THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919. 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your property with ua. We have call for homes end Investments, McCAGUE 1NV. CO., Phono D. 415, 15th and Dodge. t jour proprty 1 for sale or rent. Hit It with tho AFRO AMERICAN REALTY CO., I70t Lake Webster 640. FOK quick reiulli Hat your proporty with 8. P. BOSTVVICK A SON. 100 Ba Rids. Tyler ISO. FOR quick sales list your property with W. O. SHRIVER. 10jT- OnvNat. BK. Bldg. Pen; tl financTal. Private Money. . -BHOPEN A COMPANY. Dour 4221, CONVERT that Installment loan on your horn into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. H. LOUOEB. Inc., EJ8 Keellne Bldg. LOW rates without delay. CO. CARLBERO. Ill Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. l(l Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dour 1716. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H CITY and farm loans: 64 and ( par cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co., 411 Kellne Bide. 100 to 110,000 MADE promptly F U. Wead. Wead Bid-., lxth and Farnarn. Miscellaneous. BUKK WAGGONER POOL LEASES Parttea wanting to organize company wire or better see ua quick; wi have two drilling sites In block 8 right 1 aglnst block 88, will give terms; also S-6 acre tracts north of Texas Chief and 300 feet from the Old Glory now on the t aand. Small cash psvment and balance out of stock sales l;urk Northwestern Underwriter. Suite 2717 7th Street, Wichita Falls. Tex. . FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. FOK QUICK SALE. . Good level 820-A. ranch near oil develop ment. SS-A. good crop, stock, Imple ments, household goods, etc. All go. , Price 28 dollars per A. GEORGE E. VANDERHOOF. Swift, Colo. GATHER THE CROPS. Over two acres, all In crop; a mighty good 4-room houao, with barn and chicken houses; Immediate possession aa owner la going east; 84,000 value cut 20 per rent. For this week only can be bought for 13,200 with only 11,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO. (88 Omaha Nat. Bk. niflg. Tyler 49 I 8-10 acres, near car; 4 rooms and full basement house; chicken house, barn, etc.; young fruit trees; soma alfalfa, balance in fine crops; two pigs and some chickens; all goes for 83,200; $1,000 cash, balance easy. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 4816. INTER-STATE REALTT CO. 2620 Farnarn St. LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Coma with us next Tuesday for the Flagler district and secure a farm whara , price are stiU low 125 to $40. Don't wait phono us today. D. 4264. Shedd Investment Company, Railway Ex ohange, Omaha. 10,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Llo- coin Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. Eaav terms. See J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo Iowa Lands. IOWA FARM. Ill acres, .60 acres cultivated, 76 acres more good tillable tend, fenced and cross-fenced; $126 per acre; two mile from town. Take clear Income, or general merchandise. MID-WEST REALTY EXCHANGE 618 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4281. , IOWA FARM. HO-acre Iowa farm, practically all In Cultivation. 6 miles to town; want a good merchandise business. This farm can be cut in two. 618 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4281. Minnesota Lands. J40-ACRE Improved farm 60 miles from Minneapolis, one-half under cultivation: balanc meadow and pasture land, no waste land; 6-room house, corn-crib, granary, barn that will hold SO head of cattle and six horses, hoghous and chicken house, good well of water. Price 617.60 per aore, $2,000 cash, balanc five year. per cent. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Missouri Lands. LARGE PASTURE. 1,000 acrea all under fence, abundance of water, six miles from railroad, lo cated In Dent county, Missouri; now pasturing 800 cattle; 1,000,000 mining props on land, Price, $8 per acre terms If desired. F, E. Denlson. Rolls. Mo. Nebraska Lands 1,840 ACRES CHERRY COUNTY, . NEB., RANCH. This flna ranch la located I miles to railroad town, has 1,900 acrea of good farm and alfalfa land; has now 800 acres alfalfa, first crop. In stack; 580 acres under plow, balance strictly first, class grazing land. Has three miles fin running water; fenced and cross fenced; good set of Improvements in good shape. Price $35.00 per acre; good first-class terms. Writ me for ap pointment to see this ranch. S. O. NORDQUIST, 122 Neville Blk,, Omaha, Neb. . NORTHEAST Nebraska, sure crop coun try. Improved corn and alfalfa farms; level, deep black soil; plenty good water; priced right for investment, and terms to suit farmer with small means. Close . to good town, school and church. C. V. NELSON. Doug. 6204. 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. WORTH200 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. $20 acres, $ mllea north of Meadow Grove, 10 mllea west of Pierce; 240 acres In cultivation; black sandy loam; 5oor aat of Improvements; leased until larch 1, 1S20. Price, $11,800; $2,600 cash; $2,000 September 1, 1920; $1,400 September 1, 1921; balance $6,800 due January 1, 1924, 8 per cent Interest. A. A. PATZMAN, 801 Karbach Block. Omaha, Neb. 2,000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 miles south of Oordon; I mile Niobrara river frontage; 1,000 acres best farm land; balanc best of paature; with timber along river and la two large draws. Priced much below anything elsa offered In this county, S. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. riNE 180-acre grain farm; gently rolling and well improved for stock and dairy farm. All In crops; H mil of paved road; 4 miles N. W. from stockyards. J. B. Hansen. 114 Wilkinson Bldg., Omaha. 1,480 acres stock and grain farm for qulok sale, $35 an acre; running water and fine improvements. For particulars writ John Droll, owner, Culberson, Neb. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Colo rado lands eee . - HELD LAND CO., 664 Brand) Bldg. WRITE me for pictures and price of my farm and ranches In good o'd Dawes county. Arab, L. Hungerford. Crawford, ' Neb. EASTERN NEB. FARM LANDS LOANS PAUL PETERSON, 884 Brandela Thea. Bldg. Prompt service. UEHRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farm at the right price. M. A. LARSON, Central City. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, t Kimball county. Neb. R, E, Holmes, Bushnell, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A A. PATZMAN, 101 Karba-h Blk. Tyler f. Oregon Lands. tORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a horns In the lsnd of sunshine, where eondlttons are right for raising alfalfa " and cattle. Address. Jordan Valley Farms. Boise Idaho. Wisconsin Lands. FORCED SALE) ' 16$ level acres; 85 under cultivation, i JO mors cleared, balance fin orjen Das- turs, with clover growing all through . and easily cleared for cultivation; rich mixed clay loam, with clay subsoil; no stone; ftne 2-story 8-room house, hard wood floors; full basement and big screened porcn; good nip-rooted barn 12x60: granary, poultry house, hoc house. Ice house, eorncrlb, machine shed, garage, silo, well house, with; gasoline engine; water work system, finest water: bearing apple, plum and cherry orcnara. sirawDerrtes, raspoerries, cur , rants, gooseberries, nice shade trees 22 , head of first-class stock, also 4 good horses, 1 colt, 1 full-blood brood sow ana I spring pigs, flock of chickens. 2 sets ot harness, single harness, binder, mover, rake, drill, disk, corn binder, fannlt.r mill, hay tedder. Utter SDreadar. -. teed grinder, 2 wagons, rack, buggy. . sisigna, - piows, narrows, I gasoline en gine, cream separator, Dart interest in potato digger, planter and sprayer and , siio-riiiiiig ouint, small tools, etc, and all crn). consisting of wheat, oats, corn, rye. potatoes, clover and timothy includ ed and now being harvested. Must sell at once, and everything goes at I9S an acre; one-kalf cash, balance to suit On . main road. 2 "4 mllea from Webster, Wis.; - fast growing high school market town on Soo Line, $4 miles northeast of St. Paul. Land values are jumping here and thla beautiful home Is a real bargain. Pos- , session now or in tn fall. J. E. Port, 80S Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. Wvomine Lands. SOLDIERS, 640-acr homesteads. Duff RINGING UP FATHER ? 'TOO LIVINC FARM AND RANCH LANDS. South Dakota Lands. A BARGAIN One-half aectlon, two miles south of Herrlck. 8. D., well Improved at $70 per acre If taken at once; this Is a snap. Look It up. See ALEXANDER & GIPE, Omaha, Neb. J2 Paxton Block. Miscellaneous. CONTINUALLY EARNING IMMENSE PROFITS 400 acr farm, 30 cows, crops, toftls, machinery, near creamery, railroad. 800 acres fields, 100 acres timber, spring water, large barns and dwelling, milk check over $900 per month. Price $12,000. One half cash payment. Other big bargains. Send for farm catalogue. C a m pbell B ros.. Oneo nta. N. Y. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm: timely salt-a; quibk returns. Held Land Co. 661 Brandela Bldg, AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. UNITED AUTO PARTS COMPANY, Used Car Department, 1 Dort touring $ 650.00 2 1917 Fords 350.00 1 1916 Ford 276.00 1918 Ford sedan 650.00 1917 Saxon six.. 500.00 1 Hudson speedster .... 1,300.00 1 Bulck "49,. 1,150.00 2 "H" "45" Bulcks, 1119 1360.00-1, 400.00 Dodge roadster, almost new.... 1.000. 00 1918 Dodge touring 800.00 1918 Dodge touring 650.00 1917 Maxwell touring 350.00 1918 Oakland roadster 825.00 1 Dort sedan . 1,350.00 1 Mitchell six 600.00 1 Ford roadster 350.00 1918 Ford sedan, cord tires, shock absorbers, walnut steering wheel, Yale lock and foot accel eration. This car is In tho very best of condition 700.00 UNITED AUTO PARTS COMPANY, Used Car Department, 2031 Farnarn Street. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 11 CENTS PER MILK TOTJ ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURINO 1 0n PER ROADSTERS J-asV, MILE- TRUCKS. CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Melcher Service Co., 1516 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 4899. USED CARS. 1 Overland, touring, 1916 $400.00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1917 200 00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap .... 250.00 1611 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1611 Davenport St. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, Mgr., Tyler 1767. 1407-21 Capital Avenue. NEW Essex, 18-Bulck roadster, 18-Oak- land, six-touring and 20 other bargain In nearly-new used cans. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnarn. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and sxohanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-8 Farnarn St. Doug. 4101. ii ii ii i m itij i m i r i i i ip ' . No. S of a series of statements showing why go many men are investing In Omaha Real Estate. The supply of, Real Estate is limited. No more of it will be manufactured. These facts make Real Estate a desirable investment. ' AN INVESTMENT WHICH ISSAFfi, SPAYS A GOOD INCOME, AND INCREASES IN VALUE, IS A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. largest percentage of bank clearings in the United btates. (c) Many big industries are making Omaha their divi sional headquarters. (d) Official records of sales show increases every year in the price paid for Omaha Real Estate of all classes. (e) From January 1st, 1919, to June 18th there were 523 new businesses started in Omaha.- Real Estate in creases in value with that kind of business growth. Two Examples Last month the Potter Apartments at Thirty-third and Farnam Streets sold for $75,000. Two years ago they were offered for $60,000. Two years ago Harry 0. Benford bought a house at 211 South 42nd for $3,100. Last month he sold it for $4,650. Note E. E. Peake, big Eealtor of Kansas City, one of Omaha's rival cities, in a speech to the Omaha Real Estate Board, June 5, said Omaha will have 500,000 pop. illation in ten years. He's one of many conservative men who have thai opinion. Omaha, JTelh, $J. S. A. P'ROOH ME.. 1 THOUGHT TOO VfRE N.RtED DCN'T OC EVER THINK. (not) in AUTOMOBILES. LIGHT-SIX touring Just overhauled; A-l conditions; five good tires; good top; sacrifice for $450 or consider trade on late Ford touring A-l condition. Harney 2228. AUTO BODIES NEW and used Ford bodies for sal. Oet our prlee. O'Rourke-Goldatrom Auto Co., 3701 South 24th St.. O-naha. A LEE & COMPANY. Expert automobile washers, limonyers and polishers; all work guaranteed. 2107 N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 307. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnarn St Omaha, N -b. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, S563 Farnarn St. Douc. 1970. WILLYS KNIGHT. NEWLY; NEWLY PAINTED ; NEW TOP; IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. HARNEY 6201. 1005 S. 30TH AVE. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th and Howard Sts. Tyler 1761 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co. 1069 Farnarn St. D. 6036. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfra of new selt-spaclng af finity spark plug. Baysdnrfer. HON 18th It" FORD MARKEX 2230 Farnarn. Used Forda Time, easb, Lloerty borda. new bodlea. $96. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batterlee. Edwards. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLAS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnarn St. BARGAIN IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th Jackson. Ford Agents. D. S6U0. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for sale, rirs' class condition. Very classy. Red 6081. 402 North Sixteenth St. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself: at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Oarage, 19th and Farnam Douglas 7390. Auto Livery and Garages. GARAGE for sala at Randolph. Nebraska. Equipped with electric lights and elec tric welder and gas pump. Richard Boetger, Randolph, Neb, Tires and Supplies. WB will ship, subject lo examination, our 8.600-mlIe guaranteed tires at these prices: Plain. Non-Sktd. 10x8 $7.80 $ 9 90 30x3tt 8.96 1190 S2x3Ss 10.50 12.50 84x4 12.00 14 75 Express prepaid when cash accompanies order. Standard Tire Co., 410 North 16th St. Phone Douglas 8880 AN INVESTMENT IN OMAHA REAL ES TATE HAS ALL THESE ADVANTAGES. Tikis statement No. 3 mentions some of the conditions that cause Omaha Real Estate to increase in value. (a) All business, prospective or otherwise, increases the demand for Omaha Real Estate, improved or unimproved. (b) Omaha is the center of the largest agricultural producing country in the world. This fact gave Omaha, in 1918 unaided by war orders or war factories the OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. THAT'S A,iL I DO THINK OF' , MARRVED - AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. Tires at Half Price DRY-CURE PROCESS. We make them good aa new. New ribbed tread. Non Plain. Ribbed. skid 80x3 $8.60 10.00 11.00 30x31, 10.50 11.50 13.00 32x3 Vs 12.50 13.50 14.60 33x4 18.00 17.25 19 60 34x4 17.00 17.60 20.25 32x4 15.00 16.60 18.00 GUARANTEED 8,600 MILES BEST ON THE MARKET." 2-in-l Vulcanizing Co., NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Writ for prices Mention slzea KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONET FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. 6768. 2914 FARNAM ST. NO need for ateam soaked carcasses. W ret lead and rebuild tires by Dry-Cur process. Ideal Ttr Service, 2676 Har ney St. OAIN more miles; have your lira re treaded by G. A G. Ttr Co. 1416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Repairing ana Painting. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 2125 Cuming. Dong la 8044. High grade automobile painting, Motorcycles and Bicycies. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor II Roos, the Motorcycl man, 27tb and Leavenworth Streets. FOR SALE Used bicycle for girl, 8 to 12 years old; first-class condition. Will sell at a sacrifice it taken at once. Phone Hnrney 895. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new bom 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BOSTON bull terrier for sale, reasonable. Tyler 1020-J. MIXED hen food, $4.26 per hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Dg. 1142. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Blrdhaver. Profit Sharing Plan Phone Web. 2884. O. 3. Pettle, Agent. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them Ourselves. AT.FRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED ' by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE. - pianos tna notes as security $40, 6 mo., H. good. total, $3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 66 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE 1301 DOUGLAS ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND 11A LIBERTY BONDS. OCT X 2 1 W. C. FLATAU. E8T. 1812. O 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG. TY. 60. i - COS South 18tn Street So Jiff and Maggie la Fall Paf of Colors ia Tho Sunday Boo. WHAT KIND OF A HObQrNNO DO VOO WANT? I WANT A rrrrn? Market and LIVESTOCK Receipts and disposition at live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., July 8, 1819. RECEIPTS--CAR3. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H's. C, M. ft St P 4 6 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 45 40 41 C. st N. W., east . . . . t 6 C. & N. W., west 80 64 C, St. P., M. & O. ..23 ti C, B. & Q; east 11 S 1 1 C, B. & Q., west 11 .16 C, R. I. & P., east . . T 7 C, R. I. 4 P., west .42 Illinois Central 1 4 Chi. Gt West. 1 I Total receipts 167 161 42 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co. 1,160 1,669 117 Swift & Co 802 2,177 1,060 Cudahy Packing Co. ... 931 666 8,680 Armour & Co 605 1,721 (65 Schwarti Co 229 .... 3. W. Murphy 4,616 ...i. Lincoln Packing Co. ... 87 Hlgglns Packing Co. ... 11 , Hoffman Bros 2 Mayerowlch ft Vail 21 Olassberg 1 P. O'Dea 16 Wilson 291 F. P. Lewis 41 Rosenstock Bros 47 Werthelmer ft Degen .. 123 Sullivan Bros 8 A. Rothschild 149 Mo. -Kan. C. & C. Co. . . 6 Banner Bros 6 John Harvey 38 Dennis & Francis .... 9 Omaha 23 Other buyers 416 .... 6,447 Total 4,622 16,420 16,998 Cattle Another disappointingly small run of cattle showed up today, about 8,700 head, and the market ruled active and fully 2550c higher. Choice corn fed beeves brought I16.0016.60 and the mar ket is around tl.502.00 higher than It was two weeks ago today. Western range cattle have shown about the same ad vance and prime grass beeves today sold at tl3.5014.00. Inquiry for cows and heifers was broad at about a 25o advance over Tuesday's prices and stockers and feedera were also In active demand and around a Quarter higher for the desirable kinds. , Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime yearlings, 214. 7 5 1 5. 2 5 ; good to choice yearlings, 14.0014.50; fair to good year lings, tl3.0014.00; common to fair year lings, 610.00 12.50; choice to prime beeves, tl5.0016.6O; good to choice beeves, $14.2615.00; fair to good beeves, 313.6O14.0O; common to fair beeves, 211.6O12.60; prime heifers, tl3.0014.00) good to choice heifers, J10.60lS13.00: prime cows, 111.00 12.25; good to choice cows, $9.6011.00; fair to good cows. 27.6009. 26; common to fair cows, 25.60 7.50; good to choice feeders, $11.7612.60; medium to good feeders 210.0011.76; good to choice stockers, 39.60 10.00; fair to good stockers, $8. 60 9.50; common to fair grades 27.758.50; stock Heifers, 16.50 8.00; stock cows, 26.007.00; stock calves, 28.0010.60; veal calves, 112. 00 16.25; bulls, stags, etc., 27.6O12.0O. Hogs Hog receipts todty amounted to 175 loads estimated at 12,500 head. There was a good demand from shipper buyers early, paokers delaying their entrance in to the game until later In the morning. Prices covered pretty much the same range as yesterday, but the general mar ket shows a big dime higher. Most of the shipper hogs were from $21.60 to 222.00; 221.2521.30 catching the long string to the packers. The packer bulk was 121.20 21.35. HOGS PACKERS. . No. Bh. Av. Pr. No. Sh. Av, Pr. 140 $21 15 70 21 25 230 21 35 70 21 60 66. .265 40 221 10 19. .302 68. .276 32. .301 68. .241 81. .224 68. .227 65. .230 210 21 20 61. .281 21 30 73. .206 21 40 67. .262 SHIPPERS. 21 60 81. .211 21 76 66. .236 210 80 70 21 65 21 80 22 00 21 86 47. .202 ... Sheep Receipts of sheep and lambs fell off considerable today only 43 loads being reported In, estimated at 10,700 head. While sales were rather slow of consumatlon there was a good undertone to the trade with lambs selling early at 816.60. top being quotable up to 217 and possibly better. Oood ewes were reported at $8.00 and the market probably steady to 1015c higher. Quotations on Sheep: Lambs, handy weight, $16.25016.75; lambs, heavy weight, $16.00l.0O; lamb culls, 26.00 12.00; yearlings, $9.5010.60; wethers. $S.009.75; ewes, good to choice, $6,600 culls, $2.755.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, July 9. Cattle Receipts, 9,000; estimated tomorrow, 12,000; market higher. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and price, $15.7616.76; medium and good, $13.3515.85; common, $11.2613.26. Light weight: Oood and choice, $14.26016.00: common and me dium, $10.26 14.25. Butcher cattle: Heif ers, $8.00014.50; cows, 27.76l3.oo; can ners and cutters, $6.(607.75; veal calves, light and handy weight, $18.26012.00; feeder steers, $9.60012.61); stocker steers, $8.25011.75. Hogs Receipts, 19,000; estimated to morrow, 28,000; market mostly lOo to 20c higher than yesterday's general trade; top, $22.80, a new record; advance prac tically lost on good hogs. Heavy weight, $21.80022.50; medium weight, $21,600 22.55; light weight, $21.65022.60; light light, $20.00022.40; heavy packing sow's, smooth, $21.00021.60; packing sows, rough, $20.25020.85; pigs, $18.60020.00. Sheep Receipts, 22,000; estimated to morrow, 18,000; market unsettled. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $14.76017.26; culls and common, $9.00014.25; yearling wethers, $10.60014.25; ewes, medium, good and choice, $7.0009.25; culls and common, $3.0006.60. ATIONAL t'TVTri 81 Avenues of In come for Investors IP you have funds for July investment, out new Bond Offering Sheet will be sent to you on request for OB 233. It lists or describes eighty-one carefully chosen issues of securities yielding attractive interest. TheNationalCity Company' Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone S316 Douglas Correspondence Offices In 60 Cities WELL-THATi (- . THE KINO YOG Q will et: Y Ijj HO?BrNO THAT PLEADED- Industrial News of the Day GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omaha, July 1, lilt. Grain arrivals today were very light. Re ceipts were: 1 car of wheat, 39 cars of corn, 11 cars of oats, 1 car ot rye and 3 cars of barley. Corn sold 1 to E cents higher. Tallow and mixed ahowed a larger upturn than white. Oats were a cent up. No. 3 white bringing 71 cents. Barley was 1 to 2 cents higher and rye several cents ad vance. There was not enough wheat sold to make a basis for quotations. Cash sales today were: Corn No. 2 white, 2 carloads, $1.14, 2 carloads. $1.93; No. 2 white, 1 carload, 21.92; No. 2 yellow, 1 carload, $1.91; No. 2 yellow, 1 cartoad, $1.90; No. 6 yellow, 1 carload, $1.84, 1 carload, $1.84; sample yellow, 1 carload, $1.83 (heating), 1 car load, $1. 6 & (hot); No. 3 mixed, 2 carloads, 21.90; No. 2 mixed, 2 carloads, $1.89; No. 6 mixed, 1 carload, $1.82 (musty), 2 car loads, $1.78; sample mixed, 1 carload, $1.78 (heating all through), 1 carload, $1.72 (all heating). Oats No. 2 white, 1 carload, TlHo; No. 2 white, 8 carloads, 71c; No. 4 white, 1 carload, 70c, Rye No. 1, 1 carloads, $1.40; 1-6 car load, $1.38. Barley No. 3, 1 carload, $1.1$, 1 ear load. $1.17. Wheat No. 8 hard, 1 carload, $2.30 (smutty); sample mixed, 2-5 carload, $2.00 (smutty). Omaha Grain Movement. Receipts: Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 1 2 13 Corn 39 60 ' 67 Oats 11 16 Rye 1 o 0 Barley ..8 0 1 Shipments: I Wheat 2 7 7 Corn 60 22 112 Oats 25 S 31 Rye 1 1 0 Barley 6 0 0 Omaha, Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the several grades inspected "in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Corn No. 2 white, 4; No. 2 white, 1; No. 6 white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 8; No. 3 yellow, 4; sample yellow. 9; No. 2 mixed, 2; No. 2 mixed, 1, No. 5 mixed, 1; sample mixed, 8; Total, 41. Oats No. 2 white, 2; No. 2 white. 6; No. 4 white, 3; Total, 12. Rye No. 2. 1; Total 1. Barley No. 2, 3; Total, . PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Tear Ago. Wheat 313,000 667,000 Corn 477,000 817,000 Oats 746,000 885,000 Shipments Wtieat 106,000 I 83.000 Corn 340,000 349,000 Oats 514.000 968,000 Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. July 9. Cattle Receipts, 5,000, and 1,000 calves; market steady; beef steers, $11.4015.60; heifers, $7.60 13.76; cows, $6.60012.25; calves, light and handy weight, $14.60016.60; feeder steers, $10.0013.16; stocker steers, $7.25012.40. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head: market higher; bulk, $21.9022.30; heavies, 322.02 22 25 ; medium weight, $22.00022.35; light, $21.76022.35; packing sows, $21.00 021.80; pigs, $18.00021.25. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; lambs, $9.00016.76; ewes, $2,500 16.00. ' Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., July 9. Turpentine Firm at 98c; sales, 99 bbls.; receipts, 134 bbls. ; shipments, 10 bbls.; stock, (.801 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 809 bbls.; receipts, 867 bbls.; shipments, 161 bbls.; stock, 67, 197 bbls. Quote: B, 14.00014.95c; D. 14.90 15.10c; E, 16.00020.00c; F, 15.250 15.40c; Q, 15.40015.60c; H, 15.4516.75c; I, 15.80016.10c; K, 17.0017.50c; M, 17.50 018.00c; N, 17.7518.26c.-r WO, 16.250 16.75c; WW. lS.26c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, June 9. Evaporated Apples Quiet, but firm. Prunes In demand. Apricots and Peaches Firm. Raisins Steady. ! New York Cotton. New York, July 9. Cotton closed firm at a net advance of 66 to 80 points. AMUSEMENTS Now for a Dip and a Romp in the Sand at tha New BATHING BEACH The Most Modem and Most Sanitary Bathing Beach ia America. Beach Fraa Daily Until 1 o'CIock, Except Sundays and Holidays. After 1 o'CIock Admission to Beach, Including Park Admii- gion, 15c. Bathing Tickets Sold at Bath House Adults 35c Children 15c Including Dressing- Room, Suit, Towel, Showers, Checking and Bathing Privilege. Many Other Clean Amusement. n the Park. DANCING RIDESTHRILLS PICNIC GROUNDS FREE ATTRACTION HIP RAYMOND The Famous Clown, in Hi Sidesplitting Stunt. Drawn for The Bee by McManua Copyright 1919 International News Service, FINANCIAL New York, July 9. Under the Influence of easier money, today's stock market re sumed the upward movement which marked the renewal or operations alter last week's triple holiday. Operations during the morning and In termediate periods were on a par with Monday's 2,000,000-share turnover, but activity abated later when the market seemed to be undergoing a process of assimilation. Call money opened at 1 to 10 per cent, but at midday a leading banking Insti tution offered small amounts at 6 per cent. This evidently exerted a senti mental effect, rates soon declining to and Shi per cent, and closing at S per cent. The tone was only moderately firm at the opening, but strengthened almost Im mediately on Canadian Pacific's 1-polnt rise, the Jump In that stock being attrib uted to something more tangible than a drive against the shorts. Oils, motors and their subsidiaries and minor rails were next taken up, a buoy ant tone prevailing at noon, despite con siderable realising and consequent re actions. Sales In Hds. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar... 96 16 tltt Amer. Can 109 61H ttM Amer. Car ft Fdy... 11 11 H, 110 Amer. H. ft L. pfd.. 28 133 133 Amer. Loco 66 94 92 Am. Smelt, ft Ref... 42 86 86 Amer. Sug. Kef ; 25 139 138 Amer. Sum. Tob.... 26 114 113 Amer. Tel. & Tel.... 13 104 104 Amer. Z.. L. ft S 64 26 26 Anaconda Copper ... 78 75 74 Atchison 8 102 102 A., G. & W. I. S. S. . 74 180 173 Baldwin Loco 153 113 111 Bait, ft Ohio 25 46 46 Both. Steel "B" 188 98 96 Butte ft Sup. Cop... 85 37 36 Calif. Petrol 80 39 37 Canadian Pacific ...250 170 165 Central Leather 101 110 108 Ches. ft Ohio 11 66 65 C, M. ft St. P 14 46 44 C. ft N. W 1 101 100 C, ft. I. ft P 36 30 29 Chino Copper 23 48 47 Colo. Fuel ft Iron... 62 63 61 Corn Products 218 II 89 Crucible Steel 261 119 116 Cuba Cane Sugar.... 61 40 39 Dlst. Sec. Corp 30 76 76 Erie 13 18 18 General Electric .... 95 173 168 General Motors 42 239 236 O. N. pfd 12 16 95 G. N. Ore Ctfs 480 61 60 Illinois Central 9 100 99 Insp. Copper 120 67 6 Int. Mer. Mar. pfd.. 100 121 117 Inter. Nickel 66 32 31 Inter. Paper 66 69 67 K. C. Southern 3 23 23 Kennecott Copper ..21 40 40 Louis. & Nash 2 121 121 Mexican Petrol 267 198 ,193 Miami Copper 13 28 28 Midvale Steel 820 69 58 Mo. Pacific 325 38 37 Mont. Power 2 77 77 Nevada Copper 10 M9 19 N. T. C. (ex. dlv.).. 22 81 80 N. T., N. H. ft H 27 23 32 Norf. & West 7 108 107 Northern Pacific ... 19 96 96 Pacific Mall 26 40 37 Pacific Tel. ft Tel... 2 31 31 Pan-Amer. Petrol. ..445 108 106 Pennsylvania 8 45 45 Pitts ft W. Va 28 41 40 Pittsburg Coal 127 73 71 Ray Cons. Copper... 27 25 25 Reading 114 91 90 Rep. Iron ft Steel... 77 99 98 Shat. Arlr. Copper... 9 15 14 Sinclair Oil ft Ref... 342 64 63 Southern Pacific ...167 109 108 Southern Railway .. 62 31 30 Stude. Corp 184 110 109 Texas Co 20 274 270 Tobacco Prod 136 105 104 Union Pacific 36 134 134 United Clg. Stores... 240 197 192 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. ..128 138 134 U. S. Steel 998 113 112 U. S. Steel pfd 3 116 116 Utah Copper 46 13 92 Westinghouse Elec.386 59 68 Willys-Overland 441 31 36 Royal Dutch 602 117 114 15 61 111 132 2 86 138 113 104 26 74 102 "9, 112 46 17 36 31 170 109 66 44 101 30 47 62 90 118 39 76 18 172 236 6 61 100 17 120 32 68 23 40 121 194 28 69 27 77 12 80 33 107 16 31 31 107 46 40 72 26 10 18 14 63 108 $1 108 271 104 134 196 135 113 116 92 28 88 116 New York Sugar. New Tork, July 1. Raw sugar Mar ket steady. Centrifugal, 7.28c; fine gran ulated, 1.00c. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker A Co.. 449 Omaha National bank. 8TOCK3. Bid. Asksd. . Beatrice Cream, common 200 205 Beatrice Cream, pfd 102 10S Burgrsa-Nash Co., 7 pet. pfd.. 99 H 101 Alamo Farm-Light Plant Co.. 26 Cudahy Pack. Co.. pfd 101 Deere A Co., pfd 92 100 Pouglna Motors, common .... 46 0 Fisk Rubber, T pet. pfd 99 Vi 100 Qooch Food Prod., pfd. bonus 994 100 Oooch Food Prod., common ..60 77 w Har'g Cream Co., T pet. pfd.. 101 101 Vi ' Nicholas Oil, pfd., with bonus II Neb.-Iowa Oraln Co ,. 100 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry., pfd Omaha ft C. B. Ry. ft Bdg Ore. ft Wllh. Co., T pet. pfd... 100 109 M. C. Peters Mill T pet., pfd.. 99i 100 M. E. Smith, 1 pet pfd 101 Swift ft Co., 7 pot. pfd UiS. 121 Swift ft Co.. rights t IN Un. Stk. Tds. Stk., Omaha ...100 ,101 Un. Pow. ft Lt. Co., T pot pfd. II 100 -BOND8. Cudahy Packing Cs. 1946 .... 144 ' llti Dom. of Can. ia. 1927 ""4 96 H Fed. Land Bk. 4m, 1931 ...100)4 l0Vt Lin. Jt. Stk. Ld. Bk. 6s, 1118.101 101 Omaha Ath. Club 6s, 1920 ... 98 100 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1921 77 89 Omaha, City of, various 4.62-pct ' Stud. Corp. 7s, 1938 ft 1924 ..1004 100 Swift ft Co. 6a, 1944 97H It , Chicago Grain and Provisions, Chicago, July I. Two dollars a bushe for corn, a price once regarded aa fabulous waa surpassed today In the market here Scarcity ot available supples, togethel with new top record quotations on bogs had much to do with the advance, ini market closed nervous at He decline t c gain, with September $1.96 t $1.95 and December $1.61Vi to $1.61 Oats finished lHo to 214c up. In pro. visions the outcome waa unchanged to 16i down. Ordinary No. I yellow corn of the usual contract grade commanded $2 for Iramedl- ate delivery and No. 2 white $2.02. July optlona reached aa high as $1.99, an upturn ot 6Ko within 24 hours. At first, how ever, a majority of dealers seemed to be lieve that excellent crop conditions prevail ing warranted a setback In values. But this view waa quickly dispelled by an un usual lack ot offerlnga and by general notice of the soaring of hog values. Oats displayed Independent strength owing to crop damage advices and to im proved export demand. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Test, Corn ' July 1.13 1.11 1.13 1.18 1.18 Sep. 1.91 1.17 1.11 116 1.11 Dec. 1.61 1.62 1.60 1.61 1.11 Oats July .72 .74 .72 .72 .71, Sep. .72 .74 .72 .74 .72 Dec. .74 .71 .74 .75 .72 Pork July 62.11 53-90 63.60 51.80 54.01 Sep. (1.10 51.60 61,10 61.20 61.20 Lard 1 1 July 35.41 25.46 36.11 31.11 81 10 Sep. 35.60 36.10 36.21 31.27 36.10 Ribs . July 28.10 21.10 11.40 21.40 12.71 Sep. 21.76 28.16 28.66 21.60 28.71 New York Coffee. New York, July 1. The market for oof fee futures showed renewed firmness and Increasing activity today on reports of a continued European demand, strength In the local spot situation and an advance la the market for spot eoffee at Rio. The opening was 10 to 21 points higher, and active montha sold 10 to 87 points above last night's closing figures during the day, with December contracts touching 22.16e and March 22.62c. The close was within a few points from the best, showing a net gain of 74 to 82 points. July, 21.14c; Sep. tember, 22.29c; December, 22.51c; January, 22.65c; March, 22.47c; May, 22.42c. Spot coffee was reported in better de mand, with Rio 7s quoted at 23c anl Santos 4s at 28c. PHOTOPLAYS. CHARLIE CHAPLIN "SUNNYSIDE." MARGUERITE CLARK "COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN." It's DOUG FAIRBANKS "The Knickerbocker Buckaboo" and JACK DEMPSEY World Champion, in Training IX m "THE WILDERNESS TRAIL" L0THR0P 24th and Lothrop Last Time Today Rex Beach' "THE BRAND' AMUSEMENTS NEW SHOW TODAY '' : . George Lovett 4 Ce. la "Concentre, ife"' '' Seovttle. Spans Trio, Pierre La Maire. Photoplay Was. Desmaad to- "Bare-Fisted CaeUenger." BASE BALL ROURKE PARK Omaha . Oklahoma City , July 9.10.11 Prldar, Ladles' Day. Came called at 3:30 . ra. Boa Seats ea aale at Barkalew Br, 16th end Faraaas St 1 I fcV III I'