GENERAL BOOST IN HOME RENTS FORESHADOWED Tenants of "Elwood" Apart ments Notified They Must Pay $50 More a Month or Get Out. Marked advance in the rental scale for Omaha houses and apart merits is foreshadowed in notices terved yesterday by J. L. Hiatt Real Estate company on tenants of the "Elwood" apartments, Forty-ninth and Dodge streets, that the better apartments would be worth $125 a month on October 1 and thereafter, an increase from $75 or 66 2-3 per cent. Occupants of the Elwood apart ments are notified that "no attempt is made to 'force' them to pay this increase," and that 'if they find that they cannot pay it, and want to move, every effort will be given them by the company to find a new place to live, at the rent they can afford to pay." The notice served upon tenants of the Elwood further "suggests" that the rent will be raised from $75 to $125 a month because the Elwood i to be made one of the classiest apartment houses in Omaha," and because "unequaled service will be rendered." Those tenants who feel that this "slight" increase of $50 a month in their rent is too much are requested to let the real estate company know at once, "so that the long list of those waiting for a chance to get into the Elwood may be served." The big increase in rent was a jolt yesterday to tenants of the Elwood, who had expected nothing of the sort, and many made hurried plans to assume new quarters. The enormous increase in rents at the Elwood is onljone instance of a general increase in rents all over the city which have been put in ef fect recently. This is particularly true of rent houses. On the north side a number of houses that rented a year ago for $20 are now listed at $40. Armed Negro Holds Tenants of Office Building at Bay An armed negro, James Rhodes, held tenants of the fifth floor of the Keeline building, Seventeenth 1 TT 4 k,r .rocUrrllV aim narncy, f ""3 j'-"""""' and terrorized the office girls work- ... 1 . '1 A' A'..r in ft ing in trie Duuaing, uuiuiuS complaint made by George Sugar man, a lawyer, charging Rhodes . 1 1 . : HAnf.aqU4 w9nnnl wun carrying iulvwhu "'"K"""' Sugarman alleges that Rhodes, i - ! .' j. :M t-Um kiij14inor ri WnO IS a jaimui in ni w came enraged when requested to carry out improvement requests of . t. - . - A t'tnr Vnnt(4 arffii- meat drew a revolver and stood off all comers. ( Among the victims of the negro s wrath were Dr. F. W. Novak. V. C. UicU.1l !nr1 Tir TamfS A. O'Neil. all having offices in the Keeline building. Police are searching for Rhodes. Lowering the Price of High-Class Victor Music Tn ii.cff Hav of hich costs and ever-rising prices, it is a distinct relief, as well as a welcome surprise, to see something really lowered in .:... TVie rirpiit reduction in the price of Victrola Red Seal records created somewhat of a sensation, -..4 : .1.11 -.f universal interest, for music, far from being considered a luxury today, has come to De an fii.i nereccitv And it is an ooen question as to which was the greater event so tar as Denennng me puu lic is concerned the first presenta tion to the world of the records by the greatest artists or their presen tation now at the lowered prices. City Council Opens Bids For Paving of 40 Districts The city council yesterday opened bids for paving 40 districts, the largest being Leavenworth street, Forty-eighth to Sixtieth streets. Interest was centered on the Leavenworth street improvement on account of a controversy between Mavor Smith and C. E. Fanning several months ago, when Mr. Fan ning designated the mayor as a "nt-" Fanning was low bidder on this work last year on the basis of $3.09 per vard for brick. His bid today was $3.39. Mayor Raises Legal Point On Purchase of Supplies Mavor Smith interposed an ob jection when City Commissioner t .1 nteavnreH to nut a resolu tion through the council yesterday, to appropriate $iu,uw trom tne sewer bond fund for the purchase of materials with which to make sewer inlets. rials with which to make sewer m- "The sewer bond fund was not intended for that purpose. Refer this to the city legal department, ordered the mayor. HELP YOUR DIGESTION When acid-distressed, relieve the indigestion ith 11H1QID5 Dissolve easily on tongue as pleasant to take as candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try Ki-moids. MADE BY SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION 1 IK ' Continuing Throughout the Entire Week This i Mi T " . Greafc Sale if iiipiii LcERi $6. 95 -... s- . Jcao 1 """ I in Three Groups at 5 t i7 ujJSJ I EACfTday of this great sale brings a bigger response than we had thought possible, but as this sale includes the greatest single purchase of blouses ever made by us, we are able to place upon our counters each day, blouses that are fresh and clean, blouses just out of their tissue wrappings. The colors are : FLESH NAVY WHITE SUNSET FAWN LIGHT GREY FLAME FRENCH BLUE BLACK COLORED STRIPES Etc. Etc. All sizes 34 to 44. 1 Embroidered Georgette. 2 -Embroidered Georgette. 3 Lace Trimmed Crepe de Chine. 4 Heavy Crepe de Chine. 5 Lace Trimmed Georgette. 6 Embroidered Crepe de Chine. 7 Braid Trimmed Georgette. 8 Hand Embroidered Georgette. 9 Tucked and Embroidered Georgette. 10 Beaded Georgette. 11 Heavy Crepe de Chine. 12 Crepe de Chine With Tie. On Account of the Low Prices, no Exchanges and no Approvals Accepted Of" 1 .--el tea. MA ' TV C3 f, I 1 ' 1 ' WW f . WHIrr - LT P m Mi t Hi ami i r 1 jtisr. yw vjfw 1 v , - 'M, ,1 I B l I I I m m mm in hi itr in di i hi r urr .1 m ME 111 111 III If fl I M ifl 111 rVTN at I I . XTT'W lUlIV II III III II 111 Ifl 11 I ii x r i w yi i in urn ii ii j x iii ii mi in yn in hi ui i II 1 1 I. Vim ,J I I III II I in I A (I.TV I MM. I III LI 8! I 1 1. 1 IW vV, ' If 111 II I I f voi. in in ii i m uiii in Mil ii i i i m i i i h if ii m; j " i i vik. ffv 13 Crepe de Chine, Tucked. 14 Hemstitched Crepe de Chine. 15 Crepe de Chine, Crochet Buttons. 16 Pleated Georgette. 17 Square Tucked Georgette. 18 Tucked Georgette. 19 i-Heavy Crepe de Chine Pleatings. 20 Plain Tailored Crepe de Chine. 21 Hemstitched Georgette. 22 Heavy Quality Crepe de Chine. 23 Tailored Crepe de Chine. 24 Assorted Striped Crepe de Chine. BURGESS-HASH EYERYBODYS STORE'