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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
BRIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS I. W. W. CHARACTERIZES ALL WAR AS MURDER Douglas. Aril., Aug. 7. William Curnow, an I. W. W., characterized all war as"murder," denounced the militia as "discreditable," predicted that ".the one big union" would some day take over all industry and de clared he "would rather enlist in the army than -cab.' ". During his tes ; timony as a witness for the state in the preliminary hearing, of Harry Anderson, a mine shift boss, one of the 250 Douglas and Bisbee citizens charged with kidnaping for partici pation in the deportations from Bis Lee, Ariz., two years ago. Curnow expounded I. W. W. doc trines from the witness stand during the greater part of the session of court. ANOTHER HUN OFFICER TAKES BLAME FOR KAISER. Paris, Aug. 7. The morning's newspapers announce that Baron . Kurt von Lerner, head of the Ger man mission at Versailles, has trans mitted to the supreme council a let ter from Gen. Erich von Falkenhayn, former German chief of staff, in which he claimed responsibility for all military acts by Germany while he was in power, from the beginning of the war to the end of the battle of Verdun. General von Falkenhayn offers himself to the allies in place of former Emperor William. General von Falkenhayn was min ister of war for oWy a brief period after the outbreak' of the great war. 7 OMAHA, THE GATE CITY OF THE WST, OFFERS -YOU GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES. "A V to ' Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 49 NO. 44. Clwt4 h neMd-ctaM May Jt, IMS. t Oaaha P. 0. aut let ( Mirth J. 187. OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. Dally and Sua.. W.50: eulilda Nab. aMtiaa intra. Bj Mall (I aar. Dill). 4.M; Sun'u. S2.M: TWO CENTS. -L. THE WEATH ER ? - - Nebraska Generally fair Fri day ind Saturday; warmer in w:at portion Friday and east portion Saturdayi . . s Hnurly -toitwmlurm! S a. m. . o. ni -. 1 a. n. . S at. in ... . in A 10 a. m.. 11 . m.. 1 ......?H ..,....' .......TO . ....... 8S 1 p. .. t i. in . . p. m,. 4 p. an.. A p. an. . 6 p. in . . T P. m. . p. m . . ..,-,. M ...V,M . . . , , .Sa ...... M M A3 St uu M mm 1 i M I f TRAVEL VIA AIR , TO BASE BALL GAME. Lawton, Okl., Aug. 7. Travel by airplane is the latest stunt for base ball teams. The team of Post Field, Fort Sill, near here, last Saturday traveled by airplane to Lindtay, Okl., to play. So successful was the trip, Col onel Barnitz, commandant of Post Field, states, that it will be con tinued Saturday. . The trips are an aid to recruiting. Marlow, Okl., will be visited next" Saturday by airplane. MOONSHINERS BUSY IN ILLINOIS; 22 ROUNDED UP. X Elgin, 111., Aug. 7. Moonshining is no longer confined to the moun tains of Kentucky, Tennessee and other southern states. Revenue agents conducted a series of raids near here and rounded up 22 men they say were operating 14 stills. Several hundred gallon's of whisky real moonshine were also confis cated. The revenue rnen found several jugs of whisky dangling in the river from ropes tied to trees. The 14 men arrested are held in . bonds of $1,000- each. CLEMENCEAU OFFERED HUGE SUM TO TOUR U. S. London, Aug. 7. It is learned that the Shuberts have offered M. Clemenceau the highest salary ever offered to any individual for a lec ture tour of the United States under , their management. "LOST" $36,000 FOUND; "ROBBED" MAN HELD. San Antonio, Aug. 7. Thirty-six thousand dollars belonging, to the Alamo National bank of San An tonio, which H. J. Brown, bank messenger, reported as having been stolen from him, was recovered by detectives and Brown and A. J. Clements are being held for grand jury actfou. Brown, according to the police, has confessed that the robbery was a "frame-up" by, Cle ments and himself. ' The money, wrapped in newspa- pers, was found by detectives this evening and they say they were i guided by Clements to , a house where it was hidden. "DREAMS" HE KILLS MAN; BUT IT'S A REAL DREAM. - Boulder, Colo., Aug. 7. George Spencer is dead at Spring Gulch, near Ward, Colo., and Arthur Tag gart is in jail here, the confessed slayer of the 62-year-old prospector, in one of the most peculiar murders ever brought to the attention of the , local sheriff's officers. Taggart walked into the sheriff's office Wednesday nigh$ and told Deputy William Stretcher, "I killed ,.a man at Ward and have come to give myself up." He said the man's name was Spencer. Inquiry at Ward brought the statement from Mrs. Luella Gib bon, the postmistress, that George Spencer undoubtedly was the man Taggart meant and she had seen him in tojwn. v Taggart was locked up as insane but Ward officers continued their investigation and found Spencer's dead body in his cabin. Spencer's , head had Ven sPnt Pen with an 7 8 "l have either had a dream or I have killed some one." Taggart said when informed early that Spen cer was seen Wednesday night alive. . Sheriffs officers say Taggart is demented and that Jhe confessed slayer insists spirits haunted the mining region where the two men had their cabina, THOROUGHBRED YEARLINGS BRING HIGH PRICES. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 7. Prices ranging from $25,000 down were paid here for thoroughbred year lings in the paddock sales Thurs day. William H. Throbes of Lex ington, Ky., owner of Longridge farm, obtained $29,400 for a bay colt by Ultimatun. Capt. P. MWalker of Virginia paid $25,000 for a colt by Sumstar, out of Marion Hood and Kenneth 1). Alexander's chestnut colt, by Ballot, out of Starry Night, brought $15,000. CONDEMNED MURDERER NOT SO ANXIOUS TO DIE. Ossining, N. Y., Aug. 7. Putting aside the indifferent attitude he has maintained toward electrocution. Gordon Fafwcett Hamby. sentenced n Air far nnurderini- a teller of the East Brooklyn Savings bank last December, .4ted m the death house nt ;it!T 'Sine nrison that he would not seek cancellation of the appeal - nrenared iv his counsel. He had previouslv declared he wanted to pay 7 'the death penalty and "the sooner the better CARMEN'S STRIKE IS PENDING Matter oi Wages No Nearer Solution Following Conference- Between Union and Street Railway Officials. RAISE IN FARES DELAYED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Commissioners Vote Down Resolution , to Notify Su preme Court That They Will Not Oppose 7-Cent Rate. Except for the action of the city council in opposing a fare increase to 7 cents until such time as a wage compromise is effected between he street railway company and its em ployes, no new developments in the street railway controversy were re corded yesterday. The rift between employes and the company seemed ONLY "MUST" RESERVATIONS . ARE DESIRED Senators Against Clauses in Peace Treaty Not Indispens- , able to Signatories. Washington1, Aug. 7. A determi nation to stand against any reserva tions to the. peace treaty which' do not specifically require acceptance by other powers before the United States enters the league of nations was voiced in 'senate debate' today by republican leaders. Senator Lodge, chairman of the foreign relations committee, de- -1--"- ,L.. tM. -I . ruiarea mai wnne in general prac tice a reservation miehtl become valid if unobjected to by the other parties to the treaty, he hoped there would be a definite declaration by the senate that to make the treaty binding the other powers must ac cept the reservations made by this government. The suggestion . was seconded by Senator Brandegee, re publican, Connecticut, and later Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, declared that "to a certain number," the opponents of unreserved ratifi cation would insist upon such a course. "Absolutely Futile." A proposal by Senator Pjttman, democrat, Nevada, that reservations be embodied in a separate resolu tion and not made physically a part of the ratification was opposed by the opposition leaders as "abso lutely futile". v The senate adopted a resolution to avoid an interruption," Allen H Burt, national committeeman, here in the interest of the men, stated fol- owing a conference between him self, two other union officials and Commissioner Zimman. When asked if a strike was imminent he re plied that there would be none today, but he refused to say anything about any of the following days. Secre taries McMillan and Taulker were the other, union officials at this con ference, the outcome of which was not made known. Another effort to arrive at some agreement on the matter of wages is known to have been made at this meeting. This was the only conference head during the day, although the mem bers of the executive committee of the street car men's local conferred ampnc themselves prior to meeting with Mr. Zimman. Commissioners Withhold Assent. The action of 'the city commission in withholding assent to the in creased fare, pefTTJifig adjustment of wage differences between the men and the company, followed informa tion that the men had refused the company's offer of a 10-cent an hour increase at a meeting in the Labor temple Wednesday evening. J. he men demand an hourly increase of 15 cents. Before this meeting city commis sioner's had declared that unless a wage compromise was effected be tween the company and the men they would oppose the far-increase. Upon conclusion of such an agree ment the new rate was to be effec tive August 10, the dav set by the State Railway Commission when it conceded the increased fare to thr! company Wednesday morning. The reiection bv the men ot the company's proffer of the 10-cent in crease forced the commission to withhold its assent, according to those commissioners who voted against, the increased fares, as no agreement had been concluded. Unless a wage agreement is reached or the council reverses it self the advanced rates will not go into effect until -August 25, when (Contlnnrd on Page Two, Column One.) Control &mmittee Opens Orhaha Market to Grain Shipments The local grain control committee of the railroads yesterday opened the Omaha market to all grains and removed all restrictions upon shipA ments. 1 Permits had been canceled during the early part of the week owing to disturbances in the labor situation. Plenty of space still remains avail able in the Omaha terminal eleva tors. Wilson Cannot Promise to . Attend Governors' Meeting Salt Lake tity, Aug. 7. Gov. "Simon Bamberger received a letter from Prestdent Wilson in which he said ' that his present unsettled plans make it impossible for him to promise attendance at the annual conference of governors to be held here August 18 to 24. The president expressed hisv regret and added that he had gained much inspiration from previous conferences, of governors. snmpwhat wirlpnprt vvTipn if wis pvi dent in the evening that the matter 1 by Senator Walsh, democrat, Mon was no nearer solution at that time tana, asking the judiciary commit- than the previous day. j tee whether there were any consti- "We are leaving no stone unturned , tutionai onstacies to me hu muuu ot tne special treaty witn r ranee. Some senators have argued that be cause it obligates the United States to help repel any unprovoked act by Germany on France, the treaty curtails the constitutional power of congress to decide when the nation shall go to war. Cannot Obligate Us. Senator Kellogg declared it was .clearly established that treaties f tj t - i .ii . : . t. t : t J couiq oe maue uungaimg mc (jiiucu States to make war under certain circumstances. His discussion,' how ever was directed rather toward the obligation assumed under the league covenant. ' There was much informal discus sion among senators over President Wilson's statement on Shantung. Some of the most bitter opponents of the treaty declared the informa tion given by the president was not sufficient to dispel suspicion of Ja pan's intentions in the Chinese prov ince, but other senators reserved their judgment. STOP FOOD SUPPLY TO 60DAPEST PRESIDENT WILL OFFER REMEDY FOR H. C. OF L Herbert Hoover Shuts Off All Relief Shipments' Because Roumanians Are Now De priving People of Sustenance. -ULTIMATUM SENT R0UMANIA BY U. S. Prosecute Profiteers Measure Passes First Reading ui England London, ug. 7. The govern ment's bill providing prosecution and penalties for persons found guilty of profiteering passed the first reading in the house of com mons Thursday. MAYOR HAS PLAN TO REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING Vill Lay Results of Private Investigation Before Courfcil. Major Smith, late yesterday, is sued a call for a special meeting of the city council to be held this morning at 9 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting is to take action regarding the high cost of food in Omaha, and the mayor has a plan by which he believes the cost can be materially reduced. He has been sonducting investi gations into reports of conspiracy on the part of various dealers in different kinds of food, and he will lay his findings before the council. A week ago he received a letter from a man employed by one of the large commission houses, who charged that some commission men have united to keep down the sup ply of fruit in Omaha and that, in order to do this, they allow only a limited amount of fruit to reach the markets. ' . This informant stated that he knew of a number of instances in which three or four wagonloads of fruit had been taken from a carload of fruit in the Omaha yards and then the car had been set aside until all the rest of the fruit rotted, while that which was marketed brought exorbitant prices. The mayor has been conducting a quiet investigation into these charges' and into others regarding different kinds of food. Information has come to him from many sources. Hejias embodied them all in a re port which he has made "on his own hook." He has a plan for deal ing with the situation and he will, ask the council to act. f "I have the' whole thing prepared in wrjting," he said last night. "It will be 'hot,' I can tell you. There will be things that will surprise the people." v Mexican Whisky Runners Killed by U. S. Guards Juarez, Mex., Aug. 7. Two Mex icans were shot and killed by Amer ican customs guards while attempt ing to smuggle six barrels of whisky to Mexico late Wednesday night, according to "the announcement of Judge Jesus Cuen, of the- district court, who completed an investiga tion Thursday. One of the smug glers was identified as a man named Ruiz, of a prominent family in Juarez. The other was said to have been his chauffeur. Immediate Withdrawal of Severe Armistice Terms Presented to Hungary Cate gorically AskejJ For. Paris, Aug. 7. Herbert Hoover, head of the iirter-alliea relief com mission, has stopped all relief sup plies on their way to Budapest, tak ing the position that he would be unwarranted) in letting supplies reach Hungary whilethe Rouman ians are now depriving the people of foodstuffs. The supreme council has sent a note to the Roumanian authorities begging them to conform to the de cisions of the entente and not to em barrass by previous decisions the work of the inter-allied investigat ing commission sent to Budapest. Members of the American peace delegation said this evening that there are no American troops now in Budapest, and that none will be sent there. It was added that the only Americans in the Hungarian capital are officers, and possibly a few soldiers engaged in relief work. Peidel Cabinet Overthrown. The peace conference was ad vised today that the Hungarian cabinet; headed by Jules Peidil, has been overthrown, and that Archduke Joseph had " established a ministry in- Budapest. . . . Roumanian forces are reported to nave crossed into the business sec tion of Budapest, seizing supplies for shipment, to Roumania. ' The social democrats of Hungary still hope that the allied and asso ciated governments will not tolerate either Roumanian control of the country or that of a government by the reactionary grand dukes, addi tional dispatches state. I Ultimatum Sent. London, Aug. 7. A dispatch from Vienna by way of Copenhagen to the Exchange Tekgraptf company says that the United States has sent an ultimatum to Roumania, demand ing withdrawal of the severe armis tice terms presented to Hungary, on pain of a cessation of shipments of food to Roumania. To Demand Bela Kun. Berlin, August 7. (By the Asso ciated Press.) It is expected that the entente powers will demaifd the surrender of Bela Kun and other Hungarian soviet leaders by the Austrian government, according to dispatches from Vienna. It is said that it is probaHe Austria will be askjfed to hand them over to the new Hungarian government jsvfeen it is finally constituted. There has been a number of ar rests in Vienna in connection with a plot to murder Dr. Karl Renner, Austrian chancellor and head of the Austrian peace delegation, and other ministers, and Doctor Seitz, president of German-Austria, ac cording tqa dispatch received here from Vienna. The United States, through its representatives in Budapest, has taken issue with the Roumanian com mand for its actions in the Hungar ian capital, according to advices re ceived from Budapest. The advices say the American authorities have threatened to cut off all supplies to Roumania if the armistice conditions imposed on Hungary by the Roumanians are not rescinded. Pacific Fleet Admiral Refused Permission to Deliver His Speech San Diego,. Cal., Aug. 7. A speech prepared by Admiral Hugh Rodman, commander in chief of the Pacific fleet, to be delivered by him at a banquet tendered by citi zens of San Diego, at the Hotel Del Coronado, across the bay from here Thursday, was censored and he was told not to deliver it "by Secre tary of the Navy Daniels, Rodman said when he was called 'upon to re spond to a toast which was to have been the occasion, for, the speech. The speech wa; to have been the first. delivered in public by Ad miral Rodman, Toastmaster Eugene Daney of San Diego said, as he proposed the toaist.- v j Ambassador in Flight. Copenhagen. Aug. 7. A dpatch received from yienna says that ac cording to Die Zeit, the Hungarian ambassador fled from Vienna Wednesday night in an automobile after having burned all his documents. Delivers Address Before Con gress This Afternoon if Quorum Is Present. Washington, Aug. 7. (By The Associated Press.) President Wil son put the finishing touches on his high cost of living address to congress tonight and prepared to deliver it in person tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock. One possibility loomed up to threaten the president's plans. It was that the leaders might not be able to round up a quorum in the house and that some member in sisting on parliamentary rule, by raising the point, might forestall the joint session of the house and sen ate. Representative Blatiton, democrat, of Texas, served notice on Republi can Leader Mondell that he, for one would insist on a legal quorum. Telegraph Wires Hot. Republican and democratic lead ers both, accordingly, made the tele graph wires hot tonight with mes sages, ordering absentees back in time for tomorrow afternoon. The address will be confined to laying before congress what meas ures in the opinion of the president and of the subcommittee appointed by Attorney General Palmer should be enacted at once to bring relief to the public frpm the existing high prices. All the elements that have helped create the condition the country finds itself in today, in the view of these men, will be delt with. These include, it was learned au thoritatively, labor problems and strikes resulting from them, and production which would be inter fered with by strikes. Railroad Wages Included. To this extent the matter of rail road wages will be included in the address, but a solution of the entire railroad problem will not be sug gested beyond the suggestion al ready made to congress by the pres ident in his letter to the chairmen of the senate and house interstate commerce committees. No recommendation will be made for a licensing system of producers, manufacturers or dealers. No recommendation will be made for a law limiting the margin of profit on commodities. No Concrete Law ASked. No concrete law clearly defining hoardiirg and profiteering will be asked, although recomendations will be made for laws designed to bolster up the existing laws under which the attorney general expects to reach price gougers and hoard ers. The president will ask fpr an ex tension of the Lever food control act to make it applicable as a peace time measure and to include all commodities, shoes, clothing and life necessities, as well as food. This much as to the contents of the address was learned after Presi dent Wilson had called into confer ence late today members of the cab inet and the Palmer sub-committee and revised it to meet their sugges tions. It is considered probable by of ficials that the president also will suggest the necessity for throwing the "full light of publicity" on the question of costs, with a view to enabling the public to protect itself against extortion. This idea may even go so far as to include the marking the cost of manufacture on the article. Another contribution to the inves tigation of high prices was a report today by the federal trade commis sion showing that stocks of food in storage'were higher by 20 per cent last June 1 than they were a year ago, with prices of all foods show- png an increase. TO PROBE H.C.OFL. IN NEBRASKA Statewide Investigation of Al leged Profiteering- Ordered by Assistant United, States Attorney Peterson at Once. WORK TO BE DONE UNDER LEVER FOOD ACT Ask Investigation of "Scandalous Profits" in Petroleum on Coast Washinston. Aug. 7. Action by the Department of Justice under the Sherman anti-trust act against con cerns engaged in refining and dis tributing oil on the Pacific coast, which are alleged to have combined to control prices "andi effect monop oly, was asked in a letter presented to Attorney General Palmer by the fuel oil consumers' committee of the Pacific cost through James W. 'Bryan,' representative of the con sumers' committee and former Washington .congressman. 1 The letter declares that fuel oil now is quoted at $1.85 a barrel m Seattle, while in New Orleans its cost is only 80 cents a barrel. Due to the alleged artificial high price on the Pacific coast, many products into which fuel oil enters as a fac tor in the transportation are abnor mally high, the letter asserts. "Profitss. of dealers in petroleum products," the letter asserts in con clusion," ha ve' "become scandalous and a national vdisgrace." Teaching German' Bill Vetoed by Governor Austin, Tex., Aug. 7. Provisions for teaching German in the Univer sity of Texas, placed in the educa tional appropriation bill by the Texas legislature, was vetoed by Gov. W. R. Hobby. He did this, he said, "because I elieve it to be conducive to Americanism." , Measure Provides for Fine of $5,000 for Willful Hoarding of Necessities Stock Sub ject to Seizure and Sale. A statewide probe of alleged "food profiteers" was ordered yes terday by Assistant United States Attorney Peterson. Department of Justice agents of Omaha were in structed to commence gathering evidenceat once. Specific authority to make the necessary investigations under pro visions of the Lever food control act was received yesterday in the district attorney's office from A. Mitchell Palmer, attorney general of the United States. Appeals To Citizens. In connection with the instruc tions given to Department of Jus tice agents, Attorney Peterson, act ing in the absence of United States Attorney Allen, who is now in Min nesota, issued a statement appeal ing to private citizens to assist in the campaign against perpetrators of high food prices. The statement follows: The officers of the govern ment hav been instructed to make arrests in all cases where the evidence warrants. The De partment of Justice will use every legal means available to put an end'td the activities of hoarders and profiteers. All employes of corporations and any other per sons who have information should have no hesitancy in revealing same. ' Act Provides Fines. That part of the Lever food con trol act, passed August 10, 1917, as awar remedy, which is being used by the authorities at Washington as a whip in the prosecution of profi teers, is as follows: 1. Willful hoarding of neces saries also subjects the offender to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for two years, or both. 2. Hoarding of necessaries also subjects the' stock to seizure and sale. The willful destruction of any necessarfes for the purpose of enhancing the price or restrict ing the supply makes thc offender liable to a fine of $5,000 or im prisonment of two years, or both. 3. The act also provides against conspiracies to enhance the prices of necessaries and sub jects the offenders to a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of two years, or both. Will Co-operate With State. Unofficially it was stated that gov ernment officials here would co operate with State Attorney Gen eral Davis wh has been instructed by Governor McKelvie to begin an exhaustive investigation into alleged profiteering. A meeting of state's officials will be held Thursday at Lincoln to discuss the situation and outline a program. The exposure by the Omaha Bee of storage of millions of pounds of meats by the packers and other firms of the city yesterday served to enhance the interest that is being taken in the probe. County Attor ney Shotwell, speaking of the ex posure and alleged profiteering in general, said: "I understand that the governor is quoted as saying that he has pow ers under the. new code system to investigate and lay bare profiteering inthe state. This, if true, will be a great help in the present campaign against profiteers. Heretofore the 1 1 1 I a!. sidle lias ueen iiampcrcu, as hick, is no law on the statute books which calls atiy person who sells goods at (Continued on Page Two. Colnmn Three;) Britton and Griffiths Fight No-Decision Draw Denver, Aug. 7. Jack Britton, world s welter weight champion, and Johnny. Griffiths of Akron. 0. fdught 12 fast rounds here Thursday night. The bout was a no-decision affair. A majority of sporting writers at the ringside considered the bout a draw. Both men finished strong. Ashe gong rang for the final round Grif fiths was bleeding from the mouth and face. Noted Capitalist Dies. New York, Aug. 7. John Edward Addicks. capitalist, gas magnate and three times candidate for United States senator from Delaware, is dead of heart disease. Addicks, who was 78 years old. started life as an errand boy in a Philadelphia store, made millions through deals in various gas com panies. He is credited with having spent a large fortune in his v?in ef forts to be electrj United States senator from Delaware, ACTORS' STRIKE CLOSES UP 13 N. Y. THEATERS Walkout Occurs Just One Hour Before Curtains Were to Rise. s ' - ' ' RETURN TO WORK, H New York, Aug. 7. Thirteen of New York's "leading" theaters were closed Thursday night by. an actor's strike, called an hour before the cur tains were o go up, by the Actors' Equity association. More than 15,000 theater atten ants were disappointed. The following theaters were af fected: Broadhtirst, Forly-fourth Street, Booth, Shiibert, Gayety, Aster, Princess, Republic, Lyric, Selwyn, Cohan, and Harris, Playhouse and Knickerbocker. The. strike order followed close on the heels of rejection by the Producing Managers' Protective as sociation of an ultimatum demand ing action by 7 p. m. on demands which had been submitted several days ago. These demands included recogni tion of the Actors' Equity associa tion which recently was affiliated with the American Federation of La bor, ' extra compensation for per formances in excess of eight a week and continuation of the standard "equity" form of contract in use since 1917. Officials of the Managers' associa tion have announced that they, are "ready for a fight" and that steps have been taken for an organization of the "legitimate" vaudeville, bur lesque and moving picture interests to combat the efforts for unioniza tion of stage and screen artists. Joseph Webber, president of the American Federation of Musicians, indicated that a meeting of the New" York local of the musicians union would be called to consider a sympa thetic strike. 60 INJURED IN STRIKE RIOTING IN NEW YORK Revolvers. Clubs and Fists Figure in Battles Between Carmen and Police. New York, Aug. 7. With three persons wounded by revolver bul lets, seven others so badly bealjen that they may die and 50 or more less seriously injured in scores of riots between strikers and police, the second day of the Brooklyn streetcar strike came to a close with little indication of an end to the struggle. Service on all lines was suspended for the night at 9 p. m. Late in the day Mayor Hylan, who had made futile efforts to get the warring parties together in confer ence, announced he would attempt to obtain arbitration through the federal courts, but Lindley M. Gar rison, federal receiver for the Brook lyn Rapid Transit company, reiter ated his emphatic refusal to recog nize the union officials. Meantime, subway, surface and elevated lines of the companies are virtually paralyzed and the borough of Brooklyn, with more than 2,000, 000 inhabitants, is garrisoned at every strategic point by heavily armed police in anticipation of fur ther violence. The rush hours of Wednesday night, when the thousands who live in Brooklyn and work in Manhat tan endeavored to reach their homes by almost anything that moved on wheets was duplicated to night. Stolen Church Goods Located; Two Girls Held for Investigation Three gold chalices, four used surplices and other church goods wei. found secreted in the. room of Marguerite Hennessey, 20 years old, at lt.' Capitol avenue, by detectives last night. Miss Hennessey was ar rested and held for investigation. Her roommate, Bertha Nuderhill, was also held for investigation. Miss Hennessey refused to say where the church goods had come efrom. She admitted to the detectives that she had disposed" of another chalice for $a Miss Hennessey has been in Oma ha for four, weeks, she said. The police believe she has ared the loot of a Chicago church which was robbed recently. Miss Hennessey has been known as Marguerite Gil bert at her rooming house. She has been employed in a local restaurant. Canadian Rockies v Spanned by Canuck Airman in Plane Lethbridge, Alta., Aug. 7. Capt. E. C. Hoy, D. F. C, accom plished the firstN passage of the Canadian rockies' by airplane' to day, leaving Vancouver, B. C. at 4:15 a. m. and' landing here at 6:22 p.' m., covering nearly 500 miles in a little more than 14 hours. His scheduled destina tion was Calgary, about 80 lrliles northeast of hare. ARE TOLD Railroaders Must Recognize Authority of Organization or Matter at Standstill, Presi dent Informs Them WALL STREET LOOTS ROADS,-PLUMB SAYS Financiers Have Systemati cally Plundered Transporta tion Facilities for Years, He Tells House Committee. - By The Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 7. President Wilson tonight notified Director General Hines that he was author- , ized to take up the demands ofajJ- road shop employes for highei wages and decide them on their merits. - The president said the letter sent , him by Senator Cummins, chairman of the committee on interstate com merce, "had set me free todeal at I think best with the difficult ques- . tion of the wages of certain classes of the railroad employes," but added: "The chief obstacle to a decision has been created by the men tbtrn- selves. They hae gone out on a strike and repudiated the authority of their officers at the very moment when they were urging action In regard to their interests." The president's decision was an- ' nounced from the White House in the form of a letter sent by him to Mr. Hines. The president saicf that ' "until the employes return to work and again recognize the authority of their organization, the ' whole v. matter must be at a standstill." . President's Letter. The president's letter follows: "My Dear1 Mr. Director Generafi ,;, "I am just in receipt of the letter ' from Senator Albert B. Cummins, chairman of the senate committee of interstate commerce, which set me free to deil as I think-best with the difficult question of the wages of -certain classes of railway employes, and -1 take advantage of the occa sion to write you this letter, in order that I may both in the public in- , terest and interests of the railroad employes themselves, make the present situation as clear and def inite as possible. , " 5 '-, "I thought it my duty to lay the -question in its present pressing . form before the committee of the senate, because I thought I should not act upon this matter within the brief interval of .government con- trol remaining, without their ac quiescence and approval. Senator ' Cummins' letter' which speaks (he . unanimous judgment of the com mittee, leaves me free and indeed . imposes upon me the duty to act ' Must Dispose of Matter. " "The question of the wages of railroad shopment was submitted, you will remember, to the board of ' railroad .wTtges and , working con ditions on the railroad administra- ' tion last February, but was not re . ported upon by the board until the " 16th of July. The delay vfas un- ; avoidable, because the board was continuously engaged in dealing with several wage matters affecting ' classes of employes- who had not previously received consideration1. . The board now having' apprised us of this inability, at any rate for Ihe time being,' to agree upon recom- V mendatibn, it is clearly our duty to proceed with the matter in the hope -of disposing of it. --,, ; , , "You are therefore authorized to say to the railroad shop employes that the question of ' wages they ' have raised will be taken up and -Considered on its merits by the di- ' Lrector, general in conference "with their duly accredited representatives. I hope that you will make it clear to the men that-the railroad admin- (Continued on Pair Two. Column Four.) Freight Handlers - 7 to Take Vote Upon .;. Question of Strike Washington. Aug. 7. The 450,00r members of the Brotherhood' of " Railway Clerks. Freight Handlers. Station. Express and Steamship -Employes will begin voting tomor rov as to whether hey wjll strike immediately for increased wages or await a solution of the wage, ques ' tion along the lines of the- proposal made to congress by director Gen-"3 eral Hines. 11 i D. N.'Eggers, general rcpresenta-t-'ve and organizer of the Freight HandliM-s,' Brotherhood in the terri- tory e! which Omaha is headquar ters, said last night that no order v had yet been received for a strike vote. The members, of whom there are 10,000 in Nebraska, he added. ! will support the officers chosen to represent them at Washington and will InUr tin nriMin until iirtfifir! t T " ' qo so. ' K