Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Til Associated I'rcM. of which Tha Bm U a member, ti n
eluslnb enUtlsd tn ths um for publication of all nawa dlspalcaas
endltsd to It or not ounrwta. credited la IhU MP, and alao
Dm local nsws published herein. All rlftata of publication of our
special dispatches ara alao reamd.
IMrata Branch Iiohanta. Aak for tka Trl 0 1 flflfl
Department or Particular raraon Wanted. 1 Jlvl A VW
For Nlfht or Sunday Service Call:
Cdltorlal Denartmait Tyler 10001
Circulation Department ...... Trlar 1O0SL.
AdrerUalnt Department ..... Tjlar 100HU
Homa Office, Baa Building. lTth and ramam.
Branca Offlcaa:
Ames 411 North 14th (Park
Benssa tlU Military in. houtn 81da
Council Bluff! 14 N. Main fvinton
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Out-of-Town Offices!
New York City rtfth Ara. IWaahlmton 1S11 O Stmt
Chicago Barter Bldf. lUnooln 1.130 H Btraat
Daily 64,611 Sunday 61,762
Averts circulation for tha month aubacrlbad and rwora to by
B. B Ruan. Circulation Manager. ,
Subscribers laavlnf tha city ahould hava Tha Boo mailed
to them. Addroaa changed as often aa raquaatad.
MIS Laaran worth
S318 N Strait
J4S7 South lth
81 North 40th
You should know that
Omaha is the nearest large city to
the geographical center of the
United States.
The council might take up Sunday ice again.
Well, if the girls want to go without them,
who it to lay nay?
Thii "slightly warmer" thing is gradually
urging towards a hot wave.
Lines between the senate and the executive
art drawing tauter, but the senate has the votes.
The ex-kaiser may not be tried in London,
but that does not mean he will not be tried in
The president still intends taking his tour
of the country. He will be a welcome guest
in Omaha.
The peace treaty is blocking prohibition in
the senate. Funny how these little things keep
getting in the way.
' Beta Kun would like safe transport to Ar
gentina, but that country may object it already
has enough anarchists.
- Jlr. Burleson's justly celebrated air mail is
Interrupted by a strike of the flyers. That man
does have his troubles.
; Around a million dollars a day is being paid
out in Omaha now for new wheat, if you want
to know what is" making "times" good here.
Secretary Lansing is discreetly noncommit
tal, as becomes a well trained diplomat, but his
memoirs will make good reading in years to
The Wall Street Journal says the president's
homecoming was in time to save the nation,
which was rapidly drifting to the state of a re
public again.
Georgia swings into line with Louisiana in
repudiating woman's suffrage. The fewer voters
the easier it is for the democratic bosses to
control elections. '
The only real quiet town is the dead one,
i but a lot of the noise now made in Omaha could
: be suppressed without detriment to the city's
activity in any line.
The mayor says it is "salt pork and is used
at fnnrl hv rertain class of workers." What
1 Aa voti mean, "certain class?" And whv not
give that class a chance to get a bite of meat
at a price within their reach?
. Secretary Baker long ago gave the reason
for not putting the surplus stock of army food
on sate. He did not want to break the market.
In other words, he would rather see the food
rot in the warehouses than have the price come
down to the consumer.
British coal miners have settled their strike,
but none too soon. If other workers will cut
out their foolishness and get down to business,
they will soon be collecting wages that are
not being earned now. Good times only exist
when men are at work producing the wealth
out of which wages are paid.
"Six golden years of democracy" will close
with the nation thirty billions in debt. It is
Hot all due to the war, either, for right in the
middle of these golden years the country was
running behind on its ordinary expenses at the
rate of a million dollars a day. In the first
two golden years a surplus of $150,000,000 left
In .the treasury by the republicans was con
Verted into a $150,(Lj,000 deficit by the demo
crats. Indeed, the democratic party can rest
on its record, but not easily.
Caveat Emptor in Mexico
' A reader takes solace out of the reflection
that Mexican oil lands threatened with confis
cation are properly so because title to them
goes back to royal grants of territory and there
fore lacks the authority of the sovereign peo
ple. He does not see why the people of the
United States should concern themselves in
guaranteeing title to property which originally
was estowed by some decadent monarch upon
a wasteful nobelman to the injury of the com
mon people.
He does not reflect well upon the rights of
the common American citizen who honorably
invests his savings and his diligence in these oil
lands. Let it be assumed that lands, now be
come ' valuable through oil discoveries, were
originally granted to court favorites. The rem
edy for that evil does not lie in applying an
other evil 200 years later. Public welfare al
ways is predominant, but not to the injury of
the individual; which is to say that if the prop
erty of an individual is required by the state
there is a just and equitable means of serving
both state and individual in that the state can
condemn the individual's property but must
make proper compensation.
If the purchaser, American, of course, must
beware in Mexico, there is little comfort to him
for his investments and his labor.
: It doesn't matter much what excuse is em
ployed if the net result is confiscation. Con
fiscation implies the nonright of the individual.
The French might as well disavow the Louisi
ana purchase as contrary to public policy and
dispossess us of the whole middle west. Chi
cago Tribune.
The president persists in the secretiveness
that hat marked his course for the last few
years, and declines to send to the senate the
treaty separately negotiated with France. His
purpose may only be surmised. It was the un
derstanding that the two treaties he brought
home from Paris were to be considered to
gether, and as such they were treated in Lon
don and are now before the French assembly.
Just why Mr. Wilson prefers to divide them
here must wait for such time as he is willing to
divulge his reasons.
This is not the only feature of the transac
tion on which the White House is withholding
information from the senate. The treaty has
been published, and its text is known, just as
was the text of the main treaty in advance of
its delivery to the senate. Requests for details
with regard to the private compacts between
England, France and Japan have not been com
plied with. Senators are given confidentially
such insight into the secrets of the Paris coun
cil as the president thinks may sway them in
their judgment, but the open light of publicity
is not yet thrown on the transactions, the re
sult of which is so vitally important to America.
Democratic senators who support the presi
dent in his mysterious movements lay great
stress on the point that the action of this coun
try will affect the world. Admitting this, it
remains true that the action to be taken will
affect America first. The people are entitled to
know all that is contained in the agreements
they are asked to give assent to. It is just
as certain that they are not being told all, any
more than th?y were told all in 1916, when the
administration knew that war was only a little
ways ahead, and yet kept up the cry that we
were being kept out of war.
Why is it not wise to trust the people, and
to make known all the essential facts con
nected with the treaty now under consideration?
Japan Rattles the Saber.
Our Japanese friends are most engaging
when they are most frank. A charming sim
plicity has marked their course on all points in
connection with the peace negotiations, so that
any who complains' of being deceived must ad
mit having practiced the deception, for the
Japanese have been direct in all their moves.
They boldly demanded Kiau-Chau and its
hinterland as the price of their services in the
war. If denied this, they proposed to press the
racial question, which means their admission to
the United States on an equality with white
immigrants. Given their territorial plunder,
they allowed to be waived the recognition of
their pretensions on racial lines.
Now that American opposition has arisen
against the Shantung grab, Japan hints that in
event of failure to receive satisfaction on this,
the race question will be renewed. In America
this issue is important. Once it was fairly well
adjusted by the Hay-Takahira "gentlemen's
agreement," put this has been done away with
by the muddling methods of the Bryan admin
istration of the State department, and the point
is one open for discussion. It does not seem
reasonable that Mr. Wilson's decision of the
Shantung case in favor of Japan could have
been m any way influenced by the immigration
question or the California situation. In this
connection it may be recalled that Mr. Bryan,
when secretary of state, visited Sacramento,
personally to appeal to the' legislature to pass
no land or educational laws that might em
barrass the administration in its diplomatic
dealings with the Tokyo government.
We are not seeking, war with Japan, but we
are asked to subscribe to an injustice that
Japan may be appeased to a point where it will
not threaten America. To accelerate the action
of congress, the Japanese charge d'affaires at
Washington suggests the race question may be
opened by the senate's action. It might en
lighten him to carefully look over the history of
the last two or three years. Shaking a saber is
a poor way to approach Americans.
Women and the Democratic Party.
It is a curious coincidence that almost at the
moment the missioners of distracted democracy
were telling the women of Omaha how much
that party has done for them, the legislature of
Georgia was refusing by an overwhelming vote
to ratify the suffrage amendment.
Mrs. Antoinette Funk, able attorney, spent
a considerable part of her time eulogizing Sen
ator Gilbert Monell Hitchcock, evidently in
ignorance of the fact that the women- of Ne
braska know that on three occasions his vote
alone defeated the Susan B. Anthony amend
ment. This in spite of the fact the president
had made a personal appeal to the democratic
senators to support the measure.
Mrs. Bass praised the president for the child
labor law, but did not make it plain that that
measure was passed by republican votes over
democratic opposition. Nor did she allude to
the more significant fact that it was killed in
one of the strongholds of the party, where it
turns for its support, and from whence it de
rives its votes in congress.
These champions of a failing cause must
hold the intelligence of the women rather
cheap, if they think they are to be deceived
by such buncombe.
Densmore on the Mooney Case.
The Densmore report on the Mooney case,
brought into the house of representatives at
the instance of Blanton of Texas, may or may
not have the effect of securing a retrial of this
case. It is not news to a large part of the pub
lic, for much of it already has been widely pub
lished. Mr. Blanton's point is to determine to
what extent the federal government may inter
fere with the process of state courts. In this
instance, the justification will rest on the pub
lic interest and the uncertainty that surrounded
all the steps in the Mooney trial. For the pres
ent the guilt or innocence of the defendant is
not so much a matter of public concern. What
the people want to know is, Did he have a fair
trial? A very large element of the public
thinks he did not. This impression was
heightened by the commutation of his sentence
from death to life imprisonment. An investi
gation is in order, to settle once and for good
the question as to whether the proceedings in
court at San Francisco were proper.
Chairman Cummings gives Mr. Wilson
credit for the income tax and the federal re
serve bank law, but he might as well have in
cluded the Fourth of July. The income tax
amendment was submitted by a republican sen
ate, and the Glass bill was merely the Aldrich
bill with scarcely the change of a letter.
Ed Howe's Wisdom
Ed Howe's Monthly.
"I do not doubt," nearly every opponent of
President Wilson says, "that he has high
ideals." Nor do I; but it is his High Ideals I
object to. A High Ideal man is one thing; a
sensible, prudent, useful, experienced man is
another. It is foolish to say that Woodrow
Wilson was our greatest man until accidentally
made president by the treachery of W. J. Bryan
to his friend, Champ Clark. Mr. Wilson's High
Ideals have just about ruined us.
Colonel House does not seem to have decided
whether he will run for re-election. If he de
cides there is a chance for him, he will run, of
President Wilson seems to me to be a man
who takes a greater interest in the literary
rather than the material side of a question.
At the Peace Conference, he considered what
would make a good speech, a good State Paper,
and neglected our actual interests. Mr. Wilson
does not know what is going on as do several
others who make fewer speeches; but he knows
the literary side of the war better than any
other leader engaged.
Members of the Republican Congress know
President Wilson is a gross and dangerous
sentimentalist; but his utterances are so beauti
ful that they are ashamed to oppose them. So
we are all going to hell shouting, believing we
are going to heaven.
What should be the attitude of a citizen to
ward his government? I am a citizen, and taxes
are very high. I note that the government
lately spent $700,000 in an experimental ocean
flight which amounted to nothing whatever in
practical results. I note that the government
is establishing lines carrying mail with aero
planes, when weather permits, and expending
tremendous sums foolishly. I do not believe
in these things. Have I right to complain, be
ing a taxpayer and voter? I never pick up a
newspaper that I do not note similar unwar
ranted extravagance, although the country is
almost bankrupt. The king and queen of Bel
gium are coming shortly, to be the guests of
the president and his wife. There will be an
enormous bill for their entertainment. It seems
to me that in the present emergency we should
cut expenses to the bone, and try to get our
affairs on a sane basis again. But instead of
that we are spending as foolishly, as unneces
sarily, as we did when the war furnished some
sort of excuse.
Henry Ford's Ignorance
Amusement jostles surprise in the press com
ment upon what is called Henry Ford's ignor
ance, revealed in his examination as a court wit
ness. But the test might have been reversed
with equally interesting results.
Mr. Stevenson questioned Mr. Ford upon his
torical events; upon characters, like Benedict
Arnold, that every schoolboy knows about and
forgets on examination day; upon "mobile arm
ies" and other war technicalities that did not in
terest the plaintiff in his pacifist days, Mr. Ford
hardly shone in answering but are there not
many business men, and even fat-feed profes
sionals, who would have blundered as badly?
Suppose Mr. Ford, turned questioner, were
to ask Mr. Stevenson about ohms and amperes,
ignition sparks and injectors, vacuums and lub
ricants, tensile and shearing strains, the design
differences of combustion engines for road
work, farm tractors and lumber-hauling. If the
lawyer runs his own automobile he might man
age for a while, but he would soon begin to
flounder in the depths of an innocent ignorance.
The fact is, of course, that Mr. Ford has a
vast fund of useful knowledge, first-hand, ac
curate and on tap. All mentare ignorant some
where; even the learned Dr. Johnson misdefined
a horse's "pastern" in his dictionary, and gave
"ignorance, madam; pure ignorance," as the
sufficient excuse. Most of Mr. Ford's critics
could easily be tangled up themselves in an ex
amination directed by skilled counsel along
lines remote from their daily experience. New
York World.
Prices Remain High
Nearly eight months have elapsed since the
armistice was signed. During that period war
activities have been brought near to an end, the
army has been three-fourths demobilized and
the peace treaty has been signed. And yet the
cost of living has not been appreciably reduced
and many prices range above war levels.
Here is a situation which demands the im
mediate attention of the government. It is
worthy the best thought of statesmen and econ
omists, for it has a direct and important bearing
upon the happiness and well being of the
American people. The price of bread and meat
is a much more vital issue to at least 100,000,000
people in this country than are the boundary
lines of Poland or social conditions in Czecho
slovakia. Conditions are becoming intolerable to a
Urge portion of the American population. Ar
isans who are earning higher wages than ever
before find that their increased earnings mean
little, since the cost of living has advanced in
even greater proportions. The man or woman
of moderate salary whose income has not appre
ciably increased is faced by an even greater
problem. The necessities of life cost more than
ever before, and show no tendency downward.
The situation demands careful and instant con
sideration. Washington Post.
Life on Tristan da Cunha.
One of the loneliest inhabited spots on the
globe is Tristan da Cunha, a small and rugged
island between Cape Colony and South Amer
ica. It was occupied by some British artillery
in 1817 for the purpose of keeping an addi
tional watch on the island of St. Helena when
Napoleon was a prisoner. On his death in 1821,
all the soldiers were withdrawn except three
men, who, with some whale hunters, founded
the tiny settlement, now numbering 75 people
In this lonely settlement there is neither strong
drink nor crime, and the inhabitants are healthy
and strong-lived. The only regular communi
cation with the outside world is a visit from a
warship once a year.
The Day We Celebrate.
George Bernard Shaw, dramatic author and
critic, born in Dublin 63 years ago.
Emmet D. Boyle, governor of Nevada, born
at Virginia City, Nev., 40 years ago.
Rt. Rev. James Wise, coadjutor bishop of
the Episcopal diocese of Kansas, born in Dun
dee, Scotland, 43 years ago.
Edward M. House, intimate friend of Presi
dent Wilson and member of the American
peace commission, born at Houston, Tex., 61
years ago.
James K. Vardaman, late United States sen
ator from Mississippi, born in Jackson county,
Mississippi, 58 years ago.
George Barr McCutcheon, author of many
popular novels, born in Tippecanoe county, In
diana, 53 years ago.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
Jim Stephenson's famous tally-ho is being
repainted with a beautiful emerald tint,
preparatory to a trip to Yellowstone park.
Hon. Alvin Saunders and wife have returned
from the east
R. C. Patterson and wife will soon sail for a
two months' tour of Europe.
Fred Loewe, who has been in business in
Omaha for several years, and recently with J.
L. Brandeis & Sons, leaves for West Point,
Neb., where he will open a first-class shoe store.
v Parson Savitlge's Defense.
Omaha, July 25. To the Editor
or The Bee: In your paper l no
ticed a brief editorial, which reads
as follows:
"A parson who will wed a 16-year-old
girl to a grown man at 1 in the
mernlng may have added another
notch to his record, but hehas done
the girl and society alike a bad
I have no doubt that your edi
torial referred to the marriage of
Henry L. Thompson and Lillian E.
Schultz, whom I married at my resi
dence on Wednesday morning last.
Please allow me to call your atten
tion to two things in connection with
this marriage:
For a number of years past I have
known Mr. Thompson's family very
well. Mrs. Nattie Thompson, the
aunt of the groom, was my matron
at the House of Hope for months,
and through her I knew some other
members of the family, especially
Henry Thompson and his sister, who
came in the early evening to engage
my services for this marriage. They
informed me that the bride was
coming from another city by train,
and that was the reason for solemn
izing the marriage at such an un
common hour. Having known these
people as I did, I took their word
as absolute truth, but it was a down
right fabrication.
I call your attention to another
important point: The court of
Douglas county had passed on the
age of these parties, and that court
had declared to me in writing that
the bridegroom was 23 years and
that the bride was 18 years old.
And I certainly supposed that I
could depend upon the findings of
the. court. If I cannot do so who
can I depend upon, and please allow
me to say as long as young people
can go to our court and deliber
ately commit an act of perjury and
then the court afterwards pay no
attention to this crime, but let them
go scott free, just that long we shall
have these conditions. Mr. Henry
Thompson should be held strictly
accountable for his acts before that
Under these circumstances I am
not to blame.
Pastor People's Church.
Against the Lentrue.
Omaha, Neb., July 23.- To the
rviitr,,. of Tha ltpp: I enclose my
vote aeainst the league of nations,
and for the first time l as you to
va in VOlir valuable
paper to express my view in this
T or.i nnnnaoil tn the SO-Called
league of nations because it looks
too much as an alliance Deiween
,...A.a anA tho result can be
another alliance more powerful to
oppose this one. I am also opposed
to the league because the Balkan
..o famiiinr tn me have
alAkca ....... . , j
been always a source of trouble and
the league, instead or settling ineir
condition, has made them worse
than ever. Consequently the result
will be more wars. Under such cir
cumstances the league is not worth
the paper.
I h-ve the greatest consideration
for our senators opposing the league
and only can feel sorry fcr those
who accept it. The binding treaty
between United States and France
I also don't approve. I can see no
reason why we shall cross the ocean
to go to war on account to save the
bacon for any country in Europe.
Solution for Social Evils.
Fremont. Neb., July 21. To the
Editor of The Bee: Owing to con
gestion of population in Omaha and
unfair working conditions for the
laborer every able person should
contribute to The Bee milk and ice
fund. Contributions will help cure
industrial conditions, but plans
should be laid to prevent these
wrongs in our country. The thing
for the people of Omaha to do in
order to help keep your populace on
an even keel is to plat acreage in
the suburbs and offer every induce
ment to start a movement back to
the land. A single acre will feed
and comfortably clothe a fair-sized
family and it will not require a
deathly drain upon a person's
vitality to care for it either. A
good pure-bred goat will supply
sufficient milk, much richer than
cow tnilk, and the cost of keeping
a goat is almost nothing.
This country does not need state
owned mills, elevators, packing
houses and creameries. It needs
more of the spirit of co-operation
and the simple life which begets
health and the wealth of clear
What we need in Nebraska to
keep us from following in the wake
of North Dakota is a graduated
property tax that will confiscate im
mense wealth and cause its possess
ors to put their holdings in other
people's names. Factory owners
will then take their employes into
partnership and the spirit of co
operative work would grow.
We have one man in our town
who owns nearly 2,000 acres and I
am Informed upon reliable authority
that he exacts as much as one-half
the crop plus $1 per acre rent for
the land. The owner is a good
citizen with many good qualities, but
his acts create a species of slavery
that robs his tenants of their free
dom of action and thought. If we
had a graduated property tax this
man would take more interest in
his fellow men and look for men
who were capable of becoming part
owners of his land.
"Lord" Scully owns thousands of
acres in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas and
Nebraska and it is only a question
of time when it must be taken away
from him, unless owing to present
big wages among laborers and their
accompanying freedom of thought
he may be unable to find slaves to
help perpetuate a lordly title of
which Americans do not approve.
I'M foir.To buy A Puppy
(In thli itory Peggy and Billy maet
their old frlende of Blrdland and seek
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.)
Seeking the Rainbow's End.
t"DAINBOW new, Rainbow old,
"Where, oh! where's your pot
of gold?"
Peggy gazed excitedly out toward
the east, where a beautiful arch of
many colors panned the evening
sky. As she gazed she made up the
words of her little song, trilling them
in gladness that the summer thun
derstorm was past.
"Pot of gold? What do you mean
by pot of gold?" General Swallow
swooped down from the misty air to
shrill this question at her.
"Why, haven't you heard the
story? They say a pot of gold is
buried at the end of the rainbow,
waiting for whoever comes to find
"Would you like to have that pot of
gold?" asked General Swallow,
alighting on a nearby bush.
"Of course I would," replied Peg
gy, promptly.
"And would you give half of It
to Billy Belgium if he helped you
find it?"
"Well, here comes Billy now
give him his half," shrilled General
Swallow, waving his wing in greet
ing to Billy, who was chasing a toy
airplane across the lawn.
"But I haven't any pot of gold,"
"Hoo! Hoo!" called Juda;e Owl from
the darkness of the Woods.
spoke up Peggy quickly. "It's burled
at tho end of the rainbow."
"There's the rainbow in the eky,
and there's the end of it right In the
woods ot Blrdland. All you hava to
do is to go and find the gold."
This sounded very easy as General
Swallow said it, but somehow Peggy
had her doubts of its being as easy
as it sounded.
"That's a good idea," spoke up
Billy. "Come on, Peggy! Let's go."
"But by the time we got to Bird
land the rainbow would be gone,"
argued Peggy. "Rainbows never
stay long."
"I wish we had wings like General
Swallow!" exclaimed Billy.
"Your wish shall be granted,"
promised General Swallow, and with
that he mounted rapidly into the
sky,, calling out loudly: "Bolllckety
leaves! Gollickety leaves for Prin
cess Peggy and Billy Belgium!"
From hedbes, shrubbery, shade
trees, orchards, and woods rose
dozens of birds, and they cried out
as loudly as General Swallow: "Go
lickety leaves! Golickety leaves for
Princess Peggy and Billy Belgium!"
Then swift as arrows Carrie and
Homer Pigeon came rushing up,
bearing tiny sprays of leaves. Peggy
and Billy quickly recognized the
leaves as being from the magic Go
lickety shrub, and they eagerly tasted
"Golickety swift, golickety small,
"When summer is past, why then
comes the fall."
So sang the birds, and instantly
PeRgv and Billy were as tiny as Gen
eral Swallow, while Billy's airplane
became large and filled with power.
Peggy and Billy hopped into it and
away they went in high glee, the
birds followed behind.
So fast they traveled, 'they thought
they must come close to the end of
the rainbow, in a hurry, but though
they flew and flew and flew it still
seemed as far away as ever.
"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" called Judge
Owl from the darkness of the woods.
"Where are you going so swiftly?"
"Aha! Judge Owl is a wise old
bird, maybe he can tell us how to get
to the rainbow's end," said Billy,
steering the air plane so that it
circled around and came down beside
the hollow tree where Judge Owl
had his nest.
"Why do you seek the rainbow's
end?" hooted Judge Owl.
"To get the pot of gold that's
buried there!"
"Hoot! Hoot! Go back home this
intant!" warned Judge Owl.
"There's danger in that pot of gold."
"We re not afraid," shouted Billy,
sending the airplane sailing up-
Bristles are set in the ends of a
new coat hanger so it can be used as
a brush.
Spanish experiments are making
ruel brlsquets by compressing rice
husks and tar.
Sheep are used as beasts of bur
den in northern India and carry
20-pound loads.
Exports certified for shipment to
the United States from Matamoraa.
Mexico, were worth $1,804,824 in
1918, cattle valued at $1,127,787, and
dry cattle hides at $154,106, forming
the chief items of trade.
Two French scientists contend
that 10 per cent of the chickens in
that country have tuberculosis and
that the disease runs as high as 28
per cent among poultry in some
other countries.
To economize in the use of gas a
cover for gas ranges has been pat
ented in which the heat of each
burner can be confined to an open
ing above it or divided among two
or more openings.
The average profit from an acre of
Maine blueberry land is said to be
about $100, and as no fertilizer or
cultivation is necessary these ber
ries are a quick and profitable crop.
This is one of Washington county's
big industries. For instance, the
whole section from Porcupine Moun
tain to the East Machias line Is
practically all blueberry land. Sev
eral factories are devoted to the
canning of the berries in this season.
According to the report of the
governor of the canal zone for
April, the number of oceangoing
commercial vessels passing through
the Panama canal for the month
was 161, exclusive of eight United
States government ships on which
no tolls were levied, other naval
ships and launches. Classifications
are shown in the following tabula
tion: Net tonnage of the 161 com
mercial ships aggregate 480,867,
Panama canal measurement.
Look In at Our East Show
iJeiore irivestirtc
irv a new pmrvo
before giviivcj
a. piano for weddirvr
or lrirtkclay or
otker occa.siorv
give a. half-kotxr's
time to investigation.
oTtke TcmionKc5on
f ot car9bractor. of tru
C Inert you; will
realize wky it is tke
world's finest piano,
unapproacKed by
any otke r bar ru?ne-
is now on exhibition. 'Tis the
secret of the supremacy of this
wonderful piano. Step inside and
have it explained.
You will buy no other when
demanding the best.
1513 Douglas Street.
The Art and Mutic Store.
There Is a stately tree that stands
Amidst the sloping pasture lands
Where dew-lapped cattle stray and
When day unfolds or night expands
There runs a muslo through its boughs.
When up the northern skies are rolled
The pale auroras, fold on fold.
Like banners limned with strange de
vice, It chants the sagas of the cold.
The crystal lyrics jt the Ice.
When swallows come on soaring wing,
And tanagers and bluebirds bring
Omens of violet and rose,
It flings the flute note of the spring
Down every wandering wind that blows.
When softller slip the shrunken streams,
And sultrily the bee balm gleams.
And tio harsh voice the twilight mars, i
It breathes the summers poppled dreams
Unto the leaning, listening stars.
And when along each woodland lane
There Is the driven drift of rain,
And fall of frosted leaves and sere,
It sounds the autumn's plaintive strain,
The requiem of the fading year.
Through all the shifting seasons long,
Now sad or sweet, now low or strong,
It lifts its ceaseless melody;
It seems the very soul of Song,
And so I love the Hinging Tree!
Clinton Scollard, In the New Tork Sun.
12 I
..13 1
H 5
3. .
50 32. 3o
1A 37 .
. " 5S M '
4& e
When you trace to fifty-eight,
You will see my pate.
Draw from one to two end so on to the end
ward again. "If you can't tell ui
how to get to the rainbow's end,
we'll have to follow our eyes until
we find it"
"Hoot! Hoot! Wait for me!"
quickly hooted Judge Owl. "If you're
going to rush Into trouble, I'll have
to go along to get you out of it."
(Tomorrow will ha told how they
come to the end of th. rainbow.)
"Busikss Is oooSThankYoF
LV. Nicholas oil Company
Caused by
Millions of people who worry, sre despon
dent, have spells ol mental depression, feel
blue and are often melancholy, believe that
these conditions are due to outside iDflueDcea
over which they have little or no control.
Nearly always, however, they can be traced
to an internal source acid-stomach. Nor is
It to be wondered at. Acid-stomach, begin
ning with such well defined symptoms as lnrtl-
f:cetion, belching, heartburn, bloat, etc.. will,
I not checked, in time affect to some degree
or other all the vital organs. Tbe nervous
system becomes deranged. Digestion suffers.
The blood is impoverished. Health and
strength are undermined. The victim of acid
etomueli, although be may not know tbe
cause of bis ailments, feels bis hope, courage,
ambition and energy slipping. And truly life
is dark not worth much to tbe man or
woman wbo has acid-stomach I
Get rid of itl Don't let acid -stomach hold
you back, wreck your health, make your days
miserable, make you a victim of tbe "blues"
and gloomy thoughts! There is s marvelous
modern remedy called E ATONIC that brings,
ohl such quick relief from your stomach
misenes eets your stomach to rights makes
It stron g , cool .sweet and comfortable. Helps
you get back your strength, vigor, vitality,
enthusiasm and good chee. So many thous
ands upon thousands of sufferers have used
EATON It! with such marvelously helpful re
sults that we are sure you will feel tbe same
way if you will just give It s trial. Get big
60 cent box of EATONIO the good tasting
tablets that you eat like a bit of candy from
your druggist today. He will return your
money if results are not even more than you
Your tribute to the deceased should
be one that you can pleasantly remem
ber and one that will cause you no re
grets for money improperly apent. Our
increasing buainess paya a tribute to
our satisfactory service.
Funeral Parlor (Established 1888)
17th and Cuming Sta. Douglas 1060.
Ifyour skin itches
If you are suffering from eczema,
ringworm or similar itching, burn
ing, unsightly skin affection, bathe
the sore places with Resinol Soap
and hot water, then gently apply
a little Resinol Ointment. You
will probably be astonished how in
stantly the itching stops and heal
ing begins. In most cases the sick
skin quickly becomes clear and
healthy again, at very little cost.
Keiinol Ointment and Resinol Sop alse
clear iway pimples, redness, roaghnest and
dandruff. Sold by all draccistt.
In All Sizes, Now on
Pease-Black Co.
Charles Edward Black, ' rop