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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1919)
' V" THE x BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY JULY 11 1919. r FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Iowa Lands. IOWA FARM. Ill iini, CO acres cultivated. It acres more good tillable land, fenced and cross-fenced; 1134 per aorei two mllea from town. Take elear Income) or general merchandise. MID-WEST REALTY EXCHANGE 111 Bee Bide. Tyler 4181. IOWA FARM, ttt-aer Iowa farm, practically all In cultivation. I mllea to town; want a food merchandise business. Thla farm ean be cut la two, HI Bee. Bldg. Tyler till. Missouri Lands. - LA ROB PASTURE. I, COO aerei all, under fence, abundance et water, stx mllee from railroad, lo cated la Dent county, Missouri; now pasturing tot cattle; 1.000,000 minim props on Jaad, Price, IS per acre terma If desired, r. E. Dentson. Rolls. Mo. Nebraska Lands NEVER BEFORE -i in me mstory or tne ureal wen were the opportunities' greater or the re ward more positive than today. With every farm product bringing return beyond even the dream of a few year ago, result are quick and certain. Many have paid In full for their land In ine firm year. iveirn nnu muua offer you this chance. Thy are yet ' cheap, but will not remain so when this year's record 1 made known to the world. You can still buy Improved farms, either large or small, for a low mm it. n I7K an Dr., mnri Vltllt n . TV. on a post card will tell you all about over SO of these choice places. Let u help you on the road to prosperity. Don't wait until tomorrow, writs us today, WATSON & BRENAN, ' "Real Reliable Realty" 644 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RANCH BARGAIN. Three sections In Lincoln Co., Neb.; well Improved, fenced and cross fenced; 400 pine trees, 600 forest trees, 1 wells and windmills; 100 acres In crops; much mors can be farmed; good hay meadow; 14 miles northwest of Sutherland 1 miles from school; on telephone and - mall route. A good ranch at pre-war price; can be sqld for less than IIS per acre If sold soon. Tou will deal with owner, not In hands of speculator. Here Is your opportunity to get a good stock 11 farm. a V. NELSON. Doug. 8204. 616 Om. Nat. Bk, Bldg. ' 3.840 ACRES CHERRY COUNTT, NEB., RANCH. This tine ranch is located I miles to railroad town, has 1,900 acres of good farm and alfalfa land; haa now 800 acres alfalfa, first crop, In stack; S60 acres under plow, balance strictly flrst ' class graslng land. Has three mllea fin running water; fenced and cross fenced; good set of improvements In good shape. Price 135.00 per acre; good first-class terms. Wrtt me for ap polntment to see this ranch. S. O. NORDQUIST, 111 Neville Blk., Omaha. Neb. 1,000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 miles south of . Gordon; I miles Niobrara river frontage; 1,000 acres best farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber along river and in two Iarg draws. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. , . 8. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. NORTHEAST Nebraska, sure crop coun try. Improved corn and alfalfa farms; level, deep black soil; plenty good water; priced right for investment, and terms to suit farmer with small means. Close to good town, school and church. - ? C. V. NELSON. Doug. SI04. 516 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. HAVE several farms, well located, lm proved or unimproved, small or large, will sell or trade, what have youT Gordon-Knell Co., 9 St Paxton Blk. 1,480 acres stock and grain farm for quick! . sale, ssrt an acre; running water ana fine Improvements. For particulars write John Droll, owner, Culberson, Neb. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Colo rado lands see HELD LAND CO., - t4 Brand'jls Bldg. . i WRITS! me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good a d Dawes county. Arahi L. Hungerford, Crawford, ' Neb. I EASTERN NEB. FARM LANDS at LOANS PAUL PETERSON, 394 Brandets Thea. Bldg. Prompt service. : MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M, A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county, Neb. R. E. Holmes. BustmeW. Neb. - , FOB, NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 0t Karbah Blk. , , , Tyler 6S4. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offer you a home in the land of sunshine, where : conditions art right for raising alfalfa : and . cattle. Address, Jordan Valley Fa rma. Boise Idaho. South Dakota Lands. A BARGAIN ; One-half section, two miles south of Herrlck, 8. D., well improved at 170 per acre If taken at once; this is a snap. Look It up. See ' - ' ALEXANDER & GIPE, Omaha, Neb. (22 Paxton Block. Wisconsin Lands. ; FORCED SALE lit level acres; SS under cultivation, 10 more cleared, balance fine open pas' ture, with clover growing all through and. easily cleared for cultivation; rich mixed clay loam, with clay subsoil; no - stone; fine 1-story 8-room house, hard wood floors; full basement and big screened porch; good hip-roofed barn 13x60: granary, poultry house, dog house. Ice house, eorncrlb, machine shed, garage, silo, well wuse, with) gasoline engine; water works system,' finest water; bearing apple, plum and cherry orchard, strawberries, raspberries, cur rants, gooseberries, nice shade trees, 11 head of first-class' stock; also 4 good Horses, 1 colt. 1 full-blood brood sow and 8 spring pigs, flock of chickens, 1 sets of harness, single harness, binder, mover, rake, drill, disk, corn binder, fanning mill, hay tedder, litter spreader, feed grinder, 1 wagons, rack, buggy, sleighs, 1 plows, harrows, 1 gasoline en gines, cream separator, part Interest In potato digger, planter and sprsyer and aito-f tiling outfit, small tools, etc., and -It -. - ...,l.fln. nf u, . n - , n.. .,., rye, potatoes, clover and timothy Includ - ed and now being harvested. Must sell at once, and everything goes at ttt an acre; one-Ivalf cash, balance to suit On main road, 2 V mllea from Webster, Wis. ; fast growing high school market town on Boo Line, 14 miles northeast of St Paul. Land values are Jumping here and this beautiful home Is a real bargain. Pos session now or -In the fall. J. E. Port, 800 Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS, 640-acre homesteads, Casper. Wyo. ,' Duff Miscellaneous. 400-Acre Equipped Farm, " Income )Last Year . Over $5,000. Nearly new U-roora house, baths,-hot, cold wster, gas-lighted, cement floor main barn, big second barn, litter and feed carriers, garage, store nouses, aa gooa. Smooth machine-worked fields,- wlrs- fenced pasture, much wood, timber, fruit On main road, convenient town. Aged owner for quick sale, includes It cows, . long list farm Implements, etc, at low price. 19.000, easy terms. Details this "money-maker page 41, catalog bargains It states, copy free. 7 STROUT FARM AGENCT. . 181 B. F.. N. Y. Life Bldg. Kansas City WlU w aui,! baihhvi uawatiou , PROFITS - "iv 400 acre farm, 90 cows, crops, tools, machinery, near creamery, railroad, 800 acres fields, 1 100 acres timber, spring water, large barns and dwelling, milk check aver 1900 per month. Price 811.000. One half cash payment Other big bargains. Send for farm catalogue. Campbell Bros.. Oneonta. N. Y. ,-vt"t 1 xi i 4 t T v vi nvTvn Y iet-" va You want what you want when ' you want it. Bee Want Ads will attain the desired results. - BRINGING UP THAT'S NW. J.MlTH'5 i--d- r.UHTe PRETTf FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Miscellaneous. 400-Acre Equipped Farm. ' Income Last Year Over $5,000. , Nearly new 12-room house, baths, hot, -cold water, gas-lighted, cement floor main barn, big second barn, litter and feed carriers, garage, storehouses, all good. Smeoth machine-worked fields, . wire-fenced pasture, much wood, timber, fruit. On matn road, convenient town. Aged owner for quick sale Includes 10 cows, long list farm Implements, etc., at low price, 18.000, easy terms. Details thla money-maker page 41 catalog bar gains 19 states, copy free. Strout Farm Agency, 831 B. H., N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales: quick returns. Held Land Co. 6i Hranaeia .mug. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. THE" AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 1112-14-15 Farnam. OMAHA'S LARGEST USED CAR STORE, OFFERS THE FOLLOWING LIST OF RIGH-RADE USED CARS FOR TOUR INSPECTION; 191 Dodgs roadster. S 1918 Dodge touring. 1918 Dodge roadster, wire wheels. 1910 Chandler roadster. 1919 Chandler roadster. 1917 Patterson Chummy roadster. 1917 Velle six. 1917 Studebaker six. 1918 Studebaker six. 191( Franklin alx. 1917 Saxon roadster. 191s Chandler touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1918 Oldamoblle 8 touring. 1917 Dodge sedan, Rambler touring. 1917 Overland Country Club. AND A LOT OF OTHERS. DON'T FORGET, ALL CARS SOLD WITH A THREE-DAY MONET-BACK GUAR ANTEE AND THAT WE CARRT THE STOCK AND MAKE THE PRICE. AUTO CLEARING . HOUSE, . 1912-14-18 Farnam. UNITED AUTO PARTS COMPANY, Used Car department, I Dort touring i-.j-t S60.00 1917 Fords 250.00 1918 Ford sedan , 6SO.0O 1917 Saxon-slx 600.60 1 Hudson speedster.... 1, 300.00 1 Bulck "E" 49 1,150.00 2 "H" "45" Bulcks, 1360.00-1,400.00 1918 Dodge touring 800.00 1918 Dodge touring... ' 660.09 1917 Maxwell touring 250.00 1 Dort sedan 1,850.00 1 Mitchell six.... 600.00 1 Ford roadster.' 360.00 - 1918 Ford sedan, . cord tires, shock absorbers, walnut steering wheel, Tale lock and foot accel eration. This car la In the very best of condition 700.00 UNITED AUTO PARTS COMPANY, Used Car Department, 20S2 Farnam Street. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 19 PER ROADSTERS 1M MILE TRUCKS. CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. ' s Melcher Service Co., 1616 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 4899. RENT ANEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 11 CENTS PER MILE. TOU ARE COVERED BT INSUR ANB AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 69 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LI VERT CO. DOUG. 2622. 1314 HOWARD! USED CARS. . (1 Overland, touring, 1916... 1400.00 ' I Mitchell roadster, 1917 200 00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap .... 280.00 1611 Davenport St Pbons D. 1241. Auto Repair Shop for aale or trade. ' Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1611 Davenport St. WE can fit you out with a used car; everything from a Cadillac 8 to a 79 Overland. Prices from 2175 p. RAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. ' - PROMPT DELIVERT ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. MGR. TTLER 1767. 1407-21 Capitol Ave. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full Una to select from. Middle State Garage. 2028-9 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. LIGHT-SIX touring Just overhauled; A-l conditions: five good tires; good top; sacrifice for- 9460 or consider trade on lata Ford touring A-l condition. Harney 2228. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sale. Get our prices. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto Co., 3701 South 34th St.. O-nsha. A. LEE A COMPANT Expert automobile washers, slmonyers and Soltshers; all -work guaranteed. 2X07 I. 18th St. Victor Garage, fh. Web. 27. Uaed cars of exceptional value. GUY l. smit:i, 286S Farnam 8t. Doug. 1 970. WILLYS KNIGHT. NEWLT; NEWLT PAINTED: NEW TOP; IN' FIRST CLASS CONDITION. HARNET 6201 iou a. avifi avis. USED CARS AND TRUCKS . AT BARUAIN PRICES. ! STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Ome.ha. Neb. 1100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sola mnfra of new aelt-spaclng af flnity spark plug. Baysdorfer. 310 N 18th NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th and Howard Bta Tyler 1769 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Ex- cwmn vu. mvow e arnam ot. u. sv3o FORD MARKET, 2220 Farnam. Used Forda Time, cask. Uaarty bonds, new bodies. 195. 1 AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service imiiua tor nayueia carburetors and Columbia storage batteriee. Edwards. FOR SALE 1917 Bulck light six. In tha best of condition, looks and runs Ilka 1 new. narney ltj, or Tyler -3961-W. 1 FATHER- VOU'BE. NOT rb MO.J DAUGHTER AUTOMOBILES. FOR TEKMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLAS JfcOTOR COMPANT 2620 Farnam Bt, BARGAIN IN USKD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th & Jackson. Ford Agents. D. S!v90. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for sale, rirs' class condition. Very classy. Red 6081. 402 North Sixteenth St. OAKLAND. Sensible Slx MARSH. OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnsm St. FOR SALE Llghf Bulck Six; good con dltlon. M. C Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Streets. GOOD USED CARS. GUT L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRK. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices; . no extras to pay. Nebraska Servtc ' Garage, 19th and Farnam Douglas 7890. Auto Livery and Garages. GARAGE for sale at Randolph. Nebraska. Equipped with electrlo lights and elec . trio welder and. gas pump. . Richard Boetger. Randolph, Neb. - Tires and Supplies. WE will ship, subject to examination, out I 1,600-mile guaranteed tires at -these prices! I Plain. Non-Skld 80x8 7.80 I 9 90 90x8H 8.96 119" 12x24 10.60 12.60 S4x4 .... 12.00 14.76 Express prspald when cash accompanies order. ' Standard Tire Co., 410 North 16th St. Phone Douglas 3880 NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone, Cftngress. Lee Pullman, "lsk Writ for prices. Mention sizes. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2MB Fsrnnm NEW AND! USED TIRE BARGAINS. BEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H, 6768. 2914 FARNAM ST. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We retiead and rebuild tires by Drv-Cure process. Ideal Tlrs Service, 2576 Har ney St. GAIN mors miles; have your Urea re treaded by G. A G. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W Repairing ana Painting. P. P. BAItNUM CO.. 2125 Cuming. Dong las (044. High grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycies. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor 1 Rtfos, the Motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Streets. FOR . SALE Used bicycle for girl, 8 to 12 years old; first-class condition. Will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once. Phone Harney 89. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phoae Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BOSTON bull terrier for sale, reasonable. Tyler 1020-J. MIXED hen food, 34.25 per hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Dg. 1142. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Blraaraven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. 8. Pettis. Agent. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. Wo Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH A CO.. 1210 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos ud notes as security $40, 6 mo., H. good, total, 13.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT. 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Tyl 666 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE 1301 DOUGLAS ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND LIBERTT BOND8. OC7 l72 1 W. C FLATAU. EST. 1891. 10 6TH FLR. SEC1TRITY BLDG. TT. 950. Cotton Futures. New Tork, July 10. Cotton futures opened firm; July, 34.85c; October, 34.76c; December, 34.60c: January, 34.35c; March, 64.16 Oil Fields Making New Millionaires Fortunes are being made in the Texas oil fields. Small in vestments of $100 have in some instances earned as much as $15,000. Eighty companies . in the Burkburnett field alone paid $3,000,000.00 in the last four months. The Burk Texas Oil & Refin ing Company with 26 separate 1 leases on 9,820 acres, including the Burkburnett "Wonder Pool,'' covers some of the most promis ing fields near drilling wells in Texas. This company is offer ing treasury stock at par, $10.00 per share, and will drill its first well in the Burkburnett field as soon as possible. If you want to make money ,in Texas oil write name and ad dress plainly and enclose money order payable to the company for as many shares as you want. Ont fiVmrf. $10; K ctigroo ten. - . T , " M7 , 10 shares, ' $100, and bo on. uurK Texas uii & Kenning Com pany, W. A. Sampsel, 42 Petrol eum Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. Capital stocK, 50,000 shares; 20,000 shares treasury stock to be sold for development. Send for further, information. SKIININEIR PACKING 0ULTRY BUTTER EGGS TfrAOt HAfK 1116 -1118 Douglas St? COINS OT TONKHT SMITH ANO HE ft AB(e' CM-UN or U iNtN (-11 rr' Y WW l"i ill M 1 I IS KKVAI I I Market and Industrial News of LIVESTOCK Bcelpts Today, Estimated. ' Cars. Head. Cattla 98 2,600 Hogs 149 10.000 Sheep 36 9,000 Horses zv uv Totals ..303 21,900 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Monday, July 7 S.22S 23,627 16,068 Tuesday 6.612 17,268 22,092 Wednesday l. ... 4,009 12,187 12.036 Thursday, estimate.. 2,600 10,000 9,000 Four days 20,249 63,082 59,196 Week aro 16,600 66,166 63,702 Year aao 18.083 33,684 33,483 Total last week 16,600 66,166 63,702 This week last year.24,429 74,888 39,718 RECEIPTS. Horses and Cattle Hogs Sheep Mules Cars Cars Oars Cars Missouri Faclflo 30 Union Pacific .... t 20 34 C. & N. W.. east.. I 11 C. & N. W., west.. 47 60 1 .. C, St. P., M. & O. 18 17 C, B. & Q., east... S 4 0., B. & Q, west.. 23 13 .. .. C, R. I. & P., east 2 16 1 .. C, R. I. & P., west 2 1 Illinois Centraal ..1 3 c. a. w.... i l Total" receipts. . .105 144 36 20 Sheep 1,000 2,648 3,062 682 lI(?l-OSHIU. Cattle Hogs Morris Co....... .. Swift & Co 391 685 1,336 1,966 995 2.637 3,340 V Cudahy Packing Co. 274 980 Armour & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. So. Omaha Pkg. Co. 46 9 14 13 3 16 2 1 23 Hoffman Bros John Roth & Sons... Mayerowlch & Vail.. Glassberg; P. O'Dea Omaha W. W. Hill & Co.... F. P. Lewis 18 64 Rosenstock Bros, Wertheimer & Degen. 206 Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co.. 13 Banner Bros. ........ 25 John Harvey 158 Jensen & Lundgren... 9S Cudahy Country Other Buyers 313 107 1,726 Total ....3,268 10,280 3,977 Cattle Cattle supplies continue ilght, about 2,600 head today, and the market continues to advance, trode being active this morning and strong to 1526o higher. The best oattle on sale brought 116.25. For the week fat cattle values are anywhere from fl to 91.60 higher and the market Is all of $2. 003.0I) higher than It was at the low .point two weeks ago. Cows and heifers were In active demand and strong er today and the same was true as to stockers and feeders. , Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime yearlings. ?lb.2beit.(t; gooa to cnoice yearlings. S14.6015.00: fair to good year lings, J13.60 14.26; common to fair year- Home Builders New Location After July 15th Omaha, Neb. New Building of . Home Builders, Inc., erected for the Fire proof Building Co. and named for Home -Builders in consideration of a long-time lease on the ground floor. l'JtOODOE e?H i - . jv s a s - rx. t u ar A Saw Jifgs and Maffia ia Full Pag of Colors in Tha Sunday Baa. Vlll. I VTA in. ? I , tOW-Mlb SMITH' TOO MUVr O VELL-I SHOULD t f i RE r OOD UTTLE. iRl ANQ jf Vff I WOULD! a rbk YOOIUCEAFINU ? U- V L--J I I 1 WJA UADX UKZ TOUR c-TtY fa. V r Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by Peters Trust company: Bid Asked First Liberty ...SHs 99.80 ... Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1924 102H 103 Beth. Steel 7s. 1922 101 102 W Canada 6s. 1921 97 98 Cudahy 7a, 1922 101U 102U Int. R. T. 5s. 1921..: 89 90 Kan. City Ter. 6s, 1923 100 101 Proctor & O. 7s, 1923 103 103 Proctor A Oi 7s, 1922 102 103 Russian Rubles-6Hs, 1936 106 107 Union Pacific 6s, 19282 103 104 Wilson & Co. 6s, 1928 102 103 Second Liberty 4s..., 93.60 ... Third Liberty 4c 95.06 Fourth Liberty 4 94.20 ... Am. For. Sec. 1919 99 100 Am. Tel. & Tel. 6s, 1926 102 103 Am. Tobacco Is. 1923 102 103 ,i Am. Tobacco 7s, 1931 103 103 Anaconda Coppet 6s, 1929 99 99 Anglo-French 6s, 1920 97 97 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1918 102 103 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1923 102 103 lings, 111.00 018.00; choice to prime beeves, 316.76 016. 86; good to choice beeves, $14.75t16.i0; fair to good beeves, 313.75014. 60; coition to fair beeves, 911.60 13.60; good to choice heifers, 810.60 13.00; prime cows, f 11.25612.60; good to choice cows, 39-60ll.25; fair to good cows, 7.6009.60; common to. fair cows, 5.607.60; good to choice feeders, (12.00 13.00; medium to good feeders, 310.00 12.00; good to choice stocks, t9.6010.00; fair to good stockers, $8.6009.50; common to fair stockers, 17.7608.60; stock heifers, t7.008.00; stock cows. $6.6007.60; stock calves, $8.00 0 10.60; ve calves, 312.000 16.25; bulls stags, etc., $9.00012.00. Hogs There was another slight de crease In receipts of hogs, 149 loads were reported In, estimated at 10,000 head. Un der a vigorous demand prices scored new levels at this market again today with a top of $22.10, selling largely from $21.40 to $22.00, generally 10020c higher than yesterday. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. 63. .320 70 321 15 37. .320 ... $21 35 87..213'110 2140 43. .353 ... 2145 44. .422 ... 21 60 28. .246 110 21 65 57. .232 110 21 60 74. .233 140 21 65 80. .200 21 70 70. .230 ... 21 76 78. .220 70 21 80 78. .239 40 21 85 72. .191 ... 21 90 61. .229 ... 21 95 80. .200 ... 22 00 85. .191 ... 22 10 Sheep Sheep and lamb receipts wera not very large today, only thtrty-dix loads estimated at 9,000 head. There was a broad demand and with light supplies prices were advanced this morning and most of the lambs selling from $16.60 16.86, generally 20026c higher than yes terday. Ewes were reported up to $8.60 and wethers at $9.86010.00. Prices In the aged sheep division were 25050c above those paid yesterday. Quotations on Sheep: Lambs, handy weight, 916.25016.90; lambs, heavy weight. 916.00016.00; lamb culls, $6,000 12.00; yearlings, $9.60010.60; wethers, t8.00t.76; ewes, good to choice, 87.000 8.00; ewes, fair to good, 16.0007.00; ewe culls, $2.75 06.00. ' Mew Tork Sugar. eNw.Tork, July 10. Raw Sugar Steady; centrifugal, $7.28; tine granulated, $9.00. RE-INVEST Your Dividends In Home Builders' 6 shares "while they inay be had. i v You may order by mail or in person any number from 1 to 5,000 shares ($1.00 each) Rome ftuilderfl INC9tf04IATU American Security Company ' Fiscal Agents G. A. Rohrbough C. C. Shimer President Secretary -Ml GRAIN MARKET -)- Omaha Grain. ' Omaha, July 10. 1919. Oraln arrivals today were moderate to light, with 4 cars of wheat. 47 cars of corn, 30 cars of oats, 2 cars of rye and 3 cars of barley, corn prices rangea from a cent up to a cent off, the market gen erally being unchanged. Oats advanced one cent. Rye was up two cents, and barley one to two cents. There was no change In wheat. Cash sales today were: j Corn No. 1 white, 8 2-5 carloads, $1.93 No. 8 white, 4 carloads, $1.92; No. 4 white, 1 carload, $190; No. 6 white, 1 carload, $1.88;No. 6 white, 1 3-6 carloads, $1.87; No. 1 yellow, 1 carload, $1.91; No. 1 yel low. 10 carloads, $1.91; No. t yellow, 1 carload, $190, 1 carload, $1.89; No. 4 yel low. 1 carload, $1.88; sample yellow, 1 carload, $1.80 (heating); No. 1 mixed, 1 carload, $191; No. 2 mixed, 1 carload, 91.93 (near wnitei, a carioaas,, z carloads, $1.90; No. 3 mixed, 1 carload, $1.88 (loaded out); No. 4 mixed, 1 car load, ' $1.88; sample heating, 1 carload, $1.75 (heating), 1 carload, $1.70 (hot). Oats No, 2 white: 1 car, 73c. No. V white: 13 cars, 72c No. 4 white: 2 ears, 71 c. Sample whltt: 1 car, 71c. Rye No. 2: 1 car,' $1.42. No. t: 1 car, $1.43; 1 car, $1.41. No. 4: 1 car, $1.40. Barley No. t: 1 car, 11.11. Wheat No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.36. No. 1 spring: 1 car, $2.32 (smutty). Omaha Oraln movement. Receipts: Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 1 4 15 Corn .47 60 32 Oats 30 21 9 Rye 4 2 S 0 Barley 8' 4 0 Shipments: Wheat 6 i 1 Corn 84 60 43 Oats 6 24 . 27 Rye 2 0 0 Barley 1 2 0 Car lot receipts In other markets: Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 16 111 172 Kansas City 91 15 4 St. Louis 166 29 tl Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the sovoral grades Inspected "In" here during the past 24 hours rouows: Wheat No. 3 hard. 1: No. 4 hard. 1: sample mixed, 1; total, 3. Con-. No. 2 white, 3; no. 3 white, z; No. 4 white, 1; No. 6 white, 1; No. 2 yeI!ow, 8; No. 3 yellow, 8; No. 6 yellow, 2; sample yellow, 2; No. 2 mixed, 10; No. 3 mixed, 4; No. 6 mixed, 1; sample mixed, 6; total, 43. Oats No. 2 white, 1; No. t white, 17; No. 4 white, 9; total, 27: Rye Not 2. 1; No. 3, 1; total, 2. Barley No. 3, 2; No. 4. 1; total, 3. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts ! Today. Year Ago. Wheat 1 624.000 918,000 NEW ISSUE It Atlas Petroleum Corporation CAPITALISATION: PROPERTIES: DEVELOPMENT: EQUIPMENT! APPRAISAL: FINANCIAL: OFFICERS & DIRECTORS: REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGT.t DEPOSITORIES: FUTURE . LISTING: TU issue i rtcommtndtd m a speealatien that latitfactorUy lunt tht Inhmrtnt risk tt a atsnssr6t mil buminmm, with m financially Intarftad management tonese proven tmpmbUitin and tntrngrtty are a nlHthitt guarantee that it frnsmess will b atmdaetmd and tne properties davtlopad in tha bait intertill at mtt cvniwim. EDGAE 3. Attorney Land Title Building;, Subscriptions will be received direct by the undersigned or from and through your own broker. The right ta reserved to accept or reject eny subscription and to allot a lesser number of shares than subscribed for. Price $S.SO Per Share Winslow Leetut BlSt 8-1 5 New Tork. N. Y. Atlantic City, N. J. Tha information contained, ee de not gnaranttt it mt btllaea Drawn for The Bee by McManiu Copyright 1919 International News Service. the Day Grain and Provisions. Chicago, July 10. Bearish aspects of the government crop report together with increasing difficulty of trading in old crop mcnths led to acuta weakness to day In the rum market. Prices closed heavy, lo to 3c net lower, with Sep tember $1.93 to $1 S3U and December $1.68 to $1.68. Oats gained c01o to lc. In provisions the outcome varied fro.-n 12c decline to lc advance of 22c. Oats bulged owing to export sales and crop damage ad vims. Provisions were dull, but averaged high er with hogs. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Test Corn I July 1.95 1.99 1.941 1.95 1.96 Sept. 1.94 1 1.98 1.92 1.93 1.91 Dec. 1.69 1.61 1.63 1.58 1.61 Oats July .73 .76 .73 .T5 .71 Sept .73 .76 .78 .75 .74 Dec. .76 .78 .74 .76 .76 Pork t July 63.60 63.10 . Sept. 51.40 61.76 51.40 61.62 51.30 :' Lard July 38.40 85.40 36.0$ 35.00 36.13 Sept 135.26 35.6C 135.26 36.40 35.27 Ribs I 11 July 128.46 128.46 128.30 28.35 26.40 ' Sept. 128.65 128.75 128.60 28.60 128.60 Corn 870,000 731,000 Oats 729,000 606,000 Shipments Wheat 374,000 96,000 Corn 436,000 299,000 Oats 669,000 342,000 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, July 10. Cattle Receipts, 11, 000; estimated tomorrow, 8,000; higher. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, J16.2617.26 ; medium and good, $13.60016.26; common, $11.16 13.60. Light weight: Good and choice, $14.6016.75; common and medium, 110.40 (ff 14.60. Butcher cattle, heifers, $8.26 15.00; cows, t8.00O13.26. Canners and cut ters, $6. 758.00. Veal calves, light and handy weight, tl8.2619.00. Feeder steers, f8.6012.50. Blocker steers, $8.26 11.76. Hogs Receipts, 36,000; estimated to morrow, 25,000; opened strong to 10c higher than yesterday's general trade, but closed weak except for medium and pack ing grades, which were strong to 26c higher; top, 122.85, a new record. Bulk, $21.4022.66; heavy weight, $21.86 22.60; medium weight, $21.76022.66; light weight, 121.7622.70; light light, $20 00 22.60; heavy packing sows, smooth, $21.26 21.76; packing sows, rough, 120.500 21.15: pigs, $18.5020.00. Sheep Receipts, 16,000; estimated to morrow, 11,000; firm. Lambs: 84 pounds down, 114.7517.35; culls and common, I9.0014.25. Yearling wethers, $10.60 14.25. Ewes: Medium, good and choice, $7.009.25; culls and common, $3.006.60 We Offer Subject to Prior Sale 150,000 Shares (par value $10.00) of the Full Paid and Non-Assessable Capital Stock of the Orranlsed nnder the laira nf the State af Delaware. Authorized $6,000,600.99 Unissued J.' 20.000 Sharee Outstanding (including present offering) 250,000 Shares Comprise about 18,100 aoree of oil and gas leases located In Marlon County, West Virginia, and In Kimble, Sutton and Edwards Counties, Texas. The West Virginia acreage Is proven territory In the proline Mannlngton District, The Texas hold ings are located upon the well-known Edwards Plateau, and were originally selected by oil experts for Benedum and Trees of Pittsburgh, more than a year ago. The Edwards Plateau Is believed by numerous geologists and oil operators to overlie the southwestern extension of the Pennsylvania formation which has proven so pro ductive In the Central Texas fields. There are now seven producing wells upon the West Virginia properties. Wall No. t is drilling and there are locations for at leaat eleven more. Three locations nave been selected on the Texas properties, the material and equipment for which are on the ground and operations are being conducted as rapidly as possible. The properties of the Corporation both in West Virginia and Texas ara equipped with standard rigs, casing, cable, strings of tools, automobiles, motor trucks, ware houses, etc., etc. In fact everything necessary to complete, the work now under way. A conservative estimate of the value of tha assets of tha Corporation suggest a book value for the stock comparing favorably wtth the prloe of the present offering. The Corporation has no bonds no preferred stock the financing arranged for will ' provide cash for future development, and. the 11,100,000.00 unissued stock will suf fice for the contemplated acqulstlon of additional production, leases and their proper development. ALEXIS I. duPONT, Wilmington. Delaware. , Secretary E. I. duPont de Nemours ft Co. EDWARD B. RICH, Oil Operator, Menard, Texas, and Parkersburg, W. Va. C A. PATTERSON, Wilmington, Delaware. I Vice Pres. B. I. duPont de Nemours ft Co. SYLVESTER D. TOWNSEND, Jr., Wilmington, Del. Pres. Delaware Workmen's Compensation Board. SIMON L. WOLFE, OH Operator, Parkersburg. W. Vs. and Maoksburg, Ohio. CORPORATION GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO i Land Title Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa. UNION TRUST ft DB.P08IT CO., Parkersburg. W. Vs. BANK OF MENARD. Menard, Texas. WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY, Wilmington, Del. PEOPLES BANKING ft TRUST CO., Marietta, Ohio. It Is the belief of the men in charge that tha properties of tha Corporation ean he developed successfully and profitably.' I . The present management advisee that no application will be made to list the stack. This is In line with the policy adopted by the Standard OH Companies. ( The legality of this Issue has been appro-red PERSHING, SYLVESTER at Law Philadelphia, Pa. Aiuauc at lav Ford Building, Wilmington, Del. Taylor & a- va r tv e 130 SOUTH 15th STREET Opposite the Union League. PHILADELPHIA, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: Pittsburgh, Pa. Johnstown, tjniontown, Pa, Tyrone, Pa. harain hat been obtained from what it ta bt accurate. FINANCIAL New York, July 10. Cumulative Indica tions of Increasing monetary ease and ad ditional evidence of general industrial r. vlval .were the controlling factors In the further Irregular advance of the stock market today. Early gains of 1 to I points were partially Impaired In the later dealings on extensive offerings, presume. bly from professional sources. The increase of slightly more than 600,. 000 tons In unfilled orders disclosed by the June statement of the United States Steel corporation marked the first gain since October of last year, when production of Iron and steel began to develop reactionary . tendencies. a ' Sajea. High. Low. Close, Am. Beet Sugar .14,700 98 95 97 ; Am. Can 16,400 61 69 60 Am. Car ft Fdy... 2.306 111 110 110 Am. H. ft L.. pfd. 6,000 136 132 133 Am. Locomotive . 6,100 93 90 93 Am. S. & Ref. ..: 6.900 86 84 65 Am. Sug. Ref. ... 400 139 138 13 Am. Sum. Tob. .. t.000 114 113 111 Am. Tel. Tel... 3,400 104 104 104 Am. Z., L. & S. .. 5,100 26 26 36 Anac. Copper ...11,000 74 78 74 Atchison 4.100 103 100 100 A. , O. A W. I. 8. S. 1.900 191 178 177 Bsld. Locomotive. 20,800 119 110, 2)1 Bait. Ohio .... 1.600 46 46 41 Beth. Steel "B". .89,900 98 941 90 B. & S. Copper ..11,700 37 86 16 Cal. Petroleum ,. 2.800 39 38 8 Can. Pacific 10.400 179 164 166 Cen. Lea., ex. dtv.14,500 iqi l" Ches. ft Ohio ... 600 66 66 6 C. M. & Bt P. .. 800 46 44 44 C. & N. W 1,200 101 100 100 C, R. I. P 1.100 29 .29 19 Chlno Copper .... 1,200 47 46 47 Colo. F. Iron-..19,400 64 62 62 Corn Producta ...17,600 90 89 90 Crucible Steel ...29,100 119 116 116 Cuba Cane 8ugar. 6.700 19 38 38 Diet Sec. Corp... 38,700 81 76 80 Erie 1.100 13 18 18 Oon. Electrlo .... 2.300 178 169 169 ' Gen. Motors 6.300 238 234 235 Ot. Nor., pfd. ... 1.000 86 96 96 Ot. Nor. Ore Ctfs.86,900 62 61 61 Illinois Central .. 600 100 99 99 Insp. Copper ....12,600 67 66 67 Int. M. M , pfd. ..14,600 121 119 121 Int Nickel ... 7,000 31 31 11 Int. Paper A.... 8.900 69 67 67 Kenn. Copper ... 3,600 40 40" 40, Louis, ft Nash. 116 Mex. Petroleum ..14.600 195 190 191 Miami Copper ... 800 28 28 28 Mid vale Steel 03,100 60 69 60 Missouri Pacific 24,900 28 36 17 .. Nevada Copper .. 1,100 SO 19 10 N. Y. Central .... 2,400 .81 80 81 N. Y.. N H. ft H. 1,600 38 34 82 Nor. ft Western .. 800 107 107 107 Nor. Pacific ..... 2,200 96 96 96 Paelflo Mall 40 Pan-Am. Petrol.. .21.500 107 102 106 Pennsylvania .... 1.600 46 46 46. Pits, ft W. Vs.... 1,100 40 40 40 Pitts. Coal 8.600 78 ,69 70 Ray Con. Copper. 1.700 16 16 It Reading 6,400 91 99 90 Rep. Iron ft Steel t,200 99 96 9T Shat Aria. Cop. .. 290 14 14 14 Sin. OH ft Ref. ..24.600 14 61 68 So. Paclflo 17,100 109 107 107 So. Railway ..... 4.800 11 10 86 Stud. Corp 19,100 109 106 101 Texas Co 1.600 278 168 170 Tob. Products ... 1.600 104 103 101 Union Paclflo ... 2,800 114 1333 133 Un. Cigar Stores.. . . 194 U. S. Ind. Ale. ...16.600 139 134 189 C. S. Steel .. 134,690 113 113 112 V. S. Steel, pfd... 1,100 116 116 116 Utah Copper 4,300 93 92 98 West. Electric ..14.600 69 67 68 Willys-Overland .46,900 19 18 12 Royal Dut, N. Y. 47,300 118 114 114 Total sales for the day, 1,635,000 shares. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., July 10 (U. 8. Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 4, 600; steady to higher; choice heavy steers, $14.86915.60; medium, 112.65014.25;. common, tll.6012.60; choice lights, tl3.3016.60; common, $10.004113.39; butcher heifers, 17.7611.90; cows, 17.00 11.4D; canners, $5.856.90; calves, 116.00 17.0; feeders,; stockers, 17.0012.40. . ' Hogs Receipts, 6,000; steady ta high er; bulk, 121.9022.20; heavy, 122.000 22 15; medium, t219O22.10; lights, $21.76622.20; pigs, $i8.0021.36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000; higher; choice, flt.6016.65; eullls, $9 26 19.25; yearling wethers, ft.talt.60r choice ewes, f4.007.26; culls, $2.6049 4.25; breeding ewes, flO.00lt.00; (oats. f4.608.6O. American Telephone and Telepzpb Ct. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Tuesday, July 16, 1919, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Friday, June SO, 1919. . G. D. MILNE, Treasurer. by D. TOWNSEND, JIL, Company Sees (190 T 4 Pa. Chester. Fa. Bntler, Pa. Indiana. Pa. regard as reliable eearcea and mhila u 161 -LKDUQI8S 1521