information
that democrats were in a receptive
mood toward, such a proposal did
not come from Senator Hitchcock
of Nebraska the administration
leader, but from a source considered
entirely authoritative. The Ne
braska senator himself denied that
he had taken part in any such ne
gotiations and said his advocacy of
unreserved ratification remained un
altered. Mr. Lodge also denied that
tie had given assent to the proposed
Meantime, however, at a meeting
of the foreign relations committee.
Senator Hitchcock gave notice that
unless the committee completed
without undue delay its considera
tion of the treatv. some independent
action might be expected on the
floor of the senate. In the sugges
tion for speedv action ' Chairman
Lodge concurred, and the upshot of
a neatecl discussion was an an
nouncement that the committee
would begin tomorrow the consid
eration of proposed amendments.
Although Senator Hitchcok said
no definite plan for independent
senate action had been formulated,
it is known that the possibility of
taking the treaty away from the
committee and bringing is to a vote
has been discussed informally in
many conferences among senators.
Both the democrats and the reserva
tion republicans have been insist
ent that public sentiment demanded
disposition of the treatv without de
lay. End of Fight in Sight.
Among many senators the day's
developments were interpreted as
marking the beginning of the end of
(Continued on Pare Two Column One.)
Spain Faces Crisis;
Cabinet Threatens
To Resign Thursday
Madrid, Aug. 1.3. A ministerial
crisis is impending in Spain and the
government has summoned all ab
sent deputies to Madrid. The fate
of the present cabinet is expected
to be determined at the meeting on
The statement given out late last
night at the premier's office said:
"The government has completed
the task for which it was created.
It passed the measures for the
budget and that regulating the eco
nomic situation. It -will give full
liberty to the royal prerogative at
the next meeting on Thursday. The
monarch and the general opinion
will decide the cabinet's fate.
Suit to Dissolve Cement
Combination Announced
Washington, Aug. 13. A suit in
equity to dissolve "the cement com
bination" is announced by Attorney
Genera' Palmer. The action is to
I brought in the district of New
Jersey against 19 individual capital-
Staff Correspondent of The Omaha
Washington, D. C, Aug. 13.
(.Special Telegram.) Potash, essen
tial to the farmers of the south and
the west, held the stage Wednesday
:n the house. Representative l.ang
lord of Georgia, started the discus
sion en the merits of domestic pot
ash and the foreign article by in
sisting that biils now pending in the
way., and means committee for li
censing the domestic product should
he killed, as the domestic product in
purity and strength was inferior to
th . German product.
Judge Kinkaid of the Sixth Ne
braska district, in whose bailiwick
the potash lakes are located, took
exception to the statement of the
Georelan and championed the out
put of potassium salts in his district
as comparing most favorably with
that of the mines af Alsace, insisting
thai, the Nebraska potash was just
as ricr in fertilizer content per hun
dred pounds as the German product
now under French control. "Uncle
Mose' came out flat-footed for a
licencing system, insisting that the
people, not only in his state, but
other states, who had invested their
money in the building up of a war
necessity had a right to be protect
ed in what was essentially an infant
industry and make the domestic arti
cle independent.
McLaughlin Wants Licensing.
Representative McLaughlin of
York, a member of the agricultural
committee of the house was given
close attention as he took up the
cudgels for licensing the output of
domestic potash for a short time,
therebv saving to the domestic pro
ducers" $50,000,000 which the citizens
of the United States had put into
potash production at the earnest so
licitation of the war board.
Mr. McLaughlin said that the sup
ply of potash in this country, ac
cording to reports of the United
States geological survey and sub
stantiated by many university chem-
ists from different states, was prac
i tically inexhaustible and that Searles
lake alone has 12 square miles of
I potash deposits, enough to supply
j the United States on its present
I basis of consumption for 80 years
I and that while the supply in the
Nebraska lakes is not fully known,
it was believed to be even greater
than that of Searles lake in Utah.
"In this developing our own pot
ash industries," said the representa
tive from the Fourth District, "by
using our own supplies we are also
making use of American labor in
its production instead of allowing
our recent enemy to dump in on
the country vast supplies of potash
mined in Germany by prison labor
during the very time in which we
were engaged in the war.
, Many People Affected
"In Nebraska, alone, two towns,
Hofland and Antioch, aggregating a
population of 3,000 people, have
been established by the potash in
dustry. Lakeside has grown from a
mere elevator station to a village
of 1,000 people. 1,500 people are
employed in potash development
in my state alone, and as'the indus
try grows throughout the Ration
multipled thousands of laborers wi'l
be profitably employed in producing
this great national necessity.
"It is enough for us to know that
by providing temporary protection
for the potash industry we are sav
ing to patriotic investors $50,000,000,
making possible the speedy deyelop
ment of a potash supply that will
take care of the needs of our coun
try for all future time, and that we
are thus rendering ourselves inde
pendent of any other country that
would seek to handicap us by con
trolling a great industry necessary
to our food production, either tn
time of peacg or war. It is hoped
the members of this congress will
not be so near sighted as to fail to
see the justice of this provision and
the tremendous future of the potash
industry of America that hinges en
tirely on the result of our attitude
toward this pending legislation.
Five Principals Walk Out i Driver of Car Which Killed
Just Before Rise of j Mrs. Margaret Gedultig
Curtain. i Arrested.
New York, Aug. 13. (By The
Associated Press.) Striking actors
tonight closed their twelfth theater
The New Amsterdam, where Zieg
feld's Follies was billed, was filled
when announcement was made that
five principals Eddie Cantor, John
Dooley, Gus Van, Joseph Schenck
and Phil Dwyer all members of the
Actors' Equity association, had
walked out. Their action followed
revocation today by Supreme Court
Justice Lydon of an injunction ob
tained by Florence Ziegfeld re
straining "unionists" from "inter
fering with" his production by step
ping from the cast.
Overtures lor a conference be
tween the striking actors and the
Producing Managers' Protective as
sociation have been received by the
attorney for the managers from the
attorney for the actors.
The Actors' Equity association
announced that delegates from the
Milkmen's union, Barbers' union
and United Mine Workers pledged
their support. The Barbers' union,
said the announcement, had notified
members that any who attended a
performance in a theater where
actors were on strike would be fined
$5. The barbers' delegate told the
meeting union barbers along Broad
way were refusing to shave actors
who could not produce union cards.
Temporary Truce.
Chicago, Aug. 13 A truce was
declared in the actors' strike which
Tuesday night closed the Cort the
ater and Cohan's Grand opera
house and threatened to spread to
other playhouses.
Following the application to the
courts for an injunction by A. H.
Woods, proprietor of Woods' the
ater, seeking to restrain the com
pany playing "Up in Mabel's Room"
from going on strike, both sides
entered into an agreement to halt
hostilities pending hearing of the
injunction proceedings.
Taking of testimony in the hear
ing on the petition for an injunc
tion was begun before a master in
chancery and will be pushed to
If the injunction is denied, Frauds
Wilson, president of the actors' or
ganization, intimated the fight will
be renewed and every theater in
Chicago closed.
Off to Honolulu.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 13. Sec
retary Daniels departed for Hono
lulu this morning on the battleship
New York, accompanied by four
de - vers. No ceremonies marked
the sailing.
j Mrs. Margaret Gedultig, 76 years
I old, 4802 Farnam street, died at
!6:30 o'clock last evening in Lister
j hospital, following injuries received
i when she was struck by an automo
j bile at Sixteenth and Douglas
I streets yesterday morning.
I The car which struck Mrs. Gedul
i'ig was being driven by Allen Mc
Clare, negro, chauffeur for W. M.
Jetfers, general manager of the
Union Pacific railroad system. Mc
Clare was arrested and booked at
Central police station for investiga
tion. Mrs. Grant Williams, daughter of
Mrs. Gedultig, was near the scene
of the accident and was attracted by
the crowd, but did not know that
the person injured was her mother
until shown her purse and hat.
. McClare said that he had waited
for a street car to move on, nd
when Traffiic Officer Brigham sig
nalled him to pass his engine stalled
and then suddenly shot ahead.
Brigham said he signalled McClare
to cross, but added that McCJare
was "going too fast".
An inquest will be held at the
Brailey & Dorrence undertaking
parlors at 10 o'clock this morning.
Mrs. Oedultig was a pioneer resi
dent of Omaha, having lived in the
city more than 50 years. She is
survived by three daughters, Mrs.
H. L. Loring, Mrs. Clair Olmstead
and Mrs. Grant Williams.
Armed Forces of Austria
Protest Against Monarchy
Berlin. Aug. 13. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) It is reported from
Vienna that the entire armed forces
of Austria are protesting against
alleged efforts to establish a mon
archy. The soldiers in a demonstra
tion before the parliament building
demanded that the republican form
of government be obtained. There
were similar demonstrations in the
country districts.
The Hungarian public prosecutor
has issued an announcement that
proceedings wilt be begun against
all individuals charged with crimes
during the Bela Kun dictatorship
and that steps have already been
taken for their arrest and extradi
tion, according to advices from
Budapest. .
Winnipeg Labor Leaders
Committed for Trial
Winnipeg, Man.. Aug. 13. Eight
Winnipeg strike leaders were for
mally committed for trial at the
November assizes by Magistrate R.
M. Nolle, on the charge of seditious
House of Commons Votes to
Empower Board of Trade,
After Investigation, to Name
Wholesale and Retail Figures.
Peace Questions Bringing
Lord Grey as Ambassador
To U. S., Bonar Law says
These Questions Understood in Washington to Include
Readjustment of Complicated Financial Relations
Between Britain and America New Envoy
Always Supporter of League of Nations Idea.
One Liberal Says Amendment
Savors of "Rank Socialism of
the Most Muddled Kind"
Amazes Lord Cecil.
London, Aug. 13. (By The As
sociated Press.) The house of
commons this evening, after heated
debate, adopted an amendment to
the profiteering bill empowering
the Board of Trade, after an investi
gation, to fix wholesale and retail
prices. The vote was 132 to 95.
The amendment was denounced,
among others, by Lord Robert
Cecil,-former minister of war trade,
who expressed amazement that the
government should accept "an
amendment destroying the whole
basis of the bill and revolutionizing
the trade of the country.'
Sir Donald MacLean, a liberal
member, also denounced the amend
ment, characterizing it as "rank so
cialism of the most muddled kind."
Aim to Starve Paris.
Paris, Aug. 13. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The government is
invpetityatinor flip nricin nf and the
real motive for sending yesterday
1,000 telegrams, addressed presum
ably by commission merchants to
producers in the country, advising
producers to cease shipments to
Paris. The telegraph employes, sus
picious of the significance of so
many telegrams of this character,
held up the messages. For this they,
vere officially blamed, but unoffi
cially praised by Premier Clemen
ceau, who took upon himself all the
In some quarters these telegrams
are taken as evidence of a plot by
merchant profiteers to attempt to
starve Paris in revenge for the ac
tion of the consumers' vigilance
committees and in the hope of
frightening 'both the authorities and
the consumers.
It was announced at the ministry
of commerce that if the investiga
tion shows concerted action among
commission merchants they will be
expelled from the central markets.
Outbreak Reported in Cedar,
Knox and Boyd Only
Cattle Affected.
Lincoln, Aug. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Anthrax has made its ap
pearance in Cedar and Knox coun
ties and reports coming to the office
of the state veterinarian indicate
that the disease. has spread to Boyd
In every case the cattle are quar
antined and every precaution taken
to keep the disease from spreading.
The report says that one man in
Boyd county has lost 12 head of
So far the disease has been con
fined entirely to cattle and no indi
cations that the disease has affected
other jmimals has been reported.
Robber Asks $150,000;
Fires at Cashier and
Gun on Himself
London; Aug. 13. (By the Asso
ciated Press. Lord Grey is con
senting to go to Washington' tem
porarily. Andrew Bonar Law, gov
ernment spokesman, said in the
House of Commons today, in order
to deal particularly with questions
arising out of the peace settlement.
Mr Bonar Law added thai a per
manent ambassador to the United
States would be appointed early
next year.
Commander Kenworthy asked
why Lord Grey was not appointed
permanently. In reply Mr. Bonar
Law said the government would
only be too glad if Lord Grey would
accep. a permanent post, but every
one who knew of the former secre
tary's disabilities would share in the
satisfaction over his present action.
Viscount Grey of Fallodon (Sir
Edward Grey) comes to the United
States to represent the British gov
ernment after a brilliant career as
head of the British foreign office.
For 11 years momentous in the po
litical affairs of Europe, he was sec
retary of state for foreign affairs
from December tl, 1905, to Decem
ber 11, 1916.
Tried to Prevent War.
O.. several occasions it was the
initiative of Sir Edward Grey that
caused the gathering clouds of war
to disappear. It was he who made
the last effort to prevent the-Europe?
n war when he urged the am
bassadors of the leading powers to
meet to discuss the' situation in an
attempt to put off hostilities. His
effort failed through the attitude of
the German government and the
German emperor.
Gladstone, under whom Sir Ed
.vard served in his younger days,
described him thus:
"I never knew in a man such ap
titude for political life and such dis
inclination for it."
Since his retiremenf from the for
eign office Viscount Grey has been
living in Northumberland. The new
ambassador's eyes began to trouble
him in 1918 and at one time it was
reported he was blind. This report
was erroneous, but the viscount has
difficulty in reading, although his
eye trouble has improved some
what. Vacant Since Reading Left.
The ambassadorial post at Wash
ington has been vacant since the de
parture last spring of tfie Earl of
Reading, who has resumed his of
fice as lord chief justice of Eng
land. A liberal in politics, Viscount
Grey sat in the house of commons
from 1885 to W16. From 1892 to
1895 he was under-secretary of state
for foreign affairs under the Earl
of Roseberry. The new British rep
resentative was born April 25, 1862,
and succeeded to the baronetcy on
the death of his grandfather in 1882.
his father, Capt. George Henry
Grey, having died previously.
Viscount Grey has always sup
ported the idea of a league of na
tions. Last December he headed
the delegation of the British league
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
$15,000 FOUND
Raid by State Agent Samardick
on Charles Lewis' Resi
dence Nets Varied
Fifteen thousand dollars worth of
choice wines and whisky were seized
last night by State Agent Robert P.
Samardick and the morals squad at
the home of Charles Lewis, ex
saloon keeper, 1030 South Thirtieth
avenue. Lewis was arrested and
charged with illegal possession of
liquor. He was later released under
$300 cash bond.
According to Samardick, it was the
largest haul ever made in Omaha.
The contraband contains a varied
assortment of some 80 brands in all
sorts of containers, jugs, pints,
quarts and cases.
Lewis had the liquor stored in
his basement. The raid was made
at 8 o'clock on a search warrant. A
summary estimate of the liquor
seized was placed at more than 50
cases of bottled wine and whisky
and several dozen kegs.
Samardick says liquor from Lewis'
stock has '..een peddled to dance
halls in neighboring small towns re
cently by a man driving a Ford car.
Some of the ll'u seized last nigh'
bore before-pi ohibition stamps, ac
cording to the police, but most of it
was unmarked. Some cases were
tagged "April, 1919," Samardick
Washington. Aug. 13. A hold-up
man, entering the banking room of
the Munsey Trust company in the
heart of the Pennsylvania avenue
section today, pointed two pistols at
a teller, demanded $150,000 and then
after firing one shot at a clerk,
turned a pistol on himself. He shot
himself in the jaw and was taken
to a hospital.
The man told the police his name
was John E. Fetzer of Defiance. O
The man is a mechanic. 34 years ofd.
He came here todav from New
York. The man also said he picked out
Washington because he understood
there was plenty of money in the
capital and that a hold-up was easy.
The hospital physicians said he
probably would recover.
Capt. Castle Dead.
Washington, Aug. 13. Capt. Guy
W. S. Castle, commanding officer
of the transport Martha Washing
ton, is dead at Brest. France, the
Navy department learns. Captain
Castle died on board his ship He
was appointed in 1897 to the naval
academy from Wise
Russ Monarchists Offer
Throne to Romanowsky
of the Romanoff Family
London, Aug. 13. A bolshevik
wireless message received here as
serts that, after a meeting of Rus
sian monarchists in Siberia, the Rus
s;an throne was offered to the Duke
of Romanowsky, a member of the
cidet, or younger branch of the
Romanoff family, headed by former
Emperor Nicholas. The dispatch
adds that the duke accepted the offer.
The Duke of Romanowsky re
ferred to probably is Prince Alex
ander Romanowsky, head of the
house of Beauharnais and son of the
I rite Duke Georges Maximiliano
vitch and Theres, duches of Olden
burg. He also bears the title of
Duke of Leuchtenberg. Prince
Alexarder is 39 vears old.
Letts Arrange Loan of
$60,000,000 in America
London, Aug. 13. A Russian
soviet government wireless dispatch
from Moncow states that the Let
tish government has arranged a
loan of $60,000,000 in America. The
loan is to pay for food received front
the allies, the dispatch says.
Kerensky in Vienna.
Basel, Aug. 13. Alexander Keren
sky, former premier and minister of
war in Russia, is in Vienna, accord
ing to the Frankfort Zeitung. a copy
I of which has been received here.
Score of Others Cut and
Bruised Governor Dis
patches Troops to
Springfield, 111., Aug. 14. Gov-.
.Frank Lowden has ordered the
Tenth Illinois infantry, com
manded by Col. O. P. Yeager of
Danville, to Peoria for riot duty.
This morning it was reported
that three severe blasts occurred
within the plant. The blasts could
be heard for several miles, but the
extent of the damage could not be
Peoria, Aug. 13. Three persons
were shot and seriously wounded
and a score of other persons re
ceived cuts and bruises when several
hundred strikers and sympathizers
charged the Keystone Wire and
Steel company's plant in South Bar
tonville five miles from this city
Wednesday night.
A handful of deputy sheriffs, who
have been guarding the plant" where
a strike of 800 workers has been in
progress for several weeks, fought
off the rioters, returning volley for
volley. Iate Wednesday night it
was believed the worst of the storm
had passed.
The seriously wounded are Reu
ben Sommers and Alvin Sommers,
who are connected with the firm,
and a night watchman who was shot
:n the back by snipers. The Som
mers were fired upon several times.
Sporadic outbreaks continued
throughout the day and resulted in
the wounding of two strikers who
had fired oi the deputies.
The first outbreak came when a
truckload of strikebreakers were
carried to the plant under protec
tion of deputy sheriffs.
The principal outbreak followed
the shooting of a woman by a sniper
rear the plant. She was only
silghtly injured. Later a truck
load of strikebreakers approached
the plant and firing was renewed.
Minor outbreaks started eight
weeks ago when the company em
p'oyes struck for higher wages and
a closed shop. VVage increases
were granted, but the company re
used to recognize the union and
for a time the plant was closed
PAYS $500
Retail Grocer Penalized at
Binghamton, N. Y., Under
Federal Statute for Selling
Sugar at 15 Cents a Pound.
Tinoco Leaves Costa Rica;
Brother Is Assassinated
Washington, Aug. 13. President
Tinoco has left Costa Rica. This
information reached the State de
partment Wednesday, but details
have not yet been received.
Joaquin Tinoco, brother of the
resident of Cota Rica, was assassi
nated August 10, according to re
ports to the State department. N'o
details were given.
Decorators to Strike.
New York, Aug. 13. A strike of
12.000 interior decorators was called
here today, threatening to prevent
tho general autumn renovation of
hundreds of apartments.
Palmer Asks Legislation That
Would Extend Food Control
Act to Cover Clothing and
Containers of Foods.
Washington. Aug. 13 (By the
Associated Press) Important new
developments in the government's
fight to reduce the high cost of
living came today.
One of the most interesting was
the announcement by Attorney
General IV'mer that the first fed
eral conviction for profiteering had
been obtained. District Attorney -Lucey
telegraphed from Bingham
ton, N. Y. that a retail grocer had
been fined $500 for selling sugar t
15 cents a pound. No details were
given and the law under which the -case
was brought was not known
"A few good cases of piofiteering
in each state will settle that trouble" '
Mr. Palmar remarked.
In order to bring to book persons
guilty of raising prices exorbitant
ly or hoarding food to advance
prices, Mr. Palmer submitted to
the agricultural committees of con
gress the draft of an amendment to
the food control act extending its
provisions to clothing and contain-,
ers of foods and feeds.and providing
a penalty of $5,000 fine or two years
iinpi lauiiiiiciu ui uuill lur V1UIBHUII
of the law. Chairman Haugen, of"
the house committee announced the
amendment would be considered
immediatly by a sub-committee and
that a report might be made to
morrow. It is Mr. Palmer's idea that this
before taking up other amendments
suggested by President Wilson to
pvtpni.tliA fffpftivA tif n ( tUm (nrtA
control act beyond the war period.
Ask Appropriations.
Three cabinet officers asked spe
cial appropriations from congress
for the campaign against inflated
price';. Secretary Redfield request
ed $410,000 for the, work of the bur-
f , r 14
eau oi standards m assuring fuu
weight and measures of the bureau
of fisheries in introducing new fish
foods. Secretary Wilson asked for
$475,000 for the employment of spe
cial agents and others and Mr.
Palmer, requested $1,000,000 for the
bureau of investigation and for the
expenses of the state food adminis
tration assisting the Department of
Justice. ,
Another $200,000 was asked for suits. especially that
against the five big packing compan
ies. The attorney general also wants
$300,000 for other work of the de
partment, not directly connected
with the living problem, such as the
enforcement of wartime prohibition,
prosecution of appeals and hiring of
special assistants.
Want "Red Tape" Cut.
Asked today if he had any reports
indicating sufficient food held in
storage to affect prices materially,
if released, Mr. Palmer revealed -that
a number of governors had appealed
to him to cut "red tape" in forcing
on the market "amazing quantities"
of foodstuffs now in storage. In
some cases it was said. the food has
been held longer than permitted
by state laws, but technicalities re
garding interstate commerce had
prevented the governors from un
dertaking seizure or prosecutions.
Mr. Palmer ordered all district at
torneys to assist the governors.
Reports of excessive stocks of
(Continued nn Huge Two, Column Poor.)
Veteran Sub Chasers
to Leave Bermuda
on Kace to botham
Washington, Aug. 13. Six sub
marine chasers, veterans of th
U-boat campaigns in the North se
and the Adriatic, will leave Bermuda
Thursday and race to New York.'
The race will be under service
conditions and an effort will be
r.ade to lower the Bermuda-to-New
York record for gasoline vessels of
W hours Naval officers expect the
chasers to lower this record to
about 72 hours. The .distance is
about 700 miles. Officials of the
'ew York Yacht club will act as
jiidges. .
The craft are the 129 and 324, both
of which took part in the naval
operations that resulted in the de
struction of the Austrian naval base
at Durazzo in 1918, the 12) credited
with sinkinc a German submarine
and the 90, 137. 217 and ,5I. The
ti'g Ontario will accompany the
chasers and will end wireless rt
ports of the race