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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
"THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. A. 1 What though luccwt wilt not attend en all T Whs bravely lrn must aaoctlmea risk fajl. MMM I Ha not fat mortal to com mono1 But vo'U do mora, Sempronlue, we'll 4MOTT0 Addleeee. Society A CALIFORNIA trip is the thing if you desire coolness during humid weather, oc cording to Mrs. Hubert S. Askew, -who has just returned from a west ern honeymoon. The weather was really uncomfortably chilly in San Francisco, according to this pretty bride, not at all like the Nebraska climate. Mrs. Askew was formerly Miss Margaret Fugitt, before her marriage which took place in June. Mr. and Mrs. Askew spent sev eral days in Hollywood, the home of many of the prominent movie actors. While there they saw many of the screen stars "on location." Mary MacLaren, Wallace Reid, Charles Chaplin, Roscoe Arbuckle and Clara Kimball Young were among those whose work they wit nessed. They also had a glimpse of the great director, D. W. Grif fith. ' "They seem to be very much the same in real life as they are in filmland,' says Mrs. Askew their time on the coast and to,ok a few short boat trips. Mrs. Askew is very enthusiastic over the cli mate and beauties of that state, but Skinner's the Best Macaroni and Spaghetti made of Durum Wheat says that Omaha is a much better place to live. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alexander an nounce the engagement of their daughter Dora, to I. T. Tallev of uariana, lexas. the wedding will taice place m beptember, at the home of the bride a parents. Miss Alexander has been clerk of the Woodman Circle for the past eight years and will retain her posi tion after her marriage. Mr. Talley occupied a government position during the war and will enter busi ness circles in Omaha in the fall. Eldredge-Trout TL. : r -. . - .me marriage or miss rauiine Trout, daughter of Mrs. Marguerite i rout, to filbert fsldredee was sol emnized at high noon, Thursday, at me nome ot the bridegrooms oar ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Eldredge, in r an acres. - Kev. JUrus Lowe per tormed the ceremony. The rooms were decorated with white roses and gladiolas. I he bridesmaids, the Misses Helen Murgess and Louise Jones, were gowned in pink georgette 'and carried pink roses. The bride wore a pretty summer frock of white eeoreette. A laree shower bouquet of bride's roses and nuiakiiu, aays mis. nsKtw. . " , , , " They spent the greater part odw'SkP". completed the costume The bridegroom was attended bv John C. Eldredge as best man. The young couple will be at home at 85 Drake Court after Septem ber 1. .Bowni'i Yolue-Grrtnr Store. While Everybody i lis Talking About The High Cost of I Living continue to offer wonderful values In odd pieces of Furni ture that you would be pleased to own. Every day 'you will firld furniture priced to your advantage at the Greater Bow en, Btore, as these prices prove. ; i a 1 i h a J. : "V China Cabinets in Mahogany T anu Wcunuc, pienuiaiy iin- , , '. ished nnd polished William and Mary design, $42.50 nnil tQO etn ! ! La . - VUtfiUV f L uate Leg Tables in Dotn vv al- i nui anu Aianogany.$Z4.50 Serving Tables In Walnut, Ma- hogany nnd Oak, $31.00, ; $24.50 and $22.50 Tea Carts in Walnut, Mahog j any,. Oak and Reed, glass top trays, substantially made ' and well finished, 24.F0, r- H8.O0, $12.00 and:.. $9.00 Fumed Oak Buffets, William and Mary design... $39.50 Fumed Oak Buffets, Queen Ann design ..... $35.00 Walnut Buffets Queen Ann design highly finished and -'polished ...... ...$65.00 Mahogany Buffets Adam de- nicn. Thenn hnffpla nm. plify nis best of the crafts- man s art--beautituily nn Ished and polished. $75.00 Dining Room Chairs Different designs and finishes, $2.50, $4.25. $6.25 $7.50 and up. Golden Oak. Extension Tables, 42-inch top $14.50 Fumed Oak Dining Tables, 42-lnch top ... $16.50 I uoiaen uaK fining Tables, 48 inch top, 6-ft. extension $33 Jacobean Finished Dining Tables, William and Mary design, 54 inch top, 6-ft. ex tension, for $32.50 Mahogany Dining Tables, 54 lnh top $39.75 I Buy Your Linoleum Now at Bowcn's Former Omahan Weds. Cards have been received bv Oma ha friends announcing the marriage of Miss Mildred Lomax, daughter of Mrs. Edward Lloyd Lomax' of San Francisco, to Frank Le Blond. The ceremony was performed in San Francisco? Saturday, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. Le Blond will be at home at 2211 Broderick street. The bride, who is a former Ak-Sal-Ben queen, lived with her par ents in Omaha until a few years ago. She possesses an excellent voice and has studied ifl France and Germany. After going to San Francisco, she Lentered the newspaper field, doing correspondence work tor eastern papers. For Bride-Elect. Mrs. Hilding Jacobsen entertained at, a miscellaneous showerat her home Thursday evening in honor of Miss Irene Palmquist, whose mar riage to Ralph Lundahl of Atlantic, la., takes place in the fall. For Miss Wheelwright Miss Daphne Peters entertained very informally at dinner at her home, Thursday evening, in honor of Miss Alice Wheelwright of Minneapolis, . who is visiting Miss Dorothy Judson. Other guests in cluded Miss Judson and Messrs. Nash Cartan, Paul Shirley and Douglas Peters. Miss Wheelwright leaves Saturday. This Outfit Would Make Any Girl Pretty J... - - Heartbeats By A. K. Fashion Camera Photo. What girl would not look pretty in this outfit? Could anything be daintier or more summery? The blouse is of oyster white linen, though it could be made of any color linen, rough or smooth weave, that would suit the wearer, It is trimmed with white' bands of cluny lace. The umbrella, which really looks mischievous, if not flirtatious, is of white taffeta and ostrich feathers. The hat? Oh, yes. There is a hat, isn't there? Well, it is of Pekin blue, the feather being about all you see unless you look closely. s New York theatrical producers report a short of chorus girls, not withstanding the fact that their wages have doubled within the past several years. - People say 'tis harder to aave money than to make it. Anyway we are offering you . the opportunity to save con siderable money by buying the Linoleum you want at the - Greater Bowen store, a we are offering several hunched pieces of linoleum (odd pieces) at fiHcea far below the aver age. Various patterns, tn both printed and inlaid goods, with sizes varying from one square yard up to pieces 6x12 feet, and the prices range from 60 cents a. piece up. Como to the store as early as possible and have the ad vantage ot choosing from a large number of sixes. ' , T On Howard, between 15th and 4 A - 16th Street The Flavor and Wholeso meness of Home Baked Foods Is Seldom Excelled cooce's BEST FLOUR MAKES HOME COOKING A DECIDED SUCCESS" "SOLD IN THE BEST STORES" Happy Hollow L. P. Campbell, had five guests at dinner at the Happy Hollow club Thursday evening. Fred B. Dale en tertained a foursome. Frank L. McCoy will entertain 12 guests at dinner Saturday evening; G. D. Hansen will have six guests. Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent will enter tain the members of the Liberty chapter. O. E. S., at a kensington at the Happy Hollow club frndav aft ernoon. Mrs. H. C. Sumnev will speak on "The Opportunities of women. Satiated with sin! Ah well not quite! Although the tendency Of middle age . To drift from laws-Morality--Is most appalling So far we are From Heaven ' And the door of birth So far we-are From Heaven And the gate of death That cynic's Twisted wisdom And Satan's v Biased plan Envelop1 this weak Will of ours At cold old middle age. "The sins of Youth Are hardly sins So frank they are And free" The middle aged Forgetting Love See not Eternity. But when God spies Havoc working In this half-way house Of Strife 1 He sends the Little babies The leaveners of Crime. They come with Heaven smiling In each bright Laughing eye They turn our hearts From wreckage To the shrine of Happiness. God sees each torn And bleeding heart He feels each Desperate soul And bids His tiny Couriers Their messages unfold To us Half derelicts.' Ah me! We'd get too near The, brink of Hell Without the baby's smile. SELAH1 Carter Lake Personals Seymour Lake Club. Mrs. C. A. Melcher and daughter, Miss Mabel Melcher, entertained a large bridge party at the Seymour Lake club Thursday. The guests numbered e(J. "Mrs. Graham's Hair Color Restorer is Simply Wonderful" Mrs. Williams says, "I pro cured a sample of Mrs. Graham's Hair Color Restorer and was curious enough to try it. It is simply wonderful and I would not do without it." The results she obtained from this preparation can be obtained by any woman. Gray and faded hair is quickly restored to its natural color and made rich and glossy. It is a clear liquid that does not stain and is absolutely harm less. Easy to apply and it is im possible to tell that you are using it. Can be had at the following stores : Sherman A McConnell Store, Rialto Drug Store, Beaton Drue Co., Green's Pharmacy, Haine Drug Co., Thompton Fenton Co, Merritt Drug Store, Fen ton Drug Co., South Omaha. THE CALL OF HUNGER is answered, by Nature with abundance of food -but be sure you eat the food that Nature intended for human beinds. The whole wheat is kind of all foods. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the whole wheat, nothing wasted, nothing thrown away -the most real food for the least money. Two or three of these crisp, brown little loaves of baked wheat with sliced bananag sliced peaches , or other fruits , make a wholesome, nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents. Ready-cooked, Ready -to -eat Mrs. G. H. Shaddy left Wednes day, for a brief trip to St. Louis. Mrs. J. Stern of Savannah, Ga., is visiting her niece, Mrs. Carrie Liv ingston. Mr. J. A. Byrams left Wednesday evening for Philadelphia and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale have re returned from Alexandria, Minn., where they spent the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Verety announce the birth of a daughter, inursaay, at at. josepns nospitai. Mr. T. M. Baumann leaves Thurs day for Baltimore, "where he will make his home. Mrs. Baumann will visit for several weeks in Chicago and Detroit before joining him. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weller leave Saturday night for the Ad irondacks. They will spend three weeks at the Baldmountain house afterward joining some friends from Connecticut on a yachting trip. I hey will return home about Oc tober 1. Miss Helen Warren of Brooklyn N. Y., and the Misses Helen and Priscilla Maxwell of New London Conn., who are guests at the E. E". Hart home, return to the east rrr day evening. Miss Emma Warren who is the fiancee of Henry B. Hart, will remain for an extended visit Fiel'd Club Miss Catherine Goss entertained at a large luncheon party at the -7' 1 J 1 1 Tl I TM. t i'lciu tiuu luursuay. 10c nonorccs were Miss Anna Waterman ot Providence. R. I., who is visiting her Vassar classmate, Miss Ger trude Koenig, and Miss Margaret Lamb of Denver, who is the guest of Miss Joseohine Platner. Gay lit tie nosegays of old-fashioned garden flowers were usedNto decorate the attractive luncheon table, in pale lavender and yellow. Covers were laid for Misses Elizabeth Robertson Katherine Denny, Alice Tierney, iierlina Brisbin, Gladys Mickel, Vir ginia White, Gertrude Koenig, Honce Shaw. Josephine Platner. Ruth Miller, jean Kennedy. Pauline Load. Lydia Burnett, tleaner Lar penter, Ilda Langdon, Angehne Rush, Lillian Head, Almanne Campbell and De Weenta Conrad. Larl Kiohneer entertained a four some at luncheon at the Field club Thursday. Country Club Miss Geraldine Hess entertained at 9 email lunrVipnn nartv at the. Countrv club Thursday. The'hon- orees were the Misses Emma and Helen Warren of Brooklyn and the Misses Helen and Priscilla Maxwell of New London, Conn., who are guests at the E. E. Hart home. Cov ers were laid for Mesdames E. E. Hart and J. J. Hess, Misses Marion Turner and Gretchen Hess. Miss Florence Wessells enter tained 25 guests at luncheon at the Country club Thursday. E. H. Sprague had six guests at luncheon. Camp Brewster Notea. The members of the Busy Bee Circle of the Plymouth Congrega tional church had luncheon at Camp Brewster Wednesday. The following girls are spending their vacation at the camp: Misses Emma Paffmore, Florence, Ella and Helen Carson, Catherine South mayd. Emma HaffettrAnna Lumley, Frances Barton, Irene and Florence Stahr, Bertha Porter, Virginia Storrs, Rose Newman, Pearl Rjno, Bess and Juanita Martin, Stell Vance, Helen Weymers of Wayne, Neb., and Mrs. C. M. Southmayd. The famous Queen Elizabeth was exceedingly superstitious, and she took the orecaution to consult an astrologer before naming the day for her coronation. Many are the innovations which are being planned at Carter Lake club, for a boosters committee has been appointed which will direct the athletic and dancing stunts at the club houe. Mr. Frank R. Kinkenow is tne chairman and Raymond G. Keller, secretary of the committee, who will promote good fellowship and incidentally good times at this lake side resort. At the close of ythe 'recent cam paign ISO new members were admit ted and it is the ouroose of the "stunt committee" to hate them be come acquainted with ' the older members. The club is divided under two cap tains and the losers for this week will entertain 60 members at din ner Thursday night at 7:30. Mr. H. Pelton entertained at a swimming party followed bv dinner Tuesday evening, when his guests included the young women at Red Cross headquarters in the court house. The guests were: Mesdames Mary Eaglen, Irene Meehan, W. E. Bolin, and Misses Nellie M. Chris- tensen, May Tobin, Mildred Sco ville and Martha Gyger. Ihe Carter Lake Red Cross aux-" iliary entertained at luncheon, which was followed by a business meeting, Wednesday. Theydisbanded as a Red Cross unit and reorganized as a French club. Officers for the com ing year were elected. A meeting will be held Thursday, September 4, at the club house, to discuss plans to send a Christmas box to the French orphan which they adopted last spring. Wednesday night the Cottagers' dinner was well attended. There were 75 reservations. Mrs. William Eck entertained the Red Cross auxiliary at bridge at her cottage at luncheon, swimming and bridge. Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX. WaTita Husband. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Will you please help me land a husband, Just a good old-fashioned every-day man. I am 30 years old :id hafa never been married, but would if I could find one. I am lonely. Do you think I would be better oft with some one to love and dire for me? I work out most all the time and earn my own liv ing. Please let me know through the columns of The Bee. , , r PEARL. Although I have no good hus bands for release today, I sincerely hope that you find one real soon. Wants Correspondent. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a daily reader of your column, so I thought I would drop you this letter to see if you can help me. I am a lover of correspondence, so am asking if you could print this, for perhaps there' some boy friend that could exchange letters with me. I will write to all, but Ti like some boy from 15 to 21. Tou will find my address Is given, so here will be no difficulties about this. Do' not print my address. The on that will want to write can from you. How is my writing? I'm trying to write Palmer. I will close, lov lngly, NOBODY'S SWEETY. Your writing Is all right, and I hope you find some pleasant correspondents. Miss Rose Rothenburg, who has been appointed a deputy assistant district attorney for the women's court in New York City, is the first woman to hold such an office in the United States. Miss Rothenburg is 27 years old and has been practicing law only three years. Skinner's the Best Macaroni and -Spaghetti Recipe 3ook Free -Omaha War Camp Careful Attention and Personal Service Is Our Only Seal of Approval The Smaller Store, combined with the SatUfactjon-Giving Plan, hat long since made the name WILLIAMS popular with the buying public. We have household appliances on dis play at all times. See the Hoover Electric Sweeper and Laundry Queen Electric Washer in action today. f Sa, m l 312 South 18th Street. j 1 ' ( SEMPMY j j Face Powder j I Aiigbtippii- . The alluring fragrance of spring blossoms is I 1 praVve' in SEMPRAY Face Powder andit is oh, so 1 I nay a. good for the complexion! And, wonder of 1 I c)!"u"d" wonders, "it stays on" under all conditions. 1 6 thepowderwiu Flesh, wite, roseate and brunette. Your a M fATS favorite store should have it. If Tyler 1011. The dance at Fort Omaha Tues day evening was given by the Lafay ette and Angelus clubs of War Camp. The young ladies are good entertainers and notwithstanding the hot weather about 40 couples were present. A novel party is planned at Fort Omaha for next Tuesday evening. Through the courtesy of Colonel VVuest, two cement, tennis courts will be at the disposal of the ladies entertaining at the fort. These will be covered with canvas. Rows of electric lights and Japanese lanterns will be strung about the courts. This will be the first attempt that has been made by War camp to conduct open air dancing, but we feel sure that it will be very popular. The Cluga club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening, August 5, with a, picnic dinner and games at Elmwood park. Hiaw'aiian music was a popular feature of the evening. Those present were: ' Pearl Bcorda, Fern Wright, Evelyn Wright, Mary Keyt, Edythe Nelson, Anna Vagner, Ethel Harvey, Anna Halub. Agnea Elliott, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Hallock, Dorabee Jonea, a s. s. The club will meet next Tuesday evening for a picnic in Miller park. RHUBARB AND RAISIN PEE BREAfl ItUmJt - J111 1 pair eat of com- I ..1. f l! oetn duiolred one teuooon of . nuu u n,a nn mm! l -.a r 1 m . - it. unvnmir rana uuusrn ar Tnm unnij . 1 "need, ootil .Booth Tand: IS.."?" , now 10 ri ui. rlM again and hit. ffift and maii..iL . . .iVk -7 -i""'mrw cup i or uniar Bout. . .. ua indent into m. r-i.U."""..!???''' inaeoid thickn,r and' STSS VSS ( the " .rr -Vi .T ooHom of toe .... nio v,v, tun, Q w m remainder 5 of i'" miv6 with vsy its '' Sher. roll out remainder pi outre asd eovar the me. Bake in a quiet oeeo. VELVET CAKE ne. H cap of milk, H flip of batter, I tewpoone baking powder, S eope Omu flour, 1H com enrar: 1 tehlimJTn! ' " hi.inirvu extract. sut now. aaeanre Into alf ter. add bakiaa i- . T j . . w'f invcM moo "u cuiejrwu men out mm into . wen o wan into creamed J,f" "gar. Whip erhftee of eggi until etiS then whip Into alitor. Poor In milk and water, jlft in floor, add taeextraet and beat all ontil amootn. Bake In a email S3 pan aboat three Dartere of an boor under a (low beat at firat that will permit the a JJ W bajfst bafora LbroaTiing oTar tiM top. P And there will be no trouble in getting them home on time to meals. Omar brea3 is creamy white wholesome of even texture satisfying and stay fresh longer. Cake baked with Omar flour is more delicious and palatable than any made from any other flour can be because no other flour nas the qualities of Omar. And as for Omar flour pies, well, even your ling ering remembrance of the kind "mother used to make," will vanish, once you have finished,, a quarter of an Omar pie. I say quarter, because nothing less will satisfy you you just can't quit until you are forced to because you're "full up." Most good grocers sell Omar flour and every bag is covered by this guarantee; "If pmar doesn't bake the best bread you ever baked, simply take the empty sack to your fcrocer, and Jet your money." OMAHA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska 2500 Barrels Daily Capacity Ad 1 LOUB PHaha flour mills ca 0MAHA,NE8R. w. y.s. pat. orf.