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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1919)
omAha, the gate city of the west, qffers-you golden opportunities. s THE WEATHERi Local thunder showers and cool-' er Tuesday; Wednesday probably, fair; warmer in west portion.- i Hourly temp rat urn: Bl R I E F ... IG HT EEZY HE S . . I , a . , 10 , it , is , ..IS ..IS ..IS . .75 ..14 ..IS ..19 BITS OF NEWS .0S r MH II Vwr. OtIW. S4.SS: . SI.Mt Otlly 8.. SS.S0; mMM JNrt. MH utn. TWO CENTS. . 8S K. VOL. 49 NO. 17. ttwt H m-tm Mtttr May M. ISM. tt Oul P. 0. aator ut ( Mvck S. I7. OMAHA, TUESDAY. JULY 8, 1919. Omaha Bee Id H uv mm BRIBERY IN NAVY , CHARGES PROBED. San Francisco, July 7. An inves tigation was ordered, by Rear Ad miral J.i L. Jayne, commandant of the Twelth naval district, of charges by enlisted men that money had been paid to petty officers to se cure transfers from undesirable as signments. Three chief yeomen of the receiv ing ship Boston in San Francisco bay were taken into custody pend ing completion of formal charges against them. Assignments to ships -on the Atlantic coast were secured through money payments, it was said, and in like manner men were able to have their names erased from lists for transfer to ships in Russian waters. "SLEEPING SICKNESS" .VICTIM IN CALIFORNIA. ' Santa Barbara. Cal.. July 7. The first fatality from "sleeping sick ness" in Santa Barbara and said to be the third in the United States, js the death of Matseu Fujitsubo, wife of a local Japanese. She had been in a state of coma since her illness with influenza last February. An autopsy revealed the cause of death. The body will be cremated at Los Angeles and the husband will accompany the ashes to Japan for burial. . USE AIRPLANES FOR "TROUBLE HUNTING." ' Washington, July 7. Airplanes are now used for "trouble hunting" alongTanama canal zone telegraph lines, the air service announced. A seaplane piloted by Lieut. J. R. Dug gan and carrying Major Prescott, was sent from Balboa to San Car los, 50 miles south, to repair a break, completing the round trip and the task itself in an hour and 50 minutes. By horseback over jungle trails the trip would have taken three days. ARRESTED ON CHARGE ' OF. PADDING EXPENSES. Newton, Kan., July lf-C W. Stewart, chief auditor for the Unit ed States food administration grain corporation, with offices in Kansas City, was arrested here on a federal warrant on complaint of Fred Rob ertson, United States district attor ney for Kansas, on a charge of pad ding his expense accounts. Stewart is being taken to Wichita to be .arraigned before a United States commissioner. Three charges have been filed against himrj:overing three separ ate amounts "alleged tp have been obtained by the duplication of ex : pense vouchers. The aggregate ' amount is $500. ORDER YANKS' RELEASE -TO GARNER WHEAT Washington. Tulv 7. The com- mandinor officers of Camps Pike and Bowie, Texas; Dodge, Iowa: Fun ston. Kansas, and Fort Sill,Okla- iioma, were advised by the War dt-4 nartment . to release , every , man serving under an emergency enlist ment wha could be spared, for Work in western - wheat fields. CANADA NOT YET READY TO ADOPT PROHIBITION Ottawa. Tulv 7. Parliament end ed a long and eventful session when it'was prorogued today after the hmur of commons had adopted a resolution returning thanks to the Canadian armv for its service over , seas. In the closing session Pre mier Borden announced that the prohibition bill would not be passed nwinff to differences between the commons and the senate. SECRETARY. LANSING RECALLED, REPORT SAYS. Tendon. Tulv 7. Secretary Lans- inor. . savs a Havas dispatch from Paris, is reported in conference cir-1 ties to have been recalled Dy rresi , dent Wilson and will leave France Tuesday. , ... , An Associated Press dispatch June 29, said Secretary Lansing expected to return to the United States about the middle of July. " SINN FEIN DECLARED 1 UNLAWFUL ASSOCIATION. Dublin, July 7.-i(By the Associ ated Press.) A' proclamation has been issued fromiDublin castle de claring all Sinn Fein organizations and Irish volunteers in the county ' of Tipperary unlawful associations. I. W. W. LAWYER WILL STALL KIDNAPING SUITS. Douglas, Ariz, July 7. Charges wilt he filed Tuesday against more than seventy-five persons, charging kidnaping in connection with the deportation of -some 1,100 alleged nf the I. W;V. and svnu pathizers from Bisbee July 12, 1917, according to KODen IN. rrcm.ii, rnnntv attorney of Cochise county. -.The chargesxwill be filed, he said, before Justice of the Peace Joseph - L. 'Winter of Lowell, a suburb of Bisbee. He would not state the ex act number oi complaints to be filed. Under the Arizona law, indictment kv a o-rand iurv is nok necessary in filing rriminal eomntaints. Mr. French, as attorney, recently filed thirty-one suits for $5,000 each against firms and men said to have been involved in tne deportations. FRANCO-U. S. PACT CHECK ON AGGRESSION Paris. Tulv 7. The Petit Parisien, explaining the agreement entered into by the United States and Great Britain to come to the aid of France in case of unprovoked aggression by Germany, says: "Mr.. Wilson and Mr. Lloyd George realized that France needed an immediate guarantee, the simple - proclamation of which would keep in check any desire fpr aggression. The agreement published answers the purpose; it will come into force if anv unorovoked act of aggression - is made against France.t But who could" imagine our country capable of provoking a war? The treaty does not impose any obligation on - France, but her allies have bound themselves by it to provide her with the guarantees they deemed to be necessary. Finally, the treaty will remain in force until the league of nations decides that the league it self is sufficient guarantee against CONCEDES HE'S FATHER OF SLAVER Senator New Admits He and Mrs. Berger Intimate Thirty Years Ago, But DenTes They Ever Considered Marriage: INSANITY tIKELY TO BE : DEFENSE OF MURDERER Youth Held in Los Angeles Jail in Highly Nervous State and Guard Is Placed in Cell With Him; Inquest to Be Held. Washinarton. Tulv 7. Senator New save the following statement regarding arrest in Los Angeles on a charge of murder ot Harry a. New, who claims he is a son of the senator: ' "I have just this to say about this whole deplorable matter. More than 30 years ago, when I was in my twenties and unmarried, 1 knew Mrs. . Burger. There was never at any time a question ,ot marriage between us. Makes Amends for Fault. "Conditions arose which I did not care to dispute which resulted in my-doing everything in my 'power to make amends then and later. Whatever I did in that direction was of my own accord and no one else had anything whatever to do with it. 'The affair was ended 30 years ago. Since mat time me peopie oi my home city are tne best judges of what my life has been. I never have shirked any responsibility that has come to me and I never shall." Insanity Likely Defense. Los Angeles,. July 1 Insanity will probably be the defense of Har ry S. New, who says he is the sort of U. S. Senator Harry S. New of Indiana, when he is placed on trial charged with murdering Fredia Les ser,' his fiancee, at a lonely spot In Topango canyon last Friday night, according to an attorney who was retained for New. New was in a highly nervous state in the city jail here Monday, ac cording to jail attaches. A guard was placed in the cell with him. An autopsy, " followed by an in quest, will be held upon the body of Miss Lesser, Tuesday. At the time of his arrest, New told officers his fiancee had informed him she was about to-become a mother. Sur geons later examined her body and declared this was not true. Railroad Administration Charged With Showing Favoritism to Packers Chicago. July 7. A charge of dis crimination in favor of the packing industries by the United States rail road administration which has en abled the packers to increase their business enormously outside tne saie of slaughtered animals was con tained in a petition filed before the Interstate Commerce commission by the Wholesale Grocers' Association of America. The petition asserted the grocers believed if they failed to check the alleged favoritism, it would be only a short time before the packers would control the distribution of food products now handled by the grocers. It is charged the packers nave procured changes in the tariffs of th . railroad companies, permitting them to put into cars of fresh meats various other food products. . This, it is claimed, guarantees a quicker delivery of produce from the packer than from the wholesale grocer. Carranza Envoy Soon Wilt Come to united States Mexico City, July 7. Ygnacio Bo- nillas, Mexican ambassador to the United States, said today during an interview that when he leaves for Washington, probably Tuesday, he would have a iull knowledge or tne Mexican situation, as given to him by President Carranza for the pur pose of refuting "wild stories cur- rent in inc.umicu oiaics icgaiumg Mexican conditions." , Senor - Bonillas said his instruc tion included efforts to remove causes of misunderstanding between the United States and Mexic.0, andj bring about an era of good feeling.'' Resume Car Servicein , Cleveland, This Morning Cleveland, July 7. The ' strike of 2,600 union "street car men, which has tied up traction here since Sun day,' ended Monday night when President 'John J. Stanley of the Cleveland Railway , company ac cepted Mayor Harry L. Davis' pro nncal in arbitrate the rnmnanv's de mand for an increase in the dividend rate from 6 per cent to 7 per cent The men's demands for a il2 cent an hour increase in wages was granted. 'Car service will be re sumed, Tuesday "v HUN COMMITTEE AGREES TO RATIFY PEACE AGREEMENT German Assembly Considers New Constitution, Agreeing on Certain Bases. Berlin, July 7. The federal com mittee has approved ratification of the treaty. . Weimar, July 7. (By Associated Press.) The German national as sembly is still debating the new constitution and has endorsed the article qualifying any male citizen, liativev or naturalized, who has at tained the age of 35 for the office of president. The constitution provides that the president shall be chosen by popular vote. ITALIAN TROOPS ' CLASH AGAIN WITH FRENCH AT FIUME Six Killed, 20 Wounded; Gauls Fire Into Crowds From Barracks. Rome, July 7. (By the Associated Press.) New clashes between the French and Italians at Fiume are reported in advices from that city. The casualties so far reported num ber six killeVl and twenty wounded. According to dispatches to Gior nale D'ltalia serious incidents have occurred within the last day or two at Fiume. Two French soldiers are alleged to have insulted Italian grenadiers, who remonstrated. The French fired on the grenadiers and then fled to their barracks, from which they fired into the crowds that gathered. In a cafe where many French congregated and a Jugo Slav beer gafrden, one Italian officer, two French soldiers and several civil iansVhave been viounded. oenerai urazioie,. into wnose hands the national council of Fiume placed the control of the city, has arrived, nd temporarily e-estab? lished order, ,.- There' are repeated cries bjTthexrowds of "Down with France. AWay witn tne provoca- RUSS VOLUNTEER ARMY SUFFERS SEVERE REVERSE t Has Been Obliged to Abandon Successively Fortress and Several Stations. Copenhagen, July 7. The Estho- nian bureau announced that the Rus sian volunteer army, which has been advancing toward Petrograd, has suffered a reverse. The volunteers have been obliged to abandon successively the fortress of Krasnayagorka, opposite Kron stadt, the town of Koporja, and sev eral stations on the railway. The bureausays the Russian volunteei. are now in full retreat. A London dispatch under date of June 18 reported receipt 'of a Rus sian bolshevik government - wireless message claiming the recapture of Krasnayagorka fortress by the rbol sheviki. An Ethonian dispatch, reaching London the same day by way of Stockholm, admitted the evacuation of Krasnayagorka after the guns and fortifications had been destroyed. Advises buying R-34 as a Working Model NeV York, July 7. Purchase by the United States of the R-34, the big British transatlantic dirigible balloon or its sister ship, the R-33, as a working model for dirigible development here, was urged by Henry Woodhouse, chairman of the dirigible' balloon committee of the Aero Club of America. Mr. Wood house aflded that army and navy aeronautical - experts favored the Plan- i .. - ThelK-J', or K-a, he said, couio be used as a pattern in building a larger airship in the United States land as a practice ship for training nucleus of personnel for rigid air ship service. Mexico Orders Punishment for Gang Murderers , Washington, July 7. Acting Sec retary Phillips of the state depart ment announced today , that the American embassy at Mexico City had been informed that orders had been issued. to rthe Tampico mili tary aflthorities . to make every ef fort to capture the men who killed John ;W; Correll, an American citi zen and maltreated .Mrs. Correll near Tampico on June 16. Urgent representations to the Mexican government were made las week by the state .department alter news had been received of the at tack on' the Correll family. t Fraud Plot Charged. Albany, N. Y., July 7. Monroe L. Bardach of this city, arrested Monday, was charged with conspir ing t defraud the government and to bribe an army officer.-' He was releaaed m $3,000 bonds. WILSONS WAR ACTS CRITICISED Council of Defense Was Vio lating Law and Aiding Big Business, Says Chairman of Investigating Committee. SECRET GOVERNMENT CREATED,, CHARGE MADE War Legislation Determined Prior " to the President's Speech Proclaiming Policy of Armed Neutrality. Washington, July 7. Seven men formed a "secret government of the United States" which working "be hind closed doors," determined all of the so-called war legislation "weeks, and even months" before war was declared against Germany, Chairman Graham of the house com mittee investigating war expendi tures. charged after reading into the record a digest of the mjnutes of the- Council of National Defense. The seven men were named by Mr. Graham as Hollis Godfrey, Howard E. Coffin, Bernard M. Ear uch. Samuel Gompers, Franklin H Martin, Julius Rosenwald and Dan iel Willard, members ot tne advisory commission of the council. This commission, he added, was designed by law to act in purely an advisory capacity to the council, composed of six cabinet officers, but the presi dent, he asserted, made them the real executives. Prior to Wilson's Speech. After Mr. Graham had read to the investigating committee a digest de signed to show that the military draft, food control and press censor ship Jiad been discussed bynhe com mission several weeks before war was declared, Representative Reav is, republican, Nebraska, interrupt ing, asked if "all this was prior to the president's speech on armed neutrality," in which he said he was not contemplating war. The chair man answered affirmatively. Mr. Graham said that censure of the council and commission uttered in senate and house, led Mr. Coffin to urge that "a definite channel of contact be established between tne Council and congress. Must Educate Congress. "In other words," commented the chairman, "congress oughts to beH educated." In brief. Mr. Grahams digest charged that the president organized the council in violation of the" law and that, in addition to framing leg islation, it dictated policies the coun try was to pursue and befriended "big business." Included in the re port read into the record was a let ter by Judge Gary, advising the com mission it was disregarding the laws, "supposed to regulate business" Categorical Denial. Categorical denial ofN Chairman Graham's charges was made by Grosvenor B. Clarkson, director of the council. "My examination-the other day before Graham's committee, Mr. Clarkson said, "showed at the out set a tendency ot the part of a ma jority of the committee, to disclose that the administration had taken no preparedness steps before enter ing the war. Whereas the truth was that owing to thi almost providen tial presence of the council of na tional defense, created by congress itself eight months before, a great many far-sighted plans nad Deen ini tiated by the council, acting alone, (Continued on Two, Column t Two.) Hindenburg Appeals to rocn to. rreveni Ex-Kaiser's Extradition rnnenhafiren. Tulv '. 7. Field Mar shal von "Hindenburg, former chief of the German staff, has written Marshal Frfch, appealing tor his sup port of efforts to prevent the ex tradition of the former German em peror. Von Hindenburg offered also to place his own person "fufly and absolutely at the disposal.! the allied powers." ; . Field Marshal von ninaenourg sent a telegram to President Ebert of the German government Friday, in which .the former German com mander assumed full responsibility for the war orders and proclama tions issued, in, the. name Qf the for mer German emperor, according to Copenhagen dispatch . received in London Saturday. Freight Decrease Causing Deficit, in Rail Operation Washington, July 7. Decrease in friirht husiness continues to be an important factor in causing a deficit n the operation of the railroads. Di rector General Hines said in estimat ing that the deficit for class 1 roads, (hn havinir at least $1,000,000 an nual income,' amounted to $36,000000 in May. The loss to the govern ment in five months this year has Seen $272,250,183 for the large roaas The Yank, to the Gob: And. we thought all the time WE hatf something to do with JEnding the -War. i - MINORITY REPORT ADVISES LIFTING BAN ON BEERS Thinks Congress Should Re peal Wartime Prohibition Act at Least as Respects Wines and Malt Liquors. Washington, July 7. Five mem bers of the house judiciary commit tee, in- minority report on the pro hibition enforcement bill made pub lic Monday night, declared congress ( should repeal tne wartime proniDi tion act or at least lift the ban inso far, as it relates to the manufacture and sale of light wines and beer. While this report was being pre pared, Charman Volstead of the judiciary committee, announced he had asked for. a rule to make the general enforcement bill in order for immediate consideration with a view to calling it up tomorrow in the house. There was no assurance, however, that debate would begin at once, and the general view was that consideration would go over until Thursday. Mr. Volstead said that so far as he was aware there was no intention of separating the measure so sas to put before the .house a straight bill for enforcement of- the.war.time law. Challenge Power of Congress. The minority report, signed by Represenjtatives Igoe, .Missouri, Steele, Pennsylvania; Girard, Ohio, democrats, and Dyer, Missouri, and Qasson, Wisconsin, republicans, based its objections to the enforce ment bill reported out by the com- (Continncd on Pane . ColmnB Four.) Austria May Receive - Peace Pact This Week Paris, July 7. (Havas.) The revised , Austrian , peace treaty probably will not be delivered to the Austrian aeiegauon- dcioic -hs end of the week. v( . , ' ' A dispatch from Paris last night said the Austrian peace treaty was in. the hands of', the bnnter and would be ready for delivery, Tues day, No date, however, for. the presentation to the . Austrian dele gation has yet been announced. D. S. C. for Past Deputy ' of Knights of Columbus New York. July 7.-r-Lieut, Col. Neal Power, an attorney of Sao. Francisco and past state deputy of the Knights o( Columbus of Cali fornia, has; been awardeU thi Dis tinguished Service Cross, "ex ceptionally meritorious service, as head of the special disciplinary di vision, American - expeditionary forces, in charge of the more im- nrtrtant central court-martial cases. according to a cablegram! received here today. .. GILBERT DENIES THAT HIS SPEECH WAS DISLOYAL Declares He and Townley)id Not Confer Regarding Their Addresses. Jackson, Minn., July 7. Joseph Gilbert, former Nonpartisan league organization manager, and co-defendant with President A. C. Town ley, testified in district court here 'hat he had never conferred with Townlcy regarding the speech which Gilbert made-at Kenyon in 1917, and at Lake Field in 1918, and that Townley never conferred with him regarding addresses which Townley made during the war. Townley and Gilbert are on trial charged with conspiracy to foster disloyalty by means of literature and public speeches. ' Much of Gilbert's testimony con cerned the speech he made at Lake field, January 23, 1918. He was ar rested while making this speech. The indictment charges tht Gilbert in this address declared: "Your boys are better off on the farms than in the trenches 5.000 miles away?" Gilbert testified that he said: "Why the .boys, on the farms are rendering just' as valuable service toward winning the war as the boys in the trenches." "I also said who would feed the bovs in 'the trenches if aU would be at "the front,". Gilbert added. Gilbert denied that he ,said in a speech aj Kenyon? August 17, 1917: "We are stampeded into this war by newspaper rot to pull England's chestnuts out of the fire." v- California Brewers Open Fight to, Make Railroads Haul Beer San" Francisco, July 7. The Cali fornia .Brewers' Protective associa tion, through" its attorney, applied todav in the United states district court for an injunction against Wal ker D. HineS. United States railroad administrator, who is seeking to pre vent 'the railroads from transport ing beer of 2' per cent alcoholic content and under. ' The attorney also gave bond , in $1,000 each for Louis Henrich, presi dent, and Rudolph bauet, manager of a brewing company, for whom warrants 'were issued last "week on a charge of illegal brewing. Vote Pension Fund. Denver. July 17. A .pension fund for members of the J5rotnerhod of Locomotive Firemen and ' Engine men, to which all members between the ages of 18 and 63 are eligible was voted by the brotherhood 'in convention' here. The fund will be created by assessment BRITISH BLIMP STARTS RETURN TRIP WEDNESDAY Proposed Plan to Get Vessel Away Early Tuesday Aban doned; Weather Condi tions Bad. v Mineola. Tulv 7. The return cruise ot the British aingiDie K-Jt across the -Atlantic ocean will not st:.rt until shortly after dawn Wed nesday. ' The proposed plan to get the gigantic ship away at 5 a. m. Tuesday was abandoned after local weather conditions, which included adverse, bumpy winds, made it im Dossible for the dirigible's crew 'to overhaul the engines during the att- ernoon. Without such overhauling it would be impracticable for the airship to take off on her voyage, as I to congress on Thursday,' is com auntities 'of' carbon accumulated inlpleted. The message will take about the engines during the 1U8 hours in which the craft was aloft on the un- prcedented voyage which ended at Roosevelt field here on Sunday liiuiiiiug. - Swings at Ease Above Ground. Monday hight the R-34 swung at .u. n..A. h., CaSC dHUVC LUC .lining giuuilUf. "V graceful hulk scarcely moving in the gentle breeze illuminated by great c..kt;k. ..hh t,, -vicihU to thousands of soectators who had come here in motor cars, trains, and on foot to watch the early leaving. In contrast with conditions as the darkness Cell on Sunday, the dirigible was not in danger. On Sunday she was suspended with h,er nose pointed towards the ground ana ner stern Swinging at an altitude several hun dred feet higher, in jeopardy -ot be- (Contlntwd on Pace Two, Column row.) Roadhouse Jewelry Robbery Lands Pair in Penitentiary Denver, Colo.. July 7. Phillip Cohen, a' produce merchant -of Sterling, Colo., a.nd Frank H. Mul- hgan, a former, city detective of Denver, must serve sentences 'ofl seven years in the penitentiary for the robbery ot Mrs. Harry 1. Nolan, orominent society woman, at the Model roadhouse near Brighton, Colo., on January 1, 1918, of jewels valued at $6,000, the Colorado su preme court, decided. Hiuciiiuie ociidic hujiuvg Entering League of Nations Entrance-of Washington. Tulv 7.- Argentine in the league of nations without reservations has been . ap proved by the Argentine senate, the Mate department was miormed to day. , .The action of (die Argentine sen ate, according to information at the Sfat deDartment. made that reoub lie the first nation to assent through its treaty-ratifying body to the league of nations covenant NEW YORK PREPARES WELCOME Hoboken Mayor and 10,000' School Children x Will Be Ready to Extend Greetings to; . Executive as He Leaves Ship. SECRET SERVICE MEN WILL BE ON GUARD Speech to Be Made in Car negie Hall, Following Which Wilsons Will Board the ' Train for Washington. ; New York, July 7. President-' Wilson, will arrive in New York Tuesday afternoon between 1:30 and 2 o'clock according to the latest . radio advices from the transport George Washington. The presiden tial party will land at Hoboken, : where he will be welcomed by May or Patrick Griffin and 10,000 school children, who will line the streets -through which Mr. Wilson will pass to the New York ferry. - Vice-rresident Marshall and Mrs. Marshall, Secretary of the Navy -Daniels and many high government ' officers arrived in New York to take part in the welcome to the presi dent. Early Tuesday morning they will board a destroyer which will . take them out to the battleship Pennsylvania, now at anchor at quarantine, waiting the arrival of ' the George Washington. , Steamers to Escort Transport. The transport will be escorted to - its dock by a fleet of small steam- ! ers which will carry New York's ' official reception committee, headed . by Governor Smith and Mayor Hy lan, as well as hundreds of relatives and friends of the soldiers return' ing with the president. A small army of police from. New Jersey cities, numbering mere than 1,000. , and a detachment of secret service agents will guard the route from the dock to the ferry terminal. After his arrival oh the Manhat tan side -of the Hudson river, Mr. Wilson will head an automobile pro cession to Carnegie Hall, where he will deliver a brief address. . Gov- ; ernor Smith and Mayor Hylan will . share the presidential car with Mr... and ' Mrs. Wilson.;; The following cars will be occupied by Miss Mar- garet Wison, W. G. McAdoo ana Mrs. McAdoo, cabinet members' and , high army and navy officials. The route to Carnegie Hall will be guarded by hundreds of . detec tives and secret service men, while . squads of motorcycle policemen will keep the streets cleat On arrival at thje hall welcoming ipeephes will be made by Governor Smith and Mayor Hylan antl the president' will make a brief reply. Following, this ceremony Mr. Wilson ill take a V special train to Washington. Congress Message Ready. : On Board the U. S. S. George ... Washington, July jy? Wireless I to the Associated Press.) The president's message, to be delivered twenty minutes to read and con-, tains about 5,000 words, devoted to the peace treaty and protocols and the work ot the peace conference,. i ii 13 uuuciaiuuu tucoc pcawc vuii- ference subjects-are dealt with on broa.d ?eneral 1!n5s witIJ0"t ud tne large questions or me treaty I . , , .. T. , t-t n detaiUas this probably wil come , p-1" ...5.. .v.v.w, committees of,' congress examine the details. The president also will nave an opponunuv 10 go tjver . '.I. " , ... inese matters witn meraoer! oi me committees. In-this examination ofl (Conttaurd oa rasa Two, Column One.) Body of British Hero, Executed by Germans, Brought Across Channel ..... , j - London, July 7. (By the Asso , ciated Press.) The: body of Capt , Charles Fryatt, executed in 1916 bjK ; r - 1 a submarine, was brought to Dover Monda aboard a British destroyer,. , K. ,,.t. t ,u- tw.J ' escorted by vessels of the Dover' patrol. ," , The casket, on a gun carriage, was drawn solemnly from the de stroyer to the railway station- ac- companied by a naval escort and civil authorities. It will be taken by" train .to London, . where national memorial services will be held at St. Pauls cathedral. '2 H0g$ COnta tO M0V6 Up Despite Last Week's Riss : Chicago July 7. After breaking the high price record three . tne$ last week, the hog market today continued its upward course. New I too Quotations were rstablished'" at - 1 $22.40 a hundredweight, as -against Ian average cost of $21.53 on Thurs-: J day, since when there has been no trading until this 'morning, a-gression. . V