Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Inspired t Kaiser's Proclama
tions to Soldiers He' Wishes
-Allies -to Be informed
'Through German President.
- LonHon, July 5. Field 'Marshal
von ' Hindenburg, former chif of
the German staff, declares that he
is responsible for acts of German
. main headquarters since August,
1916, and also the proclamations of
-. former Emperor William concern
i ing the waging- of warfare. He
I- asks President Ebert of Germany
to- inform the allies to this effect,
according to a Copenhagen dispatch
to the Exchange Telegraph-com-v.
The field marshal arrived in Hano
' ver Friday, the dispatch states, and
" telegraphed the following message
to President Ebert:
"The signing of the peace treaty
gives me occasion for declaring that
I am responsible for the decisions
and acts of main headquarters, since
August 29, 1916, -and also that all
proclamations and orders of his ma
jesty, the emperor, and king, con
cerning the waging of warfare, were
issued upon my advice and upon
my responsibility. I beg of yu
therefore to inform the German peto
pie and the allied governments. o
thjs declaration."
The declaration by Field Marshal
von Hindenburg that he was respotn-
siblc for acts committed by the Ger
mans and for proclamations of tfie
former emperor is the second to be
made by a German leader since . it
. b ' r it JT VV .JlK. " Yt Jef ,
Vacationists Are Stocking 'Up
July Clearance Sate
1 (he House of Menagh
Jtt a Note: The women who read the fiigns -of the
times see every :indication of -higher prices ahead, and are
buying lovely sarge. suits-suits hat will give .them that well
dressed look at th& lakes and vacationing places, and will
prepare them for -the fall, when the other women will be
paying four timesas much for the same suits.-
Saturday wetted out a lot of our friends in serge and
silk suits, Las well as sending dozens away happy with bar
gains in delightfuT'summer dresses.
For1 Monday we offer some .more unusual values, begin
ning with '
Graceful Summer and Fall Wraps at
$9.75 .
We irish there -"were more tban 26 of these to offer, but too many
otJler youthful women bare iron ted them, at prices many times this
' special one forXthe Clearance- Bala
Here are sm&H hip length- and -three-quarter length capes, un
Uned, or aalf lined with pussy willow.
! . Bolivia
: Tan '
. Serge
Beach Linens and
Party Organdies
at $25 v
Her are a group of frocks that spelf
grace and youth in every line, colored
in palest gold with touches of braid and
'embroidery, and in wild rose pink, and
' white and lavender, trilled with dainty
lace and ribbon. Frocks that call for
: the wide leghorn hat and a hammock in
a shady yard or the center of an admir
ing eircl on a summer hotel veranda.
"And wfaen yaa bur one, yon areekving
ftoough money to buy the beautiful leg
hotn to so with it.
Special Bargain
, Vacation Ginghams at
) $4.85 : . "
1 Smart little frocks. Just the
thing for tennis, - boating, pic
nicking,' and beach parties. , .
:.n M, ilk m 1'Vl
, : h - r t-- V Ml
was officially announced that the al
lies purposed to place on trial politi
cal and military leaders of Germany
fo.-v causing the war and for viola
tions of the rules of warfare., The
other leader who assumed respon
sibility for the acts of former Em
peror William was Dr. Theobald von
Bethmann-Hollweg, former German
chancellor, who held office at the be
ginning of the war.
J Monday
Light Velour
Navy' Blue
French Blue
Tailored Suits'
lFor Vacation Travel ,
Navy blue serge, xnot too heavy to
wear In summer, yet just splendid for
fall, -models s similar to the early ad
vance fall styles, Just beginning to J8
sent Out, are in a special Offering for"
Monday, in two groupsf '
$24.75 $34.75
Items for Monday -
WhttWash Shirts at
$159 and $3.89
Values up to $12.50, in at this '
low price beaose slightly soiled. -
ah sites, just a tew of each-
in Emerson Murder Trial
I h m i ft mw i :.
te Gmerson) JfoyCmersen! f I I
fi .
j I Thomas LMixwelK? S.l. Cc2rro7l 1 J
Ready to Try Iowan
as Slayer of Mother
(Continned From Page One.)
erson had stated "to several persons
of Roy against her life, evidence
of Roy's prodigal spending of the
receipts of the business, ih which
his mother held a half interest, with
resulting financial difficulties.
Jury's Verdict Murder.
3 lie verdict of the coroner's jury
murder, and Judge Fuller im
mediately summoned the grand jury
and ordered Emerson's arrest, which
took place two days after the trag
edy. On the following d4y the
grand jury returned an indictment.
During the coroner's inquest it
developed that a blood-stained rag
was found near the bottom of a bar
rel of waste on the second floor of
the building in which the tragedy
occurred, and Emerson was discov
ered to have sent a blood-stained
suit of clothes to the cleaner to be
cleaned. A blunt iron instrument
bearing traces of hair and blood
was also discovered on the second
floor. Finger prints on Mrs. Emer
soh's arm were declared by physi
cians to have been inflicted before
Mrs. Emerson was last Seen alive
about 2 o'clock on the afternoon of
the tragedy by friends who called,
at her place of business to visit her.
No evidence has as yet developed
as to any person seeing either of,
them from that timeuntil just a
few minutes before the discovery of
Mrs. Emerson's body. s
'Charles Emerson, father of the
man who will this-week be placed,
on trial, died on January 10, last,
after having built up "one of the
best undertaking businesses in the,
state. He was oife of the leading
politicians of. the county and was a
prominent member of several lodg
es, including Masons, Elks, Wood-,
men and" Eagles. He had been
twice president of the Iowa Funeral
Directors' -association and was one
of the most influential business men
of the city. Mrs.' Emerson, too, was;
an active lodge member.
Will Ask Death Penalty.
The state1 will attempt to prove
by circumstantial evidence that Em
erson killed hiimother in order to.
get full possession of the estate,'
which, in addition.' to the business,
included a. farm, the estate having
been left by the terms ofthe father's
will jointly to Roy and his mother,
and will ask that the death penalty
be paid for the crime.
Emerson Vehemently denies his
guilt, but the defense lias not yet
given any' hint of the 'meanss by
which they hope to'unravel the net
of damaging 'evidence spun around
the defendant at the Coroner's in-'
quest. - v
Cleveland Street Car Men
Will Go ion-Strike Sunday
Cleveland, O., July' 5." Following
a meetingof Mayor Harry L. Davis,
President John J." Stanley of the
Cleveland Railway company and
representatives of the Street Car
men's union, which resulted in a fail-
ure to agree on the men s demands
for 12 cents an hour wage increase,
union leaders announced that 2,500
motormen and conductors would go.
on strike at 4 .o'efock Sunday morn-'
Clearing House BankS Show
-Excess Deposits for Week;
$rew York, July 5. The actual1
condition of clearing house banks
and trUst companies for the week
(five days) shows " that 1 they hold
$6,433,000 rtsefve in excess of legal
requirements. This is a decrease sf
$57,643,430 from last week.
Requiem High Ivlass for
Dead Soldiers and Sailors
Requiem high mass will be cele
brated Saturday, July 2 at 9 a. m.
in St. Cecelia's cathedral in memory
of the soldiers and sailors of the
diocese of Omaha, who died in serv
ice. The mass is celebrated at the
request of the Isabelle club, an or
ganization which was active during
the war entertaining the soldiers and
sailors and other war activities.
Relatives of deceased soldiers and
sailors are especially requested to
attend the mass. The public is in
vited. Come In Monday,
July 7, and Save
Money to Use on
. Values in
Shirts ,
Silk Qose
Silk Ties
Wash Tids
Soft Collars
A Real Sale
' of eal Mer
chandise Pease
Black Co.
1417 Farnam St.
Charles Edward Black--Hit
siting Nurses .With" j,
; Aid from Bee Readers -
n t r r i
oave Lives or dadies
(Continued Frvm Pag Oat.)
taught mothers how babies must
be fed; how milk should replace
warmed-over coffee and sweet cakes
and how necessary cool, daily baths
were for every chKd. ' For not one
of this kind of baby knew the cool
contented feeling tf a morning "tal
cum bath."
wnrt ii nnf nHcfi x4ien
they knew.VMothers ladly brought
their babies to the stations for help,
free of charee: they learned what
food and care was; fiuneither last
summer nor this do many of these
same mothers have a- cents tor tne
milk, or 60 cents for iccto keep it
sweet. Even daily ba.ths are a lux-
Black Silk . Hose
Every summer require
ment has been antici
patedstocks are quite
complete with all styles.
These three numbers in '
black silk are particu
larly dependable.
Full fashioned hose
silk to the top, $2.75 a
Pure thread silk hose
with lisle top and sole,
$2.50 a pair. -
A beautiful black hose,
silk to the top with white
silk clocking, hand em
broidered, $4 a pair.
I :: . 1 c J ' ;
ury whenvthere are six nd seven
children and the mother works all
the day.
But Omaha herself helped. During
these three months the Visiting
Jurse association distributed 2,940
quarts of milk that The Bee fund
for ice and milk had furnished for
Omaha babies.
LThis year the same thing is hap
pening. When Long's school Opened
as a baby station on the 24th of
June, three stations were ready for
summer work. This, with the Social
Settlement, and " City Mission, care
for children up to 2"years in all
parts of the city." Had it not been
for the influenza epidemic, the three
would (have been open during the
eatire year.
This year riot one, but two, infant
welfare nurses are caring for the
mothers and babies. This year peo
ple are again --giving to The Bee's
ice and milk fund, w-nich helps make
it possible for. the babies to have
mpson TBelden Store
Despite a rapidly rising silk and wool market,
Thompson-Selden's will entirely clear ' their
j, , stocks as usual. 7
All Silk and Wool 1 '
Capes and Dolmans
' Included
There are ninety-four capes and dolmans of
every description, each one a spring or summer
garment, to be sold at the following prices:
$25 to $39.50 $1 A rjr
All Sales Final yr
Si. No Alterations N !
Narrow edges and in
sertions to match, em
broidered on Swiss,
nainsook and cambric.
' Fancy edges for collars,
in white and colors.
Beadings andt "band
ings for belts and dress
trimmings? Camisole
embroiderie's of all
kinds. Edges and in
sertions for dainty lingerie.
Wool Jersey suits for both
women and children in amaz
ing combinations of black,
gold, rose, brownv green and
blue. They are charming
suits, made in ways that give
the greatest freedom to the "
swimmer, as well as pictur
esqueness to the one who stays
on the shore.
One lot of $50 and $5 two
piece mohair suits is especially
-priced $2.98.
v Third Floor
what the nurses teach tne mothers
is necessary for each-iittle summer
baby to live, grow and develop what
ever talent he or she may have
brought into the world.
And in. this all seem interested,
for a baby seems to speak an inter
national language. We, heard and
understood the call from the pa
thetic, helpless babies in Armenia
and Belgium and France. We pit
ied the grown people, but we helped
the babies. And these are our own
children. ,
"People would not believe that in
Omaha, not five blocks from the
Citv Hall, little babies have died
because of their surroundings and
lack of care," said Miss McCabe.
"The world calls for fine men,
who meet a standard, but before
the man comes the baby. - And be
tween babyhood and manhood ael
prvppr living aiiu ions..
Strange as it mayseem, no one
really knows about a baby. It may
$42.50 to $65 $90 PTA
$69.50 to $105 $qq err.
Fine Sale of
Girls' Slippers
A large assortment of
broken sizes in str&p
slippers and pumps with
low lieels and medium
round toes. - Very at
tractive slippers in pat
ent and dull leather.
Monday for $8.65
We have just received
our Fall line of Royal
ociety packages, con
taining the following:
Children's dresses, long
and short
Baby pillows
Carriage robes
Corset covers
and combination suits,
bloomers and pajamas
of pink nainssok.
Art Department Third Floor
Summer Hours:
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Saturdays, 6 P. M.
Be Jhe lovable, dimpled bah) j '
the pink and white bassenet !n
has the gift the world most sfH.i
but it may not' -It is equally likdf
thaf within the hot. poorlv lioim
ished little baby lies a world in-.,
sure. j
Within each and all lies the' cm
priceless treasure of life which tiiey,
are entitled to have. Life for s
baby in summer heat depends o
proper care and foooV The frail
baby spirit must be encouraged t
withstand these months. Life an
cententment depends on whether
th months of July and August fimi
these 1919 summer babies drinkim)
cool, fresh milk. And for a grea;
many the milk and ice depend oij
whether the bigger brothers and sisj
ters of the city and countrv helt?
the visiting nurses have the inonei
to buy and distribute that whicl"
means life and coos and smiles t'rf
hundreds and hundreds of Omaha)
babies. i
Toilet Articles
Hah Brushes, 75c '
Cutex Nail Sets, from
50c to $1.50.
Henna D'Oreal, $1.25
Shirts and Ties
Our assortment of silk
shirts is practically as
extensive nowas at the
first of the season be
cause we are constantly
replenishing;. A large
line of crepe de chines, I
broadcloths, jerseys, vi
tub silks, and fibres m i
Eagle, Manhattan, and j
Earl Wilson makes I
are on display.
Delpark's 'wash neck
weir stands laundering.
Tubulars or wide-end
ties are priced from 25c
to $l. ' '
t .