"IT 7W - , l- : : - r; - y I . I ., -I m I i - l ' m i i .. i j) , ; , - "t v From time to time, in an endeavor to save Nyoi from possible disappoint ment, we have suggested that Nyou anticipateyour iutiire requirements for Goodyear Tires We have recommended that you do so by placing a reservation order with your nearest Goodyear dealer, so that when your need appears he can meet it promptly. Very probably you have asked your self if even the slight trouble of this precaution were justified, in7 view of the many good tires that are now on the market Possibly you have questioned if Goodyear Tires do so far excel those tires that are plentiful, as to make it worth while for you to wait for them at all In answer we, can only point to the situation -in which we now find our selves, and die goodness of Goodyear Tixes as evidenced by their present uninatched position. Our factories are delivering the latest daUy volume ever attained by a tire manufacturer;xtheir present Output ap, proximates 25,000 finished-tires a day Despite the-immensity of this figure, which we are striving constantly to ex pand, our production Is still insufficient . fully to satisfy ail public demands. Nothing in the history of the tire mi? dustry approaches the intensity of favor in which Goodyear Tires today are everywhere held. s , . . ' ' ' ' It is significant that this enormous de mand is made up of no other thing than the normal, widespread, and steadily . growing preference for Goodyear Tires. No fictitious discounts, no delusive definite mileage? guarantee, no ex pedients of any sort have been employed to stimulate artificially the even march of "sales. On the ihtrinsic merit of ihe product, and the service it has year after year delivered, rests the unexampled leader ship that Goodyear Tires enjoy. , Certainly nothing less tianxxnspieu6us ' superiority could tfrus win and Hold the allegiance of a; plurality of the sensible motorists of the world. lllllilllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll TTnTTmfifSJn t a fat x r ' "-'v-i',? -i-f f ( "I Si