Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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TftE . BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 8,. 1919.
Wilson to Deliver Speech in
Carnegie Hall Before
Boarding Train Jor
: ; Washington.
(CoatlnaMl From rac Ob.) ,
the terms he will have the co-oper
ation of a number of specialists,
, now returning with the presidential
party, wno nave dealt with the oe
tailed branches such as those con
.. cerning reparations, territorial re-
adjustment and economic ques
: tions.
Weather Conditions Hot
The weather continues hot and
humid, the sea is smooth and the
sky cloudy.
The president talked Monday aft
ernoon over the wireless telephone
. with officials at Washington, estab
lishing the first such communica
tion with the capital. The wireless
telephone had been working during
th night and Monday morning with
the naval radio station at New
Brunswick. N. J. Despite unfavor
able static conditions, the voices of
those ashore were heard distinctly
here ind conversations were carried
cn successfully. By means of a me
chanical relay at New Brunswick,
connection was established between
" the president's study on board ship
and the White House at Washing
" President Wilson's speech to be
delivered at Carnegie hall in New
York city, Tuesday afternoon, will
not be prepared in advance. He
will speak extemporaneously and
confine himself to an cknowledg-
, ment of the greeting given him and
hit satisfaction at being home again.
Questions relating to the peace
treaty , and the work of the peace
conference will be reserved for dis
cussion until the president . first
makes his report to congress.
Desires Open Session.
Washington, July 7. President
Wilson will address the senate on
the peace treaty and the league of
nations at 12:15 p. m. Thursday, it
was announced today at the White
Because a treaty would be under
discussion some doubt had been ex
pressed as to whether the senate
' would be in open session, but it
was understood that Mr. Wilson
desired that the session be open.
. It has not yet been definitely de
termined when the president will
start his trip to speak for the peace
treaty and the league of nations. In
dications are that he will not leave
before the middle of next week.
Numerous invitations have been
extended to the president frorri va
rious sections of the country, but
rone has been accepted. It was ex
plained that the itinerary had not
been finally determined upon.
When the president reaches
. Washington tomorrow night he will
find g an accumulation , of official
business awaiting his attention.
BjUs; awaiting his signature include
thM, sttndry-ivil measure, the 'army
measure, the- navy bill, the agricul-
Sral bill with . its rider repealing
t daylight 'saving law, the
deficiency Dill, the vocational edu
cational measure and a number of
others. , ..
; A delegation of democratic mem
bers of the house, headed -by Rep
Feventative Scott Ferris of Okla
homa, left Washington tonight for
New York to join the party which
will make the trip down the bay on
the battleship Pennsylvania tomor
row to meet the president. V
1 Besides Representative Ferris the
delegation will be composed of Rep
resentatives' Webb' of North Caro
lina; Hull, Tennessee; Mays, Utah;
Ronjue, Missouri; Sears, Florida;
Oliver, Florida; McDuffie; Alabama;
Lee, Georgia; Raker, California, and
Gandy, South Dakota.
Wilson's War Acts
Criticised Sharply
(Coo tinned From Fat On.)
as well as on the advice of its ad
visory commission.
"The advisory commission of
seven men was throughout the war"
composed of at least three and prob
ably four republicans, as was the
huge majority ox the council s con
mittees. The council's minutes,
which I furnished to Mr. Graham's
committee with the hearty consent
of Secretary Baker, chairman of the
council and voluntarily supplemented
with those of the advisory commit
tee, disclosed beyond any question
that the council had in the most
- i r-- l l
conservative way iookcu tar aiicau
into the immediate future to the end
of preparing the country for war.
It is my deliberate judgment
that if the council, utilizing the
greatest experts in the leading in
dustries and utilizing them in i
wholly nonpartisan way, had not
taken its forehanded steps America
would not have laid in time the
foundation for mobilizing its indus
trial resources which made possible
the winning of the war.
Matter Decided Long Ago.
"The council's minutes having dis
closed these facts to Mr. Graham,
he addressed himself to the coun
cil's system of procuring supplies
for the War department, ihat mat
ter was threshed out long ago be
fore the senate military affairs com
mittee and the intimation against
members of the council's commit
tee on supplies died of their own
weight at the end of the hearings
more than a year ago. Council
committee members under tne
stress of unprecedented emergency
were undoubtedly in some cases
placed in the apparent position of
doing . business with themselves,
whereas that never was actually the
fact and not a scintilla of wrong
doing was ever disclosed and it is
believed that the law was complied
with throughout."
i i i
Full Liberty and Equality
Granted Jews in Poland
Paris, July 7. M. Pichon, foreign
minister, replying to a communica
tion from members of the chamber
of deputies, asking information as
to the attitude of France in the
peace conference with regard to the
Jews of Poland, Roumania and other
countries, declares that trom the
beginning of the conference the
French government endeavored to
secure thorough consideration ot
the Jewish question and. had asked
that conditions of absolute equality
be granted Jews in new or enlarged
These efforts, M. Pinchon says,
resulted in the treaty already signed
by Poland "guaranteeing complete
liberty and equality to Jews in po
litical and religious matters.
New. Wheat Order Will
Aid Millers and Jobbers
New York, July 7.-Julius Barnes,
United States wheat director, who
recently was given control by Pres
ident Wilson of the exportation of
wheat and wheat hour, announced
tonight that until further notice ex
porters may ship wheat flour under
"General license H. S. 250" without
applying for individual licenses. The
order, effective Monday, is expected
to facilitate the business of jobbers
and millers to a considerable degree,
it was said."
New, York Bankers Purchase
$75,000,000 Canadian Loan
New York, July 7. J. P. Morgan
& Co. announced that a syndicate
of New York bankers had purchased
the new Canadian loan of $75,000,
000, issuance of which was an
nounced Sunday by Sir Thomas
White, dominion minister of finance.
The proceeds will be devoted to the
retirement of the Canadian loan of
$100,000,000 issued 'here two years
ago and maturing August 1.
Delegations of Hamburg and
York f Men Entertained;
Membership Committees
r to Redouble Efforts. "
York. Neb and v Hamburg. la.
shared the honors at King Ak-Sar-
Bens great performance of Ihe
Wandering Juice" last night at the
"den." Everything went along with
the well-known pep that has made
old Ak and his crew famous. Charlie
Dochertv was the only principal ab
sent and his place as "clerk of hell"
was taken by Hart Jenks.
The ' visitors came in trom their
respective abodes, packing the regu
Iar trains of late afternoon and eve
ning and they descended upon the
"den," their hats decorated with
their home colors and names. They
were put through the inquisitorial
initiation in a manner tnat kept tnem
laughing from the start. "Bill"
O'Donnell headed the York delega
tion and Fred Hill - the Hamburg
Tell of Home Towns.
Both "Bill" and Fred spoke when
the acting and initiating was over
and told the Omahans what won?
derfuf places Hamburg and York
are and how well they and their
"bunches" were pleased with the
show, The other speaker of the eve
ning was Judge A. G. Wray, mayor
of York. Charlie Black introducing
him. said he understood he was
reform" mayor and he knew he had
been enlighten by seeking how
Mickey Gibson presided over the bar
in the last act of the big show.
Charlie Gardner, the celebrated
Ak-Sar-Ben actor and singer, who
has just returned after two years'
absence from Omaha, was in the
audience and almost wept for joy at
being back in the old "den" once
more. He pronounced it a most
wonderful snow. ' He has already
begun work as. understudy and
will take some ot the leading parts
while the regulars are away on va
Membership Reaches 3,609.
"Dad" Weaver announced that
the membership had climbedto the
3,609 mark and that, although only
eight days remain until July IS, no
memberships will be sold after that
The board of governors will or
ganize committees to go out solicit
ing memberships during the inter
vening time and it is believed the
committees will bring in the 1,391
members needed to make the 5,000
Next Monday night 1,000 men
will come to the "den" from Blair,
Herman, Tekamah, Craig, Lyons,
Oakland and the surrounding ter-
ntpry. The mayor of Oakland has
promised to decree a half-holiday
in his town next Monday and every
man will be ' expected to come to
Omaha. John White. E. C. Bur-
dick, Jim Crowell and H. H. Krelle
have charge of getting the crowds
together in the other towns.
Elks' "Victory" Convention
Opened in Atlantic City
Atlantic CJty, N. J., July 7.
Thousands of members of the Ben
evolent and Protective Order of
Elks are here for the opening of the
"Victory" convention of the grand
lodge today.
The part the order played in the
world war was described in the an
nual report of the war relief com
mission, which will be submitted to
the convention on Tuesday. There
are two candidates for the post of
grand exalted ruler, Albert T.
Brophy of Brooklyn and Frank L.
Rain, a district attorney of Fair
bury, Neb.
Minority Advises
Lifting Ban on Beer
(Coattaaad Trm Paa Oaa.)
mittee upon three principal grounds
and challenged the power of con
gress to pass it because in denning
intoxicating liquors it went beyond
the original act and was therefore
new legislation. '
I On Jthe general question of the
wartime act and its enforcement the
minority report held:
"That the provisions for the en
forcement of wartime prohibition
carry a definition of intoxicating
liquors which extends the prohibi
tion beyond that of the original act
and to that extent is new legislation,
which congress has not the right
now to pass under the war power.
We believe the original- act should
be repealed. .
, Have Concurrent - Power
"That as to constitutional orohi-i
bition section two of the amend
ment provides that
"'The congress and the several
states shall have concurrent power
to enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation,' and the bill .pre
sented is wholly upon the theory
that the action of congress is su
preme and totally ignores the con
current power of the several states,
Wage Reductions Go Into Ef
fect This Morning Following
Ruling of Supreme Court
on Rates Regulation. -
"That th hill crops hrvnnH th
prohibitions of the constitutional
amendment, in defining 'intoxicat
ing liquors so as to include bev
erages that are not in fact intox
The Views of the minority as to
enforcement of the wartime act
were set forth as follows:
"The provisions for enforcement
of the war prohibition act con
tained a definition of intoxicating
liquor which is in effect new leg
islation. The act of November 21
1918, prohibited the sale of distilled
spirits for beverage purposes ana
also beer, wine or other intoxicat
ing malt or vinous liquor for bev
erage purposes. In the recent cases
in New York, where this statute
was construed, it was held that only
intoxicating beverages were includ
ed and that beer containing 2.75
per cent of alcohol by weight was
within the statute-only if mtoxicat
ing, which was to' be determined as
other questions of fact.
Whether or not the oriKinal act
of November 21, 1918, can be sus
tained as valid under the war pow-
er, it seems to us that at this date,
under the peace conditions that now
exist, congress is wholly without
power to extend the provisions of
that act. so as to include all bev
erages which contain in excess or
one-half of one per cent of alcohol
and call them intoxicating.
British Blimp Starts
Return inp Tomorrow
A ar-Roxmd Tonic
That's what the right food always
is, but what's the right food?.
was deyised to supply body and
brain, with necessary food val
ues summer and winter.
Not merely a delitful'somethiiid
to eat." ;
Not merely southing to fill up onV
But a tissue Itirilder Brecon?
structor of tired and wearing
parts with wonderful flavor
and wholesome nutrition . '
Each Morning
-a Dish of
(Continued From Pare One )
ing dashed to pieces on Roosevelt
field, sudden' gusts of wind acting
adversely against her broad surface.
The situation does not prevail Mon
day night.
Stream of Water Descends.
Shortly before 9 d. m.. the wind
aving died down until the atmos
phere was listless, a stream of water
descended from amidship. As this
ballast left the craft the R-34 moved
upward slowly. From both sides,
well forward, and from the under
surface, also well forward, three wire
cables were connected with Anchor
ages on the ground. The stern was
left to swing with whatever breeze
might stir during the night. There
was no possibility, Maj. G. H. Scott,
the commander said, that the stern
would rise, as it did Sunday night,
until her massive form assumed at
times an almost perpendicular posi
tion. It was explained that on Sun
day too much water ballast had by
mistake been emptied from the
stern. Monday night the amount of
water ballast let go was equally dis
tributed throughout the length.
Keep Ship From Escaping.
With the shift aloft the balloon
company doughboys, veterans of
the American expeditionary forces,
found their first relief from many
hours of strain and excitement. In
crews of 25 each, 10 crews through
out the day had by their own
strength kept the dirigible from es
caping. The rising sun had expanded the
hydrogen with which the big ship
had been filled to capacity last night.
This expansion added eight tons to
the ship's lifting ( capacity and
wrenched out the cross girder to
which the anchorage ropes were at
tached. The breaking of the girder
tore a hole about four feet square in
the outer envelope of the dirigible
but this has been repaired)
At times during the day, the
ground crews swinging to hand lines
from the ship, were lifted bodily
from their feet as the wind blew the
ship about. At no time, however,
did the R-34 get beyond the control
of her human anchors.
Major Gen. E. M. Pritchard, ex
ecutive officer of the dirigible's crew,
discussing the difficulties in keeping
the ship from injury, said:
."We did not come any way near
losing the ship and allow me to say
that it would be all right if we had
lost it. When we planned to tome
here the British government asked
the United States to build a shed in
which to house the ship during its
stay in this country. This the United
States government refused to do.
When the, British government heard
this, they said something equivalent
to 'all right"
Tanks From Western Front
Used Against Reds In Siberia
London, July 7. Tanks have been
received by (General Denikin's forces
fighting the bolsheviki in the region
of the Volga and Don rivers, ac
cording to information received
here. Presumably the tanks were
supplied by the British.
Ihe first tank squadron, compris
ing three large land dreadnoughts
and two whippets, were put through
manoeuvering paces on the outskirts
of Ekaterinodor, knocking down
trees and negotiating steep ditches,
much to the surprise of thousands
of doubting Russians and to the
satisfaction of Denerals Dragomi
row, Lukonsky, Romaneiky and
Filiminor. The' tanks, which can
make nine miles an hour, were sent
to the front
The bolsheviki have no tanks.
General k Deniken, no donbt, will
make ample use of the iron monsters
in his offensive against Tunisia.'
Denver, July 7. Denver faces an
immediate street car strike, as F. W.
Hild, general manager of the Den
ver Tramway company, announced
sweeping reductions !n wasres paid
employes of the company. The
union men will meet at midnight to
consider what action they will take.
Wage reductions are effective at
5 o'clock Tuesday morning. Earlier
in the day union officials announced
a strike would immediatley follow
any wage cut
I he reduction in wages followed a
decision by the Colorado supreme
court, in which home rule cities in
Colorado were held to have full
power to regulate rates of utilities
companies. ,
; Five-Cent Fare Effective.
On Saturday a S-cent fare became
effective in Denver under an ordi
nanc passed by the city council. The
company Mid not announce its wage
cut pending decision of the supreme
court covering the general question
of the right of municipalities to reg
ulate rates.
The tramway fare fight had its be
ginning here September IS, 1918,
when the Colorado Public Utilities
commission granted the tramway
company a 6-cent fare.S The increase
was given for the duration of the
In December, last year, the Pub
lic Utilities commission granted a
7-cent fare, and also permitted the
company to charge an extra cent for I
each transfer issued.
Inauguration of the 7-cent fare
was followed by a mild demonstra
tion by citizens of the city against
the fare increase. On the night of
January 2, this year, practically all
tramway cars were halted in various
parts of the city by crowds -who
pulled trolley poles from the wires,
refusing to permit operation of the
City Opposed Increase.
The city has opposed an increase
in tramway fares, taking the stand
that cities under home rule have
jurisdiction in such matters. City
officials have contended the Utilities
commission was without authority
to regulate rates.
On January 14, last, the state su
preme court ruled that the city and
not the State Utilities commission
had jurisdiction over rates. As 'a
result of this decision, the 6-cent
fare was restored and transfers were
issued free. From this decision an
appeal was taken and a rehearing
was granted. Today's decision by
the supreme court resulted.
The fare issue became a plank in
the platform of Mayor Dewey C.
Bailey during his campaign for elec
tion in May last. He promised res
toration of the' 5-cent fare.
U. S. Ambassador to Japan
to Make Tour of Siberia
Washington, July 7. Under in
structions to make a complete re
port on conditions in Omsk, Roland J
a. Morris, united states amoassaaor
to Japan, was expected by the State
department to sail Monday from
Tokio on art extensive tour of Si
beria. He will be met at Vladivos
tok by Maj. Gen. William S. Graves,
commander of the American forces
in Siberia, who will accompany him
to Omsk, ihe ambassador may vis
it the anti-bolshevik fronts in Russia
after visiting Omsk.
Delegation Unfurls Frag of
Abyssinia at Washington
Washington, July 7. The flag of
Abyssina, one of the world's oldest
governments, with a history dating
back to the ' days of the queen of
Sheba, was unfurled in Washing
ton today on the arrival of a dele
gation from that nation.
The visiting mission consists of
three, members and came to this
country to oresent to President
Wilson the congratulations of their
country on the victory of the al
lied and associated governments.
Striking German Railway
Men to Return to Work
Frankfort July 7. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The railway strikers
who have been holding up train
service in southern and western
Germany decided today to resume
work, but insist that their demands
be met. The workers will hold
themselves in readiness for united
action in case the government's de
cision is adverse. .
Polk May Succeed Lansing
As Head of U. S. Delegation
Pari. Ttilv 7 A tifiA4tniiimfit &ra
made today that Frank L. Plk, act
ing secretary! state in Washing
ton, had bee asked to come to Paris
to take the place of Secretary of
state Lansing as Dead ot the Ameri
can peace mission, if Mr. Polk's
health would permit.
No Formal Request Has Been
Made, But Necessary Steps
Are Being Taken, Says
London, July 7. The allies have
not yet made any official representa
tions to the Dutch government re
garding the extradition of the for
mer German emperor, but necessary
steps are being taken in the matter.
Andrew 3onar Law, government
spokesman, declared in the House of
Commons today.
Paris. J ily 7. The question of the
tr al nf ormer Emperor William
whs on tl e program for discussion
by the cojncil of three for several
dsrs whi e President Wilson was
till in Pa is. Reuter's Paris bureau
declares t day, in an article regard
ing staten ents by the members of
tht A met can peace mission, that
Premier I loyd George's statement
on the tub cct in the House of Com
mons !ad come as a surprise to
them. The bureau, which says its
inlormatioi; comes from authorita
tive cmfeience circles, adds, how
ever, mat because of more urgent
business oming up, discussion of
the question by the council was
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U th biggest tIu in a
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Has lift top, padded in
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Beautifully tailored skirts of fine white
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1550 and $fi95
These skirts are not to
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Let the
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Electric Washer
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your clothes will last lor ger.
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there will be no wait for delivery.
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