Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    Satire ec aatue, alasl can It M?
Wh breaks a butterfly upoa whnl?
Thy body at its Wait,
How far can thai project thy soul M Itt Ion way?.
H rown tag.
Creole Cookery
If the Yanks introdace such
American delicacies at doughnuts
and the ice cream toda to the
French we in turn are getting many
of the recipes for French dishes pre
pared by Madame or Mimi. Of
course we in Louisiana have been
raised on French cooking, says the
New Orleans News-Item, but sev
eral of the recipes brought back are
not familiar in most of our kitchens.
Fried eggs in black butter doesn't
sound so fine, but makes a really
delicious dish. Bread is cut in
lounds for each person to be served,
toasted, buttered and popped into
the oven to be kept warm. Then
a tablespoon of butter is melted in a
frying pan, allowing it to become
hot but not brown. In this the eggs
are fried on one side only. Then the
eggs are slipped on the toast rounds
ind trimmed neatly to fit. Over
them is poured a sauce made by
melting two tablespoons of butter in
ihe same pan, stirring constantly,
until it becomes a bright brown,
then adding two tablespoons of vin
egar and a teaspoon of chopped
parsley. A dash of salt, pepper
and paprika, and voilal the dish is
Veau a la Genois is so savory and
so unusual that any housewife
j,hould give it a trial. For the dish
two large slices of veal cut very
thin are required. Make an omelet
in the following manner:
Beat three eggs slightly, add three
tablespoons of water, one-half tea
spoon of salt, and one-eighth tea
spoon of pepper and pour into a
buttered frying pan. Cook until firm,
then allow to become cold. Cut the
omelet into two strips and place one
on each side of veal. Roll each piece
like a jelly roll, tie with a string, or
fasten with a toothpick. Saute in
butter or margarin, turning to brown
delicately on all sides. When fin
ished, place on a hot plattef and
make a gravy of the butter in the
pan, adding a teaspoon of Wor
cestershire sauce or of walnut
About the House
Have a towel always handy near
the sink and wash and wipe your
hands often while about housework
or cooking. Soiled dresses and
aprons often come from dirty
hands. If you have a loop on your
dish towels and pin one to your
belt when cooking it will always be
handy when the oven door has to
be opened or hot dishes handled.
Have a special towel and save the
dish towels. If you will stand at
least an inch away from the sink
or stove when washing dishes or
cooking the front of your dress will
not become soiled so quickly. When
scrubbing floors have a thick pad of
old carpet to kneel on. It will save
both knees and clothes.
Fresh Fish Dinners
(By Anna Coyl. Department of Food
Economics, Armour A Co.)
Sliced Summer Sausage
Radishes Green Onions
Baked White Fish (
Baked New Potatoes
String Beans
Lettuce with Thousand
Island Dressing
Rhubarb Pie
Fried Mountain Trout
Tartar Sauce
Broiled Bacon
Creamed New Potatoes
Tomato Salad
Rolled Oats Cookies
An Appetizing
Bacon has long been the most
popular breakfast meat in Lngland
and France, as well as America.
When sliced thin, broiled crisp and
served hot, quality bacon tempts
even the most delicate appetite. For
this" reason, it is one of the first
meats allowed the convalescent.
For breakfast, crisp bacon with
fried mush is a favorite substantial
dish. For variety, chop the bacon
and use as omelet filling, or serve it
with cream sauce on toast.
For picnic luncheon, buns with
hot bacon filling are a favorite and
nourishing sandwich. The bacon
cooking over the open fire gives off
a tempting aroma which has a
strong appetite appeal.
Quality bacon is a fine accompani
ment for shad roe. One who sam
ples this combination is certain to
always include the bacon whenever
he orders the shad roe.
The pre-war breakfast of bacon
and eggs is popular once more, for
we may now eat whatever we find
in the market.
The nuggets trimmed from qual
ity bacon are equally as good as the
bacon from which they are trimmed.
They sell at a lower price because
they are irregular in shape and our
demand has been for the standard
We may all have quality bacon if
we buy by brand name.
Any possible left-over cooked ba
con makes a delicious seasoning for
vegetable salad. It should be grated
and lightly sprinkled over the salad
just before 3erving.
A Daily Help.
Indian meal, moistened and ap
plied to soiled places on carpets will
often remove all traces of the spots
and without the slightest injury to
the most dedicate colors.
Down Goes the H. C. of L.
Round Steak, Cut from Corn Fed Beef,
per lb 25c
Round Steak. Pot Roast, per lb 21c
Spring Chickens, Milk Fed, per lb 42V2c
Bacon, Sugar Cured, per lb 32c
Hams, California, Sugar Cured, per lb 27Vsc
Pig Pork Loin Roast, per lb 26 c
. .25c
. .10c
Veal Steak of Chops, lb.
Veal Stew, per lb
Hamburger, fresh made,
per lb 17 He
Rump Roast, per lb. .... .17 He
Pork Chops, per lb 32 U c
Lamb Legs, per lb 17 c
Lamb Chops, per lb 1 7 H c
Lamb Stew, per lb 6c
Grocery and Fruit Department
Coffee, Fresh Roasted Daily in Our Store, lb 40c
Large Pkgs. Oatmeal, a Regular 35c Seller, for 22V2c
Kellogg's Rice Flakes, a 15c Pkg., for 10c
Rub-No-More Powder, pkg. .. 5c I Tall Cans Milk 12c
Rub-No-More Soap, 4 for. . .25c 1 3 large pkgs. Macaroni 25c
Fancy Sweet Cantaloupes, each 5c and 7l2C
115 South 16th Street
ZJ Candies Fruits DmiACiis J
-r :;! L-i v.riiu m-M-br-r
Do Your Week-End Shopping at This Store
Kosher Corned Beef Smoked Boiled Tongue
Spiced Beef (Postramer)
Kosher Salami Milwaukee Goose and Plain Liver
Homemade Veal Loaf Home Boiled Ham
Chicken Salad
Potato Salad Milwaukee Salami and Cervelat Sausages
and other tempting things that are constantly on dis
play, and too numerous to mention.
In Our Fruit Department for Saturday
Big, luscious Peaches, per basket. . . 40c
We now have the first shipment of genuine
Holland Sardellens in 12-oz. tumblers,
at $1.15
Filet of Anchovies, in pure olive oil 55c
Pates of Foies Gras with truffles, 6-oz. tin $1.95
Pates of Foies Gras, with truffles, 3-oz. tin $1.00
Extra large new washed Brazil Nuts, lb 40c
Buying cheap food to fay money is lilt stopping the clock to
ave time.
Sommer'a Specialty Shop Sells Only the Best.
We solicit your patronage on the merit of our goods
and the fairness of our prices.
Candies & Fruits D&iiACiis 1
MM W - Mil Hrsf
Recipes From Our
Miss Weaver' Brownies.
14 e. butler. .
1 e. sugar.
1 eggs.
square melted chocolate.
1 c. flour.
hi c. milk.
1 tip. vanilla.
H c. nuts.
hi tsp. salt
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs,
then add milk and dry ingredients
alternately. Beat well. Bake 30
minutes in very moderate oven.
When cool frost one-third inch thick
with chocolate fudge.
Rolled Oats Cookies.
H c very best butter. ,
hi c pure leaf lard.
1 c. sugar.
10 tbsp. diluted evaporated milk.
3 tsp. soda.
hi tap. soda.
H tsp. salt.
2c. (lour.
i c. rolled oats.
1 c chopped raisins.
1 o. chopped nuts (If desired).
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs
and milk. Mix all dry ingredients
together thoroughly and mix well
together. Combine liquid and dry.
Drop on greased pans about one
inch apart and bake in moderate
oven. Roberta Goodey, Dallas,
Boiled Dressing.
Tolks 3 eggs, beaten.
1 tsp. mustard.
2 tsp. salt.
hi tsp. paprika,
2 tbsp. sugar.
2 tbsp. melted fat.
1 c. evaporated milk.
hi c. hot vinegar.
Whites 3 eggs, beaten etltr.
Put together in the order given
and cook in double boiler, stirring
constantly until it thickens to a soft
custard. Mrs. J. J. Haythorn-
tnwarte, ran ruver, jviass.
Baked White Fish
Select a trout weighing from two
to two and a half pounds. Remove
vital organs and eyes. Wash thor
oughly. Stuff not too full and sew
up. Place on slices of salt pork in
a pan. Dredge with salt, pepper and
flour. Put slice of pork on top.
Bake in moderate oven. If baked
whole (with head and tail) it may be
necessary to bend in shape of letter
S and skewer firmly.
2 c. bread crumbs. 2 egg yolks or 1
2 t. onion, chopped whole egg.
fine. xi tan. pepper.
54 sp. salt. hi c. melted butter
1 tbup. chopped or oleomargarine,
Mix all materials. If dry crumbs
are used it will be necessary to use
less crumbs and add a little water
to soften.
Fried Mountain Trout.
Wash the fish in cold water, clean,
wash again and wipe carefully inside
and outside. Put sufficient oil in a
deep frying kettle to cover the fish.
Dip the fish in egg and crumbs.
Place in frying basket and fry until
crumbs are browned. Remove to a
piece of brown paper to drain. Serve
hot with tartar sauce.
Tartar Sauce.
hi c. salad dressing. onion.
a tbsp. chopped 1 tbsp. chopped
pickles. olives.
1 tbsp. chopped
To the very best grade of salad
dressing, add pickles, onion, olives,
and seasoning. Serve cold with fish.
Couldn't Fool This Kid.
Tntinnv nairl hi first visit tri a
J J t H " " " "
farm the other rfav. All his life he
had lived in the heart of a great city,
and when he suddenly came in sight
of a haystack he stopped and gazed
earnestly at what appealed to him as
a new brand of architecture.
"Say, Mr. Smith," he remarked to
the farmer, pointing to the haystack,
"why don't they have doors and win
dows in it?"
"Doors and windows!" smiled the
farmer. "That ain't a house, John
ny, that's hay."
"Don't try to josh me, Mr. Smith 1"
was the scornful rejoinder. "Don't
you suppose I knew that hay don't
grow in lumps like that?" Minneap
olis Tribune.
Honey Dew Melons, reg. price
45c, Saturday only 25c
Honey Dew Melons, reg. price
65, Saturday only 35c
Gooch's Best Flour, 24-lb. sack
for $1.60
Airline Honey (strained) 2 -lb.
tin, for 98c
Jello, 3 pkgs. for 31c
Campbell Soups, per doz. . .$1.39
Meadow Gold or Wedgewood But
ter, per lb 57c
No. 2 tin Hart Brand Kidney
Beans, 3 cans for 50c
Spring Chickens (dressed as ordered),-
per lb'. 42c
Hand-picked Duchess Apples, per
market basket 60c
Sommer Bros.
Harney 188. 28th and Farnam St.
Bride of This Week
11 $S& 5i IkrC
ii f w mm ii
mmmifvimfii.i i J j (L '( JfJy" '' fim'il!-!." " ' ' ""'
Mrs. James McConnelee who, be-1 to Mr. McConnelee, was Miss Aloha
fore her marriage last Wednesday I Jenkins.
Beautiful1 Models Help
'That Well Dressed Look'
Put Styles Over.
The cleverset and most beautiful
models of the shops of ..;.s and
Fifth avenue affordedawere pressed
into service when the "Well Pressed
Loo'.:," motion picture fashion show
was being produced.
This film is the first of its l:ii:d to
be made the object of a nation
wide showing. It exploits in an
intensely interesting and entertain
ing manner, acording to those who
have reviewed it, the latest crea
tioni in fall and winter wea; for the
stylish women. It is being shown
in the theaters all over the United
States, in many instances aug
mented by a style show in which
living models take part, sho ing in
actual life the garments so strik
ingly depicted on the screen.
"That Well Dressed Look was
produced under the personal super
vision of Harry Levy, manager j(
Universal's Educational f1 'partment.
His success with a spring show of
similar purpose, was the cause f
the production of the latest venture.
Every woman interested in stylish
dress will find something of inter
est in this film which is being shown
only in the first class theaters of the
The Age of Reason.
"Mayme's baby, to hear her talk,
must be the smartest child on the
"Yes; I was fully prepared to
hear her say when the child swal
lowed a tack it ,was because he
heard the doctor' say he needed
more iron in his system." Yonkers
Meats of Quality Prices Within the Reach
of All You Will Find No
Profiteering at the
Washington Market
Home Dressed Spring Chicken, per lb 38t
Prime Rib Roast Rolled, per ib 29
Fresh Beef Tongues, per lb 27Vz
Choice Steer, Round or Sirloin, per lb 27Vz
Short Ribs of Beef, per lb 10i
Fancy Mutton Chops, Loin or Rib, per lb 15
Extra Fancy Mutton Legs, any size, per lb VJViG
Extra Fancy Lamb Chops, per lb 25
Mutton Stew or Breast, per lb 10t
Fancy Veal Roast, per lb 20t
Fancy Veal Chops, per lb 25
Compound Lard, per lb 28V2t
All brands Creamery Butter, per lb 56
Peerless Laundry Tablets, washes clothes without rub
bing, per box 25
Sweet, country cream, good sugar,
pure Vanilla flavoring, and the
choicest Santa Clara Apricots
blended as only Harding's, know
how and you have Apricot Mar
malade, our Special offering for
next Sunday. Be sure to get your
order in early at all good dealers.
A Great Summer
A few years ago, before anything
was known about evaporated milk,
women had to be content with any
quality of milk offered them.
Although once cheap, it was some
times rich in butter fat and again a
thin bluish liquid. At times there
was very little to be had at any price.
I remember having seen farmers
give whole pans of fresh milk to
their stock. This, compared with the
present high prices, seems almost
The milk situation, perhaps more
than anything, brought a greater
number of people to see the value of
evaporated milk as a food.
Evaporated milk is milk from
which a large portion of the water
has been evaporated by a simple
vacuum process and then sterilized.
It contains not less than per cent
of milk solids of which not less than
7.4 per cent is milk fat.
hvaporated milk is unsweetened,
while condensed milk contains about
30 per cent sugar which acts as a
preservative. This is the distinction
which few people know. When one
learns that one gallon of best evapo
rated milk equals two and a half gal
lons whole milk one learns the value
of purchasing evaporated milk.
It is well known that evaporated
milk has come into its own Because
it is put up in a form that will keep
As an aid to the housekeeper,
nothing is more convenient than a
can of evaporated milk. Not only
in times of emergency to serve in
coffee when unexpected guests ar- i
rive, but also for any cooking or !
baking where milk is required it is
used with absolute satisfaction.
' By test it has been known to keep
sweet 10 days after the can has been
opened. The milk after souring is as
satisfactorily used in baking as
soured whole milk.
There is a variety of uses to which
it may be put. Cream sauces and
soups, topping for middings, in bev
erages, cakes, muffins, biscuits, pud
dings, cookies, doughnuts, in ice
cream and custards.
The demand of both city and vil
lage housewife for evaporated milk
has increased greatly the past yea'r.
The army, too, has ordered thou
sands of cans for use in the canton
ments in this country as well as
One method of use has made this
product especially popular with wo
men the fact that evaporated milk
whips with this method followed ac
curately: Heat carefully to the simmering
point. When the small bubbles form
around the edges, remove from the
heat, cool on ice. When very cold,
whip with cream whip or dover
Bleaching Cotton.
Take one large spoonful of sal
soda and one pound of chloride of
lime for thirty yards, dissolve in
clean cold water, after letting the
cloth lie in the mixture about 15
minutes; rinse thoroughly in clear,
cold water.
Skinner's the Best
Macaroni and Spaghetti
made of Durum Wheat
New Store
Your neighbors ar buying"
Groceries, Frash Maata, Hard
ware, Paint and Wall Papsr
Special for Saturday
Fresh Country Eggs
35c per Doz.
Only on doian eg fa to m
Why lat your lawn burn up
for lack of watar? Wa juat
received another shipment of
garden hose. SPECIAL SALE
PRICE, S-ply hose, 12c par
Get a wagon for than to
haul ice in.
Children's Wagons, $1.50
to $3.50.
H. H. Harper
17th and Howard Sta.,
Flatiron BIdg.
Phono Douglas 2596.
MUM imH M m.'HH liHfTiriTOHiBT-B
is the SPECIAL for this
Sunday a delicious, wholesome
Ice Cream
For your luncheon or din
ner dessert. Its purity and
dainty goodness will de
light your guests and please
your family.
Fairmont Creamery
1608-10-12 Harney St.
Douglaa 1796.
"How can you tell your Central Market quality of gooda
and offer such efficiency in service at so economical a price,"
is what our young customers ask.
We know that you want quality, so we handle only the
choicest of goods.
We know that you appreciate our quick and efficient
service, so we save on overhead expense no deliveries, and
no charge accounts.
That is how we can offer our high standard quality
at such a distinct saving to you.
Come once and you'll come always.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Springs,
Steer Pot Roast, lb.. 21 He
Fancy Milk Veal Roast, per
lb 25c
Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per
lb 32 He
Genuine Leg of Lamb, per
lb 30c
per lb 43 He
Young Veal Breast, per lb.
at 15c
Young Muton Stew, per
lb 11c
Steer Round Steak, per
lb 35c
Steer Beef Boil, lb. 13 He
Sunkist Flour, 48-lb. sack ..S3. IS
Sunkist Flour, 24-lb sack SI. 60
10 lbs. SuKar 1.05
10 bars Beat 'Em All Soap. 48c
per box S0.2S
10 bars Beat 'Em All 8oap 48c
Per box $4.7S
10 bars White Borax Naptha
Soap 48e
Per box $4.75
16-oi. cans Dundee Milk, per
can IBc
Per case $7.00
Assorted Advo Jell, per pkg. 10c
4 pkg. Quality Macaroni ... 25c
1 lb. pkg. Tea Sittings . . . 1 . 20c
1 lb. can Kumford Baking Powder
at 20c
6 lb. can Rumford Baking Pow
der . OSc
Mason Jars, pints, per dox. 76c
Mason Jars, quarts, per doz. 85c
Fansr Gallon Cans Apricots 85c
Tall Can Fans Salmon .... 25c
J. M. Sifted Pass, par can 20c
Per dozen $2.20
Fancy Head Bice, per lb..... lis
No. 8 Cans Pork and Beans 20e
Per dozen $2.20
10 lb. Can Karo Syrup 85c
Extra Fancy Central Special Mo
cha and Java Coffee .... 4Sc
McComb-Made Chocolates
-Special Saturday only, par
Strictly Fresh Checked Eggs, In
cartons, per dozen 40c
Fancy Creamery Butter, per Ib.
at S5c
Full Cream Wisconsin Brick
Cheese, by the brick ...... 35c
Gem Nut Margerine, per lb. 33c
6 lb. pails Swift's Lily Brsnd
Oleo $1.75
Best Quality Peanut Butter, per
lb 20e
Extra Fancy California Peaches,
per crate $1.55
Per basket 25c
Extra Fancy Large Sweet Oran
ges So
Extra Fancy California Ripe Pears,
per basket 40c
Extra Fancy Fresh Limes, per
hundred $1.78
Per dozen 28c
Extra Fancy Peaches, per ba. $3.78
mum immi m imtm mmi imim n
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of
all kinds.
Begiiining TomorrowA Sale of Breakfast Foods
At All Basket Stores
This Sale, coming at a time when cool, appetizing and healthful summer breakfasts are neces-.
sary, and when the prices of Breakfast Foods are expected to advance, permits you an opportu-.
nity to select from a variety of quickly prepared cereals and other breakfast foods that include
practically every desired brand. Whatever is new and good in the way of Breakfast Foods yon'
will find in BASKET STORES.
Quality is ever the watchword. Cleanliness is paramount. Modern fixtures assure the best,
sanitary protection. BASKET STORES' products are always fresh, due to rapid turn-overs. Our'
tremendous purchasing power for cash and our big outlet to more than 30,000 customers daily foi
cash, enables us to sell at prices so low as to assure the savings of thousands of dollars to house' '
wives who buy at BASKET STORES. .
Quaker Corn Flakes, 8-oz. package 10
Quaker Oats, regular 35c package 29J
Quaker Oats, regular 15c package 12V
Quaker Corn Puffs, per package 15J
Quaker Puffed Rice, per package 13
Quaker Puffed Wheat, per package 13t?
Quaker Mother's Wheathearte 22t?
Shredded Wheat, per package 14
Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food 28t?
BASK0 FLOUR, $3.20; CASH HABIT, $3.10
Oatmeal, in bulk, per lb
fillsbury's Bran, per package 13$$
Cream of Rye, per package 150 ;
Grape Nuts, always popular 14 .
Kellogg's Krumbles, per package 14
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, package 13
Post Toasties, large package 200
Pettijohn's Breakfast Food ; 200
.hit D-aivarsu ruwu&K, i-id. cans lJt
; GOLD MEDAL, $3.30; all in 48-lb. sacks-
Basket Store No. 70 Opens for Business Sat
urday, August 9th. Corner 35th Avenue and
Jell-o and Jiffy-Jell Ice Cream Powden;
while they last, 3 packages 290
Basko Jar Rubbers, per dozen. 80
Basko Quality
None Better
"I.tre Better For I.esa"
Basket Stores' Gore
"Money's Worth ar
Money Back"