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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. 11 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. THOSE WHO LIVE IN DUNDEE TAKE PRIDE IN SAYING SO. T)UllflM la An fit IV. nr.m .a ... I restdenc districts In Omaha; many folks men out to Dundee; vary row ever leave: the restriction, her which have caused this addition to be built up more uniformly than any other In Omaha: the development of the vacant ground Into building- stirs of high char acter; the people themselves who have bought and built on these same lots, are responsible for every owner taking a personal pride, not only In his prop erty, but in the fact that hla family Uvea In Dundee. Uniform restrictions and careful development result In good homes good homes create stable val- ' YOUR INVESTMENT IS SAFE IN DUNDEE. A FEW CHOICE BUILDING SITES. I1SS0 50!3I feet, west front on Fiftieth avenue, between Dodge and Farnam. I19S0 013S feet, on Fifty-second street, near Farnam. J3700 74x135 feet, cant front on Fifty first avenue close to Farnam. All of these lots are good values let us show you. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. 903 City Nat.Bk. Bldg. P. 76. VERYCHOICE DUNDEE RESIDENCE. Briok and Btuoco completed about a year ago. A very artistic exterior away from the pterotyi"d plan and a most pleasing and convenient arrangement Inside.. Large living room us the east with fl replace. Generous sunroom adjoins on the south- Fine dining room, breakfast room and kltfhtm. On the sec ond floor four nice bedrooms, Bleeping porch ana ttled bath room. Maid's room on third floor. Hot water heating plant. Stucco garag. Kast front lot, high and nightly. Priced very reasonably on the baalH of cost of 18 months ago, at 116,000. Call us for appointment. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands FOR SALE 1,280-acra, well Improved ranch miles east of Hateler In Dundy County, Neb Located south of river and all hard land In heavy buffalo sod no sand. Good livable frame and cement house, fair barn, two wells and wind mills, a;! fenced and cross-fenced. 104 aurea In wheat and corn, more could be cultivated. Bargain price $13,50 per acre. Will carry 10,000 at S per cent. Will F. Seldentopf. Council Bluffs, la. DUNDEE SPECIAL $1,500 DOWN & $50 PER MO. 6-room full 2-ntory house located near 49th; and Vnderwood; 3 large rooms first floor, finished In oak; 3 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; full cement basement, furnace heat; large lot and paved street and paved alley. If looking for a real bargain see this at 15.500. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ST Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. South Side. JAS J. FITZGERALD. 4931 8outb ltb St., "Insurance." Buy and rail property Real estate mortgage loa's promptK' made. IF you want a real borne,, at a bargain, you should see Jas H Kopletz. real es tate Investments 7SS South 4th St REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 13 LOTS. Council Bluffs, right between the two cities; good high ground and Improving ateadlly aruund It: fine for home or Investment at $1,200 for fhe bunch. McGee Real Eslate Co.. Vlj-JPfgrL8-. Ci'iincll Bluffs REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. . We have men buyers for well-located bungalows and residenres worth the money. For quick results, list with us O'NEII.'S R. K. & INS. AOKNCY. 32-8 Brand-Is Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. WANTED rTO RENT-5 to 40 acres close to Omaha, with fair Improvements; must be well drained, with plenty of water an! shade for poultry. Will consider buying later on. This property must be on either pnved or an equally good road. Addn-sa M-74. Omaha Bee. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. tiC Pity HHt Pk. Bldg Doug. 194g. LIST i.iur property with us We haw oalls for homes and investments. McCAOUB INV. CO. Phone D. 41 f.. 15th a nd Dodge. HAVE Inquiries for good homes in good locations. Do you want to sell your property? List it with C A. Urimmel. 4 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST your property for sale with J. B Robinson for quirk sales 442 Bee Bldg. Phone. Douglas 80D7. LOW rates without delay. C. O. CARLHERO. 112 Brandels Theater Bldg. In' your property Is for sale or rent, list It with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 270ft Lake. Webster 640 FOR quick results list your property with S. P BOSTWICK & SON. 100 Bee Bldg. Tyler 160. FOP quick sales list your property wltb W O. SHRIVER. ltUV Om Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. H3tl LIST your property with Morearty & Con hoy. Bee Bldg. Doug. 3S4I. FINANCIAL. Private Money. SHOPEN COMPANY. Poug. 4128. Save money and time, see us first. 6-year pptlonal loans, 6 per cent. DAY & MAYNE Omaha. (05 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 6994. Council Bluffs. la., it Pearl St. Tel. 101. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Doug. 716. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable seml-anually. W. H. THOMAS & SON, t28 Keellne Bldg. CITT and farm loans; SVs and Pr emt; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 418 Keellne Bldg. 1100 to 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., lHth and Farnam. lh and 6 p. c. loans on real estate. Private money, rt. j. ar-ieiasr o"a neeiino. u. op.. D E BUCK1Ians4aOmahaNjl. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW ON TWO ACRES NEAR CAR. Just north of Forest Lawn ear line, fine location and fins laying ground, east frontage; some garden, vacuum furnace, five rooms; very good value at $4,500; $500 cash and $68 per month. Call Tyler 69 and ask, for Mr. Manvllle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Colorado Lands. LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Com with us next Tuesday for the Flaglar district and secure a farm where prices are still low $25 to $40. Don't j wait phone us today. D. 4254. Shedd Investment Company. Hallway E rhange, Omaha. . 10,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co.. Colo., lands. Bargalna Easv terms. See J. L. Maorer. Arriba. Col Iowa Lands. TOR SALE S25 acres improved, ail In corn and alfalfa. Would consider trade. Pries $40,000. W. H. Beach, Monda- mln, la. Maryland Lands. FARM FOR SALE 19 acres. clear, small house, convenient location, also large farms, and waterfronts. McCully. Leonardtown. Ma. Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 280-acr farm In Todd coun ty. Minnesota: buildings consist of sev-n-room house, barn, granary, corncrlb. windmill, etc.: 130 acres under cultiva tion balance used for meadow and pas ture; no waste land: thla farm will pro duce good crops of corn. oats, clover, potatoes, etc; located only a mile from railroad town; good soil: would make a good grain or stock farm; price $22.50 per acre. Schwab Bros.. 102$ Plymouth J31dg., Minneapolis. .im -Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVESTOCK 200-ACRE, splendid unimproved land; gently rolling, creek, near town, road, and excellent soil, plenty hardwood tim ber; $20 per acre. James Bolen, Aitkin, Minn. , SPLENDID TOO acre dairy ranch, with 00 acre plow land, balance excellent ' upland pasture, near school, lake and town: prlc $30 acre. Jamea Bolen. owner. AitKln. Minn AN IDEAL STOCK RANCH FOR SALE" Eight hundred acrea In one body; 400 arres Platte Valley farm land under Irrigation ditch which will soon be opened; 400 acres hill pasture and hay land. Four and one-half miles to good town on main line of Union Pacific Rail road. School on land. For particulars. address Y-M 5. Omaha Bee. 2.000 ACHES Sheridan county; lt miles south of Gordon; 1 miles Nlobrsra river frontage; 1. 000 sere best farm land, balance best of paature; with timber along river and In two large draws Priced much below anything else offered In this county & S A R. E. MONTGOMERY, - AIL City Nfl Bk Bldg Omsha. Neb roR SALE My four improved farms 'n Wmball county: all of thera ready to . niovo onto: some winter wheat on part j of them; can rent them It Doyer wisnes; two 640-acre places; one 220-acre, one 1 tin-acre. Write for particulars and prices. Guy Forsltng, Kimball, Neb. CHOICE Douglas Co. Farm of 312 acr. adjoining Millard. Neb., on the north on paved road to Omaha; best of land: good Improvement and a money maker for any live farmer. See m at once If you want something extra choice. G.A. HULL. Oakland. Neb. MUST sell 660 acres near Bushnell, Neb . on main road and one-half mile to school. All well grassed buffalo sod land with 600 acres level to gently rolling that can be tractor plowed. Price $20 p r acre. Will F. SleUentopf owner, t'ouncH Bluffs, la. I'l ACRES all tillable, 200 acres In cultl witton. fine buildings, hi mile to school. miles to Brunswick, Antelope County. $125 per acre; easy terms. A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbaeh Blk Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, August T, ltlt. Receipts were: Cattle Hog Sheep Official Monday .... 11,777 4,37(1 36, 09$ Official Tuesday 11.62 4.995 22.145 Offiolal Wednesday.. 5,492 4.951 35.792 Estlsnatj Thursday .. 1.200 2.300 16,600 Four days thla wk...S0,095 Same last week 32,603 Same 1 weeks ago.. 46, 336 Sam S weeks ago.. 2S. 143 Sam days year ago. 45.87$ 75 ACRES. 6 miles Horn Creighton. good soil, nice grove, well improved. Price, $112.50 per acre. Terms. A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbaeh Blk. Folt SALE 160 acres adjoining town of 4.UU0 In central Nebraska; all cultivated $166 per acre; no Improvements; perfect soli. A. W. Toland, 694 Brandels Bldg Douglas 6707. WHITE me fjr pictures and prices of my farms and ranches in good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Craw ford. Neb. ONE of the best quarter sections In Dodge Co.; well Improved; some alfalfa; an Ideal home, near Fremont. Fidelity Trust Co., Fremont. Neb. No. 22. . 13 FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO.. 66', Brandels Bldg FOR farms and farm loans in Washington, Douglas and Sarpy counties, see Paul Petersen, 364 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 1S05 or Walnut 3106. 160 good, level valley. In cul., 5 ml. Nebr. City; non-resident wants cash $16,000. 390 Boyd county, smooth prairie, $6,800. I,0! 3, Omaha Bee, MK'r'riCK COUNTY. Improved corn nd alfalfa farms at the right price. M A LARSON. Central City, Neb PRICE and terms right on northeast Ne- braska improved corn and alfalfa farms C V. Nelson. 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmea. Iti.ehnell, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 301 'Karbaeh Blk Tyler 684. Oregon Landi. RANCH FOR SALE Two miles from Medford, Ore.; 12 acrus 14 -year-old pears and apples; 4 acres bearing apri cots: 6 acres small grain and hay; 7 acres pasture. Four-room new bungu low, well, barn and outbuildings. Own er moving to Seattle. Price $5.000 fl.OOl) cash and terms to suit m bal ance. References, any hank in Med ford. Address Mrs. J. A. Bratney, Med furil. Ore. jTTi;L)ANV ALLEY, Oregon, offers you s home In the land of aunshlne. where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Addresa Jordan Valley Farms. Boise. Idaho. Miscellaneous. 186-Acre State Road Farm, Stock, Tools, Crops, Two nilles thriving town, near largo city, milk sold at door; 126 acres pro ductive tillage, wire fenced pasture; es timated 300 cords wood, 20,000 feet tim ber; fruit orchards. Extra good 10 room house, big stock barn, second barn, tool, hog, 4 poultry houses, etc. Owner retiring. Includes for quick sale, 6 cows, poultry, mowing machines, long list, tools, wagons, harness, crops; $4,500 geta all, easy terms. Details of this money-maker page 33. Catalog Bar gains 19 States, copy free. STROUT FARM AGENCY, S.U B. F., New York Life BUlg, Kansas City. For Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota farms and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug 9Q0. 622 Paxton Blk FARM' LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales quick returns. Held Land -Co., 6C4 Brandels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOITQ. 8622. 1314 HOWARD. The Kind You Like. 18 Buick six roadster, 18 Buick six touring, 18 Chevrolet roadster, 17 Haynes six touring, 17 Grant six, 17 Saxon six, 17 StuU special, Cadillac 8 touring, 17 Maxwell, 16 Hupmobile, and many others, with starters. Fords, all models. Every car sold with a money back guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam ONE HUNDRED beautiful farms for sale In the vicinity of Msnkato, Blue Earth County. Minnesota. Com and see them. George Atchison Land Co.. Mankato. Winn. Nebraska Lands FOR SALE 1600-acre ranch. 4V miles from I-nch and two mile from Gross, ' Neb.; plenty of wster, pasture and hay land: 1100 acre In pasture, 135 acre of alfalfa, balance hayland; 12 acres hog-tight: n excellent place for hogs. cattl and horses; buildings, yards nd windmills all new and would take $10.- 0 to duplicate. Price for a short time. $60 per acre. Harry . Daw, owner, OM4trlaa PROMPT DKIIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C ROGERS. MGR. TYLER 171 1407-21 Capitol Ave MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. JEFFERY six In A-l condition; good tires, two spares; sedan top; air pump. Will sell for $800. Leaving city. Call at Ru-Blan No. 6, 210 Webster St., after 6 p. m. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. FORDS, BU1CKS, DODGE. NEW AND USED CARS, FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO.. $701 SOUTH 21ST ST SOUTH 399. A. LEE & COMPANY. Expert automobile ovashers, slmonyers and polishers; all work guaranteed. 2309 N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 307. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af finity spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., J56J Farnam St Doug. 1970. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay Auto Ex change Co . 2069 Farnam St. D. 6036. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th A Jackson Ford Agent D. 1500. USED CARS. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO.. 2032 Farnam. OAKLAND. Sensible Six MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St WILL exchange interest in 6-room house for automobile. Describe same. Box M-S6. Bee. ONE 1916 Dodge touring car, run 12,000 miles, splendid condition, 4 new Urea one extra. $700. Call Douglas 370. OVERLAND 90. $550. worth more. Wal nut 2252. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal onwlnd shield. GOOD USED CARS GUY L SMITH 16.622 110.535 30,660 108,683 41,310 60,197 63,669 81.777 47,644 45,446 Cattle Ther was an extremely light run of cattle here for a Thursday, arrivals amounting to only about 1,200 head, or hardly enough to make a basis for com parison. Packers all wanted a few cattle and anything that was deslrbla found a ready sale at prices hat were largely 25c higher than yesterday. Prime heavy cat tle were lacking. Best native steers here sold at $17.60 with desirable classes of westerns ss high as $14.0014.50. Can ners and cutters were about steady with medium to choice grades of cow and heifers 26c higher. Practically no feeders were on sale and they were quotable steady at the week's advance. For the week desirable beef steers both native and westerns are from 26c and In some cases around 60c higher, and a simi lar gain has been made on butcher stock. As most of this advance was registered on tie light receipts of the last two days It can hardly be expected to stand If the supplies broaden out th first of next week. ' BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr .1128 $10 75 38 862 $14 00 . 1144 17 40 18 1323 17 60 .1650 18 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . 806 14 00 HEIFERS. 8 801 6 60 4 555 7 60 11 457 8 50 16 688 10 60 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, $17 .50 1 8.25 ; good to choice beeves, $1 6. 75 1 7.25 ; fair to good beeves, "14.50P16.90; common to fair beeves, S12 .00 14.00; choice to prime yearlings, S 1 ii 75 1 7.50 ; ' good to choice yearlings, Jla.OUfe 16.50; fair to good yearlings, $13.50 '.i 15.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.00 'J'13.00; good to choice heifers, $10.00 11,00; good to cholro cows. $9.25(812.00; fair to good cows, $7. 50-9. 00; common to fair cows, $5.757.25; good to choice feeders, $12.00f 14.00 : medium to good feeders, $lo.oon.50: good to choice stockers. $9.00 1 1.00; fair to good stockers. J7.50iff9.00; common to fair stockers, $0.60 W7.50; stork heifers. $6.608.50; stock cows, $G.0O7.50; stock calves, $7.60 10.00; veal calves, $6.00 13. 60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.0012.0O; choice to prime grass beeves, $13.50011.10; good to choice grass beeves, $11.60(fl13.26: fair to good grass beeves, $ .4. 7 1 1 . 25 ; common to fair Krass beeves, $8.00 9.00; Mexican beeves, $7.50 8.00. Hogs Receipts were very light today only 34 loads estimated at 2.300 head. Shippers were comparatively liberal huy ers this morning paying largely from $20.25iff 21.00, with a top of $21 25. Packers bousht theirs largely from $20.252O,35, a few loads were reported down to even money, the market on the whole being 25i40c higher than yesterday with the bulk at $20.2620.50. HOGS. Sh. Pr. No. Av No. Av. 231 278 282 253 256 182 140 $19 85 . . . 20 15 20 30 20 40 20 60 21 10 70 140 110 57.. 267 60. .289 69. .263 44. .213 69. .261 48. .212 Sh. Pr. 70 $20 10 . . . 20 25 150 20 35 80 20 50 ... 20 75 80 21 35 Sheep Today's run of sheep and lambs amounted to Rbout 16.000 head, and the big end of the run consisted of feeders. Cndertone to the trade was strong and active from the start, and all classes of stock sold at higher prices, the advance amounting to about 25c in both fat stuff and feeders. Choice fat lambs are quot able up to $16.25 or better with best ewes selling at $8.76. Good wethers sold a'. $9.50. Several loads of good feeder brought $14.00 but common and medium grades were none too active around $13.00. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice. $16.8516.40: lambs, fair to good, J15.0015.75: good to choice feeder Iambs, AUTOMOBILES. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam. Doug las 7390. Tires and Supplies. Tires at Half Price DRY-CURE PROCESS. We make them good as new. New ribbed tread. Non Plain. Ribbed. skid. 30x3 $ 8.80 $10.00 $11.00 30x34 10.60 1 1.50 18.00 32x3'4 12.60 13.50 14.50 33x4 16.00 17.25 19.69 34x4 17.00 17.50 20.25 32x4 15.00 16.60 18.00 GUARANTEED 3,500 MILES. BEST ON THE MARKET. 2-in-l Vulcanizing Co. WE will ship, subject to examination, our 3.500-mlle guaranteed tires at these prices: Plain Non-Skld 30x3 $ 7.80 $ 9.90 30x34 8.05 11.90 32x34 10-60 13.60 34x4 12.00 14.75 Express prepaid when cash accompanies order. Standard Tire Co., 410 North lth St. Phone Douglas S830. NEW TIRES 1-2 PRICE Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flak. Write for prices. Mention sizes KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. 2914 FARNAM ST. H. 6758. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process. Ideal Tire Service. 257$ Har ney St. GAIN more miles; have your tire re treaded by O. & G. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Repairing and Painting. F. P. BARNUM CO., 2126 Cuming. Doug la 8044. High grade automobile painting Motorcycles and Bicycles. BARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines. Victor H Roos, the Motorcycl man, 27th and Lenven worth Streets. For the best results place a Want Ad is The Omaha Bsc PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute Pbon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St DORIS Please call at National Employ ment office, 14th St. I am there searching for you. Louis Glenn. GOOD home In suburbs or farm near Omaha for old lady who is slightly peculiar. Box M-64, Bee. RENT Electric vacuum sweeper by th day. Delivered. Webster 4283. WILL E. H. Shelly please call Vee at lyicr mij. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T forget the big range horse and mule auction next Monday and Tues day, Aug. 11 and 12, at stock yard Btablee; will have about 1,500 unbroken range horses and about 200 gentle broke work horses and mules; 20 head of big city broke horses. All hod and ready to go at hard work. FOR SALE A pig wltb five lag; three legs in frontand can walk: the color 1 red, and It's healthy. Write or call on Wm. C. Wsscher. Beemer,Neb. BROOD. SOWS Buy on Blrdhaven Profit Staring Plan Phone Web. 2884. O. S. PettlB. Ageat Harness. Saddle and Trunk. vv Make mem ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farn . TEAM, harness and wagon all complete for $150; act quick. Douglas 4964. 2421 Cuming St SOUND, new, coarse hay, $15 per ton Wagoner. 801 N. 16th POULTRY AND PET STOCK. 100 CANARIES; finest collection In South Omaha. Singers, $10. Frank Byers. 28 BEAUTIFULLY marked Boston Terrlor: Ji.. MU.I .Oil Cnlfa, ,C.J WHITE kitten wants home. Walnut 3526 MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE. pianos and note as security. $40 ( too.. H. goods total. $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. 43J Security Bldg. 16th A Farnam. Ty. 866 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE 1301 DOUGLAS ST FARMS and city losns. S. H. LOUGEE. INC I HI KMllM felOc -- Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by th Trust company: Bid First Liberty, SH 99 51 Arm. Con. Deb. s, 1924 102 Bethlehem 6teel, 7s, 192$ 108 Canada. 6s. 1921 974 Cudahy, 7s. 1923 100 Int. R. T.. 5a, 1921 t$ Kansas City Ter.. 6s. 192$... .1004 Proctor & O., 7s. 1922 1024 Russian Rubles. 6Hs. 1936.... 97 Union Pacific. 6s. 1928 102 H Wilson Co., 6s, 1928 99T4 Third Liberty, 4V4s 96.08 Fourth Liberty. 44 93.90 Am. Mor. Sec. 1919 t Am. Tel. & Tel., 6s, 192$ 1024 Am. Tel.. 6s. 1924 99 Am. Tobacco. 7s. 1922 10244 Am. Tobacco, 7a, 1923 1034 Anglo-French. 6. 1920 974 Arm. Con. Deb.. 6a, 1923 102 H Peter Asked 10274 1024 98 100 89 10044 10214 101 1024 100 1004 102 1004 1034 1034 74 1024 $13.50014.26; medium feeder lambs, $12.60 iff 13. 25 ; lamb culls, $10.00 12.00; year lings. $9 7510.25; wethers, $9.009.60; ewes, good to choice, $7.75 8.76; ewes, fair to good. $6.007.60; ewe culls and canners, $2.60; breeding ewes, $9 50 if 1 3 00; breeding ewes, yearlings and 2'a, $18.00 14.00. Chicago Live Stork, Chicago, Aug. 7. Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head; estimated receipts tomorrow, 3,000: market strong; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $17.40 19 62; medium and good, $18.O017.4O; common. $10.6013.00; light weight, good and chclee, $14.25 18.25 ; common nd me dium, 9.505f 14.25; butcher cattle, heifers. $7.4015.00; cows. 37.2514.50; canners and cutters. $6.007.25; veal calves, light and handy weight, $18.50'19.60; feeder steers, $8.O013.60; Blocker steers, $7.00 11.00; western range steers, $9.0016.60; western range cows and heifers, $7.25 13.00. " H"gs Receipts, 14.000 head; estimated receipts tomorrow, 10,000 head; mostly 25c to 50c higher than yesterday's average top. $22.65; heavy weight, $20.3522.60 medium weight, $20.5022.65; light weight J20.5022.50; light light, $19.50021.25: heavy packing sows, smooth, $19.2520.26. Sheep Receipts, 24,000 head; estimated receipt tomorrow, 10.000 head; market strong; lambs. 84 pounds down, $13,750 17.25; culls and common, $9.0013 26 yearling wethers, $9. 7512.50; ewes, me dium choice, $7.25(8)9.00; culls and com mon. $2.766.75. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 7. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market higher; steers. 9 2518.85; heifers, $6.6014.40; cows. $6. 30 i) 12. 60; calves. $13.26ffll4.76; stock ers, $6.5011.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head; market higher; medium, $21 60 22 25 ; lights $21 OOW22.00; sow, $19.6020.60: Digs tlH.0019.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. S.0O0 head; mnrket 60 cents higher; lambs, $12.00 16.50; wethers, $9.00911.25; ewes, $9.60 15.00. FINANCIAL New York, Aug. T. Prices In th stock market crumbled In the furiously active flnsl hour of trading todsy. The de clines, which were ths most (ever In many months, cam unexpectedly. When the market opened speculative Interests resumed their operations In a cheerful frame of mind, evidently taking little heed of such recent event a the ulti matum of th railroad brotherhood and other disturbing development. The setback began with tl, equip ments, oil snd miscellaneous shares, which have made up a large part of th markets 'of th past few months, rail displaying comparative steadiness. Am. Beet Sugar American Can . Am. C. and F. . H.&L., Pfd Loco S. Ref. . Sugar Ref. Sum. Tob. . Tel. A Tel. Z..L.4S. ... Anaconda Cop. . Atchison Atl., Q.&W.I.S.8. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Sales 2.800 4.800 . 7,500 . 1.300 . 6,700 . $.100 . 7,600 , 9,200 . 2,200 . 2.600 .11.306 . 1,600 7,300 Slonx City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. Aug. 7. Cattle Receipts 200; head; market strong; beef steers, fed 514.OOJS17.65; grassers, $10.0014.00; fat cows. $7.0012.00; canners, $5.007.00; stockers and feeders, $7.0O12.5O; calves $8.0014.00; feeding cows and heifers. $7.009.60. Hogs Receipts. 2,000 head: market 50 75c higher; light. $21.0021.75: mixed, $20.00C21.00; heavy. $18.50020.00; bulk of sales, $19.20(jj20.50. Sheep No market. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 7. Cattle Re ceipts. 1,200 head: market higher; steers. $9.fl0l.25; cows snd heifers, $5.60 IS. 50; calves, $7.00i17.00. Hogs Receipts, 3.600 head; no quota-lions. Baldwin Loco. ..64.000 Baltl. & Ohio .. 0,400 Beth. Steel "B". .48.300 Butte ft S. Cop.. 4.100 Call. Pet 4,800 Can. Paclflo .... 1.800 Central Leather .51.700 C. ft Ohio 7,300 C, M. ft St. P. .. 3.200 Chi. ft North. .. 2.500 Chi.. R. I. ft P. 4,800 Chlno Cop 2,000 Col. F. & Iron .. 1,800 Corn Products ..16.600 Crucible Steel ...37,200 Cuba Can Sug.,16.800 Dlst Sec. Corp.. 28. 400 Erie 2.0 Oen. Electric .... 600 Gen. Motor 7.400 Ot. North., Pfd.. 2.300 Gt. N. Ore Ctfs.. 3,600 Illinois Central... 400 Insp Cop 11.800 Int. M. Mar., Pfd. 18,200 Intnatl. Nickel .. 6,900 Intnatl. Paper .. 8,200 K C. Southern.. 400 Ken. Cop 8.400 Loulsvlll ft N Mex. Pet 36,700 Miami Copper ... 1,100 Mldvale Steel ...16,600 Mis. Pacific 10.300 Nevada Copper .. 1,600 N. Y. Cen 2.400 N. Y., N. H.&H. 6.000 North. Pacific .. 8,000 Pacific Mall 2,600 Pac. Tel. ft Tel.. 400 Pan-Am. Pet. ..135.400 Pennsylvania ... 6,600 Pittsburg ft W. V. 2,500 Pittsburg Coal .. 6,700 Ry Con. Cop. ... 2,300 Reading 11.700 High 874 644 116 1264 854 804 180H 1024 1034 274 704 924 162 109 434 884 27 44H 1574 1064 694 424 944 26S 4574 45 84S 1374 844 844 17 162 224 89 454 964 62s 1154 284 61 204 38 Low 83 604 1124 1204 804 76V4 1274 $5 101 24 Ml 54 904 160 100 43 824 24 41 1554 96 654 404 924 23 444 434 79 127 304 78 164 1614 2154 87j 43 96 69 112 264 664 194 4,600 . 400 .32,200 .20,200 .80.000 .34,300 . 2.400 .12,200 . 3.600 . 900 Ind. Al. ... 3,600 Steel 255,400 Steel, Pfd.. 800 Copper Ren. Iron ft S. Shat. Ariz. Cop Sin. Oil ft Ref. Southern Pac. Southern Rail. Stude. Corp. . . Texas Co Tob. Prod Union Pacific . U. Cigar Stores U. S. u. s. u. s. Utah W est. West. Union . Elec. . . Willys-Over. . Royal Dutch . Ohio Clue's . . National Lead Bid. . . 4,600 . . 6,000 ..14,300 !! 27,600 .. 1,800 1834 284 63 304 194 754 344 894 41 354 1104 444 354 714 25 814 894 17 674 994 27 108V4 259 1084 1264 200 139 1064 115 83 Vfc 644 344 644 81 1704 274 60 274 19 724 304 874 38 H 354 101 44 334 674 244 78 86 164 52 V4 954 25 1004 250 99 124 194 1304 100 '4 1144 '834 514 30 i '60' ' 80 Close 83 504 1124 120V4 80V4 754 129 96 1024 274 654 904 161 101 42 83 24 41 1554 95 654 404 924 24 444 43V4 79 1284 304 78 164 162 2164 874 43 96 69 1124 274 564 194 36 112 1704 274 60 274 19 724 314 8714 384 364 107 44 334 674 244 78 85 164 524 954 25 1034 2504 99 124 194 131 1004 1144 854 834 614 314 864 60 80 Livingston Oil Has Reported 7 Wells On acreage in which it has leasehold interests, since May 21st, showing a daily flush production rate Aggregating 10,825 bbls. Oil Including production previously Reported Of which the Company's interest ia approximately 7,500 barrels Construction and Drilling Operations The corporation has purchased approximately 100 carloads of pipe line, refinery and steel tank sup plies, which are being received, rapidly assembled and placed in position to care for its expected very large additional production from the 41 more wells in various stages of drilling on its leasehold interests in the Northwest Extension, Burkburnett Field, Texas. 8 OF THESE WELLS ARE NOW REPORTED "ON THE SAND," READY TO COME IN AS SOON AS THEY CAN BE CONNECTED WITH THE PIPE LINE; TWO OF THEM ARE EXPECTED TO BE CONNECTED WITH THE PIPE LINE AND BROUGHT IN WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Total Capitalization $3,000,000. Outstanding $2,471,940. Over 20,000 Acres, Texas, Oklahoma. Pipe Lines. Refineries. Large Earnings. Dividends 3 Quarterly. Traded in on the New York Curb. Descriptive Circular and Maps on Request. C. D. KNAPP Established 1900 INVESTMENT BROKERS Singer Building, New York. The statements herein, while not guaranteed, have been ob tained from what we consider to be reliable and authoritative sources. As Syndicate Members We Offer Subject to Prior Sale 0 15,000,000 25 Year City of Copenhagen (Denmark) - 5 Municipal Bonds at 93 and Interest To yield the investor from 6.24 to 6.84. Denominations of $500 and $1,000. For Detailed Information Address i JAMES T. WACHOB 424-426 Omaha National Bank Building Telephone Douglas 746. GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omshs, Aug-. 7, 1919. Grnln srrlvsls tojsjr vers 105 cars of wheat, 21 cars of corn, 6 cars of oats, S cars of ry and 1 car of barlsy. Vir tually all of ths trading- was In wheat, which was unchanged to a cent higher. There was hardly enough corn sold to make a market. A part of a car of No. 2 yellow sold 2o up. Traders failed to meet on prices and some was carried over. Osts were Vfc cent up. Ry was unchanged, and barley 2 cents advance. Caah sales today ware: Corn No. white: 1 car, $1.10. No. I yellow: 3-6 car, 11.85. No. mixed: 1 cars, 11.78. 8ample mixed: 3-5 car, f 1.63 (heating). Oats No. S white; 2 cars, 691o (ship pers' weights). Barley 1 car, $1.31. No. 4 barley: 1 ear, $1.30. Wheat No. 1 hard: 8 cars, $2.21; & cars, $2.20; 4 ears, $2.19 (dark smutty); 2 cars, $2.18 (smutty); 8 cars, $2.17 (smutty); 1 car. $2.16 (smutty); 1 car, $2.07 (very, smutty.) No. 2 hard: 9 cars, $2 17; 1 car, $2.17 (smutty); 2 cars, $2.16 (yellow); 1 car, $2.16 (yellow); 2 cars, $2.15 (smutty); 2 cars. $2.14 (smutty); 3 cars, $2.07 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 2 cars, $2.14; 3 cars, $2.13: 1 car, $2.12; 1 car, $2 12 (smutty); 8 cars, $2.11 (smutty); 1 cur, $2.05 (smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.09. Omaha Receipts and Shipments. Week Yea Receipts: Today Ago Ago Wheat 105 250 14 Corn 21 38 62 Oats 6 20 13 Kye 6 1 0 Bailey 1 1 Shipments: Wheat 128 94 97 Corn 40 36 46 Oats 22 9 6 Rye 1 1 0 Barley 1 0 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the sev eral grades Inspected "in" here during the last 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hart), 9 cars; No. 2 hard, 31 cars; No 3 hard, 21 cars; No. 4 hard, 32 cars; No. 5 hard, 10 cars; sample hard, 1 car; No. 2 mixed, 1 car; No. 3 mixed, 1 car; No. 4 mixed, 1 car; No. 6 mixed, 1 car; No. 3 spring, 2 cars; No. 4 spring. 1 car. Total, 111 cars. fTftrn - Kn t whlta 9. ara' Hrt 4 urhfte 3 cars; No. 1 white, 1 car; No. 4 white, 1 car; No. t whits, I car; No. yellow, 1 car; No. 2 yellow, S cars; No. 4 yellow, 2 care; No, t yellow, 1 car; No. 1 mixed, 1 car; No. t mixed, 1 car; No. mixed, 2 cars; No. 4 mixed, 1 car; aampls mixed, 1 car. Total, 31 Pars. n Oata No. t white, 4 cars; No. 4 white, 1 car. Total, S cars. Chleago 4 i rain and Provision. ChlfaKo. Aug. 7. Railroad strike trou bles which hampered the arrival of corn her lifted the corn market today, but th effect was later partly counterbal anced by th federal trad commission report that food supplies were larger than was the case a year ago. Corn quotations closed unsettled, hi cents net lower to 4 '4 cents advance, with Sep tember $1.86 to $1.86H, and December $1.61) to $1.50,. i Oata .finished un changed to m cents lower, and pro visions down 10 to 60 cents. Owing to the fact that contract storks of corn her amount to only 360,000 bushels because of the chance that a complete shut-off from new supplies might soon take plac. material advances which resulted In th prlc of the Heptember de livery were maintained throughout th session. On the other hand, sentiment as to the more distant months changed radically during; the last half of the day. Other reasons ascribed for late downturns In the quotations of new crop month were a walkout of white employes In th stock yards here and reports of railroad embargoes on wheat. In the oata market, the governing factors were virtually .the same as In corn. Provisions turned weak when new labor troubles developed In the packing houses here. Art. I Open. I High. l,ow. I Close. I -Tes'y. Corn I II Sept. 1.83 1.8 1.82UI 1.861, 1.81H Dec. 1.52W 1.S3H 1.484 1501, 1 . 6 1 '4 May 1.60 1.50 1.451 1.47Vil 14$H ('.its I I I Sept. .74 .UK .71 -72H .72': Pec. .76V .7i .74 .75 v76"; Mav .79'i .79 .774 .78H .78 A, Pork I I Kept. 148 16 48.15 45.60 45.90 146.40 Oct. 15.60 45.60 43.00 43.00 .... l-anl I I 1 Sept. 131.90 131.92 31.80 'S1.S0 131.40 Oct. (31.80 31.82 31.05 31.05 31.25 Ribs 1 ! Sept. 126.70 126.7ft 126.00 126.18 26.30 Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns,' Brlnkar A Company. Stocks. Bid Asked Armour A Co.. pfd 102 lOihk Uurgess-Nash, T pet 100 Cudahy Packing Co 11TH 11 , Com. Flnanc Com . 28 33 Com.' Finance, pfd 72 1 Douglas Motors Com (0 . Flsk Rubber, 7 pet. pfd 99 V4 Gooch Food. Pd., pfd. bonus. 99 100 Harding Cream, 7 pet. pfd..J00 101 Nicholas Oil, pfd V bonus.. 8D 93 Omaha Flour Mill. 7 pet. pfd. 90 9$ Omaha Flour Mill Com 88 ..... Orchard A Wllhelm, 7 pet. pfd 99 ..... M. C. Peters Mill, 7 pet. pfd.. 99 100 Smith, M. R.. 7 pot. pfd., 1983.101 .... Swift 3k Co 136Vi 186 t'nlon Stock Tarda. Omaha.. 101 103 Union P. 4k l.. 7 pet, pfd.... 99 109 Honda. (Till Hotel Rldg.. 6s, 1921-30.. 91 100 Omaha Athletic 6s. 1920 98 100 O., C. B. St. Ry., 6s, 1938.... 78 12 Omaha, City of, various 4.63 .? Union St. Yds., O.. 1st 6s, 1931 96 17 Government. I J. S. L. Bk.. ts. 1923-3$.. 101 101 Kansas City Produce. Kansaa City. Mo., Aug. 7. Butter Creamery, unchanged; packing, He lower, 43c. Eggs Unchanged ; firsts. 45c; seconds, 36c. Poultry Hens. o lower, 28 27c; others unchanged. Kansas City. Aug 7. Corn September, $1.834 ; December. $1.49; May, $147 Linseed Oil. Duluth. Aug. 7. Unseed, $6.08 6.07. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Aug. 7. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.131. 33. Rye Un. 2. $1.451 46. Bra n $48 no. Corn $ tr 1.89. Oats 68 4('7 0o. Flax $6.03P6.05. St. 1ouls Grain. St. T.ouls. Aust. 7. Corn September, $1.86; December. $1.49. Oats September, 73Tc; December, 75a. SKI MINER PACKING OMPANY Poultry BUTTER & EGGS- T ft ADC MAKR 1116-1118 - Douglas SI- Tel-D0uglasl52l $2,000,000.00 The small lease of the Burk-Waggoner Oil Company in the Northwest Burkburnett Pool re cently sold for $2,000,000.00. This lease had only one producing well thereon. It has been only a few months since the Burk-Waggoner was organized the company had only one lease they drilled only one well then they sold out for $2,000,000.00 and every stockholder received the enor mous sum Of $3,333.33 for each $100 he had invested. $15,000.00 FOR EVERY $100 INVESTED Not long ago the Fowler Farm Oil Company of Texas was organized. The future of this company was most uncertain its properties were small and unproven yet it was able to raise enough money to drill a well. Soon after its first well was completed the company sold out and every stockholder received $15,000.00 in return for each $100 invested. FIFTY NEW OIL MILLIONAIRES These new oil fields of Texas have already made more than fifty new millionaires no one knows how many more will be made. Neither is it known how many thousands have already made quick, independent fortunes in these same fields. Never before has such great wealth been so quickly accumulated nor by so many people. It may be truly said that here, money flows like water. MORE THAN FIFTY PRODUCING WELLS The INVADER COMPANY was organized two years ago. We began business with a. paid-up capital of $60,000 and one property with four producing wells. The growth of our company has been phenomenal. We now have more than fifty producing wells. PAID THIRTY-TWO CASH DIVIDENDS Our company, though only two years old, has already paid thirty-two cash dividends to our stockholders out of our earnings. Besides paying all these dividends, our company has grown rapidly and today stands on a solid foundation a young GIANT towering far above many of the older companies. WE OWN 20,000 ACRES OF LEASES We own more than 20,000 acres of carefully selected leases in the famous oil fields of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. We own leases in the wonderful RANGER FIELD, the NORTH WEST BURKBURNETT POOL and the famous GLENN POOL, YOUNGSTOWN POOL, OKMUL GEE FIELD, BALD HILL FIELD and NOWATA FIELD, in Oklahdma. We own leases in the BUTLER COUNTY FIELD and in the CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY FIELD of Kansas. We have more than fifty producing wells and we are now drilling eight additional wells on our properties in Texas and Oklahoma. We will drill twenty more wells just as fast as possible. $25,000 PER ACRE FOR LEASE NEAR OUR PROPERTY The Burk-Waggoner well (mentioneed above) was quickly followed by many other gushers drilled in that pool. Nearly all of these big prushers are within a mile of the properties of the INVADER OIL AND REFINING COMPANY OF TEXAS. Many of these gushers are only a few hundred feet distant from our tremendously valuable leases. Twenty-five thousands dollars was paid last week for a lease on a single acre near us. One of our leases is located in the center of a mile circle which takes in almost all the famous wells and incloses a veritable forest of drill ing wells. 2,500-BARREL WELL NEAR US 3,000-BARREL WELL CLOSE TO US 5,000 TO 7,000-BARREL GUSHERS CROWD AROUND US On every side of our property derricks are going up over night. Actual drilling is starting just as fast as machinery can be moved in. Our first well will be drilled half way between the 7,000 barrel Texas Chief gusher and the Golden Cycle gusher, which is reported making 5,000 barrels of high-grade oil daily. A 2,500-barrel well just came in a few hundred feet south of us. The Gray Gander well came in good for 3,000 barrels a few hundred feet west of us on the same day. We have room for more than twenty wells on our properties in this field alone. DRILLING AMONG BIG GUSHERS 'We are now drilling among the big gushers among the greatest the largest the most famous oil wells in America. Our properties in the Ranger Field and the Northwest Burkburnett Pool couldTiardly be better or more favorably located. We feel certain of bringing in several enormous wells in the next few weeks. ALREADY MAKING BIG MONEY We already have more than fifty producing wells that are making mighty good profits for our company These wells have been paying our dividends and enabling our company to grow rapidly. Already our company has paid thirty-two cash dividends and we will pay another dividend the first of next month. BIG GUSHERS MEAN ENORMOUS PROFITS When the wells we are now drilling in gusher territory come in big producers, then the earn ings and profits of our company will be enormous then our company will pay much larger divi dends than it has already paid. Then, too, our stock will advance tremendously in value. YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY Now! NOW!! N-O-W-!-!-! is the greatest opportunity you will ever have to get stock in a big successful dividend-paying company. A company that already has more than fifty producing wells a company that has already paid thirty-two cash dividends. We refer you to Bradstreet's Com mercial Agency and bankers and conservative business men everywhere STOCK $1.50 PER SHARE You can buy our stock now for $1.50 per share. We are offering only a limited number of shares for sale. This money will be used to develop our great Texas gusher properties. This stock will be offered for a short time only. We reserve the right to withdraw it from the market at any time. OIL MAPS, PICTURES, FULL INFORMATION Send for our maps of the great oil fields of Texas and Oklahoma, together with our splendidly illustrated folder containing full and complete information. DON'T WAIT DON'T DELAY Buy some of our stock now while you can get it. Buy now before the price advances far be yond your reach. You can pay for your shares on monthly payments if you wish. USE THE COUPONS BELOW DO IT NOW! ' COUPON NO. 1. THE INVADER COMPANY1, .(604) Muskogee, Oklahoma. e Inclosed find my remittance lor $ in part payment for in full payment for shares of stock in your company. I afree to pay the balance (if any) in four monthly payments. Shares $1.50 each. Nam Address COUPON NO. 2. THE INVADER COMPANY, (804) Muskogee, Oklahoma. Pleas send m on of your large folders containing maps of the Texas Oil Fields, numerous pictures and complete information concerning your remarkable com pany ALL FREE. Nam Address