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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1919)
RIEF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS WOkEN AID MAN V GARNER ONION CROP. Hutchinson, July 27. C. G. Curtis, an onion grower, has started his harvest and is using a threshing ma chine for. threshing out the tops .of V PIan.ts. He expects to market 500 bushels of sets this summer. Because of the scarcity of male help, Mr. Curtis is using women for harv- OLDEST HARVEST HAND ' CLAIMED BY WICHITA. ' Wichita, July 27. This city claims the oldest steady harvest band in the person of Frank Henderson, 75, vj, n w ivtv.ivu 11113 year to Louis Wolf for the seventh season. He is a- Civil war veteran. PRISON PAROLES TO FARM LABORERS EXTENDED. ' Topeka, July 27. Harvest paroles, IS.sued to 80 nrisnnrs at th cfafo reformatory at Hutchinson and 60 at the state penitentiary at Lansing, have been extended by Governor Allen tor six weeks. The paroles were given the men a month ago to work in the harvests. CHARGE SON WITH BEATING FATHER. r McAlester; Okt., July 27. George Coble, 56, was accused of . beating his father, W. Coble, 90, in a war rant issued here for the son. The beating followed the request ofthe father, to the postmistress at Car eon, near here, to write- to 'his nephew to have him take care of the old man. OMAHA, THE GATE CITY OF THE WEST, OFFERS YOU GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES. r. II A" Omai T Jirvn- .EE VOL, 49.-NO. 34. ' Rgf TStiTSTS IZf-fwt OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1919. By Mall (I wr. Dally. 14. W: taiitfur. tl.Ms Dally Sw., .M; Mttlda Ntk. aaataH tra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: i ' ' Generally fair Monday and Tues day; warmer in north portion Monday; continued warm Tuesday. Hoarljr trmprtiTai m. m. K m. . m. , 10 a. n.. 11 a. m. . 1 ft ;..IW ..18 ...MO -.US ,.. r..M , -.! 1 p. t p. p. m p. m S p. m p. m 7 p. n ...lvS PI (HI . . . .-i-lOO .....101 M ..... 7 nn RACE WAR OUTBREAK Omaha Officer With Transport Convoy to Be Here This Week IN CHICAGO Policeman Wounded and Fif ty Other Persons Injured; Every Available Officer Rushed to Scene. 15-YEAR-OLD. BOY IS HELD AS FORGER. Wjchita, July 27. Andrew Jack son, alias Frank Thomosoni a 15- year-old boy, was caught by the po-N lice here and is being held in' the Sedgwick county jail on charges of forgery He is said to be the young est forger caught in Kansas. The Citizens State bank alleges he drew a check for $30 on the bank signed by Etta Burge. v. TOOK JUDGE AT WORD x AND GOT IN WRONG. To,peka, July 27. When Police Judge Hugh McFarland , told the complaining witness in a case against Ethel Sylva, charged with assault, to"take the chair," he al most fainted as the result. Mrs. E. W. T. Bose, walked to the judge's bench, saw the chair at his left, and jumped herself into it. There she Ktnnri until the iiiriee managed to recover, and told her to "get down." Ethel, howeveT, paid a fine of five bucks. BRIDE'S PARENTS GO ON THE HONEYMOON Butler, July 27. It used to be that the bride and groom took the wedding trip, but now it is "father and mother." Ashort time ago Miss Fjqese of this city, and Nick Mar tens, were married. Instead of tak hig a trip, they stayed here, while the bride s patents took a trip to California. AUTO HITS COW; MOTORIST GETS $40. Cottonwood Falls, July 27. George Drummond, a retired farmer of this city, had one "put over" by a tourist from "Topekey" the other day and the capital city man was paid $40 ' damages after running dowh the cow, by Mr. Drummond. While leading the cow to pasture, the autoist hit it: The driver claimed $75 damages' but Mr. Drummond got out by paying $40 tor a bent tender and broken headlight. ' ' , -1 GIRL STUDENT HAS J THROAT OF A BIRD. ' Emporia, uly '27. Miss Mildred Boylan, of Arkansas Qjy. a student at the Emporia Normal school here this summer, is known as "the girl with the bird throat." Miss Boy lan can-imitate a redbird," canary, robin ami mocking bird so well, that even the birds"themselves are fooled. Tr'of. F. A. Beach, of the music department says Miss Boylan really has a bird throat, and sings like a bird. - PLAN .GRAND OPERA , DIVERSIONS FOR DIME. Wichitai;,Kans.,' July 27. Grand opera for a dime. ' ", This is the plan which is being 'arranged fqr , under the muncipal opera idea..-W v. : ' The city managemsjit last year gave a series of "pop" concerts, and at the end of the season their books showed a balance of about . $1)00. This year, it is planned, a series of 10 attractions, including grand opera, will be given. The season, tickets will cost from $1.00 to $4.00. Included in the program, which will cost approximately $7,500, are the San Carlos Grand Opera com pany, Harry Lauder, ex-President W. H. Taft. The Duncan .Dancers, Schumanri-Heink and Ole Hanson. GROCER LEAVES TOWN " WITHOUT GOODBYE. Kansas City Mo.; July 27. Sergt. Harry MoUlder and Patrolman J. C. Suavely were making the first tour of Snavely's beat early in tne morn- ing yvhen they found the rear door ' of -the Sam Winchell grocery open. ft was too early for Winchell, whom BDW Knew siigiuij, i." - they entered. . . -A careful investigation or the store, and the living room where Winchell lived, showed no trate of burglars. The cash register in the front of the store was open, how ever. In it was six cents and a note, addressed to T. H. Condon, a real estate man. The note read : - "I hereby give you full authority to dispose of stock in the grocery to the best advantage to all concerned. Use this for ytur authority. Mr. Condon, who rented the store room to Mr. Winchell, said he had itr knut a vnr. The Kiiuwn iu - grocer is about 65 years old, and once oetore apout , y Bt when his mother, died, disappeared. He was gone tnentor xwa wccks. PLAGUE OF CROWS. vr?a-otTT TMfi PBOPS. Winchester, July 27. A plague of - m cfmrlr this vicimtv. and uuws , , " . (,rnm refiort shocks Of Wheat have, been, devFStated. Lbt loss is iu some cases . y ONE NEGRO IS DROWNED; WHITE MAN SAID TO BE Sunday Riots Had Their Start in Petty Quarreling at Beach it is Claimed; JJegro Fatally Shot. Lieutenant" Cavanaugh is the only Omaha officer with the army'tfans port traini which is making a trans continental tour. The big motor convoy will arrive here Tuesday morning. Chicago, July 27. Serious rioting of whites and blacks in the negro district of Chicago broke out Sun day afternoon and before midnight two men were dead, according to police reports, both drowned, two negroes probably fatally wounded and more than a sctsfe;;possibly 50, persons, both -blacks and whites, wounded or -injured ' by bullets. stones, clubs and other missiles, '50 or more arrests were made and every available policeman was rushed into the black belt. The casualty list reported by the police included a negro youth, who was drowned in Lake Michigan, and a white boy also drowned. The negro'ssbody was recovered. A white youth was arrested in connection with the drowning of the negro. The latter was said to have been struck with a stone and fell from a raft floating off the Twenty ninth street bathirfg beach.where the first serious trouble started. Stones were thrown at bathers on both sides of the color line, as whites and blacks are segregated at tjie beach. Street Fighting Serious. Twenty-ninth street soon was a seething, fighting mass of humanity of both colors. Revolvers, .clubs, stones and bricks were used. Riot call after riot call were received by the police, and patrol wagons loaded with bluecoats rushed, to the dis trict Negroes at home on State street in the heart of the black belt beat whites promiscuously through th day and night,. Whites went about dragging ne groes from street cars and beating them. , T1. . 1 f C . iiic iruuuic uiuvcu iruiu uiic yjti u; l i 1 lllS' rStrlCi 10 an0t.uC; Saturday, after leaving the train at Hundreds of policemen were rushed to the troubled neighborhoods and succeeded in keeping the disorders scattered. - With the' police stations emptied of reserves and scores of others rushed Irom North and West side stations, Acting Chief of Police Al cock' ordered every available police man on duty to prevent further out The small army of blust coats suc ceeded in bringing "about a fair sem blance of order in the black district, although the negroes were in bad temper. Escapes in Excitement Late Sunday night no further ser ous rioting was.. reported, though crowds were-still on the streets. Hospital reports showed one negro shot through the abdomen, probably fatally; another slightly wounded and a policeman shot in the shoulder. Four other persons, including one white woman, were injured by miss iles, none seriously. One white,man was sitting at an upper window of his home on Twenty-ninth street during the height of the excitement when a negro attempted to shoot a policeman' with a, rifle which the negro was carrying .wrapped in paper. The weapon was struck up ward and its ball grazed the win dow watcher's forehead and he fell from the window. He was but slightly hurt. The negro escaped in the excitement. A negro was found probably fatal ly wounded at Thirty-ninth and Halsted streets, two miles from the scene, of the early riots. Three negroes were dragged oft stret cars in the same neighbor hood and beaten. AH had fractured skulls, the police said. Austria Asks Longer Grace in Peace Pact St Germain-En-Lay, July 27. Dr. Karl Renner, Austrian chancellor and htad of the Austrian peace dele gation, has arrived here from reld kirch, near the Swiss border, where h conferred with Austrian-govern-' ment representatives from Vienna. Dr. Renner at once formulated a request to' the peace conference for an extension of the. time accorded Austria 'to reply to the second part of the peace terms,- communicated July 20. The Austrians were 'origi nally given 15 days within which to make reply. V 40 Persons Hurt. " Fort Lee, N. J., July 27. Forty persons were injured, 17 seriously, when two trolley oars of the Pub lic Service corporation, both loaded with passengers, met in a head-on collision -on top of the Palisades near an amusement park today. 0STERMAN HERE TO JOIN U; S. CONVOY ON ITS LONG TRIP Plan tt Crosti Missouri River on Pontoon Bridge Given Up. The iUnited" States motor trans port train, enroute on its transcon tinental trip, is due to arrive in Council Bluffs late this morning, ac cording to advices, received Sunday from Denison, la., where the train camped last night. H. C. Osterman, . vice-president j and field secretary of the Lincoln i SWLER OF CHILD CONFESSES Married Chicago Night Watch man of Residential HottfiKad Hidden Girl's Body in Ooal Cellar of His Own Home. CALLS FOR OFFICER ' AND ADMITS CRIME Had Been Constantly Kept Un der Gruelling Examination and Never-Ceasing Scrutiny for Five Days and Nights. Chicago, July 27. Thomas Fitz gerald, 39 years old and married, lias confessed to the police that he killed little Janet Wilkinson, 6 years old, a neighbor's child, last Tuesday, by strangling her. He accompanied during August and September, with LOAN CERTIFICATES TO BE ISSUED BY SECRETARY GLASS Will "Be of five Months' Ma turity and Will Bear Interest of 412 Per Cent. Washington July 27. Loan certi ficates of five months maturity, bear ing interest at 44 per cent will be issued Jiy the treasury semi-annually on the first and fifteenth, be ginning August 1, for the remain der nf the calendar vear fnr the nuroose of financing the crOvern- inent s requirements. In making this announcement in a letter to the banking institutions ofv the country, Secretary Glass said the minimum amount of each issue in . August and September would not exceed $500,000,000, while subsequent issues probably would be about half that amount, with the total estimated at f3,5OO,0O0,0OO. The same period will see the redemp tion of $2,997,540,500 in loan and tax certificates, leaving a net in crease of $502,459,500 to be funded by the issue of short term notes when market conditions are favor able and - the terms advantageous to the government. All national and state banks and trust companies will be expected to take not less than 1.6 per cent of their gross resources in each semi monthly issue of loan certificates Indianapolis a week ago. He is of ficial pilot of the train and is now awaiting the arrival. of Lieut. W. B. Dorron, publicity officer, who is ex pected today., r It is doubtful if the convoy will cross the Missouri' river by pontoon bridge as .planned, fnere is neither a steam yacht available for throwing out a guide cable nor are the land ings in the vicinity of Omaha and Council Bluffs good enough to make the venture possible: Pontoon Bridge Abandoned. "It is' hardly possible that the river will bevcrossed "is planned," Lieut. Lee Ward, acting chief recruiting officer at the -Omaha station, said lyesterday. '.'There isn't a-practical stepping ok piace on irie rowa siac of the river, within a mile's radius. Also, we haven't a steam yacht such as is used in lading the advance cable." "v " . Local reception plans went apace Sunday. The committee, headed, by Randall ,;(C; -Brown; yesterday pre pared a statement ' calling on busi ness men ,to decorate , their stores with flags and bunting. The statement also called on auto ists, who could spare the time, to join in the parade at 10 o'clock to morrow morning.. The parade route will be as follows r West on Farnam street to Twenty-eighth street; south to Leavenworth street; east to Six teenth street; north to Howard street; east to Fourteenth - street, and north to Capitol "avenue. - Governor, on Reception .Committee. Governor' McKelvie is expected to arrive in .Omaha late today. With other prominent Omahans, includ ing Mayor Smith, Col. W. H. Jor dan, commariding officers at Fort Crook; Lieut l.Col.. Jacob W. S. Wuest, commanding officer at Fort Omaha; Col. J. V. Bingham, com mander of the Omaha army quarter master depot; Randal K. Brown, and others, he wilt act on the reception committee. The committee will go to Council. Bluffs Tuesday morning to escort the train into Omaha. . Brig. Gen. Charles B. Drake and CoL A. Owen Seaman are amog the army officers who will be with the train. Lieut. Col. C. W. McClude, formerly' motor corps commander in France, hv lrt command of thejex peditipn. SettleAinnen'3 Strike. ' Washington, July 27." Second Assistant Postmaster General Prae ger reached -an amicable settlement Sunday-, with the air mail pilots, who . went on a one-day strike last week. ; The" reinstatement of Pilot E. Hamilton Lee, one of the two men whose dismissal resulted in the strike, 'was announced. Leon Smith. Mhe other-dismissed aviator. - will I dot be reinstated. . the police to his home and showed them where he had' concealed the body bencith sme coal under the basement steps, and it was recov ered. The solution of the mystery, which has stirred Chicago as few police cases have aroused the popu lace, came in the morning when Fitzgerald, after five sleepless days and nights, constantly - kept under a gruelling examination and never ceasing scrutiny, called for an offi cer and made his confession. Police Act Quickly. The authorities acted quickly. Although Fitzgerald has been termed a "moron" by the police, the criminal machinery was to proceed as ijsuaL Coroner Hoffman quick ly selected a jury and opened the inquest. Fitzgerald was night watchman at the Virginia, a residential hotel. He lived in the neighborhood. In the same building lived the Wilkin son family. JaUiet was one of four childre.' ' Last December, the girl's father testified at the inquest, Janet came heme and said Fitzgerald had at tacked her. . The parents preferred to hush up the affair and Fitzgerald escaped prosecution.' But when little Janet disappeared last Tuesday morning suspicion was aroused against Fitz gerald. Sdme children also said they had seen her speak to Fitzgerald. Severe Examinations. Fitzgerald wasx arrested. He was questioned about the child, but de- nied everytning. uut tne ponce held the man prisoner and subjected him to as severe an examination as few prisoners ever receive. Detectives dug into the coal piles in the ofHhe hotel. They sifted the ashes They searched the Fitzgerald hpme. Lake Michi gan was dragged for a mile along the shore opposite the neighborhood of the hotel. Then when the police were about to despiar, Fitzgerald made his confession, the police an- UVUIIVU lunacy commission, asserted that Fitzgerald appeared to be, a "psycho-sexual case" and that he was not necessarily insane. raignment of the present Hungarian government is contained in a allied statement in which it Was made known to the Hungarian' freople that they-could only obtain a re moval of the blockade and receive food supplies if they ousted Bela Kun and set up a truly representa tive ' government. Enc4uraging Reports; of Idaho Forest Fires Spokane, Wash., July 27. Encour aging reports from crews fighting fires in northern Idaho forests! wert received Sunday night. There have been 183 fires in the national fires in Montana and north ern Idaho this year, of which 120 are still, burnine. according to figures given out by Glen A. Smith, assist ant district torester. A total of 126,861 acres has been burned over and 380,000,000 feet of timber destroyed, according to Smith. .. . Private property destroyed was valued at $450,000 and- the govern ment's property loss was estimated at $380,000. Lightning was said to have caused 30 per cent of the fires. Large Part of Galicia Now in Polish Hands Copenhagen, Jul 27. The whole of Galicia up to the old Austro Russian frontier along the river Zbrucx is in Polish -hands; accord ing to a Warsaw dispatch received by the Polish press bureau. the percentage falling to 0.8 toward the end ot the calendar year. Secretary Glass hopes to make the distribution of the new certificates as widespread as possible. Reviewing the financial condition of the country, Secretary Glass esti mated income for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, at $6,535,000, made uo of internal revenue, $4,940, 000,000;' customs, $260,000,000; sale 6i public lands, $3,000,000; miscel laneous loan installments, $1,032,- nnn nnn ' 4 COLOMBIAN PACT TO BE TREATED BY SENATE THIS WEEK Controversy Over Peace and League of Nations Coven ant Will Be Sidetracked. Washington, July 27. Senate con troversy over the peace treaty with its league of nations covenant will be halted temporarily this week to allow consideration of the long pend ing Colombian treaty. While the senate considers the two treaties the house will be occu pied with a rush of legislation prep aratory to the planned recess of five weeks, beginning Saturday. The house recess plans, calling for a complete shutdown of the lower branch from August 2 to September 8, are expected to be presented for mally to the house Monday. While the house is in recess, the senate will remain in session, chiefly work ing on the peace treaty. The recess will delay enactment of several bills, including the prohibition enforce ment measure, until September. Expect Senate Ramification. ' The Colombian treaty, 'involving payment by the United States of $25,000,000 to that republic, resulting from the partition of -Panama, but with the original clause expressing America's "reeret" for the loss by Dr. J. Whitney Hall, of the county Colombia of Panama eliminated by agreement between the state depart ment and Colombia, will be taken up Tuesday by the foreign relations committee. The treaty! is expected to be reported by the committee and ratified by the senate promptly. "Oust Bela Kun if You Want Food," . Hungarians Told Paris, July 27. A strefhg ar-icalibtred revolvers and the third was Arrest Three on Charge of Carrying Concealed Arms Police disarmed three negroes yes terday. Two of the three had large armed with a knife with a 5-mch blade. Gus Chivers, 1633 North Twenty third stree(t. better known as "Balti more," was arrested at Sixteenth and Vinton streets and charged with car rying concealed weapons. A .45 cali ber revolver, with a 6-inch barrel, was found in "Baltimore's" hip pocket. He was released under $500 signed bond. Arthur Cherry, Council Bluffs.was charged with carrying concealed weapons when Sergeant Roes found a knife with a 5-inch blade in Cher ry's pocket. T. J. Elliot, 1834 North Twenty third street, had a .45 caliber re volver and a razor when Detectives Haze and Farrand arrested" him on a charge of wife beating. . . Julius Rothholz, Omaha Pioneer, Dies at His Home Julius Rothholz, died at his home, 500 South Twenty-eighth street, Sunday morning, age 70 years. Mr. Rothholj was a member of the first volunteer fire department organized in Omaha, and was engaged in the fur business for a number of years. He is; survived by his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Stella t Nveleff. J Mrs. t Hattie Marx, and ,Miss Nell Rothholz, and two sons. Harry and Gabriel. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen. K.- P., and Fra ternal Union lodges. Funeral services will be 'held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the residence. Rabbi -Frederick Cohn of ficiating Interment will be in Pleas ant Hill cemetery. , . '4 C. OF C. IS PLEASED WITH- CITY Seventeen Members of , Na tional Organization, Repre senting Leading Cities Spend Several Hours Here. TAKEN ON RIDE THROUGH WHOLESALE DISTRICTS President Ferguson Is Enthu siastic in Praise of Omaha. Tells of Aims and Purpose of National Chamber. Enroute to Seattle where they will hold their annual meeting, offi cers of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 17 of them, representing that number , of the leading cities of the country, spent the greater portion of Sunday in Omaha. Hjere they were joined by Charles C. George and during the afternoon they continued their journey, Denver being the next stopping place. These 17 officers, representing hundredSxpf millions of dollars in vested inBbig business liked Omaha and they did not hesitate to say so. At the Bdrlington station their train was iflet by a delegation of Omaha Chamber of Commerce and after the informal greeting, were taken on a 50-mile automobile ride through the jobbing and retail dis tricts of the city, through the parks and over the boulevards, arriving at the Country club, where luncheon was served and where they spent a portion of the afternoon, the guests of the Omaha chamber, stopping at the home of Charles C George, in Dundee, enroute, where refresh ments were served; - - Represent 1,100 Trade Bodies. As officers of the national asso ciation, the visitors are the repre sentatives of 1,100 trade bodies with a membership of more than 600,000 members. The personnel of the visiting party follows: President Homer L. Ferguson, Newport News 'Dry Dock and Ship buiding company, Newport News. Chairman Executive Committee and Vice-president for northern central states Joseph H. Defree, Defrees, Buckingham & Eaton, Chi cago. Treasurer John Joy Edson, banker, Washington. Assistant Secretary D. A. Skin ner, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington. Manager Field Division F. N. Shepherd, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington. Directors William Butterworth. Deere Plow company; L. S. Gillette. Plymouth' Investment company. Minneapolis; Granger A. Hollister, Rochester Railway and Light com pany, Rochester; Clarence H. How ard. Commonwealth Steel company. St. Louis; FrankH. Johnson, City Coal and Wood--company, New Britain; R. A. McCormickMcCor mick & Co., Baltimore; Lewis E. Pierson, Irving National bank, New York; Henry M. Victor, Union National bank, Charlotte; A. W. Smith, Member Committee on Rail roads. Atlanta ; .S. T. Early, Asso ciated Press representative; Hobatt H. Ramsdell, secretary to president; Pomeroy Burton, manager London Daily Mail. At the Country club, following the luncheon and after the cigars had been lighted, Charles C. George pre siding, introduced President Homer L. rerguson, who threw a bououet at Omaha by saying that to go west it would be impossible to do so with out stopping in Omaha He asserted that he was glad that he had had an opportunity of visiting the city and referred to it as "a city with wide streets, palatial business houses and splendid homes," adding that "these are things that please the observing visitors; it gives the feeling that the foundation of the city and its future s secure. Tells of Purpose. Speaking of the Chamber of Com merce of the United States, Presi dent Ferguson told of its aims and purposes, it being an organization of business men, to gather business opinions and reflect them in legisla tion; to aid in carrying , on recon struction work uuring the period following the war and to get in touch with business men the world over. ' i . Speaking of foreign trade, Presi dent Ferguson asserted that Europe irs in need of the goods and wares produced in the .United States and that the countries there are likely to produce articles of commerce and trade that will be required here. He detailed the work that th national chamber has undertaken, co-operat ing with the government. It has undertaken to obtain better mail ser vice: is working in the interest of good roads, and on a plan with a view to affording a remedy by which the street railways of the country may exist. With reference to street railways. Mr. Ferguson took the position that higher fares must be expected, "as (Continued on Vg Two, Column Three.) PACIFIC FLEET SAFELY THROUGH PANAMA CANAL v ' - Admiral Rodman's Flotilla 'Makes Passage Into ' . . Ocean Waters. 'Aboard the Flagship U. S. S. New Mexico, July 27. (By Wireless the Associated Press.) The Pacific fleet, under the command of Ad miral Rodman, is floating in Pacific waters. . Six dreadnaughts, led by the Bag- ship New Mexico, Saturday success fully negotiated the Panama canal the largest ships that ever have par.sed through this waterway. The average time of passage for each warship from Colon to Balboa was 10 hours. ' "This is the biggest event in the history of the canal," said Gover nor Chester Harding, of the canal zone, t Saturday Admiral Rodman 'visited President Porras of Panama, who congratulated the naval officer on his success in negotiating the canal. Approximately 3,600 sailors Were given shoreleave at Panama and the city Saturday night was celebrating the arrival of the fleet, which de parted Sunday for San Diego. The ' fleet left its anchorage - in Gatun lake at dawn Saturday morn ing, proceeding inpairs two hours apart. The New Mexico and Wyo ming led the way, followed by the New York arid Texas, and the Mis sissippi and Arkansas. To admiral Rodman was given the honor of directing, the course of the first dreadnaught to make the trip. Through the reaches of, Gatun lake the dreadnaughts steaded at 13 knots an hour. On neanng the narrow confines of the BasObispo reach the speed was reduce'd' to five knots an hour. Printer Arrested for Girrying Home , Package of Groceries Fred J. Sullivan, 49 years old, Sixty-eighth and Mayberry avenue, has been in jail since Saturday af ternoon on a -charge of drunken ness, although he has not tasted in toxicating liquor since November 15, 1915. , . Sullivan refuses to post $50 bond for his appearance in court this morning, claiming that his incarcer ation is unjust and unwarranted and that he "will not give the police de partment the satisfaction of seeing him nut up. bond and thereby recog nize nis arrest." , Sullivan was arrested by State Cfficer Robert P. Samardick and Deputy Sheriff Johnson in front of the Sullivan home Saturday after noon. The officers say he was stagger ing. Samardick asked Sullivan what he had in a package'Sullivan was carry ing under his arm. Sullivan te-' fused to. open the package until Samardick could show him a war rant. Samardick attempted to open the package, Samardick says, and Sullivan pushed him. Sullivan was then arrested, taken to Central po lice station and charged with being drunk and resisting an officer. "I told the officer I would not open the package unless he could show me a warrant," said Sullivan. "I had groceries in the package and did not care to unwrap them on the street. He did not touch me nor did I touch him. I cannot un derstand why he. charged me with resistance. I have-not had a drink of intoxicating liquor since Novem ber 15, 1915. I dare say any, truth ful officer who was in the station when I was brought in will say I was not drunk." , -SZ.. , Sullivan is employed by the Beacon Press. - Offer Big Reward for Arrest bf Lynchers Atlanta, Ga., "July 27. Fifteen hundred dollars reward is offered tor arrest and, conviction of mem bers of a mob that lynched Bery Washington, a negro. 72 years old, npar Milan, May 26. Governor Dor sey offered $1,000 and Dr. Floyd McRae, an Atlanta physician, whose family home is in the county in which the old man was hanged to a post and shot to death, added $500. On .the night of. May 24, two white men are alleged to have invaded the negro section of Milao and threat: encd occupants of several houses. Washington, armed with a shotgun, came out of his- home, and shots were exchanged. One of the white men was killed and Washington sur rendered. Two nights later a mob took him from the jail and lynched him. ' TREACHERY CHARGED If BERLIN German Papers Claim Emperor William as Never Re nouncecl Throne of Prussia as Had Been Given Out. IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR . BLAMED FOR FALSEHOOD Prince Maximilian Said to Have Fathered Story of Ab dication to CJieck Revoh tionary Outbreak Last Year. Berlin, July 27. (By the Asso ciated Press) Sunday morning's pan-German newspapers of Berlin make a feature of a five colnni ex pose of occurrences in connection with the outbreak of the German revolution last November, including 1 struggle taking place at German great headquarters at Spa, Novem ber 9, lasting nearly 24 hours, to in duce Emperor William to abdicate. Material is adduced to show that Prince Maximilian of Baden, then imperial chancellor, finally took the initiative and' gave to the Wolff ,bu-' reau an official statement that the emperor had abdicated as emperor and king of Prussia, although it is averred he had done neither and has never renounced the throne of Prussia. ; ' . V Misguided Patriotism - Prince Maximilian, it is declared, took this step out of misguided pa triotism in an attempt, to sul due the revolutionary movement, which was rapidly Retting out of hand, and by it forced the emperor s adfiser pai-Uermans now charge the torm chancellor with treachery.' All doubts as to William Hohen zollern's abdication as German em peror and king of Prussia were con sidered to have been settled when Berlin advices November 30; last, told of the issuance by the new German government of the former emperor's act. of renunciation, de scribed as having been executed jind signed Dy William Hohenzollern at Amerongen, Holland, on November, 28. , ... Mrs. Emma P. Chadwick Heads Eastern Star Seattle, July '27,- Mrs. Emma P Chadwick, of Seattle, ,was elected right wotihy associate grand con ductress of .the general grand chap ter. Order of the Eastern Star, hold ing its triennial assembly here. Wi" W. Grow, of St. Joseph. Mo., was elected right worthy associate grand patron. The other principal officers of the organization, following the general custom, were advanced one step, Mrs.', Ellie Lines Chapin, of Pine Meadow. Conn., becoming most worthy grand matron. , Washington. D. C. was selected as the meeting place for the trien nial assembly in 1922 Ex-Soldier Dying Trom tut Received ; -1 in Friendly Tussle ,- : ; Charles Plumer, 30 years old, is , : nying in swenisn Mission nospitai as a result' of a "friendly" bout , with . Robert D. Perkins, his cousin, in the . home of Plumer's sister, Mrs. James K. Saunders, 2022vOhio street til r . 1 1 . i t , r luuitr itii mruugn a cuina caDi- ' net and severed his jugular vein. Plumer, yho was discharged from the aTWy onl three weeks(ago, was ' wrestling wth Perkins about 1 . o'clock this morning in the dining room of the Saunders home. Per kins fell backwards through a china cabinet and Plumer stumbled on after him. A piece of the glass door of the cabinet slashed Plumer's, 1 -throat. ' y- V I (Perkins explained that the .two ' men had just returned from down- "'' town aifd had started to'cuffle ' when the accident occurred." " Police say both men had been drinfting., Perkins was arrested.' . rjumer was a member of the 341si , Machine Gun hat.talion' and was .' wounded at Chateau-Thierry and - gassed in the Argonne forest, spend-1 inar six months in the hosnital ) ; ; -v Ishii Scouts Idea of . U. S.Japanese War. Tokio, July; 27. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Newspaper reoorts - of an address delivered to the Tdkio ? Press league today by ' Viscount.' -Kikujiro Ishii, ambassador to the f it.:. i c.i.. i .i . . i turned to Taoartauote the am.' ' bassador as saying that some Jap-.'; anese seemed to fear that war t' might break out between Japan and fe the United States over the Chinese ,." nuestion.hut to "him such a thin" - was. inconceivable. All that war ' . would do would be to entail great"" losses upon both countries, Viscount i Ishii added. . " , ,'- 1 . i ne anmassaaor is lurtnef quote! i as telling the newspaper organiza . tion that he believed the Americans 'I desired to develop China in co-5per- , auun wun japan, in concluding 1US .. speech, the reports add, 'he urged . the Japanese to stick to the last tr . tneir -proposal lor racial equality.,-; One Killed, One Wounded - ' ; In Strike Riot in Chicago J. Chicago.-. July .27. One man a ' shot and killed and another seriously jf wounded late Sunday night in a -, strike not on-the southern side oi ! 1 the city. The shooting, according .'V to the police, was the result of trou -ble between strikers , at the Crane company's plant and otherst sup . posedly non-strikers. . ' "V