jj m mm A Strong, Experienced, Practical Packing House Organization! Thoroughly Equipped, and With a Determination to Give Quality and Service The following is a list of the officers and heads of departments of the Skinner Packing Company. Several of these men are now permanently with the company, preparing their different departments for the opening of the plant and securing their assistants and help under them. Contracts have been closed for nearly the complete list of these different men who will comprise the heads of the Skinner organization. Some of them will not re sign their present positions until'thirty days before the opening of the plant. The men who are announced are strong, experienced, successful men in their line and stand high in the packing house world, which means a great uccesa to tiie Skinner Packing Company. President, Vic. President end General M.n.f.r, Office Manager. Department Stock ProTi.ion Manager, Credit Manager, Manager Produce Department, Manager Jobbing Department, Auditor, Head Rattle Buyer, Superintendent Canning and Santage Department. Chair man of Board, General Superintendent, Treasurer, Cashier, Assistant Superintendent, Purchasing Agent, Traffic Manager, Chief Engineer, Manager Beef Department, Head Hog Buyer, mad Sheep Buyer, Secretary. s-T " ry?i ;v..:. s W 1 1 CHAS. F. KAMRATH VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Ksmrsth has to his credit twenty flvs years of successful packing house experience. ' He was with Swift ft Company for a number of years and also Urge independent packing houses. He has had practical and successful experience in every department of the racking business. Of lata years Mr. Kamrath has combined his practical knowledge with engineering and he has devoted his time to the construction of packing house plants. He constructed and operated, for three years, the present Armour Company plant at Spokane, Washington, which speaks for itself. Mr. Kamrath as become associated permanently with the Skinner Packing Company In the capacity of Vice President and General Manager and devotes his entire time and energy to Omaha's Daylight Snow white Independent Packing Plant, which is built of stel and reinforced concrete and is absolutely fir proof. Mr. Kamrath has invested heavily in ths stock of the Skinner Packing Company. iasasMMMMMMMasMa"'i'i- J. H. ROSENBAUM MANAGER PRODUCE DEPARTMENT SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr, Rosenbaum has spent his business life in the Produce business and is successful. He was seven years with the Arron Poultry & Egg Company of Kansas City, who are one of the largest operators in the produce business in the middle west. Armour ft Company own a con siderably interest in this firm. One year ago he became financially interested and permanently identified with the Skinner Packing Company, and established the. Produce Department of this com pany, which has met with a phenomenal success. The department has received oveT 18,000 ship ments in the past year and as yet has merely scratched the surface as to the volume of business that can be done in poultry, butter and eggs. Mr. Rosenbaum is thoroughly experienced in both the buying and selling end, as well as the mechanical end of the business. This department of the company is being conducted at 12th and Howard Sts., in the old Kirschbraum Creamery Compai.y Building temporarily, during the erection of the company's new Produce Department Building at 12th and Douglas Sts. GEO. A. DONAHUE DEPARTMENT STOCKS v - SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Donahue has had twenty-two years of experience in the packing house business. He was even years with Swift ft Company and fifteen years with the Cudahy Packing Company in charge of department stocks. This is a very important position in the packing house business. Mr. Donahue t now permanently associated with the Skinner Packing Company and his long practical experience and successful record will mean a great deal to the company. He is now preparing hia department for the opening of the 9kinner plant. JOHN W. ALLEN SUPERINTENDENT CANNING AND SAUSAGE DEPARTMENT SKINNER PACKING COMPANY John W. Allen, of Chicago, has associated himself permanently with the Skinner Packing Company as Superintendent of the Canning and Sausage Department. The name of John Allen is known nationally in the packing industry as an expert in all lines of canned meats and meat products. The association of Mr. Allen with the Skinner Packing Company is simply carrying out the policy of the company to secure as the heads of each department of their business the most expert operator it is possible to secure in this country. Mr. Allen entered the packing business in this country with Armour ft Company in their canned food department. For sixteen years Mr. Allen had exclusive charge and management of the meat canning and sausage department of Sulzberger ft Sons Company, now known as Wilson ft Company. For several years Mr. Allen has worked as an expert in his line, making a specialty of equipping and organizing meat canning departments for various companies. The meat canning department of the wonderfully successful firm of Oscar Mayer ft Company of Chicago, was organized and installed by Mr. Allen, as was also the same departments of the famous sausage makers, L. Frank ft Sons Company of Milwaukee. Mr. Allen has investigated the meat canning business from every angle, having made extensive trips for this purpose, for leading packers, into foreign countries, spending much time in Brazil, Mexico and the continent. F, M. HUBBELL OFFICE MANAGER SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Hubbell has to his credit twenty-three years of experience in the pack in;' h mae business. These twenty-three years were spent with the Cudahy Packing Company. He was (heir auditor for twelve years, assistant office manager for six years and for several years their office manager. This long packing house experience and his splendid successful record make him a valuable man. He is now permanently associated with the Skinner Packing Company in the capacity of Office Manage, and is getting his department in order and securing his assistants for the opening of the Skinner plant. R. J. ROBERTSON PURCHASING AGENT SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Robertson was fifteen years with Swift ft Company in the purchasing department. For the past six years he has been purchasing agent for Swift ft Company and is now permanently as sociated with the Skinner Packing Company. He has a splendid record and these years of practical xperience in purchasing packing house supplies means a big asset to the Skinner Packing Company. Mr. Robertson has been employed by the Skinner Packing Company for the past two months pur chasing supplies. C. H. REINHARDT TRAFFIC MANAGER SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Reinhardt was ten years with the Cudahy Packing Company; formerly their traffic manager, and is now permanently as sociated with the Skinner Packing Company in a like capacity.. Before he went with the Cudahy Packing Company he was connected with the Kansas City Southern Railorad in their traffic department. D. C. ROBERTSON TREASURER SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Robertson has spent his business life in the Banking and Mercantile business. He was formerly Cashier of the Farmers' Saving ft Trust Co., of Marinette, Wisconsin,' and Chairman of the Liberty Loan Committee of Marinette County. He is a man of sterling integrity, wide ex perience and very successful; is financially interested and permanently located with the Skinner Packing Company, and is peculiarly fitted by both experience and ability to fill the office of Treasurer to the credit of himself and to the credit of the corporation. Mr. Robertson has been with the company practically since the organization and has had chsrg of all the finances from the time of his connection. HENRY SCHROEDER CHIEF ENGINEER SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Mr. Schroeder has been with the Skinner Packing Company for several months in the capacity of Chief Engineer in charge of his department. Mr. Schroeder was Chairman of the Examining Board of Statiopnry Engineers for the city of Omaha for nineteen years, and was Chief Engineer for Armour ft Company for seven years and supervised the installation of their power plant equipment, including all ice machines, engines and boilers. He is sn expert in his line and his past record is splendid. He is now associated permanently with the Skinner Packing Company. The-Skinner Packing Company is not controlled byany outside interest- The capital stock of the company is owned by Paul F. and Lloyd M. Skinner and Farmers and Stockmen of the Middle West and Wholesale Grocers throughout the United States. Skinner's specialty line of Meat Products will be sold exclusively through Wholesale Grocers. The Skinne Plant is the finest plant in the world, no small proposition, a capacity of around $40,000,000 and the plant built to double; and the capacity will be doubled within twenty-four months from the time we open, from indications of the support we are receiving. Omaha is,the second largest live stock market and the best location in the world for a packing plant. SKINN E R PACKING PAUL F. SKINNER, Chairman of the Board. D. C. ROBERTSON, Treasurer. LIOYD M. SKINNER, President. OMAHA, U. S. A. COMPANY CHAS. F. KAMRATH, Vice-Preident and General Manner. ROBERT GILMORE, Secretary. m m 33 m mrx