Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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If You Pay More Than Quota
tions Given Below You Are
Profiteers' Victim, He
J. J. Cameron, secretary of the
Retail Grocers' association, yester
day offered a list of wholesale and
retail prices of 30 staple food ar
ticles. He declared these are the
prevailing prices in Omaha and in
sists that if anyone is paying more
than these prices they are being
held up.
The United States Department of
Labor statistics, tn a statement
printed in The Bee last Saturday,
showed that Omaha retail prices
had advanced more in July than in
any of 50 other cities which were
rnmniVH hv th Hrnartment.
Mr. Cameron declares the figures
in that statement were not entirely
The secretary cited also the high
cost of labor and materials in justi
fication of the prevailing prices.
The prices given out by Mr. Cam
eron are as toliows:
Standard Prices
Slrllon iteak J644c.
Round iteak, cornfed . . 34c
Rib roast, cornfed. . . .38c
Rib roaat, trass-fed. ... 198"
Pnrk chop 35o
Baron, allced 48c
Baron bark 34c
Hams, whole 42c
Hens Sic
Salmon, red S7c
Balmon. chum lfio
Milk, per quart 12c
Butter 56c
Cheese 3Sc
I.ard 35c ..
KgK 46c
Flour 64
Cornmenl fic
Corn flaki 12c
Rice 1216c.
Navy beans 9c
Potatoes 4c
Onion 6c
Canned corn 124 20
Poas. canned 12V4ff20. .1525c
"Tomatoes ...t IS He ,...16c
Coffee T.. 32 48c 40 60c
Th Chamber nf rnnimerre hti-
reau of publicity has given out cop-
les of the following telegram re
ceived from Washington:
Washington, D. C,
"Aug. 12, 1919.
"Bureau of Publicity,
"Chamber of Commerce,
"Omaha, Neb.
"Figures as stated in your tele
gram of August 11 and which ap
peared in Bee and World-Herald
are not authorized by the Bureau
of Labor statistics. We do not com
pute our increase in prices by this
method which has been adopted by
the press. The cost of 22 most es
sential food articles in Omaha, based
, on average retail prices and on av
erage family consumption, was 6
per cent higher in July than in June.
.Letter toiiows.
"Commissioner of Labor Statistics."
The first estimate of the great in
" crease in cost of food here was
based on 40 different foods, instead
.'of 22, as mentioned in the telegram,
'Sfnd was computed from the bureau's
Big Army Ordnance Train
to Arrive Here Thursday
Twenty-five Tanks, Tractors and Artillery Pieces In
cluded in Equipment Which Will Be Placed on
Exhibition in Omaha.
. . 4Offi60c
. .40c
. . 2o(fl!30c
. .60c
. .40c
. .65c
. .40c
. .20c
. .2i:
. .4.'.c
. .45c
. .60c
. . 7c
. . 1 6c
. . 1 5 1 Sc
.15(3! 25.
The army ordnance train, consist
ing of 25 tanks, tractors and artil
lery pieces, will arrive in Omaha
Thursday morning. The convoy will
stop four days, giving exhibitions
daily at Seventeenth and Howard
Capt. W. E. Sidney, ordnance of
ficer, is in command, assisted by
Lieut. Charles E. Andrius, tank
corps. Lieut. A. D. Winton, coast
artillery, advance publicity agent.
arrived in the city Monday to com
plete arrangements. A German tank,
captured on the western front, is a
part of the train. ,
"We will build a house and set fire
to it," Lieutenant Winton said.
"While the building burns an Amer
ican tank, manned by veterans of the
fighting in France, will be driven
right through it to demonstrate the
amount of security a tank driver and
a machine gunner has."
Theatrical Agent Says
Young Ones Hard to
There is a shortage of chorus
J. E. Hill, a member of the New
York theatrical firm which bears
his name, was in Omaha Monday
arranging for the opening of one
of his shows here next month. He
slipped the gloom-bound tidings.
"The country is sure free from
real chorus girls," Mr. Hill assert
ed. "Especially is there a shortage
of the 'pony' variety. The little
girls have either grabbed vaudeville
jobs, got married,, joined film or
ganizations, or are hiding away for
better money. But we are paying
higher salaries right now than ever
before in the nation's history.
"I left New York two weeks ago,
and at least two score of the big
productions that are about to take
the road for the new season are
short of chorus girls.
"One new company has had to
take women 35 and 40 years old in
its chorus, because they couldn't get
ponies for love or money."
If the chorus tree doesn't get
some nourishment, there will be
few bald heads in the limelight
this season.
Chorus girls, are drawing from
$22.50 to $65 a week. The average
salary three years ago was $18.
These figures include railroad fare
and wardrobe. The smallest tab
loid and burlesque shows' are pay
ing $22.50 and $25 now, and more,
if the girls lead numbers.
There's lots of room ,for new
Step up, ponies!
Peace Treaty Coupon
Here's your chance to show how you stand. Put an
X on the Peace Treaty coupon indicating whether you fa
vor ratification with or without reservations, or are op
posed to the league as a whole, and mail it to Peace Treaty
Editor of The Omaha Bee. Your vote will be sent direct
to the senator from your district.
How 1 Stand On Peace Treaty
1 favor ratification WITHOUT reservations
1 favor ratification only WITH certain reservations. .
1 am against the League of Nations as a whole
tewel amorla linest
Instrument of music is
Stetjer Grand Piano.
As nature took centuries
to create tne famous Kohinoor
diamond, so tlte malting of every
Steger is tne culmination
of years of patient striving
fox an ideal.
TLc result is expressed
In a wonderful rickness of tone,
a superb beauty, and guaranteed
durability, wkicn, combined with
its attractive price, make ike
tRe most valuable piano in tie world
JEpcclujivc FaciorjDistributorS
I' 1311-1313 Famam $t.
Workhouse Urged for
Wayward Husbands
By County Attorney
Agitation for a workhouse for
wayward husbands who fail to sup
port their wives, wa started yes
terday by County Attorney Shot
well, when Roy Campbell was sen
tenced to three months in the county
jail for failure to support his wife
and two minor children.
Campbell had been arrested before
on the same complaint, but was re
leased on his promise to furnish
support to his family. His sentence
to the county jail was given as a
last resort only, Mr. Shotwell said.
"There is something wrong with
our system of dealing with such
men," said Mr Shotwell. "It is not
the man, but his family, which suf
fers while he is confined. He is fed,
they are not.
"I would urge that a workhouse
be founded as soon as possible,
where men who refuse to support
their families can be made to work.
They should be made to produce
something and, a 'salary paid their
family for the work they do while
in the workhouse."
No attempt at a. national railroad
strike in the United States has ever
Girls Who Made Accusations
Do Not Appear at Trial
Moore Sentenced for
Disorderly Conduct.
Johnnie Moore, 2560 Cuming
street, negro, accused of attempt
ing to assault four white girls be-
tween the ages of 9 and 14 years,
; was arraigned in police court yester
' day and sentenced to 90 days' im
prisonment on a charge of disorderly
The girls who made the charges
against Moore failed to appear at
the trial and the more -serious
charges were withdrawn. Detec
tives who made the arrest were the
only "'witnesses for the prosecution.
Moore was captured yesterday in
a cornfield near Forty-first street
and Redmond avenue by Charles
Daniels, 4124 Redmond avenue, the
lather of one of the girls, and Clyde
Pond, Forty-second street and
Himebaugh avenue, a cousin of an
other of the girls.
J;xob N. Kopald Dies
in East of Heart Disease
Jacob N. Kopald, for many years
a resident of this city, died in Buf
falo. N. Y., yesterday, according
to word received from his son, Rabbi
Louis J. Kopald. The cause of death
was heart disease.
Mr. Kopald, who was 71 years of
age, lived in Omaha until four years
ago, wjien the family moved to Buf
falo to be with Rabbi Kopald, who
accepted a synagogue there.
Those surviving are the widow,
four daughters, Mrs. Max Lowen
thal, Mrs. Richard Dcsbecker, both
of Buffalo; Mrs. William Feiler of
-.his city, and Miss Frances Kopald
of Buffalo, and three sons, Sigis
mund of Buffalo, Herman of New
York, and Rabbi Kopald.
Mayor Gets Permit to Turn i
Fire Houses Into Groceries
The city council yesterdal adopted
a resolution which authorizes the
mayor to use fire engine houses in
the operation of municipal grocery
stores. He may also use clerks from j
the city hall to operate these stores. I
Commissioner Zimman opposed
the use of fire stations, on the
grounds that firemen might be in
terfered with in responding . to
Brie City News
Have Root Print It Beacon Press
Elec. Fans $8.50 Burgeas-Granden
Omaha Gasoline and Oils "Best
in the hong Kun." Adv.
"The American State Bank at ISth
and Farnam pays interest upon time
deposits and savings accounts."
Home From France Victor
Dietz, son of Frank Dietz, of the
C. N. Diet Lumber company, has
arrived home after more than a
year's service In France with the
49th and 88th base hospital units.
"Your deposits in the American
State Bank are protected by the
Kuaranty fund of the state of Ne
braska." Adv.
J. C. Bixby & Son Co, are In
stalling a Vapor Heating System at
the new residence of Mr. Ernest
Sweet also the plumbing.
Consider Trafllc Tower The city
council deferred artinn on a
r resolution for the removal of the
signal traffic tower at Sixteenth am
Harney streets. The matter will be
held In abeyance until the return
of Commissioner Ringer.
Omnium Coaches Shooters Ju
lius Festner Is the coach of the Ne
braska team, 17 men, and Captain
Rirhards is in command of It at the
rifle range at Caldwell. N. J., for
the National Guard competition.
Here for Campaign Alfred T.
Hoffsommer, who raised $8,000,000
in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas
for the centenary campaign, has
come to Omaha to aid Dr. W. C.
SensibaiiRh in the service campaign
for the Salvation Army Reconstruc
home. Mr. Hoffsommer is the rep
resentative of the western territory
of the Salvation Army.
New Parking Ordinance City
Commissioner lUitler introduced an
ordinance which provides that au
tomobiles tihnll not be parked on
Farnam street, Fifteenth to Seven
teenth streets. Another provision
restores diaeonal parkins at curbs.
Height of Buildings A commit
tee of architects and members of the
city planning board will appear be
fore the city council next Monday
morning to discuss the proposed
zoning system and also the proposed
restriction on height of new buildings.
URGESsfcH Company
Tuesday, August 12, 1919.
-Phone D. 2100.
33 1W. Jk
Autumn's Newest
Modes Are Herm
THERE are delightful notes of loveliness and grace in the ultra n
taillieur and elaborately fur-trimmed suits Garments that fore- ta
shadow a season of unusual charm.
The Suits Range from the long coat and close
fitting skirt to the jaunty coat and slightly
fuller skirt.
Emphasized by novel trimming effects, de
signs and ornamentations in which the use of
furs is featured.
! 1
lerfered with in responding .to I m
I alarms. I
mm nnun itrtu wti www
I Coca-Cola is a perfect I j rf
I answer to thirst that I j m
no imitation can satisfy. 1 j 1 . 1
Coca-Cola quality, re-
corded in the public pr
taste, is what holds it (T
above imitations. I J j (3? (
II Ufll II If In. Mill v S
ilUlli Demand the genuine by Ml I
I "
Our Sale of Plush Coats
Offers Notable Price Savings
THE popular garment of winter wear is a plush coat and we consider our
selves fortunate in having secured as large an assortment for your ap
proval and during this month you save 20 on prices in effect later in the
season. .
Some plain, others trimmed in fur, such as taupe coney, opposum and rac
coon, Dolman effects, straight-lines, also belted styles.
Prices from $25.00 to $150.00. '
The New Furs
I': if
j! I
Soft, Luxurious, Wonderful
Furs, furs, why even the word has a soft luxurious sound and such a collection as w
have of them.
Every kind and shape that Fashion decrees is included and you may choose with full
confidence that qualities are right, for the Burgess-Nash guarantee goes with every piece sold.
You Save 25
By buying during our fifth annual August Sale of Furs.
nil I Mini' CM I t UJf'K . I .A'Ui-:JAJt UV
The Making of Fall Wardrobes
Necessarily Means Notions
These Specially Priced.
Sanitary Aprons, good quality, soft finish, full size.
Steel Pins, full 300 count. Price, 3 packages 10c.
Coats' and Gilt-edge Darning Cotton, black, brown or
white; 3 spools for 10c.
Safety-pins, nickel-plated, good quality. Price 4e dozen.
Dress Shields, guaranteed quality, regular or opera
shane, 3, 2, 4. Price, 19c pair.
Wood Stocking Stretchers for infants' and children's
wool hose. All sizes. Price, 35c pair.
Three-cord Machine Thread, all sizes, white. Price, 2
spools. Sc.
Slip-on Dress Shields, 3, 4, 5, net or batiste foundation.
Price, 39c pair.
Skirt Belting, black or white, stiff finish, 2, 2, 3-inch
width, Price 12c yard.
Sanitarv Nankins. 3 in box: price. 12 Uc box.
Dr. Parker's Waists, all sizes, race, sac eacn.
Black Buttons for trimming v fall dresses.
Price, 25c dozen.
Skirt Markers; price, 19c each.
Tape Lines, linen finish, 60-inch line. Price,
5c each. (
Coat Suit Buttons, 3, 4, 6 on a card. Price,
5c card.
Wire Hair'Pins, 20 in package; 5 packages 5c.
Bias Tape, pood quality lawn, 5-yard bolts;
assorted sizes. Price, 5c bolt.
Hair Pins, shell or amber, 5 in box; price, 10c.
Rickrack Braids in white and colors; 4 and
6-yard bolts. Price, 15c bolt.
Good quality Pearl Buttons, all sizes. Price
5c a card.
Fancy Edges and Braids, assorted colors; 3
yard bolts. Price, 5c bolt.
fiilkine Crochet Cotton, all sizes; assorted
colors. Price, 2 for 25c.
Palm Leaf Fans, large size. Price, 3 for 25c.
Sew-on Supporters, white only. Price, 15c pr.
Hickory Garters, all sizes; white only. Price
25c pair.
A Sale of
Sewing Machines
that have been used as
floor - samples and are
slightly marred, but in
perfect running order.
Every machine is guar
anteed. The prices have been
greatly reduced for a
Here are a few:
4- drawer drophead ma
chine, $28.75.
5- drawer, golden oak
drophead, $49.50.
6 - drawer automatic,
drophead, $62.50.
Fumed oak cabinet,
Golden oak cabinet,
Needles, all makes, at
25c a dozen.
Belts, 28c each.
Oils, 10c and 20c a bot
tle. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor.
This Is Not the Weather That Makes You Think of
Blankets, So We'll Have to Remind You That Our
Sixth Annual Blanket Sale Is Now in Progress
WE HAVE been so fortunate as to procure hundreds upon nunareas
of beautiful all-wool, part-wool and wool-nap blankets and timely
purchases enable us to place them before you at prices which will
surprise you. The heavy sales of the past few days have scracely made
any inroads upon the magnificent array of patterns. Buy this month
and '
Save 25 to 33V3
Here are some of the values:
Plain gray or tan blankets at $6.50.
Blue, lavender or yellow plaid blankets at $5.S5.
66x80 part-wool blanket at $6.95.
A splendid quality cotton blanket, $3.50.
Plain gray, colored border cotton blanket, $4.50.
Gold, blue, pink and gray blankets, $9.95.
Silkaline Comfort, cotton filled, $4.95.
A pure wool blanket, special $19.50.
Burgess-Naih Co. Downstair Stor