Cambridge, Mass., July 26. Salar
ies of many assistant instructors and
some instructors at Harvard uni
versity are lower than wages paid
to street car men, according to fig
ures made public today in connec
tion with the announcement of
plans for a $10,000,000 endowment
fund campaign. In a salary roll of
$1,000,000, two-thirds of which is
paid to members of the faculty of
arts and sciences, some instructors
receive less than $1,000 a year, while
some assistants receive as low as
Tacoma, Wash"., July 26. The Mu
tual Home association, on Joe's
bay. Puget sound, commonly known
as the "Free Love colony," was
dissolved today after 20 years ex
istence, by -court decree.
Fight for control between two
factions brought the affairs of the
colony into court.
New York, July 26. Mrs. Wil
liam Hammond of Gorman, Tex.,
mother of 11 children, summoned
by, telegraph to the bedside of her
ethically ill soldier son, Ruel R.
Hammond, 22 years old, arrived at
St. Mary's hospital in Hoboken to
day. She mortgaged two horses and
a cow to raise the money to get here
and said she was paying 10 per cent
interest on the loan, "Which Ruel
will help pay off when he gets well."
Hollister, Mo., July 26. Skirts are
unpopular at the Lake Taneycome
summer resorts this summer, and in
their place, women and girls wear
bloomers or overalls, of khaki. The
fashion wa9 started last year by
Miss Nina Wilkcrson.
Girard, July 26. Last fall C. B.
Olson, of this city, planted a four
acre lot to wheat for pasture for
his cow. During the fall he 'pas
tured four cows, and more this
spring. Then he decided to let the
wheat "grow. He harvested 50
Berlin, July 26. Military demon
strations here and in other German
cities strengthen the impression that
a reactionary coup to re-establish the
monarchy is approaching, despite
Premier Bauer's positive assertion
that such a move is impossible of
Carrying imperial flags, the "iron
division" paraded the streets of Ber
lin, Friday, halted in front of the
Reichsbank and sanjr "The Kaisc
Hymn".. Other troops held a pro
cession with' war battered cannon,
stoppd in front of the Reichsbank
and sang the "Watch on the Rhine"
, Tulsa, Okl., July 26. Church at
tendance in the hot season here has
never at any time been so very brisk.
However, that did not deter Rev.
Harold C. Cook of the Tigert Mem
orial church from trying to attract a
crowd. He has announced he will
serve ice cold lemonade and jazz
music, both in generous quantities.
He also announced a vaudeville
actor would appear.
San Francisco, July 26. Sixty -two
more Japanese "picture" brides were
admitted to the United Mates, Sat?
urday, through the Angel Island im
migration station. Most of these
were former "women were "picture"
brides who were seeing their al
lotted husbands for the first ti ne.
Others were former "picture" brides
who were returning to the United
States after having visited their na
tive lands.
Japanese bridegrooms came from
all over the west as far as Omaha,
,to greet and claim their mail order
Lit IVlt 0.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
tmtmi u whMw Matter May 2. IMS; at
Oaaha P. O. aadar act at M.fra i.
By Mall (I yar). Dally. MM: Saafay. Hit;
Dally an Sa.. SI.H; aatila Ntb. aaataf antra.
Unsettled and much cooler Sun
day, probably local thunder show
ers; Monday generally air with
moderate temperature.
Hourly trmptratuiwa:
79 S
it .
... .DO
.. M
.. M
Believed President Soon Will
Make Known Definitely His
Attitude Towards a Peace
With Some Reservations.
Topeka, Kans.. July 26. Walter
Winters, a mechanic at a garage a
short time ago, found a combina
tion knife and revolver. While ex
perimenting with it, to see how it
worked, he pulled the trigger and
shot off the end of his thumb. He
found the knife in a car he was re
pairing. It has a blade about six
inches long.
Chicago. July 26 Mary Mac
Lane, author of "I, Mary MacLane
anA star of the fervid film "Men
Who Have Made Love to Me," had
opportunity Friday to gather mater
ial for a new book, perhaps, en
title.4 "Modistes Who Must Be
Paid." ,
Two tinromantic detectives went
to her home while she was enter
taining a friend, bearing an original
manuscript calling tor ner arrest on
a rharce of larceny by bailee. Ac
cording to the charge, the gowns
which she used in the five reels
of frenzied love making had never
hen raid for or returned. When
asked whether she could obtain bail
Mary said:
J,I have onlv 85 cents.'
Her guest accompanied her to the
statio.i to try to arrange bond but
this had not been found at mid
For the first time since her "tor
tured" 19-year-old soul writhed be
fore the public some 13 years ago,
in the form ot a thin, but 'tis said,
a highly profitable octavo, Mary
went into the great silence and re
fused to talk to reporters.
Ptai, July 2'. Robert Brockman
lighted a match tc see how much
"ff.is" :e hsd in his automobile tank.
the car is gon;, as well as most of
the garage where the car wa being
Tentative Draft of Declara
tions Acceptable to Repub
licans Laid Before Chief
Executive by Sen. Spencer.
Washington, July 26. The next
important move in the senate dis
agreement over resolutions to the
peace treaty is expected to come
from President Wilson.
Having canvassed the senate
situation in .his conferences with
IS republican senators, all of
whom are said to have told
him thev would support certain
reservations, it is expected the j
president soon will make known
definitely his attitude toward such a I
course. It is indicated at the White j
House that expression of his views
on the subject might not await hit
speaking tour to begin two weeks
hence, but might be embodied in a
public statement in a few days.
This aroused great interest among
republican senators. Several repub
licans have told Mr. Wilson the
treaty never could be ratified with
out interpretative qualifications, and
Friday at the suggestion, it is un
derstood, of Republican Leader
Lodge, a tentative draft of reserva
tions indicating in general way
the trend of opinion among many
republican senators was laid before
the president by Senator Spencer,
republican, Missouri.
Now President's Move.
Leaders for reservation say it is
now the president's move.
Tfie group of republicans who are
under the lead of Senators McCum
ber, North Dakota, and McNary,
Oregon, are working on a reserva
tion program, designed to clarify
the league of nations covenant with
out vitally weakening it, believe the
president will announce his ac
ceptance of such a course and that
quick ratification of the treaty will
ensue. In their talks with Mr. Wil
son, they say, he has indicated no
radical antagonism to senate quali
fications, his only fear being that
the whole -subject might be thrown
back into renegotiation.
The president s democratic sup
porters in the senate are not in ac
cord with this view and predict he
will assert ehimself for unreserved
ratification and then go to the coun
try in an effort to fortify public
sentiment behind that stand.
Sees no Republicans.
The i president saw no republican
senators Saturday, but in a letter to
Mr. Lodge replied to inquiries about
the treaty sent to the White House
bv the foreign relations committee.
He wrote that so far as he knew, no
decision had been reached for di
vision of Germany's indemnity pay
ments under the treaty's provision
that it shall be allotted among her
erfemies "in the proportion which
ras been determined by them in ad
vance . I he letter also said Mr.
Wilson was preparing to. send the
committee papers they had asked
for in connection with the Versailles
President's Letter.
The president's letter to Mr.
Lodge said:
In response to your letter of
July 22, requesting me, -on behalf
(Continued on page (our, column four.)
Williams Denounces
as Lies Stories Told
of His Administration
Washington, July 26. General
denial of charges made against him
was entered before the senate -backing
committee by John Skelton
Williams, comptroller of the cur
rency. He defended the administra
tion of his office, denied he had
persecuted the Riggs National bank
of this city and characterized Frank
J. Hogan, attorney for bank offi
cials in the Riggs bank case, as "a
rapid fire falsifier."
Samue LTntermyer, New York
attorney, will appear in Mr. Wil
liams behalf Monday and the comp
troller plans to make a closing
In defending the treasury's atti
tude toward the Riggs National
bank, Mr. Williams charged offi
cials of that institution up to 1914
with' "multitudinous infractions of
the law
Famous Painter Dies.
London, July 26. The death is
announced of Sir Edward John
Poynter, president of the royal
academy ' '
Newport and New York So
ciety Leaders Would Enter
tain Young Wales.
London, July 26. Even the Amer
ican embassy is involved in the des
perate strategy of Newport and New
York society leaders to secure the
coveted honor of entertaining tiie
Prince of Wales during his Ameri
can visit, if only for 15 minutes at a
garden party or at some Newport
The war is on among the design
ing dames of the upper "400" and no
sione is leu unturned even tnat
supporting the door mat marked
"welcome" at the United States em
bassy in Grosvenor Gardens.
Cables Sent Davis.
From a person familiar with the
circumstances, Universal Service
learns that all 'sorts of cables are
received by Ambassador Davis from
New York, Newport and Washing
ton pleading or demanding that the
ambassador use his influence at
Buckingham to secure a modification
of the prince's announced plan to
stick to his warship during his brief
stay at New York.
"Why, some of these designing
ladies have even gone so far as to
bring influence to bear upon some
pet senator at Washington to get
him to send a personal cable to Mr.
Davis urging that he 'swing the
deal'," said my informant.
"It is a safe bet that somebody
will try to reach Mrs. Wilson, hop
ing that she'll 'put it across' with
the president."
Messages Sent Queen.
It is reported that even Queen
Mary is receiving cables, sometimes
couched in quite undiplomatic terms,
urging her to let her boy Edward
grace some Newport holiday. But
one might as well firmly and kindly
"tip off" these American society
tacticians that such delicate ap
proaches never get beyond the
queen's third assistant private sec
retary. Not without wisdom have the roy
al parents planned that their boy
should make a warship on the Hud
son his castle during his New York
sojourn. Realizing what a scramble
there would be to secure the pres
ence pf the heir to the throne, the
king and queen have emphatically
quashed anything so undignified by
hitting upon the warship scheme.
Not all the millions and influence of
the "upper 400" can change the plan
one dot.
Brands as a Falsehood Story
Emanating From Paris That
She Told Him of Case.
Representative Hudspeth Re
quests House That Yankee
Soldiers Be Sent Across Bor
der to "Jack Up" Carranza.
Midsummer "Night's Dream
Washington, July 26. President
Wilson, in a letter to Representative
Dallinger, republican, of Massachu
setts, made public, characterized as
entirely inaccurate, a recently pub
lished statement by John W. Kehofi
a hospital superintendent of the
Knights of Columbus, that Mrs.
Wilson obtained personal evidence
in Paris of brutal treatment of
American military prisoners.
A dispatch from New York quoted
Mr. Kehoe as saying -irs. Wilson
while at base hospital -No. 57 was
beckoned to the cot of a soldier who
displayed "numerous welts on his
arms and back," and that she re
ported this to the president with the
result that "the entire guard staff
were brought up on charges and re
moved." In the correspondence with the
president given outby Mr. Dallin
ger, the latter quoted from the news
paper account and asked for addi
tional information so that he might
"learn from the War department the
punishment meted out to those
The president replied as follows:
"My dear Mr. Dallinger:
"The newspaper article to which
you refer was entirely inaccurate.
Mrs. Wilson saw no evidence of vio
lence on the patient whom she met
in base hospital No. 57 and her in
quiries brought out tne fact that
whereas one of the prisons used by
the American army in Paris had
been delivered over to them in a
very bad condition, the condition?
had been rapidly corrected and such
harsh treatment as had been prac
ticed in one or two instances had
been promptly checked.
"Very sincerely vours,
With the correspondence- Mr.
Dallinger gave out a statement to
the effect that he could not reconcile
the president's favorable references
to prisons with the recent testimony
of General March, chief of staff of
the army, "showing conditions rival
ing that of Siberian prison camps."
Oklahoma Crude Oil
Christens New Ship
Philadelphia, July 26. Crude oil
from Oklahoma today christened the
Tulsa, Hog Island's forty-fifth ship.
The vessel, a 7,525-ton freighter, is
named in honor of the response
made by the citizens of the Tulsa
district to the Liberty loan drive
Miss Lula Crosby, daughter of an
Oklahoma oil operator, christened
the ship.
Says Mexico Has a Stable
Government Despite Fact
That in Isolated Sections
Bandits Remain at Large.
Washington, July 26. Outstand
ing developments in the Mexican
situation can be summarized as fol
lows: Redoubling of efforts by the gov
ernment to prevent smuggling of
arms across the border and a warn
ing by the president to citizens that
violation of the antismuggling law
would be rigorously prosecuted.
An address in the house by Rep
resentative Hudspeth, democrat,
Texas, urerinz withdrawal of the
recognition of the Carranza gov- j
ernment and military occupation of ;
Mexico by American forces until a j
stable government has been, estab
lished. Dispatch of messages to members
of the Mexican senate and house by
Henry P. Fletcher, American am
bassador to Mexico, asking their"
co-operation towards securing more
efficient and' adequate protection
for American lives in the southern
Receipt of advices by the state
department that Philip Thompson,
14-year-old son of an American citi
zen had been kidnaped by bandits
from his father's ranch, thirty miles
from Mexico City, and was being
held for 1,500 pesos ransom.
Reports of a new outbreak of anti
American propaganda by Mexican
newspapers, especially those recog
nized as Carranza organs in Mexico
City. Officials believe the kidnaping
o-fTfounp Thompson is a direct re
sult of the inflammation of public
opinion by this propaganda.
Embassy Issues. Statement.
Issuing of a statement by the
Mexican embasrv declaring that
Mexico today has a stable govern
ment, although bandits are at large
in some districts and reminding the
American people that it was several
years after the civil war before or
der was fully restored throughout
the south.
The ambassador's statement fol
lows: ,
"Mexico today has a stable gov
ernment. True, there are some dis
tricts in which a few bandits are at
large. Mexico is in the aftermath
of a civil war and the conditions in
these few areas are such as have fol
lowed such struggles in all lands. In
your own south it was many years
after Appomatox before conditions
were restored to normal and your
central government was occupied a
long time in the work of pacifica
tion in a few of the remoter dis
tricts. Yet, because the James boys,
the Apache Kid, Geronimo and other
bandits in the southwest continued
their depredations after the civil
war, no one would have urged that
the American government was 'un
stable.' Compare West of U. S.
"In addition to the after effects of
the civil strife there are -parts of
(Continued on page four, column five.)
Temperature Equals
High Mark of Year;
No Heat Prostrations
Although the mercury climbed to
101 yesterday, no heat prostrations
were reported at Central station.
On only one other day this year
has the thermometer reached the
101 point, and that was on July 9.
With many business houses clos
ing at noon, Omahans crowded re
sorts and bathing beaches to obtain
relief from the hot wind.
Country roads were crowded with
autoists seeking respite.
The fire department spent a busy
afternoon. Nine calls were sounded
between 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock.
At 5 a. m. the thermometer
registered 79 degrees. At 2 p. m.
it had risen to 98, and at 3 it had
found the century mark. Between
4 and 5 o'clock it had reached 101,
tying the previous record of the
Relief is promised by weather
man Welsh, who predicts thunder
showers Sunday and cooler weather.
Seamen Not Satisfied.
New York, July 26. Despite set
tlement of the strike of the Inter
national Seamen's union, ships will
not sail from Atlantic or Gulf ports
until demands of the ocean marine
engineers' union, not considered in
the settlement, are granted, accord
ing to a statement by B. L. Todd,
business manager of the union-
E.-L Krause Loses Life and
E. L. Wilmoth Is Injured in
Accident Near FrenicM
Plunge 200 Feet.
Fremont, Neb., July 26. (Special
Telegram.) E. L. Krause of
Lincoln was killed and E. L. Wil
moth, son of Dr. E. L. Wilmoth of
Lincoln was seriously injured
when an airplane in which they flew
from Lincoln was wrerked a mile
west of Fremont late Saturday.
Wilmoth was acting as pilot of the
machine when the accident hap
pened. Krause suffered a concus
sion of the brain. He was 32 years
The two aviators had made a land
ing on the tractor grounds north
west of Fremont when they failed
to locate the landing field for air
planes. When they started up again
they had trouble and when about
200 feet in the air the machine
dashed to the earth.
Motor Truck Train to
Cross the Missouri On
Army-Built Pontoons
The United States army transport
train traveling from Washington, D.
C, to San Francisco is due to ar
rive in Omaha Tuesday morning,
and will cross the Missouri river on
a pontoon bridge constructed by its
own engineers, according to a tele
gram received at the Omaha army
recruiting station yesterday.
The train is now at Cedar Rapids
la., and is scheduled to arrive in
Council Bluffs at 2 o'clock Mon
day afternoon. Tuesday morning
the crossing of the Missouri river
will be made. Lt. R. J. Dorrin, ad
vance publicity officer of the train,
will arrive in Omaha Sunday morn
ing. Disorder Breaks
Out in Capital of
Alsace - Lorraine
Berlin, July 26. (By Associated
Press.) Disorderly conditions in
Strasbourg, the capital of Alsace, are
reported in advices received here.
Sangjiinary conflicts between the
French military and civilians are al
leged to have occurred.
Former Provisional Head of
Hungary and Suite Held
Berlin, July 26. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Count Michael
Karolyi, former Hungarian pro
visional president, his wife and his
entire suite havebeen arrested and
are detained at Prague, according
to the Vossische Zeitung.
Five Perish in Fire.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 26. Mrs.
Anna Gump, a widow, and four
children, were suffocated in their
home here Saturday. Two other
children were rescued. The -fire
started in the basement from an un
knowu cause
Trapped by Flames, 70 Men
Submerge in Stream Up to
Their Necks.
Missoula, Mont., July 26. A crew
of nearly 70 men," fighting a fire in
the Selway forest last Thursday was
trapped by the flames and saved
themselves by leaping into a stream
where they remained up to their
necks until the fire had passed. A
horse was lost and several persons
injured, their saddles being burned
from their backs. All the men's
camping equipment was destroyed.
Word of the narrow escape reached
district headquarters here today.
Hopes Given Setback.
Boise, Idaho,(july 26. Hopes of
federal forestry and interior de
partment representatives here di
recting forest fire campaigns that
conditions were better in the forests
and on the public domain where
fires hnve ben raging the last four
weeks, were given a setback, Satur
day evening, when reports received
from the Fitsum and Hazard creek
blazes' indicated a serious situation.
Reports from these fires were
that the high winds of Friday after
noon continued into the night and
if this is the condition at other
points in the fire area the fires may
have reached alarming proportions.
Telephone service betwen the fires
and the local offices is bad, and no
reports have been received from
several of the fires that were threat
ening to overpower the cFews Fri
day afternoon.
Married by Wireless
2,000 Feet in the Air
A A 1
Army Airplane
New York, July 26. Traveling 80
miles an hour, 2,000 feet in the air,
Lieut. George Burgess, army avia
tion corps, and Miss Emily Schaefer
of Brooklyn were married Saturday
by wireless telephone. The cere
mony was conducted by the Rev. Dr.
Alex Woutere, from another air
plane, piloted by Lieut. Eugene H.
Hartsdale, best man, while the ma
chines circled above 200,000 persons
attending a police field day at
Sheepshead Bay speedway.
The bridesmaids, who were in the
grandstand, had wireless telephone
connection with the airplanes.
Lowden and Harding
Presidential Possibilities
Washington, July 26. Talk turned
to "favorite sons during a lull in
the house and the names of Gover
nor Lowden, Illinois, and Senator
Harding, Ohio, both republicans,
were mentioned in connection with
the presidential nomination.
Representative Dennispn, Illinois,
declared in a speech that the dele
gation from that state would present
the governor's name to the repub
lican convention and Representative
Emerson, Ohio, said that Senator
Harding would be the choice of the
Buckeye state delegation. .
Stahlberg Heads Finns.
Helsingfors, July 26. The Finnish
diet today elected Prof. K. J. Stahl
berg president of the republic
Men Representing Hundreds
of Millions of Dollars Guests
of Local Chamber of
Big business, representing hun
dreds of millions of dollars of the
leading industries of the United
tates, will be in Omaha today.
At 9 a. m. this morning 35 promi
nent leaders of American business
life, officers and members of the
Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, organized seven
years ago at the call of former
-President Taft and fojmer Secre
tary Nagel, will arrive over the
The party will' remain until 4:25
in the afternoon, when they will
continue their journey to the Pa
cific coast. C. C. George, the
Omaha member of the national
chamber, will join the delegation
here and continue the tour, which
will end in Chicago August 17.
A busy day is scheduled for the
visitors in the Nebraska metropo
lis. Prominent Omaha business
men. members of the local Chamber
of Commerce, will meet the party
and escort the guests in automo
biles to the club rooms in the
Woodmen of the World building.
A view of the Gate City apd the
surrounding country will be given
the visitors from atop the Wodmen
of the World skyscraper.
The morning will be largely spent
in touring the city. Principal points
of interest will be visited and the
big industries of Omaha pointed
out to the visitors.
The visitors will be guests of the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce at 1
o'clock luncheon at the Country
club. -The remainder of the after
noon until train time will be spent
informally. Golf on the Country
club links will be a diversion.
Approve "Workshop" Plan.
Chicago, July 26. Tentative ap
proval was given in informal discus
sion of plans for a "workshop" for
all American business which the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
States proposes to build at Wash
ington. The building, which it has
been estimated would cost $2,500,000.
will be made a memorial to Ameri
can business in the world war and
will be the Washington home of
business where - national problems
will be worked out.
Harry Wheeler of Chicago, of the
committee on finance -and building,
was authorized by the officers and
directors who gathered here before
starting on a western tour, to pro
ceed with the work' of obtaining sub
scriptions for the building fund. It
is expected the entire cost of the
project will be donated.
Berlin Planning to Levy
Loan of Fifty Billion Dollars
Berlin. July 26. The government
intends shortly to levy a loan of
200.000.000,000 marks ($50,000,000,
000) at 2 per cent, according to, the
Koclnische Zeitung. Citizens will
be forced to subscribe to the loan
in proportion to their mean
, -
Teuton Minister of Finance
Says Militarists Cannot Free
Themselves of Guilt Before
Country, History, Conscience,
Offers Rejected Owing to As
cendancy of War Lords, at
Time, Vice Premier Tells
Members of Assembly.
Berlin, July 26. (By the Assot
ciated Press.) Peace overtures to
Germany by Great Britain and,
France were made through the"
Vatican in August, 1917. Mathias
Erzberger, vice premier and minis--ter
of finance, declared in the Ger
man national assembly Saturday,
He said Germany rejected these
Monsignor Pasclli, papal nuncio
to Munich, on August 13, 1917, ad
dressed a note to Imperial Chancel
lor Michaelis, enclosing a telegram
from the British minister at the'
Vatican to the papal secretary of
state, to which the French govern
ment assented. The British note.
Herr Erzberger explained, -asked
for a German declaration for, Bel
gian independence and comrjensa
tion and inquired as to what
guarantee Germany would need for
itself. . : r
Chancellor Michaelis did not an
swer for four weeks; then, Septem
ber 14, he wrote that the situation
for giving such a declaration was
not yet sufficiently clear. ;
More Revelations Promised.'
Herr Erzberger promised more
important revelations within a few
days. Monsignor Paselli's noje
said: , r
"I have the honor herewith ' to
transmit to your excellency" a copy
of a telegram which his excellency,
the king of England's minister at
the Vatican, has named to the car
dinal secretary of state. The French
government gives its assent to state
ments made in the aforementioned
telegram and his eminence ear
nestly desires actively to" continue
his efforts for the speedy settlement
of a just and lasting peace, such as
the imperial government has shown
a conciliatory readiness to accept. ,
"Your excellency's attention ji
drawn to the point in the telegram
relative to Belgium, with a view t
obtaining, firstly, a positive declaraj
tion regarding the imperial govern
ment's intention with respect toBeli
gitim's complete independence and
compensation for damage caused
Belgium through the war; secondly;
a definite statement of guarantee?
for political, economic and military
independence, which Germany del
sires. j.
Important Step Taken. - -
"If these declarations have a sat
isfactory effect, his eminence
thinks an important step will have
been taken towards the further de
velopment of negotiations. As ft
matter of fact the minister of Great
Britain has informed his govern
ment that the holy see will iply
to the communications made in the
aforesaid telegram as soon .as it has
received the imperial government's
"It may be permitted for my part
to give expression to my firm con
viction that by using your influence
in all highest quarters on behalf of
the papal proposal and for this peace
work your excellency will 'gain the'
eternal thanks of the fatherland, and
the whole of humanity, if a concilia
tory, reply be obtained which can
open up the prospect of peace ne
gotiations," .: : j..
Not Allowed to PublishJ
Herr Erzberger said that the gW
ernment had asked permission to;
(Continued on page four, column four.) J
House Recess Will
Hold Up Prohibition
Enactment Law
Washington, July 26. Legislation
for the enforcement of wartime and
constitutional prohibition probably
will not be enacted for two month
as the result of the decision of re
publican leaders to have the house
recess ffom August 2 to Septem
ber 8. ' ,-. ;
Senate leaders have indicated that
many changes would be made in the
house bill and shouldthe, senate pass
its measure before the house reconi
vened in September considerable"
time would elapse before final en
actment as the difficulties between,
the senate and house would have to,
be thrashed out in conference.
. Final decision to have the house
recess was reached Saturday after
conferences between republican
leaders of the two houses. Little,
opposition to the plan was expressed
by senators, it was said, but there;
was no suggestion that the senaW