Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    " (."V ' ' ' " . .. .
At".. i y -U-H.r a. r": J .t .,
Investigating Board Will Con
vene In Three Weeks
Means Criminal Prosecu
tion of "Big Five."
Washington, Aug. 7. The govern
ment's case against the five big
packers will be 'placed before the
federal grand jury which .meets at
Chicago three weeks hence. This
means that criminal prosecution will
be instituted.
, Charles F. Clyne, federal district
attorney at Chicago, said today that
besides asking indictments under the
criminal section of the Sherman
anti-trust law, civil suits would be
prosecuted under the food control
act of congress of hoarding.
The evidence in hand. Attorney
General Palmer declared, indicated
"a clear violation of the anti-trust
Tlie history of all the govern- !
ment's anti-trust prosecutions in 25
years does not a show a single in
dividual ever serving a jail sentence
for a violation. There are evidences
that the government hopes for some
in the present campaign.
Testifying before a senate com
mittee investigating living conditions
in the District of Columbia. Thomas
E. Wilson, president of Wilson &
Co. and chairman of the Institute of
American Meat Packers, declared
that the packers were not profiteer
ing. The high cost of living, he told
the committee, was a world problem
and not local.
"The world is on a holiday and
people are spending money like
drunken sailors without producing,"
he added.
Seek Friends of Sick Man.
Friends of Edward D. Carson are
being sought by the police. A tele
gram from Bellevue hospital, New
York City, said he was seriously ill
there. The telegram gave his ad
dress as 3209 Second street. There
is no such address here.
Not jut one, but 2,000 of them
in every episode every week for
15 weeks.
Path Distributor
with Chat. HutchUon and Anne
A. aerial that is gripping in it
intensity, that holds you breath
less in your seatw
Playing at these Omaha House?:
Show in f Every
Rax, 14th and Douglas, Sunday
Comfort, 24th aad Vinton, Tuesday
Orpheum, 24th and M) S. S., Wednesday
Suburban, 24th and Ames, Wednesday
Maryland, 13th and Pine, Thursday
Boulevard, 33d and Leaven. Friday
Park, 16th and Cass, Monday
Alhambra, 24th and Parker, Wednesday
Lyric, 16th and Vinton, Sunday
Columbia, 10th and Hickory, Friday
j Presents
T". EN TURP1N, the comedian
r with the eccentric eye, has
signed a contract far another
two years with Mack Sennett and
will continue to appear in Paramount-Mack
Sennett comedies.
Rialto Charles Ray in "Hay
Foot, Straw Foot" gives an amus
ing performance. In support we
have Spottiswobde Aitken as a vet
eran of the war of '61. who tells his
grandson to enlist. The scene when
he bids goodby to the boy is very
touching. When he goes to the
camp to visit the boy he is so proud
of and finds him in the guard house,
disgraced, the scene is beautifully
played and only an artist equal to
Aitksn could get the results which
are appreciated by the audience.
In the next chapter of "The Great
Gamble" Darrell trailed Blake and
Aline to the Adirondack camp and
got his chance to rescue the girl.
While Nell was living in the house
of Morton in New York, Darrell
and Aline were wandering through
the wilderness. Thev escape the
hungry wolf pack and take a train
for New York, followed by Blake.
Morton beine seriously ill, the at
tending physician left medicine, the
slightest overdose of which would
kill the patient. Nell discharges the
nurse and prepares an overdose of
the medicine, which she is about to
give him when she sees Aline and
Darrell entering the front door. SnT
left the medicine on the table beside
the bd and fled, just as Aline en
tered the room. Morton asked Aline
to give him the medicine, swallowed
the fatal draught and died within an
hour. We shall see what follows
in the next part of the Fathe serial,
"The Great Gamble."
Sun Olive Thomas in "Prudence
on Broadway" is written round a
demure little Quakeress, who makes
A t Neighborhood Houses
LOTHROP Twenty-fourth and Lo.
HOPB CHEST," and a comedy.
GRAND Sixteenth and Blnney. MAR
DIAMOND Twenty-fourth and Lake.
chapter four. Also a comedy.
APOLLO Twenty-ninth and Leaven
LOVE." Also a two-reel comedy.
a hit when she arrived on Broad
way among the worldly and wins
wealthy husband by borrowing
money from him and offers herself
in payment, the only way she could
return the debt.
Muse "Oh Boy" is still finding
tavor on its week s run, with Prof.
Cuscaden s orchestra furnishing
some ot the melodies that made the
musical comedy such a success on
the stage. '
Strand Bryant Washburn in "A
Very Good Young Man. "A girl is
told by her elders that a good man
before marriage always makes a
bad husband, so she throws this
good man down, and so he starts
out tcTgo the pace, but everything
he does bad is doing somebody a
great f;ivor, and instead of getting
disgraced he ii the center of ;. crowd
thanking him for getting them out
of their troubles. He wins the girl
and she is satisfied that he can be
bad if hewants and he will make
an ideal husband.
Empress A moving story, strong
in comedy, heart appeal and ro
mance, directed by Herbert Blache,
"Fools and Their Money," in
which Emmy Wehlen is seen as the
star, is an original one with the
ideas and ideals of an aristocratic
family on ope hand, the frenzied so
cial aspirations of a munitions mil
lionaire's wife on the other.
$1,000,000 LIBEL
Closing Arguments Being
Made In Case Brought by
Millionaire Against Chi
cago Newspaper.
Mount Clemens, Mich., Aug. 7.
Closing arguments in Henry Ford's
libel suit against the Chicago Daily
Tribune were begun in Judge Tuck
er's court today, Attorney William
Lucking opening for the plaintiff.
Mr. Lucking recounted the alleged
libelous editorial of June 23, 1916,
headed, "Ford Is an Anarchist."
"We claim," said he, "that:
"The Chicago Tribune, for selfish"
tnA 1 1 1 f o t- i n-i-itiirc cnncrrir tfi
bring about intervention in Mexico. Uandum showing the relation be
"That the Tribune regarded the
mobilization of the national guard
in June, 1916, as a step in that di
rection. "That the Tribune knew that
Henry Ford was opposed to inter
vention, and, v
"That the Tribune seized upon the
item from Detroit stating Mr. Ford
would not hold open the jobs of its
Employes who went with the guard,
to write anjeditorial which the pub
lishers believed would intimidate
him and cause him to qfease his
Mr. Lucking insisted that anarchy
means opposition to all property
rights, all religion and all govern
ment, and that an anarchist, such
as Mr. Ford was charged with be
ing, is one who designedly works to
bring about the anarchy described.
"That some of Mr.-Ford's utter
ances agreed with those of Emma
Goldman and other recognized an
archists in no way proves him an
anarchist," said the lawyer.
At the Empress,
A shew with a distinct leaning to
ward music and comedy opened at
the Empress yesterday. The Va
riety Four put a lot of pep into their
act and do some real harmonizing.
The Adams trio, harmony singers,
also play a variey of instruments.
The big comedy hit of the bill is the
electrical noyelty offered by Fred La
Roine & Co., a scieniific novelty
and cyclone of fun. '
Amount In Cold Storage In
creases as Charge Mounts
Says Federal Trade Com
mission Report.
By the Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 7 Although
prices of practically all important
foods have shown a substantial in
crease during the Tast.year, stocks
of food held in storage on June 1,
this year, were approximately 20
per cent greater than those held on
June 1, 1918, according to a memo-
Many Clean Amusement
LANE. vPhotoplay Attraction EMMY
MONEY." Mack Sennett Comedy.
tween storage figures and prices is
sued today by the federal trade
commission. Government stocks
were excluded from the comparison.
"The fact that stocks of many
impoftant foods weremuch larger
on June 1, this year,than on the
same date last year," said the com
mission's statement," while prices
were as high or higher, apparently
means that they, are being withheld
speculatively for a world demand
which is not now here but which is
expected when hunger-impelled
strikes secure higher wages with
which higher food prices can be
To show that the "law of supply
and demand is not working," the
commission listed eight staple foods
which on June1 1 showed an increase
in stocks withheld from the market
ranging from three to 298 per cent
over stocks on June 1, 1918, and in
each instance there was shown to
have been a substantial advance in
the wholesale price during that
Stocks of frozen fowls showed a
maximum increase of 298 per cent
and the price, despite this fact, in
creased 3 cents a pound. Wheat
stocks showed an increase of 174 per
cent, with an increase in price of 31
cents; flour stocks an increase of 21
per cent, with an increase in the
price per barrel of nearly $3; egg
stocks an increase of 9.8 per cent,
with an increase in price of 11 cents,
and. butter stocks an increase of 129
per cent, with the price soaring 12
cents above the last year figure.
All dry storage stocks, according
to the commission's figures, showed
an average increase of 124 per cent.
Of these not listed in the above table
stocks of rye increased 346 per cent;
barley, 207 per centf buckwheat flour
237 per cent and' canned tomatoes
202 per cent.
Increases in other cold storage
stocks were shown as follows:
Cured beef, 103 per cent; frozen
lamb and mutton, 91 per cent; frozen
pork, 20 per cent and pickled pork
10 per cent.
Two Airmen Burned.
Eagle Pass, Tex., Aug. 7. Lieut.
W. H. Tillisch of Minneapolis, sta
tioned at Ellington flying field.
Houston, Tex; and E. L. Davin
of the Texas Department of Agri
culture, were killed instantly and
their bodies burned when their air
plane fell 100 feet here today. The
plane was being used by the agri
cultural department to seek out cot
ton fields affected by the pink boll
worm. j
Northwestern Reduces Pas
senger Service Until Settle
ment Is-Reached Freight
Tieup Complete.
The second sections of No. 2 and
No. 22, the eastern and western
limited, the finest de luxe trains on
the Northwestern system, were cut
off yesterday morning. They will
not be restored until the strike is
definitely settled. The other sec
tions will not be decreased but later
some of the Pullmans may have to
be' dropped.
The situation at the Northwestern
roundhouse in Council Bluffs yes
terday afternoon was acute. Gen
eral Yardmaster Stryker and Fore
man McCall of the roundhouse
'have been doing all of the engine
work required for the operation of
passenger trains, assisted by Yard
master Hathaway. Yesterday after
noon Mr. Hathaway, working in the
coal -chutes for nearly 20 hours
straight, succumbed to the strain
and fell unconscious. His physician
said he had been overcome by the
Foreman McCall, who worked 48
hours without a break when the
shopmen first quit, attempted to re
peat the performance but nature
rebelled and he went to sleep. Dur
ing the afternoon a company official
at Chicago stopped at the round
house and when he realized the sit
uation at once went to work coaling
engines and getting them ready for
the oasseneer service. He is the
only helper of General Yardmaster
The Wabash shopmen who went
out Saturday night returned to
work yesterday morning, and it was
said the outlook for the resump
tion of the freight train service was
excellent. No freight trains were
moved, however, during the day.
Yesterday morning a new phase
was added to the railroad labor situ
ation when the Missouri Pacific shop
men and switchmen failed to report
for work. There was no strike. It
was simply a case where the men
were not on hand to operate switch
ing and freight equipment. They
gave no reason for their action and
refused to say whether or not they
were acting on orders.
Missouri Pacific passenger train
men remained on their jobs and
these trains travel on schedule.
The failure of the Missouri Pa
cific shop and switchmen has se
riously complicated the situation on
that road. In the Omaha terminals
a number of the grain elevators are
located on Missouri Pacific sidings.
The failure of the men to report
to work has temporarily put that
road out of business so far as hand
ling grain is concerned. 'The same
condition prevails as far as the
bringing of freight into the city is
Union Pacific men are all at work
in the shops and yards, and so are
those of the Burlington, as far as the
lines west of the Missouri river are
It is reported that in the Burling
ton shops in Iowa and Illinois some
of the men have gone out, but at lo
cal headquarters nothing is known
as to the number of the strikers.
At Fairbury, Neb., machinists,
boilermakers, coppersmiths and their
helpers as well as car repairers and
laborers of Nebraska division of the
Rock Island quit work Thursday at
9 a. m., pending settlement of wage
differences between labor organiza
tions and railroad management. The
present schedule provides fork me
chanics eight hours work at 68 Cents
an hour. Helpers draw 464 cents
an hour, and demand 85 and 60
cents. Car repairers get 58 and ask
for 75 cents. .
Two Killed by Lightning.
Iowa City, Ia Aug. 7. (Special
Telegram.) Harry Wallingford,
aged 45, Atalissa, la., and Edna
Muller, 7, were instantly killed by
lightning from a clear sky at the
Tom Mclntyre farm two miles
southeast of West Liberty, Thurs
day. The Weather.
Local Comparative Record.
. 1919 1918 1917 1916
uio-heat Thursday .... 86 90
Lowest Ttiursnay .
Mean temperature.
j ,nl.a,lAn
Temperaiure ana iicv;iiivi. F..
ures from the normal:
Norma temperature .r 76 degrees
Excess for the day 1 degree
Total excesB since March 1,
jjjj 329 deftree;
Normal 'precipitation Inch
Deficiency for the day 1J Inch
Total precipitation ,lnc . .
March 1, 1919 12.97 Inches
Deficiency since March 1,
99 5.89 inche.'
Deficiency for corresponding
period In 1918 .80 Inches:
Deficiency for correspondlng
perlod in 1919 4 Inch
Station and State Temp- High- Rain
of Weather erature
Cheyenne, cloudy 68
Davenport, clear 86
Denver, cloudy 7
Des Moines, clear 84
Dodge City, cloudy
Lander, cloudy 84
North Platte, pt. cldy..84
Omaha, pt. cldy 83
Pueblo, cloudy 80
Rapid City, cloudy.... 84
Salt Lake, cloudy. .... .R6
Santa Fe, cloudy 68
Sheridan, clear 88
siout Cltv. ot. cldy 84
"T Indicates trace ot precipuauon.
: Tisri&
A farce coated? with, oodles (of
pretty girU end plenty of ginger
accompanied by a chorus of six
live dancing girls (we'll say
they're live).
I nTUDAD 24th and
ft- W I W
. Peace Trfeaty Coupon
Here's your chance to show how you stand. Put an
X on the Peace Treaty coupon indicating whether you fa
vor ratification with or without reservations, or are op
posed to the league as a whole, and mail it to Peace Treaty
Editor of The Omaha Bee. Your vote will be sent direct
to the senator from your district.
How I Stand On Peace Treaty
I favor ratification WITHOUT reservations
I favor ratification only WITH certain reservations. .. ,
I am against the League of Nations as a whole ,
Name -
Will Observe Landing
df First U. S. Troops in
State 100 Years Ago
A public meeting of the Nebraska
State Historical society will be held
at the Chamber of Commerce Au
gust 28 to perfect plans for a cen
tennial observation of the first land
ing of United States troops in Ne
braska, to be held September 26.
The date of this meeting wasfixad
at ah executive meeting of the so
ciety last night at the Chamber of
Commerce. A. E. Sheldon, secre
tary of the society; Mrs. J. J. Stubbs
of the Omaha chapter of the D. A.
R.; Mrs. O. A. Scott, state secre
tary of the Daughters of 1812;
Father M. A. Shine of Plattsmouth;
Mrs. Edgar Allen of the D. A. R.;
E. E. Blackman, clerk of the his
torical society, and O. VV. Tresten,
head of the Junior Red Cross of the
state, were present at 'the meeting.
It is hoped that representatives of
every patriotic society of the state
will be present at the meeting Au
gust 28. Extensive plans for the
centennial celebration to be held at
Fort Calhoun will be made at that
work fails, say
war cripples
Hundreds of Complaints Reg
istered Against Ineffectual
Results of Federal Voca
tional Education Agency.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. Hundreds
of war cripples throughout the coun
try are registering serious com
plaints against the ineffectual re
sults obtained by the federal board
for vocational education, the gov
ernment agency charged by congress
with the responsibility of re-train-ing
disabled soldiers for lives of use
fulness, according to a statement
issued today by the Association for
Disabled Soldiers, Sailors and Ma
rines. Cases of wounded soldiers who
have been made to suffer untold
delay, injustice and actual hardship
because of the faulty administration
of the federal board are said to
have come to the attention of the as
sociation which is an organization
of over 5,000 disabled ex-service
men bent on getting a square deal
for themselves and for the thou
sands of their fellows who are
badly in need of encouragement and
constructive assistance.
The federal brfard for vocational
education, with headquarters at
Washington, is under the chairman
ship of Secretary of Agriculture
Houston. The director of the board
is Charles A. Prosser. The Asso
ciation of Disabled Soldiers, Sailors
and Marines, with headquarters in
Philadelphia, was organized - nation
alism June of this year. The state
ment of the association follows, in
"After waiting patiently for many
months for the federal board to
make adequate provision for the
scores of cripples who were barred
from returning to their old jobs
because of disabilities incurred in
service, and after urging President
Wilson to veto the sundry civil ap
propriation bill so that the federal
board might, receive $14,000,000 to
carry on its work unimpeded, the
association has reached the point
where it feels that the public ought
to be informed of the situation re
garding the disabled soldiers so that
the cause of the failure to insure his
successful re-entry into civil life
may be ascertained. ,
"Investigation of the work of the
federal board and actual contact
with thousands of war cripples have
revealed to the association startling
instances of injustice to the disabled
soldiers." '
Ask Injunction Against
Wartime Prohibition Act
New york, Aug. 7. An injunc
tion against enforcement of war
t:me prohibition is asked in a suit
filed in the federal destrict court
by -the firm of Scatena, Lawson and
Perelli, owners of vineyards and
wineries in the state of California,
against United States District At
torney Francis Caffey and William
H. Edwards, collector of internal
The plaintiffs ask that the two
federal officials be enjoined from
the enforcement of the prohibition
law on the ground that, if enforced,
their business will suffer irreparable
damage. They say that in the last
year they did a business of $1,500,
000 and paid mone than $250,000 to
the government in taxes.
The action is brought here as the
plaintiffs have a place of business
in Nfew York in addition to their
producing plants in California.
The Ideal Family Loaf.
Patronize Your
Neighborhood Grocer
IjJJ surfac. with housa-
r - fAb,
warm salt water; man appiy if
Big Guns Roar Out Salutes
as Great American Armada
Sails Past Thousands
of Onlookers.
San Diego, Aug. 7. (By the As
sociated Press.) An American ar
mada, the greatest that has ever
turned a propeller blade in the Pa
cific, cme today to make the seas
under the Sierra-Cascade slopes its
home. In an inspiring naval parade,
Admiral Hugh Rodman's newly cre
ated fleet passed in review of Sec
retary of the Navy Daniels and gov
ernors and mayors of western states
and cities, aboard the cruiser Mon
tana, anchored off Coronado beach,
while thousands lined the shore to
aid in the welcome.
Six miles of war vessels, 31 in
number some of which had held
guard with the British in the North
sea swung past the reviewing ship,
firing from the dreadnaughts salutes
of 19 guns in honor of the secretary
of the navy as they came abeam of
the Montana.. It required one hour
for this vast fleet of dreadnaughts,
battleships of leaser type and 21
sleek and speedy destroyers to pass
the welcoming party.'
Vessels Come to Anchor.
The war vessels turned inshore
by the Montana, then stood away to
the southward for three miles, came
about and steamed into the north
west, making almost a complete cir
cle, and then the dreadnaughts took
up their anchorages off the beach,
while the battleships and destroyers
came into the bay.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels,
turning from the bridge of the Mon
tana after the last destroyer had
passed, said:
"This is realization of a dream I
kept constantly in view tor years,
since I first came to the Pacific
coast shortly after induction into
office to study naval conditions here.
I conceived of an American fleet
hat was truly an American fleet,
equally at home and in equal
strength on both coasts. This or
ganization into two powerful fleets
is an epoch-making event in naval
history and presages the day when
the whole fleet now composed of
more than 1,000,000 tons with 5,000,
000 more tons building, will make
the magnitude of this review s?m
small in comparison.
After the review, Secretary Dan
iels in company with Governor
Stephens of California, Gov. Octa
viano Larrazola of New"" Mexico,
with a personal representative of
the governor of Arizona, together
with the mayor of San Diego and
Admirals J. L. Jayne, Josiah Mc
Kean and Charles Parks and promi
nent west coast citizens, went
aboard the flagship Nevy Mexico,
where speeches of welcome were
made to Admiral Rodman and his
fleet officers.
Daniels Raps Senators.
Some senators who oppose the
league of nations are taking' a posi
tion! just directly Opposed to their
desires to end wars expressed in
1916, Secretary Daniels slid tonight
during the course of a speech at a
banquet given in his honor by citi
zens of San Diego.
"The 1916 naval appropriation
bill," said the secretary, "allotted
the greatest sum in history for a
naval building program and not
only that, but its framers and the
men who passed it incorporated
specificially within it terms en
joining the president immediately
after the cessation of hostilities in
Europe, to take steps to obtain an
agreement among the nations of the
world to reduce naval armament.
"This the president has done. Yet
the men in some cases who most
bitterly oppose him were among
those who voted for the greatest
naval appropriation bill with its pro
viso looking to elimination in the
future of such appropriations
through action suggested by the
Pioneer Omaha Contractor
Dies After Long Illness
A. J. Norgard, a resident of
Omaha for the past 45 years, died
Wednesday afternoon at his home,
3717 Leavenworth street, after an
illness of several months. Mr. Nor
gard was a contractor and one of
the first men to start in that, busi
ness in Omaha. He is survived by
his widow, Mrs. Caroline Norgard,
three sons, E. Norgard, Frank L.
Norgard and Russell Norgard and
two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Broad
and Miss Ruby Norgard. Funeral
services will be held Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock at the residence.
Interment will be in Springwell
Negro Accidentally Shot by
His Wife; May Not Live
William Newcome, colored, 2102
Clark street, was shot and prob
ably fatally wounded in the abdo
men at 6 o'clock last night by his
wife, Vivian, while the latter was at
tempting to load a revolver.
Newcome is in Lister hospital.
Physicians say his chances of re
covery are slight.
Mrs. Nemcome was arrested and
charged with shooting with intent
to kill. She explained to the police
that she was trying to load the gun
and accidentally discharged the
Japs in Pekin Warned
to Remain in Nights
Pekin. Aug. 7. (By The Asso
ciated Press) The Japanese resi
dents of Pekin have been warned
to remain indoors at night. The
warning was given because the ill
feeling among the Chinese over the
recent incident at Kwang-Chang-"
Tsu, Manchuria, where Japanese
and Chinese troops clashed, with
numerous fatalities.
Is TolgLPeopIe More Interest
ed In Reduction of H. C. of
L Than In World
Washington, Aug. 7. President
Wilson is in a quandary as to
whether it is advisable for him tov
make his speaking tour in favor of
the league of nations. At the White
House it was impossible to get a
definite statement as to the presi
dent's intentions with respect to the
tour which has been arranged. Mem.
bers of the executive staff appar
ently were very much at sea as to
what the president'sdecision would
be. All they would say on the sub
ject was that the arrangements for
the tour had been held up.
It is known that some of the pres
ident's advisers have counselled him
against making the tour, expressing
the view that it would be politically,
Their arguments have Jiad suffi
cent weight to bring about further
consideration. It is understood that
the president's decision probably
will hinge upon the turn of events in
the next week. It will involve much
jnore than making the tour or
abandoning it. His whole future po
litical course of action may be
shaped by it.
The president and the whole ad
ministration undoubtedly has been
surprised by the discovery that the
American public is more intensely
interested in a quick reduction of the
high cost of living than it is in the
fate of the league ;of nations.
Appreciating that fact the presi
dent and his cabinet officers are
taking steps to bring about reforms
which will meet the people's demand
for effective action. .
Some of the president's political
counsellors have told him that he
ought to remain in Washington un
til some definite results have been
After he has made his recommen
dations to congress the president
probably will feel, it is said by mem
bers of his staff, that he can start
on his trip with little liability of
meeting any criticism.
From the source to the mouth ot
the Rhine there are to be found
nearly 800 castles, formerly the
homes of warlike chiefs.
Every family should keep
Chamberlain's Colic and Diar
rhoea Remedy at hand during
the summer weather. It is
prompt and effectual. Only 35
-U1 7-- "i , 1 -i'.
Now is the Tihe
to Buy Electric Fans
for use during the balance of this
year and to have for next year's use
Entire Stock Being
Closed Out at a
Reduction of 10 Per Cent
) Fans are not always to be had during the extreme warm periods of sum
mer, therefore we.say: Buy now and at a reduction.
See demonstration in our Electric
Shop Retajl of
Electric Grills
and Ovenetes
Any cooking operation can be accomplished with this combination
electrical device to one's entire satisfaction. You can bake and broil at
one time, or you can fry and bake at one time. In fact, they are so con
venient and handy in operation arid work, we feel sure you will want one
after seeing it demonstrated.
4llr-fciig3 fell
Nebraska Power Company
"Your Electric Service Company"
Phones: Tyler Three one hundred
South Three'