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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1919)
'n 4 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, ' JULY 8, 1919. t W 1- "Wonderful Reitult fromyourHairColor" "tay Mrs, Burnt "I don't know what thj prlca is," write Mr. Burni, "but I have rot inch wondvrfut results from Mr. Graham's Half Color Raatorar that I must hars thrt hettlaa for mysalf and two frlondsat ftinea." Thousand of thr women hava obtained squally wondtrfu) reaolts from thla preparation, It H a solorlesa Iljtjld that rsstora fy m4 (M hair t lu natural tobr, It la poiltlvt in iu raiulta n4 makaa tha hair rich and floaty. I'arf-ethr harmle.e aally applied will not aUIn tha akin or acatp. You can gat it at tha followint stores -prlca f 1.80. ' Ifc-srmea, A MCell Stares, PHalla Dr Sute, eela ttrvj C7 Green's fktmmty, Halaee Drf Co., Taemeeea. fee tea Ce MerrtM Drue Iters, Fen tea Pna Omaha. MA IVKOIsesM la erteteel an Hot, Salrry Nights rob Nature o( the chtnei ' to rebuild, by refreshings and restful sleep, the wasted tissues of the body. That limp and pros tratad issllng cauaad by wskefoL restless nights quickly roUevtd by Meat sTMa Taii 1 1 JaM 9 AH Kmttmhl Drew tola Maaaiat turns I LYKO MDICU COMPANY , New Tata li"n Citjr, Urn EY COULDN'T DUY THE GOOD IT IIAS DOtiE ME' ; 'j1 . i Thirls What MrsDeLong ISayrfAftir Tanla Ends; Troubles Gains Twelve " Pounds. "N" amount of money could buy from ma tha rod that I havo rained throtfh taking Tanlae, sai d Mrs. Harry DeLon, of 6819 Eaat 13th St, Kansas e.ty. Mo., recently. "t suffered with stomach troubla for icren yaars, continued Mra. DaLona. "It just aeemed like if I ate anything tha least bit greasy I would have tha worst aort of an attack of Indication and moat of tha tima what I would cat would Just tour in my atomach and form gas and I -wild bloat tip ao ter ribly that I wculd feel like I could hardly ret my breath and some time everything I would eat just ' aeemed. to lodpe in my atomach in hard lump and I would suffer atony with terrible paina in the pit i my aromata. i auiieraa win 1. . - .J J.-t Mil saw nKusnf m vvu new. wvf aim wms ao awfully nervous I couldn't sleep well at Bight and I finally rot ao weak and run-down in health that eemetimea I would juat hare to give up and f o to bed and there I would tar for a week or ten days at a tha and I fell off In weight un til I only weighed about a hundred pounds. ' I had read a lot about Tanlae aad what it waa doiner for others and my hatband advised me to give it a trial, but I had used ao many thing without being- helped a par tirU that I really didn't have any una in is, cut, iinmuj, aia t a bettlo and it certainly proved a gra4 eurprito to me, because be f I had taken more than a part of ih aecond bottlo I could notice that I wa feeling better and got a t roaVf eat many things I hadn't Ur4 ta touch before, and 1 didn't Mffcr with my stomach afterwards. attaer. & I kept on taking Tanlae a4 w 1 can eat just anything 1 want, aad a mack of it aa I want, a4 aevor havt a sin of fat dire twai. I an aot troubled with that teua ia say bach like 1 waa and caa aef jaathka a child for Bin hours ery aifht aad can da aH my aajaeweta with eaao. I aav gained twwfv paanda in weight and am fceiaat so) rol in tverr way that I cm realty eajo'ae hf agin and. I taw 4 yew. r eody t&at hasnl ffee4 k t ran realixo the tfc 4 that lie .4 line I be gat? U:t 'S.ata. ' fnt cant r t"h m h ia t hhly and - ct tall my orweace wfe t ir;oa that will tela- fftx . f wr-te t , f . h in C naha at an !3feA mo , XeCoaaelt Dn Coat aaui'i atotm Harvmrdl fhamaey a m e4 rnarmacy. Also t or teat r, Meaa Draa? CompaaT ia Muzf Omaha aaj tha leading' drusr- 0.1 a earn ctfr and town tarough . state of Nabmsia. Adv. UiraURN Ar aavJtofc 1 yrrni eaeae f WT we- ;o weal when j - it Je Waat Ad will ' i imm the 4-e4 rttTk UNKNOWN NEGRO ASSAULTS MISS BESSIEKROUPA Drags Woman Into Weeds and Binds Her to Tree; Physi cians Say Her Condi tion Is Serious. Bound hand and foot by an un identified negro, Mist Bessie Krou pa, 19 years old, was tied to a tree near Tenth and B streets yesterday afternoon and assaulted. The terrified girl was not found (or nearly an hour after the assault. Last night the was hysterical. Phy sicians said her condition was seri ous. They confirmed the report that she had been abused. The negro grabbed the girl as she was walking to the car line from her home, 4113 South Ninth street, shortly before 2 o'clock. Holding his hand over her mouth to stifle her screams he dragged her to a vacant lot, high with weeds, and tied her. She was taken to the home of Police Sergeant Philip Went, 916 Dominion street, and sobbed out her story. "He leaped at me from the weeds," she said, "and told me he'd kill me if I screamed. "Then he tied my hands and feet and bound me to1 a tree. When I told him I was ill he left and told me to call for help so somebody could untie me." Two detectives made an unsuc cessful search of railroad yards in the district, but failed to find the alleged attacker. Residents of the neighborhood said a similar attack was made on a young girl about a week ago by a negro answering the description given by the Kroupa girl of her as sailant. She described him as short, stout, with a pockmarked face and a mustache. Contractors May Charge for Making Estimates on Work Preliminary steps were taken at a meeting of local plumbing contrac tors at the Omaha Builders' Ex change last night, which are expect ed to result in the payment by own ers of a reasonable fee to all con tractors invited by them or their architects to estimate on plans for improvements. This will be accomplished by membership in the National Con tractors' association, the workings of, which -were explained to the Omaha men by J. J. Kelly, its pres ident. , ' ' ' Under the plan in successful oper ation, Mr. . Kelly said, in 20 states, each contractor invited to estimate is guaranteed a reasonable fee for his services, proportionate to the 'sire; and cost , to he estimated by them.,.Vw;? fvA -? Every, plumbing contractor pres ent joined the organization. Gen eral contractors met at the Omaha Builders' Exchange a week ago, and joined the organization. Soldier and Cooties Are Held for Disturbing Peace fnntia Ar9nm tt iYim wr placed under arrest last night and Atit hnnd i i They were, arrested with SergUW. uairympie ot tne Canadian army. Datrvmnle wi rhariroH with rlia turbing the peace. He is alleged to have atarted a rnw hv trvins - r. into the Rialto theater free, and on being refused admission, of using ioua.- proiane language. When searched at the station, a dollar bill was taken from his pock et and it was swarming with "seam squirrels." They scattered to all ...... -e aL . Ti n - I'ai is vi inc jail. y auiO-CUggCS tion the officers at th atatinn (tar ed to comb their hides with their fin car tina - Dalrymple will be tried in police coun mis morning. Want Suit for $120,000,000 Stricken Off Court Docket A motion to strike from the court docket the $120,000,000 suit of Louise Osborne Ferson and Grace Osborne against 49 big corporations and millionaries of the country was made in district court yesterday by Morris & Co. The two women claim that the defendaats stole their oatened reeioe fnr a btan biscuit and converted the bis cuit to their own great profits. The motion to strike says that the peti tion 01 tne two women is tnvolous, meaninfften. aranrfatmia and s rm. flection and affront on the intelli gence oi this court. Manager of Store Arrested for Destruction of. Sign E.' if. Reynolds, manager of Ben son- inorne to., was arrested last ngnr oo a warrant charging mah eious destruction of property. Remolds is accused h taxi mm party of maliciously destroying one oi ineir sifat. roiice say the taxi company had a stand in front of Bcnson-Thorne store and when Remold fontc nhtertinn tn thir blocking the street, he tore down one of tneir signs and destroyed it He was released on bond. Edward P. Boyer Confined With Serious Heart Affection No change was reported Monday wTgm in tne condition ot tdwarcl . Barer, treasurer nt ihm Rnr.r.Vm Kara n Lumber and Coal company. nr. soyer naa Been contined to his . - - j 0..., a v . several days with a serious affection of the heart. His condition is such that it is impossible to move him to a hospital and he is being at tended day and night by some mem ber of the Omaha Field ttah. . ,i .i i , i Ftttuags Match Eye. Lcudan. Solvit (artiT h Ear English actress, has started a oew fad. The furnishings of her now BOm are of a rrair-hln rnfnr tn match her eyes. The color scheme aaa cxta earned out even in her china. , While Officers Chase Small Liquor Smugglers, 18 Thefts Arel Reported to the Police Automobile Loaded With Half Dozen Picked Detectives Makes Record Trip to Pool kail to Arrest Man With Half Pint of Whisky Passes Two Autos Loaded With 1,440 Pints of Liquor. While the police were raiding pri vate homes for whisky and chasing petit larceny bootleggers Sunday and Sunday night, hundreds of cases of contraband liquor were received in Omaha, and scores of highway rob beries, burglaries and minor thefts were committed beneath the noses of officers who have been trained to regard the possession of a small quantity of whisky as the chief of all crimes. Acting on the tip received over the telephone, an automobile loaded with a half dozen picked detectives made a record run to a negro pool hall on North Twenty-fourth, near lpake street, to arrest a man with a half pint of whisky in his pocket. Paaa Liquor Cara. The police car en route to the pool hall was passed by two auto mobiles loaded with 1,440 pints of liquor. Neither of the consignments were molested. Of the numerous robberies, burglaries and thefts committed, 18 were reported at the police station. None of the offenders have been ar rested. Mrs. James Davis, 1937 South Forty-ninth street, reported burg lars entered her house and stole jewelry valued at $40. An automobile belonging to the Iowa-Nebraska Grain company, while standing in front of 3S07 Jack, son street, was relieved of the rear tires. P. T. Kisoris, 132 South Twenty eighth street, reported the theft of his automobile at Twenty-seventh street and Poppleton avenue. The car was recovered later. All of the tires had been taken. Burglars forced an entrance to the home of E. G. Wahlgren in the Har old apartments, Twenty-seventh and Howard streets, and stole $125 in cash. E. A. Cregar, who lives at Twen tieth and Harney streets, was held up at Twentieth and Howard streets and robbed of $9. Automobile tires valued at $400 I "PHOTO 'PIAY OFFERING J FOR. TODAY" DOROTHY DALTON'S picture, "L'Apache " now in the mak ing iu New York city, gives this famous .Thomas H. Ince star the opportunity to wear some beau tiful clothes, and Miss Dalton has raided all' the Us modiste shops in the metropolis to get the very latest and most beautiful gowns that can be secured. In this picture ' Miss Dalton expects to make the women clientele of photoplay ; theaters gasp with admiration, -"..d . Rialto Charlie Chaplin,-in "Sun nyside," third of the widely adver tised million-dollar series of com edies, and Marguerite Clark, in "Come Out of the Kitchen." Today, Wednesday and Thursday. . Strand Douglas Fairbanks in "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo," a fast story of a New Yorker who went down to Mexico just to re construct'" his character. Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Muse Betty Lee in "The Tri umph of Venus," a fantasy of the days of the Olympic gods, is claimed to be the greatest achievement in cinema artistry . ever accomplished. Today and remainder of week. Sun One of the big incidents ih the Tom Mix photoplay, '.'The Wil derness Trail," now showing at the Sun, is a remarkable fight between the hero and the villain, both skilled fighters and well matched. "The Wilderness Trail" is full of the virility, rapid action and fascinating suspense that always mark a Mix picture. Today to Saturday. Empress "One Thing at a Time O'Day," a romantic comedy of cir cus life, with Bert Lytell as the star, is the photoplay offering at the Empress. Jack Gilbert is to be seen next in the cast of "A Little Brother of the Rich," the screen version of Joseph Medill Patterson's novel of the same title. Sydney Chaplin, the comedian, has signed a contract to appear in mo- Father Believes His Boy Has Gone Away With a Strange Man Omaha police and the police of every city on roads to the north from Omaha have been asked to find Ralph Evans, 13-year-old son of George M. Evans, 1912 Emmett street, who, it is believed, was en ticed away from home by a "man with a large touring car." Ralph left home yesterday. His father believes he has gone to Can ada with the strange man. "After Ralph was rebuked one day last week," George M. Evans told the police, "he threatened to go away. Later he told us he was going to go to Canada with a man he had met recently. "We paid little attention to his threat at first, but when we heard later that a strange man with a large touring car had been in the neighborhood inquiring for Ralph, we became more interested. "Yesterday, I understand, the stranger was seen again near our home. Ralph sneaked into f the hoase, put on his good clothes and left He has not been heard of since. , .. Vaudeville at Empress. Ponular sonars, corned and raff- time numbers, with, an occasional ballad constitute the program of fered bv Frish. Howard and Green- toch. entertainera annrarino- at the Empress theater. Prelles Circus, a clever dog act. appeals to both young and old. Neal Abel, the blackface comedian, has a new line f talk that ia a laughing hit ' I were stolen from the Blngman gar age, 112 South Seventh street. Burglars entered the home of Christy Devine, Undine apartments, Twenty-fifth street and Dewey ave nue and took $9 in cash. Clothing valued at $85 was stolen from the home ofR, F. Shap, 2515 Dodge street. John Nelson, of Council Bluffs, was held up at Fourteenth and Howard streets and robbed of a $2.50 gold piece, which he was wear ing as a. charm on his watch chain. Mrs. A. Ruthchild, who lives in the Colbert apartments, Thirty-ninth .and Farnam streets, asked the po lice to assist in the recovery of a diamond pin valued at $800. J. W. Bell's room in the Undine apartments was ransacked by burg lars. Burglars toxk clothing and war trophies valued at $200 from R. C. Sopher's room at the Y. M. C. A. Home Ia Ransacked. The home of J. W. Johhnson, 2720 Decatur street, was ransacked. A golf suit belonging to A. F. Smith, 3910 Dewey avenue, was stolen from his automobile while the car was standing in front of the Athletic club. The garments were valued at $40. An automobile belonging to Charles Jones, 2215 Douglas street, was taken from Krug's park. H. A. Campbell, Creston, Ia., re norted the loss of an automobile from in front of 1512 Howard streetJ F. B. Fillmore, Twenty-fifth and Dodge streets, lost his automobile from in front of his residence. An automobile belonging to the Powell Supply company, 2105 Far nam street, was stolen from in front of the company's place of business. Ensign Charles E. Maas, in charge of the navy recruiting station, 214 South Fourteenth street, reports that burglars broke open a closet and stole tools and electrical ap pliances valued at over $100, and a navy Colt's automatic .45 caliber revolver. M Neighborhood Houses DIAMOND 24th and Lake "THE PRICE OF FOLLY," No. 2. RUTH ROLAND in "THE TIGER'S TRAIL," No. 5. Pathe News. SUBURBAN 24th and Am ETHTL BARRYMORE in "DIVORCE." lOTHBOP 24th and Lothrop MAT ALLISON in "PEGQY DOES HER DARNDEST." HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton GLADYS LESLIE in "A STITCH IN TIME." ORPHEUM South Slda, 24th and M ALICE BRADY In "RED HEAD." GRAND 16th and Blnney MAR GUERTTE CLARK In "MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH." APOLLO 29th and Leavenworth . THEDA BARA IN "SALOME." tion pictures to be released by the Famous Players-Lasky corporation. Mr. Chaplin, who has been a great success here and abroad as a com edian and who for the past few years has- been 'absent from the screen, handling the business affairs of his brother, Charlie, has a large follow ing among motion picture patrons in this country. j Margery Wilson, first introduced to the film lovers by Thomas H. Ince, has been selected by this pro ducer to support Charles Ray in the photoplay he is just starting at the Ince studio. Miss Wilson sup ported Mr. Ray once before, in the "Clodhopper." She also supported William S. Hart in "Wolf Lowry." Then she was starred by Mr. Ince in her own 'right in "The Mother Instinct," "Wild Sumac," etc. Andrew Waldron, the dean of character actors at Universal City, who played Jim Baggott in support of Mane Walcamp in "The Red Glove," will play an important role in a series of westenfstories being prepared for Pete Morrison. Wal dron entered pictures with J. P. Mc GOwan in the old Helen Holmes railroad serials, and until McGowan left for Europe with Eddie Polo he played in every production filmed by that director. Four Omahans Hurt When Train Strikes Auto Near Arlington Four persons were injured whej the auto in which they were riding was struck by an east-bound North western train near Arlington, Neb., Sunday night. The injured: Beatrice Olmstead, 2027 Fowler avenue, fractured collar bone, dis located knee cap and cuts on head and arms. Josephine Jensen, Twenty-ninth and Spalding streets,., right leg broken, bruises on body and head. James Langan, West Dodge road, bruised. , Kenneth Bush, 804 South Twenty ninth street, bruised. . . ; The engine struck the rear part of the car, hurling the occupasts into the air and throwing the mass of wreckage 100 feet The train stopped and the injured were brought to the city and taken to the Methodist hospital. It is said they will all recover. Htllilll'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIlMtUlllllllllluiHIMIMlllllllliilllllllllllllillllllllMinillllliaii.lllllllllllllll as j j Fourth of July outings didn't im-1 f prove your clothes any, did they? 1 I Let's clean and press those togs for you. a Dyera, Clean era, Hattera, Furriera 5 Tailore, Rag Claaa- " era; Shea Repairera. I Mala Office and s Want, 5 23U.13-1T BEIESHER BROTHERS s Farnam St. 5 PHONE TYLER 345 ; s aaimutiattiaaiiaaiiajiaitana:mMa!iaiMiiaim.iajiaiiatiaiai(auaMBiiaiiBiiaMaimiiiauaHB4iaMiiiaNaiiaiiiiauaiiiijaiiaManaiiiiiai.a - r': ' ' r V .... ,7 HALF HOLIDAY ANNOUNCED TO WELCOME 10 9TH Mayor Asks That All Business Houses Close in Honor of Dodge Engineers; Pa rade at One. In a proclamation issued yester day, Mayor Zurmuehlen proclaimed a half holiday for Council Bluffs to day in honor of Company B of the 109th engineers. The mayor's ap peal is for all business to close at noon, and all places to remain closed during the remainder of the day. Following instructions from the Postoffice department, . Postmaster George F. Hughes ordered the half holiday to apply to all departments of the local mail service, and regu lar holiday hours will be observed atter 1Z o clock. The mayor a proclamation will be generally observed and all public buildings will be closed. "I call upon all of the people of the city to turn out at 1:30 o clock when the parade starts and invite them to the reception, barbecue and program at Manawa in honor of the soldiers, the mayor said. According to Captain Greene, marshal of the day, the procession will be ready to move at 1 o'clock. The afternoon and evening at the lake will reward the soldiers for the effort required to make the mil ita'ry parade the big success planned. The barbecue will be the novel fea ture. Parking grounds have been arranged f or thousands of automo biles. Barbers Raise Rates; Hair Cut to Cost Four Bits After July 14 At a meeting of the Master Bar bers of Omaha in the Paxton hotel last evening, it was unanimously de cided to raise the price for all bar ber work, the new scale to go into effect July 14. Jack Becker, secretary of the asso ciation, says the new scale of prices is in accordance with the one which has been in force in other leading cities for several months. The new prices are as follows: Hair cut, 50 cents; shave, 25 cents; massage, plain, 35 cents; with ma chine, 50 cents; head massage, 35 cents; tonics, domestic, 20 cents; tonics, imported, 30 cents; plain shampoo. 35 cents; all oil shampoos. $1.00; eonic shampoo, 75 cents, with machine. S1.00; beard trim, 35 cents; hair singe, 35 cents; razor honing, 50 cents; all face steams, 25 cents; mustache trim, 10 cents. Austria Gives Up Idea of Union With Germany Paris. July 7. -The Austrian gov ernment has given up, at least tor tne time being, the idea of a union" with Germany, Dr. Otto Bauer, the secretary for foreign affairs; de clared in an address delivered last week at the congress held by the councils of workers, according to the Vienna correspondent 'of the Temps. ' ' "Austria, small and ruined," the foreign secretary is quoted as de claring, "could only exist by the permission and assistance of the en tente and that is why it was aban doning the idea of uniting with Ger many at this time, as Austria was riot powerful enough to bring about a union without the consent of the erttente. Armour Ham House Damaged by Flames Fire of unknown origin consid erably damaged the ham house of Armour and company, South Side, at '1:30 o'clock this morning. The east wall on the main floor caught fire and a large shipping truck in the room was totally-' de stroyed. For a while the fire threatened to do" serious damage to the building, but was extinguished by the fire department and the sprinkler system. No Doubt You Have Tried Other Methods Give CHIROPRACTIC Its Chance. DR. FRANK F. BURHORN (Palmer School Chiropractor) Adjustments $1, or 12 for $10.00 Suite 414-19 Securities Bldg., Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta. , Doug. 5347. Lady Attendant. Get Back Your Grip OnHealth Nuxated Iron Master Strength-Builder Of the Blood Helpa Mali Strong, Sturdy Man nd Healthy, Beautiful Woman 3.000,000 People Use It AanuaUy -- ----- - . ... BRANCH OFFICES! Dresher, The Taller, 1515. j- Farnam St.; Pompeiaa Ream of " Braneeie Stores. " West ead ef Mala 1 Floor ef Burfaea- a Nash Co. - s U.0ND0N STRONGLY OPPOSES TRYING EX-KAISER THERE Even Against Placing Him in Prisoner's Docket at All. London, July 7. Strong opposi tion continues to develop in the British press against the project of trying the former German emperor in London, or trying him "at all. Paris dispatches saying that Amer ica and Japan are opposed to the trial and that Italy is-lukewarm apparently have had an effect on sentiment here. Liberal newspapers, - such as the Manchester Guardian,vthe Westmin ster Gazette and the Daily News are leading the way, with a part of the conservative press taking the same view, that it would tend to make the kaiser a martyr among the Germans, prolong the passions of war and upset the life Of Lon don. It is also said that the former emperor's arrival here might cause unpleasant incidents. The Evening Standard, conserva tive, opposes the plan- because "there are practical difficulties in arranging the quarters for' the pris oners and the place of trial, and there is an unpleasant suggestion of pagan triumph in the project. If there must be a state trial it should not take place in London ; or any other business center. - r . , The Westminster Gazette is one of those holding that the best pun ishment for' the ex-emperor is to leave him in obscurity, and the Times gives prominence to a letter from -Sir Valentine Chirol, its for eign editor, expressing a fear that the trial might create a Hohenzol lern legend like the Napoleonic le gend and bring upon Great Britain odium in Germany and in - some neutral countries and if prosecution fail, it would- mean ridicule." Horn Candy ie NewDrink-for all 9 What is it ? fj -its wholesome kJ - its delicious its the new drink $ you will likg IS FTY CORPORATION 1 809 Fifth Ave.. New York City .. flic 1'aVVoVr'y'VW ) POLICE GALLED TO QUELL LABOR RIOT IN CHIC AGO Union Men Distributing Liter ature When Fight Begun; Ship . Workers Hold Mooney Parade. Chicago, July 7. The first dis turbance growing out of the labor strike" called July 4 for five days as a protest agatnst the conviction of Mooney and Billings in San Francisco occurred today when 100 policemen were called to disperse a crowd of 700 which was distributing strike hand bills in front of a north side factory. When palled upon to disperse the crowd threw stones and broke a number of windows in the building. Several arrests were made. Only a few thousand workmen, it is said, joined the "peaceful Mooney and Billings strike" in Chicago. San Francisco, July 7. Reports from Pacific coast , cities indicated the five-day strike iiy behalf of Thomas J. Mooney was felt mainly in the shipbuilding industry of Ore gon and Washington. All but one of the yards in Port land, Ore., and along the Columbia river were reported idle. Officials of Tacoma, Wash., yards, which op erated today with greatly reduced forces, reported nearly norma. Slifts on hand tonight. At a special session of the metal trades council in Tacoma, a resolu tion was adopted warning members that the Council would not stand back of those who endangered their places by further individual strikes. At Seattle Wash., the strike was said to be confined to the building trades. . Co.. V - H. J. Hughes Co.,- Trimble Bros. Horlick's Tho Original . , - Malted Milk For Infanta and Invalids OTHERS ar IMITATIONS Purity Purity is the vital fundament of drugs. To insure purity, in finite pains and scru pulous care have been employed in searching out and preparing the materials that enter into Meyer Certified Drugs. Fifteen thousand druggists offer Meyer service of drug purity a service of safety and public security. Meyer Brothers DrugCo. St. Louis S4 Th UrpM Dm Ham In Iht World - The Bee Want Ads Are the Best ' Business Boosters. . '.