Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Iowa Lands. tO-ACRE and sO-aore Itrmi Iowa for Omaha property; 110 icru South Da kota (or Mdse. or Imjoms. Ill Bee Bid. Tylsr 4211. - Minnesota Lands. COLONIZATION TRACT 11,100 acres . eholce cut-over hardwood (arm land; level, rich, loamy aoll; fin, cllmata; b,at watsr; location central Michigan; surrounded by network of rallroada; food towns; highly developed farming oommunltlaa. For aala direct from own er at low wholesale prlc of 111 par acre For mapa, checkings and further particulars, writ Pearion, 400 W. First St.. Duluth. Mtnn. Ho -ACRE Improved farm 10 mil, from Minneapolis, one. half under cultivation: balance meadow and pasture land, no waste land; (-room house, corn-crib. sTranary.Sbarn that will hold 10 head of cattle and six horses, hothouse and chicken house, food well of water. Price HI. 60 per acre. 13,000 cash, bslsnea five yeers. per cent. Brhwab Bros,. 1Q8S Missouri Lands. LA ROB PASTURE. " l.'OOO acres all under fence, abundance f water, six miles from railroad, lo ostod In Pent county. Missouri; now pasturlns (00 cattle; 1,000.000 minim props on land, Price, (S per acre terms If desired. F. E. Pentson,. Rolls. Mo. Nebraska Lands JULY . WEDNESDAY, 4 P. M. AT AUCTION ; . . 10 ACRES H0 . On the above date at the EMPRESS THEATER, CENTRAL CITY, NEBRAS KA, we will sell at public auction to the hlchest bidder, regardless of price, the following-described real estate: The northwest quarter of Section 16, Town ship IS, Range 7, West of the ( P. M., Merrick County, Nebraska, containing 160 acres, more or less, according to government survey. Located five miles due west of Central City. TERMS OF SALE: IS per cant of the purchase price cash day of sale, (5 per cent No vember 1, Hill, when possession will be ('yen. Owner will carry remainder of purchase price for a period of five years to be secured by a first mort gage on the above-described land bear ing Interest at the rate of I per cent, payable semi-annually. Oood and suf ficient abstract of title, together with warranty deed, delivered to purchaser dsy of settlement. Here Is an excellent quarter section which lies perfect, good black loam soil and every foot under plow; 144 acres now In wheat, which sure looks good and speaks plainer than words a to Its value. FARMERS WILL BE BUSY ON THIS DAL SO SOMEONE WTLL SURE GET A SNAP. For further Information, address Nebraska Rsalty Auction Co., Central City, Ne braska. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer; M. A. Larson, Manager; Nels H. Troel strup, Grand Island, Nebraska, Owner. WORTH 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. 120 acres, I miles north of Meadow Grove, 10 miles west of Pierce; 140 acres In cultivation; black sandy loam; poor sst of Improvements; leased until March 1, 1120. Price, 111,800; 18,600 cash; 11,000 -September 1, 1(20; 11.400 September 1. ltll; balance $6,100 due January 1, 1124, ( per cent Interest. A. A. PATZMAN, 101 Karbach Block. Omaha, Neb. NORTHEAST Nebraska, sure crop coun try. Improved corn and alfalfa farms; level, dep black soil; plenty good water; priced right for Investment, and terms to suit farmer with small means. Close to .good town,' school and church. . C. V. NELSON. Doug. BS04, 010 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 2.000 ACRES -Sheridan county: 10 miles south of Gordon; 1 miles Niobrara river frontage; l.OjOO acres best farm land; balance best Of pasture; with timber along river and In two targe draws. Priced mch below anything, else offered In this county, S. S. R. K. MONTGOMERY, 111 City Nat'I Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. FINE ISO-acre grain farm; gently rolling and well improved for stock and dairy farm. All In crops; H mile1 of paved road; 4 miles N. W. from stockyards. J. B. Hansen. 214 Wilkinson Bldg., " Omaha. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Colo rado lands see HELP LAND CO., 64 Brand'ila Bldg. ' WRITB) me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good o'd Dawes county. , Arab I Hungsrford, Crawford, Neb. , '160 ACRES 7 miles from Holdrege. All tillable, would exchange for nice home In Omaha. Call Colfax 1811. $32.60 per acre. . r EASTERN NEB. FARM LANDS 4 LOANS 264 Brandels Thea. Bldg Prompt service. I MERRICK COUNTY. Improved com and alfalfa-farms at the right price. M. A LARSON, Central City. Neb. . IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmes, Bushnell. Neb. , FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE , , A. A. PATZMAN. 101 Karba-h Blk. Tyler (M. ' Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, oftera you a horn In - the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address. Jordan . Valley Farms. Boise Idaho. You want what you want when you want it. Bee Want Ads will attain the desired results. FARM LANDSWANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely saws; quick returns.. Held Land Co. l Brandels- Bids. . Miscellaneous. CONTINUALLY EARNING IMMENSE PROFITS - 400 acre farm, 30 cows, crops, tools, machinery, near creamery, railroad, 100 acres fields, 100 acres timber, spring water, large barns and dwelling, milk check over $900 per month. Price $11,000. One halt cash payment. Other big bargains. Send for farm catalogue. Campbell Bros., Oneonta, N. Y. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 11 CENTS PER MILE. TOO ARB COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. (0 NEW 1(19 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. POUG. SJJ. 1314 HOWARD. Big Bargain in Slightly Used Trucks Indian 1-ton $1,000 Indiana' 1-ton (1.(00 Panhard lH-ton .' $1.000 ( Defiance lH-ton (1.100 STANDARD MOTOR CO. - 1020 Farnam St DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING IOa PER ROADSTERS . J-' MILS TRUCKS. CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Melcher Service Co., 1511 LEAVENWORTH. ' DOPO. M. - ' - USEp CARS. - 1 Overland, touring. 1916 v$ 400.00 1 Mitchell roadster. 1(17 100 CO 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap .... '250.00 1(11 Davenport St. Phone D. 1141. Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. , Lota of Auto Parts and Supplies. - 1611 1 "Davenport St PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr., Tyler 1TT. 1407-21 Capital Avenue. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ears bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 202- Farnam St . Doug. 4101 TWO- new garages, ( new bungalows, 2 store buildings. Itt-acrs tracts. 20-acre tract highly. Improved, 1 blocks street with stock. Answer nee box for, and modern. Wat Improved ranch FOR SALE By owner, 17 Bulek-4 touring ear. 4718 so. I4tn Bt. rnone so. its. . 1 Chicago live) Stock. Chlcsga, July T. Hogs Receipts, (1,. 000 head; tomorrow, 40.000 head; market fairly active, mostly 10c to 25o higher than Thursday; one load $21.(0, new high record: practical top $12.40. Bulk, $11.60 0$22.t6; heavy weight $21,660 $21. li; medium weight. $21.(0022.86; light weight, $11.66022.40; light light. $20.00 022.00; heavy packing sows, smooth, $:o.021.60; sacking sows, rough, $20.00 (T20.76: pigs, $16.25020.00, Cattle Receipts 16,000 head; estimated tomorrow 13,000 head; market higher. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and price $16.(0016.40; medium and good. $13.26015.(0; common. $11.2(0 1S.25. Light weight: Good and cholce( (14.00016.66: common and medium, $10.35 014.00. Butcher rattle, heifers, $7.7(0 14.00; cows. $7.85011. 7(. Canners and cutters, $6.2(07.35. Veal calves, light and handy weight, $17.25018.85. Feeder steers, $(.60 11.75. Stockera steers, $8.25 012.00. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sal. Get our prices. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto Co., 1701 South 24th St. P-nstta. A. LEE COMPANY. Expert automoblls washers, simonyers and polishers: all work guaranteed. 1.107 N. 18th St Victor Oarage. Ph. Web. 107. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. - STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 1010 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WHEN you think of used cars, think of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 FARNAM. Used cars 'of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1561 Farnam St. Pour, H7t. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 11th and Howard fits. Tyler 17(0 WE have a good stock of fine used cars, Just the thing for your vacation driv ing. United Auto Parts Co., 2032 Far nam. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co. 1059 Farnam St. D. (026. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfra. of new self-spacing af finity spark plug. Baysdnrfer. 110 N 18th FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Ussd Fords. Time, cash. Llssrty bonds, nsw bodies. (96. AUTOMOBILE electrical repalra; aervice station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. FOB TERMS ON USED CARS 'VAN BRUNT'S- Look for the red seal on wind shield. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLAS MOTOR COMPANY 2620 Farnam St. BARGAIN .IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th A Jackson. Ford Agents. P. 1500. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for sale. Tlrs' class condition. Very clsssy. Red (081. 403 North Sixteenth St OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2J00 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS. GUY li. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prlcea; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Oarage, 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. TWO automobiles for sals or exchange. C J. Canan. 808 McCague Bldg. Tires and Supplies. Tires at Half Price' DRY-CURE PROCESS. We make them good as new. New ribbed tread. Non- Plaln. Ribbed. skid. 30x3 $8.50 10.00 11.00 30x3ft 10.60 11.50 13.00 32x3 12.60 13.60 14.60 83x4 16.00 17.25 19.60 34x4 17.00 17.60 20.25 22x4 15.00 16.50 J8.00 GUARANTEED 8,600 MILES. BEST ON THE MARKET. 2-in-l Vulcanizing Co., Douglas 1241. ' 151( Davenport Bt. WE will ship, subject lu examination, our 3.600-mile guaranteed tires at these prices: Plain. Non-Skid. 80x3 (7.80 $ 9 90 30x3ft 8.95 11 90 32x3 10.60 13.60 14x4 12.00 14.76 Express prepaid when- cash accompanies order. Standard Tire Co., 410 North 16th St. Phone Douglas 1110 NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Flrsstone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Writs for prices. Mention el tea KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 201 Farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. 6758. 2914 FARNAM ST. BARGAINS IN TIRES. New, used and seconds, all sixes. Omaha Radiator, A Tire Co. 1(11 Cum ing St. Tyler 917. NO need for steam soaked carcaases. Wa retiead and rebuild tires by Dry-l'ure process. Ideal Tire Service, 2676 Har ney St. TWO 1918 cars, starters, electric lights, ( pansengers, taken in on land deals, best cash offer takes them. 613 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4231. GAIN more miles; have your tlrea re- treaded by O. A Q. Tire Co. 1415 Leavenworth. Tyler ll(l-W Auto Livery and Garages. GARAGE for sale at Randolph, Nebraska. Equipped with electrio lights ana elec tric welder and gas pump. Richard Boetger, Randolph. Neb. ' Repairing ana Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour service for Auto, Truck A Tractor. Ex pert radiator and fender repairing. Body Dents removed. New fenders male. OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO. 181 Cuming St Tyler 91T. F. P. BAP.NUM CO., 1125 Cuming. Dong las 1044. High grsde automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines, victor II Roos, the Motorcycle man, 17tb and Leavenworth Streets. FOR SALE Used bicycle for girl, 8 to 11 years old; first-class condition. Will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once. Phone Harney 899. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial homa solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaslnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St GRADUATE nurse will give Swedish mas sags at your home or do nursing by the hour. Walnut 1806. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED hen food, (4.25 per hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Dg. 1142. BOSTON Bull Terrlor for sale. Reason . able. Tyler 1020-J. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Birdhuven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. S. Pettla, Agent Harness, Saddles and Trunks. Wa Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH - CO.. 1210 Farnam FIRST (1(0 takes team,- harness and ball bearing wagon. Hurry. 2411 Cuming. Douglas 4959. ONE 2,600-lb. team and harness for sale. Colfax 1000. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos nd notes as security. $40, mo., H. rood, total, $3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT. 432 Security Bldg. 16th ft Farnam. Ty. (( LOANS ON DIAMONDS, ' WATCHES, ETC XAGLE LOAN OFFICE ' 1301 DOUGLAS BT. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND 1 LIBERTY BONDS. OCT A"2 ' W C. FLATAU. EST. 1111. O (TH FLB, SECURITY BLDG. TY. 50. Market and FINANCIAL New York, July 7. Resumption of trad ing on the Stock exchange today after tfce protracted recess wss characterised by a degree of activity and breadth only once exceeded In the many bull markets thus far this year, the turnover agirecatlnc 2,000,000 sharea. Interest at the outset resolved around steels and affillatd issues, business In those stocks being generally ascribed to trade reports which emphasised the Increasing expansion of that Industry on a scale probably unequaled since tire signing of the armistice. Various other speculative Industrials, es pecially metale, motors, oils and tobaccos. shsred In the movement, the machinery of tne exenange being taxed to Its utmost throughout the session. Danger signals were hoisted In the aft ernoon, when cajl loans rose to ( and 10 per cent after opening at ( and (tt, but the reaction made little headway until to ward the close, when 11 and 16 per cent ruled for mixed and all Industrial loans, as much as 20 par cent being paid at the end. That rate, In fact, was the final quo tation of the session. The setback ranged from 1 to I points among leaders and considerably more In stocks less favored by the speculative ele ment, many substantial gains being re placed by net losses of 1 to 3 points. Stuti Motors was the sensational feature, rising 20 points before noon," but yielding more than half Its gains In the sweeping final reversal. Steels deollned 1 to 4 points ana seasoned equipments ana peace Industrials also broke sharply, sec ondary rails, notably Missouri Pacific, al most alone holding firm to strong. Weakness of exchange on London was again without explanation from authori tative sources, remtttancs to continental Europe also showing much Irregularity. Bond dealings were enlarged, but un certain, Including Liberty issues. Total sales (par value) aggregated $11,450,000. Old United States bonds unchanged on call. Low-priced rails were at their best later. but heavy selling was Invited elsewhere on call money's rise to 12 and 15 per cent. The closing was Irregular. Steels and other peace industrials were the central feature of today'a extremely active and diversified stock market, but many substantial gains were materially shaded or altogether forfeited as loan rates stiffened. Sales approximated 1,850, 000 shares. Number of salea and rang of prices of the leading stocks! . Bales in Hds. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar... (0 92 t0 90 Amer. Can 174 (3 1H 61s Amer. Car ft Fdy.... (1 112 110H 110 Am. H. ft L. pfd.... (4 134i 131 131 Amer. Locomotive ..107 04 91 92 Amer. Sm. ft Ret.... 200 87 85 86 Amer. Sum. Tob 40 115 115 113 Amer. Sum. Tob 40 115 115 113 Amer. Tel. ft Tel.... 13 104 104 104 Amer. Z.. L. ft S. . . . 61 25 24 24 Anaconda Copper ...317 76 ,74 li ' Atchison 135 103 101 103 A.. G. ft W. I. S. S. 13 177 173 175 Baldwin Loco 435 116 111 112 Bait, ft Ohio 46 45 43 45 Beth. Steel "B" 669 (9 95 95 B. ft S. Copper..... J21 36 84 34 Calif. Petrol 11' 38 36 36 Can. Pacific 14 158 157 157 Cenral Leathert ....201 112 109 ,109 Ches. & Ohio 44 66 65 65 C, M. ft St. P 50 46 43 44 C. ft N. W 16 101 100 100 C, R. I ft P 68 29 28 29 Chtno Copper 65 48 48 48 Colo. 'Fuel iron.. .iu 53 oz a Corn Products 670 94 89 89 Crucible Steel 533 120 115 115 Cuba Cane Sugar 217 41 40 40 Pis. Sec. Corp 65 78 77 77 Erie 38 18 18 18 General Electric ... 35 168 166 166 General Motor 96 242 233 235 Gt. Nor. pfd 40 96 95 99 Gt. Nor. Ore Ctfs....305 47 46 47 Illinois Central 12 99 98 99 Inspiration Cop 313 67. 66 66 Int. Mer. Mar. pfd... 19 119 117 118 Inter. Nickel 118 33 32 32 Inter. Paper 206 70 68 68 K. C. Southern 6 23 22 23 Kennecott Copper ..104 41 40 41 Louis, ft Nash 117 Mexican Petrol 123 189 187 188 Miami Copper IS 28 28 28 Midvale Steel 636 56 54 54 Missouri Pacific 36 Mont. Power ( 79 7B 79 Nevada Copper ( 19 19 19 N. Y. Central 27 sa i 1 si N. Y., N. H. ft H . . . . 86 33 31 32 Norf. ft West 26 108 100 107 Northern Pacific ... 49 97 98 96 Pacific Mall 2 39 39 39 Pac. Tel. ft Tel 3 Sl 31 31 Pan-Amer. Petrol ..289 100 97 100 Pennsylvania 29 46 46 45 Pitts. & W. Va 40 Pitts. Coal 79 69 (8 68 Rav Cons. Cop 64 25 24 24 Reading 409 92 89 90 Rep. Iron ft steel... zi so vh-m Shat Arts. Cop 19 15 15 15 Sin. Oil ft Ref 319 65 63 63 So. Pacific 173 109 107 108 So. Railway 80 30 29 30 Stude. Corp 260 110 104 105 Texas Co 17 273 268 268 Tbacco Prod 237 107 103 103 Unton Pacific 39 134 133 134 United Clg. Stores... 303 193 186 186 U. S. Ind. Alcohol... 108 143 138 138 U. S. Steel 203 115 111 113 U. 8. Steel pfd 8 116 116 116 Utah Copper .200 94 90 92 Westinghouse Elec... 94 68 (7 57 Willys-Overland 128 36 35 36 Royal Dutch ito 115 113 113 New York Honey. New York, July 7. Mercantile paper, 55: sterling 60-day bills, 4.48; commercial 60-day bills, on banks, 4.48; commercial 60-day bills, 4.48; demand, 4.48; cables, 4.49. Francs Demand, 6.76; cables, (.74. Guilders Demand, 17; cables, 88. Lire Demand, 8.08; cables, 8.05. Time loans Strong; all dates, ( per cent old. Call money Strong; high, 10; low, (; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 8; offered at 8 ; last loan, 8. liberty Bond Prices. New York, July 7. Liberty bond prices at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3c, 99.38; second 4s, 93.82; second 4s, 94.24; third 4s, 95.68; fourth 4s, 94.26; Victory !s 100.10; Victory 4s, 99.98. Liberty bond final prices today were: 3s, 99.40; first 4s, (4.60; second 4s, 93.72; first 4s, 15.10; second 4s, 94.26; third 4s, 95.04; fourth 4s, 94.26; Victory 3s, 100.02; Victory 4s. 99.86. New York Metals. New York, July 7. Copper Strong; electrolytic, spot, 1919c; futures, 19e20c. Iron Quiet: No. 1 northern, $29.(0; No. 2 northern, $38.60; No. 1 southern, (28.00. Lead Firm; spot, $6.20 bid; August $5.2505.52. Spelter Firm; East St. Louis delivery, spot offered at $7.12; August, $7.05 7.20. Cotton Futures. ' New York, July 7. Cotton futures opened steady; October, 33.68c; Decem ber, S3.62c; January, 13.25c; March, 32.90c. Cotton future closed barely steady; July, 14.01c; October, 13.39o; December, 11.01; January. 13.88c; March, 11.70c London Money. London, July 7. Bar silver, 53 o per ounce. Money, 2 per cent Discount rates Short bills, 1 per cent; three months bills, 3 per cent Bar Silver. ' New York, July 7. Bar silver, 11.07; Mexican dollars, 82 c. 81 Avenues of In come for Investors IF you have funds for July investment, our new Bond Offering: Sheet will be sent to you on request for OB . 233. It lists or describes eighty-one carefully chosen issues of securities yielding attractive interest. Company ' fjorrespondence Offices in IS Cities Omaha First National Bank Building . Telephone 3316 Douglas THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919. I Industrial News of the Day LIVESTOCK Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at X o'clock p. m.. July 7. 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. H. ft Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. M. Total receipts 300 321 (1 21 DISPOSITION HEAD. Total (.111 19,111 12,(41 Cattle The week opens out with a fair run of cattle, about 7,000 head, and fully half of these were western rangers of only decent quality. The demand for the corn ted steers was very active and prices gen erally were 26o higher than at the close of last week, both yearlings and heavy beeves selling up to 115.00. Western range rattle were steady, with choice beeves and feeders going at (U.00ll.60. Cows and heifers were In broad demand and .strong to 25c higher, and stock cattla and feed ing steers went at about steady prices all around. Cattle Quotations. Choice to prime yearlings, 113.75 14.76; good to choice yearlings, $13.00 13.76; fair to good yearlings, $11.00312.76; common to fair yearlings, t(.60ll.(0; choice to prime beeves, $13.7(914.40; good to choice beeves, $13.00 13.60: fair to good beeves, $13.(0013.00; common to fair heeves, (10.5012.50; good to choice heifers, (10.0012.60; prime cows, $10.76 11.75; good to choice cows, (1.25Q10.7(; fair to good cows, $7.609.25; common to fair cows, $5.60Q7.50; good to choice feeders, $11.76912.60; medium to good feedors, $10. 00 11.76; good to choice stockers, $9.50910.00; fair to good stock era, $8.6099.60; common to fair stockers, $7.7598.90; stock heifers. $6.6698.00; stock cows, (8.0097.00; stock calvea, $8.00 910.60; veal calves, $10.00916.00. Hogs There was a heavy supply of hogs In the wards this morning, 362 loads, es timated at 23,000 head. It took some time' for the trade to get warmed up to any thing like an active market this morn ing, but after getting under way suupplies sold at generally 10920q. lower than last week, Thursday. Most ' of the packer hogs sold from $21.10921.30; most of the shippers selling from $21.40921.60 with tops at $21.75. HOGS PACKERS. No. Sh. Av. Pr. No. Sh. Av. Pr. 48.. 357 ... $21 00 61.. 302 40 $21.05 65. .267 70 21 10 63. .278 ... 21 16 78. .239 ... 21 20 21. .276 ... 21 25 74. .229 110 21 40 77. .205 40 21 45 88, .155 ... 21 (0 72. .220 ... 21 80 65. .114 ... 21 15 66. ,27( 220 21 20 72. .282 ... 21 25 65. .211 ... 21 35 46. .211 ... 21 (0 (4. .1(1 40 21 (6 Sheep Sheep and lamb receipts com pared favorably with last week, (1 loads, estimated at 16,500 head. There was no material change from prices on last week's close. The quality did not warrant any thing up In the $17.00 class, most of ths lambs selling from 1(.0016.50. Ewes made a top of $7.60 with wethers at $9.25, and yearlings at $10 and better. Feeder lambs were selling largely at $11.50912.60. - Quotations on Sheept Lambs, handy weight, $16.25917.00; lambs, heavy welg weight, $16.36 9 17.00; lambs, heavy weight, $15.00 9 1 6.00: lamb culls, $6,009 12.00; yearlings, $9.60910.60; wethers, $8.0099.50; ewes, good to choice, $6.60 7.35; ewes, fair to good, $6.0096.(0; ewe culls, $2.7595.00. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, July 7. Corn July, It. 87; September, $1.87; December $1.65. D) Reynold's Bldg. 3 8th & Houston Sis. THE DIXON OIL CO. is being financed among a class of investors who have made a close study of the oil busi ness and know the best methods of operating. It is to such investors these plain t facts con cerning The Dixon Oil Co. strongly appeal. THIS COMPANY HAS A LEASE IN THE NORTHWEST POOL AT BURKBURNETT Being the center of Block 88, our lease off sets the famous 5,000-bbl. Gray. Gander well the largest well in the Burkburriett field we are surrounded on every side, from 500 to 2,500 feet, by such big wells as the Gol conda, Thirft No. 2, Graham, Skelly, Burk Waggoner, Gulf, King 8 and others. Each well producing from 1,500 to 5,000 barrels daily. WE CAN'T MISS IT We are erecting our rig this week and will " commence drilling immediately to push our first well through to an early completion. OTHER HOLDINGS 95 acres in Jack Co., adjoining the drilling block of the Cosden Oil & Gas Co., who is drilling a 3,500-ft. well. Our lease here should be worth our capital stock when Cosden brings in a good well; 80 acres in Shackelford Co., surrounded on 4 sides by the drilling wells of Empire, Sinclair, Cosden, Texas-Cushing, etc. These all are 3,500:ft. wells under a contract They have passed through 1,100 ft "sand" where they en countered 60-barrel oil wells we have prof ited immensely by their drilling we will de velop this 80 acres for the 1,100-ft oil sand , and when developed we should have a prop erty here, alone, worth. $1,000,000.00. n w a win you m a uice Mice ot i nis yig9 nuicu, Meaay income Yes, If You Act Today Wire or Mail Your Order to Our Fort Worth Offices $10.00 Per Share Par Value. Use Above Application Blank. DO IT NOW!! GRAIN MARKET ' Omaha Grain. Omaha, July T, 1(1. Grain arrivals wsre moderate for corn and generally light for other grains, con sidering that they were an accumulation of three days. Receipts were 25 cars of wheat 15 cars of corn, (78 cars of oats, 18 cars of rye and ( cars of barley. Corn sold at an advance of 1 to ( cents. A new high for the asason was scored with No. 1 white going at (1.90. Oats were unchanged to a half cent up, the bulk steady. By was 1 cenl up and barley 2 cents. Wheat was oft ( to ( cents. Cash aalss today were; Corn No. 1 white, ( cars, $1.(0; No. 1 white, 1 car, (1.89; 1 car, $1.(8; No. 4 white, 1 car, (1.(7; No. 5 white, 1 car, $1.8$; No. ( white, 1 car, $1.80; 1 car, $1.78; sample white, 1 car, 1.17; 1 car, $1.14 (heating); 1-6 car, $1.71 (heating); 1-6 car, $1.72; 1 ear, $1.(5 (heating), 48 per cent damaged; No. 1 yellow, I car, $1.(4; No. 1 yellow, 17 cars, $1.81; 4-5 car, $1.83; 1-6 car. $1.81; V car, $1.81 (two Una haul); No. 1 yellow.ll 4-6 cars, (1.(1; 1 car, $1.82 (shipper's weights) ; No. 4 yel low, 1 car, $1.81 (ahfppsr's weights); No. ( yellow, 1 car, (1.79; 1 cars, (1.78; sam ple white, 1 3-6 cars, (1.14 (hsattng); 1 cars, (1.72 (heating); 1 car, $1.(8; 1 car, $1.68 (heating); 1 car, (1.(0 (heating); 1 car, $1.40 (hot); No. 1 mixed, 1 car, $1.81 (near white); 1 car, (1.(8 (near white); 1 car, (1.(5 (near white); 13 1-6 cars, (1.82; I- 1 car, (1.(4 (near white); No. 1 mixed, !-( car, (1.85 (nearwblte); 1 1-5 ears, (1.(2; lt-1 cars, (1.(1; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, (1.79; 1 car, (1.78; No, 6 mixed, 1 cars, (1.76; ( cars, $1.76; sample mixed, 2 cars, $1.71 (heating); 1 ears, $1.70 (heating); 1 car, $1.70 (heating); 1 car, $1.68. (musty); 1 cars, (1.68 (heating); 2 cars, (1.60 (heat ing); 1 car, (1.60. Oats No. whits oats, 4 carloads, 70c; No. 1 white oats, 1 carloads, 70o, 15 car loads, (9o, 1 carloads, 69c; No. 4 white oats, 1-6 carload, 69c; sample white oats, 1 carload, (9c. Rye No. 2 rye, 4 1-3 carloads, (1.36; No. 1 rye, ( carloads, (1.15; No. 4 rye, 1 carload, (1.34, 1 carload, $1.33 (musty); sample rye, 1 carload, $l.lla 1 carload, $1.10 (10 per cent foreign material), 2-5 oarload, (1.18. Barley No. 1 barley, 1 carload, (1.17, 1 carload, $116; No. 4 barley, 1 carload, (1.15, carloads, (1.14. Wheat No. 1 hard, 2 carloads, (1.40; No. 4 hard, 1-1 carload, (1.16; No. ( hard, 1 carload, (1.30; No. 1 northern spring, I I- 3 carloads, $3.36 (smutty); No. 1 north ern spring, 2-5 carloads, $2.86; No. 3, northern spring, 1-1 carload, (1.12, 1 car load, (1.10; No. 1 durum, 8-5 carload, (2.10; No. t mixed, 1 carload, (2.12, 1 carload, (2.12 (durum), 1 carload, $2.10; northern mixed, I carload, (3.16 (smutty), 1 carload, (1.06. Omaha Grain Movement. - Receipts: Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 26 10 17 Corn 1(5 76 123 Oats 78 10 4( Rye 11 0 Barley t 1 0 Shipments: Wheat HIT Corn 116 63 (3 Oats 44 25 20 Receipts In other markets: v Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 6 125 138 Kansas City 112 119 35 Minneapolis. 216 Duluth 8 Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the sev ma. i eral grades Inspected In" here during the past 14 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 carloads; No. 1 mixed, 1 carloads; No. 4 mixed, 1 carload; Total ( carloads. Corn No. 1 white, 4 carloads; No. ( white, 1 carloads; No. ( white, 1 carload; No. 1 yellow, 1 carload; No, 1 yellow, 1 carloads; Ne. 1 yellow. 1 carload: No. 4 yellow, 1 carload, -sample yellow, 1 ear loads; No. 1 mixed. T carloads; No. 1 mixed, 1 carloads; No. 4 mixed, 1 carload; No. ( mixed, 1 carloads; sample mixed, 1 carloads; Total 15 carloads. No. 1 white, 1 carload; No. 1 white, 10 carloads; No. 4 white, 1 carloads; Total 11 carloads. Rye No. 1. 1 carloads; No. 4. 1 car load. Total 1 carloads. Barley No. 4, 1 carloads; Total. 1 car loads. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Year Ago. Wheat 769,000 107,000 Corn 964,000 1,151,000 Oats 1,2(6.000 1,117,000 Shipments Wheat 107,000 (4,000 Corn 610,000 280,000 Oats 744,000 1(4.000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. v Chicago, July 7. Nervousness on the part of shorts led to wild advances today In the corn market All deliveries Jump ed to the highest lsvel yet this season. Continued record-breaking upturns In ths valuo of hogs did much to stimulate belief that corn would ascend, especially as ar rivals of corn here were expected to di minish soon to a material extent. Besides, corn products manufacturers were said to bs realising on their goods at a rate bet ter than (2 a bushel for corn. Opening prices, which ranged from c off to lo advance, with September (1.86 to (1.86 and December, (1.(2 to $1.61, were fol lowed by a slight sag, and then by a radi cal advance all around, Including 7c for July to $1.94. Subsequently, the market rallied as a result of the strength. Decentber developed weakness later as a result of bearish crop reports. Nearer months remained strong. Influenced by foreign orders to purchase and by higher quotations In Argentine. The market closed Irregular, at a range varying from lo net decline to !c ad vance, with September $1.86 91.88, and December $1.611.61. Oats shared In the strength of corn. After opening c lower to o gain, with September 70971c, the market scored a moderate general advance. Provisions were weakened by reports of good sized stocks both here and abroad. There was no aggressive buying. Art Open. High. Low. Close. Sat Corn I 1 I July 1.67 1.94 1.(6 1.(0 1.87 Sopt 1.86 1.89 186 1.(8 1.84 Dec. 1.63 1.64 1.61 1.61 1.63 Oats July .71 .71 .71 .70 .71 Sept. .71 .72 .70 .71 .71 Deo. .71 .74 .72 .73 .72 Pork July 61.(0 Sept. 51.10 (1.(0. (1.00 (1.(0 (1.00 Lard July 36.10 S5.45 35.0$ 35.16 35.18 Sept. 35.00 36.60 34.(0 35.12 16.10 July 38.65 21.(0 11.6 88.57 11.71 Sept 18.40 28.(0 28.40 28.70 28.77 Turpentine and Boeln. ' Savannah, Ga., July 7. Turpentine Market firm. (5c; aales, 401 bbls.; re ceipts, 717 bbls.; shipment, 91 bbls.; stock, (,055 bbls. Rosin Market firm; sales, 706 bbls: re ceipts, ' 2.024 bbls.: shipments, 1,780 bbls.; stock 56,566 bbls. Quote: B, (14.7(; D, $16.00 16.05; E, $15.1016.15; F, $1(.15915.20; G, (16.20915.30; H, $15.30915.50; I, $15.60 915.75: K, $16.75917.00; M, (1T.00917.60; N, (17.25; WG. (18.00; WW, (18.00918.25. THE REWARD From An Investment IN ODD. Hat built more home, paid off more mortgages, bought more lux uries and contributed more in gen eral to man's welfare than any other industry in the world. The Dixon Oil Company's offi cers invited two of, Omaha's promi nent men, Mr. L. D. Spalding, for merly of Omaha Natl. Bank, and Mr. Fred Brodegaard, of Brode gaard Bros., to make a trip to Tex as and inspect the holdings of the. Dixon Oil Co. They came. They saw. They found out what we have and who we are and as a re sult of their investigation they have become heavy stockholders and in vestors in Dixon Oil. Call and dis cuss our Company with these gentle men. Mr. L. D. Spalding has been elected as one of the Board of Di rectors. , A few of our many prominent Omaha stockholders at present are : L. D. Spalding, Fred Brodegaard, John C. Wharton, ex-postmaster; Iloward H. Baldridge, attorney; W. T. Waldron and Porter Spald ing. These names and their report should satisfy the most conservative. Officers and Directors P. D. DIXON, President and Manager, Tulsa, Okla. F. E. DENT, Vice President, Tulsa, Okie. F. B. JORDAN, Secretary, Fort Worth, Texas. JAMES BOWEN, Treasurer, Tulsa, Okla. L. D. SPALDING, Director, Omaha, Neh. THE DIXON OIL COMPANY, Fort Worth, Tsxas. Please enter my subscription for shares of The Dixon Oil Company Stock at ten dollars per share, par value, fully paid and non-assessable. Issue the certificate in the name of Check for t in full psyment is Inclosed. Kama Address Mali All Checks Payable to The Dixon Oil Company. r ibib r" Short Term Notes Quotation! furnished by Patera Ce.: ' Bid. Trust Asked. First Liberty (s .....9140 Arm. Con. Deb. s (1(14) 103 Beth. Steel 7s (113) .101 Beth. Steel 7s (1(21) ...101 Cudahy 7s (1(21).. 101 Int. R. T. (s (1(11) ( Kan. City Ters 6s (118) 100 Proctor A O. 7a (1923) 103 Proctor ft Q. Is (133) 102 Union Pacific (a (13()....103 Wilson ft Co. s (128) 10l Second Liberty 4s.. 11.(1 Third Liberty 4s ..6.04 Fourth Liberty 4s 4.18 Am. For. See (Kit) Am. Tel. ft Tel. (s (1936)... .103 Am. Tel. (s (124) Am. Tobacoo 7s (1111) 101 Am. Tobacoo 7a (121 101 Anaconda Copper (a (11()... ( Anglo-French 6s (110) 7 Arm. Con. Deb. s (11 13 Arm. Con. Deb. (s (1(21), ...101 101 101 101 101 90 101 ,104 101 14 101 . .... - .... "lii" 101 100 101 101 101 101 New York GeoeraL New York. July T. Flour Firm: spring patent and Kanaas straights, (11.1(9 11.15;. spring clears, ((.(09 10.00; winter straights, (11.00911.15. Cornmeal Firm; yellow granulated, (4.(7; white granulated, (4.77. Wheat Spot, steady; new No. I red, (1.14, cost and freight track New York, export to arrive. ' Corn Spot, firm; No. I yellow, 11.16, and No. 1 white, 11.11; e. 1. f.. New York. Oats Spot firm; No. 1 white, lloJ Hay Easy: No. 1, (20.0(911,(0; No. 1, (17.00, shipping. Hops Firm; state, medium to choice, 1(18, (0965o; 1(17, 10940c; Paclflo coast, 1918, 67968c; 1917, 15941c. Pork Firm; mess, $68.00918.(0; fam ily, $56.00958.00. Lard Steady; : middle west $33,669 35.76. Tallow Strong; city, special loose, 18c. Rice Firm; fancy head, 13911c; blue rose, fancy, 12t13a. New York Coffee. New York, July 7 A somewhat Irreg ular opening was 'followed by sharp ad vances In the market for coffee futures today on European buying and higher special cables from Santos. First prices were 10 points .tower on September, but generally ( to 15 points higher, and Sep tember sold up from (10.60 at the start, to (21.(0 during the afternoon, or 90 points net higher. Other months showed net gains of 7( to (4 points, with Decem ber selling at (21.30 and March at (21.10. The close was only a shade off from the best under realising, showing net gains of 45 to 76 points. July, (11.17; Sep tember. (11.(0; October, (11.44; December, (2144; January. $31.10; j March, (21.04; May, (21.09. 1 Spot Irregular; Rio Ts, 12012c; San tos 4s, 24c. Evaporated Applet and Dried Fruits. New York, July T. Evaporated Apples Stsady; western, 2O022o; state, 210 11 a Prunes Qulst; California, (0tlc; Oregons, 14012c Apricots -Firm: choles. . (Oct extra choice, 12c; extra fancy, t(c Peaches Firm; standard, 21c; choice, 24c; fancy, 16o. Raisins Steady: loose muscatels, 13 0 14c; choice to fancy seeded, 12 016c; seedless, 1(9 22c. , Chlcas Potatoes, Chlcsgo, July 7. Potatoes Market ac tive; arrivals. 47 cars. New, Biles Tri umphs, carrots, sacked (3.(001.75, cwt; Irish cobblers, jobbing, (6.7(97.00, bbl. Early Ohlos, jobbing, sacked, $3.0001.15, cwt. 80 ACRES IN McCULLOCH CO. ; ; Out of the same drilling block where Cosden & Co. are drilling a 3,500-ft. well. There are approximately 100 deep and shallow wells drilling in McCulloch Co. and 5 acres, Block 45, Burkburnett, 3 miles west of Townsite and V2 miles south ofN. W. pool This 5 acres 'has been taxed by the County Board at $8,000.00 per acre or $40,000.00. We are sur rounded on north, east, south and west by such producing and drilling wells as Burk Sun, Mason Big Three, Cashin, Roberts and Schmoker. - , YOU'LL HAVE TO ADMIT WE'RE IN SPLENDID BIG COMPANY All of our leases are in territory jam up with the biggest oil companies in the worlo;. Our first well goes down amid a bee-hive of gush ers. All our other holdings should prove gigantic in production. IN ADDITION WE HAVE CONTRACTS ON GAS , In the Ranger field and are building a big gasoline plant, which, conservatively and re liably estimated, will earn $600 net daily. This will pay an annual dividend of 200 on a capitalization of $95,000.00. ' ; WITH A PROVEN INDUSTRIAL and commercial proposition like a gasoline plant, we have absolutely minimized the ele ment of risk and are putting DIXON OIL ON A SAFE INVESTMENT BASIS THINK WHAT A 2,500-BBL WELL WILL MEAN when it comes in a roaring OVER $5,000 DAILY INCOME. , a sv 11 St. Louis Uva Stock. ' St Louis. July 7 Cattle Receipts. (, (00; l(o higher. Beet steers, medium and heavy weight, medium and good, (11. KO 14.M; oommon. light weight, good arid choice, (11 00914.26; common and medium, $10.00913 00. Butcher cat tie. heifers, ((.(00 14.50; cows. (T.IOjk 11.76; canners and cutters, ((.(001. (t veal calves, light and handy weight (11. OS 917.00. Feeder steers. (8.1(011. t( stocker steers, $7.15910.7. 980.50: packing sows, rough, (17.50 19.10; pigs. (11.000 10.00. Sheep Receipts, (.040; lambs stssdyt shssp, (Oo higher. Lambs. 14 pound down, (14.0(917.00; culls and common, (1.00011.(0; yearling wethers, (10.(00 11.(0; ewes, medium and cholca, (7.600 (.(0; culls and common, (3.0006.00. . ' Chicago Prod see. Chicago, III., July t. Butter Higher! creamery. 444(o. ; Eggs Higher; receipts, t(.(14 cases , firsts, l0Vc: ordinary firsts. 14031a; at mark, cases Included, 1(0 11c; storage packed firsts. 41 041c. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, tOe. ... Minneapolis Grain. 1 Minneapolis, Minn.. July T. Flour Va changed. Barley (I.07O1.16. , . Rye No. 2, (1.40 01.41. Bran (16.00. . Flax $6.6; 08.66." St, Louis drain. St Louis,' July 1 Corn 11.11 K: Ds. camber, (1.(1. oats Beptem per, 11 v; jmcemoer s LEGAL NOTICE. Hogs peeeipia, e.t.0"; steaay. ios (11.(0; bulk,. (11.7(911-40; heavy, (11.(9 if 11.4; medMm watght, lli. 7(011.(0; IlKhJ weight; (10.(09(1 40; light light, $i.&0S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo received by L L. r Carpenter, City Clerk of the City of 8u perlor, Nuckolls County, Nebrsska, ap to 1 p. m. Thursday, July 10. 1(1,. for th -, grading, curbing, guttering and paving streets and avenues and alleys In the City of Superior, according to the plans ana specifications prepared by the City En- . glneer or Special Engineer employed for that purpose. .- Said plana and specifications may be obtained from the City Engineer or City Clerk, or may be seen In the office1 of the City Engineer of Superior. 1h. Knlniir'B estimate of the CDStg 1 . of the work la as follows: . Anhlln Conrrete. Portland Cement 5-lnch concrete base, 1-lnch susfsce, five year guarantee, per squars yard, (1.41. - f Reinforced concrete, ( Inches thick,- five) year guarantee, per square yard, (2.10. Six-Inch Concrete, not reinforced, for al leys, five-year guarantee, per aquaro yard, (310. '. Monollthlo curb and gutter, per ,. flcatlons In Engineers off loo, per lineal ,- foot, 7( Cents. . , Extra grading, psr eubio yard, (l.9. s Excavation, per cublo yard, 71 cents'. -Extra concrete work, car coble yard. ". . . .. .... . ' over haul, per nunurea xeet, e cents. Oak Headers, per lineal foot, 4 cents. Furnishing and placing reinforcing steeL per pound, T cents. Eaoh bid must be aoeompanled by a eor ' titled check for I per oent of the eon tract price. The auccessful bidder must 1 give satisfactory bond for the full amount of contract, and five year maintenance bond. Certified check will be retained until said bonds ars received and ap proved by tbe City Council. Contract for the above work' will be) awarded to the lowest and best bidder, but the Mayor and Council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids, to waive -detect, in bid. CARpEimiR. 3. (-T-1- M. ft E. City Clsra. v "V" Ft. Worth, Texasc m n j