THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ; ' JULY 20," 1919. HmiHHIHHHIHHHIIHKimiiiimmimiiiiHMimHiiwHiiHiiiHiHiiHiiniHMitfMmmiiiwwmii Yom hare in Tk Volnme? During the present season, the out put of our Akron factories alone has approximated the enormous figure of 25,000 finished Goodyear Tires per day If this production can be maintained over the 300 working days per year, in twelve months Goodyear will have produced one tire to each of the 7,500,000 automobiles in the land Think of the immensity of this vol ume, in view of the fact that there are some 300 other brands of tires think of what it means in tribute to the goodness of Goodyear Tires Especially think of its significance in the light of the present situation despite this amazing total there still are not enough Goodyear Tires to go 'round The present unparalleled popularity of Goodyear Tires is all the more re markable in that it is founded solely on the virtues in Goodyear Tires themselves No fictitious discounts, no delusive guarantees, no expedients of any sort have been employed to stimulate artificially the even march of sales Purely on the merit of Goodyear Tires, and the consistently fine service they deliver, rests the demand which even the world's largest tire produc tion does not satisfy Certainly nothing less than conspicu ous superiority could thus win and hold the allegiance, of the largest single group of tire-buyers in the world We want to serve all these tire-users, we want ample stocks of Goodyear Tires everywhere; to that end we are striving constantly to enlarge our production But so far it has not been humanly possible for us to build tires of standard Goodyear quality in the volume all these people demand Until we are able to do so, we sug gest that youanticipate future require ments by placing a reservation order with your Goodyear Service Station Dealer Such action now will guard you against possible disappointment later and avet any inconvenience this temporary shortage might otherwise occasion K R O N