.. if 10 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1919, WANT AD RATES tCaab With Order.) to pr word on day Se p word two consecutive day 4o per word thre consecutive day 5o per word (our conavcutlv day to par word . .ti conaecutlv day a per word aix consecutiv dy la per word even consecutive day And on cent per word eacn additional lay. No al taken for lea than a total of tOo or lee than lr per day. CM A BO. E. 12o per line (count 6 word to line) 1 day ISO per line .two conaecutlv day 20o per Una three consecutive day 6.1o per line seven consecutive day H. 40 per line thirty consecutiv day CARDS OF THANK AND H.M.RAL NOTICES. lOo per line each tnaertlon Minimum charge, 60 centa. These rates apply either to the Dally r Sunday Bee. All advertisement ap pec In both morning and evening dally papers for the one charge. ' Contract Rates on Application. For convenience ofadvertiser, want ads will he accepted at the following orricee: MAIN OFFICE Be Building Ame Office 4410 Noith 20h St. I.nke Office 251J Norm Z4tn St. Vinton Offlc 2467 South 16th St. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth 8t. South Side 2318 N St THE REE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time.- rilONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Horning Editions 10:00 P. M Sunday Fdltlons 10P.M. Saturday. math & funeraiTnotices! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Typewriters and Supplies TYTEWR1TEHS AND ADDINO MACHINES. , NEW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewriter and Adding Machines weat of Chicago. Can furnish any make at moat any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See ua befor you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over IS year.) Dougla 4121. 1905 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS, all makea. aold. rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANY. 05 8. 18th St. Tel. D. 6. BIO reduction In slightly used and re built typewriter. Write for llt. Mid land Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Insurance. INSURES AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON,,0T0Yii BLDQ. 1606. Lawn Mowers LAWNMOWERS South 1314. harpened. Delivery. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. In ternational Patent Co., 681 Brandei. D. 6691. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $6.00. Oliver Agency. 190 Farnam St.. City. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. Call Harney 7101. Store and Office Fixtures. URN1TUHE FOR OFFICE OR HOME. THE O. A. SKANS CO.. 1903 FARNAM ST DOUGLAS 7998 Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE Two pool tables; $50 each. Omaha Taxi Cab Co.. Douglas 90. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, net. needle and parts. MICKEtVS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ir.th n-d Harrtfy Ptff. Douf?. 1973. GT.OKGK Mrs. HVrtrin.p. 43"1 North Thirty-ninth strict, Aurust 10, ago 38 yara at a local hospital. Knpi.il services from Hoffmann Fu neral Home Tui sdny at 2 :30 p. m. In terment Sr. Miiry Magdalen's oeinotory, licensed Is survival by her husband, Albert, niif UiiuiihtfT, 'Catherine, her mother, Mrs. rntliertne hf-dcr. three brothers, riinrlfs, (lus and Kdwarrt and two altrH. M rs. John Cnrr and Mrs. Albert W iley, all of Omaha. CASKY. John Amhert Funfal Wcdnes tlav morning from John A. vlont 1" man's mortuary, 3411 Karnam Rtrot-ii, at :30 a. tii., to St. Peter's church, 9 a. m. ln tejmnt Holy Senuli hcr cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKEBS." HERCE ARROW AM NU LANCE SERVICE Thirty-third and Farnam. liar. 84. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches PERFECT iiiufT.lH.eger diumond. weighs 1", carats, $1,000. Harney 5490. Miscellaneous. FRED E. FERO FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. JSd and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 677. Auto nmhulanoe. HEAFFJY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalm. Phone H. 25. Office 2till Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 9. lBjh St. Phone Doug. IZ1S. . . TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas714. 2213 Cuming St. -TOHN A. GENTLEMAN. Undertaker and Embalmer. 3411 Fainnm St. Harney 392. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 ft. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORiSTS. T-TTT? T T A PMHM Fontenell 1814 Douglas St. Florists. Douglas 8 244. I Henderson. 1519Farnam.Iouttla 124S: JOHN BATH.1 8 th and Farnam. D.3O0O. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments in th United States. FRANK SVOBODA. IJ1I S. 1 3th. Phone Dougla s 1 8 7 2-o216. J BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Louis and Sarah Slutzky, 3303 Leavenworth, hoy: William and Jane Do tal!, S420 South Twenty-sixth, girl ; John and Mary Kudlacr, 3101 South Thirtieth, boy; Frank and Mary Zielenokl, 4502 South Thirty-seventh, boy; Warren and Christina Blaokmon. 3403 V. boy; Fred ar 1 Emelli Faulk, 1202 Jefferson, boy; Uoy and Irene Archer, 4715 Grant, boy; Art and Madeline Warren, 3014 Tucker, girl; Claude and Mnhle Armstrong. 4401 North Twenty-Eighth avenue, boy; Adolph and Julia Nelson, 2027 North Forty ninth, girl; Joseph and Anna Witts, 405 North Twenty-seventh avenue, boy. teaths Edna Thomas, 25. 3441 Boyd: Carlos Gallcgos, 3S hospital: August fluachmeyer. 66, hospital; William David Clark. 61. hospital; Mrs. Edith Swanson, 31, hospital; Peter Thompson, 73, hospital: MARRIAGE LICENSES. Soneca B: Yule, Grand Island, Neb.... Marion D. Hansen, Omaha Rex D. Kildow. North Loup. Neb, over Lillian J. Smith, Trinity, Texas, over William D. Craft, Linden. la -Eva M. Hughes, Perry, la Vaclav Kosip, Omaha l.outBe Vlack, Omaha Andrew Anderson, Ashlitnd, Neb Effle Coleman, Elsie, Neb Vincent H. Ridge, Kansas City. Mo.. Uvalyn R. Geddes. Kearney, Neb.... Oscar R. Dumm. Omaha Leon. Shannon. Omaha John B. Booker, Omaha Damie Jackson. Tulsa, Okl John Miller, Omaha Ophelia Pierson, Omnha Kmmett C. Gentleman, Denver, Colo.. Vnla ( B. Hrhert, Omaha ....... , ATTRACTIONS. BRICTSON TIRE STOCK PAR VALUE $4,000. PREFERRED AND COMMON FOR SALE AT $1,035. ADDRESS CARE OF M-18, OMAHA BEE. MALT SYRUP. I HAVE 22.000 GALLONS OF PURE MALT SYRUP. WILL SELL IN QUART. GALLON. 6-OALI.ON AND LARGER CONTAINERS IF DESIRED. M. P. M'KINNEY, 1210 S. 16TH ST. CALL DUUGLAS4R64. OUTFIT for making six gallons of de lightful malt ami hops home beverage, including malt extract, hops, bottle cap per, caps and syphon. Send P. O. money order for $:t .15. Dept. B. M. & H. Co Cedar Rapids, la. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. WE buy. seH and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & S u pply Co.. 11th and Douglas D. 2724. KINDLING dcllverev. $3,511 load. Wh. 459 AUCTION SALES. LIST US sell your household goods or fur niture. Satisfaction guaranteed. Owens Brokerage Co., Auctioneer and Sales Experts. 2n7 Keeli n eBkl g. P h one Red 699 4. FOl'R sample trunks. 209 South 12th St. " WANTED TO BUY." " LIBERTY BONDS Inrludinc nartia 1 navment reeelnta bought for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mail. LEWIS & CO., BROKERS, 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS If you have a Liberty bond to ape us. We pay spot cash for all Issues Also buv partial payment rerelpts. 300 M'CAGUE BLDG. N W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. Highest Cash Prices Paid for .LIBERTY BONDS nnd Pnrtinl Payment Rerplots. NATIONAL BOND CO., MO World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. LIBERTY BONDS Bought at full New York market, plus accrued Interest to date. Money loaned on bonds at 6 per cent No commission charged. STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 315 South 17th Street. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d. 4th and 6th issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money. We must have bonds of these issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tlons. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. Tyler 2736. 639 Scurlttes (Rose) Bldg, H. DOLGOFF. Furniture and Hardware. Furniture, rugs, linoleum. Ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases. trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poul try netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit if you wlsn. 1839-47 North 24tn: vvep-1t VICTORY A N l 1 .1 BERT Y BONDS. ALSO PARTLY PAID RECEIPTS. Need Bonds this week badlv to meet mr demand. TOP NOTCH "PRICES. 542 Securities Uldg. Plating:. EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have juat opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade, W ar doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douaia 7638. Safes. C! A TTTQ BARGAINS 121$ Farnam. OA! EiJ J. J, Deright Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlek. P. U. 816 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 243$ Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 801 S. 11th. D. MM. Omaha Towel Supply. 807 S. 11th. P. 628. Printing. Weddincr Stationery V. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone P. 1178 Tolliver Printner Co. Pr. 8831. Commercial Printers. 1816 St. Mary' Ave. RemoHngContractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632 Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Wedding Stationery. WEDDNIO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. l pi. ui BUSINESS CHANCES. MR. BUSINESS MAN Are you able to judge an extra good proposition when you see It? Ill you are and have S10.000 or over, a well established manufacturing company can show you whore its "trade mark' alone will be worth $1,000,000 with three yeara of hustle and push besides the annual Income. The high cost of living has created a demand for our goods. Every mail, woman, child and baby is a user. The human race is the only limit to the field to be worked. We have the manufacturing facilities and material on hand for $400,000 re tail business. This proposition will stand the most rigid Investigation. Can be handled by a silent or active part ner. This is our harvest .time and re quires action, so do not answer this unless you have the money and mean business. Addresa box M-S9. Bee. ATTENTION REAL ESTATE MEN. If you are not taking advantage of the great Texas oil boom you are los ing money. Practically every county In the state Is being developed for oil and the lease business is active. Leases are lumping rapidly and big money can be made by getting Into this attractive business right now. OUR FREE BOOKLET explains In detail how you can get Into the lease business without an outlay of money for large profits. Write today. STATEI.AN1) LEASE ASSOCIATION. 307 Beatty Bldg., Houston, Texas. FOR SALE Rexall drug store, located Stella, Neb., for cash to highest bidder Thursday, August 14, between 3 and 4 p. m.; rich farming community, ele gant fixtures, nol soda fountain, gener al drug and paint stock, no competi tion; for information phone or write McBride & Chism, trustees, at Stella or I'niversity Place. Neb TRUSTEES SALE 112,000 to $15,000 stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready-to-Wear, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings and Fixtures will be sold to the highest bid der for cash at 2 p. m., Monday, August IS, at The Model Dry Goods Co.'s store, Hamburg. Iowa. Invoice an.d merchan dise ready Friday, August 15. GEO. E. HARRIS Trustee. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades want - warehousemen xnd truckers 47 tt CENTS PER HOUR 1-HOUR DAT. Steady work year round. Apply John Stevens, loading foreman, Omaha Flour Mill Co., 29th and C Sts., South Side. FIREMEN, Brakemen, Baggagemen, $140 $200. Colored porters, by railroads everywhere. Experience unnecessary. 718 Ry Bureau, East St. Louis. 111. WANTED Printer; $26 for 60-hour week; must com at once; a good awift man wanted for first-class shop. The Tbos. P. Murphy Co.. Red Oak, la. WANTED Experienced automobile me chanic, electrical equipment and tire repair man. Military Garage, Phone Walnut 4309. WANTED Expert automobile mechanics. Must be good; best of wages paid for expert. E. A, Brandes, Grand Island. Neb. WANTED Several good all-around Tin ners; steady work; 76c per hour. Forest City Metal Heating Co.. Rockford. 111. WANTED An experienced manager for a cafeteria In a city of 35,000 in western Iowa. TWO soda dispensers. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., 16th and Harney, downstairs BARBER wanted; steady job; good pay. F. A. Tracy, Portsmouth, la. DRUG CLERK, registered, first-class man. H. O. Patterson. 10th and Hickory. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED SALESMEN. To represent a large firm that will bear the very closest Investigation; Nebraska territory, dealing direct with the farmer with a staple ar ticle of absolute necessity; must have car, be a wilting worker and If you can qualify we have a job worth $100 per week and up. We teach you how. No money to advance by you. Address M-12, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices WANTED. X PUPLICATOR OPERATOR. APPLY GENERAL OFFICE MORRIS & COMPANY. SOUTH SIDE. COMPTOMETER operator, ome experi ence. $60. EIllott-Flaher bookkeeping machine operator, $66. Collector, little clerical and typing work, $65. Private secretary, (bookkeeper and stenog rapher) downtown, $125. Saleslady, general merchandise, eastern Nebraska experienced, $76. Traveling saleslady, Jewelry line, salary nd expenses. Comptometer operator, experienced, some clerical work, $70-$75. Mimeograph stencil cutter, experienced, salary open. Office clerk, $52. File clerk, experi enced, $85. Typists, $7O-$60-$60-$66-$S0-$65-$70-$55 and $50. Stenographers. $125-$100-$s)0-$S5-$80-$76. Dictaphone operators, $85-$90, Employer's Refer ence Company, 224 Bee building. "No charge 'til placed." STENOGRAPHER, out of town bank, stenographer, $10U-$95, $90. $85, $76, $65. Comptometer operator, $70, $76; office clerk. $70. Stenographer to meet public, $18 week; typist, $16. i Stenographer and bookkeeper, $80. Typist, $87.60. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 113S First Nat. Bank. Temporary stenographer, uptown of fices, $4.00 a dav. Stenographers, $65, $75, $86, $90, 1100, Billing clerk, $76, $80. Temporary bilier. $3.60 a day. Typist, must be experienced, $75. File clerk, experienced, $C0, $65, THE MART-COMPANY. 1126 W. O. y. Bldg. Stenographer and clerk, bank building; $120. Stenographer, $100, $90, $85. Beginner stenographer. $65 to $76. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. TWO typists to learn Elliott Fisher op erating, $65, $80 to start; this la a splendid opportunity to increase your earning capacity. Employer' Reference Co., 224 Bee Building. Salesmen In Nebcaska and Iowa can make big money selling our Health and Accident Policies. New company In territory, ran offer liberal agency contracts. All or part time. City or country. Exper ience not necessary. Call or write Merchants Life and Casualty Co., : 422 BEE BLDG., OMAHA. REAL businessman can buy half Interest in up-to-date manufacturing business for $3,500: if have money ready, close if satisfied; draw $200 month and big per cent on investment. Will stand thorough Investigation. Unless capable and willing to enter different business, but easily learned, don't answer. Box 0-4, Omaha Beej FOR SALE Restaurant, only eating place in town of 800; clean and good busi ness established; choice location and new building. Address J. J. Carey. Petersburg, NelK FOR SALE A-l general merchandise bus iness in live country town; staple and clean; southeastern Nebraska; Bohemian community; reason for selling. Address Y-fill. Omaha Bee Manuflaeturer has exceptionally remunera tive proposition for producer. Every large building and factory offers oppor tunity for sales. Salary and liberal bonus, based upon sales. Expenses ad vanced. If you believe In your sales ability and want to place it to good ad vantage telephone A. J. MacEwan, room 403, Fontenelle hotel. Interview by ap polntment only. : TWO STOCK SALESMEN. ! GOING CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE I CORPORATION, i SELLING WHERE WE ARE LO CATING NEW STORES. MOST APPEALING PROPOSITION IN EACH LOCALITY. RYAN COMPANY, 1102 HARNEY ST., OMAHA. FOR SALE Doctor's practice, village of 400, eastern Nebraska; terms If taken before Septemberl Address, Y-631, Omaha Bee. . FOR SALE Fully equipped restaurant, doing good business In South Norfolk A good railroad center. Poor health.' reason for selling. Addresa Y606. Omaha Bee. STOCK SALESMAN Good leads; stock paying 16 per cent on present Hale price; 180 stockholders in Omaha drawing monthly dividends. Call at once. 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. F YOU can sell Insurance and can come . clean, you can obtain a liberal contract in good territory with an established . company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 822 Omaha, Neb. DESKS DESKS DESKS New dc3ks; used desks bought sold snd traded. .1. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 FOR sale all kinds novelties, dolls, bull dog with diumond eyes. Give away Slum flash goods, etc. . VINNICK S NOVELTY HOUSE, . H No. 15th St, Douglas 7576 ' LOST FOUND REWARDS. DIVIDENDS Turn your diamonds into cash. High'-st prices paid. W. C. Klatau, Jeweler. Es tablished K92: 6th floor Securities bldg. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS. OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele, phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost Rrtlcles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY CO LOST Wrist watch on Nineteenth street between -Farnam and Douglas; finder pleas return to Miss Stefan, 208 Ken--nedy Bldg. Reward. I.OST Saturday evening In vicinity Fon tenelle hotel, dinner ring, green and gold with settings. Leave at Fontenelle hotel. Reward. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett. 705 North 16:.h St. Kelser buys and seMs furniture. Ty. 4341-W ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 per cent dividend bearing oil royalty stock. Ford car preferred Bo'L." Hoojer. Neb ITuXtToNS-WANTED Male THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office tn the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth a nd Fa rn a 1 want work; I am willing to do odd jobs between 6 p. m. and 11 p. m. Box Q-21, Bee. . FARMERS, we can furnish you harvest hands Wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency, 210 S. 12th St. D. 7879 OPENING for three willing workers on high-grade monthly payment magazine proposition; new clubs, quick sellers; pays $1.00 per order; will guarantee salary to reliable men. P. N. Blake, Baird Bldg. SALESMEN can make big money selling oil leases In new oil field. Write for Information Western Lease Co., P. O. Box 7, Station A, El Paso, Texas. WANTED Five salesmen with Fords to sell auto tires. Salary and commission. 2 IN 1 VULC. CO., Douglas 1241 Female LADY with daughter of four wantr posi tion as housekeeper; references required. 1915 So. 11th St., Tyler 1912-W. Accordeon Pleating. Laundry and Day Work. ' WifiHlVO ironing nnri ftnv work wanted. Call Webster 6162. I ACCORDEON, side, knife, aunburat, box pleating, covered buttons, all size and styles; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO 300-308 Brown Bldg Phone D. 19S6. LOST Sllvertown cord tire, 34x4 4 type ''C." mounted. Liberal Reward. Ad dress J. B. Socket), Terminal Bklg., Lincoln, Neb. LOST Sunday morning, $60 worth of "milk ticket. North 47th. Return to ' 530 South 24th avenue and receive $3 .reward. LOS1 Ladtea' toupe suit Jacked Sunday afternoon on Dodge car. Douglas 1876. Reward. m STRAYED Big Iron gray mar with halter and chain. Phone Colfax 283 for reward. LOST Pair new brown shoe, Brandeis Stores. Call D. 385. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS O. U. VanArnani Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 8109 Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" R. R. Ticket. Office D. 296 Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Dentists Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Jewelry. DTAMOMD'? We pay the best price J-ZArViYlvyiX 70 With privilege to buy back at' small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Red 60S1. i TOPMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE Is oor clatnvand by thl we mean Bet ; IAi.nl.ur. In, T mum Unn.u K,, l. T-ture qual In material, construction and 'design at a positive saving a dollar spent with the STATE FURNITURE CO. for furniture will do a greater duty We quote $19.75 dressera for $13 50: $27.60 dresser for $18.50; $35.00 dresser for $28.00; $35.00 Buffet tor $34.75: $22 .50 Chiffonier tor $13.95. Bargains throughout every line. We specialize on complete horn outfit. Liberty bonds taken at par. ' STATE FURNITURE COMPANY- 14h and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P Bldg Chiropractors. Kthel Maltby. D. C, 3 12 Bee Bldg.. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. 8461 Dancing Academies. KEL-PTNE SCHOL FOR DANC-IVdJLi-I 1 IN III ING 224 Fllrnam Summer classes, fancy, stage and social. fTTMTR AT school for danc- Vj1N IIVAL I NG. 1609-11 Chicago Phone Douglas 2S57. Harney 2579 Brass and Iron foundries. NEW RUGS mfg from OLD CARPETS. RUG CLEANING, RAG RUG WEAVING. CUMING RUG CLEANING A MFG. CO.. 41 Cuming St. Red 412S Ornaiia. SELLING out entire stock of furniture and household furnishings regardless of Value; act quick. Douglas 4959, 2421 Cuming St VB tell new and near-new furniture. tovea and rugs at lowest prices: cash: or payment. Amer Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16 FURNITURE, dishes, range, gas stove, kitchen utensils. Mrs. Cavln. 150 Park venue. Council Bluffs. FURNITURE of 3-rqm apartment, flrst , class condition. Apartment for rent at once. Call Tyler 1939. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GOLDEN OAK VICTROLA. $175 sise; Xrand new; lot of latest records, dance music and all selections. SI 10. Will rake liberty bonds. Webster i20t. A. HOSPE CO. at "nd" mual" Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. 'SHULTZ piao for sale or trade: almos new; cost 4S5 new. Call Mr. Johnson, Douglas 2409. - Typewriters and Supplies REBUllTr. old, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try ua. Phone" Doug. (031. ... . OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO-;.- lt North l(t St. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO.. $7th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN UN,J.: dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. FORMER U. 8. revenue officer. Legal ad vlce free. TylQr 2736. Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mail orders so liclted. THE ENSIGN CO . 1607 Howard. Electrical Utilities. DTTRKTW Electrlc washing machines. LUltixlli electric irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St Douglas 2519 ELECTRIC fans. $S.50 & up; washing ma chines, $59.50; vacuum cleaners. $37.50. Lalley-Wilson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam. Lawyer. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 508 Om Nat. Office. Tyler 759. Res.. S518 Glaziers GLAZING, old window screen rewired Colfax 2701. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 320 Neville Bdg. T. 29R0. H. 4741. GLASSES IccuratV.ly. 5L' (jBOK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. COLORED, woman want work by the day. Tj'ler 3399-W. WANTED All kinds of day work. Call Webster 4047. BUNDLE washing, lac curtain. Webeter 1727. BUNDLES, curtains, blanket laundred. Webster 42S3. CURTAINS laundered, specialty. Harney 1130. EXPERIENCED laundress want work by the daj Call Webster S04L BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1196 SWEEPING and cleaning. Webster 4816 CLEANING and Ironing. Webster 4756. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Qffices. ASSISTANT shipping clerk, branch office, $65. Bookkeeper, downtown office, $100-$125. Correspondent, wholesale, $100-1125. Office clerks, $S0-$100. File clerk, salary open. Bookkeeper or ledger clerk, $115. Stenographer, $115 $125. Auditor, $85. Floor salesman, dry goods, $100. Young man 1,8 for special office work, $85. Office 1oys, $6C-$55-$50-$45-$40. Merchandise pack ers, $85. Insurance salesmen with cars, salary and commission. No experience necessary. Auto accessory salesman, $125 and expenses. Calculating ma chine salesman. Salary- open. Experi enced tire salesman, $175 and expenses. Employer's Reference Company, 224 Bee building. "No charge tll placed." OFFICE MANAGER and assistant sales manager for branch office, tire com pany. Sioux City, college graduate pre ferred about 25 years old with some business experience. $1.800-$2,000. Em ployer's Reference Company, 224 Bee building. BOOKKEEPER, $125-$150. Bookkeeper, temp., $125. Burrough s posting machine opr., $90. Office bovs, $40-$55. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126- W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $100, $125: bookkeeper, banking experience, $S5, $90; office roan, extension work, $100. Watts Ref. Co., II3 First Nat. Bank. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER with some knowledge of credit work. $175. Western Reference & Bond Assn. Professions and Tradeg. WANTED Woodworkers and helper to build automobile truck bodies. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, Omaha, 'Neb. MEN WANTED Experience not necessary gooa wages and steady work; oppor tunity to learn a trade. Write, giving age ana rererence. HART-PARR COMPANY, Founders of the Tractor Industry. Charles City. Inwa. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman; give full details and salary . wanted In first letter. Killian Brother Co., Wa hoo. Neb. TRAVELING salesman, staple commodity, Nebraska territory, $lo0 and expenses. Western Reference & Bond Assn. Trade Schools. NIGHT AUTO SCHOOL Commencing July 21, regular electrical and mechanical course for car owners and garage men. Catalogue free. Na tional Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha. Boys. OFFICE BOY, NEAT APPEARING AND GOOD EDUCATION. APPLY MORRIS & CO., SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED Young lady with high school education to learn book and stationery business. Matthew Book Store, 1620 Harney etreet. WANTED Competent stenographer. Lion Bonding and Surety Co. 205 South 19th St. Inquire for M. Brant. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, small Insur ance office, $100. Western Reference & Bond Assn. WANTED Stenographer, Washington Market, mail order department, 1307 Howard. n FOR gen. housework, to go to Douglas, Wyoming. Call Harney 3605. Professions and Trades GIRLS WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN A PROFESSION? WE TEACH YOU AND PAY YOU WELL WHILE LEARNING. PERMANENT POSITIONS TELEPHONE OPERATING IS A PROFESSION YOU CAN USE IN ANY CITY; THE WORK IS CLEAN, PLEASANT AND INTERESTING; UNUS UAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT. VACA TIONS EACH YEAR WITH PAY. YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT, 613 Telephone Bldg., 19th and Douglas. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. Wanted 25 Girls. for labelling-' and packing macaroni. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson. EDUCATIONAL. MOSHER stenographer ucceed. Learn quickly In school or by "home atudy." Omaha Business College, 703 Be Bldg.. Omaha. D. 652t. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 185. 209 South 16th St. t ' . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 608 No. 17th St. ROOM with private bath, modern home, nice porch. Webster 3564. NICELY furnished parlor and bedrooni for rent. Web. 6996. 2313 DOUGLAS, nice large front room, suitable for two. NICE cool rooms, $3 week. 201! N. 18th. Webster 802. FRONT room on ground floor. 1916 Plnk ney street. Board and Rooms. 3614 SOUTH 25th; large room; modern private home: near car. South 4466. ROOM and hoard; 2768 California. Phone Harney 7140. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. DARTMOOR APARTMENTS FOR RENT. We are now taking reservation for these very desirable apartments, located at 22d and Jones street: look them over and take your choice now. Ready for occupancy about September 1. DRAKE -REALTY CONSTRUCTION CO . 22d and .Tones St. Tyler 671 EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS V 18TH AND DO DO K STREET. Two and three-room apartments, com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tylei' 4200. One. BLACK STONE HOTEL two or three room apartment 36th and Farnam Street. Phone. Harney 945 N , APARTMENT 306. The Morris, to sub lease for one month or less. Inquire at office. Tyler 3210. FOR RENT HOUSES. MILLINERY SALESLADIES WANTED. Experienced millinery salesladies wanted; permanent positions. Apply In person. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Council Bluffs. SALESLADIES WANTED. Permanent positions in all departments for experienced salesladies. Apply In person. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Council Bluffs. WANTED A competent seamstress for al teration work In ready-to-wear depart ment; also qualified to make sales. Writ George J. Eoff & Sons, Central City. Neb. GIRLS WANTED Positions open for both Inexperienced and trained help, at top wages. Eagl Laundry Co.. 718 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent maid for general housework, two In family, good wage. Mrs. Jay D. Foster, 309 St. Regis apart ments, 37th and Jones street. Telephone Harney 193. WANTED A strong young man, 18 or 20 year old, to learn trade. Apply Stereo Dept., Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. CAN use an Intelligent man on out-door work; previous experience not required; permanent employment If satisfactory; good chance for rapid advancement; sal. aried position. 301 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas MAN with some knowledge of gas en gines as oiler for construction work out of city, $70, board and room. Apply 224 Bee Bldg - YOUNG man wanted for soda fountain. Experience required. Melcher Drug Co., 4826 So. 2401 KING hats WORB for 65c. 209 So. 12th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. MIDDLE-aged woman to wait on lady In poor health and do a little house work; nice home; good wages. Call at 114 North Thirtieth street. HOUSEKEEPER Without children, to take full charge of a widower1 home In city. One daughter going to school. Box 0-26, Omaha Bee. WANTED Competent housekeeper on farm; full charge in small family; give reference and wages wanted in first let ter. Box 104, Scrlbner. Neb WANTED A girl for general housework; two in family. Mrs. I. W. Carpenter, Jr., 518 South 40th St. Tel. Harney 2123. WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family; references required. Call Harney 570. CAPABLE girl for general housework two In family. Harney 4355. WANTED A cook and girl for second work. Telephone Harney 69. DAY work wanted. Harney 6057. Hotels and Restaurants. Girls Wanted Now for Steady Work. In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. Good pay to good workers. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at once. Iten Biscuit Go. Snow White Bakeries, Capitol Ave.. 12th to 13tt Sts. Office En trance, Middle of Block. WANTED First class car repairers tne-j rougn carpenters witn tools to work on freight car body work. 6?e oer hour Applv at Caw Street Gala, U. P. Shop la.. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper In gen eral office of line yard lumber company. Must be capable. Lumber experience de Irable but not essential. State In first letter experience, full particulars and salery ask,t Montgomery Lumber Co., Winner. S. D. COOK and other help, at the Nebraska Masonic Home, Plattsmouth, Neb. Good wages. Sam. W. Scott. Supt. WANlfiD Experienced chambermaid for half day's work; hours 12 to 6. Clair mont Inn. WANTED An experienced chamber maid. Hotel Conant. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly moHern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Tri-ttity Barber College. EDUCATIONAL.. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Student are admitted at any time Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, stenotypy. rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv. Ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Ad Boy lea Building. Omaha, Neb North. LARGE lot, small house, pump and chlck enhouse; $10 a month; near Elmwood park. Webster 2419. South. 5 ROOMS, strictly modern, good neighbor hood. 2627 Chicago: $80. Harney 3696. Miscellaneous. STORES $20.001422 South 16th Street, 22x60. $15 002225 North 20th Street. 22x60. HOUSE $25.00842 South 24th Street. 6-r. upstairs. H. A. WOLF COMPANY 613 Electric Bldg. Tyler 8B. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your propert tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store room, 151b and Dougla Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone Douglas 6342 713 S. 24th, 14xx60 $20 00 WALSH-ELMER CO.. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 6s MODERN store near postoffice; $50 per month. G. P. Stebbens. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room HAVING taken a lease for more floor space than our present needs require, we are in position to sub-lease a por tion to high-grade parties. This is in one of the best locations In Omaha. AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INSURANCE ' COMPANY. . 706 WorId-HeraldBldg. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments & Houses FAMILY of four wants from 5 to 7-room house In Dundee or other good neigh borhood. Harney 4416 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY $ CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 South 16th Doug. 4163. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CLASSY BUNGALOW NEAR KOUNTZE PARK. Nearly new 6-room bungalow; oak fin ished rooms, all good sixes eleeplng porch, garage, paved street; two blocks to car; near park and boulevard; this Is a pickup at $4,500; owner leaving town; about $2,000 cash; let me snow you this real home; Immediate posses sion. Call Mr. nice. RASP BROS., ?i; Keellne Bldg, Tyler 721. BUNGALOW. Finely located east front bungalow; block to car, in ClaHTmont; large living room with fireplace; oak and white enamel finish. Owner leaving town: Immediate posessslon. Price, $6,600; cash, $2,500. m Benson & Carmichael, WREAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES 612 Paxton Blk. Tyler 3540. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN. Seven-room house and sleeping porch, hot water heat, elaborate decorations; nice lawn and shrubs; garage for two cars. Price $5,600; terms. TRAVER BROS., 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 6866 WE speclallxe In North Side property. List your home with us for results. R. F. CLARY COMPANY, 5404-6 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. MINNE I.USA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. NEW 6 rooms, oak finish, fine location. Price $5,950; terms. Location, 6551 N. 24th St. Norris & Norrls. Doug. 4270 North. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. S32 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1751. Phone Tyler 1S7. South. BUY FfiOM THE OWNER Nearly new double brick house In Hanscom Park district, not far from Park school. This 1 a flrst-clas piece of property. Strlcttly modern and up-to-date. Would consider a modern 6 or 6 room property a part payment. It you want a good Investment or home. Telephone Harney 1509. COTH"TSNAPr $1,000 DOWN. B-room, strictly modern cottage, ex cept heat: all on one floor; good base ment; large lot. 50x145. Price $2,600; located at 2167 So. U'th St. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nail Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. G-ROOM COTTAGE All modern, near 25th Ave. and Mason St. In good condition, on paved street. A good buy for investment or a home. Terms if desired. Price $3,000. O. C. OLSEN. Room 206 MoCamie Bldg. 6 ROOMS, all modern, near Hanscom Park, $3,950; oak floors throughout; $si0 cash, $35 month. Call day Doug las 1734. ) NEAR Hanscom park, 7-r. house, on large corner lot. with garage and shed for storage. J. W. Rohhlns. Douglas 629. Miscellaneous. SEE 3041 STONE AVE. Dandy 6-r. strictly mod.; fine lot. Price $5,300 cash. Nice home; owner show you through, or call Tyler 496. SEE 2412 SHERMAN AVE. Nlne-r.: hot water heating system; in fine condition; extra large deep lot. Price $4,700, with $1,000 down, or call Tyler 496. SEE 2017 LOCUST ST. $1,000 down, price $5,500, $45 month. Large living and dining room,, fine kitchen, 4 nice bed rooms and 'bath, 2d floor; fine lawn, shade, etc. Owner will show you through, or call Tyler 496. OSBORNE, 558 OMAHA NAT'L BANK BLDG. Miscellaneous. SARATOGA VAN and STORAGE CO. COLFAX 601. MOVING. PACKING STORAGE. FERRIN'S VAN and STORAGE CO. Auto or Horse Vans. Tyler 1200 $500 CASH. STRICTLY MODERN, WELL LOCATED. In one of the homiest suburban resi dence districts In Omaha is a brand new, strirtly modern bungalow; oak finish and floors; fulP cemented base ment: guaranteed furnace. Your rent money will buy you a home. Phone Harney 3556. evenings. TrsT LISTED "FOR SALE. One 5-room cottage, modern but heat; $2,950. One 6-room cottage, a4f modern; $3,550. One 7-room house, all modern; $4,300. One 6-room house, all modern; $3,300. One 5-room bungalow, all modern; $3,500. I TERMS. A. W. TOLAND 4 CO.. D 3575 410 Bee Bldg. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Nut"1'''' Bank Bldg. Douglas 04U. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R . Bowen Co. T jl e r 34 00. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2906 FOUR-ROOM stucco cottage; full lot $2,000. Easv terms. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Realtor. Tel. Douglas 12S0 325-6 Secnrltle Bldg " THEO. E. PETERSON REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. 4 57-S OmahaNat. Bk. Illdg. Doug. 7024 6-lToOM bungalow, frarage, etc., with 1 acre of ground, highly improved, north of Grand Ave. Exchange for home in city. $4,500. Call Tyler 4316. BROWN TRANSFER CO BIRKETT & CO. 'i E.fa Prompt Service. Tvler 966-W REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT HOME. At 8916 California St. We offer a well-arranged seven-room stucco home. Located on lot 60x143 feet, with beauti ful trees, shrubbery and lawn. Combi nation furnace and hot water heat. 150 barrel cistern, two complete bathrooms. Garage, with cement drive. This must be seen to be appreciated, and can be purchased on terms of $2,000 cash and balance in annual Installments. $8,400. Let us show you. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Douglas 766. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. I anA In.nre 9FI0 Ttpe Rlrie. Doug. 633. r'ARMS. city property, ranches stocked and unstocked. We buy, sell, and ex change. Watts Realty Co., 537 Pax. Blk. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beauti fully furnished, on car line and walking distance to town. Phone. Dougla 6760 BARGAINS in homes. Investment prop- I erties ana acreage near uinana. nam- son & Morton, sib umana iai. bk. piag. LEAVENWORTH HTS. $4,250. Practically new, strictly modern 6 room home on Leavenworth street, near Forty-fourth; large living room across front of house: dining room, pantry and kitchen first floor; two nice bedrooms and bath second floor; oak throughout, full basement, furnace heat: best value In this district; call us for an ap pointment. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE flO tVV RAMir TJX no rpvT I'D VO .IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 3003 DODGE $5,250. Eight rooms, all modern, with co: lot, on Dodge, where values are lncr ing. iou can buy this house on terms; move right tn and be assure a safe Investment. Act quick if warn. tnis. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 39C2. 919-20 City National. rner as- d of you We Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013 IF YOU want to sell your 6 to 7-room house, list quickly with Crelgh. 608 Bee. Douglas 200. I HAVE A PURCHASER FOR A 7-ROOM, MODERN HOME. CALL MR, SMITH, DOUGLAS 4313. S-ROO.M house for sale. Telephone Wal nut 963. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investment. A P. TUKEY & SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 1902-04-06 North Twenty-fourth and 2412 Parker. 63x120 feet; $1,752 rental; $2o.noo. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 664. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St., Capitol ave., Cuming st PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Dg 1016 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Improved, clear, income bringing, down town business property in city of St. Joseph. Mo., for sale or exchange for Nebraska land. Write at once. Address, Y-627, Omaha Bee. WILL trade 200-acre farm In Norman County, Minn., near Twin Valley, for a lumber yard located in central Nebraska. Write the Marion Land, Mortgage A In vestment Co., 712 R. W. Bldg., Hutchin son , Kan. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED South. List your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 20OBrandels Theater Bldg Doug. 96 29th and Dodge. S-r., in. id. Large "int. Kas' front. Bargain at $4,000; $2,000 cash. -MOKEARTY & CONROV. Bee Bulldjng, Douglas 3M1 , WE have cash boyers for West Farnam ! and Dundee homes. Phone. Douglas I 6074 and we will call and Inspect your j PPerty Shuler C?rv - 5-ROOM BUNGALOW-; $3,350 NEAR CLAIR- MONT ADDITION. 4270 Wirt St. All rooms on on floor, j oak and maple floors 1 hrontrhmi! : h;i oak finish in living and dining " ' nicely decorated; full ha s-men I l f'iMi mint lot. 'terms reasonabl" " party. Call Walnut 45s. t-vt;:: Hastings & Hey den, ysil Harney Si I'hon- Tv.-r " " GDI ID as nt-"l,rlvkfits7 r. n-nf J' :'. ' Trice $12. ,',M0; ..located 3'-i 111." k- '' postnffiee. n a business str.-'t; r.: i 1 growing In value; act iui.k and ' will make a nice pj.c- or n.nr.ev. RASP BROS., 212 Iv.cliue iJldg. U'Jloi Y.. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only 2 blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved streer ; high and sightly. Mack soil; prices $295 and $340 THE BYRON REED CO., FOR SALE Two full size lots In beauti ful Overlook addition block south of Elmwood park; act quick as these will not be on the market long, Ad.liess. 11. .x Y-94, Omaha liee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN."' Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROV South Side. Et). JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 14tll St.. "Insurance." Buy and fail properly. Real enisle mortgage loa promptly made. IF you want a real home, t a bargain, you should see Ja. H Kopietx, ral tate Investments. 4733 South t4th bt. FOR SALE. 10 lots located at the corner of 27th street and 6th avenue, with sewer and water In street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider, Wickhatn Block. Council Bluffs. la. 7-Hi ii IM HOUSED close to school; away from mud and w.ner Terms fail lied 654. Dundee , W" s:. lair.- in Dundee hAnies. C. B. STUHT CO., Si; 14 I'ily National. lotli;las X717. I Vi Ni'EH--7-r.''!n modern home and !icaUl.sL roi'in. sleeping porch, fir' ,!a' L.iraire, by owner, $,250. l'lionc W uinul. l'.'-l. :-ACRE PLACE. of Council Bluff with v- ad to the city; good 8-room SIX-ACRE PLACE. Two miles eral good road house, large barn: nice yard with larg walnut trees, about one acre upland; balance creek bottom and very rich garden aoll; heir want to divide and offer for $3,000. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Ten lots located at the corner of 17th . street and 6th avenue, with sewer and water tn street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider, Wirkham Block. Council fluffs, la. , R E A LESTATEWA NTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-loested bungalows and residence worth th money. For quick result, list with u. ONEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 632-0 BrandVI Theater Bldg. lei. lyier nu'f. WANTED TO RENT 5 to 40 acres close to Omaha, with fair Improvements; must be well drained, with plenty of water and shade for poultry. Will consider buying later on. This property must b on either paved or an equally good road. Address M-74. Omaha Beo. WANTED to buy from owner 5 or 6-room modern cottage in northwestern part of city; $3,500 to $4.000 hav about $:'.S00 cash. Addresa, Y-626, Omaha 7!ee. I HAVE a man who will buy your lm proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 926 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1D46. LIST jour property with us. W hav calls for homes and investments. MrCAGUE INV. CO. Phone P. 4 15. 15th and Dodge. HA E Inquiries for good homes in good locat'ons. Do yoi want to sell your property? List It with C A. Grlmmel. nt 9 O m a h a Nat'l Bk ,B1 d g. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick Rale. 443 Bee Bldg. Phone. Douglas 8097 LOW rates without delay. C. O. CARLBERO. 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. IF your property la for sale or rent, Hat it with the A FRO-AMERICAN REALTY" CO., 2705 Lake. Webster 640 FOR quick results list your property wlttt S. P BOSTWICK & SON, 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1506. FOP quick sales list your property with) W. G SHRIVER. 1 0 4 2iOrn N a t . Jk B 1 dg. Doug 16 3 . WE can sell your 4 to 7-room house; list It with us. Crelgh, 608 Bee, Dougla 200. FINANCIAL. ' Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 422K. Save money and time, see u first. 6-year pptlonal loans, 6 per cent, DAY & MAYNE Omaha, 505 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 6914. Con ncll Blu f fa, la., 34 Pearl St. Tel. 101 OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARM& O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg Doug. 271 5. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. hyi and 6 p. c. loans on real estate. Privet money. R. J. Shields, 603 Keellne. D. 6893. MONEY to lend on improved Real EBtate. Interest payable seml-anually. W. H. TlfO M AS ft SON, 228 Keel Ine Bid g. CITY and farm loans: 6H and 6 per cent; no dolay. J. H. Dumont Co.. 41S Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., lxth and Farnam. D P BUCK, Loans. 443 Omaha Natl. Miscellaneous. MONEY to loan on automobiles; rates rea- sonnhle. nox o-uo. Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wisconsin Lands. DEALERS, the big land movement Is now beaded for northwest central Wisconsin. Why not get In on some of this big business? We have a big selection of high-class bargains and invite you to write for list and details. Equity Realty Exchange, 806 Globe Bldg., Bt. Paul, Minn. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. HOUSE AND ACRE. Lies fine, high and sightly, four block front Benson car line. Just north of Dun dee, six lots, 50x128 feet, with good five room bungalow; oak finish In living room and dining room, oak floors, fine well and cistern, with soft water In th kitchen; garago; large cave; chicken house: stable for three head; all kind of fruit, alfalfa, grapes and plenty o garden space; everything In Al condi tion. This place Is a bargain at $5,600. Require about $2,000 to $2,600 to han- d' D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, Pouglas 46. 915 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg Colorado Lands. WESTERN CATTLE RANCH. 8,360 ACRES TOTAL. 800 acre under plow, part IrrlgaUil Good Improvements, value $10,000. 261 head high-grade cattl. 22 head goofl horse. 17 head hog. Full et machinery, value $5,000 Growing crop. All for $116,00. Liberal terms. $5,000 commission to agent. Send for description. A. J. Lockwood, 823 17th St, Denver, Colo LOW PRICED -EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Come with us next Tuesday for th Flagler district and secure a farm wbera prices are still low $26 to $40. Don't wait phone us today. D. 4254. Shedd Investment Company, , Hallway Ex change, Omaha. FOR SALE 160 acres wheat land, north eastern Colorado. V mile from town and railroad ; now under cultivation, and under care of reliable renter; land rising in value quickly; $50 per acre; communicate direct with owner. How ard M. Batchelder, Sterling, Colo. 30,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. Ess terms. See J. L Maurer. Arriba. Cot-i Iowa Lands. FOR SALE A very choice valley farm consisting of 273 acres, situated In Mills county, Iowa, and located about 15 miles from Council Bluffs. Good seven-room house, barn, corn crib and other neces sary buildings. This is a sandy loam farm and easy to cultivate and has nit waste land. This year's crop Is a follows: Corn, 150 acres; wheat ant oals, 55 acres; hay field. 30 acres, bal ance In pasture. This property I owned by a non-resident and is offered at an exoeodingly reasonable figure fop immediate sale. t'rlce $175 per acre. For full particulars address Bromley l-f,wjRGlnwood, la. FARMS 10 acres, two miles from town of 6,ooo; $275 per acre. 240 acres, three mile from town, $195 per acre. 160 acres four miles from town. $125 per acre. 350 acres, four mile from town. 1165 per acre. These farms are corn, grain and stock; on C. B A- Ci main line; well Improved; no waste; liberal terms. Address. L. li ;23 Charlton. la. Kansas Lands. CATTLE 1'ltl ll'i ISITU N ' Tun of the best large cattle ranches In Kansas; :i.r,nO acres; Greennoi.,1 Cuinty; 400 a, r.-s nf alfalfa; 3.200 acre Wichita County. N. c. Tate, Howard. Kan. Opportunity knocks at vouT door every time you read The Dee Y Ads. a , i