Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 26, 1919, 13 FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. 4-YEAR per cent" loan; no delay. PAT MAYNE, 605 Keellno Bldg. ItOO to 110.000 MADE .promptly F U. W W d Bldg.. Ith and Farnam . FARM AND RANCHLANDS. Colorado Lands. y' LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Com with us neit Tuesday for the Flagler district and secure a farm where prices are attll low 525 to 40. Don't wait phone u today. D. 4254. 8hedd Investment Company, Railway Ki ehange. Omaha. 11.000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. East terme. See J. L Maurer. Arriba. Colo For Iowa Lands. BALE by owner 440 acre aood corn land In Adair county, Iowa, near Greenfield. Price 5236 per aore; Im provement. Also 2111 acre near by with elefant Improvement; a top Botcher. Price $285 per acre. PAUL PETERSON. IS4 BRANDEI8 THEATER BLDG. Phone D. 1806, or call at Re.. Walnut 8106. Kansas Lands. 400 ACRES Franklin county. Kansas, near station; 265 acre tillable, 200 acre cultivation; 45 acre tame (rasa, IS acre alfalfa, 40 acre timber, CO acre bottom land; land He rolling; ten room house, cellar, large barn, large alio, close to school and church; rural route, telephone; 565 per acre L. C Oeiger. Ottawa. Kan. Maryland Lands. FARM FOR BALE 40 acre. S clear, amall house, convenient location, also large farms, and waterfront. McCully, Leonardtown. Md. Nebraska Lands DON'T WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE TODAY BIGGEST SNAP IN DODGE CO. J00-aere Improved farm, near good town In Dodge county on main line of IT. P. and Lincoln Highway, all level rich aoll. no sand, 1-3 plowed, balance In meadow and pasture, fenced, fair et of Improvements, 1-3 cash, balance long time. CHAPEK, Drandels Theater Bldg., Omaha DUNDY COUNTY. Improved farm should be your choice whether you want to farm it or pecu late; they're doing thing down there that would open your eye If you could go down there wtth us and look the eountry ever: we can sell you Improved farm, aoll for aoll a good aa Iowa and eastern Nebraska for 165 per acre and up to 1126; get In on the low mar ket and buy now before the price ad vance; let us tell you all about It. WATSON & BRENAN, , "Real Reliable Realty." "World-Herald Bldg., Omaha. sTARM of 1(0 aore, 4 mile from court, house, H mile to grade school, mil to high school, churches, cream ela tion; joins town of Loup City. Surface mostly rolling. Nature of aoll, olay sub aoll with black loam. Pasture and hay land, 40 aore; farm land, 100 acre; 44 froH trees. Fenced and croes-fenced. Six-room house lately rebuilt. Barn 11x46; large bay loft. Chicken houae. Buggy shed, windmill, cistern; water piped to houae and barn. Price 4105.00 per acre, easy terms. Deal with owner only. Hiram Cramer, Lock Box 685, Loup City, Neb. 1.000 ACRES Sheridan county; 1k miles aouth of Gordon; 1 mile Niobrara river frontage; 1,000 acrea beat farm land; balance beat of paature; with timber along river and In two large draw Priced much below Anything else offered In this county. S. 8. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. ' tlS City Nafl BK. BMg. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Good SOO-acre farm. Joins city of Lexington on the east; 140 under plow; orchard and alfalfa; good pas ture, fenced: good Improvements. Only 1150 per acre. E. F. Delahunty, Box 169, Lexington. Neb. . FOR SALE 160 acre adjoining town of 4,000 In central Nebraska; all cultivated; Il& per acre; no Improvements; perfect soil. A. W. Toland, 594 Brandels Bldg.. Douglas (707. BURT County farm, must be sold to set tle an estate; cheapest farm In county. For price and particulars, write or call 613 Bee Bldg.. Oina ha. Tyler 4281. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO., 664 Brandels Bldg WRITE me fjr picture and price of my farma and ranchea In good old Dawe county. Arab L. Hungerford. Craw- ford. Neb. IERR1CK COUNTY. Improved corn and' alfalfa farm at the tight price. M. A LARSON. Central City, Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm. Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holme. Buehnell. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 30 Karbach Blk. Tyler 514. fRICE and terms right on northeast Ne braska Improved corn and alfalfa farms. C V. Nelson. 614 ,Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, off era you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address Jordan Valley Farma, Boise, Idaho. South Dakota Lands. RANCH FOR SALE. 4,580 acrea deeded land, 8.000 acrea leased land. Fair Improvements. Tim ber for shade. Good grass and abund ance of water. Ranch all fenced and cross-fenced. Owner of this ranch 15 years ago was riding the range for 430 per month. Today he Is able to retire. You will receive the benefit of his years of hustling. Don't waste time writing. Come and Investigate. Price 425.00 per acre for deeded land; leases thrown In. THE O'REILLY LAND CO.. Draper. S D. Wisconsin Lands. BRINGING UP FATHER Se Jigge and Maggie) in Full Page of Colors in The) Sunday Bee. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright 191 International News Service). I'LL SNEAK OUT BEFORE' NCOe TELL THE New fcOTLER NOT TO utT n6 RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 15 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED ,BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. GOOD FARM CHEAP Fine 110 acre dairy farm, level, fenced ana cross-fenced. 65 acres under cultiva tion, balance light brush, easily cleared now good pasture, highly productive mixed oiay loam, witn clay subsoil, no stone, good 4 room house with porch and cellar. frame barn for 15 head, granary, poultry house, corn-crib, machine shed, silo, good well, apple and plum orchard, on main road, near large lake, z miles from web. ater. Wla. on new Soo Line. 84 miles from St. Paul. A genuine old time bargain at only $64 an acre, 53.500 cash, balance to suit, stock and machinery at reasonable price If desired. Don't lose any time for the way land values have started to Jump nere, mis rarm win sell lor twice this price, before snow files. Equity Realty itxenange, sos uion-e Blag., st. raui. Minn Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota farma and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Dong. 4008. 622 Paxton Blk FARM LANDS WANTED. WIS will sell your farm; timely Bales, quick returns. Held Land Co.. 664 Brandels Blag. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. $100,000.00 KOPAC BROTHERS are conducting the largeat sal of automobile part, supplies and accessories, auto trucks, etc.. ever held in the state of Nebraska. Aak them for the pre-catalogue list containing over 5100,000.00 worth of new goods at astonishingly low prices. KOPAC BROTHERS. Douglas 4454. 1037 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.; Norfolk. Schuyler, David City and Columbus. Nebraska. I PROMPT DEI IVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO feed C- Rogers, mgr. tyler it4t, no i -11 capitoi Ave. MY -SEVEN-PASSENGER PACKARD TOURING CAR FOR SALE; PRACTI CALLY NEW; SPLENDID SHAPE 44.000. WILL CONSIDER LIBERTY BONDS. P. P. ASKEW. TYLER 3348 MEEK8 AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. IQIC-s farnam bl Doug. 4101. i'SED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1541 Farnam 8L Doug. 1474, 11 FERIES Studebaker touring car. must be sold et once. First 5550 'akea t: guaranteed In order. 4711 North Slat Ave. Phone, Colfax 1034. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 1028 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. WE have a full stock of extra good uaed cars, united Auto Parte, 1032 Farnam. BY. COLLY-HE. tA.W ME sNEAK OUT -HERE HE IF I KIN OT TO DINTX1 erFO HIM-ItL POT THE 4AN5 ON Hits- 7-at OMAHA PRODUCE AUTOMOBILES. For Sale $100,000.00 MAMMOTH FRE- CATALOGU" ale of truck, tractor, auto mobile equipment, oils, grease, etc. On account of getting out a new catalogue, Kopac Broth ers have on hand odds and ends, consisting of tractor, trucks, farm light planta and a lot of automobile supplies, auch a spark plugs, body polish, peedometers, Noglare lens, oils, greases and many other email articles too numerous to mention, new goods, guaran teed up to date. Hated on our pre-catalogue sale 5100,000.00 price list. If not In Omaha, wire, write or call at any of our branch stores. KOPAC BROTHERS. Douglas 6464, 2037 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb.; Norfolk, Schuyler, David City and Columbus, Nebraska. What You Want. W have It A full etock. Including a. new Essex, 19 Bulck roadster, 19 Chevrolet roadster. 18 Chevrolet road ster, 17 Bulck tourtng. 18 Bulck six touring, 17 Grant six touring. 17 Oak land six touring, 17 Stutz special, wire wheels and cord tires, and many others, with starters, from 5160 up. FORDS. Just got In a flock of 14s, 14s, 17s and 18s at 5150 to 4460. Better look these over. Remember, money back If not 1 1 . ,1 A.I TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. $100,000.00 JUST WHAT YOU HAVE been looking for. Odds and ends of auto merchandise that cannot be catalogued are b?lng sold by Kopac Brothers at their five branches. This opportunity will never present Itself sgaln. New goods, nothing the matter with them at all. except that we have not sufficient of them to warrant putting In the cata logue. Ask us for the 3100, 000.00 list. KOPAC BROTHERS. Douglas 6454, 2037 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb.; Norfolk. Schuyler, David City and Columbus. Nebraska FORDS. BUICKS, DODGE. NEW AND USED CARS. FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO, 3701 SOUTH 21 ST ST. SOUTH 399. AUTOMOBILES Motorcycles and bicycies. BARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor 11 Roos, the Motorcycle man. 17th and Leavenworth Streets. FOR BALE Used bicycle for girl, 8 to 11 yeara old; first-class condition. Will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once Phone Harney 899. 1917 INDIAN single, three-speed; fully equipped; 5135. D. 1628. 913 North 23d Street. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. SHAMPOO with Skinner's Dope, all barber shops and barber supply nouses, for falling hair and dandruff. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BULL TERRIER puppies, 31T South 11th. Call Douglas 2207. " THOROUGHBRED toy Boston bull dog. 606 N. 33d. Apt. 12. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Blrdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. S. Pettis. Ageat. Harness, Saddle and Trunk. We Make Them Ourselve. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam GOOD young family cow; will come In fresh In a few days: very good milker. 6218 No. 34th St. Colfax 4160. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE 1301 DOUGLAS ST. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. 540 6 mo.. H. goods, total. 53.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY, 431 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 666. FARMS and city loans. B. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 63S Keellne Wlflg New York Metals. New York. July. 25. Copper Quiet; electrolytic, spot and July 23Vfcc; August. 2323c; September, 24c. Iron and Lead Steady and unchanged. Spelter Easier; East St. Louis, spot and July offered at 57 95. . A LEE & COMPANY. Expert automobile washers, slmonyers and polishers; all work guaranteed. 2307 N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 807. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Locomobile; cheap. Inquire Elmer E. Jones, Black stone Garage, 19th and Douglas. FORD MAKKET. 2230 Farnam. Cash, Time, Liberty Bonds. 5100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs, of new self-spacing sr finlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th an dHoward Sts. Tyler 1760 AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2069 Farnam St. D. 6035. $100,000.00 ASK KOPAC BROS. for their 5100.000.00 list. It will save you money on auto supplies, trucks, tractors, farm light plants, oils, grebes, spark plugs, speedometers, pumps, etc. Write, wire or call Douglas 6454 at 2037 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb., or any one of our four branches, which are located at David City, Nor folk, Columbus and Schuyler. KOPAC BROTHERS THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnam St. FOR SALE Maxwell one-ton truck; run about 600 miles: box and cab. Price 3976. Herbert F. Lessmann, Wayne, Neb. " BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 18th A Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1600. eUTOMOBILE wanted: must be service able and priced right for cash. Call Webster 1640. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for sale. Flrst- ciass condition, very classy. Red 6081. 403 North Sixteenth St. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St HERE'S a Ford sedan bargain; looks like new car; lately overnsuled; Gray-Davl tarter. Phone Harney 8119. SALE Paige 5-passenger car, In fine con- auipn; au accessories, tjau walnut 3668. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th and Farnam Douglas 7390. WOOD For Bakeries, Fuel Yards and Brick and Tile Factories. Unusually Low Prices. BUY NOW DES MOINES SAWMILL CO., Des Moines, Iowa. Market and Industrial News of the Day Wholesale Beef Price. Wholesale prices of beet cuts effective July 14 are ae follows: Loins No. 1. 360; No. I. tOHOi No. t. t6c Ribs No. 1 16 Ho; No. t. It He; No, 5. He. Rounds No. 1. MHO! No. t. I4o; No, 3. xmc. Chucks No. 1, lto; No. I, 16o; No. I, llHo. Quotations furnished by the Ollnsky Fruit Co. Vegetables Potatoes. Northern Whites, 1.60; Colorado 53.(0; Ohio. 5 60; Teias New potatoes, to. Cabbage: Texas and California cratea. Ho; small lots, to. Onions, California Reds. 7o. California) head letrtice, 53.60 orete: California bead lettuce. 51.55 dosen: leaf lettuce. 40 dosen; H. O. radish 36-360 dosen; H. O. onion, 1&-56C dosen ;egg plant. 52 60 dosen t spinach, market price, hot bouse eukes. 6160 dosen; bushel bssxet Texas eukes, 63 60 baaket;market basket cukes (about I asparagua. H. G., 60-76o doien; Florid) tomatoee 16 basket orates) 7 80 oratet wax and green beana. peas, market price. Nuts English walnuts, sack lots, 34s less 36c; No. 1 raw peanuta lOo; Jumbo raw peanuta, 13So: roast No 1. lloi roast Jumbo. 16o. Fruita Orange i Vaieecla. 6-100. 35 60; 116. 36.00; 160-588-314. 66.60; 178. 100, IK, 260. 37.00. Lemons: Sunk 1st. 500-160. 56 76; Red Ball. 500-30. 66.35. Grspe fruit: California (all sixes) 38 35 Bananas! IV to 3c Strawberries: Missouri, 57 60. Pineapples: 43-48. 35 60: 14-30-36. 5 . Plates No. 1, 16o; No. 1. 14o; No. 3, 11 He. LIVESTOCK Receipts were: Official Monday .. Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Estimate Friday Omaha Livestock, Omaha, J Cattle ...20,783 .10,177 . 9,616 . 6,762 1.600 Five days this week. 47,938 Same last week 21,986 Same two wks. ago.. 16, 500 Stme three wks. ago. 25,322 Same year ago 31.617 uly 25, Hogs 7.107 9.161 13,040 12,002 11.000 52.310 64,339 65,156 68,957 66,716 1919. Sheep 16,478 23,556 13.166 6.997 12,600 Ti, 697 63,431 62,702 60,477 47,693 1.. .1180 .1380 .1196 . 790 . 822 beeves, 314. 26 3U.6014.00; 616. 0(117. 00; 614.50(j)15.75; 313.00lft)14.26: Av. . 280 . 133 . .. 740 . . .1040 . . . 717 17 1172 15 833 Pr. 36 00 13 00 16 50 13 00 657 14 75 Cattle There was the usual light Fri day run of cattle here this morning, around 1,600 head being reported In. Native beeves, which closed as much as 76c lower yesterday, were very slow at prices that were, If anything, lower than yesterday's worst time. Values are all of 60ci$$1.00 lower than the high time Monday. Hardly any good feeder were here and there 1 not much demand for the plainer kind, and trading was of very light volume. While best kinds are not much lower than a week ago, the less desirable stuff is as much a tl.00Qil.5Q down for the week. Butcher atock wa slow at the week's decline of 51.602.00. CALVES. No. Av. Pr. No. 25 270 310 00 8. . . 72 177 12 00 S... 2 275 9 00 FEEDERS. T 850 9 25 4... 2 8ti5 8 50 1... 880 10 00 4. . . BEEF STEERS. 888 16 00 18 1126 14 76 11 60 14 60 16 60 YEARLINGS. 14 60 10.. 15 75 STOCKERS. 13 699 9 60 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves. 316.7517.75; good to choice 515. 50&I16.76; fair to good beeves, 15.25; common to fair beeves, choice to prime yearlings, good to choice yearlings, fair to good yearlings, common to fair yearllnes, 310.6012.50; prime heifers, 12.0014.00; irood to choice heifers. 58.5011.60; prime cows, 51.0011.00; good to choice cows, 37.7SlO.0O; fair to good cows, 56.50 7.50; common to fair cows, 36.00S6.50; good to choice feeders, 311.5013.60; medium to good feeders, 59.00 11.50; good to choice stockers. 38.5010.00; fair to good stockers, 37.608.25; common to fair stockers, 36.607.5O; stock heifers, $5.507.00; stock cows, 35.00rgi6.00; stock calves, $7.509.60: veal calves, 310.00 14.60; bulls, stags, etc., 58.5011.60; choice to prime grass beeves. 313.0014.60; good to choice grass beeves. H 1.50 13 .00; fair to good grass beeves, 39 .60011. 25; common to fair grass beeves, 38.009.25; Mexican beeves, 37.509.00. Hogs Receipts of hogs were not much different from yesterday, 161 loads, esti mated at 11,000 head. Shippers were very light buyers this morning; what few they took were at prices about 25335c lower than yesterday, with the tops stopping at 322.50. The packer market was largely 1626c lower, with a long string 321.80 21.90. The general maret was 1635c lower than yesterday. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 17. .270 ... 521 60 58. .291 40 321 66 t. Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by Trust company: First Liberty 3 Us Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1924... Beth. Steel, 7s, 1922 Canada 6s, 1921 Cudahy 7s, 1923 Int. R. T. 6s. 1921 Kan. City Ter. 6s, 1923 Proctor & O. 7s, 1922 Russian Rubles 6s. 1936.. Union Pacific 6s, 1928 Wilson & Co. 6s. 1928 Third Liberty 4 '4s Fourth Liberty 44s Am. For. Sec, 1919 Am. Tel. A Tel. 6s, 1925... Am. Tel. 6s. 1924 Am. Tobacco 7a, 1922 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1922 Anglo-French 6s, 1920 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1919.... Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1923... the Peters Bid Aked 99.32 .102V, 102 103 '4 102V 102ft .1011 12 92 .IOOV4 100 .102 102 .103Mi 103H, .102Vi 102 .101 10114 . 95.14 93. .94 . 99'zt 100 -102V4 102 .100- 10014 .102 10314 .10314 103 . 97 97 1-16 .10214 10314 .10214 10314 5. .284 23. .248 61. .247 68. .226 55. .266 9. .198 21 70 21 90 22 00 23 16 22 25 22 40 64. .256 72. .226 63. .222 68. .235 77. .213 58. .206 40 '70 11 85 12 76 22 10 22 20 22 35 22 60 ' '? : ' This Brand New Home With two fine, well located lots may be bought on prac tically your own terms. In a good South Side neighborhood where' all the homes are new. Close to car, schools, etc. Only $2,350. Phone me at Colfax 719 and I will take ycoi out. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES 1-2 PRICE Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flk. Write for price. Mention sixes NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONET. FARNAM TIRE AN DRUBBER CO., H. 7fS. 1914 FARNAM ST. WE will ship, subject iu examination, out 3.600-mll guaranteed tires at these prices: Plain. Non-Skid 30x1 57.80 t 1 10 I'll S.l 32x314 10.60 114 . .... i e ne Express prepaid when cash accompanies Standard Tire Co., 418 North ltth St. Phone Dourlaa 181 11 1 11.6 14.76 NO need for steam soaked carcasses We retiead and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process, ideal Tire Service, H7 Bar ney St GAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by Q. & G. Tire Co. 1416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. KAIMAN TIRB JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. Repairing and Painting. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 2125 Cuming. Doug las 8 04jl;HighirrsideautoiBO Bee .Want Ads Produce Kesults. We Want a HIGH CLASS Stock Salesman to sell stock in a company sponsored by some of the best known men in the state. a well organized, conservative concern in operation for two years past with splendid prospects ahead. We want only the HIGHEST TYPE OF MAN. To the right PARTY we have an interesting proposition. Address Omaha Bee, M-25. Sheep A fair size run of sheep and lambs arrived for this morning's market, about 11,000 head showing up. Very few feeders were Included In the offering. Packers started out after good sheep and generally steady prices prevailed In this branch of the trade. Two loads of 104 pound wethers brought 81110. with good ewes selling around 19.00!). 26. Lamb trade ruled 1025c lower, best lambs stopping at 517.00. Feeder lambs are bringing 314.85 to around 516.16. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, handy weight, 816.8617.00; lambs, heavyweight. 315.0015.15; medium feeder lambs, 314.60 Sr-14.75; lamb culls, 88. 00 & 13.00; yearlings, 310.4011.25; wethers. 81O.2511.10; ewes, good to choice. 5S.609.25; ewes, fair to Kood, 87.008.26; ewo culls and canner, $4.006.00; breeding ewes, 514.0016.00. Chicago Live Stock- Chicago, July 26. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; estimated Saturday, 1,000 head; market Bteady. Beef steers, me dium and heavy weight: Choice and prime. $16.8618 50; medium and good, 512.5016.85; common, 510.2512.60. Light weight: Good and choice, 314.75017.76; common and medium, 59.7614.75. Butch er cattle: Heifers, 57.2514.60; cows, $7.25 13.50; canners and cutters, $5.75(5) 7.25; veal calves, light and handy weight, 516.7618.00. Feeder steers, 87.7513.76; stocker steers, t7 0011.25. Western range: Steers, tll.6016.26; cows and heifers, 33.6012.75. Hogs Receipts, 23.000 head; estimated Saturday, 4,000 head; market weak, 16c 4o 60c lower; top $23.60. Heavy weight, 521. 85(3123.15; medium weight. $21.76 23.25; light weight, $21.66 23. 25 ; light light, 521.O022.75; heavy packing sows, smooth, 521.2521.76; packing sows, rough. $20.0021.00: pigs, $20.00021.50. Sheep Receipts, 9.000 head; estimated Saturday, 10,000 head; market weak. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $14.017.26; culls and common, $9.5014.00; yearling weth ers, $10.6013.60. Ewes: Medium, good and choice, $7.2609.60; culls and common, $3.006.76. St. Louts Live Stock. East St. Louis, 111., July 25. Cattle Receipts, 1,700 head: market generally steady; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, medium and good, 512.5016.00: common, tll.0012.00; lightweight, good and choice, 512.5O16.60; common and medium, $10.0012.60; butcher cattle, heifers, 57.6014.00; cows, $7.0012.00: canners and cutters, $4.757.00; veal calves, light and handywelght, $12.26 16.00; feeder Bteers, $7.6012.00; stocker steers. 57.0010.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market lower; top. 523.40; bulk of sales, 123.50 23.35; heavyweight, $22.6023.25; medium weight, $22.6023.40; lightweight, $22.50 23.35; light light, 21.0022.60; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.0021.00; packing sows, rough, 518.0020.00; pigs, S14.0022.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady to lower; lambs, 84 pounds down, 514.00016.00; culls and common, $6.0010.00; yearling wethers, $10,000 11.00; ewes, medium and choice. $8.60 9.00; culls and common, $3.006.00. Kansas City Live "tock. Kansas City, July 25. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $9.7518.26; heifers, $6.6514.00; cows, $6.3612.25; calve, $12.7614.26; stock ers. $7.60 12.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market, steady; bulk. !22.6522.96; lights. $22.10 23.05; sows, 517.1622.10; pigs, $18.00 22.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market lower; lambs, $9.6016.60; ewes, $3.0016.OO. Sioux City Live- Stock. Sioux City, la., July 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.200 head; market lower. Beef steers, tll.6018.00; fat cows and ehlfers, 17.0012.60; canners, $5.007.00; stock ers and feeders, $7.0011.50; veals, $10.00 16.0; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00 9.00. Hogs Receipts, ,000 hear; market 16c to 25c lower. Light, 122.0022.76; mixed, t21.2522.00; heavy, 520.7522.60; bulk of sales, $21.26022.26. Sheep Receipts, 900; market weak. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., July 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 800 head; market, steady; steers, $9.60017.25; cows, 5 5.60 3 15.7 b ; calves, 57.0014.60. , , x Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head; market steady; top, $23.05; bulk, 322.6023.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,200 head; market steady; lambs, t9.5017.25; ewes. t7.009.60. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., July 26. Turpentine Firm, 11.24 H; sales, 161 bbls.; receipts, 293 bbls.; shipments, 5 bbls.; stock, 10,885 bbls. Rosin Firm; sale. 79 bbl.; receipts. 799 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 69,168 bbls. Quote: B, tl5.8015.85; D. 116.4516.55; E, 816.6616.75; F, $16.9017.05; G, $17.1617.20; H. 517.65 17.60; I, tl7.85 18.00; K, tl9.1019.16; M, 120.00; N, $20.4020.65; WG, 521.00; WW, $21.00. New York Dry Goods. New York, July 25. Cotton goods Fri day were firm, prints advancing to 19 cents for standard lndlgoes. Cotton yarns advanced again and larger sales were made to knitting trades. Wool markets were firm, with finer grades active. Bur laps advanced and spot offerlnga were scarce. Raw silk was firm, but unchanged. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New Tork, July 15. Evaporated Apples Quiet -Prunes Scarce. Apricots Firm. Peaches Firm. Raisins Few offered. GRAIN MARKET Omaha. July 25. 1919. , Wheat arrival today were liberal, while corn and oat were moderate to light Re ceipts were 209 cars of wheat, 34 cars of corn, 21 cars of oats, 5 cars of rye and 3 cars of barley. Corn ranged from lSc up, the bulk l2c up. Oats were un changed to He off. the bulk steady with yesterday's bulk price. Rye advanced lc and barley 2c. Wheat was up l3c. Cash sales today were: Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 32 04H. No. 2 white: 1 car, 62.04. No. 3 white: 1 car. $2.04. No. 1 yellow: 2 cars, 31.95. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 51.94. No. 3 yellow: 3 cars, 31.93. No. 4 yellow: 1 2-3 cars, 31.91. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 51. 88. Sample yellow: 1 car. 51.78. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 82.03 (near white); 1 car, $1.92 (near yel low); 1-3 car, 51-91. No. 3 mlsed: 1 car, $1.92 (near yellow); 4 cars, $1.91; 1 car, $1.90. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.95 (near white); 1 car, $1.89. No. 6 mixed: 3 cars, $1.86. Oat No. 1 white: 1 car, 77c. No. 3 white: 1 car. 77c (shippers' weights); 12 cars, 77c. No. 4 white: 1-6 car, 76c; 1 car, 76c. No. 6 northern spring: 1 car. $2.20 (dark). Rye No. 2: 6 cars, $1.62. No. 3: 1 ear, 51.61. Barley No. 1: 1 car, $1.27. No. I:, I car. $1.27. No. 4: 2-6 car, $1.26 No. 1: 1 car, $1.25. Rejected: 1 car, $2.24 (musty). Wheat No. 1 hard: 2 car. I2.S7 (dark, smutty); 1 car, 53.35 (smutty); 1 car, $2.25 (smutty); 14 cars, $2 23 No. 2 hard: 1 car, $2.35 (dark smutty); 1 car, $2.32 (smutty); 1 car, $2.30; 3 cars, 32.24; 37 cars, 32.23; 29 cars, $2.22; 7 cars, $2.21; 12 cars, $2.20; 2 cars, $2 20 (yellow); No. 3 hard: 7 cars, $2.23; 24 cars. $2 22; 4 cars, $2.21; 11 cars. $2.20; 1 car, $2.20 (eyllow); 1 car, $3.20 (smutty); 3 cars, $2.19; 1 car, $2.19 (smutty); 2 cars, $2 19 (yellow); 2 cars, $2.18 (yellow). No. 4 hard: 1 car. $2.30 (dark); 1 car. $2.25; 3 cars, $2.22; 2 cars, $2.21; 4 cars, $2.20. No. 5 northern spring: 1 car, $2.20 (dark); 3 cars, $2.16 (yellow). Sample hard: 3-5 car, $2.10; 4 cars. $2.10: 8 cars. $2.18; 1 2-6 car, 53.18 (yellow); 1 car, $2.17. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Wheat 209 105 106 Corn 34 39 91 Oats 21 9 25 Rye 6 .. 2 Barley 3 Shipments Wheat 43 13 37 Corn 85 74 37 Oats 2 21 2 Rye 9 6 Barley 3 1 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the sev eral grades Inspected "in" here during the last 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 27 cars; No. 2 hard, 79 carB; No. 3 hard 60 cars; No. 4 hard, 18 cars; No. 5 hard, 2 cars; No. 2 mixed, 1 car; No. 6 spring, 1 car. Total. 178 cars. Corn No. 1 white, 1 car; No. 2. white; 3 cars; No. 4 white, 1 car; sample mixed, 1 car; No. 1 yellow, 2 cars; No. 2 yellow, 19 cars; No. 3 yellow, 8 cars; No. 4 yel low, 1 car; No. 5 yellow, 1 car; No. 6 yellow. 3 cars: samples, yellow, 1 car; No. 2 mixed, 6 cars; No. 3 mixed. 7 cars; No. 4 mixed, 1 car; sample mixed, 3 cars. Total. 67 cars. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car; No. 8 white. 20 cars; No. 4 white, 2 cars; sample white, 1 car; No. 3 mixed, 1 oar. Total 25 cars. Barley No. 1, 1 ear: No. 4, 2 cars. Total 3 cars. Primary Receipts and Shipments. Receipts: Wheat Corn Oats Shipments: Wheat Corn Oats Today Year Ago ..2.703.000 2,002.000 326.000 769,000 423,000 249.000 666,000 667,000 854,000 903,000 676,000 624,000 Chicago Produce. Chicago, July 25. Butter Easier; creamery, 4m 44c. Eggs Receipts, 11,520 cases; unchanged. Poultry Alive, lower; springs, 30 a 35c; fowls, Slttc Liberty Bonds. New York, July 25. Liberty bond closing prices Friday: 8tts. 99.42; first 4s, 94.10; second 4s, (8.60; first 4t4s, 94.90; second 4s, 94.00; third 4 Vis, 95.00: fourth 4 Vis, 98.90; Victory 3s, 99.94; Victory i; 99.85. Linseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., July 25. Linseed On track, $6.096.10; to arrive, 36.06; July, 66.08; September, 56.06 asked; October, 55.96 asked; November, $5.90; December, $5.96 asked. Cotton Futures. . New York, July 25. Cotton futures opened steady. October. 36.30c; December, 25.50c: January. 35.50c: March. 25.40c. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, July 25. Althought continued drought and heat put the bears at a dis advantage in the corn market Friday, buy ers were more than usually cautious ow ing to absence as yet of any reports of notable crop damage. The market closed unsettled,-1 one cent net lower to a like ad vance with September $1.95s to $1.95 anil December $1-65, to $1.65 Oats finished HtPc to c down, and provi sions varying from 40c decline to a rise of 50c. With crops above normal and no rain in sight few traders cared to sell short In the corn market. This was especially the case at first. Later, however, cloudy con ditions here Induced many holders to un load rather than take chances of the effect that a sudden shower might have on sentiment. Provisions were governed mainly by changes In the value of corn and hogs, and for the most part were sagging at the close. Trade during the last part of the day was light and the general disposition seemed to be to take a waiting attitude pending crop developments. The close was unsettled, varying from lc net de cline to a like advance, with September $1.95 to 51.95 and December, $1.65 to $1.65. Most of the gains disappeared toward the last when demand for corn seemed to be at a halt FINANCIAL New York July 25. Trading on the stock exchange Friday was characterised by comparative dullness and Irregularity. Total transactions barely exceeded 1.000, 000 shares, which represented the smallest full session in many weeks. In many respects dealings were remin iscent of midsummer markets of previous years. The ebh and flow of prices, rang ing In some instances to 6 points, bore no definite relation to current develop ments and little attention was paid to events In the broader- field of finance. Bankers heard with Interest of reported negotiations for the placing of a large German loan here, but were not Inclined to attach much Importance to such under takings until certain International finan cial plans assume more concrete form. Left largely to Ita own device or the caprice of trader, the stock market be come listless after the fairly strong open ing, yielding easily during the mld-ea-sesslon. Distinctive features were lacking In the day's operation, aside from the tempo rary activity of rail at 1 to 5 point gains and a broader Inquiry for food and cop per issues, where extreme gains were relatively moderate. Otherwise the market was again made up largely of steels, equipments, oils, mo tors, tobaccos and shippings, with a sprinkling of unclassified share, includ ing textile and distilling issue. Mixed conditions ruled in the bond mar ket, most domestic and foreign Issues, Including the Liberty group, easing slight ly. Total sales, par value, were 58,760. 000. Old United State bond were un changed on call. Am. Beet Sug... Am. Can Am. Car & Fdy. Am. H. & L. pfd. Am, Loco Am, Sin. & net.. Am. Sug. Ref.... Am. Sum. Tob... Am. T. ft T Am. Z., L. AS.. Anaconda Cop. . . Atchison A. , G. & W. I. S. 8 Bald. Loco Bait. & Ohio Beth. Steel "B" . B. & S. Cop Calif. Petrol. ... Can. Pac Cen. Leath Che. & Ohio.... C. M. & St. P... C. ft N. W C. R. I. & P..., Chlno Cop. Colo. F. & I Corn Prod Cruc. Steel Cuba Cane Sug.. DIs. Sec. Corp... Erie Gen. Elec Gen. Motors .... G. N. pfd G. N. Ore Ctf.. Illinois Cen Insp. Cop I. M. Mar., pfd.. Int. Nickel Int. Paper K. C. Southern.. Ken. Copper .... 'Louis, ft Nash. . Mex. Petrol Miami Cop Mldvale Steel ... Mo. Pac Mont. Power .... Nev. Cop N. Y. Cen N. Y N. H. ft H Norf. & Weet... No. Pac Pac. Mall Pac. T. & T Pan-Am. Petrol.. Pennsylvania . . . Pitts, ft W. Vs.. Pitts. Coal Ray Con. Cop... Reading Hep. Iron ft St.. Shat. Ariz. Cop.. Sin. OH ft Ref... So. Pac So. Ry Stude. Corp Texas Co Tob. Prod Union Pacific . . . Un. Clg. 6tores.. U. S. I. Alcohol.. U. 8. Steel U. S. Steel pfd... Utah Cop West. Union .... West. Elec Willys-Overland . R. Dutch, N. Y. . Nat. Lead Ohio Cities Bid. Sales 4.500 6.200 600 1.800 2,900 7,600 3,800 3,400 1,300 1.500 9,600 2,200 2,100 14,000 1,600 200 1,600 8,600 800 11,800 I'.tOO 800 8,200 2,200 700 35.200 33,200 8,000 14,000 700 600 . 2,900 , 1,600 . 3,200 300 9,500 68,200 4,300 2,900 . 1,900 '. 6,700 . 700 . 5,100 . 7,600 . 200 300 . 1,300 .10,500 . 200 . 1,000 . 3.100 900 .25,100 . 3,200 . 900 . 1,400 . 1,800 . 7,300 . 2,300 . 1,200 .28,300 .16,100 . 900 . 2,000 . 1,000 .21,700 600 . 2,000 . 2,300 105,800 '. 3,700 1,600 3,900 -300 7,300 High. 96 69 120 130 92 87 139 113 104 37 76 100 176 114 46 100 30 61 164 116 49 100 30 60 61 96 143 36 94 19 171 232 94 49 101 68 122 31 68 23 42 195 31 63 36 77 21 80 38 107 95 41 35 117 46 40 70 27 90 98 19 64 107 30 114 271 111 133 199 144 112 117 96 67 37 97 83 58 Low. Close. 92 93 58 69 117 118 129 129 90 91 85 86 138 138 111 111 103 104 26 27 76 76 y iuu 171 171 114 113 46 46 98 99 29 30 49 60 112 163 113 114 64 47 48 99 100 29 29 49 49 50 60 92 95 138 140 35 35 82 83 18 18 168 168 ill 225 Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by B ft CO. Stocks: Burgess-Nash 1 pet. pfd Oooch M. & E. 7 pet. pfd. B. Harding Cream 7 pet. pfd... Lion Bond. A Sur. Co. Om.. Nicholas OH pfd. W-lwnus... Orch. ft Wil. 7 pet pfd M. C. Peters Mill 7 pet. pfd.. M. E. Smith 7 pet pfd. 1932. Swift ft Co Union Stock Yard Union P. ft Lt. pfd Bonds: Armour ft Co., 4 pet., 1939. Lincoln Traction 6, 1939.... Line. Jt. Stk. Ld. Bk. 6s Omaha Athletic 6s. 1920 O. ft C. B. HI. Ry. 6s, 1928... City of Omaha, Various urns, Brlnker Bid Asked 99 ... 99 100 101 101 ZOO 93 100 100 80 100 99 I"l 130 130 100 101 99 100 95 l6i 93 78 86 -80 101 100 63 4.62 pet. New York reg.. 99 99 89 89 U. S. U. S. 2s, coup U. 0, cv. is, u"s'. cv.'ss counon . . . U. S. 4s, reg.. 106 U. S. 4s, coup. 106 Amer. Foreign Sec. 5s 99 15-16 Amer. Tel, ft Tel. cv. 6s... 102 Ang. -French 6 97 A. ft Co. 4. 83 Atch. gen. 4s.. 79 B. ft O. cv. 4 76 nth. Steel ref 6s 91 Cen. Leath. 5s 96 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 77 cnes. ft unio cv. 5s .... C. B. ft Q., Joint 4 C. M. ft St. P. ov. 4 C. R. I. ft P. Ry. ref. 4s. Colo, ft S. ref. 4s... Chill Copper cv. 7 122 City of Pari 6a 97 D. ft Rio G. ref. 6s 69 Dom. of Can. 5s (1931) 96 Erie gen. 4s 63 Bid. xOffered. 88 96 76 70 60 Bond List. xGen. Elec. 6s., Ot. Northern 1st 4s .... 111. Central ref. 4 Int. M. M. 6.. K. C. Southern ref. 5 L. ft N. un. 4. M. K. ft T. 1st 4s Mo. Pao. gen. 4s 60 Mont. Pow. 6s (1 N. y. central deb. 6a No. Pac. 4s.... No. Psc. Ss.... Oreg. Short Line ref. 4s. . Paclflo Tel. ft Tel. 6s Pa. con. 4s... Pa. gen. 6s Read. gen. 4s. . St. L. ft San F. adj. 6s Sinclair Oil ft Ref. f. 7.. So. Pac. cv. 6. 106 So. Ry. 6s 92 Texa Co. cv. 6s 108 Tex. ft Pac. 1st 91 Union Pc. 4.. 86 TT 3 Piihhf Kb I1U U. S. Steel 6s.. 100 Wabash 1st... 92 56 8 814 66 98 79 58 86 91 95 92 Vk 82 65 19 93 48 101 67 118 30 67 23 41 94 48 101 67 129 31 67 23 41 115 192 193 30 31 57 34 77 21 80 36 106 106 95 95 39 40 34 85 116 116 45 45 67 35 77 21 80 37 39 69 26 89 96 18 61 39 69 26 89 97 18 61 Dun's Trade Review. New York, July 25. Dun's Saturday will say: , The really noteworthy feature of the business situation Is not the fact that activities are enlarging, but rather that the expansion continues with so little sign of abatement during the summer period, when a distinct pause is usually wit nessed. Retarding elements, such as th disquieting labor unrest and a protracted wet spell along the Atlantio coast, have not been without Influence, but there is no general slackening of progress. Where Immediate wants have been largely filled by the recent vigorous purchasing, there is less eagerness among buyers and some lines are quieter; yet few.sellers are obliged to seek an outlet for their products, and not a few of them are booked ahead aa far as they care to be. Weekly bank clearings. 57,618,152,644. 106 106 30 30 111 112 266 266 108 110 132 133 196 197 142 142 110 111 117 117 94 94 67 36 96 83 67 88 67 36 96 83 68 Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Yest Corn July 1.96 1.96 1.95 1.96 1.94 Sept. 1.96 1.96 1.95 1.95 1.95 Dec. 1.67 1.67 1.65 1.65 1.66 Oats July .80 .80 .79 .79 .80 Sept. .80 .81 .79 .80 .80 Dec. .83 .83 .82 .82 .83 Pork July 56.00 56.00 65.00 65.00 64.60 Sept.' 51.90 51.90 51.40 51.40 61.80 Lard July 34.S0 34.60 34.25 34.25 Sept 34.66 34.67 34.46 34.45 34.62 Ribs July 28.90 29.01 28.90 28.95 29.00 Sept. 28.45 28.65 28.45 28.62 28.50 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., July 26. Flour Un changed. Barley 11.1401. 26. Rye No. 2. tl.661.6. Bran $39.60. Flax $6.036.06. Corn No. 3 yellow. $1.9801.89. Oats No. 1 white, 7576c Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., July 26. Corn July, $1.95; September, 51-96; December, $1.65. St Louis Grain. St. Louis, July 25. Corn September, 5196: December, tl.66. Oats Sep tember, 81c; December, 82 a. New York Coffee, New York, July 26. The market for coffee futurea developed weakness around the opening, when prices were 36 to 40 points net lower under heaviness In for eign markets, but rallied later In the day and closed steady at a net decline of only 2 to 10 points. It developed that traders believed the decline In early cables was not fully Justified, and upon attempt ing to cover they came Into competition with Wall atreet buying, which rallied the market 20 to 30 point from opening level. Closing bids: July. 21.98c; Sep tember. 21.80c; October, 21.65c; Decem ber, 21.40c; January, 21.39c; March, 21.35c; May, 21.26c. Spot Coffee Irregular; Rio 7, easy at 22c; Santos 4s, 284j29o. Liberty Bond Prices. New York, July 25. Liberty bond prices at 11 : ! 0 a. m. Friday were: 3. 99.48 per cent; first 4s, 93.90 per cent; second 4s, 93.60 per cent; first 4s, 95 per cent; second 4s. 94.06 per cent; third 4s, 96.08 per cent; fourth 4V,s, 93.94 per rent; Victory 3, 99.98; Victory 4, 19.90 ner cen New York Money. New York, July 25. Mercantile paper, 55; sterling 60-day bill. 4.34; com mercial 60-day bills on banks. 4.33: commercial 60-day bills, 4.34; demand. 4.38; cables. 4.39. Francs Demand, 7.14; cable, T.12. Guilders Demand, 37; cables, 27. Lire Demand, 8.68; cables, 8.58. Marks -Demand, 6; cables, 7. Time Loans Strong; all dates un changed. Call Money Steady; high, (; low, 5; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 6; offered at 6; last loan, 6. New York Produce. New York, July 26. Butter Market easier; receipts. 11,116 tubs; c-amery higher than extras, 64 056c; ex' . 64 0 54c: firsts, 510 63c. Eggs Steady, unchsnged. Cheese Strong, unchanged. Poultry Alive, irregular; broilers, ISO 39c; fowls, 38c; old roosters, 24c; turkeys, nominal; dressed. Irregular; broilers, nearby, 8846c; western, 2640c; oth ers, unchanged. New York Sugar. New York, July 26. Raw sugar, market steady; centrifugal, $7.28; fine granulated, 39.00. Boston Woo, Boston, July 25. The Commercial Bul letin Saturday will says: "The demand for wool continue itead lly and prices, while not materially high er, are tending upward. The mills are showing more interest In the lower grade wools. "The tone has Improved in the London auctions and at the River Plate price are rising, German demand being more pro nounced, although competition there is general. Scoured basis: Texas Fine 12 months, (1.(001.(5; fine 8 months, $1. 3501-40. California Northern, $1.60; middle county, $1.4001.60; southern, fl. 3001.56. Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staple, 61.680 1.72; eastern clothing. $1.401.45; valley. No. 1. 61.6501 58. Territory Fine staple, 81.75 01. 80; half-blood combing, 51-6501-66; -blood combing. 51251.30; fine clothing, 51.40 1.60; fine medium clothing, 51.20O1.40. Pulled extra, tl 751 80; A A, 51.65 1.70; A supers, $1.5601.60. fnl..lp. K-, 4 A A II., k.- carding, 66 60c. New York General. New York, July 25. Flour Unsettled; spring patents and Kansas straights. 612.26012.76; winter atraights, $10,860 11.26. , Cornmeal White granulated, 15.06. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $3.14 track New York export to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow. 82.16, and No. 2 white. 52 22 cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, steady; No. 1 white, tie. Lard Easy; middle west, $34.60034.59. Other articles unchanged. New York Cotton. New York, July 25. Cotton closed steady at a trifle up from bottom and 25 to (0 pviiiia uiiui id, previous nigm. PAC IV I IN O COMPANY xSlSiiAiiiTriv BUTTER EGGS 1116-1118 -Douglas SI? Tel-Dougiasisz. The Corn Exchange National Bank 1503 FARNAM In th Heart of Business Omaha. EXTENDS TO INDIVIDUALS. FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS A STRONG INVITATION TO MAKE THIS THEIR BANKING HOME. Large enough to care for your needs, but not too large to lose a personal interest.