Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE . BEE : . OMAHA, " TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919.
Known Nebraska Man
Dies at Burlington, Colo.
u Information reached here, of
,lsth lit Hiirlington Colo., of D,
ivf, "i fi " Known res-
; r, .niiihfastern Nebraska
, t.r due to a stroke of sp
,. f was 75 years of axe
,j (.-m in the grain business
b .r many years. '
Your Office:
kvith Furniture that i
kill save time, and
abor. .-
Desks, Typewriters, J
Desk Filing Cabinets, I
bookcases, Safes and 1
ire proof equipment.
Phone Tyler 3000 .
for Service. j
Several very good J
sed Desks, 60 inches
Hong, are offered at
$37.50 and $45.00.
They should be seen
not later than Tues- J
;day. ; j
Orchard & i
Wilhelm Co. I
' 9
l I I I I ll'llllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllil
of The Omaha Bee
; V ;
Committee 'of Coal Dealers
Asks Governor to Bring Con'
dftions Before Public; Pro
duction Cut Down. I.
Lincoln, July 7. Parties who ne
glect putting in their winter's sup
ply of coal may find themselves shiv
ering next winter, according to a
committee, of coal men who called
on Governor McKelvie Monday to
enlist his assistance in bringing con
ditions before the public. f
The committee consisted of n. B.
Miles and Howard Rathburn of
Lincoln, ami S. W. Reynolds and A.
B. Currie of Omaha. To newspaper
men before seeing the governor the
committed said that conditions were
worse than last ye"ar. "There is no
fuel administrator to appeal to and
as many of the mines are shut down,
if people wait until fall to . order
their coal they will find it impossible
to secure what thev want. Irans-
portation facilities will be in bad
shape if the rush comes late,.
The production of soft coal, ac
cording to the statement of the
committee, for the first five months i
P. A. Barrows, Correspondent
of 1919, was 56,000,000 tons short of
the same period last year, which in
a way gives an idea of the conditions
which are facing the country at the
present time and which do not show
signs of getting better.
Telephone Company Unable
to Collect Fro mRailroad
Lincoln, July 7. More evidence of
the efficiency of the government ad
ministration in handling public util
ities is given in a complaint sent to
the State Railway commission by the
telephone company at Seneca, which
discloses that the Burlington rail
way company has not paid for its
telephone in the station there nor
can the telephone company get any
satisfaction trom the agent or from
those in charge of things.
The complaint savs that the Bur
lington has a large number of mes
sages which it sends over the tele
phone and for which there an ex
change charge of 20 cents. The
company alleges, that it is unable to
get its pay or any satisfaction when
appeal is made for a settlement.
George Leonard Placed in
Charge of Auto Department
Lincoln July 7. Changes in the
automobile department have been
made vchich transfers John A. Bar
ton from the head of the department
to the head of the purchasing de
partment of the state engineer's of
fice. George Leonard will have gen
eral charge of the automobile de
partment with Mrs. Mabel Tracey
as superintendent of the force.
Lincoln Man Vobaky '
Fatally, Wounded by '
Man Who Makes Escape
Lincoln, July 7. The carnival of
crime which has struck the country
again made' its appearance in Lin
coln Monday night and as a result
Tom Choupros probably will die
from two shots fired into him by
W. E. Clark at the home of the
former. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clark had a quarrel
a month ago and - separated. Mrs.
Clark's sister came to live, with her
and Choupros was a roomer and
border at the horned Sunday after
noon the sister left with her two
children for Illinois, leaving Chou
pros and Mrs. 'Clark alone at the
About 11 o'clock in the evening,
Clark came, to the house and the
men became involved in a quarrel
Mss. Clark ran to a neighbor for
help, but before anyone arrived the
shooting occurred. -Clark disap
peared and has not been found
The wounded matr is in a local hos
pital and cannot live.
' t r
One Hundred Motor Parties
From This- Statfj, Register
Daily at Rock Mountain
Thieves Take Ford.
' Beatrice, Neb., July-7. (Special.
A Ford car belonging to Dr,
Semecek of Swanton was stolen
from the driving, park. The officers
have obtained no clue to the thieves
fir that eczema
te watery blisters that appear on
km and then break, accomoanied
!n?ry looking inflamed spots oi
that spread, with intense itchincr
rally cjin be described as eczema,
Rrawol Ointment aided by Reainol Soto
T mil w give unmeaiaie relief, and
Mkrainci, usually clears away the
V;:a tnticalv. Anoint thicker at nivhfc.
f.n bandage. -
SMtrmltdrvrruh. Ftrnt
Hi- i ,
$2,000,000 Project Presented
to City Council Will En
large Twenty-fourth
The city planning board and the
city council are getting together in
a serious manner for the considera
tion of the widening of Twenty
fourth street, Pacific to Cuming
6treets, to 100 feet.
It is estimated that the project
will cost $2,000,000, part of which
would be paid by special taxes
spread over an assessment district,
and part through the issuance of
citv bonds.
The council yesterday received
from the planners the details of
ir plans, showing the property
I buildings which would be at-
. a . . - ' c
tectea dv tne acquirement oi addi
tional street space on the east or
west side of Twenty-fourth street,
according to the following proposed
scheme: ... '' '
Pacific street to St Mary's ave
nue, acquire 50 feet on east side of
Twenty-fourth; StC Mary's avenue
to Harney street, 46 feet on west
side; Harney to Farnam, 46 feet on
west side; Farnam to Cass, 20 feet
on west side; Cass to California, 20
feet on west side and 25 feet on
cast side; California to Cuming, 54
to 47 feet on the east side.
In addition to the 100-foot widen
ing, it is proposed to acquire all of
the property now located between
Major , Cavenaugh Assumes
Command of Recruiting Here
, i '
Veteran of 23 Years' Service arid Five Army Cam
paigns Succeeds Major Frith Started as Private
in Old 20th Infantry.
Veteran of 23 years' service and
five campaigns, including a year's
service., in France, Maj. W. H.
Cavenaugh, U. S. A., 'arrived in
Omaha late Sunday from Camp
Dix, N. J., to assume command of
the recruiting station here.
The major saw action at St. Mi
hiel as commander of the 355th in
fantry, "Nebraska's- Own" of the
89th division,, under Major General
Winn. Later1 he was assigned to
detached duty at Camp Dix, N. J., on
the arrival of that unit home, finally
being transferred 4o the Omaha re
cruiting office.. , ' S:
"I see- that the 20th infantry is
garrisoned at Fort Crook," he said
yesterday. "Exactly 23 years ago
this month, I enlisted as a private at
Fort Leavenworth and was assigned
to duty with that unit"
He's been going ever since. He
served seven years in the Philippine
islands, a year in China, and was
at Vera Cruz and the Mexican bor
der at the time differences with the
Mexican government became acute.
In France he was in the held as
commander of the 3S5th infantry.
Of his French service he refused to
talk. '
"You know what it's like," he said.
Major Cavenaugh is married and
wants to have his name spelled with
an e. He and his wife are stay
ing temporarily at The Hotel Fonte
nelle. He is a big, strapping fel
low, pleasant and sociable.
A letter was sent put yesterday
by Major Frith, retiring recruit
ing officer, bidding farewell to the
several hundred officers and men in
recruiting offices of this district.
Major Frith said his intention was
to go into business in the city.
Track Talk
IN GMC trucks all frames ftrc designed
sad materials selected to best meet the
hardest service conditions.
A to indicatioQ of their superior ccstructiaa
consider the frame btmckxfoe, wither qpedoo,
improperly made and cartlesjaly attached Brackets
ire the source of much trouble and expexwe.
AS brackets on GMC Tracks are machined oa a3
surface trhkh come in contact with the frame.
Without proper marfifngig, the brackets cssbmc be
Kcvch; attached, and will workfeote.
Co many tracks the brackets are merely too&
pound. Wben placed against the frame the con
tact is not daw there are opentnea between the
frame and bracket. As the hot rhrcts are beaded
em they expand the hot metal is driven into
the ipace between the frame and bracket. -
The fin of metal bttwttu the frame and bracket
trwkes a firm attachment icnposssbfe, catatquentty
any force exerted co either the frame or the bracket
tends to putt one away from the other.
Although the frame brackets may seem an waJbh
portent part of the track, they tarre a bearing on
the track's service ability- more thu that, they
are a mighty apod criterion by which to judge the
frame tad the entire truck cceMstractkct.
Ut fewr flasl TrwrM) I m CZC
Nebraska Cukk Auto Co.
SmBi Car
Twenty-fourth street and Twenty
fifth, avenue, from St Mars ave-
-nue td Harney street, which would
offer a plaza, 1,000x94 feet, between
the proposed west side of Twenty
fourth street and the present line
of Twenty-fifth avenue.
Plana Explained.
George T. Morton, president of
the city planning board, explained
to the city council that if 46 feet
should be taken on the west side
of Twenty-fourth street, St. Mary's
avenue to Harney street, and the
adjoining property to the west not
acquired, the result would be that
residents on the west side of Twen
ty-fifth avenue would face the rear
of buildings which would occupy
the 94-foot strip, and their proper
ty would suffer depreciation. By
acquiring the 94-foot strip, the plan
ners contend that it 'would serve
both useful and ornamental pur
poses' and that the property along
Twenty-fifth avenue would be en
hanced in value three or four-fold.
Some of the buildings which
would be affected are: The W. J.
Connell home at St. Mary's avenue,
building at southwest corner of
Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets,
old Hamilton apartments, Central
United Presbyterian church. Leo
A. Hoffman's funeral home, and
various small buildings along the
An ordinance wilt be prepared for
presentation to the city council and
then definite action will be taken,
for or against the project
Jitney Drivers Must Give
Bonds Before Thursday
Th city license department an
nounces that operators of "jitney"
automobiles must furnish indemnity
bonds not later than Thursday, when'
the new regulative ordinance will go
into effect. The ordinance requires
that $1,000 bond must be furnished
for each car having a capacity of
five passengers or less, and $500 for
each additional passenger. Estab
lished routes must be specified in the
applications aad must be posted on
the cars.
Decides That Uncle Sam Will
Make the Best Instructor
After eight months' schooling in
an Omaha automobile school, M ait-
land C Haskins, 1940 South Seven
teenth street decided he had best
let Uncle Sam take charge of the
tutorship ol his mental capacities.
Haskins yesterday enlisted in the
army motor transport corps, averr-
inz that he Badn t learned anything
in his eight month' Omaha train
ing.' He was ordered to San An
tonio, Te.
Order Enforcement of
Anti-Spitting Ordinance
Mr. H. C. Sumney, who conduct
ed an anti-spitting campaign in
Omaha, three years ago, .called on
Folic Commissioner Rtner yester
day to demand the enforcement of an
ordinance against expectoration on
watks or in public places,
The commissioner sent an order
tQ the police station, directing the
men of the department to arrest per
sona violating the ordinance.
Beatrice Couple Wed.
Beatrice, Neb.. July 7. (Special.)
Ernest B. Huddleson and Mis
Llthei A. Rorabaugh, both of this
F g T a rn, , . . I city, were married bunday by Judge
- K TAft&Y, 240 Dee tU Ocsst PWM e. e. Eiiia.
wav wHt cuaeix wa nn
Her Objection to Smell
jof Tobacco May Cost
Kansas State $39,866
Topeka, Kan. School men, edu
cators and even book publishers,
who smoke, beware of Topeka and
Miss Lorraine Elizabeth Wooster,
state superintendent of instruction
for Kansas,
She is on the war path for those
who came to her office, and whose
clothes even smell of tobacco.
Frank Cushman of Kansas City
found this out, much to his sorrow.
Mr. Cushman is regional director for
federal vocational education.
Incidentally, the state of Kansas
may find the discovery costly, as the
state stands to lose $39,866 which
is due them from the federal fund.
Mr. Cushman called at Miss
Wooster's office td attend to the de
tails of the distribution of the fund
to the state. Although he was not
smoking at the time of the call, and
did not smoke during his visit to
the state office, according to Miss
Wooster his clothes smelled so
strong of tobacco she was unable
to stay in the room.
Miss Wooster plainly told him
that he was violating the state law
by smoking', but he had no right to
pay an official visit to the Topeka
industrial and educational institute
if he smoked, and . that the state
didn't need the federal aid fund this
year if it had to be given out under
the direction of men who smoked.
"I've a lot of complaint about
teachers whrsmoke. and I'm going
to look up the law and see if smok
ing cannot be stopped," Miss
Wooster declared. She insists that
federal officials, visiting on official
business in Kansa's, comes under
state regulations, although she did
not mention the particular state
Miss Wooster met Mr. Cushman
in the office of H. L. Kent, state
agent for vocational education.
Colorado Springs, July 7. (Spe
cial.) The opening of July finds un
precedented crowds of Nebraskans
in the Pike's Peak region who have
fled to escapt the heat. Every hotel
and attraction proprietor calls at
tention to the fact that June was.
the biggest month in the last five
years. The auto camps are filling
rapidly and motor parties are ar
riving at the rate of 100 daily.
Among the Nebraskans who have
arrived here this week in their motor
cars are: A. A. Mitchelmore, Hast
ings; W. E. Weekley. Valley: J.
W. Hontz, Neponee; E. B. Shamp,
Charles G. Root, Omaha; Charles
E. Gentry, Beaver Crossing; John
L. Hipsley, Mima; Leslie J. Corlett,
A. B. Valch, Clarkson; J. C. Carlon,
Benkleman; C. V. Clark; Beatrice.
Nebraskans who have registered
this week at the hotels of the Pike's
Peak region include: J. Wright,
Omaha; M. and Mrs. W. E. Tillman,
David City; Mr. and Mrs. D. K.
Windle, Wymore; Clara R Manion,
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. NoTst,
Omaha; Roxie Fager, Lincoln; W.
G. HaAold and wife, North Platte.
Visit at Manitou.
Among Nebraskanswho have reg
istered this week at the Cave of the
Winds in Manitou are: E. J. Ern
est, Ira Pennick, Kimball; Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry L. Bryant, Omaha; Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Bokouski, Lincoln; James
C. Jansen, Ravey; Harold Shreve,
Hastings; Harry Hatcher, Elsie D.
Lalick, Omaha; Mr. W. W. White
field, Mrs. G. E. Nichofs, Lincoln;
Mrs. Margaret Taylor, North
Platte; Louise M. Branting, L. R.
Branting, Alliance; Mrs. V. Ea Wil
son, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. F..R.
Myrick, Gary; Miss1 Emma Bour,
The following Nebraskans reg
istered during the week at Cuff
Dwellings in Manitou: Miss Ada
Peterson and Miss Bessie Johnson,
Holdrege; H. E. Burch, Omaha;
Mr. and Mrs. George Coughran,
Gering; Vera Blessing, Broken Bow;
Raloh Horst and Mrs. George
Worst, Osceola; Howard L. Ander
son, Bridgeport; Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. Preston, Stromsburg; Mr. and
Mrs. H, S. Nelson, Superior;
Kruse, Weeping Water.
Ihe trip to the summit of 1'ikes
Peak over the auto highway has at
tracted the following Nebraskans
this week: Anton L. Anderson,
Hildegard; L. Anderson, Wahoo;
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Myrick and son,
Kimball; Mr. and Mrs. H. WBeck
er, Omaha; Frank O'Rourke, Mc
Cook: Misses Bertha Deardoff and
Verda Hayes, Lincoln; I. M. High,
2302 Laird street, Omaha; Ruth
Carlson, Wakefield: Mr. and Mrs.
G. W Brewer, F. E. Wakely and
Mrs. W. E. Wakely, Omaha; Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Kenoyes, Potter;
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Sack, Gothen
burg; Thomas Harms and Anna
Harms, Manley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wedell of
Steele City are visiting in the Pike's
Peak region.
F. G. Hunt-and daughter of Oma
ha are registered at one of the hotels
Mr. and Mrs.-J. S. Pokhoney and
George E. Patterson and wife of
Schuyler registered this week at the
Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. J. J. Harrington and Miss
Helen Harrington of O'Neill are in,
Colorado Springs for the summer
Mrs. A. A. Hallqck, Mrs. A. B.
Marshall and Mrs. A. W. Nolt, all
of Omaha, are registered in Colo
rado Springs.
Harold Nehling of Nehling ar
rived here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wullen and
Dr. and Mrs. R W Witham of -Sid-nev
are spending the summer
months in the Pike's Peak region.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of
Curtis are registered " in Colorado
Springs. '
Farmers Form Co-Operative
- Association at Krider
Beatrice, Neb., July 7. (Special.)
Articles of - incorporation ' of the
FoVmers' Uniorf jCo-Operative asso
ciation of Krider ""were filed in the
county clerk's office. The capital
stock of the company is $25,000. di
vided into 1,000 shares of $25 each.
The articles authorize the association
to buy and sell live stock, fuel, lum
ber and general merchandise. -'A
bill of sale accompanying the
articles indicates that the association
has purchased the Central Granaries
company's elevator and coal sheds
at Krider. - The co-operative asso
ciation has been organized at Kin
ney with a capital stock of $30,000.
$6,000 being paid up. The old ele
vator at that place, six miles east of
wymore, nas oeen taicen over Dy
the farmers. y
Record Crowd at Welcome
to DeWitt Soldier Boys
Beatrice, Neb., July 7. (Special.)
The home-coming celebration at
DeWitt Friday for the soldiers and
sailors was a big success, the largest
crowd in the history of DeWitt be
ing present. The "principal address
was made, by C .E. Matson. , Eighty
eight honor certificates were pre
sented to soldiers and sailors of sa
line county.
Ten-Year-Old Boy Is Killed
When Farm Team Runs Away
Beatrice, Neb., July 7. (Special
Telegram) Keith Hartzell, 10-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Hartzell living near Cortland, was
killed today when a team pulling
a binder ran away with him. He was
thrown off the machine and one
limb was so badly mangled that he
died soon after the accident
Three Men, Fined on
Liquor Charges, Appeal
Cases to Higher Court
Three men were each found guilty
of having intoxicating liquor in their
possession and fined $100 and cost in
South Side police court "Monday
morning. Each appealed his base.
Raymond Cotterier. 4315 South
Twenty-fifth, street, was charged
with having 11 pints of liquor at his
home when visited by officers. Po
lice testified that at the residence of
Tom Patsolowski, S409 South Thir
ty-third street, they found 500 empty
bottles and 100 bottles of "imitation
whisky," described by them as a
mixture of tea and oil. with a quart
of genuine whisky.
Joe Lenczoyski, 4056 I street, ad
mitted that he had at his home two
pints of liquor, but said it was there
as medicine for a sick baby. He also
said that he possessed a doctor s
prescription for the medicine,-' but
did not produce it.
Plymouth Woman Dies.
Beatrice, Neb., July 7. (Special.)
a -r w . e "ii
Mrs. jessie uavis, agea yc, aiea at
h home at Plymouth, Sunday. She
is survived by six children, two of
whom reside in Germany. '
For Skin Tortures
Dont worry about eczema or other
skin troubles. You can have a dear,
healthy akin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug store for 35c, or extra large s
botUe at $1.00. S
Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the akin clear and
healthy. Zemo is s dean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It ie easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
The E. W. Rote Co., Cleveland, 0.
Want To Keep Your
Hair Perpetually Curly
South Side Brevities
' Baggara and axpresa; also tnovln; quick
aervlce. Jack Ford, South 2730.
We have a few mora refrigerator! that
we are closing out at apeclal reduced
prlcea. Kontsky-Pavllk Co.
For Sale 70 acrea. Improved, one mile
aouth of South Omaha city limits.
4811 S. S4th Street. South Tl.
You want what you want when
you want it Bee Want Ads will
attain the desired results.
Perpetually wavy, curly hair ia now
within the means of every woman to
possess. One need only get a few ounrea
of plain liquid ailmerlne from her drug
gist and apply a little of it occasionally
with a clean tooth brush. Thia quickly
driea in the moat beautiful and natural
looking wavea and creases imaginable.
Wind and weather do not affect the
curlineaa aa where a heated iron has been
Liquid sllmerine la ao pure and harm
less there ia not the slightest danger of
spotting the acalp or streaking the hair,
and it leave no sticky or greasy trace.
It will alao be appreciated aa a beneficial
dressing, aa it keeps the hair ao aoft,
silky and luatroua. Adv.
Hot water
Sure Relief.
A Thrift Day Tuesday
These items, randomly selected, are worthy of your attention
and also of a special effort to visit the store Tuesday. They afford
noteworthy ,economy on needed summer merchandise.
Itched Till
Almost Crazy
tat years say hands went alsaaat raw.
roar Itched ao bad I waa almost craiy.
Suffered day and Bight Used all kind
ef medicine aad ret no relief. Lost all
bopea ef ever being eared oatil I get
trial Dottle or o. u. It. Results were ae
Tuesday Notion Day
Cedar Paper to wrap winter
clothing, bedding, etc. for the
summer months; one large
sheet for 10.
"American Maid" and O. N. ,
T. Crochet Cotton, white and
colors, all sizes, at, ball, 6US
Fast Colored Wash Edging,
12-yard Bolts of Bias Tape,
25c value, at, 15c4.
Shoe Laces, black and tan,
all lengths, 12 pairs for 5t
Darning Cotton, regular 5c
balls, at 2.
Sanitary Napkins, best made;
$1 values, at, dozen, 502.
Hickofv Garters for Ladies
and Children, black and white,
pair, 19J.
J. & P. Coats' Best 6-cord
Machine Thread, black and
white, spool, 4Ht. t
Machine Needles for any
make machine, two large tubes,
assorted sizes, for 25T.
Barefoot Sandals J Fibre Silk Hose
For Children; tan calf up
pers, elk or leather, stitchdown
soles, every size from 5 to .2;
special for Tuesday, QQ -.
Mary Jane Pumps
For Children; white canvas,
ankle strap, rubber or elk soles,
ribbon bows, sizes 6 to 12;
special for Tues
day, pair,
Summer Vests
great 4 got large bottle, Caa sleep
ow sixi win always praise p. o. It
Aaron suffering frees akla treahie ailld
eevere should investigate at eoce the atari ta
rft a D. tit it today. We gnaraatae
Srat bottie. (Me, es aad tl Jav
Sherasaa eV McCaeuMll Drug C.
Doctor Tells How to Detect
Harmful Effects of Tobacco
New York I Doetew Conner, formerly ef
Joke Hopkine boa vital, aayai atany
meal who smoke, shew er snuff taceeseuit.
ly aiid waa ere eveningly healthy are
aufrering froea pmgree.i.e etwaaie all.
aaeata. TbousaneSa mt these weald never
have keen afflicted had rt not keea far the
aa of toheeee and thoueenoe woald aeea
I weU if the wwald enlr ate the aa
of toheeee, Th chief habit farming prm-
eiple ef towaee le aieetlae, a deadly
aoa which, when ahserksd by the eyaleea
slowly affeete th nerve, mambmaee, ta
and vital ef (die bad. The
harmful effeet ef tofcaene variee and e
peewit en siren saotawsss Oa win a af
flicted with generas debility, sttaer
eatawrh ef the threat. iadiareeteaw.'MMU.
Datum, eatrerae wore is nee a.
nee.' lee f meaner, lark ef will
me 14 confusion, at. Others eaay aaffer
frees heart el.ease. breewawl tea.
barneaina of the aHailea. Ivaereel.sts.
blindnee a eveaj eaawer r the .ms
affliction kavswn aa tabecoa heart. If yen
tobacco ia any form yen ean anally
defect th harmful effect by sank la- the
llenne aimai teat. Reed ai end
full peer flora km. If. ta tan eawre
of readina? yevr velee hsseeaa aseffle.
bears and iadiethaet, and ye sanat fre
quently clear yawr throat, the eh easts are
that rove threat la affected by catarrh
and It may he th bewtaniaaT ef mar ae
rie ua trouble. Meat, aa tk mere tug be
fore takln year neaej aaaak. nalk ae
three flight at etalri at a reejnlar pace,
the alee. If yen fiad that yen are eat
f rreeth, year heart bent ie feeeed.
trembling r irresralar. yen may be a vic
tim ef fwaetietaal r argaate heart tree hie.
If yen feel that yan meet ooaehn. chew
er eaaff ta ante, year aervee. yen are a
slave te the teaevre habit, and er aae.
seamg yenrsetf with the deadly drwg, ms.
tine, la either eae yen bv t twn
alternative ke an wMb the self-e-aanmg
arneeee arreaaeette ef the eaurr
an) enffet ta aenssesnise. er give a
th ha hit and rp the eWngasa. Ten
cna overcame the ervtT and th
kMt la a very efcnrt tma by nate th
fairewtaaj taaaeeeunv farmnmi tie ta aay
dreg stare aad ak for Mwatef to Met,
take eae tebiet afire each aasnlL aad a
eamenreUvety aba, Mae yen wtM ker aa
eWetr far, tarn wt bar
left yen. With tk atretaae . ent
ef year eyeleea nr general keaMk wall
nnirhly te crave.
w M aued earn) KtMat bHm eae
i4 mm ImIi evaerHS - r as r naa
eeeret nmmM laa awe heM. eae. ii I
at eartkwe a We. ee M4 uim He ew
rM iw
m e ewer neMtn i eni m. M ee
eSaaayfiw wt ttttt0t Meat wSSa Saf Metf wawel SJBSnMnt (rrn
i in ii its1 I ii ii I eanaui awt " Uvea aa"
kMe aea mm m ea) im ie ea w4
van sm aaeaati a it am e aat er"s
lea-taetae eiiMi e bVm'iiisia. the aaie aad
tan Mamu eawea,
For Women; made of lisle
and cotton, bodice tops and
lace-trimmed, white and pink,
regular and extra ' OC
sizes, Tuesday, each,- fiOC
Washing Powder
The Golden Rod kind, in
small 'packages; a daily help to
every housewife; it means less
work in less time; OPp
7 packages for eiaJjC
Water Coolers
The "Frost King" is an
important hot weather article.
3-quart size on sale 7Q
Tuesday, at, each, J7C
Floor Brushes
13 to 16-lnch aises; genuine
bristle; all have 6-foot handles ;
day, at 1.39,. 1.98
L'quid Veneer
The ideal furniture polish,
and for floors, toe, Tuesday
12-41. aiie for 37i.
4-es. site for 17t.
For Women; black and white,
also colors. These are seconds
of the regular 65c qualities; all
sizes; on, sale Tuesday, OP
' special at, pair, OaJC
For Women; made of Irish
Lawn, some are hand-embroidered,
plain and lace edge; 20c
to 35c values; special 1 P -Tuesday,
at, each, IOC
The "Mirro" aluminum kind,
plain designs, 2-quart size, spe
cial for the Thrift AQ
Day, at, each, 1 ti7
Turkish Towels
Full bleached, hemmed ends,
soft and absorbent qualities; on
sale Tuesday and spe- OP
cially priced at, each, C
Axminster Rugs
Size 36x72; 100 in the lot
Extra heavy, closely woven,
Oriental" and floral designs;
7.50 values; special
Tuesday, each.
Made of Cotton Drilling,
neat caffs aid sailor cellars;
for sport wear; en sale Q
Tuesday, each. 70C
Scrim Remnants
Flail, eeautiteltedl aad laee-
edged fancy Serim; eary eae
table; ea sale Taesday,
tpeeial at. yard.
Thrift Day Offerings Wall
Aa latereetiRf ttisrUy ef wall tft la eae. two eaJ
three-reees lata, noally vrieetl for Teiay Bmn
Hnf us nev
tar ba sew ef
f eeta, a e I d
With) Statu.!
v letslers la
staUls, im rw
ktv si fH
Onlaannl rapnea,
JO lathes
wide, is aQ
eelrt nt
ntteet br
tin t
saatt-lk, at mil
Lisa! aadl dail
ff f r
aa ress ia
the isiM,
hM witn Wf
4 e r s I
saatra, l mil
V 4
SanMsaJ aan
fer tk lie
iaf re as,
Duim( gwva.
rarler. Ilail
thw . it
ntl tvv
Wn, at w3
Shirts and Drawers
For Men; made of mesh,
lone or short sleeves, ankle
length, sizes up to 48; PQ.
Tuesday, at, each wJt J
Boys1 Wash Pants . 0
In colors of gray, tan, khaki n
and colored striped materials, y
siztT 6 to 17; special QQ 1
Tuesday, at, each 70C A
Wash Rugs
18x36 inches, all colors; very 1
durable; 500 in the lot, spe- f
cially priced for Tues- CC vi
day; 75c values, each, UiJC
Wash Dresses
For Girls; good quality Ging- i
hams, latest styles, broken sizes.
250 in the assortment ; 1 1
1.95 values; at, each. P
Women's Sport Hats
From Gage Brothers and
other prominent makers; white
Milan with Satin tips, narrow
and wide brim. Piping Sailors:
$5 values; special 1 7Q
Taesday. each. 1 f 5J
Tea Cloths
Made ef fine quality Mercer
ized Damask in neat patterns,
36-inch size, ready for QQ
use; special at, eau-h, nVOC
ndow Shades
34 inches wide, 6 feet long;
cobra ef brown, green and
wkite, complete with fixtures;
10O dozeie in the lot, HQ
special, each, 4en7C
r A
KiSahew (Inn k A
and Granite
in good heavy y
atot'e:. snort
ha hoesiwe So fj
stattilw roll I