Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Apt words hava power to 'suaga
Th tumor of a troubled mind;
And are a balm to feater'd wound.
THERE are merry little parties
of pretty girls at the country
clubs these days. Over the
flower-laden luncheon tables they
chat and plan perhaps you think
swimming parties, or even tennis
matches, but not so! For verily our
young society maids are blessed
with vivid imaginations. Blazing
skies, green woods and fields, all
' the reminders of the summer sea
son so close at hand, are completely
forgotten. Sparkling snow, nippy
winds and even sleighbells seem to
figure in their day dreams for just
last week many Christmas parties
were arranged, in the very teeth of
a soaring thermometer!
The Blackstone is the scene of one
particularly lovely dance every Yule
tide, and it is whispered that the in
vitations will be issued this year,
too. The young hostesses are
Misses Virginia and Rowena Pixley
and Miss Mary Morsman, and all
the school set anticipat this sapper
dance with the greatest of pleasure.
Misses Geraldine and Gretchen
Hess, two of our prettiest school
girls, are even now making their
extensive preparations for a Christ
mas dance to be given at the
Blackstone. Miss Elsie Stori is an-
other pretty hostess whose plans
are made for a Christmas dance, and
it is rumored that it will be quite a
large affair.
Luncheon parties and teas will
play an important part in the
Christmas festivities. Miss . Mer
cedes Jensen and Pauline Coad will
no doubt be honorees at large af
fairs, and Misses Margaret and
" Mary Wattles will entertain, also.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. tnd Mrs. D. Blumenthall en
tertained at a large dinner party at
their home Sunday evening, when
Ihey announced the engagement of
their daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Carl
Studna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Studna, of Kansas City. The wed
ding will take place in the winter.
Out-of-town guests at the dinner
?'trt Mr. and Mrs. Max Studna, Mr.
am Studna, Mr. and Mrs. William
Milder, Mrs. Ben Taxman and Miss
Sarah Yessen.
Licensed to Wed.
Miss Gunda Litton and James H.
Goodwin were licensed to wed in
Chicago, Monday.
By A. K.
Try Itl Make thla lemon lotion
to whiten your tanned or
freckled akin.
A man there was
And he made his prayer
Even as you and I.
And he prayed for gold
And lands
And law '
To protect him
In his affairs.
In the market
Of cold material things
He bargained and bet .
With lies as stakes
And he bid too high
Honor he sacrificed
On impulsive wings
That flew
To hazardous heights.
He surrendered truth
On the altar of gain
While the gold
Rolled in at his feet
His sense of justice
Soon dimmed
And dulled
When he bartered
In self-respect.
His wealth without
Was a transient ray
Lighting a moment
His rugged way
And then
In one strenuous day
One scarlet night
Was gone.
He bid overmuch
For loud applaus
He sacrificed love
For lust.
Happiness never
Was bought with gold
There are no riches
But those within
His struggle in life
Was all for naught
He lost
More than he won
He lost respect
For the man within
The world
Lost respect
For the man it saw
And he could not
"Come back" again
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, shake well, and
yon have a quarter pint of the best
freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and
j , complexion whitener, at very, very
unall cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter
will supply three ounces of Orchard
White for a few cents. Massage
this sweetly fragrant lotion into the
face, neck, arms and hands and see
how quickly the freckles, sunburn,
(vindburn and tan disappear and
how clear, soft and white the skin
becomes. Yes! It is harmless.
Mid-Summer Wedding.
A pretty mid-summer wedding
was solemnized Tuesday morning
at St. Philomena's church when
Miss Rose Masilko, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Masilko. became the
bride of Mr. E. J. Swoboda. Father
Stenson read the marriage lines;
Miss Mayme Masilko, sister of the
bride, and her only attendant, wore
a gown of pink georgette and a
large black maline hat with which
she carried a shower bouquet of
pink roses. The bride was gowned
in white georgette and wore a
large hat of white panne velvet. A
shower bouquet of bride's roses and
lilies of the valley completed her
R. E. Swoboda acted as best man.
Immediately after the ceremony
breakfast was served at the home of
the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Swoboda left for
Estes Park and will be at home at
4420 Marcy street, after August 20.
Country Club.
Mrs. R. B. Busch will entertain
seven guests at luncheon at the
Country club, Wednesday.
Mrs Harry Le Claire has returned
from Columbus, O., where she was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Curtis
Osborne, for two months.
Careful Attention
and Personal Service Is Our Only Seal of Approval
The Smaller Store, combined with the
Satisfaction-Giving Plan, has long since
made the name WILLIAMS popular
with the buying public.
We have household appliances on dis
play at all time.
See the Hoover Electric Sweeper and
Laundry Queen Electric Washer in
action today.
312 South 18th Street.
Tyler 1011.
When You Are Anxious
to Serve Better Macaroni
Tell the Grocer You Want
Manufactured of the Very
Finest Pure Durum Wheat
There Is No Doubt It Is
The Bee's Household
' Arts Department
Clip the recipes contributed by
our readers and make a cook
book from the choicest bits of
culinery combinations. Many of
them reduce the cost of living.
Loose leaf scrap books may be
purchased at any good book store
for a nominal sum. They are
complete with index pages and
dots of glue for pasting. '
Readers are invited to send
their favorite recipes to the Edi
tor Woman's Department of The
Bee. '
Housekeepers often find them
selves brain-tired and their variety
of foods exhausted. Wearily they
turn back to the over-worked steak
and chops. Most of them know about
fish but it takes expert chefs and
New Orleans Creoles to prepare
them so that the family will look for
ward to fish day. These southerners
have made the red snapper famous
with stuffing and gravies. ' In this
section of the country it is almost
impossible to get the snappers, but
baked white fish comes as a close
Palatable Fish Dinners.
Here are two well-balanced fish
dinners that will prove palatable
these days:
Sliced summer sausage
Radishes Green onions
Baked whitefish
Baked new potatoes
String beans
Lettu'ca with Thousand Island dressing
Rhubarb pis
Iced coffee
Trled mountain trout
Tartar sauce
Broiled bacon
Creamed new potatoei
Tomato salad
Rolled oats cookies
Iced coffee.
Baked White Fish.
Select a fish weighing from two to
two and a half pounds. Remove
vital organs and eyes. Wash thor
oughly. Stuff not too full and sew
up. Place on slices of salt pork in
a pan. Dredge with salt, pepper and
flour. Put slice of pork on top.
Bake in moderate oven. If baked
whole (with head and tail) it may
be necessary to bend in shape of
letter S and skewer firmly.
1 c. bread crumbs. 2 ei;g yolks or 1
2 t. onion chopped whole egg.
fine. U tap. pepper.
Vt, tsp. salt. c. melted butter
tsp. pepper. or oleomargarine,
Mix all materials. If dry crumbs
are used it will be necessary to use
less crumbs and add a little water
to soften.
Fried Mountain Trout.
Wash the fish in cold water, clean,
wash again and wipe carefully in
side afld outside. Put sufficient oil
in a deep frying kettle to cover the
fish. Dip the fish in egg and crumbs.
Place in frying basket and fry until
crumbs are browned. Remove to a
piece of brown paper to drain. Serve
hot with tartar sauce.
Tartar Sauce.
1 tablespoon chopped 4 cup salad dressii
onlon 2 tablespoons chop-
1 tablespoon chopped ped pickles,
To the very best grade of salad
dressing add pickles, onion, olives
and seasoning. Serve cold with fish.
Household Hints.
. Prunes get a new flavor if a few
whole cloves are put into the pan
in which they are cooking.
When oiling the meat grinder or
egg beater put a few drops of gly
cerine in the crevices. This leaves
no taste in food.
Bottle blueing sometimes flows too
fast from the bottle. Tie four thick
nesses of old muslin or cheesecloth
over the neck of the bottle to avoid
Keep your firelcss cooker free
from odor by putting in a piece of
charcoal when you put in a dish to
be cooked. Leave the charcoal in
when cooked dish is removed.
Every well equipped kitchen has
its special pair of sharp scissors,
never used in any other room. The
scissors are useful in preparing fowls
for roasting, for shredding lettuce
and clipping up parsley; for trim
ming sandwiches, for slicing a few
nuts for garnishing and for prepar
ing grapefruit for the table.
Fall Fashions
Readers Recipes
Mrs. G. M. Natttnger. 1124 South
Thirty-third street finds this recipe a
real "life saver" for a quick and sure
Drop Cakes.
1 egg '.4 c. of butter.
1 c. of niiKnr 2 c. flour.
2 c. of milk
Drop batter in muffin pans and
bake IS minutes.
Mock Pressed Chicken.
2 lbs of neck, or any cheap cut of beef.
2 lbs. of pork, any cheap cut.
1 veal shank, weighing about 2 lbs., or
any other. cheap cut.
Cook all together until very ten
der; pick from bones; cook liquor
until it will jell; let cool and take off
grease. Season with salt and pepper.
Warm liquor and pour over meat.
Pack in shallo.w pan and place a light
weight on tof. Place in icebox until
Your guests and your family will
probably exclaim over the delicious
"pressed chicken."
No. 11 Chiodo Apts.
Miss Mary Gant leaves next week
for Estes Park, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Kilby left Sat
urday for Estes Park.
Mr. John F. Stout and Miss Ger
trude Stout have returned from
Estes Park.
Mrs. W. J. Foye, who is at Alex
andria, Minn., will return the latter
part of August.
Miss Adelaide Fogg, who is in
New York fdr the summer, will re
turn early in September.
Miss Elizabeth Ladenburg return
ed Sunday after a six weeks' trip
through the New England states.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hosford,
who are at Watch Hill, R. I., will
not return until the first of Septem
ber. Mrs. L. D. Barkalow and daugh
ter, Miss Carolyn, who are in Den
ver, are- expected home Septem
ber 15.
Misses Margaret and Elizabeth
Bruce, who have spent several weeks
at Bernidji, Minn., will return Wed
nesday, Mrs. G. A. Shadrlv nrmmnnnid
by her cousin, Miss Mary Varoor,
have returned from St. Joseph, after
a short visit.
Miss Marie Vernon will leave
Tuesday evening for Chicago, where
she will study at the Art institute
for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bates of
Chicago, are stopping at the Fonte
nelle. Mrs. Bates was formerly
Miss Mona McKenzie.
Mrs. Joe Brown and daughter.
Molly, of Council Bluffs, will leave
Thursday for Chicago, where they
win oe tne guest ot Mrs. Brown s
brother, Mr. Harry Schoenstadt.
Instantly Removed by
Druggists refund the money if It fails.
Absolutely harmless. Try It today and
yon will be astonished. Sold at toilet
counters everywhere, including Sherman ft
HeConnell, the Beaton and Merritt Drug
The Ideal Family Loaf.
Patronize Your
Neighborhood Grocer
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn an
nounce the marriage of their niece,
Miss Anna Weisman, of Patterson,
N. J., and Mr. Joseph sWeiner of
Omaha, which took place Sunday
afternoon at the home of the bride
groom's parents, Mr. ?.nd Mrs. B.
Weiner. Rabbi Gcrdinsky perform
ed the ceremony.
Miss Lucile Osheroff, who was
bridesmaid, wore a gown of pink
gorgette with large hat to match
and carried pink roses. The bride
was gowned in white gorgette and
wore a long tulle veil. A huge show
er bouquet of bride's roses com
pleted the costume.
The bridegroom was attended by
Mr. Harry Osheroff as best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Weiner are at home
at .1813 North Thirty-fourth street.
Fellowship Club Party.
Fellowship club of the Y. W. C.
A. will entertain 20 of the members
of the Y. M. C. A. at the home of
Miss Dorothy Dimick, Thursday
The fall topcoats will vie with
capes for popularity. The cape man
tle may be an excellent solution of
a fall and winter wrap, but after
all there is no comfort like that of
a semi-fitting coat with sleeves, belt
and a good warm collar. This model
of "pepper and salt" tweed is cut in
easy lines that show the raglan
sleeve. The collar may be buttoned
around the throat or thrown open in
a line with the coat, which then
forms revers. Straps of the material
give an interesting variation to the
coat, and black bone buttons are in
good tone with the black threads
of the material. The cuffs are turned
back on the sleeves and the coat
reaches to within four or five inches
of the skirt edge. With this coat
is worn a black silk beaver sailor
banded with grosgrain ribbon.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and
Leave the Sea."
She May Be Right.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I have been engaged for a long while
and thought I loved him until he
came home from the army; he has
changed bo much since I had seen
him last.
When he came to see me after he
was discharged, half the time he
would not speak to me and get Irri
tated so easily; he smoked and
chewed tobacco and swore In my
presence continually and said
things that would almost break my
He writes now from his home like
he always did. long, loving letters
and talks about our little home he
hopes to have some day, but, Miss
Fairfax, I'll never marry a man 1
do not love.
He has spent so much money on
me that he might think I was noth
ing but a flirt, but really I'm not.
Pleasp tell me how I can tell him
that I fio longer care for him with
out making hjm feel too bad, as I
know he loves me very dearly?
Would It be proper to send back
all the little trinkets he has given
me? I have so many.
What good would a lot of ladies'
things do him? I have become
very attached to them.
Answer soon. GEORGIA K.
By all means do not marry a man
whom you do not love. But re
member this: If your fiance has
been at the front and suffered shell
shock, hunger and fatigue: if he gone through hell and now re
turns to you a little changed, tem
porarily, can you not feel a little
pity, a little patience, a little sym
pathy? Tou have been at home, at
peace with your dreams. He has
gone through" that which takes
men's reason, shatters their nerves
and leaves life forever changed. I
fear you are selfish and think only
of your own pismires. If I am cor
rect, It would be kinder to break
the engagement than to marry the
soldier. Selfish women are about
the greatest drag on the home and
socity that one could mention.
Seymour Lake
Bridal Veil.
Pear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Will you please tell me through
your columns what a bride's veil is
made of, and also where could I
set a bridal wreath? Thanking you
in advance.
A bridal veil is usually made of
yards and yards of tulle. If you
will write to "Polly the Shopper,"
care The Bee, I am sure Polly can
tell you all yjiu wish to know.
W. E. Edmispon entertained five
guests at dinner at the Seymour
Lake club, Monday evening.
Mrs. James Allen entertained 14
guests at luncheon, Tuesday.
George E. Mickel was host at
dinner, Tuesday evening, the occa
sion being his birthday. The guests
included the families of George
E. Mickel, W. E. Mickel, Clyde C.
Mickel, A. L. Mickel of Council
Bluffs, C. F. Cox and T. E. Mickel
and daughter. Miss Grace Mickel.
For Miss Alexander.
Miss Louise Herman entertained
Saturday evening at a miscellaneous
shower at her home in honor of Miss
Dora Alexander, whose njarriage to
Mr. John Tally of Garland, Tex., will
take place this fall. Sixty guests
were present.
Vital Question.
Miss Fairfax. Omaha Bee'!
I have been reading your "Advice i
to the Lovelorn and I thought I
would write to you about my trou- I
bles. I , have a very dear friend 1
whom I have been going with
steady and he is away at the pies- j
ent time. Do you think it is proper ;
mr me to go out witn a young man
while he is away?
Hoping to see my letter in print
oon, I remain your reader.
All right. Go ahead.
Happy Hollow
R.' B. Howell had eight guests
at dinner at Happy Hollow club,
Tuesday evening; J. C. Allgaier en
tertained 14 guests at dinner.
Mrs. W. T. Haney will entertain
a foursome at luncheon, Wednes
day. Mrs. Don Lee will have 18 guests
at the Saturday evening dinner
The marriage of Miss Beatrice
Alderman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Alderman, to Mr. Gordon
Ruth, which was to have taken place
Tuesday morning, was solemnized
Saturday evening at the residence of
Father B. Sinne, who performed the
Miss Mildred Alderman, a cousin
of the bride, and Mr. Benjamin
Haigh of Atkinson, Neb., were the
only attendants.
The bride wore her traveling suit
of dark blue tricotine with a small
hat to match and her corsage was of
red rosebuds.
The bride is a formr Fremont girl
and is the composer of several popu
lar songs. One of them was dedi
cated to Base Hospital, 49, of which
Mr. Ruth was a member.
Mr. and Airs. Ruth left Tuesday
morning for a motor trip to Denver.'
They will be at home at 1522 South
Twenty-eighth after September 1.
M iss May Hannan of Chicago and
Mr. William J. Culkin of Omaha
were married Tuesday morning in
Saint Mary's School
Knoxville, Illinois
A Standard Preparatory School
and Junior College. ,
For Girls 12 to 20.
f2d year commences Sept. 24
Individual attention. Home life.
Athletics and physical culture.
Thorough training.
For information write: Rev.
F. L. Carrington, LL. D., Rector,
Box B, Knoxville, 111.
Skinner's the Best
Macaroni and Spaghetti
made of Durum Wheat
Omaha, Nebraska.
Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.
Four-year High School Course, later
mediate and Primary Grades.
Music and Art.
Experienced Instructors in Greet? end
Pitmanic Shorthand, Reporting. Busi
ness Correspondence, Touch Typewrit
ing. Mimeographinir, Filing, Office Prac
tice, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy. Business
Arithmetic, Penmanship, Spelling, Com
mercial Law, Calculating Machines.
Intensive Course for High School
Boys admitted, including Ninth Grade.
Separate building of two stories
and basement.
Faculty of five. Chiefly Tarkio,
Oberlin, Hew England Conservatory
Courses in voice, piano, pipe
organ, violin, theory, public school
Glee Clubs and trips. Prize con
tests. Privileges of college proper
dormitories, gymnasiums, library,
An Unfailing Way
To Banish Hairs
(Beauty Notes)
Ugly hairy growths can be re
moved in the privacy of your own
home if you get a small original
package of delatone and mix into a
paste enough of the powder and
jyater to cover the hairy surface.
This should be left on the skin
about 2 minutes, then removed and
the skin washed and .every trace of
harr will have vanished. No harm
or inconvenience can result from
this treatment, but be sure you buy
real delatone. Adv.
Skinner's the Best
Macaroni and Spaghetti
Recipe Book Free Omaha
Compare our
Kodak finish
ing, print by
print, with
what you have
been used to.
come here for
of Omaha
Easrmn Kodak Co.
1813 Farnam St.
Brandt 308SoJ5St.
With Armour Oval Label Foods
You're Never at a Loss" What to Serve
TO the housewife who takes advantage
of the unusual facilities of the Armour
Oval Label the mark that takes the
guesswork out of buying the "What-to-Serve"
problem is no problem at alL
In the long list of Oval Label Package
Foods more than 300 are countless
suggestions for
delicious dishes.
Whether it be a
"hasty bite," a
tasty repast for
guests or a formal
full-course dinner,
Oval Label Prod-
Have You Tried Any of
These Lately?
Stockinet Star Ham
Star Bacon
Star Summer Sausage
Evaporated Milk
Armour'i Oieomirgarines and
Nnt-ola Margarine
(Vegetable Shortening)
(gfegj&y Butter
S3Z& Package Foods
(Soupi, Meats, Fish, Fruits,
Vegetables, Condiments,
Shortenings. Beverages, etc.)
ucts can supply it, conveniently, econom
ically, instantly.
The utmost in quality, dependable uni
formity and highest value are guaranteed
by the Oval Label, our pledge of super
excellence. It insures you careful selec
tion at the source, skillful preparation
and a constant, reliable supply at your
neighborhood dealer's.
Oval Label Products are easy to serve. The hard
work has all been done before they reach you. With
an Armour Oval Label Shelf in your home you will
be prepared for any food emergency and any reg
ular meal. Order Oval Label Products from
your dealer. He has, or can get, any or all of
them for you. Try some today.
General Manager