Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 v THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1919. Lincoln Bureau of The Omaha Bee WILL ENFORCE LAW GOVERNING AUTO JUHBERS Dealers Not Allowed to Use License Plates on Other Than rtamnnctrot. ing Cars. Lincoln, July 21. Automobile dealers are liable to find themselves in a great deal of trouble if they do not cease using their dealers' numbers for personal use. The new automobile law strictly prohibits a dealer from using his dealer's li cense on cars which are not being demonstrated. He must confine the use of the number to trips where he is demonstrating the car for sale purposes. It has come to the attention of the automobile department that the law is being broken all over the country. It is no infrequent thing to see a dealer's number on a Sun day or in the evening on several cars being used purely for pleasure and this must cease, according to Stale Engineer Johnson. Discussing the law Stafe Engi neer Johnson says: "In passing house bill 299 at the 1919 session of the legislature, it was the intention of the men draft ing the bill, also the members of the legislature, that all dealers and car users should pay the same for all classes of cars, excepting those cfrafinnr iuirrtncp nn1v Intent of Law Clear. "If a dealer has a private car for himself and family, or has a separ ate truck, he would pay the same tax as any other individual or busi ness man, and the purpose and in tent of this law seems to be very clear. oecuuu 1 muics nidi cdin manu facturer or dealer doing business in the state, may register one motor vehicle in each class manufactured and he may secure numbers for as many vehicles in the same class as he has to demonstrate. Section 19 also provides that a purchaser may keep a dealer's registration num ber for a period not exceeding 10 days. It also provides that the sec tion docs not refer or apply to motor vehicles operators, by a deal er" for his private use or for hire. "Section 20 provides that all elec- - P. A. Barrows, Correspondent trically driven vehicles shall consti tute a class; all vehicles propelled by steam, shall constitute a class, all vehicles propelled by gas explo sives weighing less than , 4,000 pounds a class; all cars and trucks or more than 4,000 pounds a class. Section 0 also provides that a dealer shall comply in all other respects with the provisions of the act. "The reason for the special con sideration of dealers for cars being used for demonstrating purposes, is that such cars are sold and reg istered by the purchaser during the year. "Sections 19 and 20 of the act refer to dealers and does not make any distinction between dealers of new or second-hand cars. The tax should be paid on the class of car handled, regardless of the make. Four Bandits Rob Nearly 50 Transient Farm Hands on Train Lincoln, Neb., July 21. Four armed robbers operating last night on a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy freight train between Sut ton and Fairmont, Neb., robbed nearly 50 transient farm hands Sun day night and threw a number of their victims from the train, said a report received Monday by Bert Ely, a Burlington special agent here, from a railroad telegrapher at Fair mont. A number of the farm hands complained to the operator at Fair mont. His report did not say if any of the farm hands were injured, nor did it approximate the amount of money reported stolen. WANTS PROTEST MEETINGS HELD AGAINST LEAGUE Former Lieutenant Governor Howard Urges People of Nebraska to Take Im mediate Action. Honors Requisition for Man Wanted in Florida Lincoln, July 21. Acting Gov ernor Barrows, . Monday morning, honored a requisition from the gov ernor of Florida for the return of Fred Ulrich, now under arrest at McCook. He is charged with the stealing of a Buick automobile. Papers have been forwarded to the agent at McCook. Parole Denied . Davenport. Lincoln, July 21. The application for parole of George Davenport, committed to the penitentiary for the crime of rape, has been denied by the state board of pardons and it is recommended that he be re quired to serve the major part of his term. The crime was committed repeatedly on a child 10 years of age. Lincoln, July 21. Former Lieo tenant Governor Edgar Howard of Columbus was in the city Monday in the interests of the movement for an organization against the rati fication of the league of nations as advocated by President Wilson. Mr. Howard has traveled over the state considerably and he says that there is an overwhelming sentiment against any entangling alliances on the part of the United States with any foreign countries which are likely to take from us our rights as an independent and liberty-loving nation. Regarding the matter he has issued the following: Recently I published an appeal for 100 red-blooded Americans to Join me in Is suing a call for a mass meeting in Ne braska, the object of the meeting being to protest against and to devise ways and mpans to prevent the ratification of a league of nations covenant, or that part of the covenant which constitutes an of fensive and defensive alliance between the government of the United States and the government of any monarch In Europe or in Asia. Instead of hundreds answering the call, thousands have eagerly asked that their own names might be attached to such a call. Tall Public Meetings. In consultation with many true Amer icans It had been planned to call such Htate mass meeting for some day next week on the state capitil grounds in Lin coln. But more mature deliberation and consideration has developed a plan of ac tion which I believe will be more fruitful than a hastily-called state mass meeting during the hot weather season. This plan provides for the early calling of public mass meetings In every county (such as the mass meeting In Dodge county last week). Any number of true Americans in any county can issue a call for such a meeting. Inviting to the meeting all citi zens who are opposed to any manner of alliance between the government of the United States and any government in Europe or In Asia. I suggest three lines of action by such mass meetings in each county: First The passare of resolutions of protest against any feature of the league of nations covenant which is in effect an offensive and defensive alliance between the government of the United States and the government of any nation In Europe or Asia, anil the telegraphing of such res olutions to Senators Norris and Hitchcock. Should Name Delegates. 2. The selection of not less than five nor more than 50 persons as delegates to a state meeting of opponents of all and every entangling foreign alliance now threatened to be consummated by the un called League of Nations covenant, bach tat meeting to b. hereafter sailed by a provisional Hate committee to be choiten by the various county mass meetings. t. The delegation of one active cltlten In each county to serve as county member of a provisional state committee to hv charge of the work of organising the state of Nebraska, and arousing ths people to a sense of the great danger attending America and the American people In event that the British and Japanese in terest! shall by their powerful propl ganda persuade the United States senate to ratify those portions of the league of Nations; covenant which constitute an of fensive and defensive alliance between our own republic and any government In Europe or Asia. Want AU Reports. port of all county mat with namea of eiato I request that report o meetings together with delegates and state committeemen, be mailed to me quickly. I will take car of the correspondence and all expense of tt as long as my bank account will permit, afld will then turn the work over to some proper person to be selected by the pro visional state committee. My final suggesstlon to the friends of the cause is to hurry. Even now the senate of the United States is considering the proposed foreign alliance. Telexr.m the resolutions to our United states u.a tors. Make the resolutions so plain tout even a United States senator wtil under stand them. Men and women of Nebraska, I appeal to you In the faith of the fathers of the republic, and In obedience to the com mand of its first president, George Wash ington I "PHOTO 'FlAY OFFERING J FOR. TODAY HE Thanhouser studios at New Rochelle, N. Y., recently pur chased by A. H. Fischer, arc being occupied by B. A, Rolfe, who has started on a series of 10 fea tures by Robert W. Chambers for Mr. Fischer. The first will be "The Shining Band." The plant was pur chased from Crawford Livingston and Dr. Schallenberg. W.jO. W. Appeal From Verdict of Douglas County Judge Lincoln, July 21. The Sovereign camp of the Woodmen of the World has appealed from a judgment for $2,209.95 secured by Kathryn Saw yer in the Douglas county district court. ! II. W. Sawyer, husband of the plaintiff in the case, was insured for J2.000 with $100 additional for fu neral beiehts in the W. 0. W. He was killed while working on a railroad. The lodge refused to pay the benefit for the reason that Saw yer had changed his vocation to one more dangerous without notifying the company. Refuse to Lower Rate on Nebraska State Fish Car Lincoln, July 21. The national railway administration is "dead set" against any proposition covering transportation of the Nebraska fish car at any rate less than 30 cents a mile, according to a letter received by Acting Governor Barrows from Senator George W. Norris. Senator Norris stated that he had been to see the railway administra tion again in hopes that they might be convinced that in the interest of the public good the Nebraska fish car might be taken care of some way, but they refuse to change their minds. Nehawka, Neligh and Nelson Omitted From School List In an account published in the Monday morning Bee giving a list of the schools accredited to the state university the high schools at Nehawka, Neligh and Nelson were omitted. A line containing these names was accidentally dropped. The schools omitted are four year schools and fully accredited. Rialto William S. Hart in "The Money Corral," written, directed and the stellar role played by himself, will be at the Rialto again today, Wednesday and Thursday. The story of the photodrama tells of Lem Beeson, a Montana cowboy, who is hired as a special watchman over the papers of a big financial man of Chicago. How the westerner defeats the gang of thugs and thieves in the robbing of his friend's big vault is a thrilling melodrama, and the cowboy wins not only a reward but a charming girl. Strand A double bill, Dorothy Dalton in "The Homebreaker" and Fatty Arbuckle in "A Desert Hero," is at the Strand. Miss Dalton ha a story of a near "vamp," an interest ing comedy drama, and the big ro tund comedian is a cowboy of the desert country who becomes a hero in his latest funny one. Sun Madlaine Traverse in "Rose of the West" portrays a girl of the northern wilds, where only a few Indians and the occasional mounted policeman are the only visitors. It is a strong melodramatic sort of picture and one in which Miss Trav erse has an opportunity to display her ability to carry a difficult role. Last times today. Muse Norma Talmadge in "Fif- A t Neighborhood Houses lOTHROP 29th and Lothrop BERT LYTKLL in "BLIND MEN'S EYES.'' DIAMOND :4th and Lain RUTH ROLAND in "THE TIlilJK'S TRAIL" No. S: "THK OU11' OF EVIL" and the PATHE NEWS. ORPHEOI Pouth Side. 24(h and M. CONSTANVB TALMADUK in "THE VEILED ADVENTURE." GRAND 16th and Ifinney NORMA TALMADGE In "THE PROBATION WIFE." APOLLO 29th and Leavenworth MARGUERITE CLARK 111 "THREE MEN AND A GIRL." ty-Fifty depicts the power of mother love in steadfastness and through it wins out against false ac cusations. After weeks of preparation, Lloyd Ingraham has started his first pic ture with the new English tilm star, Peggy May. The Haworth com pany are the producers and have handed Mr. Ingraham the well known story by Arthur Strinccr en titled "The House of Intrigue." tveivn ureciev s new release is to be "The Oakdale Affair," by Ed gar Rice Burroughs. ! Things that might happen: Speech by William Jennings Bryan in six gripping reels! Fred Stone Frank Borzage and company have returned from Lake Louise in Canada and will finish "Billy Jim" in Los Angeles. lit is now decided that Kathleen Kirkham will play in support of Lew Cody in his first stirring ven ture. Work will commence at the Astra studios in Glendale at once. . . . and with the 200 men who sailed for the Peace Conference A fact: For the 200 or more men of note who sailed on the George Wash ington for the Peace Conference, more than a dozen different brands of cigarettes were carried in stock by the ship's "canteen". Of these, the cigarette carried and sold in far the largest quantity was Fatima. FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette ' h , ? C jt 1 -A i I 1 J I i "J V i t ' 7, I in J?1 fUjlf A W ft A J Minden Man Held to Grand Jury on Charge r l k .1 or Murdering ivlotner Minden, Neb., July 21. (Spe cial Telegram.) John G. Shafer of Minden was bound over to the dis trict court grand jury at a prelimi nary hearing before Judge T. W. Hague Monday, charged with the murder of his mother, Mrs. Mary Shafer. The alleged murder oc curred April 28, 1919. Shafer was arrested July 19. after more than two months, invistiga- tion. In the complaint filed by County Attorney J. L. McPheeley, he was accused of shooting his mother twice, in the head and neck. Shafer claimed at the time that his mother committed suicide, but in vestigation proved that it would have been impossible for the woman to have shot herself twice, as either shot would have immediately paralyzed her. John Shafer, late husband of Mrs. Shafer and father of the accused man, was convicted many years ago of the murder of a deputy sheriff, by Attorney McPheely, the same man who will prosecute the son. Shafer, at that time, was sentenced to be hanged but the supreme court, later reversed the decision. Farm Hand Is Killed by Attack of Infuriated Bull Fremont, July 21. (Special Tele gram) Jacob Uebersack, 61. em ployed on the farm of William Schulz, east of Fremont, died at a local hospital from injuries sus tained when lie was attacked by a bull. When Uebersack failed to re turn after going for the cattle a search was started. He was found lying unconscious in the timber. Uebersack's chest was crushed. CONDITION OF CROPS IN STATE GOOD, IS REPORT Corn Averages 100 Per Cent Practically Throughout the State; Wheat 20 Bushels Per Acre. Crop and soil conditions are ex cellent in Nebraska, according to the crop report of the Burlington for the week ending last Saturday. Dealing with the corn crop, the re port indicates that generally corn is in good shape and that the growth is much farther advanced than usual at this season of the year. At no place in the state has corn been injured by dry weather. Figuring on the basis of 100 per cent for the average condition at this season of the year, the estimate bv divisiones, which include practic ally all the corn grown area of the state, follows: Per cpnt. Omaha 101 Lincoln ! Wymore 92 MrCook 1UO The threshing of small grain is progressing rapidly, and while the yield is falling below some of the early estimates, it is said to be fair ly satisfactory. On the Omaha division, wheat is averaging Dusneis to tne acre; Lincoln, 16: Wymore and McCook, Pastures continue in fine condi tion. The second crop of alfalfa, a heavy one, has been cut and stacked. Sugar beets are coming along in fine shape and it is said that a nor mal crop is certain. During the week rains from short distance west of the Missouri river, through into Colorado, were pretty general, a number of the com pany station agents reporting a precipitation of one-half to two inches. Realty Board Lays Over River Power Project At a meeting of the Omaha real estate board yesterday the Patterson Platte river water power project was presented and its consideration laid over until September. There was no discussion of the project. Until sometime in September, week ly meetings of the real estate board will be discontinued. Farmers1 ' Union Will Discuss Plans for Terminal Elevators Plans for the establishment of terminal elevators throughout Ne braska in accordance with rig'its delegated in a recent law passed by the state legislature will De dis cussed at the sixth annual meeting of the Nebraska Farmers' union at .Hotel Castle this morning. One hundred delegates are ex pected. "We are meeting primarily to discuss and urge the adoption ot a plan for establishing terminal ele vators in the state," President C. H. Gustafson of Lincoln said last eve ning. "Such a system in Canada, Idaho and Oregon has resulted in more economical marketing of grain." The delegates represent an ag gregate investment of more than $300,000 in elevators of the state. The Farmers' union has been or ganized six years and its mem bership control upwarsd of ore third of the grain marketing business of th state, President Gutafson said. L. M. Koch of Omaha is secretary of the organization. Burglars Raid Depots at Phillips and Murphy Aurora, Neb., July 21. (Special.) Burglars raided the depots at Phillips Friday night and at Mur phy Saturday night, securing a small amount of plunder. "There eta (w m beautiful, health?, rotr-cheeked, ale ad f nerved women without iron. Wees the iron coes from the Mood of womeo, the rosea so from their cheek their charm and attract iTeneadepart. I always insist that my patients take organic iron Nuxaled Iron-(not metallic iron which often corrodes the stomach and does more harm than good). Nuxated iron is easily assimi lated, does not blacken nor in jure the teeth nor upset the stomach. It will increase the strength an 3 endurance of weak, nervous, irritable, careworn, haggard women in two weeks' time in man cases. I fa a used it in my own practice with most surprising results." Ferdinand King, M.D., well known New York I'hysician and medical author. (Satisfaction guaranteed! or money refunded On sale at ill good druggists. Healyour child's sick skin with Resinol The minor skin troubles to which infants and children are subject itching patches, bits of chafing, rash or redness so easily develop into serious, stubborn affections, that every mother should have ResinolOintmentonhand to check them before they get the upper hand. Doctors and nurses recom mend Resinol for this with the utmost confidence because of its harmless ingredients and its suc cess in healing eczema and similar serious skin diseases. Resinol Ointment is sold by all drnggUt. BELCHING Caused by Acid-Stomach Let EATONIO, the wonderful modern stom ach remedy, give you quick relief (rom dis gusting belching, food-repeating, Indigestion, bloated, gassy stomach, dyspepsia, heart burn aud other stomach miseries. They are til caused by Acid-Stomach from which about nine people out of ten suffer in one way or another. One writes as follows: "Before I used EATON IC, I could not eat B bite with out belching It right up, sour and bitter. I have not bad a bit of trouble since the first tablet." Millions ere victims of Acid-Stomach with out knowing ft. They are weak and ailing. nave poor digestion, bodies improperly nour ished although they may eat heartily. Grave disorders are likely to follow if an acid stomach is neglected. Cirrhosis of the liver, intestinal congestion, gastritis, catarrh of the stomach these are only a few of the many ailments oltcn canoed by Acid-Stomach. A sufferer from Catarrh of the 8tomach of 11 years' standing writes: "I had catarrh of the stomach for 11 long years and I never found anything to do me sdv good just temporary rehef-until I used EATONIC. It Is a wonderful remedy and 1 do Dot want to be without it." If you are not feeling quite right lack energy and enthusiasm and don't know Just where to locate the trouble try EATONIO and see bow much better you will feel in every way. At all drug stores a big box for SOo and your money back If you are not satisfied. ATONIC I ( FOR YOCR ACirSTOMACg) ""m.-esSOr eV. Refuse Claim of Omahan Against Dodge County Fremont, July 21. (Special Tele gram.) In the case of Robert E. Drake of the Standard Bridge com pany of Omaha against Dodge county, the jury returned a verdict of no cause of action. Drake sued to recover payment for work his his company did in making a protec tion till at North Bend state aid bridge in addition to the contract. The Omaha company took over the contract, for building the bridge from Stupp Brothers of St. Louis but the contract did not call for the protection work. The plaintiff claimed it was necessary to put in the protection before the fill to the bridge could be made. The state confessed judgment for its share of the work of one-third. The jury found against the state. Section Foreman Killed When Auto Goes Into Ditch Fremont, July 21. (Special Tele gram) Ben Janouvsky, section foreman for the Northwestern at Crowell, was instantly killed when his automobile went into the ditch near Scribner. His 12-year-old son was slightly hurt. They were the only occupants of the car. Janouvsky was on his way home from Scribner when the accident happened. County Attorney Cook an Chief of Police Fredericksen of Fremont went to Scribner in re sponse to a call to make an investi gation as to the source of liquor Janouvsky is said to have been drinking. They secured a sample of cider, which has been sent to Lin coln for analysis. Cordova Banker Hangs Self. Beatrice, Neb., July 21. (Special Telegram.) AI Burbank, Cordova. Neb., banker, committed sufcide by hanging Sunday morning at the home of his brother, near Filley. Neb. Ill health was the cause. He is survived by a widow and three children. "Ilia ordeir to ttlhi(D)TOiingMy gaftMy the steeig gf flue body, diet must be varied." "In other words, it appears that with a mixed diet, the same person will digest a larger proportion of nutrients than with a diet composed of a single food compound." Schlitz Famo is drink and food, corn, posed of protein, carbohydrates, water, and mineral matter; each in itself essen tial to food. pbJVahu$ It is readily digested -imparts the factors that Nature utilizes in maintaining life in the body, and in addition the hop aroma induces appetite exciting the flow of gastric secretions. Schlitz Famo is drink and food, a worth-while cereal beverage, non-intoxicating, refreshing and satisfying. On sale wherever soft drinks are sold. Order a case from Schlitz-Omaha Co. South 0th St. Omaha. Xeb. Theme: Douglas 918 Made Milwaukee Famou