Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Police Chief Removes Liquor
Officers Following Persis
tent Reports of Grafting
From Bootleggers.
Following numerous reports to
the effect that policemen have been
grafting from bootleggers on Mis
souri bridges. Police Chief Eber
tein yesterday removed all of the
guards which heretofore have been
stationed on the Douglas street and
Illinois Central railroad bridges.
This action was taken with the full
approval of Mayor Smith, who is
acting police commissioner in the
absence of Commissioner Ringer,
who is out of the city on his vaca
tion. Chief Gives His Reason.
The national prohibition law is
expected to take care of the illegal
transportation of intoxicating liquor,
is, the reason given for this action
by Chief Eberstein.
In the past there have' been two
men stationed on the railroad
bridge and four stationed on the
Douglas bridge.
In his order abolishing the liquor
guards the police chief made no ref
erence to the many reports of graft
Neither did he say that he would in
stitute an investigation following the
repeated charges which have been
registered on this score.
"I guess he is having his share of
grief without looking for more trou
ble," commented one of the police
men who did not want to give up
his job. "The easiest way out of it,
Eberstein figured, "was to simply
taJce us all off."
Booze Coming In.
It is known that there is more
liquor coming into Omaha now, and
has been during the last three weeks,
than there was for the two months
just prior to the national prohibition
law becoming effective. From a half
to a dozen loads, and frequently
more, cross the Douglas street
bridge every night. The bootleg
gers hauling the stuff are said to be
allowed to go their way unmolested
upon the payment of $50. Some of
the bridge guards have been charg
ing a flat rate of $50 a load, accord
ing to the statements of a dozen
men who declare they have paid the
bridge toll.
Omaha bootleggers purchased al
most unlimited quantities in whole
sale lots of whisky in St. Joseph,
Kansas City, Minneapolis, and other
cities before the prohibition law
went into effect. This is being kept
in the various cities and moved from
time to time to Omaha.
Mrs. Lawrence J. Kearney
Chats With Affable House
Briej City News
Mrs. Lawrence J. Kearney, Oma
ha society woman, sat on the edge
of a bed in her home". 925 Mercer
boulevard, at 3 o'clock yesterday
morning and chatted with a burglar.
The burglar was affable, courteoui,
and efficient.
Mrs. Kearney awoke to find him
Standing at the head of her bed.
She started to scream. "Don'f,
scream, madam," said the burglar.i
"Just tell me where your husband's
pants are. I can't seem to find
"They're they're they're in the
closet," said Mrs. . Kearney.
Then Mr. Keartiey awoke. He
started to say something to his
frightened wife when the burglar
flashed his light on the bed again.
"Don't movel" he said sternly. Mr.
Kearney didn't. He saw a faint ray
of moonlight glinting on the barrel
of the burglar's gun.
"Did you say the closet, madam?"
asked the burglar.
But before she replied he had
opened the closet door and lifting
the Kearney pants from the hook
began to search them.
"There's only $10 in the pants,"
he said next. "Where's the rest.
And the diamonds; where are
they?" ' ' .
"No diamonds" answered Mr.
Kearney shortly. He was getting
used to the burglar. So was Mrs.
"Any other bedrooms?" asked the
burglar, lifting Mr. Kearney's watch
from the dresser and dropping it
carelessly into his coat pocket.
Mrs. Kearney showed the burglar
to her daughter's bedroom. The
daughter, Dorothy, 16 years old,
told the burglar to get out. He
laughed and, with Mrs. Kearney fit
ting on the edge of Dorothy's bed,
searched the dresser drawers.
"You won't find anything in here,"
the told him.
"Sorry to doubt a lady," came the
replv, "but I'll see for myself."
Then lie asked .Mrs. Kearne
where the telephone was, and, being
; told "on the landing," cut the wires.
He ordered Mrs. Kearney to keep
her daughter and Mr. Kearney from
Have Boot Print It Beacon Presc
Elec. Fans $8.50 Burgeas-Granden
Dr. F. A. Van Burrn Office, 488
Brandeis Theater. Phone Douglas
Nurses Plan Tag Day The Visit
ing Nurses are getting ready for the
annual tag day, which has been set
for September 10.
Returns From Vacation Rabbi
Morris N. Taxon has returned from
a month's vacation at Magnetic
Springs, O.
Gleo Club Concert The male glee
club club quartet of Monmouth col
lege will give a concert at the Cen
tral United Presbyterian church at
8,:15 tonight.
Many Get Buttons More than
2,600 "Victory" buttons have been
Issued to Omaha ex-soldiers of the
army, according to a tally made at
the local recruiting station.
Returns From France Capt. W.
W. Gables, Omaha dentist, who en
listed In the United States army den
tal corps in June, 1917, returned
this week from IS months' service
In France, where he was chief den
tal officer at Camp President Lin
coln, Brest.
Aged Colored Man to Wed Wil
liam H. Warren, 70 years old, for
many years colored janitor at the
Boyd theater, has taken out a mar
riage license to wed Lavina Cooper,
64 years old, colored church worker.
The Rev. W. H. Botts will perform
the ceremony.
Military Band Concert Forty
members of the 168th Infantry
Regimental band of the Rainbow
division will give a concert at
Rourke park next Monday night.
They are making a tour of the coun
try. The majority of the men in the
band are wounded.
Nielsen Funeral Services The fu
neral of Peter J. Nielsen, 55 years
old, who died Monday evening "at
his home, 3031 Webster street, will
be held Friday afternoon at 2 from
the Johnson & Swanson chapel, -2204
Cuming street Burial will be in
Springwell cemetery.
Asks $10,508 Dnmnges William
H. Mallory has started soit in dis
trict court against Arthur Theodore
for $10,508, the valuation of 28,400
pounds of arsenate of lead which
Mallory says was destroyed by melt
ing snow that leaked through a
poorly repaired cement sidewalk.
Schools Open September 8 Oma
ha schools will open this year Mon
day, September 8. The usual open
ing date is the flay after Labor day,
but as that holiday this year comes
on September 1 the opening date has
been placed on the following Mon
day. Registration at Central High
school will be conducted during the
first week in September.
Grandmother Gets Girl Mrs. A.
L. Emery rushed weeping from the
court room yesterday when District
Judge Sears decided that the cus
tody of her eight-year-old daughter
should be given, to the grandmother
until further order of the court. John
B. Curyea, the little girl's father,
started suit to remove her from her
mothers custody. Her mother has
married again.
Asks $40,000 Damages Roscoe
H. Rawley, administrator of the es
tate of William H. Rawley, inspec
tor of sewer construction for the
city, who was killed last November
by a street car at Forty-eighth and
Leavenworth streeets, has filed suit
in district court for $40,000 dam
ages "against the street railway
company and the city of Omaha.
Soldiers Want Jobs Eighty sol
diers from overseas have reported
at the soldiers' employment bureau.
Chamber of Commerce, this week.
Mrs. Mabel Walker, in charge of the
bureau, has been able to place some
of the boys, but the majority of
them, though they are anxious to
work, have been unable to obtain
positions. Since the opening of the
employment bureau Mrs. Walker
has found places for 2,966 returned
soldiers and sailors.
Charges Son Was Illegally
Enlisted Into Canadian Army
Charging that the Canadian gov
ernment illegally enlisted his son,
Charles A., into the army, Joseph
Mongene, Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
has written to The Bee, asking the
proper method of presenting a claim
against that government.
The son, Charles, was killed in ac
tion August 3, 1916, while operating
with Canadian forces on the west
ern front. The father received a
pension for a while, but this was dis
continued for unknown reasons, he
says. Mr. Mongene asserts that his
son had been paroled from several
Iowa hospitals before his enlistment
suffering from "sickness from sun
Judge's Efforts to Patch
Up Divorce Difficulty Fail
When Judge Day continued the
divorce case of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bower, in district court, ' for one
week, he hopea for a reconciliation.
He even gave them a 15-minute lec
ture on married life and was con
gratulating himself on his success as
a mediator.
But when the case came up yester
day both were obdurate and he was
forced to grant a divorce to the
wife. The custody of their 12-year-cld
daughter has not been determined.
giving an alarm and after searching
Mr. Kearney's coat which hung in
a, downstairs closet, fled.
' Mr. Kearney ran to the house of
Dr. H. W. Medders, next door, and
called the police.
The burglar gained entrance to the
Kearney home by cutting the screen
from a dining room window.
Police believe the burglar was the
man who robbed the D. C. Brad
ford home, 404 South Thirty-ninth
street, Wednesday morning, and es
caped with jewelry valued at $1,000.
u a
Busiest Part
of the meal
says (foofofy when the
folks start in on
South Side
Only the Burlington, Union
Pacific and Illinois Central
Bring Cattle to Omaha
. Market.
Receipts of live stock at the
South Omaha market took another
big drop Thursday as a result of the
tieup on several of the railroads.
Only 147 cars were received, about
240 less than Wednesday, and sev
eral hundred less than usually on
Men at the South Side station of
the Northwestern walked out,Wed
nesday night. Practically nothing is
being received or shipped out over
this road. The Wabash is com
pletely tied up. The Union Pacific,
Burlington and Illinois Central roads
are stiU handling stock. Although
the business at the yards is being
taken care of by the roads, yet little
stock is being sent in.
A further decrease in receipts is
expected Friday. Chicago reported
about 25,900 head Thursday or 4,700
more than the local market. All
other markets reported receipts far
below these two.
Foreign Element Prepares
To Get U. S. Citizenship
South Side foreigners, acting upon
lessons taught during the war, are
applying for citizenship in the coun
try of their adoption. Several hun
dred are preparing to take the ex
aminations iu the district court.
About 25 South Side Serbians and
11 Foles have qualified so far. Frank
Madura. Pnlish Iparler is rnnHnrt-
ing an Americanization class.
Light Receipts Here Cause
Raise In Prices of Hogs
Hogs took an upward turn on the
South Side market Thursday follow
ing a steady decline during the past
seven days. Sales were reported at
25 to 40 cents higher with a prob
able top of $21.25. Light receipts
are given as the cause.
South Side Brevities
If you lost a gold watch, call Jackson,
South 181 or South 2474.
Light baggage and express; call office.
South 1281 or South 1669. P. J. Ford.
For sale new 6-room house; very rea
sonable; Immediate possession. Call
So. 1693.
Wanted Good cook and pie maker; good
wages; short hours; no Sunday; woman
preferred. Tel. So. 3433 or 2323.
Ladles of the St. Agnes church will
give a card party Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock in the St. Agnes hall, Twenty
third and Q streets.
The Brotherjiood of American Yeoman,
local No. 1460, will go to Plattsmouth
August 12 to take charge of the initiation
of 50 candidates there.
Services at the Grace Methodist church
will be held at the usual hours in the base
ment during the re-deroratlon of the aud
itorium and Sunday school rooms.
Five-ply molded; 16c foot.
Five-ply wrapperl. 12c foot
Pat Brltt, the third man charged with
drunkenness this week, was fined $10 and
costs In police court Thursday. He gave
his address as 3705 South Twenty-fifth'
Rev. Thomas A. Taggart, pastor of the
Bethel Baptist cfcurch. will preach Sunday
night at the union vesper services at Syn
dicate park. The Bethel church choir
will sing.
Mr3. L. Wlzbskl, 2620 K street, charged
with disturbing the peace on a complaint
sworn out by Mrs. Lena Wolf, 2618 K
street, was given a continuance of hear
ing set for August 16.
Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Wilson, R. H. Hub
hard and family. Miss Clara Thomas, Miss
Margaret Blger and Mrs. H. J. Oswald and
daughter have returned from a 10-day ses
slon of the Epworth league In Lincoln.
For Sale 12-room house, built for two
families; modern, except heat; desirable
location; streets and alleys paved; cement
sidewalk; good shade; a snap for some
body. Phone South 33. G. E. Harding
Coal Co.
Eventually, why not now? Phone South
33 and let us fill that coal bin for the
winter while we have a good supply of
the best grades'of coal. A delay Is dan
gerous. Better phone today. G. E. Hard
ing Coal Co.. Twenty-eighth and J Sts.
Motion Picture Show New
Drive Against H. C. of L.
In line with the wide publicity
given the present drive against the
high cost of living and profiteering,
Mgr. Harry B. Watts of the Strand
theater has secured a film on com
munity cooking, which will be
shown for the remainder of the
week in addition to the regular
The picture shows a real com
munity kitchen in New York, like
the ones being installed in eastern
cities in an effort to help solve the
high-cost-of-living problem. Hun
dreds of families are served by one
kitchen, the food being delivered,
cooked and ready to serve, at meal
time by the aid of heat-retaining re
ceptacles and swift automobile
Similar kitchens have been pro
posed for Omaha.
200 City Firemen Attend .
Funeral of Peter McGuire
Two hundred city firemen, led by
Assistant Fire Chief Dineen,
marched at the funeral of Peter
McGuire yesterday.
The procession formed at the
Holy Family church and proceeded
to the Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Mr. McGuire was a member of the
Omaha department 27 years, retir
ing June 1, 1914.
Pall bearers were: Fire Captains
Patrick McElligott, jr., Patrick Co
gan, T. Tobin, Patrick H. Demp
sey, Michael Quillan and Daniel A.
Municipal Ice Stations
Will Not Be Open Sundays
Municipal ice stations will not be
open' bn Sundays, although the city
council has repealed the ordinance
prohibiting the delivery or sale of
ice on Sundays, R. B. Howell said
"We can't get the ice and we
can't get the men to keep the sta
tions open on Sunday," he said.
"We shall continue to sell ice at
the plant at Twentieth street and
Poppleton avenue from 10 to 12
o'clock on Sundays, as heretofore."
Among the natives In India the
average duration of life u only 24
Federation Condemns Daylight
Savings Law and Demands
Removal of Labor Com
missioner Kennedy.
Twelve resolutions were passed
by the Nebraska State Federation of
Labor, in session at the Labor
temple, yesterday. Among them
was a resolution demanding imme
diate withdrawal of American
troops from Russia. Another fav
ored Irish independence. The lat
ter resolution was introduced by
Frank M. Coffey, secretary of the
The daylight savings law was con
demned and a resolution demanding
its repeal was adopted. Removal
of Frank Kennedy, state labor com
missioner, was asked in a resolution.
A new trial for Mooney was also
Delegates to the convention held
a picnic at Krug park last night.
Three chartered cars carried the
men and women attending the con
vention to the park.
Today's session will be taken up
almost entirely with the election
of officers, the report of the com
mittee on profiteering and an ad
dress by J. D. Ream, master of the
Nebraska Grange.
All Her Friends Come to See
the Good Tanlac Has
Done Her.
"I wouldn't take a good size for
tune for all the good Tanlac has
done for me," said Mrs. A. F.
Lynch, of 164 Central St., Gales
burg, III, to a Tanlac representa
tive, recently.
"I had been suffering with stom
ach trouble for about five years,"
continued Mrs. Lynch, "and some
times I was in perfect agony from
pain end cramps. At times it just
looked like the least thing I ate
would give me an awful attack of
indigestion and I was told that if
I didn't diet myself I was likely to
die from one of these spells. I
hadn't been able to eat a regular
meal for several years and in all
this time I suffered with cYamps,
dizzv spells and awful, throbbing
headaches. I was often troubled
with gas on my stomach and bloated
up so badly I felt like I could hardly
get my breath. Oh, it was an awful
feeling, I tell you, and I hadn't
been able to eat anything but light
foods for so long it was very dis
couraging, to say nothing of the
terrible pain I had to endure. Be
sides this stomach trouble, I also
suffered a lot with my kidneys and
was so constipated that my con
dition alarmed me at times and, try
as I would, I just didn't seem able
to find anything to relieve this
trouble. My back hurt me so bad I
could hardly stand it sometimes and
I was never free from a dull aching
pain across the small of my back. I
finally got so run down in health I
was just able to get around and
that was about all, but when I suf
fered from those attacks of indi
gestion I was usually laid up for as
much as a week and sometimes
longer. I tried about everything
that was recommended for my
trouble, but nothing I took helped
me and I was in so much pain most
of the time I just felt like life
was hardly worth living.
"Then I was lucky enough to try
Tanlac and it has certainly done me
a wonderful amount of good, be
cause I can eat three meals a day
now and am never troubled a
particle with indigestion, bloating
spells or headaches. My kidneys
don't bother me now and I am not
constipated any more, either, and
am m such good condition I can
do all my own housework with ease.
even the washing. As a matter of
fact, I am perfectly well in every
way and so pleased over the way
Tanlac has helped me that I talk
about it all the time, and so do the
neighbors, and people that have
heard about my recovery come to
see me to find out if all they hear
is true and it doesn't take me long
to convince them of the facts. I'm
always glad to speak a good word
for Tanlac." ,
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also For
rest and Meany Drug Company in
South Omaha and the leading drug
gist in each city and town through
out the state of Nebraska.-r-Adv.
"everybody's store'
Thursday, August 7, 1919-
-Phone Douglas 2100
Our Fifth Annual August Sale of
Introducing the Newest Modes, the Choicest
Peltries, the Finest Workmanship
NEVER before have we assembled such an extensive collection of luxurious furs for one of our annual August
Were we to try and duplicate the same fur coats, sets and separate pieces today, we would have to pay a
great deal more. That is why you
Save 25
by puchasing now, rather than waiting until later in the season.
For selection you will find
lrlfftr Furs bought now will be The 25 discount will Every piece car- Furs will be held for pur
Aflflf h stored free of charge until not be allowed after Sep- ries the Burgess- chaser upon payment of
11SMM'U November 1. tember 1. Nash guarantee. 25 of their value.
Friday in the Downstairs Store
. 1
A Large Selection ot House Dresses
That Are Known as "Seconds" at
YOU no doubt have heard of our wonderful house dress sales and have been wait
ing for another one.
Well, here's your chance and in this sale the values are most
extreme, so be certain and plan to be here early and secure
better choice.
Made of good quality material in a variety of neat patterns. All sizes repre
sented, i
Burgess-Nash Co. Downatalra Store
"T1 HE warm summer days bring to your attention
J- the need of cool wash waists and these come
in so many styles, slipover, V necks, etc. and are
trimmed so prettily in lace and embroidery that you
will be delighted with them. Choice, $1.00.
Burgeas-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Summer Footwear
at Reduced Prices
ALL summer footwear has been priced to
make a complete clearaway and here
are a few examples:
Children's canvas play oxfords. 50c.
Infants' Mary Jane pumps, 50c.
Women's white canvas high shoes, $1.98.
Women's white canvas pumps, $2.45.
Women's white canvas oxfords, $2.45.
Children's and misses' barefoot sandals,
Misses' children's and boys' tennis shoes,
Women's novelty tennis footwear, $1.00.
Childrens Mary Jane pumps, $1.49.
Burfeaa-Nash Co. Downstairs Store.
Now in Progress
Out treat Sixth Annual
lu ust Sale of
Representing savings of
under prices available any other
month of the year.
Men's Wear
Very Specially Priced
HERE are items that men will appre
ciate when they notice the extremely
low prices that have been placed on them.
Men's khaki shirts of twill or olivs drab
gabardine. Flat point collar, military or
negligee. Choice, $1.19, $1.69, $1.98;
Poros knit athletic anion suits, 69c
Colored hosiery, splendid quality, 4 for
Blue and red bandanas, 2 for 25c.
White lawn handkerchiefs, 10c.
Khaki colored handkerchiefs, 5c.
Broken lot Tf neckband shirts, 59c.
Burfeia-Naih Co. Downatalra Store
Remnants of Ribbons
V2 Price
Plain and fancy colors, in
lengths of to 2 yards,
at half price.
Foulard Silk
36-inch silk foulard in a
large assortment of neat pat
terns and good colors. On
sale Friday, at $1.59 a yard.
Remnants at
V2 Price
Thousands of yards in
short lengths, running from
M to 7 yards in a piece. Fri
day at Mi price.
Women's Union Suits
Fine cotton suits, low
neck, sleevless, cuff or lace
knee, broken sizes, very spe
cial at 39c.
Silk Gloves, 39c
Double finger tips; colqrs
white, black, brown, tan,
gray, purple and green.
Choice, 39c a pair.
Women's Hose, 7c
A - most extraordinary
value in women's fine qual
ity black cotton hose, full
seamless, less than one-half
price, 7c.
Burfess-Nash Co.
Downstair Store
Mothers With Boys Should
Tke Advantage 0
This, Sale ot Waists
AN opp ortunity such as this comes but seldom and when it does
arrive, mothers should buy for the future, as well as for
the present.
Two Great Groups
At 65c
Madras, percale, cambric waists, regular button down point
collars, double French cuff, adjustable tab'
At 49c
Sport waists of chambray and percale in neat patterns in
both light and dark colors. Very special.
BurfMs-Nub Co. Downstairs Store.
Specially Priced Ne
cessities From the
Every housewife will be in
terested in these items and
their prices.
Clothes Baskets, 39c
A good size splint clothes
basket on sale Friday, at 39c
Clothes Line, 35c
A 50-foot length clothes
line, priced specially for 35c
a length.
Baskets 59c and 69c
Mexican market and pic
nic baskets, on special sale
Friday in two groups, at 59c
and 69c.
Mop Outfit, 47c
Triangle shape cedar oil
mop with handle and 16-oz.
can of cedar oil polish, the
outfit, at 47c
Sauce Pans, 59c
All-white enameled, seam
less sauce pans, 3-quart size,
veryi specially priced, at 59c
Burf Ms-Nub Co.
Downstairs Store