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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JULY 8. 1319 South Side SOUTH SIDE MAY GET MONUMENT FOR WARIIEROES J. L Breen, Proposes That Men From Each District Be Honored; Suggestion Weil Received. Brief City News A monument to be erected in each draft district in memory of the men of the district who gave their lives in the service of their country wis proposed by J. T. Breen, chairman of exemption beard No. 2 durtnir the war. in a speech at the postponed Fourth oi wrcte that he July celebration bunday atterr.oan in Mandan park. The suggestion wig received with applause, making it probable that a memorial bearing the names ot the South hide men that died in service will be erected soon. Hare Root Print It Beacon Prua. Dee. Fan JS.50 3 urgraa-G ran den Patronize tba Amrrhan Stare t 3ank. Adv. Irme-Arrrrw Ambulance Serrtoe dtack 4 Falconer. Harney . j Four Per Cent Interest on time de-i posnta, American State Bank. Adv. Iot Ovj-hap platinum flll-j sred pin set with dlamods: vaiuaoie : account or association, i-wrs-i re ward. Harney 450. Dr. J. W. Duncan Offices. 1529 C!ty National Bank building: hours, 11:12 a. m.. 2-4 P- m. Telephone, Douglas "ZZ. dv. f Soathern Hum Cooking and serv ice; Alfred Junes, cater; merchants' lunch. 11 S to 2. Hotel Castle cafe; tab) de bote dinner. 5:30 to ft. SI. Broken to Have Party The Oma ha Wholesale Brokers' association will hold a swimming and dinner parry at the Omaha Athletic club next Thursday evening. Arrives In China Dr. J. P. Con noilv has arrived :n Shanghai. China. where he is serving aa clerk of the 1 United States court for China- He ! njoyed a "wonderful trrp over. KartowRky Lo-9 Job. City Com missioner F aicontr states that he has relieved J. W Kar!owskT aa medical director at Municipal beach. Sev- Divorce Courts Fred W. Howard, in a petition for divorce from- Gars, Howard, filed in district court, says she told him an Juiy 28. 1918, that she would have nothing more to do with him and thzt since then she has refused to reeogmte him. They were marred in 1889. Frances Louise Clarke filed suit itt distnet court for a divorce from John Harrison Garke and the ri sferation of her maiden name, Shu mate. Tiey were marned in 1917, and she alleges cruelty. A decree of divorce was granted by Judge Day in divorce court to Annie Mason from Waiter Masch on The grounds of aonsupport. Mrs. Mason was awarded custody of the child. Qorilda Man Schneider ssketi the distnet court for a divorce tram ; Arnold Schneider-on the jmund oi j crcelty. j i Charging that Rudolph Vereska lia. deserted her. Marie Vereska asked the distnet court for a da- j vurce from him and custody of their three sons. They were marned in : Omaha in 1900. Bessye Hecker filed suit in dis-1 met court asking a divorce from Edward Hecker. She alleges that he treated her with extreme cruelty. BARE ANAHCHISTIC PLOT. Rome, July 7. (By the Associated Press.) An anarchist plot to attack i the central part of Rome by means ' of hand grenades and other explo sives has been exposed by the ar rest of 16 of the conspirators, four hours before the time fixed for car rying out the plans. Mrs. Walker Secures Restraining Order Against Her Husband: Heller.a G. Walker obtained from ! the district court yesterday a re-' straining order to keep her husband. ; Harvey Walker, from Jiving at their home. 2787 Capitol avenue, during the pendency of her divorce suit. I She filed the suit a month ago ; and last week filed an amended prti- tion, naming as corespondent Mrs. ; May Houltz. 114 North Twenty eighth avenue, mother of Mildred Houitz. who commited suicide last '. April because at family uiihappmess. : In her petition for a restraining' order Mrs. Walker relates that her husband, Sunday night, struck their daughter, Margaret, over the face with a roiled newspaper and then dragged her from her bedroom to , his. She says the girl's screams. brought her two other sisters and a young man who rescued her. Her husband then called the police and created a scene, she says. The daughters stayed over night at the homes oi neighbors. Judge Day granted an order that Mr. Walker live elsewhere than at 2787 Capitol avenue during the pendency oi his wife's sun tor di vorce. Jitney Drivers Must Give Bonds Before Thursday Th city license department an nounces that operators of "jitney automobiles must furnish indemnity bonds not later than Thursday, when the new regulative ordinance will go into effect. The ordinance requires that $1,009 bond must be furnished for each car having a capacity of five passengers or less, and $500 for each additional passenger. Estab lished routes must be speciiied in the applications and must be posted on the cars. Order Enforcement of Anti-Spitting Ordinance Mrs. H. C. Sumney. who conduct ed an anti-spitting campaign in Omaha three years ago. called on Police Commissioner Ringer yester day to demand the enforcement of ar. ordinance against expectoration on walks or in public places. The commissioner sent an order to the police station, directing the men of the department to arrest per sons violating the ordinance. Returns From Overseas. "There were over 100 casualties in our company, composed for the most part of Nebraska and Omaha boys, stated Corp. Caud Titsworth. captor of the first German taken by his company in the Argopne forest. He recently returned from-nverseas after 14 months' srvice in France and is at his mother's apartment at the Milton. Will Try to Get In j Touch With Planet Mars At Fort Omaha Sunday 1 The first real and serious attempt , in history to get into communication with the pianet Mars may be made next Sunday at Fort Omaha, by United States Astronomer David Dodd of Amhurst, Mass.. who ex pects to go up in a balloon piloted ihy Instructor of the United State ! Air Forces Leo Stevens, now sta tioned at the fort. 3efore the war. n 1912. and again in 1913. Astronomer Dodd and Mr. Stevens made a balloon flight to a. height of 22.000 feet. At that time the astronomer and his pilot landed in Quebec, Canada. According to Mr. Stevens. Mr. ; Dodd has invented certain instru ments with which he claims to be able to communicate with tiie sister planet of the earth. Three Men, Fined on Liquor Charges, Appeal Cases to Higher Court1 T. Three men were each found guilty eral applicants for the vacancy are being considered May Discontinue Conu'i tt City Commissioner Falconer announces that he is considering discontinuance i at public concerts in the parks. He j explained tniu oniy a lew nun ami people attended a concert in River view park. Sunday afternoon. Rcc-ror to Take Vacation Hector J. Mackay completed IS years as rwctor of the All Saints' Episcopal church last Saturday. The rector and Mrs. Mackay '.eave this week for of having intoxicating liquor in their j a vacation at Isle R ovale. The cnurcn win oe ciosea umu nis re possession and fined $109 and cost in South Side police court Monday morning. Each appealed his case. Raymond Cotterser, 4315 South Twenty-fifth street, was charged with having II pints of liquor at his home when visited by officers. Pa lice testified that at the residence of Tom Patsolowski, 5409 South Thirty-third street, they found 500 empty bottles and 100 bottles of "imitation whisky. described by them as a turn in September. Strewt Cars Collide An open switch, unnoticed by motormen, caused a collision at noon Monday between a Benson and West Leaven worth car at Capitol avenue and Fifteenth street. The occupants of both cars were unmjured and no damage resulted to the cars. To Soppresa Medical Exhibits The city council committee of the whole recommended for passage an ordi nance to suppress so-eaiied neaitti mixture of tea and oil. with a quart j medical exhibits when it can be oi genuine wnisKy. shown that the nromoters are not j Joe Lenczoyski, 4056 I street, ad- -legitimate practioners. City Com mitted that he had at his home two i missioner Zimman introduced the pints of liouor, but said it was there j ordinance. as medicine for a sick baby. He also said that he possessed a doctor's prescription tor the medicine, but did not produce it. Stockmen Look for Heavy Run of Beef Cattle Soon The heaviest run of cattle ever received at the local live stock mar ket is expected soon by stock men. High prices and scarcity of beet have stimulated breeders to enlarge their herds and to ship close; As a result, a few heavy loads, fore runners of the big run, were re- . ceived yesterday. Dry ranges are expected to cause early shipping. South Side Brevities Bactrac and express: aiso rr.ortns: qruic ssrvir. .!- Font. doH'.b "S. The tntkro-X-ttna eio will mwt to jrtsiit u o'eiec t ths Social SsUls- Wo haro fur more refrtrerator that w ars c1ibs wni at ipeciil reduced puitm. Koainj--Pviik Co. Mrs. CL !T. Hann- wta mterttia tfce krosinrtoa of th Woodmen circle No. M niserrow afternoon ax tr bent la Hi 8 ton. ' For Sal IS acre, improved, on mil aBt& at Soalh Omaha. -ity limits. JOSEPH F. MUBPHT. 411 S. tua Street. Soatb 71. Th arrival of a se at th home of W. B. Tarlw. 4411 Soma Thirty-third atreet. u announced yesterday. "Walter- B. Taj-lor, jr." weirha nine pounds, mod was bom Moatdar, June S- A sew top pnc was paid for a full toad of calves yesterday, when SIMS per hsadred was received for ST bead av ncu 1 Pim-S sch. Ths veair were ahtpped br SL IT. Braxton of Hoor orott. Wyo. Jseta Ossrs SS1S 9stti Twawty-sse-Cmd street, and. Wester P. AdkJna. Jr.. ear! eenched tbe city ftmds Mondar in pMirs eonrt wheel ordered to pay ll eacb to cool their zeal for ipeedlns. Williani Scawes fMmd that it cost IS sod costs to pass a street car w falls disc har rum pas sescers. Jos Scnltr. ft years old. tor t rears a reside nt ot ths Sotntt Side, died at a lo cal hospital Soliir ratiswtns threa months of illness. Th fmcral will bo r4d TDssdar taomias- at ftx o'cioca from ths IdurkiB undertattiis parlors to U Sf. Asses eiiapst. Imormeist will bs In th Hair 9spaibsr OBBnterr. Census Shows Total of 43,074 Children of School Age in Omaha The Beard of Education held a brief tneetine last night in shirt sleeves Secretary W. T. Bourke reported that the school census just com pleted cost $2,634 and showed a total oi 43,074 persons of school age in Omaha, compared with 41.467 last year. There is an average of one child of school age in every 'Omaha home, and in 20.J4O homes there are no children of school age. The legal school ages are between T and 21. The official census returns show only L377 vacant houses in Omaha. There are more than 42,000 homes in this school district. The Beals and Field school dis tricts have only four vacant houses each. The Cass school district tops the list with 90 vacant bouses. Good Fellowship Body Meets At the weekly meeting of the Good Fel- j iowship comrrnttee of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce there were no set speeches on the program, the time following lunch having been taken up by members telling experi ences that they have had in the con duct of their own business. The Good Fellowship committee has about con cluded to discontinue holding week ly meetings during Juiy and A artist. Former Omahan Advances John H. Best, formerly an Omaha boy, son of Charges Best, an editor of Nelieh. Neb., has been commissioned purchasing agent for the Baltimore Dry Docks and 3hip Building com pany, one of The largest industrial plants of the Atlantic coast country. For several years prior to going east Mr. Best was with the Union Pacific auditing department. Pays $25,000 for Howe Elwood Riggs, head of the Riggs Optical company, has purchased the beauti ful Los Angeles residence of Mrs. H. 3. Trop, widow of former Senator Waits of California. The Trop resi dence has been known as one of the social centers of Hollywood. Many notables were entertained there dur ing its occupancy by Senator White. Mr. Riggs paid $55,060 for the home. Sal ration Army Plans Drive The Salvation Army will hold a state wide drive in September for funds with which to establish a rescue home and maternity hospital for un fortunate girls. It is proposed to lo cate this institution in Omaha and to have its sphere of usefulness ex tend over the state. The pian con templates instruction in housework, aewmg and Infant welfare, and also to And positions for mothers when they are able to leave the hospital. Jobs for Soidlen For the first time since its establishment last October the soldiers' and sailors' employment bureau in the Chamber of Commerce rooms and in charge of Mrs. Mabel Walker, has more po sitions to give out than it has ap plicants for the positions. At this time Mrs. Walker could place 50 re turned soldiers and sailors in posi tions that pay $4 day to $150 a month. There are ail kinds of po sitions being offered, many of them being in the city. Hotel Mem Stop Here Samue! Josephson, aroprietor of the West gate, and Lewis Rose, owner of the Sherman hotel, Kansas City, were registered at the Henshaw Sunday night, where they stopped with their families enroute to Silver and other Minnesota lakes for the summer. Mr. Josephson stated that Kansas City since July 1 had become one big morgue. Woman Seriously Hurt When Dress Catches in Bevator Hare! Hoden. 19-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. Bersa Hoden, 1723 Dor cas street, an elevator conductor in the Brandeis theater "building; was seriously injured when her dress caught in the elevator whale in op eration, dragging her into the open door, crashing' her ankle and injuring- her internally. She was carried into the office of Dr. P. C Folz of the Brandeis thea ter building, who attended her. Later she was removed to the Lord Lister hospitaL Her condition was reported serious. HYMENEAL Rev. Charles W. Savidge married three couples Monday. They were: Miss Ethel M. Wyant and Frank F. Beahm, Ida B. Hester and Grde W. Allgood. Ada Madison Field and Charles: Albert Snooner. At this last wedding among the guests were three twins, two oi which have therr sisters living-: Mrs. John A. Black, Mrs. Laura D. Cate and the bride. ton want wftat yom -wjst wrretn ytm. want it. Bea Want Ads- will utftia the desired results.. i Sold Liquor to Minor, Is Charge; Man Now Is Held for Government Joseph Somuivek. 4427 South Thirty-fourth street, is the first per son on the South Side to be arrested under the wartime prohibition act. Somuivek was taken into custody Monday morning by the federal au thorities after he had been convicted before Judge Foster, who gave the mac a sentence of 60 days for sell ing whisky to a minor. Evidence showed that Somulvek on July 4 sold to 11-vear-oid Edwin Pokorski, 4051 Hillsdale avenue, a pint of whisky for $4. The lad testi fied that he was playing in the school yard when he was approached by a woman, who gave him SS to gar and buy the liquor, which he did,, keep ing SI for himseiL Complaint was made to the police by Mrs. Sophia Horsky. Police intercepted the boy" soon after he secured the whisky and seized the liquor. Judge Foster gave the most se vere sentence the law permits on account oi the alleged sale having been made to a minor. Somuivek appeaied the case and gave bond for $300 just a short time, before his apprehension by the federal authorities: Buys Airplane Hera. B. E. Saiyen of the J. T. Stewart Motor company, found an airplane enthusiast at Ames, Lu and prompt ly sold him one of the Canadian training planes which are being han dled by the Stewart company. The Iowa firm, the Minert Auto- Co not only pians on using: this -machine" fw flights, but also on acting aa agent for their territory. Watch for our daily Juiy Feature Sale everybody: store See other Ad on page 9. Burgess-Xaita Monday, July 7, 1919- -STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY -PHsna Douglss 2100 1 1 ft 1 f 1 (f r4 buttons. Sizes 6 to 14. Choice at $1.00 OUR NEXT DAIL Y JUL Y FEA TURE SALE IS READY-TO-WEAR THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE THIS great feature sale for Tuesday wiil consist of a complete clearaway of our entire stock of women's and children'3 ready-to-wear in the Downstairs Store. In order to make a quick and decisive clearaway, prices have been reduced to a low figure that will produce the desired results. DRES3ES SUITS 1-3 off Regular Price A LL our dainty summer dresses as well as all silk dresses are included, in styles too numer ous to mention. 1-2 off Regular Price EVERYONE knows the superi ority of the Burgess-Nash ready-to-wear and these suits represent the season'3 most popu lar styles. There is but a limited number of these suits. Pretty White WASH WAISTS 50c THE materials alone would cost a great deal more than the price. They are voile, lawn, organdy and batiste with low necks, with or without collars, round and square necks, lace and embroidery trimmed. Very special at SOc CAPES 1-2 off Regular Price THE cape is considered one of the most popular garments, and these are remarkable values in every respect. Women's White WASH SKIRTS $1.00 MADE of fine quality gabardine, with two patch pockets, shirred waists. A most attractive gar ment and for the price, you will probably want several. Wonderful8 values at Sl.QO. A Large Assortment of Children's Dresses $1.00 MADE of splendid quality gingham and chambray in plaid, stripe or check designs. Trimmed with pockets, belta and buttons. Sizes 6 to 14. Choice at $1.00 each. Burress-Nssb Co. Dswnstairs Stare I s l 1 ! I M " A I i I i o 1 SI Bmhisi Wssh Co. Downstair Star 1 Tuesday in the Downstairs Store a Great Sale of Men's Summer or Sport Trousers at $1.98 MADE of linen, Hnen crash and Palm Beach in plain, natural, stripes in light or dark. Extra well made, splendid fitting, easy, comfortable. Choice at $1.98 a pair. Boutf Wash Pants 69c to 89c Cool wash pants of linen crash and linene. Sizes 7 to 15. Choice at 69c to 89c Bathing Suits, 89c One-piece style, skirt over combed rcacco. dark blue trimmed with white, 89c a suit. ( Union Suits, 79c Men's atiletic union suits of barred nainsook, closed crotch. A very cool garment, at 79c a suit. Linene Shirts, 79c Men's outing Panama linene shirts, cool linene crash and linene, single or double military pockets, flat negligee collar, just the thing for your crating. 79 each. Men's Ease at i Pair for 75c Combed seamless macco. full fashioned top, double toe and heeL A wonderful value; black, tan, gray and Palm Beach; special, 4 for 75c Mothers Will Appreciate This Sale of. Infants Ankle Strap Pumps and Palm Beach Oxfords T7 ACATION days are hard on shoes and the tiny tots need many ex V tra pairs. These special prices will help mothers prepare for the future as well as the present- Infanta hard sole,! ankle strap pumps in ! . gray, brown, black and f fla -white. Sires 1 to 5. j 75c Children's Palm Beach lace oxfords with elk leather soles. Sires 6 to 8, 84 to 11 Women's Slippers 49c Boudoir slip pers made of dainty cretonne in red, blue, pink and lavender. Sizes 4 to 7. Choice, 49c. Extra Special! White Shoe Cleaner For Tuesday only. Large bottle of white liquid canvas cleaner. Limit of two bottles to customer. 17c Dswastasrs Stsrs 9Tss-Nasa Ca. Infants Shoes 49c Shoes an d ankle straps with soft soles. Every conceivable color many worth double. Sizes 0 to 4. i. g - ' jl