Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Silanca ia tha parfactaat harald ol Joy i
I wara but llttia happy, il I could mjt bow muck.
Ha that filches from ma my good aana,
Roba no of that which not onricha him,
And makea ma poor indaed. Shakaapeara.
SERVING lemonade to the entire
A. E. F., or at least 8,000 of
their), -is just one of the little
duties accomplished by Miss Ella
Fleishmah, who is now dispensing
cheer at Is-sur-Tille, France. Miss
Fleishman, who was formerly a
member of The Bee editorial staff,
and is now a member of the over
seas workers of the Jewish Welfare
board. Speaking of the cooling fluid
served by Miss Fleishman on the
Fourth, she was amply rewarded she
ays, by Colonel Howlett's official
thanks, delivered in person.
She has met many Omahans dur
ing the course of her work. Col.
John N. Sweitzer, in command of
the advance section, was formerly
stationed in Omaha, and his son,
who is now Capt. Swingleton
"Sweitzer, is a member of the official
itaff of the Pershing stadium in
I'aris. Major Goodsall, formerly of
Chadron, Neb., and an intimate
:riend of ex-Mayor James Dahlman,
:ias charge of all the German pris
oners of war. Miss Fleishman also
met Lt. Charles H. Beadles, former
ly a police surgeon in Omaha and a
Undent at Creigliton, who was trans
ferred from Komayne, to Is-sur-Tille,
Chaplain Engers is still another
Omahan Miss Fleishman has dis
covered and she says they devour
Omaha papers with great enthus
iasm. The world is a small place
after all and even though an ocean
lies between this Omaha girl and
the homeland, one could hardly feel
lonely while meeting friends at
every turn. Miss Fleishman's fu
ture plans are indefinite, as she has
lot decided whether she will accept
a position in Belgium or return
Informal Supper.
Miss Feggy Reed entertained at
an informal supper party at her
home Sunday evening, in honor of
her guest, Miss Weona Engle of
Chicago. The guests included mem
bers of the younger set.
Luncheon Party.
Mrs. Guy Kiddoo entertained at a
small luncheon at her home Monday
in honor of Mrs. Joel D. Tomerene
of Lincoln, who is the house guest
of Mrs. George Van Studdiford, of
Fort Crook.
The Original
Malted Milk
For Infant and Invalids
The Beauty
of The Lily
can be your. Its
wonderfully pure.
toft, pearly white ap
pearance, tree from all
blemishes, will be com-'
parable to the perfect
beauty of your skin and ,
complexion if you wlu us
Seymour Lake
Among those who entertained at
the Saturday dinner-dance were A.
E. Swanson, who had four guests;
Mrs. K H. Krug, eight; Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Rose, 22; Judge and Mrs.
J. D. Woodrough, eight; Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Medlar, Gladys Mickel,
six; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Bekins,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCarthy have
left for a two weeks' trip through
Yellowstone National park,
Mr. Frank Graham of Springfield,
Neb., entertained five guests at din
ner at the club Sunday. T. J. Dona
hoe, seven; K. D. Phillips, four; C.
A. Melcher, four.
The weekly musical program on
Sunday evening was well attended.
One of the orettiest weddines of
the season was celehrated Wednes
day, July 16, at St. Patrick's church,
when Miss trances rruhwirth,
daughter of Mrs. Mary Fruhwirth,
became the bride of Sergeant Bur
ness Maston of Fort Crook. Miss
Lucile Flynn and Mr. John Flynn
were the only attendants. Rev. Fath
er Gannon performed the ceremony.
1 he bride was gowned in tlesh col
ored organdy and wore a corsage
bouquet of Killarney roses. The
bridesmaid's frock was of orchid col
ored organdy and her corsage was of
pink swectpeas.
Immediately following the cere
mony a wedding breakfast was
served at the Henshaw hotel. The
young couple will make their home
in Omaha.
For Miss McCreary.
A most enjoyable picnic supper
was given Sunday evening at the
J. E. Magee farm at Irvington. Miss
Helen McCreary of Watertown, N
Y., who is visiting Colonel and Mrs.
Jacob Wuest, was the Upnor guest.
Mrs. Robert Hamilton will entertain
at luncheon at her hi. me Tuesday,
in honor of Miss McCreary. Mrs.
R. E. Thompson and Mrs. Gilbert
will be hostesses at the tea to be
given Tuesday afternoon at the
Officers' club at Fort Omaha.
Field Club.
Motor parties were followed by
supper at the club Sunday evening
anil many guests were entertained at
the Field club. Those giving par
ties of five included George Wilson,
J. R. Henrie, Carl Swanson, VV. C.
Sample and Thomas Hunt. VV. H.
Platner entertained the largest par
ty, as the guests numbered 12. Four
somes were given by Ed Slater, J. E.
Butler, VV. G. Nicholson, Dr. H. C.
Sumney, Jack Sharpe, Hale Bixby
and Alvin Johnson.
vs. 'v- it iri DAHI
r -
Engagement Announcement.
Mrs. F. S. Cohen announces the
engagement of her daughter, Anna,
to Mr. Jack Kaufman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. KaufmanNof Minne
apolis. Miss Cohen has been em
ployed in the office of the clerk of
the district court for the last sijc
years. No definite date has been
set tor the wedding.
Engagement Party.
Mrs. VV. A. Jenkins entertained at
her cottage, "Vanloha," at Carter
Lake club Friday evening, when the
engagement of her daughter, Aloha,
to James McConelee of Atlantic, la.,
was announced, the wedding to take
place early in August. Fifteen
guests were present.
Happy Hollow Club.
S. S. Montgomery entertained 11
guests at supper Sunday evening, at
Happy Hollow club. Parties of six
were given by E. R. Hastings, and
R. W. Hayward. VV. B. Gordon en
tertained five guests, foursomes
were given by VV. E. Schafer, F. J
Norton, E. M. Durkee, J. VV. Par
rish, R. B. Miller, E. L. Bradley and
f . R. Hoagland.
A Da. --
ies of the Holy Angels
t "il , ' n.
pansn win give a cara party mes
day afternoon.
No Dust
Gets in
When you buy a waxed-paper
wrapped loaf of
you are buying a clean product.
The wrapping has kept out the
dust and dirt and you remove the
paper to find a perfect loaf of
bread, clean, pure and delight
fully fresh.
Wrapped and Sealed at Out Bakery fer Tear Protection.
Grocers Sell It
The Jay Burns Baking Co.
Heart Beats
By A. K.
The world
Is a wonderful wonderful
And the people therein
And great
They work by a system
Of man-made rules
Inside thev
Cosmic Circle.
The "system"
Has made
Our styles for us
It has placed us
VVhtre we should be placed
VVc suppose
It has given us
And clique
And clans
It has carded
And indexed
All our plans
It records
Oir pasts
And it dictated
Our future
And thinks our thoughts
Then hands them over
To our flimsy brain
That should work
Fcir itself.
Society has bulldozed
Domineered and
Ilarrassed us
Until we're righteously
Frothing and mad.
It's trying to hand us
Our friends
On a platter
Good Heavens!
What won't it do next?
We'll not stand it.
God knows
We've been patient
And meek
But now we rise up
In wrath
And declare
That so long as there's
One decent atom
Left in us
We'll choose our own friends
And love whom we please.
Carter Lake
For the Business Woman
Mr. Walter Wharton entertained
at a swimmMig party followed by
breakfast at Carter Lake club Sun
day, when the party included 12
guests. A. Nittler entertained a
party of eight guests Saturday eve
ning at the club, and small parties
were given by Jack 'Beacon, W. H.
Diman, Mary Marston, H. B. Cronk,
Roy Bloom, F. Boyd, C. b. Lorey,
Harrv Arnold, Ray Beselin and Wil
liam Jones of Waterloo.
A cottagers dinner will be served
Wednesday night at the club.
Wed in Chicago.
marriage ot Miss
The marriage of Miss Winona
Caaeler to Harry King of Milwau
kee took place in Chicago Monday.
Blue serge makes the smartest
one-piece gown both for the busi
ness woman and for her more leis
urely sister who desires a general
utility fock. One-piece dresses
show a marked favortism for the
straight cut blouse whose fullness
is held at the natural waistline by
a leather belt. A broad belt of patent leather fastened with a
silver buckle holds the waistline of
this effective model. The skirt is
set on to the blouse at yoke depth
and the sides of the skirt are laid
in two outstanding plaits that are
held by black bone buttons. The
The round collar of ivory charmeuse
is fastened with a large white pearl
button. The cuffs of charmeuse are
similarly trimmed. For general and
business wear several sets of collars
ard cuffs may be made of
linen, in white, tan and buff.
Pique also makes serviceably smart
cellars andx cuffs. The hat worn
w;th this gown is black velvet and
shows the fashionable pale shape.
Country Club
Aeroplane rides between dances!
Can it be possible? Indeed, it is. It
is the latest fad of Country club
members. Many were surprised
Sunday evening, when a plane from
the Ak-Sar-Ben field suddenly
swooped down upon the Country
club green. Inquisitive persons soon
discovered that Arthur Balis of the
Omaha Flying Co. was there for the
purpose of taking adventurous ones
for a ride. Mrs. Pryor Markell was
the only woman to experience the
.thrills of air travel Sunday, and to
prove she was not in the least afraid
she wants to try flying again. E. S.
Westbrook and Clarke Coit also at
tempted a flight Sunday evening.
Several popular maids and ma
trons were so impressed by Mrs.
Markell's account of her ride that
they intend to make an ascent Mon
day evening. They are Mesdames
hdwin 1. Swobe, Clarke Powell,
Dick Stewart, Louis Clarke, Misses
Elizabeth Davis and Louise Dinning.
S. S. Carlisle entertained eight
guests at the Sunday night supper
at the Country club. Parties of six
were given by Dr. LeRoy Crummer,
Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe, Mrs. Geotge
Laier and M. C. Peters. Mrs. D. A.
Baum entertained a foursome.
Licensed to Wed
Mrs. Margaret Gauvreau and Mr.
Cassiars M. Clark were licensed to
wed in Chicago, Monday. The
couple plan to spend the next two
months in Chicago, probably return
ing in the fall. Mrs. Gauvreau has
three children, a daughter, Mrs.
Arthur Chamberlain of Council
Bluffs, and two sons, Ira Gauvreau
of Omaha and Ray, of Wyoming.
Engagement Announced.
Mrs. H. F. Alderman announces
the engagement of her daughter,
Beatrice, to Mr. Gordon Ruth of
Omaha. The wedding will take place
in August.
Miss Mabel Wirt spent the week
end in St. Paul.
Mrs. VV. J. Phillips arrived Mon
day to be the guest of her son, Lt.
William L. Phillips, of Fort Crook.
Mrs. VV. A. Truelsen has left for a
three months' trip, including Seattle,
Portland, San Francisco and the
Grand Canon.
Miss Helen McCreary, who is the
house guest of Colonel and Mrs.
Jacob Wuest of Fort Omaha, leaves
Wednesday for her home at Water
town, N. Y.
The Misses Sara and Etta Faier,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sain
Faier, have just arrived at Mantton,
Colo., for an indefinite stay. They
have been visiting for the past two
weeks in Denver and Eldorado
Mr. H. S. Lowe of Chicago, for
merly a member of the 19th Bal
loon Company at Fort Omaha, vis
ited here last week.
Blackheads and Wrinkles.
Dear Mtos Fairfax: I have so
many blackheads that I look a
fright Is there anything I can do
to clear my skin? I am considered
very good looking, with fair skin
and blue eyes, and I am only 23.
Isn't that too young to have wrin
kles? BLOND Y.
If you will send me a self-addressed
envelope I will tell you
what to do for blackheads and
A High School Girl.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
have noticed that you have helped
a good many young people out of
their troubles, so I am coming to
you with mine. '
I have written several pretty good
poems and wish to know where I
could sell them without paying $5
or $10 to get them published. I
Lwant to go to high school this fall
and find it is necessary to pay my
own expenses. I can get my board
and room by working after school.
I am 16 and have missed one
year. My brother said I was too
old to go to high school, as I would
be 20 when I graduated. Would
that make any difference? What
are the usual studies for a fresh
man? If you could help me I would be
forever GRATEFUL.
About the surest way of defeat
ing your own purpose in paying
your expenses is to depend upon
the sale of poetry. Indeed, you are
not too old to go to high school.
Your brother has a very narrow
viewpoint and you should pay no
attention to hl;n. However, I ad
vise you to try something other than
poetry if you expect to earn money.
Girls of Thirty.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are two girls at the age of 30
and 32. As we have always been
kept somewhat in ignorance of the
ways of the world we await with
anxiety every night for your "Ad
vice to the Lovelorn." As we can't
get In with the other young folks
around here we have been reckon
ing on going to the city. Now, Miss
Fairfax, we have always had to
work hard all our life and never
had any enjoyment, and now that
we have some money saved we want
to go to the city and see life.
We don't seem to mix with the
fellows, but we're good sports and
still retain our girlish laughter.
The question, Miss Fairfax, is how
can we get in with the "fellows?"
We wait as we have never waited
before in order to receive your ad
vice. Please answer this in tomorrow
evening's Bee.
Sorry, girls of 30, that I cannot
tell you how to "get in with the fel
lows." If you decide to come to the
city, however, be careful not of the
city, but of your behavior. I fear
you are a wee bit silly and this
would cause you more embarrass
ment than it would in your home
town where folks are acquainted
with you. Be sensible and sweet
and friends will come to you.
There is Now Plenty
of Beef and Lamb
for Everybody
At the present price levels Jthese are the cheapest
of the meat foods.
It is now possible to advise the American people
that it is no longer necessary to conserve beef
and lamb.
Right now, there is plenty of these meats for
everybody and this will be die situation for many
months to come. 'Here are the reasons:
1 . Demobilization of our armies has gone ahead so rapidly
that they now require very little beef and lamb.
2. England and the other European countries no longer look
to us for their beef supplies.
3. When war was declared the American live-stock raiser
started to produce more meat. The result has been a large
increase in live stock production.
You may now buy beef and lamb-and buy freely.
American National Lire Stock Association
National Wool Growers' Association
Cattle Raisers Association of Texas
Corn Belt Meat Producers' Association ot Iowa
frames Live Stock Association
Southern Cattlemen's Association
Panhandle and Southwestern Stockmen's Association
Nebraska Stock Growers' Association
Missouri Live Stock Feeders' Association
Illinois live Stock Association
Indiana Cattle Feeders' Association
West Virginia Live Stock Association
Wyoming Stock Growers' Association
Montana Stock Growers' Association
California Cattlemen's Association
Colorado Live Stock Association
Idaho Cattle Growers' Association
Arizona Cattle Growers' Association
New Mexico Cattle Growers Association
Cattle Raisers' Association of Oregon
tA-V atVAa I
- - ' '
Republished by the American Meat Packers Association,
Winter foods clod ike
liver and tax the digest
ion. Summer brings re
lief in cereals, fruits
and green vegetables.
Biscuit with berries
or other fruits is a
life -saver for thou
sands - the whole wheat
and baked. Combines
deliriously with berries
and all kinds of fresh
fruits - a satisfying,
nourishing meal for a
few cents . Easily pre -pared
without kitchci?
worry or work.
W wnrrv or work. Ill
Sack one makes
the other better
Many women already know the really won
derful results that come from using SEM-PRAY
Jo-VE-NAY The Pink Complexion Cake,
So, too, with Sempray Face Powder,
SEMPRAY Vanishing Creme and SEMPRAY
Rouge. Each one helps to make the o'her bet
ter. All four unite to make a complexion com
bination unsurpassed for charm and beauty.
All good stores carry the Sempray line.
MARIETTA STANLEY CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan
tis Summer, Try
Have you ever been to Michigan of a
summer ? If you have, you need no urging
to go again; if not, give it serious consider
ation this summer. It's an out-of-door
play-ground of most varied attractions-re-creating
pleasures and sports.
Surrounded by Great Lakes, with smaller
lakes dotting its interior; with romping
streams of crystal-clear water; with fra
grant forests of birch, pine, hemlock, spruce
Michigan has the setting, the climate,
and the things we are looking for, for vacation days of play
and rest.
Bass, Muscallonge, Trout, Pickerel, Pike, for the fisherman;
bathing on sandy, forest-fringed beaches; canoe, motor and
sailing-boat regattas. Championship golf; tennis, music,
Fine hotels, inns, and boarding houses; or an ideal camp Ufa
in retreat3 deep in the woods, by the shore of some jewel of a
lake, or along the banks of streams of Indian names and
Indian appeals.
The United States Railroad Administration invites you to travel and offers
Summer Excursion fares. Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan your
trip or apply to nearest Consolidated Ticket Office, or write
to nearest Travel Bureau for illustrated booklet "Afi'ch.
fan Summer Resorts."
United -States Railroad -Admixistiwikn
Travel Bureau Trivel Bureau Travel Bureau
143 Liberty Street 648 Transportation Butldint 602 Healey BuUdlB
New York City Chicago Atlanta