Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Pound Meadows in First and
Fourth, Though Indians
Get One More
Sioux City, la., Aug. 12. Sioux
City hunched hits off Meadows and
won from Oklahoma City, 4 to 2.
sioux city-. Oklahoma city.
Moran. 3b 8 10 PiMnd'or. 3b a 2 0 (
0 4 O'Grlirrs. lb 4
1 1 0 Flk. If
0 I VTnnr,
0 0 OPItt. rf
3 J O'Orlffln, cf
flo'dwln, b 3
IWnte.M 3
Wlfr. rf 3
Moan. If 3
Rob'son, rf
Brokaw, lb 4 113 llOrlfflth. c
Klffort, c
Fletcher, p
0 4 O'Palmcr, lb
0 0 0'Ramsay
Meadowa, p
Totals 29 3 27 1! Totala 31 9 34 1
Batted for Palmer In ninth.
Sioux City I 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 x4
Oklahoma City 0 1 9 0 1 0 0 0 02
Twobaaa tilts: Tanner. Mnran. Brok
aw, Roblnaon. Sacrifice hit: Goodwin.
Hartiflce fliea: Walker, Griffith. I,eft on Sioux City. 7; Oklahoma City, 7.
Huaea on balle: Off Fletcher. 3; off
Meadows. 4. Struck out: By Fletcher.
3: by Meadows. 4. Hits and earned
me: Off Fletcher, hits. 3 runs; off
W-adows, 8 hits, 4 runs. Double plays:
efate to Goodwin to Brokaw, (3): Walker
-O Brokaw. Time: 1:50. X'mpires:
Jacobs and McGlnnls.
St. Joseph Blanks Joplin
in First Game of Series
Si Joseph, Mo., Aug. 12. St.
Joseph Shutout Joplin in the first
game of the series today, 3 to 0.
Tho son, 3b 3 1 0 0 Jackson, cf 6 2 2
0 8 1 Hg-rave. 2b 3
1 1 0 Kelleher. ss 5
0 7 I'Butcher. If 2
1 I 0 Sono'ltj, rf 4
1 1 3 B baker. 3b 1
Clayb'k. lb 3 0 10 0iRll, lb 4
Br'dt. 2b-ss 3 1 0 liSheltak, c 4
0 1 OiRose, p 4
Mutt, cf
Boehler, If
Collins, c
Hall, rf
I.anib, ss
Maple, p
2 0
0 1
1 1
1 1
1 IS
1 4
1 0
Totals 33 124 51 Totals 33 9 27 0
Joplin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph ooiniooi x 3
Three-bare hit: Keller. Two-bsse hit:
Bruhaker. Sacrifice hits: Boehler, Butch
er, Hare-ravs. Left on bases: St. Joseph.
11; Joplin, 6. Stolen bases: Hargrave,
Brubakar, Thompson. Double play: Kel
leher to Hargrave to Beall. Passed ball:
Collin. Hit by pitched boll: Claybrook,
by Rosls: Hargrave, by Maple. Earned runs:
St Joseph 2. Banes on balls: Off Rose,
2; off Mapel, 8. Struck out: By Rossjjj 4:
by Mapel. 6. Umpires: Shannon and
Meyers, Time: 1:40.
Local Bowling Assn.
Trying for Mid-West
Tournament This Year
Secretary Harry Eidson of the
Ow.aha Bowling association writes
in that the local organization is try
ing to land the big Midwest Bowl
ing tournament for Omaha this
year. Secretary Locker of the Na
tional association will be in Omaha
Sunday and Eidson would like to
have the bowlers meet him and in
duce him to give O.maha the Mid
west tourney. His letter follows:
"Screteary M. J. Locker of the
Midwest Bowing association will
be in Omaha I om Des Moines next
Sunday, August 17, to confer with
the local bowlers. in regard to the
next Midwest tournament, which is
held e.nch year some time in Novem
ber, the date to be decided later.
"This is a big event among the
bowlers and it will be held in Omaha
providing we can prove to Mr.
Locker that Omaha is the FroPer
place for it and that we will make a
success of it. It will bring 500 or
600 of the best bowlers from such
places as Minneapolis. St. Paul, Chi
cago. Peoria, Des Moines, Sioux
City, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joe,
Denver and numerous other smaller
places from all over this Midwest.
"We will have to raise an entry
in Oinaah of flom 75 to 100 two-men
teams, and it will Jake a lot of con
centrated work.
"Would like to get everybody
that is interested in any way to at
tend the meeting, which will be held
at the Omaha bowling alley at 11 a.
m. Sunday, August 17."
Marine Marksman Sets
New Mark for Speed
and Consecutive Hits
Caldwell, N. J., Aug. 12. A rec
ord of 45 consecutive "bull's-eyes"
at 600 yards, without telescopic
sights, was made here today by
Corp. Clarence P. Kennedy of the
marine corps rifle range detach
ment, Quantico, Va., in .the mem
bers' match of the National Rifle
association. Although a . perfect
score consisted of only 10 "bull's
eyes", Kennedy continued shooting
until he made a "four" on the 46th
shot. He averaged three shots a
minute, a speed record for the
match. ' " ,
Continued bad shooting weather
and a rain squall which blew up dur
ing the second 'relay, caused 200
contestants to drop out. Ten of
the 400 remaining entrants made
perfect scores, and nearly all con-,
tinued shooting in the hope of pass
ing the high mark made by Ken
nedy. But the nearest approach
was 21 consecutives. scored by J.
W. Hession of the New York Ath
letic club team, who won second
Exhibition Base Ball.
Harrisburg. Pa.. Aug. 1!.-
R. H. E.
.6 11
.6 9 4
St. Louis Nationals
Klein Chocolate
Batteries: Tuero and Clemons: Klein,
Melllnger. Harned and Trout.
Sprina-field. Mass.. Aug. 12 Pittsburgh
National league club defeated the
Springfield Eastern league team here to
dav in an exhibition game, 4 to 0.
Toledo. O-, Aug. 12. The Hail Lights
a local semi-professional base ball club,
pounded Fuer for six runs, one of which
was a four-has. hit. In the second Inning,
and the Washington American league
club was defeated In an exhibition game
here today, 1 to 5.
Syracuse, N. T.. Aug. 12 Tha Boston
Nationals defeated the Chicago Na
tcns. 4 to 3. In an exhibition game here
oday. The score: HtMMI 0 3 7 6
Joston IMM1M 14
Batteries: Carter and Daly; Oeschger
ind Gowdy.
Southern Association.
At T ittle Hock. (: Atlanta. .
At Memphis. J; New Orleans, 4.
At Chattanooga. 134 Mobil. 0. .
. At Nashville, It; Birmingham, .
Results and
Won. Lost. Pet.
, 61 43 .543
. 53 35 .536
. 50 4 .521
, (0 47 ,515
. 59 49 .505
. 47 4s .495
45 53 .45
40 55 .431
Yesterday's Result.
Wlchlta-Omaha; Rain.
Sioux City, 4: Oklahoma City, t.
St. Joseph 3; Joplin, 0.
Tulsa-Des Moines; wet grounds.
Game Today.
Wichita st Omaha.
Oklahoma City at Sioux City.
Joplin at St. Joseph.
Tulsa at Des Molnea.
Coveleskie Has Better of
Mound Duel With Mo
gridge, Yankees' Star
Won. Lost.
Cincinnati 31
New York 69 33
Chicago 52 43
Brooklyn 4S 60
Pittsburgh 46 50
Boston 37 54
Philadelphia 35 55
St. Louis 33 60
Yesterday's Results.
New York, 2: Brooklyn. 1.
Games Today.
Pittsburgh st Boston.
Cincinnati st New York.
.407 '
.355 1
Chicago at Brooklyn.
St. Louis at Philadelphia.
Won. Lost. Pet
Chicago 62 38 1620
Detroit 67 41 .682
Cleveland 66 43 .566
New York 63 44 .54(1
St. Louis 62 46 .636
Boston 46 53 .4ii4
Washington 40 60 .400
Philadelphia 27 69 .2S1
New York, Aug. 12. Cleveland
made it three qut of. four from New
York, winning the last game of the
series, 2 to 1. Covleskie had the
better of Mogridge in a pitcher's
battle. Mogridge weakened in the
sixth and Cleveland scored twice on
Graney's double, Chapman's sacri
fice, Speaker's single and steal, and
Harris single. Score:
Oraney. If 8
Chap'an. ss 3
Speaker, cf 4
Harris, lb 4
G'rdner. 3b 4
W'ba'ss, 2 b 4
Wood, rf 2
O'Neill, c 3
Cove'kle. p 3
0 OlFewster, ss
2 oivtck, rf
0'Baker. Sb
7 li'WIckland
0 llLewis. If
3 Oipipp. lb
1 OlPratt, 2b
4 OjBodle, cf
1 OiRuet, c
2 2 0
1 4 0
2 0 1
0 0 0
4 0 3
0 10
0 2
0 3
1 3
yesterday's Results.
Cleveland, 2: New York, 1.
Detroit, 9; Philadelphia, 6.
St. Louis, 10; Boston, 3.
Games Today.
Open date.
Won. Lost. Pet
St. Paul 63 32 .63
Indianapolis 63 40 .61 1
Louisville 68 46 .658
Kansas City 65 38 .534
Columbus 61 52 .495
Minneapolis 48 65 .466
Milwaukee 39 67 .368
Toledo 37 67 .356
Yesterday's Results.
St. Paul. 5: Louisville 2.
Kansas City. 6: Columbus. 3.
Indianapolis, 10-11; Milwaukee, 3-9.
Minneapolis, 6; Toledo, 3.
I Mogridge, p 2 0 0 0
Totals 30 5 27 2! Totals 29 6 27 0
Ran for Baker In ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Two-base hit: Graney. Stolen bases:
Speaker. Gardner. Sacrifice hits": Vtck.
Pratt, Plpp, Chapman, Mogrldste. Double
play: Speaker, O'Neill. Left on bases:
New York, 5: Cleveland. 4. Bases on
balls: Off Mogridge, 2. Struck out: By
Mogridge, 2, by Coveleskie, 2.
Browns Defeat Champs.
Boston. Aug. 12. St. Louis knocked
Jones out of the box today in the third
and won. 10 to 3. Although Boston hit
Shocker freely, he was effective with men
on buses. Score:
Jess Barnes Defeats Dodq-
ers, Making Tenth Consecu
tive Victory, Tieing
Mark of Shawkey.
Brooklyn, Aug. 12. Jess Barnes
won his tenth straight game for
New York today, equalling the sea
son's major league record held by
Shawkey. Barnes had a pitchers'
duel with Mitchell, the Giant's beat
ing, 2 to 1. Kauff prevented a tie
in the ninth by a great catch of
Wheat's long fly. Score:
Burns. If 5 10 OjOlson, ss 4 3 2 1
Young, rf 4 0 1 IiJohn'on. 2b 4
Fletcher, ss 4 2 4 OIGrifflth. rf 4
Doyle. 2b 4 13 iiiWheat, If 4
0 4 Oi Myers, cf 3
Kauff. cf 4
Zlm'an, 3b 4
Chasu, lb 4
Ooniales, c 4
Barnes, p 4
2 0 1
1 12 0:
0 3 0
1 0 0
Kon'chy, Jb 4f
Ward, 3b 3
Miller, c 3
Mitchell, p 3
2 1
1 3
1 0
0 13
0 2
0 4 0
0 0 1
Totals 37 8 27 2 Totals 33 7 27 4
New York 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Two-base hits: Burns, Fletcher. Stolen
bases: Fletcher, Doyle. Sacrifice hit:
Myers. Double plays: Fletcher to Chase;
Fletcher to Doyle. Left on bases: New
York, 8; Brooklyn, 6. Bases on balls: Off
Mitchell. 1. Struck out: By Barnes, 2:
by Mitchell. 2.
Golf Notes
Miller Park Golf Club.
Qualifying scores for championship:
Ben Yousen.. 72IO. W. Arnold
Seavey Hudson... 76Wm. Harton
Phil Kendall 77 R. E. Hobart
Chas. Dooley 79:F. H. Broadfield.
Bob Watson 80 John Sehlndler... 90
John McTaggert. 80Bob Malcolm 90
I F. Knee 80'M. E Lonr 90
Chas. Thlessen... 81A. R. Vohlkamp.. 91
Carl Fried 82! A. Procoplo 91
J. E. Merriam 82F,. A. Brown 91
C. A. Anderson... 82 Howard Judson. .. 92
Geo. Peacock 83A. R. Heltland... 93
w s. Blims 83IW. R. Wall 94
E. M. Tracy 83jF P. Brown 5
Bob Gait 85 C' M. Rice 95
A. D. Bland SB. H. Arnold 95
H. J. McCarthy.. 86
J. B. Fradenberg. 86
W. J. Hlslop 8
J. K. Ftnlayson.. 86
E. R. Burke 86
Joe Plqk.. 96
ueorge tiurst as
R. S Bartlett....l00
A. S. Gibson .104
W. Kelso...? 105
F. P. Larmon 88;Harry Ixard 106
First Flight.
Yousen plays Fried.
Watson plays Blinn.
Knee plays Gait.
Anderson plsys Kendall.
Hudson plays Merriam.
McTaggert plays Tracy.
Thlessen rlays Bland.
Peacock plays Dooley.
Second Flight.
McCarthy plays Hobart
Burke plays Long.
G. W. Arnold plays Procoplo
Sehlndler plays Hlslop.
Fradenberg plays Broadfield.
Larmon plays Vohlkamp.
Horton plays E. A. Brown.
Bob Malcolm plays J. K. Ftnlayson.
Third Flight.
Judson plays Hurst.
F. P. Brown plays Taard.
8. H. Arnold plays Bye.
Gibson plays Heltland.
Rod Malcolm plays Bartlet:
Rice plays Bye.
Bye plays Pick.
Kelso plays Wall.
American Association.
St. Paul. Aug. 12. Score: R. H. E.
Louisville 2 2
St. Paul 6 13 1
Batteries: Love and Meyers; Nelhaus,
Williams and Hargrave.
Kansas City, Aug. 12. Score: R. H. E.
Columbus 3 8 2
Kansas City I 7 0
Bat cries- Wilkinson and Wagner;
Johr-kon. Haynes and LaLonga.
Minneapolis, Aug. 12. Score: R. H. E.
Toledo . 3 t 0
Minneapolis (11 0
Batteries: Sanders. Adams and Mur
phy: Roberson and Owens.
MiiwauKee. Aug. 13. &cotb:
First game:
Batteries: Rogge and Lcaiy
Phillips. Howard and Lees.
Second game:
Batteries: Hill. Steele and Leary; Em and Lees.
R. H. E.
10 13 0
3 8 3
R. H. E.
11 It 2
I 15 1
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Raring: Rammer meeting of Saratoga
Raring association at Saratoga, N. Y.
Trotting: Grand Circuit meeting at
Philadelphia. Great Western Circuit
meeting at Sedalla. Mo.
Horse Show: Opening of annual
Charleston, W. Vs., horse show.
Tennis: National donblea championship
tournament at Boston.
Shootinr: Third day of (.rand Amer
ican handlrap tournament at Chicago.
Golf: Western Junior nnrmtenr cham
nlonshln toaraamenfc mm at Ftassmoor.
Austin. 3b 6 1 5 olHooper, rf 2 0 10
(ledeon, 2b 4 1 6 0 V'ltt, 3b 6 4 2 0
.lacob'on, rf 4 2 3 OlRoth, cf 6 0 5 0
SIsler. lb 4 3 2 0!Ruth. If 5 2 4 0
Willla's, cf 4 2 2 OlSchang, c 3 0 10
Tobin. If 3 11 0 Mclnnls. lb 4 2 7 0
Gerber. ss 3 0 3 olshan'on, 2b 4 1 3 0
Severeid. c 6 2 1 O.Scott. ss 4 14 0
Shocker, p 4 1 0 OUones, p 0 0 0 1
, Musaer. p 10 0 0
Mrtiraw, p 2 0 0 0
Gilhooley 10 0 0
Totals 36 13 27 0 Totals 36 10 27 1
Batted for Musser In fourth.
St. Louis 20401000 310
Boston 10010010 0 3
Two-bsse hits: Gedeon. Jacobson, Will
iams. Scott. Three base hit: SIsler.
Stolen base: Sisler. Sacrifice hits:
Gerber (2). Sacrifice fly: Williams.
Double1 play: Scott to Mclnnls. Left on
basa: St. Louis. 7; Boston, 10. Bases
on balls: Off Shocker, 4: off Jones. 2;
off Mrtiraw. 1. 'Hits: Off Jones, 6 in
2 1-3 innlnes; off Musser, none in 12-3
Innlncs; off McOraw. 7 in 6 innings. Hit
by pitched ball: By McGraw (Tobln);
by Jones (Sisler). Struck out: By
Shocker, 6. Losing pitcher: Jones.
Tigers' Third Straight.
Philadelphia. Aug. 12 Timely fritting
enabled Detroit to win the third straight
game from Philadelphia today, 9 to 6.
Cobb scored from second In the third when
Turner fumbled Hellmann's grounder.
AB.H.O.E.! AB.H.O.E.
Bush, ss
Young, 2b
Cobb, cf
Veach. If
Hcll an, lb
Shorten, rf
l'Kopp. If
OiThomas, 3b
OjWalker. cf
01 Burns, lb
OIBurrus. rf
4 0 2 1
5 3 3 0
5 3 3 1
4 2 8 0
1 OjWitt. 2b
Flagst'd, rf 2 0 2 OlTurner, ss
.Tones, 3b 4 2 1 0 Perkins, c
Alnsmith, c 4 2 5 OUohnson, p
Leonard, p 4 10 0' Kinney, p
) McAvoy
0 0
2 0
2 1
7 0
2 0 10
10 0 0
Totals 38 14 27 11 Totals 39 13 27 3
Batted for Kinney in ninth.
Detroit 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 19
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 06
Two-base, hits: Cobb (2), Witt, Johnson.
Perkins. Alnsmith. Home run: Burns.
Stolen basus: Shorten, Jones. Sacrifice
flies: Burns, Bush. Double plays: Thom
as to Perkins, Kinney to Turner to Per
kins, Flagstead to Young. Left on bases:
Detroit. 6; Philadelphia, 13. Bases on
balls: Off Johnson, 1; off Kinney, 2; off
Leonard, 6. Hits: Off Johnson, 6 in 3 in
nings; off Kinney, 8 in 6 innings. Hit by
pitched ball: By Leonard (Kopp), Struck
out: By Johnson, 2: by Kinney, 1; by
Leonard, 5. Wild pitches: Johnson, Kin
ney, Leonard. Losing pitcher: Johnson
Two Trapsters Break
World's Target Record
With Straights of 200
Chicago, Aug. 12. New records
for the American amateur trap
shooting championship and the pro
fessional championship of the Grand
American handicap trapshooting
tournament were established this
afternoon when the winners in the
respective events, Frank M. Troeh,
Vancouver, Wash., and Bart Lewis,
Auburn, 111., broke the entire 200
targets thrown.
Never before in competition from
18 yards had the entire program
been run without a miss. The best
previous performance at 18 yards
was by Troeh here two years ago,
when he won the event with 199 out
of 200.
J. E. Jennings, Todmorton, Can.,
was second to Troeh with 198. Wool
folk Henderson of Lexington, Ky.,
champion of that state, and T. L.
Edens, Phoenix, Ariz., Arizona
champion tied for third place with
197. Henderson won the place in
three shoot-offs.
For the professionals, Charley
Spencer of St. Louis, Mo., and Fred
Gilbert Spirit Lake, la., each broke
198 targets with William Crosby,
O'Fallon, 111., next with 197.
The squad in which Troeh shot
composed of Mark and Nick Arle,
Chan Powers and E. V. Kirby,
broke 977 of 1,000 targets thrown.
That also was a new world's record
for 18 yards.
The scores in this championship
also decided the makeup of the east
and west teams to contest Thurs
day, the highest ten men from each
section making the teams. In order
to reduce the teams to 10 men each
some shoot-offs will be necessary
because of ties. The qualifying
shooters are:
West Troeh, Vancouver. Wash. 200
Edens, Phoenix, Arlx.. 197; Arle, Thomas
boro, 111., 196; J. W. Seavey, Portland;
Ore.: O. A. Smith. Marshalltown la
and W. S. Hoon, Jewell, la., 195- Nick
Arle, Menard, Tex. j George Roll' Blue
Island, III.. E. W. Klrby. Crbana 111
D. F. Fesler. Chicago: S. H. Sharman!
Salt Lake City; F. M. Graper, Custer
Park, III.: C. A. Gunning, Longmont.
Colo.; C. B. Eaton, Fayette, Mo.- C H
Garson, Greeley, Neb. ; p. McNelr, Hous
ton, Tex., and L. Moody. Fayette, Ala.,
East Jennings, Todmorton, Canada
18; Henderson, Lexington. Ky , 197- r'
Brune. Brookfleld. Ind.: William Thomp
son, Jackson, Mich.; L. M. Weedon,
Cleveland, and J. B. Dallance Hunting
ton. W. Va., 195; L. C. Roger's. Indiana.
196; J. E. Cain. Dayton, O; C. B. Piatt
Brldgeton. N. J. : F. S. Wright. Buffalo'
N. Y.. and A. O. Skutt, Morton N Y
The national amateur champion
ship at doubles and singles and the
junior championship will be shot
Not a Cop for Two Weeks.
St Louis, Mo., Aug. 12. Because
according to her story, she could not
find a policeman for two weeks,
Miss Helen Widson, cashier at the
Standard Oil filling station here,
failed- to make a report of the theft
of $21.
Monr one:
N the new parable of feeding the multitude with fWe fishes, the quintet
of fishes are whales. L'ncle Sam is going to flatter the high expense
of living, which is a bigger job than ironing a giraffe's full dress collar.
Uncle Sam's method of slapping the profiteers is to toss army chow at
the public in habit-forming quantities.
The prohiboozinists solved the large cost of food and drink by
eliminating the booze from the tournament. We're glad that there aren't
any proohifoodinists. Living is costly, but folks like to go on living just
for the fun of complaining about it.
Ten years ago you could grab a meal check for two smackers that
was good for 20 meals. The check was good evetn if the meals weren't.
Ten megs a nosebag. Now, if a guy lamped a hneal check he would but
ter it and eat it. All the saloons had free'lunch counters where you could
grab all you could eat and some things you couldn't. That 'was before
they turned the lumber yards into breakfast food factories.
A hokey who went shopping along the stage entrances to the Fifth
avenue mansions could pick up some swell garbage. Boats used to
sail up New York harbor with their decks stacked with food. All that
is out. The profiteers have stacked the deck.
Where are the fat birds who used to play food golf every meal? The
old game of food golf consisted of eating nine holes along your belt.
When you had let out nine new links in the waist harness the game was
over. Since the food profiteeers busted into the works, those same fat
cuckoos can use a napkin ring for a belt. Where is the old-fashioned sapp
who used to perch two feet away from the table and then eat himself right
up to the old table? If he started two feet away these rays, he would be
a yard away when he quit.
What's become of the old-time leaf tables with the extra extensions
that mother kept under the kitchen sink? When dinner time came
around, the old man used to dive under the sink, where he felt right at
home, and grab two extra leaves. They don't need extension tables for
the food you get now. There ain't any chow. Only use for the dinner
table at dinner is for the old man to park his brogans on.
The army chow may solve the food problem,
birds who have had enough of it.
but we know of 4,000,000
The first bunch
about 400 carloads.
of military biscuits is on the fire now. There are
carloads baked beans,
carloads army beans,
carloads navy beans,
carloads lima beans,
carloads string beans,
carloads canned beans,
carloads dried beans,
carloads wax beans,
carloads Mex hopping
carloads Boston beans,
carloads bean bag beans,
carloads beanless beans.
You can pipe that there is a great variety in the army menu, the
variety consisting mostly in the number of carloads.
When we all get to scoffing the regular olive drab army cookies, table
etiquet will change like the map of Europe. When the bugle shirps
"Come and get it" the Riverside Drive bugs will tumble out of the inlaid
marble barracks and pile into the Circassian walnut mess halls.
When the army starts dishing out the food to citizens, the folks want
to remember that your mess gear must be spotless at all inspections.
Prune seeds must be thrown into the third barrel from the left. The tin
dish must shine until you can see your face in it, although after a bird
lias been scoffing army chow for a few monts he hasn't any desire to see
his face in an army dish. Something is sure to crack under the strain, and
it won't be the dish.
Slumgullion is also a good chow. Slumgullion is the same as hash,
except for the extra two-and-a-half syllables. Hash would be a much
shorter and convenienKname for it, but nothing is popular in the army
that cuts down the paper work.
On holidays the government will dish out rice pudding, which is the
Sunday name for slumgullion. Under government food rules all cities
over 50,000 in population will probably be allowed extra rations of army
pastry, which is rubber hot water bags coated with chocolate.
Yearly Event Since 1900,
Tirst Won by Heikes at
New York; Entries In
crease Each Year.
Chicago, 111.. Aug. 12. The
Grand American Trapshooting
Tournament, which is being held at
the South Shore Country club this
week, will come to a close Friday,
August IS, with the shooting of the
Grand American Handicap, from
which the tournament derives its
name. The Grand American has
been held yearly since 1900, and was
first won by R. O. Heikes, at New
York. At that time the number of
entries was 74. The number of en
tries this year, the twentieth of the
shoot, is more than 680, and it is
said that post entries may bring the
number up to 800.
This is the third year that the
shoot has been held at the South
Shore Country club, and the seventh
time it has been in Chicago. No
shooter has won the event twice.(
Last year's winner was J. D. Henry.'
The "winners of the Grand Amer
ican Handicap with the place where
the tournament was held and the
number of entries follows:
Year. Winner. Entries.
1900 R. O. Heikes at New York 74
1901 E. C. Griffith at New York 75
1902 C. W, Floyd at New York 91
1903 M. Dlefenderfer at Kansas City. 192
1904 R D. Geytell at Indianapolis. . .336
1905 R. R. Barber at Indtanapolisl . . .362
1906 F. E. Rogers at Indianapoils. . . 290
1907 J. J. Banks at Chicago ........495
1908 Fred Harlow at Columbus 362
1909 Fred Shattuck at Chicago 457
1910 Riley Thompson at Chicago 383
1911 Harvey Dixon at Columbus 418
1912 W. E. Phillips at Springfield 377
1913 M. S. Hootman at Dayton 601
1914 W. Henderson at Dayton 614 ,
1915 L. B. Clarke at Chicago 884
1916 J. F. Wulf at St. Louis 683
1917 C. H. Larsen at Chicago 808
1918 J. D. Henry at Chicago 629
Labor Postpones Action.
London, Aug. 12. Executives of
British labor's triple" alliance decid
ed today to postpone its "direct ac
tion" referendum on political de
mands. The Weather.
Loral Comparative Record.
1919 1918 1917 1918
Highest Tuesday 82 101 75 82
Lowest Tuesday 72 80 63 63
Mean temperature 77 90 69 72
Precipitation 20
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature degrees
Excess for the day 1 degree
Total excess since March 1... 328 degrees
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Excess for the day 08 inch
Total precip. since March 1 . .1 4.02 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. 6.45 inches
Deficiency for corresponding
period In 1918 9-2 inches
Deficiency for corresponding
period in 1917 1-2 Inchea
F? ner Director of Princeton
Chosen by Board of Regents
at Salary of
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special)
The board of regents of the Uni
versity of Nebraska announced the
election of Fred W. Luehring as di
rector of the combined departments
of athletics and physical education
at an annual salary of $4,300. Mr.
Luehring was for five years director
of intra-mural athletics at Prince
ton university. Mr. Luehring's
term is to begin September 1, 1920.
The new Nebraska director is a
graduate of the Chicago university,
where he played foot ball under A.
A. Stagg. Paul Schissler, present
assistant foot ball coach, was elected
head basket ball coach. The elec
tion of a head foot ball coach will
be announced before the end of the
present week.
Mason Beats Ertle.
Baltimore, Aug. 12. Frankie Ma
son, Indiana phantom, won all the
way over Johnny Ertle of St. Paul,
in the lS-round fight here tonight.
Ertle was beaten at every turn,
rocked from left to right with sharp,
well-directed punches, but was never
close to a knockout.
Championship Series in Three
Closes of Amateur Ball
, Teams to Start in
Both Cities.
Omaha and St. Paul day will be
celebrated in amateur base ball cir
cle Sunday afternoon, September
14, when championship games will
be staged in both cities between the
winners of class A, B and C for
supremacy honors. N
According to information received
from St. Paul this morning by Sec
retary J. J. Isaacson of the Municipal
Amateur Base Ball association, two
of St. Paul aggregations, champions
of the St. Paul Amateur Base Ball
association will play here, and Oma
ha will send their class B city
champs to the northern city.
According to the ruling made by
the Western Amateur Base Ball as
sociation, of which Omaha and St.
Paul are members, the class A
teams, such as the Murphy-Did-lts,
Holmes White Sox and Nebraska
Power company, will be classed as
class A. A., and the class B winners,
such as the Riggs, Western Lnion
and winners of the City and Church
league, are classed as class A, while
the class C champions, are known as
class B.
Murphys Loom Up.
The winners of the Greater Oma
ha league, Omaha's crack class A
circuit, which no doubt will be the
Murphy-Did-lts, will meet the class
A. A. champs, in the first game of
the inter-city series to determine the
'world's western amateur champion
ship of the Western asociation. This
game will be played here, as will the
game between Omaha's class C win
ners and St. Paul's class B champs.
The game between the class C and
St. Paul's class B will not be for a
championship title, but just to give
the northern lads an opportunity to
visit Omaha. It has been the cus
tom of both St. Paul and Omaha
associations to give their pennant
winning teams in each class a trip
at the end of the season, and since
Omaha for the past several years'
have sent their teams to St. Paul, it
was decided to give the nothern lads
a chance to play here.
The contest between Omaha's
class B winners and St. Paul's class
A champions will be played at St.
Paul and will be for a champion
ship title.
Where the games will be played is
still an uncertainty, but it is likely
that they will be held at Luxus park,
as this is the only enclosed amateur
park in the city.
Location Still Uncertain.
Many of the directors are in fa
vor of staging these games at either
Fontenelle park or Thirty-second
and Dewey avenue, with the former
park in perference, as it is pointed
out that one' of the biggest crowds
that has ever attended an amateur
or professional game in this part of
the country will be in attendance.
However, it is not certain whether
the city commissioners will grant
the Municipal association this favor,
since it is planned, if the games are
staged on the Muny parks, to charge
Only Three Starters in 2:06
j Pace Which Is Decided in
Straight Heats Harper
Wins 2:13
Armours Win Game
at Fremont Sunday
Without a Manager
With Manager Otto Williams
playing with the Rourkes, last Sun
day afternoon, the Armour semi
pros traveled to Fremont and de
feated the locals, who had previous
ly won eight straight games, 7 to 2.
Smith, for the Fremonters, pitched
a good game, but was touched up
for 11 hits. Andy Graves, the 43
years young hurler, threw them for
the packer team, keeping the seven
hits the Fremont batters secured,
well scattered.
A week from next Sunday, the
Armours will play the Chicago Un
ion Giants again at Rourke park in
a double bill. The colored team has
offered two good series here against
the meat handlers and they have an
nounced that they have secured
some new players and expect to
win the series this time.
Wilber Defeats "Spiked"
Milford Base Ball Team
Wilber, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Wilber defeated Milford- on the
home grounds Sunday by the-score
of 4 to 3. Milford came down spiked
up with the Lincoln Cleaner bat
tery and such players as Neff of
Utica, but they were unable to check
the Wilberites. A large attendance
witnessed the game, which was fast
fram start to finish. Score:
Wilber 21001000 x 4' 8 2
Milford 00300000 03 7 2
Batteries: Wilber, Caldwell and KI
burs; Milford, Schmidt and Gerlach. Um
pire: Hall of Beatrice.
Philadelphia, Aug. 12. Grace Di
rect, the speedy daughter of Walter
Direct, won a hollow victory in the
$3,000 stake for 2;06 pacers, the fea
ture of the opening day of the
Graud Circuit meeting. The race
had only three starters and was de
cided ip straight heats.
The 2:13 pace went four heats and
furnished the best contest of the
day. Ed Geers' Homefast, driven
by Ben Walker, won the opening
heat. Prince Pepper the second and
Harper the third.
The three heat winners met in the
fburth heat which Harper won easi
ly in 2:13'4.
The 2:08 trot for the A. B.
Mathews cup and a purse of $1,000
furnished good racing. Oscar Watts
took the first heat from Holly Rood
Kate, which got off to a bad start,
but Dodge's mare easily outclassed
the field and captured the next two
in close finishes. Time 2:07!4.
The other event was for Philadel
phia horses only.
l l
4 1
2:08 trot, three heats; purse. $1,000; A
B. Mathews cup:
Hollyrood Kale, r. m.. by Joe
Dodge-Kate Bonner (Dodge)... 2
Oscar Watts, b. g.. by General
Watts-Svlvla T (Hyde 1 6 4
Don Del.opes, Mk. g. (Geers) 8 2 2
Emma Magowan, br. in. (Brussia).3 3 6
Peter Chenault, br. s. (Murphy) ..4 4 3
Jess Y also started.
Time: 2:07, 2:074. 2:07.
2:20 trot, Directors' stake, three heats;
rurse, 11,000; Philadelphia Record cup:
The Jolly Landlord, b. g.. by Del-
Coronndo -(White) 1
Margaret Prima, ch. m., by Peter
The C.reat (Turner) 2
Edna Owyo, b. m. (Hagy) 3
Eleanore Axworthy, ch. m. (Brum-
fieldV 6
Gay Moko, br. s. (McDowell) 4
D. O. O. also started.
Time: 2:1114. i-.ltM. 2:12.
2:06 pace. Hotel Delphi stake,
heats; purse, 13,000:
Grace Direct, b. m., by Walter Direct-Misty
Gentry (Sturgeon) ... 1 1
Frank Dewey, b. s. (Cox) 2 2
Edward P, b. s. (Leese) .3 3
Time: 2:06. 2:104, 2:064.
2:13 pace, three heats: purse 31.000:
Harper, b. g.. by M. Ewan-Anna
Cooper (Garrison) 7
Prince Pepper, blk. g., by Prince
Innomar-Queen Regent Ideal
(Hyde) . 3
Homefast, h.m., by Trampfast-
Cablnets Honor (B. Walker)... 1 6 I
Capsewago Boy, b. s., (Grady).... 4 3 3
Woodpatch, g. s., (Murphy) 6 2 !
Billy Cochato, Peter Dillon and Emo
tionless also started. ,
Time 2:084. 2:09, 2:084, 2:1la.
To beat 2:23 pacing:
Miss Mnrjorle. br. f., by Manrlco-Mar-jorle
(Serrill) won.
Time 2:224.
To beat 2:304 trotting:
Jack Dillon, b. g by Dillon Axworthy
Bewitching Lady (Serrill) won.
Time 2:28.
4 1
1 4
Camp at Elk Mountain De
stroyed ; 1 1 Fierce Blazes
in Idaho Forest.
Missoula, Mont., Aug. 12. The
Larsen creek and Elk mountain for
est fires in the Clearwater national
forest, 60 miles across the moun
tains from Missoula, are running
wild and have swept beyond con
trol, according to messages received
at district headquarters here of the
forest service. The fire fighters'
camp at Elk mountain was de
stroyed. The crews fighting the Atlas creek
blazes have abandoned the fight as
hopeless and have concentrated
their efforts on the Camp Mildred
fire, which is threatening valuable
stands of government timber.
There are 11 uncontrolled fires
on the Selway forest' in Idaho. A
new blaze is reported on Fish creek,
near Cyr, Mont., in the Lolo forest
and the Gold creek, fire is threaten
ing to join several smaller fires.
The situation is regarded as very
A large fire is blazing on the
southern edge of, the Cabinet forest,
working into the upper end of Four
Mile Gulch, in the Lolo forest. The
Warm Springs creek fire, in the
Bitter Root forest, broke loose and
destroyed a camp, the fourth to be
burned in the district this season.
Almost Half of Entries Are
New Ones to Local Title '
Meets, Developed on
Muny Courts.
Over 40 Omaha tennis players
have already entered tha annual city ,
tournament to be held at the Field
club beginning Saturday afternoon.
Almost half of the men entered ire
proteges of the municipal courts.
The remainder represent Omaha's
various country clubs.
New players to appear are: A. J.
Huenagard, James Reynolds, a St..
Joseph player of ability; Jolly, Jack
Peacock, Russel Purinton, J. A.
Bradley, T. G. Hagcy, A. Benson,. -G.
C. Halsey, William Funk, Ed Ma
loney and Charles Stenecka. Many
of the above are from' the municipal
courts. The older tennis sharks
who have added their names to the
list include Cedric Potter, lob-killer
of the old set; Dr. Van Camp, the
champion kidder of them all, with
the possible exception of Spike Ken
nedy, Guv Beckett, Ed O'Neil; Capt.
Heyn, who taught the German a
little tennis; Joan Aiaonen, wno,
with Spike Kennedy, made an ex
tremely dangerous doubles team.
Other players who are expected
to give a good account of themselves
are George Stocking, John Brother
ton, Frank Garey and Bert Rantz.
Ralrh Newell, Carter Lake cham
pion, is expected to enter and may
upset the dope. Garey was runner
up in Nebraska state tournament in
1915 ,and is also considered eligible
for some of the honors.
A large number of entries' is ex
pected yet from the players on mu
nicipal courts. It is not unlikely
that some player from municipal
courts will prove the dark horse of
the tournament, as there has been
little playing done at the clubs this
Entries may he telephoned in to
the Omaha Field club up to Friday
evening. Play in singles will begin
Saturday at 3:30 p. m. Consolation
events will be staged in both singles
and doubles.
Revocation of War
Prohibition Act tar ,
Help Liquor Dealer
Washington, Aug. 12. Wholesale j
dealers in whisky have been informrj
t-d by the bureau of internal revenuej
that if the war-time prohibition laws
should be revoked, it would not b
illegal to divert to domestic trad;
whisky bottled for export. :
Rectifiers have been informed that
they may proceed to rectify whisky
which they may have on hand, but
are not permitted to purchase other '
spirits to be prepared for beverages.
French Army to Be Same
as Before Outbreak of War
Paris, Aug. 12. Demobilization of
the military organization built up ,
by France during the war is pro
ceeding and when it is completed
the organization will be the same
as in 1914 before the outbreak of the
war. The French army will com-
prise the 21 corps of 1914 and two
corps created during the war.
We have large covered
moving vans that will
keep your goods as dry
as if they were in your
The inconvenience is
all ours and part of the
business. For moving,
storage or packing phone
Douglas 4163.
806 South 16th St.
Oshkosh Wardrobe Trunks are made to fill the
needs of those who have to "live in a trunk". They
are adaptable to keeping the clothes that you are
using as well as the reserve supply clean and
They are also found ex
tremely useful in the
home where e"xtra closet
room is needed, for
they are the handiest
places imaginable to
keep nice wearing ap
parel free from dust
and soil.
They excel in useful
ness strength and
beauty, yet they cost no
$45 and up.
A WALRUS BAG a particular bargain. Gen
uine walrus grain leather traveling bag. Roomy,
stoutly reinforced corners and sewn frame. In 18
and 20-inch sizes at $13.50.