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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1919)
SAYS BUYING OF . WAR SUPPLIES IMPRACTICABLE Mayor Declares Prices of Government Stock Not r." jch Lower Than Those of Local Grocers. Mayor Smith states that he has personally investigated the food supplies being offered for sale here by the War department and he has found that it would not be practica ble for the city to undertake a pop ular sale of any of these commodi ties. "Take for instance," said the mayor, "the item of bacon. I find this is not bacon as we usually un derstand it, but it is salt pork and is used as food by a certain class of workers, but 1 do not believe it would find a ready sale if the city undertook to sell- it. The govern ment offers it in crate lots at 34 cents per pound, or in 12-pound tins at 36 cents per pound. I have analyzed the other commodities and have come to the conclusion that the city can not handle these foods at an advantage. The canned toma toes are listed at 12;4 to 16 'cents per can. I noticed in the news papers here last week that local merchants were offering canned tomatoes at 12J4 cents per can." The mayor has received the fol- , lowing list of food stores held here by the government and now offered for sale at the prices indicated: Rice, 282,000 pounds, 11 cents; 150,000 pounds beans, 12 cents; 40,000 two-pound packages of hom iny, 10 cents; 78,000 pounds evapor ated apples, 14 cents; 35,000 pounds evaporated peaches, 12 cents; 68,000 pounds prunes, 13 cents; 10,000 cans tomatoes, 12J4 to 16 cents. There are also 100,000 cans of baked beans and large quantities of canned corned beef, roast beef and corned beef hash. Burglar Threatens Life of A. W. Gordon as He Robs Home of $300 A. W. Gordon-, president of the Gordon-Lawless Co., awoke shortly 'itter midnight Thursday night and fW somebody moving about in his dimly-lighted room, at his home, 1016 South Thirty-eighth street. "Who is there?" he asked, beliey- ing it was a member of the family. " "None of your damn business," was the gruff reply. "Keep .your vrap shut now or I'll blow your block off." last part of this surprising message was delivered while the burly intruder stood by Mr. Gor don's bed with a flashlight on his . face and a big gun pointed in the same direction. "The burglar , went leisurely about , the'room selecting what he wanted. His loot included $100 in cash, a , rold watch, a knife set with dia monds, a woman's gold watch and gold rimmed eye glasses, all valued at about $300. Mr. Gordon did not see how the burglar got out of the house. He notified the police and officers made an investigation but were unable to find any "jimmied" windows or any other traces of how the burglar made his entrance. MM m w K Ben Hur Grand Ledge Headquarters May Be Located In This City i Dr. R. H. Gerrard, head officer of the grand lodge, Tribe of Ben Hur, will be in Omaha next week and Wednesday will lunch at -the Chamber of Commerce. He is coming from Indianapolis and is on .an inspection tour of the lodges of the order throughout the central .west ., - j There is a movement on foot U, move the grand lodge headquarters to some point farther west than In- dianapolis and it is probable that Omaha will be considered as a loca tion. It is said that the coming of ' the grand lodge and the grand lodge . officers would mean the erection of a large and modern office building. Seek Omaha Laborer To Claim His Share of i Estate Worth $87,000 Police are seeking an Omaha la borer to break the pews to him that he is one of the heirs of an $87,710 estate left by Samuel O'Brien, who died in Fremont, Neb., December 31, 1913. The heir ii George W. O'Brien. 49 years old. He is supposed to be employed as a laborer in construc tion work somewhere in Omaha. A description of him was given to the police this morning by his , mother, Mrs. Nancy O'Brien, Mason vCity, la. To qualify for his legacy he must claim it before January 1, 1920, ac cording to provisions of the will. ' Bonded Indebtedness :1 Of Omaha Is Now Over Nine Million DoDars yesterday was $9,537,938, which does not include water or school . Donds. These bonds become due in vari out amounts over a period of years ,This year the city must meet $70,000 and next year $115,500 will be due. A statement just compiled in the - - city department of accounts and fi " nance shows that in 1932 bonds in the sum of more than $1,000,000 will be due, and a similar amount in ' 1933. .-,,- - The city's interest charge on out standing bonds this year amounts to $432,764.66. i Oil which has been found valua v bla In the manufacture of soap Is now made xpm tomato aeeda in Italy. m & m m 3QE z 30E SEE Cash Prices In July Sales That in Many Instances Will Almost BraMe Yonnr Dollar's Buying Power STORE OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 P. M. Summer Underwear and Furnishings Greatly Underpriced Womea'i One-Piece Bathing Salts In fine cotton. In black trimmed with white; all sizes; regular $2.98 values. Our Cash Price, Satur day 81.98 Women's Flesh Batiste or Crepe Bloomers With val lac Insertion and edging or plcot edged ruffles; regular $1.50 and 1.25 values; all sizes. Cash Prices... 98-81. 19 Women's Soft Muslin Gowns Trimmed with lace and embroid ery; regular $1.75 values. Our Cash Price 81.50 Women's Flesh . Satin Camisoles with pointed shoulder pieces, lace trimmed Val. lace; all sizes; regu lar $1.75, on sale 81.50 Women's Soft Muslin Gowns, trimmed with lace and embroidery; regular $1.75 values, on sale, at 81.50 Women's Fine Lisle or Mercerized Lisle Union Snits in pink or white, with beaded or band tops, tight knee or shell or laoe bottom, in regular or extra sizes; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Our Spe cial Cash Price 98 Women's Lisle or Fine Cotton Union Suits With lace or. beaded tops, tight knee or lace bottom, in pink or white, regular and extra sizes; regular prices 75c and 85c. Cash Price 69 mm 11 THE CASH STORE STORE OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 P. M. . . z Liberty Bonds Taken at Market Value in Payment for Merchandise. J Sale of Leather Bags $2.50 and $2.95 Fine Leather Afternoon Bags Neat, new shapes; pin leather finish, silk lined, change purse and mirror. Cash Price. .81.95 New Patent Leather Canteen Bags Round and oval shapes, large mirror in top, fine silk lining, large size. Our Cash Price 84.95 The ITew Liberty Tanity Canteen Case Fine silk lining, 3 gold-plated fittings, white kid pow der purse with chamois and puff and large change purse; very new and stylish. Our Spe cial Cash Price 85.95 The "Ming Toy" Canteen Case A brand new shape and very nifty style, fitted with Melba toilet articles, silk lined, large mirror. Our Spe cial Cash Price i 87.50 Drugs and Toitet Articles 65c Pinaud's Baa de Quinine Our Pric 484 eoe Pocsonl Fare Powder and Rouge Our Spe cial Cash Price 40 SCe Pond's Vanishing: Cream S9c-25c size. ... 194 25c Maasalta Talcum Our Cash Price lie 50e Non Spl Perspiration deodorant, at 39i 3Qc Colgate Tooth Paste Our Price gS4 Try Melba Deodorant Tillet Water for Pennl- ratlon Our Cash Price 254 We carry a full line of Melba. New Sup ply Just received. 8tc Sul Hepntica Our Cash Price 234 15c Shlnola All colora. Our Cash Price 94 lOe llwrdwntfr Castile Soup Cash Price. ... 7'c 6 Large Roll Extra Huallty Crepe Toilet Paper An exceptional alua at Our Special Cash Price; 6 rolls for 424 SHAVE YOURSELF 11.00 Gem Raiors Complete. Cash Price 854 35c Krnnk'e Lather Kreem Our Price.. 254 50c Gillette Rnxor nindes Our Price 39X 10c Williams Shaving; Soap Our Price 84 Men's Underwear and Furnishings $1.25 Shirt and Drawers, 85c These are all Lawrence M f 1 1 s garments, which means high grade merchandise at a very low price; come in short or long sleeve; ecru or white: sizes shirts 36 to 62, drawers 36 to 50. Our Low Cash rlce, Sat.... 85 $1.2 Athletio Union Suits, 79c Several broken lines of men's athletic underwear from our regu lar stock; come in small check, cross bar or striped nainsook, some with web on shoulder, back and crotch; sizes, 84 tov4$. On Sale Saturday, at 79 $1.50 Dress Shirts, 95o Over 100 dozen men's shirts,- in soft cuff, laundered cuff or col lar attached styles, made of good quality madras, percales and pongee; some slightly soiled, but no seconds in the lot; sizes, 14 to 17. On Sale Saturday, at 95 $1.60 Dark Bine Chambray Work Shirts Cash Price.. ..81.25 iuc Leather Faced Gauntlett Gloves Cash Price, pair 30 $2.25 Men's Bathing Suits-Cash Price 81.50 85c Men's Hose Black only. Cash Price, pair 2(Ja see unr us oiurw iseiore jjnying u mil ray Km. n tpiwiiii J iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiisiiiiii i:nniii!!n!iiiri!!!;!iiiiti!in!mitiri!!nii:in!:i!!nnmnrfiiiinmmn July Clearance of Men's and Young Men's Suits July Clearance of Hosiery Women's Pnre Thread Silk Hosiery In all the wanted colors; full fashioned and seamless; regu lar $2.50 values. Cash Price 81.98 Women's Three-Garter Silk Boot Hose Fash ioned and seamless; all good colors; sold regu larly for $2.00. Cash Price 81.50 Women's Cotton Hose In all-black, also black with split sole and large assortment of colors; 50c values. Sale Price 354 Infant's and Children's Fancy Boll Top Socks Fiber silk. Our Cash Price 504 Infants' Socks In all sizes from 4 to 9; in large assortment of colors; 50c values. Our Special Cash Price 25d Mid-Summer Clearing Sale Boys' Wash Goods 7Sc 25 Dozen Boys' Blouses $1.25 val ues. Our Cash Price k50 Dozen Boys Wash Suits $1.95 values. Cash Price 40 Dozen Boys' Wash Pants $1.00 values. Cash Price Boys' Hats and Caps $1.00 values. Our Cash Price Boys' Department Third Floor, f H g 1 if I 6 21 0 N 38 iH 29 411 Suits From Our Regular Stock of Three-Piece $25 and $30 Summer Suits Fancy Worsteds, Scotches, Tweeds and Cassimeres All at One Price and that a price which will effect a quick clearance Size. 32 33 34 35 36 37 4 !: fcr No. Size. 20 38 27 39 39 40 52 42 75 44 35 46 13 48 Dependable Shoes For the Whole Family At Money Saving Prices Hen's Satin Calf Blnchers Goodyear stitched I soies; an sizes up to 11. cash Price 83.50 1 Hayden'i Special Shoes for Ken In button only; 1 all sizes and widths; Goodyear welts; genuine I calf uppers fitted with silk thread; at.... 84.50 I Closing Out the Hen's White Canvas Blncher I Shoes Very Special, Saturday, at 82.00 g Boys' and Women's Barefoot Sandals and Oxfords i With stitched down Chrome elk and leather j soles. Cash Price 81.75 I Big Girls' White Canvas Shoes With leather U soles and heels; good values. Cash Price.. 81. 75 Men's Brown Elk Skin Nailed Sole Work Shoes with elk or leather soles 82.50 m m 1 o 4 m Mi I I Just 411 Suits Included in This Sale I I Only a comparatively few of each size, but including all sizes and a broad range of up-to-thc- I j minute patterns and styles. Choose your Suit Early Saturday. No alterations in this sale. I I The Season's Biggest Clothing Bargains Here for Your Selection. 1 Extra Values in Pearl Beads $1.00 Lars Graduated Pearl Beada-l-Opera, length, matched beads, nice white color, g-old plated catch. Our Cash Price..., 59e $1.50 Fin Japanese Pearl Beads Long- 84-lnch strings, matched heads, several sizes, with Gold Filled catch. Our Cash Price SI. OO $3.00 Fine French Pearl Beads-Neck lengths, beautiful cream color, perfectly matched, small graduation. Our Cash Price St. 05 $10.00 Finest Oriental Pearl Necklaces Finely graduated and matched, beautiful pink and oriental luster, 18-lnch lengths. Our Special Cash Price S6.95 m m f Choice of House 5.00 SATURDAY Every Summer Trim med Hat in stock must go to make room for the Incoming Fall stock. This Sale Includes Fine White Milan Hats. Georgette Crepe Hats. Black Transparent Hats. Hair Braid Hats. Ribbon Hats. Sport Hats. These mhdels are all i e w and up-to-the-minute for Summer and Fall wear. ibsolntely Nothing Ke served. We advise early se lection, as there will be So C. 0. D. or Fo lay-By s. J Neckwear, Veiling and Handkerchiefs Special For Saturday Pique Vestees With roll col lars, trimmed with pearl but tons; worth up to $2.00. Spe cial Cash Price, Sat. . . .$1.50 Pique Vests-r-With and with out collars; regular value 75c. Special Cash Price, Sat.. .49 Net Fichu Trimmed with ruf fles of val lace; worth up to $2.75. Special Cash Price, Sat urday $2.00 Washable Satin Collars Roll and square effects; worth up to $2.00. Special Cash Price, Saturday $1.00 Women's Fine Quality Lawn Handkerchiefs With colored embroidered corners ; regular value 19c. Special Cash Price, Saturday lOtf Chiffon Veils With hem stitched edge, in blue, white, burgandy and green; regular $2.00 values. Special Cash Price, Saturday $1.00 In Our Sanitary Market Pig Pork Loin Boast- Pig Pork Chops, at Fancy Veal Roast, at Steer Pot Boast, at Batter, Eggs, Cheese, Pickles and Oleo margarine. Full Cream, Brick and American Cheese At, per pound.. 40 Fresh Balk Pea nit Kntter Lh.,'.22W Best Bnlk Creamery Butter Lh 59 Xo, 1 Fresh Eg?s At. per dozen 43 Helm No. 8 Baked Beans Special, at, per dozen $2.10 2-Lb. Cartoons Snow flake and Pre m lam Oleo - Each ....80a Bulk Sweet Pickles Per auart 30a Interesting Grocery Prices for Saturday's Sale It bars Laundry Soap SSe ll-lb. sack best high-trad. Flour for...... ,L. 13.18 14 -lb. sack best high-trad. Flour for The best domestic Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, per package ?4c Fancy Mo. 1 Beans, per lb. .10e No. S cans Pork and Beans. We Tall cans fresh Uackeraf. . . . 19e Tall cans Pink 8almon tOe Tall cans fancy Bed 8almontSc Tall cans Condensed Mllk....l5e Kama Assorted Soups, can. 10e Large Jars pure Fruit Preserves at 32c Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup at X3c Pure Cider Vinegar, bottle... lOe Jello. for dessert, pkg 11c 1-lb. cans best hlgh-grads Bull ing Powder for 18c No. 1 cans fancy ripe Tomatoes or fancy &weet Sugar Corn, at 12 Vic Assorted Pickles, bottle 10c Wright's 1000 Island Salad Dreas-J ing. Dot tie zse Corn Flakes, package ?c Newsboy or Honsy Cream, fancy cookies, special, per lb 19c Grape-Nuts, package lie Wild Cherry Phosphate, at per bottle 12 Vic . DRIED FRUITS FOR YOCB PCDDING8 AND CAKES. Three-Crown Muscatel Cooking Raisins, per lb 17 Vic Three-Crown Muscatel Seeded Raisins, per lb 17 V4c Fancy Bartlett Pears, lb.... 30c Choice Italian Prunes, lb..l2c Oholce Evaporated Apples, lb. tie Choice California Peaches, Ib.tSc Choice Whole Apilrots. lb... 25c Seeded Raisins, parkage .'...10c Mince Meat, package lSVic Cooking Figs, lb toe THE COFFEE MARKET IS STILL SOARI13 Our Famous Golden Santos Cof- fes, per lb '. 38c H. B. C. Special Blend, lb.. M. J. Blend, per lb 46c Choice Basket Fired, Sun Dried or English Breakfast Tea, per Ih e Breakfast Cocoa, per lb.... 25c Tha best Tea Sittings, lb 20c 8weet Sugar Corn, doren ....20c FRESH FRITT AND VEGE TABLE MARKET OF OMAHA. 3 bunches Carrots, Beets or Tur nips for Be Cucumbers, home-grown, each. 5c Parsley, 3 bunches for 10c 3 bunches fresh Rhubarb. . . . lOe Hummer Squash, each Be 3 heads Cabbage 10c NTew Potatoes, lb 6c Cooking Apples, for pies. lb. 0, Large Juicy Lemons, per dos..35f Fruit of All Kinds at Market Price. 500 Summer Dresses Saturday 3 Special Lots New, Crisp Summer Dresses Sent on by our New York buy er, that were made to sell up to $25.00. At $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 Dresses at $12.50 Come in voiles, tissues, ging hams, organdies; light and dark colors; all sizes; many styles to select from; made to sell up to $25.00. Our Cash Price, Saturday. , . . . $12.50 Dresses at $10.00 Come in lawns, voiles and ginghams ; light and dark colors; made up in the season's many lovely styles; dresses in this lot worth $15.00 and $18.00. Our Cash Price, Saturday $10.00 f . Sale Wash Skirts Saturday $5.00 100 Elegant White Tab Skirts Of the better kind, that sold at $6.50 and $7.50. Our Cash Price, Saturday S5.00 Saturday $5.00 Dresses at $7.50 At this price, Saturday, you will be agree ably surprised at the elegant values. Dresses in lawns, ginghams, poplins and tissues; worth $10.00 and $12.50. Our Cash Price, Saturday $7.50 Saturday in Children Department Girls' White Dresses That sold at $7.50 and $8.95; sizes, 6 to 16. Cash Price, Saturday $5.00 Girls Gingham Dresses That sold at $7.50 and $8.95. Our Cash Price, Saturday l $5.00 Girls' Gingham Dresses That sold at $3.95 and $5.00. Our Cash Price, Saturday $2.95 Girls' Middy Skirts Cash Price, Saturday. .. .$1.00 m m m Better Values in House Furnishings i lOO-Lb. Capacity White Mountain nefrlgerntor Our Special Cash Price 25.00 I25-Lb. Capacity White Mountain Hefrl(?eratnr Our Special Cash Price 830.00 lOO-I.b. Capacity White Monntnln Refrla-erntor Solid stone white lined. Cash Trice 855. OO Molded Garden Hose 7-ply. -inch. Bn-foot lengths, .with coupling's, at 87.50 Hand Caeunm Washers Our Cash Price 75. 8-Foot L'nbraoeil Step Ladders Cash Price... 81 6K Large aimed O'Cednr Mop Cash Price 8l!25 l.awn Sprayers Special Cash Price 6H Universal I.nnch Kits Special Cash Price.... 3 AS 24-Lb. Family Scale Our Cash Price 82. OO Wire Fruit Jar Racks Eight can size g5 Wire Fruit Jnr Raeks Four can size 1.40 Wire Fruit Jar Rarka One can size JO A-No. 1 Four Tie II room Special, at 7Tf 'to!iliiil:iiHlllillilii!ilM