Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919.
Main Floor Offices Will Allow
, Direct Contact With Adver-"
tiscrs and Subscribers On
Passersby of The Bee building
now have ocular evidence of the
remodelling that is going on which
will transform it to accord with
present-day building requirements.
While The Bee and other occupants
of the building are necessarily for
the time subjected to more or less
inconvenience, the plans promise
decided improvements of which all
will benefit and arrangements for
quarters for The Bee will afford bet
ter facilities for the paper in rela
tion to the public than at present
The principal change in the build
ing centers about the main entrance
heretofore taking up a third of the
Farnam street frontage and the
ground floor of the court which was
solely an ornamental feature.
By the new plan two additional
store rooms will be created front
ing on Farnam street, one on each
side of the entrance and The Bee
will occupy "for its business office
two ground floor rooms fronting on
Farnam street. This wtil give The
Bee a Farnam street entrance win
dow space of nearly 40 feet and,
givo direct street contact with ad
vertisers and subscribers without
use of stairs or elevator.
The other departments of The
Beer including the editorial depart
ment, advertising force and circu
lation accounting will remain as at
present on the floor above, but with
relocation for more efficient ac
commodation. The mechanical production of the
paper will be where it now is in
the bridge-connected annex on the
north side of the alley. At the same
time a new press room is to be pro
vided in the basement at a lower
level than the present basement
floor. This will necessitate the re
moval of The Bee's big presses, to
do which without interfering with
the continuous publication of the
paper is a most difficult and deli
cate task,' but has been completely
provided for.
As already announced, the Pelers
Trust company, which has taken
over the lease-hold interest of the
Keystone Investment company, in
the building, is to have the mag
nificent banking room that will be
constructed out of the court and
adjoining space reached through the
main Farnam street entrance. The
Seventeenth and Farnam streets cor
ner has been reserved for an up-town
office of the Western Union Tele
graph company and another store
will be occupied by the Wirthshaft
er cigar establishment, whose pres
ent space will be part of The Bee
office. A number of applicants are
after the other store rooms but it
has not yet been disclosed which
has the preference.
The work of remodeling the en
trance and Farnam street stores is
expected to take about 90 days, the
remainder of the remodeling several
months more.
Royal D.MillerWill
Join Organization of
Peters Trust Co.
Three Men Bound Over
To the District Court
On Larceny Charge
Henry Wegworth, alias "Frisco
Pete," giving his address as the
Sanford hotel; Joe Pearson, Krug
hotel, and Steve Weiman, Flomar
hotel, were arraigned in police court
yesterday on a charge of grand lar
ceny. They pleaded not guilty and
were bound over to the district
court under bonds of $730 each.
It is alleged by police that the
three men were implicated in the
robbery of the Charles Storz home,
1901 Wirt street, last Saturday,
when more than $1,000 worth of
liquor was stolen while the family
was attending -the funeral of Mrs.
It is also alleged by police that
these men, using the? same tactics as
at the Ston home, posing as police
officers entered the home of T. C.
Brown, 3520 South Twentieth
Wegworth was also charged with
unlawful possession of intoxicating
liquor. At the time of his arrest
police say he had a sack of whisky.
The liquor, according to the police,
xarne from the Storz home.
Federal Manager of the U. P.
Makes Correction On Report
The net income of the Union Pa
cific Railroad company for the fiscal
year ending July 1 was $29,426,775,
instead. of $77,247,940, as indicated
by a report that came from the of
fice of the Nebraska State Railway
commission, according to Federal
Manager E. E. Calvin.
During the period covered by the
report the sum of $13,731,649 was put
into phvsical improvements, instead
of $872,000, as reported, Mrs. Calvin
Thousands of
"Palm Beach"
Suits are being
cleaned here, but
our capacity is un
limited. It costs only $1.25 to
clean and press a man's
2-piece Palm Beach Suit.
Dytr, Cleaners, fatten. Furriers,
Tailors, Ruff Cleaners, Shoe
Mate Office and Plant,
2211-13-17 Farnam St.
Branch Office:
Dresner, The Tailor, ISIS Farnam
St.; Pompeiaa Room of Brandeij
Stores. West End of Main Floor of
Burfese-Nash Co.
r-HUNE TYLuC 345.
.40 a..
- at .
" f-TZ M
j m . S'J
Real Estate Men Say Project
Would Lessen Cost of
Electric" Power In
. Omaha.
Royal D. Miller, manager of the
Consolidated Railway Ticket office,
since its opening last October, an
nounced yesterday his resignation to
becomes associated with'the Peters
Trust Co. Mr. Miller is to take
charge of the organization of a new
business department as another step
in the development of the company's
plans preparatory to moving to their
nejv location. Mr. Miller will also
have supervision of the steamship
ticket department of the company.
Mr. Miller was associated with the
Northwestern railroad for 20 yars,
moving to the position general agent
of the road in Omaha. Mr. Miller
will take his new position early in
August. .
Preacher Said to Have
Used Undue Influence
In Making of Will
Undue influence is alleged to have
been exercised over a dying man by
Rev. J. Costello, superintendent of
the Pleasant Green Baptist mission,
in a protest filed in county court
yesterday against the probating of
the will of the late Lee Rov Sinele-
ton, 1422 North Twenty-second
Singleton died suddenly on June
1, 1919, and left a peculiar will, leav
ing his entire estate to Rev. Mr.
The will was written May 31, 1919,
with a lead pencil on a small sheet,
torn from a note book and reads as
"If a die i want Rev. J. Costello to
se about puting me away and what
time. My money i have left i will
it to him, this is don by own request.
Lee Roy Singleton."
The will was witnessed by Mrs.
Lizzie Lavent. Mrs. Mamie Lillie
and Miss Josie Lillie.
The protest alleges that the wit
nesses also exercised undue influence
over the Hvinar man and also that
he was of unsound mind at the time
he signed the will, which was only a
few hours before his death.
The orotest is made on behalf of
Mrs. Rose Duncan of Natchez, Miss.,
grandmother of the deceased, who is
said to be his sole heir-at-law. The
estate amounts to $1,250.
Elaborate Chop Suey Cafe
Is Planned by Omaha -firm
The H. A. Wolf Co. announces
that the upper two floors of the
building at 315 South Sixteenth
street, formerly known as the Han
son cafe, have been leased to the
King Fong Co., which is planning to
remodel the building at a cost of
$50,000 and to open one of the larg
est chop suey cafes in the west. A
representative of the new lessees
has gone to China to buy oriental
decorations. The King Fong Co. is
a partnership composed of the pres
ent -owners of the Mandarin and
King Joy restaurants.
D. C. Patterson, on behalf of the
Real Estate exchange, is circulat
ing petitions to request the city
council to submit a bond proposi
tion of $5,000,000 for water power
projects on the Platte or Loup
This proposition has been in the
hands of a special committee ap
pointed by the Real Estate ex
change and has been approved by
the exchange.
, The object is to obtain electric
power for Omaha at a rate that will
attract new industries, Mr. Patter
son said.
"It is not necessary for us to ob
tain petitions, but we are doing so,
that in the event the city council
should not pass the necessary or
dinance, calling for an election, we
may submit such an ordinance to
an initiative election?' Mr. Patfer-
son added.
He further explained that the
bonds would not be a tax on the
people in the same sense that the
county road bonds will be, but that
the principal, interest and cost of
operation would be paid by the
consumers of power.
The special committee of the
Real Estate exchange has reports
from the state engineer showing the
feasibility of various proposed
plans of developing the power of
the Loup or Platte rivers.
The first paragraph of the peti
tions being circulated, reads: "The
state engineer reports that water
power can be developed from the
Loup and Platte rivers in units of
60,000 12-hour-power at a cost of
less than $5,000,000, and delivered
into Omaha at a net cost, per kilo
watt hour, at less than one-third
that of power produced from
steam." v
Mr. Patterson stated that his
committee hopes to submit the bond
proposition at the time of the pri
mary election, September 9.
Election Warrants Ready
Warrants for the iudces. insnprt-
ors and clerks whoorked in the
speial election of June 24 are now
ready in the office of County Clerk
Dewev and those entitled to them
are asked to call . and get them.
mere are I.JUO and the county clerk
says those who can't call in person
should send some member of the
family for the warrants.
Two Men Missing
The home service section of the
Red Cross is anxious to' locate A. M.
Luckey and Frank Hesee. Anyone
having information please telephone
Tyler 2721 or call at Red Cross
headquarters in the court house.
Associated Serum
Companies of U. S.
In Convention Here
Delegates of the Associated Se
rum companies of America are hold
ing their semi-annual convention in
Omaha, meeting at the Hotel Rome,
some 70 being in attendance.
The serum manufacturers' con
vention is presided over by C H.
Goebel, president, Kansas City. E.
M. Boddington of the same place,
is secretary. The morning session
of the convention of serum manu
facturers was taken up with regis
tration, after which the "Problems
of Serum Industry" were taken up
and discussed.
Yesterday afternoon H. E. Griffin
talked on' "Sales Management;" H.
R. Shedd, Kansas Citv, on "Method
of Handling Serum Credits;" R. G.
Tinkham, Omaha, on "Cash Credit
Basis;" J. F. Hoaglin, Kansas City,
on "Value of the Confidential Cred
it Sheet," and S. F. Cusack, Siou
City, on "Adjusting Serum Losses
in the Field."
The convention will close this
Omaha Man Fined In Bluffs
Court for Reckless Driving
C. J. Lyon of Omaha, was fined
$100 and costs by Police Judge Ca
pell in Council Bluffs yesterday on a
charge of reckless driving. He as
charged with running over 7-year-old
Phyllis White last Tuesday
afternoon at Pearl and Broadway.
It was believed at first that the
little girl would die, but now indi
cations are that she will recover.
She lives at 246 Harrison street,
Council Bluffs.
When troubled with
pains in the stomach or
diarrhoea give Chamber
Iain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy a trial. It is excellent
1 "V yr
Unusual Friday Bargains
These offerings are of timely interest, for at this time of the summer, usually one's wardrobe becomes de
pletedf The bargains here presented are of a distinct advantage with this fact in view. For finishing out of the
summer one or so of these splendid summery dresses plays an important part a pair of shoes or oxfords.
Hosiery you will note is offered in abundance. And neither have we forgotten the men and little ones. In a
few words here is merchandise of a very desirable nature at prices that mean economy in the highest degree.
If you have ecBema, your prompt use
of Poslam may mean all the difference
between immediate comfort and a long
period of itching distress. Take the easy,
pleasant way to quick relief. Apply Pos
lam right on the raw places that burn
and itch. Feel a burden lifted as the skin
is soothed and pacified. You will know
then to what a high state of efficiency
this reliable remedy has been brought.
Poslam is concentrated. Short treatment
suffices for most minor troubles.
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 248 West 47th
St.. New York City.
Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam
should be used if skin is tender and
sensitive. Adv. x
Counsel for
Those Who
Seek Counsel
Many business
men make a practice
of consulting with us be
fore undertaking new
business ventures.
Being in touch with
sources of informa
tion not always available
to individuals, we are
often able to offer sugges
tions which materially alter
1 decisions.
Those who seek
advice based on ex
perience and who want -facts
without bias or pre
judice, appreciate this serv-
The Omaha
National Bank
Farnam at 17th Street
Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000.
wrinjunfolT' Fancy Summer Dresses
For Street Porch and House Wear5 Lots AH Very Specially Priced
Over 2,000 Dresses in these lots, of good styles and materials, and prices so remarkably low
that you should make a special effort to obtain a few of the bargains.
1.25 to 1.69
Dozens of styles,
many d i f fe rent
kinds of wash ma
terials, such as
Chambray, Ging
ham, Percales, etc.
$2 to 3.50
Large plaid
Ginghams, fancy
and checked Ging
ham, fine Percales,
novelty wash ma
terials, etc., sizes
U to 46.
$4 to $6 Dresses
A remarkable lot
of fancy Dresses,
good values afld
styles, hundreds to
choose from; spe
cial Friday at this
unusually low
$5.95 to$ld
Fancy Cottons,
as well as a few
Satins, Silk Poplin
and fancy Silks. A
good assortment to
choose from.
10.95 to 15.95
Beaded Georg
ette Dresses, fancy
Silk and Satin
Dresses, etc. A big
rack full from
which to select.
Special Friday.
' 4
: "y
n ;
Lace Curtains
The Nottingham kind, 2 yards long;
specially reduced for Friday's sell- QQ
HE ing, at, pair,
Fancy Voiles
pH Some plain, 2,000 yards, an excel- 1 Q
Hi lent quality, 86 and 40 in. wide, yd., liC
j Odd Lace Curtains
ljj Some can be matched, 2 and 3
fjp yards long; special, each, HrJC
j Lace Curtains
pSi Filet and Nottingham, 750 pairs, 1 nrc
pfc 2 yards long; special at, pair, O
3 Lots of Tub Skirts
At V3 to V2 Regular Price.
Over 1,500 splendid skirts at very
prices; all good up-to-date styles and
for stout women as well as regular.
Lot 1
Consists of neat,
attractive skirts;
comes in white and
Lot 2
These Skirts are
all good styles; each
one shows a marked
degree of goo d
workmanship. Spe
cial Friday.
unusual bargain
materials; sizes
Lot 3
These - are all
good values. Good
material and best of
Window Shades
50 dozen in the lot, 36 inches wide, 6 feet
long in all colors; complete with AQf
fixtures, at, each, xSJC
White Voile
40 inches wide. Soft chiffon finish, sheer
and clingy for waists and O C g
dresses, at, yard. 0JC
Shirting Madras
36 inches wide, in a big assortment OQ,,
of new patterns and colorings, at, yd., OIC (
36-inch Percale
Wide dress, wrapper and shirting OP
styles, light and dark colors, spec, yd., OOC
Our Greatest Basement Sale of
The Most Successful Sale in Our History Now in Progress.
v The enthusiasm shown Thursday in this, our greatest Hosiery Sale, proves to us
that this will be the biggest hosiery event we or likely anyone else has held.
It is certainly wise economy to look to your" hosiery needs now, for another oppor
tunity of this kind is not likely for many months. Plan to buy a plentiful supply.
Womens fine Thread Silk; Hose, special, pr., 750
Children's Stockings, 50c seconds, pair at 290
Infants' Hose, extra special, pair at 290
Half Socks for Infants, special at - 190
Men's Hosiery, extra special at, pair 250
Women's Lisle Hose, 65c seconds, pair 390
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, 59c seconds, 250
Women's Lisle Hose, 50c seconds, pair 210
Women's fine Thread Silk 'Hose, pair, at 390
Cotton Socks for Men, 25c qualities, pair, 13 W0
Men's Hosiery, mercerized lisle, special, pr., 180
i J
! -SRSrl
Dress Gingham
Renfrew; beautiful plaids, checks, OP
etc.; special at, yard, OOC
Bleached Muslin
Mill remnants, 36 inches wide, splendid
quality for making sheets and 1 q
slips, at, yard, 1JC
Dress Voile
Fancy printed, in a variety of new print
ings on white, and tinted grounds, 1 OJL
long mill lengths, at, yard, 1 m 2 C
Linen Finish Suiting
In a good assortment of plain shades for
wash suits, skirts, etc., 36 nn
inches wide, at, yard, h2C
Dress Swiss
Embroidered, in a splendid assortment of
new shades, 36 inches wide, very popular
for wash dresses, waists, etc.; JP
special at, yard, rOC
Splendid Offerings for Men nd Boys In the
Men's Department
Here are presented some splendid offerings in Men's
and Boys' Apparel at unusual, worthwhile savings.
Men's Union Suits
An offering of Men's Summer Athletic Union Suits. '
These Suits are remarkably well made and offered at a yf
price for Friday that should mean the attendance of a
crowd of enthusiastic men. Priced at only
Drawers for Men, specially priced at, only SOe.
Khaki Trousers
These Trousers are offered
so unusually low, that surely
men will be eager to take ad
vantage of the savings possible.
They ha've cuffs, buttons and
belt loops; sizes 28 to 42; spe
cial Friday, pair
- 1.95
Boys' Blouses
The offering consists of
Blouses of Percale and Madras,
collars attached and sport col
lar styles, in all sizes and of
fered at a price that assures a
good saving.
Dress Voile
Fancy printed, in a big variety of new pret
ty printings on white and colored grounds,
40 inches wide; special (q
at, yard, 0C
Dress Batiste ,
Fancy printed, in a variety of neat floral
effects, also plain shades; OQ
special at, yard, &C
Plisse Crepe
Genuine Windsor, in a variety of neat pat-"
terns on white and tinted grounds, Q Q
also plain white, at, yard, OcC
White Pajama Checks v
36 inches wide, in assorted patterns
for underwear, pajamas, etc.; jr
special at, yard, OC
White Voile
40 inches wide, in a big assortment of
woven and embroidered designs, A p
long mill lengths; at, yard, TTUC
CI 1 if-Jj Excellent Offerings for Misses, Women and
OnO.eS anCl VJXrOrUS Children In the Basement Shoe Section
Here are mentioned five unusual bar
gains, and a careful reading will' reveal the
unusual savings possibilities.
Outing Shoes
For Women.
White canvas and
Nile cloth, either
leather or rubber
soles, high Louis or
walking heels. Sizes
are 2 to 6. Slight
ly soiled;
Play Shoes
For Children. Brown
duck with leather
trimmings, lace
styles, double soles;
great values; sizes
5 to 7.
Play Sandals
For Children. White
duck, either elk or rubber
soles, with and without heels.
Made over roomy lasts, sizes
to 2; pair
You'll find cool footwear here, and a va
riety for you to choose from the like of
which is indeed quite uncommon.
Play Scuf fers
For Children. Scout
styles, with or with
out heels; slightly
imperfect; sizes are
6 to 2. This is a
splendid opportu
nity, indeed.
Barefoot Sandals
For Misses and Chil
dren. Tan leather
uppers, either plain
oak soles or soles
w it h the Kelly
Roach process, which
means double life to
the soles; sizes are
6 to 2.
Hi I
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