ties In Mctay ia Ilk fl And the Bight shall ba filled1 with music. And tha earn that iafast tha day Shall (eld their tsnts. Ilka tha Arabs, . And as sllantljr staal away. Long fellow. : Blow ia its native W4j 'ti there imm Hi faculMee expanded la full bloom 5k tat out; than only reach than- Beeper ujCuwpt. t I BENSON , Dr. tnd Mr?. VV. A. Wilcox enter tained at a porch party Wednesday afternoon" in honor of Miss Helen Davis of David City, Neb. Miss " Davis returned to her home on Thursday. N Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hodder and 1. family are spending two months on their ranch in Lewellyn, Neb Mr. T. Mclllair left Saturday for an extended stay , in the ; harvest fields in Dakota. Mrs. W. F. Ryshaw will be host ess for the Loyal Daughter's club at her home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Killian have received word from their son, Guy, ' from Brest, France, that he was - leaving for the United States in a s few "days. v The English Lutheran "ladies' Aid society will meet next Wednesday at the church, Mrs. Theodore Wil liams will serve luncheon. Mrs. Jbhn Wallick was hostess x for the Baptist missionary circle I last Thursday afternoon " Mrs. B. W. Wall is recovering from injuries received by a fall a few days ago. Dr. and Mrs, W. A. Wilcox were hostess Tor a. large gathering at their home Friday at a Fourth of July lawn party. , Little Vivian Stah'l, who was badly burned a week ago, while playing with fireworks, is nicely re covering from her injuries. Miss Winifred Hamer and Mr. Don Bell were quietly married last Wednesday by Rev. Mr. Anderson. The young people will reside in Omaha. Word has been received of the landing on the United States' shores of Tap Morton, who has been in ! service over a year overseas. Mrs. Thomas Anderson and daughter left on Monday for a trip o Denver and the west. Union church service will be held this evening at the Baptist church: Mrs. A. W. Lacy of Bloomfield, . Neb., accompanied the. body of her father, Mr. B. S. PhelpsT who died at , her home, here for burial last week " She has returned to her home. The women of the Benson Wom an's Christian Temperance union held a meeting at the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Covell made a talk. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young have gone to Lincoln to reside. Mr. Young1 will be employed by the state in civil engineering. - Mr. Delbert Calhoun will leave next week. for Colorado to live on the farm he purchased since return ing from overseas. .! Mrs. John F. Marshall and daugh : ter.- Vfia, will leave next Saturday for St. Louis and other points east, for two weeks. Glen Gardner has returned from a week's visit in Chicago. MUs' Evelyn Kelland of Sioux Cityy formerly of Benson, has been visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Drejer left July 1 for Copenhagen, Denmark, where v"they will reside in the futare. Mr. ' Drejer will fill a position in a bank. ' vMr. and Mrs. Lew Raber, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson and family werit to attend 4jie 20th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. William Zimmer . man oh 'their ranch. vMr. and Mrs. Raber remain to spend the summer there. Clubdom i ' Tuesday. Tne George Cook Post and Wo man's Relief Corps will hold a bas ket picnic, Tuesday at Hanscom Park. For particulars, call Walnut 369S. Omaha Spanish Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Alexander Pol lack, 3709 Jones street, Tuesday evening. , Kappa Kappa -Gamma sorority meet Tuesday aftetnoon at the home of Mrs. E. A. Undeland, 4822 Chi cago street. The Omekro . E-Xima club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Social Settlement house. Wednesday. - The Frances Willard W. C. T. U. will meet in Hanscom Park at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon. AH departmentsvof the W. C T. U.will meet Wednesday, July 9, at the Y. W. C A. Annual reports of the superintendents will ' be read. The suffrage! department will hold a short memorial service in honor of Dr. Anna Shaw. Mrs. D. C. John will speak on "Tne National Issue of Prohibition." Therewill be no meetings until the general election of officers, Wednesday." August 13. George A. Custer. Relief Corps will meet Tuesday afternoon at Me morial hall in the court house. Thursday. . s The Kensington Club of the Ves ta Chapter 6 will meet at the home of Mrs. Pearl Welfhanf, 5701 Nortl' ,24th street. Thursday afternoon. The public speaking department -. of the Omaha Woman's club will be " entertained at luncheon Thursday at the cottage of Mrs. E. E. Crane at Carter Lake club. The Omaha chapter of the Amer ican War Mothers will meet Thurs day evening, July 10, in the G. AR. "room at the courthouse. The Liberty Chapter, O. E. S.. will v hold an afternoon party at"Jhe Fret tiest Mile club Thursday,' July 10. Mrs. George-Adwers is the chair man of the entertainment commit tee. ... ' y Saturday. The .Tri-City Chadron club will hold its annual picnic at Elmwood park Saturday. July 12. N Mr.; Walter Chamberlain of Clarks. Neb., spent Friday here. Francis Gaines, who has graduat 1 ed from Yale university, has re turned vhome and is with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gaines. Morton .and Thompson Wakeley, who' spent several days here last ' week, have returned to Cornell uni versity for the summer courses. ' Aftertwo years and a month of efficient service the Women's Motor Messenger Srvice corps of Philadelphia has just demobilized. . - a Mrs. TV Bryson Himes won'the first prire at thepeony show held by the WilliamsDort (Pa Garden , club, v""vV, Personals Miss DorothyWan Dusen of Rock Springs. Wyo., who has been visit ing at the W. G. White home, re turned Sunday morning. Mrs. Herman Roth and the Misses Alma and Pauline Roth leave Sunday evening for New York and other eastern points to be gone a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. -ft-Jaylor, ac companied by Mrs. Taylor's sister, Miss Antonia Lemke of Chicago, and their daughters, Eleanor, Lil lian, Helen and Ruth, will leave for Lake Okoboji Friday, July 11, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Robert C. Hayes has re turned from Chicago. , Lt. Col. and Mrs Storrs Bowen are spending a few days with Col onel' owen's mother, Mrs. William R. B"owen. Colonel Bowen has been in France for 15 months on the general army staff. Mrs. Bowen was formerly Miss Marie Crounse, sister of Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock, and Mrsv George Mclntyre. Miss Louise Brown of St. Louis and Miss Mary Brown of Portland are the guests of their sisterr Mrs. Carrol Beldan. Mrs. C. C. Belden with Col- auu am I a. vaiiui vviuvh vu n.. in their honor at a luncheon and porch party Monday at Happy Hol low. Mrs. C. F. McGrew has just re turned from North Dakota. Among the Omaha girls who will leave soon lor Camp Holiday, Oko boji, are Miss Dean Robbins, Miss Ann Young, Miss Gertrude Pollard and Miss Polly Robbins. Mrs. William Archibald Smith will leave soon to spend some time iji Denver and Estes Park. Miss Mildred Todd plans to spend several weeks at Madison Lake, Minn. ' Miss Claire Daugherty has left to spend a few weeks oh the Daugh erty ranch. Mrs. John Caldwell has left for Chicago, where she will meet Lt John Caldwell, who has recently re turned from abroad. Mrs. William E. Martin will leave next -week for the east, where she will spend some time with Mrs. L. F. Crofoot at Northeast Harbor, Me., and withMrs. Dimon Bird at Greenwich, Conn. Later she will be with Col. S. S. Curtis and Miss Lynn Curtis at Siasconset. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter plan to move into their home at 518 South Fortieth street, next week. Mrs. E. A. Higgins and Miss Dor othy Higgins leave soon for Steam boat Springs, Colo., where Miss Dor othy will attend Miss PortiaSwett's camp. Mr. and Mrs. John Redick. Mrs. Barton Millard and Mrs. Etta Turner are. expected home soon from, 17 dMn0 spah t KTt savi in IT villi at they have been for several weeks. Lieut. Col. A. S. Pinto, who hast Organdie Morning Dress By GERTRUDE BERESFORD. The cool charm of organdie keeps it still in the lead for frocks to be worn at any hour of the day, morn-ing.-nooa.and night White organ die dotted in coral, hltfeV yellow or red makes effective morning dresses developed in simple lines. Such a dress is illustrated with a vest of white organdie tied with grosgrain ribbon which matches' the dot in color. A broad sash of white or gandie ties the waist and finishes with loops and sash ends bordered with lace ruffles to match the cuffs, pockets' and scallops of the tunic The pockets and cuffs are also of the white material. This is a, very smart and girlish model and may be developed in "plain "Urown or gandie or gingham. The hat worn witfT" this costume is a model" of white georgette crepe embroidered to match tha color of the dot, " 'it- .(. h.) Beautiful Omaha , Matron 7 A J Is ?7 T !Qucf?a?ian f1 C fftnfhari fi'lriJen Photo i A new portrait f Maxlne Elliott, one would say at first glance, but on closer scrutiny one of Omaha's beautiful matrons will be recog nized. Mrs. John T.; Buchanan would be acclaimed among the lov liest of Nebraska women without question ,and, her charming person ality only enhances her attractions. been in charge of Camp Hospital No. 48, has arrived n New York and will be discharged from Camp Dodge. Mrs. Pinto has left to join him. Mr. and , Mrs. C. E. Fuller and Miss Mary Fuller have left for Den ver, Colo., and will spend the sum mer in Colorado. Miss Ruth Hamilton is expected home. next, week from Miss Marl borough's school at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Congdon and Miss Josephine Congdon have re opened their home. Mrs. Robert v organ of New York is expected soon to spend some time here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guiou ex pect to leave Wednesday to spend the summer at Prior Lake, Minn. Mrs. James Ludlow will leave soon for Rochester, N. Y. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Selwyn Doherty and family are motoring to Minnesota and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loomis will occupy their home during the summer. Mrs. W. J. Foye will leave about the middle of the month for Alex andria, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. John McShane plan to leave next week for Atlantic City. , Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Caldwell and Miss Julia are at Elkhorri Lodge, Estes Park, Colo Mrs. Paul Skinner will leave soon for 'Colorado Springs. -Robert Buckingham has returned from Amherst college and from Madison, Wis., wherev he attended the national Chi Psi convention. Mrst Charles D. Beaton and chil dren are spending the summer at Hayward, Wis. Col. William G. Doane has sailed from overseas and is expected to lano" in New York this week. Miss Grace Harte is expected this week from the east. Mrs. J. Okoboji. E. George is at Lake Mr.- and Mrs. Edward Tohnson. accompanied by their . daughter, Dons, and their son, Harold,, leave Sunday for Wall Lake, Ia., where they will spend the Summer. Mrs. Sydney Smith of Hartford, Conn... who has been the sruest of her parents, Mr. and Mrsrjohn F. Dale, has returned to her home. Robert Mackay of Pittsburgh is with the Rtv. and Mrs. T. J. Mack ay rtir a few Hays. Lieut. andTIrs. Hal Bradv are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. TVL. Davis. Lieutenant Brady has-just returned from over seas. - . Miss Mayroe' Hutchinson has left for Chicago to spend a few davs with friendsr-after whjch they will go 'to the coast of Maine by way 'en Like many Omalians the Buchanans have sought a cooler clime and left the latter part of the week in their car for Lake Madison, Wisconsin, Quite a merry party it was for they were accompanied by Miss Gertrude Weeth who will remain with- thenr for several weeks at the lake, re turning by way of Minneapolis. of the Thousand Islands to spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. HeizTwho are enroute from New York to Cal ifornia, stopped this wtek to visit Mrs. John A. Solomon and Miss Laura Bienstock. Miss Eleanor McGilton has re turned from the east where she vis ited in Northampton, New York, Milwaukee and Chicago. Thomas Findley has home from Princeton. returned Hair Removed nil mtha4 for remsrlns; n farfssu hair Is totally .different tram all other because It attacks hair nndar the skim as wcD aa on the akla. It does this by aboorp. tlom. Only geontne - PeMIr le hea a soney.hack aroarantee In each packace. At- toilet eonatera ia Oe, 91 aad 93 alaea or by aull rroaa aa la ptala wrapper ai re ceipt of price. FREE book "with testfanonlala of hlg-aeat aathorttlea, ex plains what causes hair oa (ace. Beck ana arms, "why It Increases aa hew DeSllracle Oerttallses tt. Balled ia plala sealed envelope oa request. DeSllracle, Park Ave. aad 128tk St, Hew York. This institution is the only one S" i the central west with separate uildings ' situated in their own grounds, yet entirely . distinct, and rendering ft possible to classify cases. The one building being fit ted for and devoted to the treat ment of non-contagious and non mental diseases, no others being ad mitted; the other Rest Cottage be ing designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watch ful care and special nursing. Adv. To Overcome Redness, Tan, Freckles, Blotches If your skin is unduly reddened, tanned or freckled, just dab a little pure mercol ixed wax on tha face and allow it to re main over nicht When you wash off the wax in tha morning;, fine, flaky, almost invisible particles of cuticle come with it. Repeating this daily, tha entire outer skin is absorbed, but so gradually and gently, there's not the slightest hurt or incon venience. Even the stubbornest freckles arc affected. The underlying skin which forms the new complexion is so clear, fresh and youthful-looking, you'll marvel at th. transformation. It's the only thing known to actually discard an aged, faded, muddy or blotchy complexion. One ounce of raercolised waxj procurable at any drug (tors, is sufficient in most cases. Ad.' -- . - . - . art , 7 A greater advance has been made by the women of Great Britain in the matter of equal industrial opportunity atid pay in the last NEVER before in our entire history have bur stocks been more replete with fine values in good furniture than rignTnow. The comprehensive, variety of designs on dis play, as well asihe reduced prices make this an event of the greatest importance. Values of the most exceptional char- acter await the thrifty buyer saving. 1 . Big Savings on Library Tables AND so ma.ny different designs and finishes to select from that you . are sure to find just what you want! Come in and note the big savings our July prices afford. You will find styles in oak, mahogany and wal nut, possessing that charming individuality that distinguishes them from the kind of furniture you soon grow tired of. July sale prices start at $12.50, $14.75 $18.50 Up Save On Your Bedroom Suite ' - EVERY bedroom suite in our entire stock, in cluding period styles ii ma hogany, American walnut, birdseye maple, oak and xther of the more popular finishes enter this sale at particularly low pricesT The various, styles are so at tractive in- appearance they. will lend added beauty to your home. $69.50, $78,50, $87.50 $1,15.00 and Up "The People' St ore Charge. Accounts Invited four years than in the previous cen-turty. Heating rivets. .wl)ich was once Our July Sale Offers The Furniture Values In Our who wants good furniture at a , " ' Dining Room Quality at the OUR July Sale offers you the opportunity to ''se cure dining ropm suites of higher character than we be lieve you will ever again be able id secure at such low prices ! Our Dining Room Furniture Department has always been our pride, and never have we had a better stock than now. . $97.50, $119.50, $142.50 Up 0 UR comprehensive aijd extensive display "of bedroom suites allqw,you to select the one "you desire with the widest latitude. You will . surely find the style you desire, and your' saving will be substantial. Come early while there is a complettrange of styles, f Omaha's Home Furnishers for 32 Years coiraiPAKrcf. s.e.cor. tern considered as too heavy work for women, is ow done by electrically heated forges, which - are clean, simple to operate and easily port FURNITURE of the very finest character for every room in the home is included. No matter what your needs, you will be able to find what you are looking for in our enormous stocks and you will that means a genuine saving. be liberally expended to you credit is good here ! Suites of High Lowest Prices WITH variety and quality at its very best, there fore, now is the time for you to buy to best possible advan tage. Beautiful period suites in William and Mary, Queen Anne and other, distinctive designs all marked at July Sale prices i and affording great opportunities! Floor Coverings of All Kinds in Our July Sale Reductions In spite ef the growing scarcity of the better grad floor coverings, we are prepared with an unusually largt variety of designs to meetvery possible requirement. ? , Rag -ugs 24x36 in.; Colonial Rag Rugs in soft tones of blue, ' green, yellow, etc., fiQ are reduced to '..P Seamless Tapestry Rugs designs in 6x9 sizes are Tapestry Rags Large 9x12 sizes in handsome effects for bed rooms and Dining df A QC Rooms, only T 1 VOD & JACKSOH STS. 11 w vi i r i ivi . i wun able. They can be readily handle by women," as has been demon strated since women entered wai industries. : - .. Greatest History be able to buy it at a price Convenient credit terms will during this July sale your Overstuffed Rockh Priced at $32.50 0 NLY $32.50 for an overstuffed rocker! When you can buy a large; comfortable ... overstuffed rocker, in genuine leather, as low as $32.50, you can be certain that you are getting a real value. It is generously proportioned with comfortable coil spring construction, and a rocker that will give 'you lots of comfort after a hard day'g work. N Rockers at $1L 50, $19.50 $22.50 Up. ! Japanese Matting Rags In 9x12 bj mat win give excellent serv ice are specially $5.98 priced at each. Many attractive ttl O CA reduced to. .7. .. Axminster Rugs 6x9 sizes in very desirable qualities and ex ceptional values &0 v4 E? n at, each. Pt.t.gu Opposite Hotel Rome Prompt Delivery By Motor Truck . I " - .. . I -- "TTTlir"TBrTI1 1 V hi" ill HI all I III rfrvJt