Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BT EDWARD BOSK WATER VICTOR ROSEWATEK, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Auorlatad Prnaa. nf whtHi Th Hm la i nnhn. la chiatwlr mutled to toe uas for publication of eU newe dlvtcha endlud to It or not otberwlte credited In this piper, aod also the looal cfw, pnNlihed heroin. All nhu of publlcaUon of our special aiweicnee are am rowma. BEE TELEPHONES! Privets Branch Iirtmii Ask for th Tvavl 1 Department or Particular Person Wanted. A V ICl XJJJ For Night r Sunday Service Call: Editorial Dmrtraant ..... Trier 1M0L. Circulation Department ...... frier 10081. AdrartnUij Oeneruutot ..... Trier 10081. OFFICES OF THE BEEi Horn Offlne, Bee Building. 17th ud Fernem. " Braocfc Offlcei: A met 4110 North 14th Park MIS Learen worth. Banana SIM Military At. South Bid 3)18 N Street. Cornell Bluffi 14 N. Mem Vinton 3487 South 14th. Lake Mil North 241b Walnut tit North 40th. Out-of-Town Offices t New Tork Cttv M rirth At. Waahtniton 1311 0 Street Chicago 8Mer Blag, i Llnoola 1330 H Street. JUNE CIRCuiATION: Daily 64,611 Sunday 61,762 Aferacs tircolttlon for the month subscribed tod sworn to by . 0 Stefan, jircujuoo nuiitr. Subscribers leaving th city should have Th Be mailed to them. Addre changed a often as requested. You should know that Omaha's prosperity will increase steadily because of world demand for our foodstuffs. The navy is bringing them back, all right. You may have noted the density of silence maintained by W. J. B. these days. "Joe" Bailey has been secured to make a fight against prohibition. Watch the fur fly now. Omaha grocers andxbutchers seem to have lived down their established reputation as rainmakers. Bela Kun is the latest of soviet dictators reported in flight. Like the others, he is built for speed. How to bound Bulgaria is bothering the peace conference just now. It will perplex little Johnny later. . Brand Whitlock is coming home from Brus sels, and may be sent to Rome. It is sure he will not be sent to Berlin. French are to have cheaper food because the government is taking steps to provide it. No tice anything like that over here? General Pershing is said to be more robust than when he was on the Mexican border. He needs to be4o carry all his medals. Twenty-dollar shoes may sound all right to the makers, but how does the man who has to buy them or go barefooted like it? 1 "President" De Valera assures us the United States is the greatest of nations, thereby . demonstrating his racial gift of blarney. "Independent" Germans are reported to be looking for trouble. The events of recent months seem to be lost on these fellows. , One thing has been demonstrated at the libel suit hearing. Henry Ford will never wrest laurels from Noah Webster or Sam Johnson as a lexicographer. . The chief of police can not work up any in terest in the Redin case, it being merely an in cident where a man lost his life and $33 owing to police incompetence. - Soda water and ice cream may be freed from special taxation, the republicans being loath to support the government at the expense of the children of the country. Increased fares have not helped street rail roads in either . Pittsburgh or Boston, according to testimony of officials. Is Omaha needed to complete the experiment? Nebraska is awarded one regiment of in - fantry under the National Guard reorganiza- lion plan announced from Washington. It r should be made a good one. Dr. Fred Morrow Fling holds an undisputed place among historians, but a lot of folks will be inclined to question his judgment as to the robbery of China to pay Japan. You can mail a letter to Berlin now for 2 cents, the same as in 1914, but you will not be able to reach a lot of people who used to live there, among them the Hohenzollern boys. ". Why not tell the truth about it? The senate laughed when the head fugleman for the treaty said China had ample protection under Article 'X, which was violated in advance to give Japan the Shantung peninsula and 36,000,000 Chinese. ' London papers warn the government that the British people want more beer and better than they have been getting, and that trouble is brewing if nothing else unless the "war-time eye-wash" gets back something of its old body. And over here the clamor is for "2.751" Vaudeville In the Churches J It is to be said for the ministerial censor who is exposing the wickedness of New York that he is making a thorough job of it. Hav ing duly castigated society for indecent danc ing and other sins and excoriated the stage for its decadence, he now indicts the Protestant churches for "a shamejess surrender to the worst tendencies of the times." They turn the city over to the devil in summer, they "shut tlecock the service of Almighty God" to please golfers and motorists and adopt jazz-band de vices. What is the next stage to be? More vaudeville features tigflit-rope- walking across the heads of the congrega tion from the gallery to the choir loft? ' Consecrated clog-dancing and the religious ' ballet between the preacher's "stunts"? ' Everything is rotten. But is there not a suggestion in this sort of pulpit rhetoric -of the very things complained of a similitude of consecrated clog-dancing in the name of re- , form? Ministers rush in wher,e laymen fear to tread in exposing the admitted shortcomings of the churches. Much of course might be said in their defense. But the theme would not be "popular." ' It would not tickle the ears of the groundlings, and indeed probably would not be heard outside of the sacred edifice. It is more dramatic to accuse. And vaudeville in the pulpit no doubt is equally efficacious with vaudeville in the choir in filling the pews. Ntw York World. ' , .WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCES. ' The president is following one precedent, in spite of his record for doing things his own way, and that is in calling in. to private confer ence members of the senate. Strictly speaking he is within his rights, and is exhibiting the same form of political acumen that character ized most of his distinguished predecessors, who did not disdain to consult with leaders of the senate, regardless-of party. It is the one way for the executive and legislative, branch to' keep the close and intimate touch necessary for team work in looking after the business of the country. Mr. Wilson's greatest venture, that of the League of Nations, migh have pros pered better had he shown a disposition so to take counsel a little earlier. Most of his diffi culties have arisen from his self-sufficiency. A list of fifty names has been prepared, it is stated, of senators who will be invited to the White House for consultation. Until the presi dent himself gives out the list, its names will not be known, save 'as the selected ones call and retire. Nor will the nature of the conver sations be made 'public. It may be surmised, though, that some time an effort will be made to accommodate the .difference in viewpoints between the executive and the majority of the body whose assent is needed to give force to the treaty. That compromise will come out of this may be expected. , The president showed at Paris that he can compound with his opponents, no matter what his aversion. He will find out that the senate's leaders are quite as determined to make certain definite reservations as he is to have the treaty adopted as a whole. When these divergent points are laid side by side and smoothed down to where they match, and such an outcome is far from being impossible of attainment, the vote may be taken. The little meetings at the White House are not the least important of the many incidents in connection with the making of peace. "Credit" for the Coming Peace. How can republicans gain some recogni tion of their fight against the League of Na tions, and at the same time allow the peace pact to go through containing that memor able document? Washington Special to the World-Herald. There you have it, jn a nut-shell, only the query should be reversed. It really is, How can the democrats go before the country and con vince the voters that the president and his ad herents alone are responsible for victory, and that through their unaided efforts mankind has been preserved from destruction? From , the summer of 1916, when the clacquers were shouting, "Thank God for Wil son 1 He kept us out of war," down to this mo ment they have steadily sought to set up in the minds of the people the idea that it was the democratic party alone that strove to save us from the calamity of war, and when it was forced upon the country, it was the undiluted patriotism and transcendant wisdom of that aggregation of political incompetents that pre pared the way to triumph for America. The public has a short memory, but it would be remarkable if it already had forgotten how the democrats in congress hampered the presi dent by their opposition to his war plans; how it was the republican leaders who came to his aid, and forced the reluctant administration party to speed up. v Secretary'Baker excused the dilatory tactics of the War department by saying the "war is 3,000 miles away." Dent of Alabama, a democrat, chairman of the house committee on military affairs, refused to report the selective draft bill. Kahn of California, a republican, brought in that measure and fought it through the house against the opposition of democrats. Speaker Champ Clark took the floor and de nounced the law, saying he could "see no dif ference between a conscript and a convict." Finally, Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, smart ing under snubs, led the movement to take the management of the war out of the hands of the president and vest it in a board controlled by he senate. The republicans are not seeking "credit" in connection with the peace treaty. What they are trying to find out is whether it will bring peace without disgrace to America. No ques tion ever was raised as to the patriotism of the republican party. The same can not be said of its hoary and decrepit adversary. Bonus for Wheat Excludes Imports. President Wilson's proclamation fixing the price of wheat at $2.30 per bushel at New Or leans and Galveston also may put a quietus on a hope for cheaper bread. The older specifically provides that no wheat or wheat products may be imported, except in accordance with limita tions laid down by Director Barnes of the wheat administration. Primarily this is ex pected to prevent any sale of Canadian wheat on this side at the bonus price. It presents another possibility, though, and one that de serves close attention. Under the application of the rule the American 'consumer may be re quired to pay such price for his flour as will save the government whole on whatever of the wheat crop is consumed at home. Thus, so far as the cost of food is concerned, Ameri cans would derive no benefit whatever from the bumper crop, because of prices being held up to the government figure. In Europe, espe cially in Great Britain, relief in the form of lower cost of bread is expected with the com ing to market of the current year's crop. The United States will have for export more wheat than ever, almost the total prewar requirement of the food-importing countries of Europe. Normally this great surplus would give some advantage to home users, but unless the ad ministrator has a thought for the eaters rather than for the obligation of the government,, to the raisers, we may be compelled to continue paying war prices for bread as a result of the order just promulgated. Extreme dry advocates in congress have been warned that they may go too far, and the warning does not come from the wets. How ever, you might as well get accustomed to thinking of the long drouth ahead. The Deutschland is to be made a permanent war museum feature in London. This is a better destiny than the unknown fate of its sis ter, the Bremen. John Finnerty's famous epigram, "Invinci ble in peace and invisible in war," applies to a lot of folks who are filling the news columns nowadays. British Empire and League Premier Hughes of Australia and Sir Jos eph Cook, chairman of the navat committee, were guests of honor at a dinner given by the British Empire league in London recently. The following is a portion of their remarks as published in the London Times, tnd gives a good notion of how conservative British opin ion regards the peace treaty and the league of nations., Premier Hughes said: Although the empire is, perhaps, the great est factor in the world's life, we have no im perial policy. It is true, as we have just seen and know, that it grew with little if any aid from governments; but is its future to be left to chance, to endure or to pass away as may be? Or are we to formulate a policy of em pire. which will tend to ensure its permanence and safety and develop its resources? The problem before us today is how we are going to readjust the circumstances of that confed eration of nations and peoples which we call the British empire to the new conditions which the war and the treaty of peace have created. First we must remember that, apart from the ties of race and tradition, the two material bonds that held the various parts of the em pire to Britain were defense and trade. The growth of the self-governing dominions, the development of their institutions of free gov ernment, as well as their rapidly increasing wealth, were due to the fact that the mighty British navy had protected them from all dan ger, had kept predatory hands from being stretched out to clutch these fertile and rich portions of the earth. They still need protec tion. They have shown that they can raise great armies. Australia has even a small but quite useful navy. But against a first-class power we feel some further defense is called for. To whom are we to look? 'You say to the British navy? Good. But will the British navy be in the future the supreme naval pow er? And will it be entirely under the control of Britain? Has the old order of things passed away with the coming of the league of nations? Let me put the position shortly. I welcome the league of nations. I believe the idea of settling disputes by appeal to reason and right, rather than by brute force, is the civil ized and proper method. But the end of war is not yet. These last five or six months, while men in Paris have been talking over the league of nations, war has been raging in near ly every quarter of the world, and strife and unrest manifest themselves everywhere. Hu man nature is not to be bottled up by formu las or ambition and desire repressed by pious words. I am not satisfied that the league of nations will work quite as its advocates believe. If we in Australia are attacked, to whom shall we call the league of nations or the British empire? Unless there is an imperial system of defense, unless every part of the empire knows that between them and danger is the British navy, this empire is the1 fabric of a dream. The British navy under the league of na tions is no longer a British navy under thar control of Britain. It is part and parcel of that heterogeneous force that is to police the world and guarantee its peace. We are to call on the league of nations. But who is this league of nations? Will it contain our pres ent deadly enemy? No man can say but in all human probability it will. If we are at tacked, does any man think that the league of nations will come to our aid with that swift eagle swoop that will mark the flight of the aggressor? Does any man think that a nation, having made up its mind to take the plunge, will spend its time in dallying, in giving notice of its intention to plunge a dagger into our hearts? No. The first notice of that nation will cornel in the roar of cannon, in the actual noise of conflict. We know now in this matter where we stand. We must not leave the firm ground for the treacherous quicksand. Let us make up our minds, while there is yet time, .come what may, we will not abandon the substance for the shadow. We will not abandon that sure shield behind which we have lain so safely for that other thing which h,as yet to win its spurs. (Cheers.) Sir Joseph Cook, in responding, said that during his visit he had been greatly struck with the spirit of the empire as it displayed it-" self in the heart of the empire. He thought they could have dispensed with a great deal of the criticism of the peace conference they had got for many weeks past. A good deal of criticism was not at all justified. They had been engaged in the most colos sal task in the history of the world. The task was not yet complete. Much uncertainty and disquiet prevailed all over the world, and in finite patience and labor would be needed yet to put things right. The whole world had been sent reeling; victor and vanquished were more or less dislocated and xbeggered in the result. In these circumstances, it was not too mucfi to ask that the people should be a little patient while their representatives were trying to make a peace which would last and be worthy of the war. There were lots of things one could say before leaving, but the feeling , in one's mind was that while they had so much trouble of their own still on their hands, and needing all their energies "and wisdom to con trol and to Solve, it would be better to leave the people in the mother country to face their own in their own way, while they unravelled and straightened out theirs in the dominions. Some things the war had not changed. One was the conviction of the dominions that their future destiiy must be within the empire and not outside it. There were many common du ties attaching to this common realization. They went out to their own countries to develop the empire's resources there, while the people of the mother country developed them here at home. They would try to make it secure out there, while the people here made it secure at home. They would carry with them the same outlook and ideals and try to live on the same high plane of civilization which had made the empire so widely respected in the world. They would recognize their growing power as a trusteeship as the empire had done in all the past days. It was his hope as it was his firm belief that the best days ,of the empire were yet to be. (Cheers.) People, You Ask About Information About Folks in the Public Eye Will Be Given in This Column in Answer ' to Readers' Questions. Your Name Will Not Be Printed. Let The Bee Tell You. Ue ofays' Qorri&r Head of American Peace Commls- slon. Frank Lyon Polk will sail for Paris' on Monday, the 21st, to be come head of the American peace commission. Within a few years he has made a brilliant record as diplomatic and legal adviser of the United States government. Recently he became uder secretary or tne State department, a new position created by act of congress. Mr. Polk is of an old Tennessee family. One of his grandfathers was Protestant Episcopal bishop, Leonidas Polk, who won fame as a leader In the confederate army. Mr, Polk is a Tale A. B. and a Columbia LL. B. He began to practice law in New York City in 1897. and with in seven years had been made member of .the state civil service commission. For a year, 1914-16 he was corporation counsel of the city of New York, and it was while he was In this position that Presi dent Wilson picked him out and summoned him to Washington to succeed Robert Lansing as counselor of the State department. Albert Spalding, Violinist. K. B. The engagement of Albert Spalding has been announced. He is a native son of America. Prob ably you think otherwise because Of his years of study abroad and his recognition there even before he "gained standing as an artist at home. He made his first formal appearance before a critical EiV ropean audience In Paris in 1905. His American debut came three years later. He has since toured very thoroughly both Europe and the United States. He composes as well as renders musical composi tions. While the United States was at war he was generous with his time and talent in serving the com mittee on entertainment of the sol diers. Later Mr. Spalding decided to do his own "bit" as a soldier and joined the military forces of the United States. M. P. The question you ask can not be answered at present. It is wholly a matter of speculation. I TOhAV The Day We Celebrate. Dr. Lee B. Van Camp, practicing physician, born 187S. ' , . Francesco Saverio Nitti, who recently be came premier of Italy, born 51 years ago. Rose Pastor Stokes, noted as a worker in the cause of socialism, born in Russia, 40 years ago. Dr. Samuel W. Stratton, for many years director of the United States Bureau of Stand ards, born at Litchfield," 111., 58 years ago. Prince Victor Napoleon, Bonapartist pre tender to the throne of France, born 57 years ago. Maj. Gen. Charles H. Muit, U. S. A., the new commandant of the service schools at Fort Leavenworth, born at Erie, Mich., 59 years ago. Retiring President of Berkeley. Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, who retired from the presidency of the University of California on July 15, has been at the head of the institu tion Berkelev for 20 vears. Prlve- ously he had been a professor at Cornell university, specializing in classical philalogy and Greek litera ture. In 1909 he was Roosevelt professor at the University of Berlin and for a year he had charge of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Dr. Wheeler has been a somewhat prolific author, for one so laden with administrative duties, and has carried on his share of dis cussion of problems of education, has led to his frequent employment as a writer for well-known works of reference. Upon his retirement from the presidency of the Univer sity of California he is to be given the title of president emeritus of the university. Theodore N. Vail. Theodore N. Vail, who upon his 75th year, is one of the foremost men in the American business world. For more than a decade he has been the executive head of the American Telegraph and Telephone Company. Prior to taking on this administrative task he had won na tional fame by his promotion of electrical interests in the cities of South America. Mr. Vail, who is a native of Ohio, began his business career in the service of the nation in the postal service. He was one of the first to become interested in the telephone as a commercial prop osition, and he has never ceased to retain that interest, intellectual and pecuniary. He is known as a busi ness man with very marked aes thetic tastes, and abiding loyalty to the humanities. He has given freely of his time, money and personal service to the promotion of all sorts of public welfare movements, and in the economic and industrial world he has constantly thrown his influ ence on the side of fair play and democracy. ON THE O. L. D. HIGHWAY. by the Denver Wa have left the old .Missouri automobile way. Bound for somewhere close to on a ranch, And have passed the thrifty ragweeds down below the banks of clay, And the green box elders bordering the branch. We have driven over culverts by the fences and the farms. ' Near the cottonwooded houses on. the road. ' Past the apples In the orchards, with their red and russet charms, And the swinging boughs declining with their load. We have seen the new self-binders tying; up the golden grain. And the motor threshers tearing down the stack; Have beheld the blue alfalfa waving on the rolling plain. And inhaled Its breath of sweetness In the rack. Wa have crossed the wide-Platte rlvar, with Its shifting bars of sand. And have speeded for a hundred miles or more. Where the Hereford and the Jerseys graze upon the roughest land. And the Durocs root In pastures by the score. W have reached Nebraska's desert, which has blossomed as the rose. And have touched the ragged edges of the west; Her the sugar beet In scientific Irriga tion grows, And it seems a splendid place to have a rest. Omaha. WILLIS HUDSPETH. DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY. DAILY CARTOONETTE. Thirty Years Ago in- Omaha. Sixty members of the High School Alumni association met. An assessment of 50 cents per member was voted. Mr. Isaac S. Dement of Chicago, in a short hand demonstration before 150 local stenog raphers at the Standard Shorthand school, wrote 260 words a minute, which he readily and accurately transcribed. The rate on dressed beef from Omaha to Chicago is reduced to 23 1-2 cents per hun dred; on packing house products, 18 cents. Cornerstone of the First Methodist church was laid before a crowd of more than 1,000. Bishop John P. Newman was present, also T. B. Lemon, "Father of Nebraska's Methodism." Rev. T. M. House, pastor of the church, gave an address, I'LL BE READY Iff JU5T R FtUJ MmUTES QEORljEEEAf. 50 SITIIOUM AND WAIT' "til (Peggy and Billy, turn Into honey bees when Humble Bee Buzz gives them a wish. They teas Jndge Owl and he sen tences them to be eaten bj King Bird.) "BUMBLE BEE BUZZ." , King Bird's Circus Stunts. JUDGE OWL in his wise old way had turned the tables on Peg gy Bee and Billy Bee when he sen tenced them to be eaten by King Bird. Of course, he did not know that they were Peggy and Billy; he thought they were only a couple of bothersome wild honey bees. And King Bird didn't know who they were. All he knew was -that after a long fast from honey bees he had been told to gobble these two up, and he went at his job very eagerly. He was Just like a boy who hadn't eaten any pie all during the war and who suddenly had a big, Juicy pie piacea Deiore him and was told to go to it. Now, Peggy and Billy, who had been dodging around Judge Owl's ears as a Joke, dodged for a very different reason. They dodged to save themselves from King Bird's sharp beak. They knew that if he got them it would be the end of them. Peggy and Billy, being, small, could turn quickly, 'but they found that King Bird was a dodger, too. They would Jump to one side, and he would come piling around In a short circle. They would dodge downward, and he would turn a somersault in the air to 'keep on their trails. It was like a circus performance. or like two little airplanes battling with a big airplane that was chasing them. The birds gathered around and watched it eagerly. It was a regular show for them, atjd they twittered and twittered in high glee as King Bird almost got 'em and then Just missed. Kingfisher, sitting on the limb of a dead tree, rattled and gurgled in his merriment, opening his mouth wide. Peggy dropped to the ground all tired out. King Bird was after Billy and he didn't notice Peggy, nor did the other birds. Billy was getting tired, too, and King Bird noticed it. He made one final swift dash, and it looked as if Billy would be finished right there and then. But Billy had a refuge in sight. He dodged King Bird's dash and, quick as the flash of an eye, he pop ped into the open beak of King fisher. The birds saw him vanish, but they didn't have the slightest idea where ho had gone. Neither did Kingfisher. He closed his beak, but the inside was like a small cavern to a honey bee, Billy instead of being crushed, had plenty of room. Peggy saw that Billy was safe from King Bird, and she crept under a leaf. Bumble Bee Bum hid himself in the honeysuckle vine. "Chee, chee, chee! They got away from you," laughed the birds, in high glee over King Bird's hun gry disappointment "Hoot: Hoot! Hoot! I'm Just as glad." said Judge Owl, who had got back his usual good humor while watching the show. "I guess they were Just mischevious and not bad after all. " Ru7.-z-z-J!-z! You'd better be glad," hummed Bumble Bee Buzz, flying out of the honeysuckle vine, for the honey bees are Princess Peggy and Billy Belgium, In dis guise themselves. "Princess Peggy and Billy!" .shrieked all the birds. "Where are they now?" "And to think I sentenced them to be gobbled up!" groaned Judge Owl. "King Bird are you sure you didn't swallow them?" "I'm am sure said King Bird, beginning to Mook scared. "But maybe I did give them a hard nip." But now Kingfisher began to act very pecularly. He coughed, he choked, he gagged and all of a sud den hf began to laugh violently and tumble about as if some one were tickling him. "Oh. oh. something is wrong with me inside," he rattled. "I'm but zins like an airplane." As he opened his mouth to say this, out flew Billy, safe and sound. He had hummed in Kingfisher's big bill, and this what made the bird feel so queer. "Buzz-z-z-z! It's Billy Bee," said Bumble Bee Buzz. "Chee! Chee! We're glad to see you. Billy, but where is Princess Peggy'" sang the birds. "Here I am," buzzed Peggy, fly lrg up from her hiding place. Then then, was glad rejoicing among the birds, and Judge Owl was so relieved because Peggy and Billy hadn't been gobbled up that he danced a Jig. In the midst of the fun Peggy heard a humming call from the edge of the forest: "Busy, busy, busy bee, Never idle, never free. Busy, busy, busy bee." Again this call had it's pecular effect upon Peggy. She felt that they must join the worker bees at their toil. She couldn't resist the force that was pulling her. Billy and Bumble Bee Buzz were not there to grab her this time, and before she knew what was happen ing, she was racing to Join the lady honey bees, against whom Bumble DAILY DOT PUZZLE 41 4t i5 3 4o 92 AS .Is e5 ( 0. 27 79 6t bo I3 lb' "7 t7 Si 61 15 14- 5 52 41 V f ' I Trace the lines and you will see, Some one very dear to me. Draw from one to two and so on to the enAi Bee had warned her. And, Billy and Bumble Bee Buzz were celebrat ing so JoyouBly they did not see her go. (In the next Installment will be told the remarkable adventure Peggy has among the worker bees.) As He Opened His Mouth to Say This Out Flew Billy Safe and Sound. Mr. George W. Heeg Tells now Cuticura Healed His Rash "I became affected with a rash as the result of swimming in extremely hot weather, and my entire body was covered with red pimples. The skin was in flamed and red, and the pim ples caused an intense itch ing and burning, and also loss of sleep. "After repeated applications of , and other remedies without success, I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap with the Cuticura Ointment, I was healed." (Signed) George W. Heeg, 24 Max ine PI., Akron, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1519. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c Sold throughout the world. For sample each free address : "Cuticura Lab oratories, Dept. H, Maiden. Maae." SssJCuticura Soap shaves without mug. is and Great tofchiycls Go where it is cool and comfortable! There are hundreds of hotels, cottages or camps on the shady shores of pictur esque lakes to choose from. Here you may fish, canoe, hike through forest trails, or just loaf to your heart's content. Xhis home of the "musky," bass, pike, pickerel and wily trout is next door to you. The expense is nominal. You will acquire health and take- on a new lease of life in this great outdoor playground. Summer Excursion Fares Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your tripi or apply to nearest Consol idated Ticket Office) or addren Travel Bureau, U. S. Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bldg., Chicago) 14) Liberty Street, New York Cityi 602 Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ueorgia. Ask for booklet: "Th Nerthm hukn" (HlMMrta. WtMimla. Mvtm MlaUsaa, laws, n&uetf 3 jSrii''i'ir "I! " ""fMT lei TwTeV'oiHce, ' Service for Business Houses The First invites the accounts of sound busi ness concerns, firms, corporations and individ uals and is prepared to extend not only suitable lines of credit, but also a helpful advisory and de veloping service. For some time we have been quietly extend ing our commercial department without bringing f its service before the general public in any wide spread wtvy. ' Special consideration is given sound enter prises contributing directly to the development of home industries and the up-building of Omaha for in these we see an exemplification of thatl unity of interest toward which all citizens should work and to which this bank is unreservedly committed. First National iBank of Omaha