Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1919, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919. V9 P. 0. DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS F 0 1 days -utlve dan RADIO St? n additional than a total of day. . lABbE. ,junt word to lino) 1 day Will RP ' two consecutive daya II 111 BViu three consecutive daya n. -' Una seven consecutive dayC liner lino thirty consecutive daya 4 --.,,, IAKI1N F THANKS AMU HNEBAL NOTICES. to par Una each Inaertion Minimum charge. SO cents. These rates apply althar to tha Dally or suiaaay sea. All advertisements sp t pear In both morning and evening dally paper for tha ona charge. Contract Ratea oa Asolloatlem. " For convenience of advertisers, want ada will ba accepted at the following offlcea MAIN OFFICS .....Be. Building : Ames Office 4414 North 10th St. Lake Office 2618 North 14th St. x Vinton Office 2467 South 14th St, rim vines zoib Lieavenwortn ec South Side 2J18 N St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Inaertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. PHONE TYLEB 1000. Evening Editlona ....12:00 M. Horning Editlona 16:00 P. M. MajjMljlonI0 M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES! 'lilt lY-llm. Mary, axed 66. She la aur vivrd by one ion, Thomaa, with A. B. P. In France. One daughter, Mini Madeline of Omaha. Two alatera and four broth ers. Funeral Tuesday morning from resi dence, 610 South' 30tlr, at 8:30 a. m. to St. Peter's church 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. SURFACE Mrs. Minnie, aged 32 years, died Sunday evening. Funeral service will be held at the family home, 4504 South Eighteenth street, Tuesday. 2 p. m., Rev. R. L. Wheeler officiating. Burial Oraceland Park cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRED E. FERO FUNERALx DIRECTOR Lady Attendant 1 3d .and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 677. .Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Embalmers. Phone B. 265. Office. 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors. T01 8. 18th St. Phone Doug. 12?. TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2213 Cuming St. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker, 32d Far. H 64. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, ? Undertaker and Embalmer, 1411 Farnam 8t. Harney 92. T3UFFY & JOHNSTOJT UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 167J FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. .8000. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. . D. 1248. MONUMENTS' CEMETERIES. THE largest display of Tflonumenta In the United States. FRANK 8VOBODA, 1215 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 1&72-6216. V BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Blrtha Raymond and Mildred Richard, East Omaha, boy; Richard and Christine Bird, Seventh and Clark .. streets, girl; liOrens and Margarets Miller, 66(0 South Fourteenth street, boy; Lawrence and Edna Dodds, C007 Cuming street, boy; Wayne and Hazel Carroll, hospital, boy; Horatio and Helen Brockway, 210 Drake court, girl; Paul and Luclle AHlson. h'os plta", girl; Rasmus and Ella Poderaen, five and one-half miles northwest tf Oma- !ba, boy; Martin and Josephine Lund. Bev erly Hills farm, boy; Joe and Sophie Hoffman. 1912 North Twenty-sixth street, boy; George and Emma Hopp, 3438 South Fifteenth strett, girl; Frank and Edna Marvin, 911 Forest avenue, boy; Roy and Allca Adamson, 2211 Sahler streeT, boy; ' Henry and Prudence Dallam, hospital, gitk, Philip and Edna Brown. 107 North TMrty-first street, girl; Jack and Florence Heine rt. Drake court, boy; George and Al ice Clark. 2417 Fort street, boy; Martin and Allen Harris, 4808 Dodge street, boy: Walter and Manoia Taylor, 4412 South Twenty-third street, boy; Harry nnd An- . Die Lewis. 2626 Decatur street, girl; Will lam and May Hall, SI 28 Clay atreet, boy; Herbert and Anna Cleveland, 811 Worth Ington Place, boy; John and Clementine lolfln. K997 Mirth Twantv-.tnth mtrni't V boy; Tony and Colorama Romano, 3002 I Valley atreet, girl; Frank and Corncetla Barone, 2931 Valley street, girl; Mervln and I.elta Williams, 2786 Chicago street, glr; Carl ami Marie Carlson, 3664 Daven i: port street, girl; Duren and Eva Todoro J vlteh, 6414 South Twenty-eighth atreet, I boy;;, Frank and Hallto Van Fleet, Ral i stoft. Neb., boy; Charles and Laula Eyre, i hospital, girl; Charles and Hallie Nichol son, -til aoutn Thirty-sixtn street, Doy; Conrad and May Young, St. Regis apart mvhta, girl; Arthur and Viola Hoopln garjier, Angelus, apartment 1, boy; Walter and Carrie Irving, 3210 Pinkney street, girl;' Chrle and Minnas Jensen, 1906 South Fifty-ninth street, boy; Salvatore and 43 u hep pa Oelardi, 2119 Grace street, boy; Uufeeppa and Sebastiana Tuserra, T211 South. Second atreet, boy; Edward afnd Miklred Bailsman, 201 North Twentieth street, girl; Joel and Myrtle Melander, 341 North Thirty-seventh street, boy. ' Deaths -Hanslna Roman, 66. hospital; Etfifl B. Daniels, 44, 4124 Redman avenue; Maggie E. Carver, 41, 2447 Spauldlng street; Laura E. Jackson, 60, 2708 Far nam 1 atreet ; Emily O. Vawter, 87, 4231 Kmklne street: Anna Pelican, 30, hospital; AnnaxC. Schneider, 80, 4528 South Thlrty seebnf) streetj Mary Sak; 4 hours, 4211 South Thirty-eighth atreet; Joseph A. Lau gcl, 4i. hospital; Emma Rasoh, 63, hos pital: Charles Kratochvll, 2 days, .6403 South Eighteenth street; Owen Gray, -83, 4623-Dodge atreet; William A. Hoopln garner, t days, Angelus, apartment No. 1; Antonio Qlglottl. 84, 2247H Pierce street. i: MARRIAGE LICENSES. The fololwing licenses were issued to red: , . trti and Address. " i i " Age. Frank R, Hawley, Omaha.' , 38 .MnJ-y, H. Quinn, Creston. Ia ', 26 John' W, Henderson, Omaha..., 47 Delia M. Dennis, Red Oak, Ia.A 40 Tom H. Wells, Kadoka, S. D 33 FloVa D. Gosllnd, Sioux City, la., over 21 William Reed. Omaha ....24 Inx Armstrong, Omaha . 18 Svatora Frank, Schuyler, Neb 34 Ashes Kmock, Schuyler, Neb 21 Ralph Plscopor- Omaha. .22 Loaiae Bonaccorso, Omaha .18 Roy Marshall, Shenandoah, la 36 Ida. L Baxter, Tarkio. Mo ;....33 Arthur F. Cramer, Omaha .....22 flndl White. Omaha i k...l8 Harry H. McKenzle. Lyons, Neb k21 Jaaa E. Baker, Tekamah, Neb 21 James W. Trlplett, Havelock, Neb 32 Catherine M. Retd, Lincoln, Neb 22 Abe Altuchuler, Omaha over 21 Fannie Altrfchuler, Omaha over 18 John O.' Flanagan, Omaha. 21 Elaitt' Kubat, Omaha.. i 20 Wlke'Lorls. Omaha. ...t. 23 Florence Sheffield, Omaha...... 22 Frits I Anderson, .Omaha.... .,...42 Agnes V. Lindberg, Omaha.., 21 Slack Walton, Omaha...., 24 i. leaner Mills, Omaha .......21 Ellas Winana, Dennlson. Ia. ........... .21 Tena Galland, Dennlson, Ia 18 Jacob D. Gavenman. Lincoln. Neb 35 Crallns Frledel, Omaha , 22 Giovanni Agosta, Omaha 24 Maria Baglio, Omaha .....19 Joan E. Thomas, Kansaa City, Mo 40 tfddle WUey. Denver. Colo 3J cninei n. iakis, vmana. ............ ,zs Fthel M. Dunning, Omaha 23 BUILDING PERMITS. Charles E. Grover, 2341 South Thirty-fifth- avenue, frame dwelling, 12,860. N. Bernth. 1616 Barry avenue, remodel dwelling, 800. J. A. SundeTland. 608 North Thlrtv- elghth street, remodel stone and stucco rjima! ATTRACTIONS. FOR sals su kinds novelties, dolls, bull with diamond eyes. Give away Mum iiasn gooaa, ere. ,. VINNICK S NOVELTT HOUSE, M No. 15th St. - Douglas 7678, COLEVARD theater. Tuesday. July 8. Dorothy ; Phillips In "The Talk of the Town." nig special. -- LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST Oav the roadt between Sioux city an A Omaha., one 34X4V4 Goodrich. Silver- town -tire, complete, with rtm. Finder .(teas - eommunlcate Immediately with Wayward-Cameron Motor Co., z4i Kar nam St. Omaha. -Phon Douglas 1401 Veward. . . ainaan REWARD B THE RETURN OF DIAMOND RING '. LOST Vr CAitTRit aaaa 1 GROUNDS. ! NOTIFY CLUB OFFICE. AAYF.D White-faced; cow; brand on 4 aiCS. Mrobeca. Wiej ri' FOUND REWARDS. BR ARTICLES LOST on street -cara tele- ne Tylef 800. We are anxious to re- atnro lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. IF PARTY taking grip containing golf clothes from auto In front of Omaha Athletto club Sunday will return, they will receive reward. No questions asked. Harney 206. LOST Oval shaped platinum, flltgreed pin set with diamonds; valuable account of association. Liberal reward. Harney 4560. LOST Dark green and gray wool auto robe on Fontenelle Blvd. Reward. Wal nut 1728. Sm'a'l: pocketbook containing 16. In front of Brandeta. Return to Bee office. Re ward. LOST Fine bathing suit and suitcase. near Manawa park. Reward. Colfax 616. LOST On Florence car or on Brown St., between 24th and 26th Sts., ladles' hand bag containing baggage checks and pass. Reward. Call Colfax 295. LOST Pocketbook containing 180, between 21st, Chicago and Omaha Tail Co.; 640 reward. Harney 6014. LOST. Saturday, gents stick pin, blue stone v surrounded by 14 or 16 small diamonds. Reward If returned to S. Saxe. 35S7 Jackson St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and HougeholdxGopds. TOPMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE Is our claim and by this we mean Bet ter Furniture for Leas Money. Furni ture equal in material, construction and design at a positive saving a dollar spent with the STATE FURNITURE CO. for furniture will do a greater duty. We quote 619.76 dressers for "J13.50; 127.50 dresser for 118.60; 636.00 dresser for 128.00; 135.00 Buffet for S24.76; 822.50 Chiffonier for 613.95. Bargains throughout every line. We specialise on complete home outfits.. Liberty bonds taken at par. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY Hthand Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. Another big sale of high-grade furni ture, rugs, piano and beautiful furnish ings of 7 good homes IN MY AUCTION HOUSE SOUTHEAST CORNER 18TH AND WEBSTER STREETS. WEDNESDAY. JULY 9TH. STARTS AT 10 A. M., SHARP. This Is a big sale.' Watch the papers. JAMES L. DOWN, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Red 1286. Tyler 96$-W or Colfax 1424. FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Our motto Is: "Prices that satisfy you." 2421 Cuming St. Douglas 459. THREE-QUARTER white Iron bed, prac tically new, springs and mattresses, 1911 Lothrop. Webster 6567. FOR SALE Ice box and gas stove. Phone Walnut 2107. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO, SrEWL Pianos for rent, 14.00 per months Store arid Office Fixtures. FURNITURE FOR OFFICE OR HOME. THE O. A. 8KANS CO., 1903 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 7998. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKBL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1971 Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING r MACHINES. y NEW AND REBUILT. , uu a 1 1 vo i. vumyicvB lino U6 a y iyc w i urn a and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any itiake at most my . price you desire to pay. We rent and . repair all raakea and will buy or .rade for your Md machine. Every machine ' guaranteed. See ua before you buy CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 15 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, rioDons and supplies. service guaranteed. . Try us. Phone Doug. 6021. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 -North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold. , rented ana repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY1, 205 8. 18th St. , Tel. D. S9M. BIG reduction In' slightly used and re- bullt typewriters. Write for list. Mld Innd Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an ol1 r Typewriter, three months for lii.OO. Jllver Agency, 1906 Farnam St., City. ' Miscellaneous. AUCTION! .AUCTION!! About 250 consignments of freight that has been on hand 60 days or over. WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION AT THE BURLINGTON FREIGHT DEPOT NEAR 8TH AND FARNAM STREETS TUESDAY, JULY 8TH, STARTS AT 1 0 A. M. SHARP. Consisting o. farm implements, house hold goods, stock food, oil and grease, dry-Roods and shoes, drugs, furniture, In fact nearly everything. -"v Remember the sale Is Tuesday, July 8th, at 10 a. m. J. C. Shields, General Claim Agent "If or C. B. & ,q. - JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. TIP T Ml? Ke"bl old P"t, II per L -I v X IN XV Rallon: grape elder. 60c: apple cider, 60c; all In 16-gallon kegs. Remittance with order. No charge fr.r kegs: return empties. Porto Beverage r - r. a. Til t.. 91 D T 100.000 FIRE BRICK for sale, good as new for boiler work and one-half price. ALFRED THOMAS 604 First Nat. Bank. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL set Havlland china; oak din ing chairs; carved pedestal, and chlf- fonler. Harney 6074. WE buy, sell and make desks, aafea, ahow casea. shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture 4k Supply Co. Tilth and Douglas. P. 2724. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Ma'iresara made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. ALL kinds of furniture must be sold at once, cheap. 939 N. 24th. street. KINDLING delivered 63.60 load. Web. 469. Gas stoves connected? $1.50. Tyler 4439. - WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS And Partial Payment Receipta. Basts N. Y. Market Quotations. .317,M'CAGUE BLDG.-, IBSON COMMERCIAL CO. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts bought for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. "LEWIS & CO., BROKERS, 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS It you have a Liberty bond to sell, see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial, payment receipts. 300 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. Highest Cash Prlcea Paid for LIBERTY BONDS, and Partial Payment Recelnta. NATIONAL BOND CO., 810 World-Herald Bldg. " Tyler 59. LIBERTY BONDS. ' We pay the highest market price, with accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. , EDWIN T. SWOBB ft CO.. INVESTMENT SECURITIES, 1007' W. 0 W. Bldg. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS and receipta bough' prevailing New York prices, plus accrued Interest, plus handling charge of 50 cents per hun dred. Minimum charge of $1.00 reg istered: $1.40 less than coupon bond. HILL INVESTMENT CO.. 542 Securities Bldg. Tyler 40J7. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All issues bought. Special prices this week on 1st, 3d, and 6th Issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money. We must have bond of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 2738. x 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. H. DOLGOFF, Furniture and. Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum. Ice boxes, gas stoves. , office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, ilnen, poul try netting and garden tools. Better (cods for less money. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 North 24th. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and get the market 'price for your Liberty bonds. Come to us. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638-40 Krellna Bldg DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought sold snd traded. J.-e. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 WANT to buy a movie theater; atate what yon have and pries In first letter. Ad dress Y 690. Omaha Bee. RING DOUG. 1369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUGS, OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE VAT ."p1. pays highest prices for ajaj clothes, shoes and books. oid Call fvugiaa suas , WANTED TO BUY. WILL buy second-hand clothing-, ahoea and furniture. Tyler 1698. A. Zavett. 706 North lth St. HIGHEST prlcea paid for furniture, ruga, mwA r 1 1 riA.. lift WE buy old battery plates. Weatern Smelting and Refining Co. LIBERTY BONDS bought. 116 So. 17th St! ANNOUNCEMENTS. Acordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, coveted buttons, all sizes snd styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO, 100-303 Brown Bldg. Phone. D. 1936. NEW LOCATION JULY 1ST. NEBRASKA PLEATING CO. 106 Farnam, 2d Floor, Davldge Bldg. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnara Pleating Co., 411-17 Paxton Block. Phone. Doug. 1109. Appliances. ELECTRIC tans, 88.60 and up; washing machines, $59.50; vacuum cleaners, $37.60. Lalley-Wllson Electrlo Co.. 1307 Farnam. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C. 112 Bee Bldg. D. 1072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Bslrd Bldg. D. 461. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" gj omana Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th Bt. Tyler 4233. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 17th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Dancing Academies. K EL-PINE SCHOOL FOR DANC-XV-LJ-L' 1 Xi XJ INQ 2m Farnam. Summer classes, fancy, stage and social. KEEtS', Hotel Rome, closed for summer. win reopen In September. Dentists. Dr Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN SUNKl: dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. FORMER U.'S. revenue officer. Legal ad vice free. Tyler 2736. Electrical Utilities. TlTTPlVT MEIectrlo washing machines X- (J XvXVXlelectrio lrona and readina lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Film Developing. M'CULLOUGH. photo finishing, beet ma terial, best workmanship, copying ami enlarging a specialty. Mall -orders so licited. 5403 South 38th St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Pnoto Craft Shop, 1408 f arnam. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so- llcltea THIS EtMSlUN cu 1607 Howarq. Jewelry. XJXVIVX WIN with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Red 6081. Lawyers: T. J. M'GUIRE. Lawver. 508 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler ,769. Res. 3218. Insurance INSURES AGAINST ' TORNADOES Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON. J0TvBLlRa Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. - T. 2960. H. 4741. PT A CQIVQ THAT FIT KjLlAOOEjd ACCURATELY. SEE CRONK, 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational ratent wo., tsi joranueu. D. .6691. Plating EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have just opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. . We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douglas 7532. ' Printing. Wedding Stationery U. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone P. 1179 TrtlliNrn-.. Pyiriririrr PftDg. 1831. J.U111IU A.AJlllVAUg JJ 1816 gt. Commercial Printers. Mary's Ave. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Silos. KRETCHMER MFG. CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. "HAS YOUR SILO." v Safes. QA TPTTC! BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. 0i.r JCjQ t j. Derleht Safe Co. Stationery? OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Tailors. VICTORY TAILORS haVe opened up at-li2 Capitol Ave. Tailor-made Suits a Specialty. MAX SCHWARTZ, ladleB tailor: .614 Pax- tor block, moved to 208 Crounse block. Dledrlck, P. L., 216 S. 20h. Tailor. D. 432. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel 8up. 201 S. 11th D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply, 201 S. 11th. D. 528. Miscellaneous. NOTICE I will not,beresponslble for any aeots contracted oy my wue, nra. Jose phine Kempster, after this date, July 7, 1919. Signed, Wm. J. Kempster. SPECIAL Imported Italian cheese, lm. ported Italian Galame. Rlalto Dellca' tassen. 15th and Douglas. ALL kinds of hats cleaned and blocked. lSftf Harney St. Red 4673. "BUSINESS CHANCES. MANUFACTURER needs more capital and hustling partner help manage establish ed rapidly growing profitable business. If sincere In connecting with a clean and popular business and have $5,000 for immediate Investment for half Inter est write for Interview when positive 'proofs and details will be given. No trades considered. -Box K-17. PROFIT $400 TO $7000 PER MONTH ABOVE ALL BArfiNSISS ; A UKWEni AND MEAT MARKET doing a strict cash business and no delivery, must sell on account going In larger business; this plsce will stand close Inspection. Box K-92. FOR SALE Business opportunity In good- sized, live town. Electrical service sta . tion, well established, doing paying busi ness for three people. $3,000 to $5,000 ' will handle. Address Y-582, Omaha Bee. CANDY KITCHEN FOR SALE Good lo cation for -restaurant and canay Kitcnen. Address Hamburg Candy Kitchen. Price $2.300 SALE OR TRADE Only cafe In Benson; . ., A 1 I . h..lth vvamut i3v, FIRST-CLASS moving picture show Nfor sale. lyier aop-q ur- nmupy ogoo. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male x THE BEE will publish tree a situation- wanted ad under tnis classification ror soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their dlschargs papers at -,ur office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Fernam. POSITION as chauffeur. Box K-Tl. FARMERS, we can furnish yoa farm hands: wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency. 210 B. 12th St D. 7879 gWANTED a Job as common labor. Call Douglas DiSY SITUATION wanted by colored porter. Call .1- 1 f ESI V. CUBICI 1VS,. REFUSE hauled, weeds cut. Wal. 1868. Female YOUNG lady wants position as house keeper for elderly couple or refined gen tleman; references exchanged. Harney 6135. WANTED A position as housekeeper on a farm. Have one boy. 806 S Street, Central City, Neb. , BEGINNER, stenographer, stenotype grad uate, desires position by July 10. Colfax 11 86. WANT general housework to no. Call weosier osif i. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED colored lady wants laun dry or cleaning by the.,- day. Phone nmicias usi. i i -oi.ASS laundress by the hour, fast i-.-pr rrlas 8011. CuloKED woman wants bundle washing. CaU Douglas 1871. . . SITUATIONS WANTED. Male -7 BcTNDLES, curtains, blanketa laundred. Webster 4281. BUNDLE washing, day work . wanted. Webster 1956. ' . SWEEPING and cleaning. Webster 4816. DAY WORK wanted. Call Webster 6910, HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices Bookkeeper, downtown office, splen did opportunity, $160. Ass't manager, lumber yard, Omaha, 25-40, able to han dle men, $125-$160. Ass't credit man ager, wholesale, Omaha, man 25 to 10, preferably some experience In credits, $200. Two young men 20 to 26 to learn auditing, $85-90. Billing clerk. , exp. In Implements preferred, salary open. Young man thoroughly versed In plumbing line to take charge of order department, $1,500-61,800. Two Imple ment salesmen, $100-6150. depending on exp. This Is a good opportunity for some young men out In the state who know Implements. Wholesale automo bile distributor, nationally advertised popular car, $2,400. Salesman, grocery specialty, $136 and expenses. Two auto salesmen, experienced. Council Bluffs men preferred, liberal commissions. Ex perienced retail stove salesman, $1,800; big future. Stenographer, wholesale leads UP to big department proposition, $90 to atart. Boy or young man to as sist in shipping department, $12 per week. Posting machine operator, splen did opportunity, salary open. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY "No charge 'til placed." - 224 Bee Building. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, 23 to 25, $100 to $115; office clerk, middle aged man, night position, $90; traveling salesman, 26 to 35 yeara of age, expedience un necessary, $100 to $125 ajar expenses; stenographer, ssslstant to department manager, $100 to $125. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 736 First National Bank Building. CASHIER and head bkpr., $176-1225; . bookkeeper, $100-$125; ledger clerks, $85-$90; specialty salesmen, commission proposition, worth $800 per month. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Bright young man, capable of taking charge of window displays and assistant merchandise salesman and manager. Apply General Office Sher. man & McConnell Drug Co., 2nd floor, 19th and Farnam Sts. CENSUS CLERKS Four thousand needed; $92 month; age, 18 upward; experience unnecessary. For free particulars of ex aminations, write J. Leonard (former government examiner), 918 Equitable Bldg., Washington. TWO soda dispensers. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., 16th and Harney, downstairs. Professions and Trades I UNION CARPENTERS v WANTED AT y - NEW BOILER ROOM. ARMOUR & CO. SO. OMAHA. WANTED First class car repairers and rough carpenters with tools to work on fraight car body work, 68c per hour. Apply at Cass Street Gate, U. P. Shops. 7 a, m. WANTED At once 10 experienced line men on transmission line and distribu tion systems. Come to Grand Island. Report to Central Power company. BAKER WANTED, also laundry man at Soldier's and Sailor's Home, Barken, Neb. If married can give employment to wife. FIREMEN, brakemen, $150-6200 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write Railway Association, Y-679, Omaha Bee. START RIGHT. Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. - Auto school. Service men. MAN experienced in dairy work on farm. Chag. R. Hannan, JrM 103 Pear St. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Plumbers, at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Address Tholen Bros. Salesmen and Solicitors STOCK SALESMEN We are earning better than 40 per cent on our stock; we have 200 satis fied shareholders. Our plant la more than $100,000 behind In Its orders; new building and additional machinery to triple our capacity, ready in 3 weeks. Can Use 3 or 4 Live Stock Salesmen 100$ City National Bank Bldg. Tyler 4582. EXPERIENCED PACKING HOUSE STOCK SALESMEN To sell stock of new Independent packing plant and relay yards under construction, among stock growers of Rocky Mountains region. Ideal cllnutte, virgin territory, good commissions. Write Midwest Packing Co., 403A Cen tral Savings Bldg., Denver, Colo. STOCK SALESMEN wanted on big farm tractor manufacturing proposition; going concern; output for this year sold; money being raised to Increase capacity; . every assistance offered; leads, tractor demonstrations, etc.; prospectus and .proposition second to none; men doing splendid business. Write financial de partment, Box 111, Square Turn Trac- tor Company, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Stock salesmen;' a mortgage company under full swing of organiza tion can use three or four good men in good territories. All the boys are doing a good business and you knojv I know whereof I speak. Beeson, Iowa Bank ers Mortgage Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. STOCK SALESMEN. Have territory, open for several first class stock salesmen. Want good pro ducers. 'The proposition will appeal to fast salesmen; one of the fastest In Iowa; just organized; strong bank line up. Write or call Tbe Reinsurance Fire Co., 21$ Youngerman Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. IF YOU can sell insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full tine of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 122. Omaha. Neb. WANTED. A high-grade salesman for territory In Nebraska. Possibilities unlimited. In qVre between 2 and 4 for E. W. La Graff, Conant Hotel. WANTED Tire salesman by Eastman Rubber Works, Incorporated, N. Y. City; experienced or Inexperienced; territory open In - Iowa and Nebraska, city and country; hustler can make from $75 to $125 weekly. ' For Interview call be twn 9 a, m. to 6 T. m. and 7 p. m. to p. m. Branch Office, 715 South 24th St., Omaha. ' WANTED Five salesmen with cars, to sell a commodity that Is an absolute necessity to farmers; must have experi ence selling to farmers; will stand clos est Investigation; this Is a real Job for a man willing to work. No money to advance. Address Box K-90. Omaha Bee. WANTED $10,000 per. year; land salesman: per manent position to the right party. Call on or write J. H. Carse, 7824 Bran dels Bldg. Red 7374.' STOCK SALESMAN. Good leads; stock paying 16 per cent on present sale price. 176 stockholders In Omaha drawing monthly dividends. Call at once 1007 Woodman of the World Bldg. 8ALESMEN; big N money In Texas oil sto'eks; want live salesmen to handle Burkburnett oil stocks. This Is ths wonder field. Scovell Sc Langford, 714 Ohio Ave.. Wichita Falls, Tex. . WANTED. Experienced stock powder salesmen: no matter what you rae making n,ow write us and give reference. GREEN GRAGON COMPANY, MOULTON. IA. RETURNED offlcera and soldiers who itre willing to begin at $36 weekly, call at 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Inquire tor Mr. Hlxenbaugh. ' Boys BOYS FOR GOOD EVENING ROUTES APPLY BEE PARK STATION, 2615 LEAVENWORTH BOY wanted to assist at soda fountain; good pay. Beaton Drug Co Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National Auto BcnooU 2814 North 19 ta Su. Omaha. . HELP WANTED MALE. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Collector for Nebraska; ix tierienced or caDable sinale man only ' considered; age il to 45; salary $27 per week, with bonus ana rallroaa rare; po sition permanent; good opportunity tor live wire, see Mr. f. a. Decaer, nairu Bldg., 17th and Douglas. - - Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Four young men to wait ta bles; good wagee. Apply Flatlron Cafe. Bt- Marys Ave, ana ixtn WANTED Experienced help fir refresh ment stands for Sundays and holldvs. See Mr. Scholes. Manawa park. WANTED Experienced cafeteria help for Sundays and holidays. See Mr. MU'.ct at Manawa park. Miscellaneous. POSITIONS, locations, etc. for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians, F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. LABORERS WANTED Steady work, good wages. Phone Webster 900. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stqres and Offices. Tvnlal r,fnrihlv nn. who can on- f erate a comptometer, $76. Comptome ter operators, experienced, $66-76-80. Neat office clerk, 21 to 25, work to October 1, $50-56. Stenographer and dictaphone operator, downtown, splen did opportunity, $75 to $90. Dictaphone operator, $76 to $86. Two film Inspec tors, $12 per week. Beginner stenog rapher and typist, little experience. $66- $70. Beginner stenographer, downtown light work, $65. Stenographer for af ternoon, work. Salary open. Stenog raphers, $76-$65-$86-$80-$85-$90. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY "No charge 'til placed." ' 224 Bee Building. STENORGRAPHER. South Side, $100; stenographer and bookkeeper, $85; ste nographer, student, $60 to $60; general office assistant, experience unnecessary, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 736 First National Bank Building. TYPIST and clerk, email office: $16 week ledger clerk, $76; P. B. X. operator and typist, $65 to $70; stenographers (Beginners and experienced) $60, $76, $80, $90 and $110. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO. and Bkpr., $115-$125; file clerk and typist, $75-$80; blller and discount clerk, $80-86; cashier, $60-$66; file clerk, $60. THE MARTI COMPANY. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $126. Watts Ref. Co., 1138 First Natl. Bank. WANTED Stenographer with clerical ex perience. Permanent position. Phone daytime, Douglas 394; evening or Sun day call Kulhanek, Douglas 6399. OFFICE clerk, fire Insurance; experience; $100 to $125. Watts Ref. Co., 1138 First Natl, Bank. WANTED Stenographer, experience not necessary. 449 Omalu? National Bank Bldg. .Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELE PHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY Offers an exceptional opportunity to sev eral bright, well-educated young ladles between ages of 17 and 23 to learn LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE WORK. This consists of establishment of telephone connections between Oma ha and distant points, such as Chicago, New York, Washington, D. C.7 New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., and San Francisco, Cal. It Is Interesting work, the surroundings are congenial, a lib eral salary Is paid while learning and advancement Is rapid. There is an at tractive future for those of ability. Ap ply to Miss Cox, 1315 Telephone Building. GIRLS to learn fur sewing on power ma chines; good wages while learning; steady work, 8-hour day. National Fur and Tanning Co., 1921-1929 S. 13th. WANTED Experienced shirt makers. Albert Cahn, 1322 Farnam St WANTED Trimmers, makers, dressmak ers and ladles' handy with needle, living In city; good wages; steady employment. Thiele-Scharf Co.. 12th and Farnam. COOK WANTED We want a first-class cook for our office restaurant; white or colored woman preferred. M. C. Peters Mill Co.. Tyler 209. WANTED White bahd-lroner; good wages: good hours. Apply to head laundress, Blackstone hotel. HAIR DRESSER WANTED Oppenhelm Parlors, 236 City Nat. Bit. Bldg. EXPERIENCED film Inspector wanted. Fox Film Corporation, 815 S. 16th St. Household and Domestics. EXPERIENCED cook. E. M. Morsman, 224 N. no. Ave. Keierences requirea. Tel. Harney 34. WATED Housekeeper, white, In family of four. All grown. No laundry, uooa wages. Harney 8577. WANTED A cook. Telephone Harney 4670. WHITE girl for general housework, three In family, no washing. Harney 6955. WHITE woman to wash one day each week. Harney 6956- - Hotels and Restaurants. DOUGLAS County Hospital needs a wo man in the sick ward diet kitcnen to serve trays and assist the nurses In cleaning. Board, room and laundry, $30 per month. Phone Harney 652. Ask for matron. WANTED. Maids at once. Apply to housekeeper. HOTEL FONTENELLE. WANTED A cook and waitress. Apply Central Hotel, 11th and Dodge. Good wages. COLORED SCRUB MAIDS. Apply to housekeeper. HOTEL FONTENELLE. WANTED A girl for sandwiches and cold meats, $50 per month and board. Apply Conant hotel. TWO waitresses wanted at once; short noun. Flatlron Cafe, 1720 Bt. Marys Ave. WANTED TWO WAITRESSES; HIGH WAGES; TICKET ADVANCED. HUiW. PADDOCK. BEATRICE. NEB. WANTED A cook at 302 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. Sinclair Cafe. WANTED Goood helper In the kitchen. wise Memorial Hospital. WANTED Head chambermaid at Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. Miscellaneous. WANTED. WOMEN FOR CLEANING. JAY BURNS BAKING CO. TWENTIETH AND CUMINGB. SCRUB woman wanted at Douglas county hospital. $8 a day. Phone Harney 662. Ask for matron. . HELP WANTED. Male ana Female WANTED Men, ladles and boys to leain barber trade: Dig aemana; wages wane i learning; strictly modern.i Call or write 14Q2 Dodge Bt Trl-city naroer uoiieg-i. WANTEDAn experienced multlgraph operator. Apply eve Bank Bldg. , TEACHERS WANTED-Registration free. Inter-Mountain West Bailee, inc., ogden, Utah. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short band and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegrsphy. civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address, BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. ACCOUNTANCY -BP.l The highest paid profession taught thor oughly in a few months of boms study by new system. FREE BOOK. International Accountants Society. 638 Paxtdh Bldg. Omaha. Neb. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing In our day school or by malL Spe cial short summer -course for Gregg writers Omaha Business College, 1th floor Bee Bldg. Douglaa 6528. ANNIE E. GLASCOW. voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. studio pnone Red 185. 209 South 16th at. Van Bant School of Business. Dsv ana evening scnooia lit Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms BEDROOM, newly furnished, cool, airy, large closet Harney 2363. 621 SOUTH 19th St. Furnished rooms for rent, strictly modern. , FOR RENT Rooms, large and small. North 15th Bt .Tyler 4650, , , 418 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. VERY desirable furnished room, south snd y west exposure. In private home, near Hanicom park, lovely neighborhood; references required. H. 6226. ROOMS for rent, both sleeping snd light housekeeping. 1711 Dodge, one-half block from postofflce, right on car Una to depott TWO young ladles may have beautiful ' room In private home at 3025 Nicholas St. Harney 4061. PARLOR Couple or gentleman preferred; references required. Phone Douglas BODU. CLEAN, cool room In strictly .modern pri vate home; walking distance; near car. Harney 1911. 1101 DOUGLAS Rooma with running water, ratea to permanent guest, D. 9160. FURNISHED rooms, 810 Wortttngton Ave. Nico location. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO modern rooma complete for house keeping, on bathroom floor. Webster 2471 or Webster 4027. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 601 N. 17th St. 3007 SOUTH 20th, two good housekeep ing rooms, furnished completely. Red 6287. Board and Rooms. BOARD and room In first-class boarding house: everything modern. 2768 Cal Ifornla. Harney 7140. 3614 SOUTH 25th, choice room, for good class private home. Phone South 4468. FORWENT FURNISHED Apartments. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENT8. 18TH AND DODGE STREET. Two and three-room apartments, com pletely furnished. Hotel service. TyWr 4200. 3 ROOMS and bath, furnished complete. In the "Hollywood" Apts. : walking dis tance. $55 per month. References. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO. 812 World-Herald Bldg. Douglaa 1734. BLACKSTONE HOTEL One, two or three room apartment 36th and Farnam Streets Phone Harney 945. LEAVING town, must sacrifice my three In one apartment; completely furnished, beautiful -location. Apply Janitor, Bran . don Apts., 709 So. 18th street. FOR RENT 6-room strictly modern apartment, nicely furnished, north part of city. Phone Webster 1456. . THE LATONA Completely furnished and the best of service. Call Douglas 1633. 641 South 24th Street. 1812 CAPITOL Ave., modern apartment; also wishes to give meals to one person. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent small furnished apart ment or part of house In choice locality by brother and sister. Will rent per manently or for summer only. Best of references. Address or call Black 3299, CounclM31uffs, FOR RENT HOUSES. North. NICE 6-room cottage to good reliable party, $32.50. South. BIRKETT & CO. Real estate; sell. Insure and rent 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 638. 1 LARGE ROOMS, second floor, $10.00. 4411- South 26th St. Tyler 1813 J. Miscellaneous. ST6RES $20.001422 South 16th Street, 22x60. $16.002225 North 20th Street, 22x611. FLATS , " $12.001430 North 20th Street. 4 rooms. 125.00 811 North 16th Street, 6 rooms. HOUSE $55.00842 South 24th Street, 11 rooms. H. A. WOLF COMPANY 611 Electric Bldg. Tyler 85 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartpient management. LIST your propertv ror rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tyler 729. Tbr CREIGH SONS ft CO.. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Doug. 200. 508 Bee Bid g. FOR RENT APAR'i MENTS. North, i t ROOMS and sun room, modern apt, second floor, $32.50, apt 9, Maple Court, 1815 Maple. Red 682. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store looms. 15th and Douglas. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone, Douglas 5342. 715 & 24th, 14x60 $20 00 WALSH-ELMER CO., 123 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. Office and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office quarters with stenog rapher, telephone and reception service, $50 per ' month; exclusive location. Phone for appointment. Douglas 7774. MOVING AND STORAGE. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. suto or wagon service. FIDELITY andvan CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 281. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. -REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms fori household goods and pianos; moving, packing aod shipping. OMAHA VAN' AND STORAGE CO. 806 South' 16th. ' Doug. 4168. SARATOGA VAN and STORAGE CO. COLFAX 601. MOVING, PACKING STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. WE will furnish you any slse truck by hour, month or year. HARTUNG'SKansferCO. 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976- UNION TRANSFER CO. Let o estimate your moving, racking and tui ago. town UBYenpiirt. uuug. to. BROWN TRANSFER CO Prompt Servlc. Tylr 966-W. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. Beautiful shade; wonderfully well constructed; ( rooms, all modern home; lhi blocks to car; just east of Miller park; see 6227 Florence boulevard; im mediate nossesslon. OSBORNE REALTY COi 559 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496.' 6-room home, with city water, near the Vinton school, for only $1,800. C.C. BEAVERS, T60 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2460. List your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 100 Brandels Theater Bidg. Doug 96. WE have cash buyera for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone Douglss 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler A Csry. NEW, up-to-date, 6 rooms, oak finish, fine location; price, 4S.Z5U: terms; location (11 N. 47th St Norrls ft Norrls, D. 4270. SIX-ROOM new modern house, elegant location at $1,000 less than cost today. Owner, Wal. 469. . North. KOUNTZE PLACE. Dandy bungalow six rooma, three bed rooms, oak finish, oak floors in the main rooms. Upstairs one large room finished . off. House well arranged. In excellent x condition, full lot and double garage. A crackerjack of a place and well worth the money, $4,700.00. Let us sow you ' this h-ouse. D. V. SHOLES C0. (REALTORS) Douglaa 46. 916 City Nafl Bk. REMIS PARK ' Six-room modern home, with garage; extra large lot and large shade trees. A dandy, well-constructed home offered at $4,800 and worth $1,000 more. C. C. BEAVERS, T60 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2460 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FINE FOR STREET CAR MAN, ONLY 4 BLOCKS TO AMES BARN. Adjoining Prairie park on west; $1,800 will buy this 7-room home; all modern except heat; on paved street; large lot; $400 cash down will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 568 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. Tyler 496. BY OWNER, good modern house of 8 rooms snd bath and reception hirfl; has alate root; full baaement; lot 50x160: garage; just across street from Sacred Heart church and schools. Csll any time. 2211 Blnney St. Web. 1810. 2429 Charles St., for colored family: 7 rooms, modern except heatt $2,000; $1,100 cash. Bal. monthly payments. Walnut 2131. 1 KOUNTZE Place; nice room house; mod ern; good condition; splendid location; priced right. C, A. Grimmel, 149 Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. NEAR 26th and Charles, dandy 6-r. home; not very old; mod. ex. heat; so. front lot; paving paid; a snap ; at $2,650; about $600 cash. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. We Have Property for Rent or Sal.. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 201 South 17th St. Doug. 6011. AlINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. BY OWNER, good seven-room modern house; full bsaement; fine location. Call any time. 292$ North 14th St. RESIDENCE, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, sell right, need the money. 613 Bee Bldg.. Tyer 4281. . ryle, 5gT YOUNG" DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 182 BRANDEIS THEATER. P. 1761. N South. A Splendid Home, S. W. Cor. 25th Ave. and Poppleton, 7 Rooms, Modern-44,250 This home Is well built, with nice shade trees; both streets paved; lot 82 ft xlOO ft Can sell adjoining ground If desired. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 50. TWO HANSCOM PARK HOMES. YOUR CHOICE FOR $2,750. Within two blocks of Park school and as near to Hanscom park; each has 6 good rooms and are all modern; one has a garage; not new houses, but homes kept in best of condition; $500 down will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 659 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. Hanscom Park District $750 Down, $35 a Month 6-room, strictly modern cottage; 4 rooms on the first floor; 1 bedrooms and bath on the second; full cement basement; furnace heat; large lot on paved street, paving paid. Price $3,300.00. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. HANSCOM PARK v BARGAIN, $4,150. Dandy, 7-room all-modern home; hot water heat; finished In white walnut: nne basement, laundry, fruit cellar, etc. ha garage; lot 60x150: paving all paid faces the park and has large fine shade trees and lots of shrubbery. Some of the furniture can also be -bought. See us at once. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182 CLOSE-IN SNAP 6 rooms, strictly modern, full 2-storv house; 1 large rooms on J the firsts. iioor; 3 Dearooms and bath on the second; oak floors, full cemented base ment, iurnace neat; corner lot on paved street paving rald. Price 14.000. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omajia Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT - Entry hall, living room-, dining room. kitchen, pantry and ice box room on first floor; three bedrooms, sleeping porcn ana Datnroom on second floor. A well-built, modern home of oak and maple finish; a two-car garage and large snane trees, ynly 66.760. C. C. BEAVERS, 760 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 2450 FOR SOUTH SIDE WORKER. NEAR HANSCOM PARK and between east side and crosstown car lines; five good rooms and all modern excqpt heat, Price reduced .to $2,000. Get a start Only $250 down (Liberty bonds are taken at par value) and $20 per month. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 658 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. VYOUR CHANCE ' To buy three good five-room cottsges on corner, with 128 feet front on boule vard, enough room to build another house. Prico only $4,600. If interested, act quickly. Call Wm. Haffke at - C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. Doug. 685 812 Brandels Theatre Bldg. 5-R00M BUNGALOW" Nearly new, occupied one year, mod. Price, 3,600; $800 cash, balance like rent A. W. TOLAND, D. 6707 694 Brandels Bldg. 6 ROOMS, all modern, near Hanscom Park, $3,850; oak floors throughout; $850 cash, $35 month. Call days Doug las 1734. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. $4,600 7-room mod. house, 23d and Sprague. . $6.800 Fine 7-room mod. home In Dundee. Garage, , $5,250 One 6 and one 10 room mod. house on large lot, 23d and H St., South Side. $10.000 10-room mod. house; lots 60x 172 through from 19th St to 19th Ave., south of St. Mary's Ave. Choice loca tion for apartment house. See It $2,000 8-room house.V large lot; $500 cash, balance like rent. $4,500 Two 6-room houses near list Ave. snd Dodge St $5,500 Two 7-room mod. houses, 24th and Caldwell. Will Sell separate. $4,800 One 5 and Vine 7 room house and store building, 20x40; close In; will sell stock and lease ' building. Invoice about $1,000. See this. These are a few of our bargains. Some good bsrgalns In vacant lots. See us before you buy. MOREARTY ft CONBOY. Bee Bldg. Phones Doug. 3841, Tyler 4677W. DUNDEE, $8,500. IMMEDIATE . POSSESSION. We have just listed and offer for sale the first time a new house about two years old with large living room ar rangement, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, three bedrooms and en closed sleeping porch on second floor; oak and white enamel finish; oak floors throughout; attractive fireplace. Cement driveway and garage for two cars. At tractive house, well built Full lot on high ground aad owner will give Imme diate possession. $4,000 cash to handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, , Douglas 8962. 919-920 City National. BUY THIS AT BEFORE THE WAR PRICES. 7-room strictly modern' full 2-story home with hot water heat; 2 nice level south front lots, fruit and shade trees, all kind of flowers and shrubbery, beautiful lawn; garage, barn and chick en house; one block to car -line; property In fine repair; improvements alone worth the money. A real pickup. See us at once, as this will be sold within the next few days. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q W BANK BLIXJ. TYLER J FOUR-ROOM stucco cottage; full lot $2,000. Easy terms. C. D. ARM8TRONG. Reltor. TeL Douglss 12 SO. 125- Securities Blig. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous; BURK WAGGONER POOL LEASES Parties wsnting to organise company wire or better see us quick; we nave two drilling sites In block 19 right aglnst block 18, will give terms: slso 8-6 acre tracts north of Texws Chief and 300 feet frcrn tha Old Glory now on the aannV Small cash payjnent and balance out of stock sales Burk Northwestern Underwriter. Suite 1717 7th Street, Wichita Falls. Tex. FOR SALE 8-room aparyneot beautU fully furnlahed, on car Una and walking distance to town. Phone, Douglas 6160. FOR SALE Two 6-room cottsges to be 1 moved, In good repair. Trsver Bros.. 819 First Nat Bank. CLOSE-IN INVESTS ENTS. Leavenworth at, Cspltol avs., Cuming at PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 101. NEAR Hanscom park, 1-r. House, on large corner lot with garage and ahed fog storage, j. w. Hobbtns. Douglas 519 BARGAIN In homes. Investments prop ertles aid screage near Omaha. HarrU son ft Morton. 916 Omaha Nst. Bk Bldg. REAL ESTATE-Business Property 20, 40 or 60 feet on 14thSt, near .Dodge St.. front foot $200.01 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 664. BUSINESS property snd Investments. A P. TUKEY ft SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Double brick flat for $7,600. Income $67.60. Would cost over $7,600 to build the building. Owner Is nonlrealdent and says sell. This price Is . a bargain. Terms. Bedford-Johnston Co., 612 World -Herald Bldg. Doug. 1734. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK buys fine garden tract, 47x112; only 1 blocka from West Center car line and one block to paved atreet; high and sightly, blsck soil; prices $'M and $340. THE BYRON REED CO., 1611 Farnam. Douglas 19T. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $3,260. - 6-room bungalow, one-halt block to car in Benson; nne repair; terms, $509 cash, balance $30 per month, BENSON ft CARUICHAEL. 643 Paxton Block. Tyler $546. FOR brand new, strictly modern oak fin ish. Benson property, of 4 and t rooms phone Carse at Douglas 7412. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE. 10 lots located at the corner, of 7tb atreet snd 6th avenue, with sewer and wster In street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider, Wickham Block, Council Bluffs. Ia. 7-ROOM HOUSE, close to school; away from mud and water. Terms. Call Red 664. Dundee. A DUNDEE APART MENT HOME with the very latest appointments, may be purchased st a bargain price. C. C. BEAVERS, 760 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1451 FINE 7-room home with sleeping poreh, garage, In Dundee,$6,800. If you want a good home, priced right. See this. Morearty & Conboy, Bee Bldg. Phon Douglaa 3841. Tyler 4677-W. We Specialize in Dundee Homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Doug. 878T. FOR real estate and Investment-property see GEORGE ft CO., Realtors. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 766. South Sidfts FOR SALE By owner, strictly moderg 6-room house; large sleeping1 porch t double cement garage; close to school , and car line; lot 60x130; best buy In South Omaha; must sell this week. Price $4,800; about $1,600 will handle, 4429 So. 18th St. JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 14th St., "Insurance." Buy and iWI property. Real estste mortgage loaw promptly made. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jaa. H. Kopiets, real os- - -.,00 ouum Bl, ' A W. JONES', South Omaha, buys, sells, sxchanges all kinds of property. For results, quick action, see us mie investments. 4786 south 24th Bt. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES TEN thousand-dollar property for $7,000 8-room house In fine condition and a largo barn with outbuildings, 3 pumps on the place and 60 lots all In one body lencea ana crossienced, located In New port, Neb., known as the La Bell prop erty; ihe buildings alone would cost tea mousana dollars the way material and labor Is and not figuring anything for the land, but must sell at once and want a cash offer. Address 115 S. 16th St., Omaha. BLOCK OF 12 LOTS, Council Bluffs, right between the two cities; good high ground and ' Improving steadily around It; fine for home or Investment ct $1,200 for the bunch. McGee Real Estate, Co.. 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. ' . REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. Ws have cash buyers for well located . bungalows and residences worth ths V money. For quick results list with us. O NEIL'S R. E. ft IN8. AGENCY. 132-6 Brandela Theater Bldg. xbl xyier lUtf- HAVE a man who will buy your im proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. , x 926 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. WANTED to hear from owner of farm jor am. Mrs. w, aopin, tX, r. Ota., Del Moines, Is. LIST your property with us. We have ivr nvum ana investments McCAGUE IKV.r.n- Phone D. 416. 16th and Dodse. IF your property Is for ssle or rent list w.. ,iu, j,aKe, weDster 040, FOR quick results list your property wlta a D DncnmrtMir ss. a am . 100 Bee Bide. Tyler 1B0. FOR quick aelea list your property with' 1047" Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Done. H3C I.TST VAIIP nrnnaele a. ..I. ' I.- V .J .r f u"" ""J w Willi . Ji, Avuuj.iBuii iui (juick va.ea, ta see olffc Phon Douglaa 8097, 1 FINANCIAL. "Privat AfM-tavir 8HOPEy A COMPANY. Doug. 4tt$. frWT CO rn a. a i . """ 7" . '" - CONVERT that Installment loan on your iiwiiiw into siraigni iive-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. H. LOITOEE, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. LOW ratea without rtAlnv OMAHA HOMES CAST NEB. FARMS," 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 171 C. iifflWrV 4i UnJ aw. ' B "w L CITT and farm loans; and 6 per cent; .iu U-I4HJ. ). n. iuinuni ex vo,, tit K.enne matt. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F. D TIT M rwr s 1- I J aai s wemi w ewq rung., .win snQ nrnim. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. $8,000.00 IMPROVED FARM For $6,000.00 if sold In next few days. This firm Is located In Cane Jos Coun ty, Colo.: 160 seres Irrigated; 6 miles from a good railroad town. It has a 6. room house, almost new, and other out. buildings and about 100 acres In crop. The land Is all level and good, hard solL Paid-up water right; a live spring ths whole year around. Address 115 South, 16th street. Omaha, t GATtfER THE CROPS. Over two acres, all in crop: a mighty good 4 -room house, with barn and chicken houses: Immediate possession as owner Is going east; $4,000 value cut 10 ner cent. For this week only can be bought for $3,200 with only $1,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO. , 65 -Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 ' LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Come with us next Tuesdsy for ths Flagler district snd secure a farm where prices sre still low $25 to $40. Don't watt phona us today. D. 4254. - Shedd ' Investment Company. Railway Ex change. Omaha. FOR WLICK SALE. Good level 320-A. ranch near oil develop ment. 65-A. good crop, stock. Imple ments, household goods, etc All go. Price 28 dollars per A. GEORGE E. VANDERHOOF, Swtft, Colo. 20,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co.. Colo., lands. Bargains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer, Arriba. awasaV A