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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1919)
ARE YOU READING OUR MYSTERY STORY, "THE WOMAN IN BLACK," RUNNING SERIAL B RIEF RIGHT REEZY THE WEATHER: Generally fair Sunday and Mon day; warmer Sunday and in East portion Monday. x The Omaha Sunday Bee Hourly temperature: P. m i. m. p. in. I. m, ... M ... M . ., 1 ... m BITS OF NEWS SPEND HOTTEST NIGHT ON BATHING BEACHES. Kew Vork, July 5. The hottest July 5 since '1910 sent the official thermometer .to 98 degrees at 3 p. m. and though thunder showers were predicted for tonights the sky was clear t midnight ana the tempera ture only a few degrees below the day's high mark. Only about a dozen persons were overcome by the heat, however, due largely, it was said, to the fact that today was observed generally as a holiday. Thousands of persons spent th&, flight on the sands at nearby battl ing beaches while other thousands slept in parks or on the river docks xn an cttort to escape the sultry heat that made the congested districts nearly unbearable. HOLSTEIN BULL IS SOLD FOR $100,000. Bellvedier, N. J., July 5. King Pontiac, a famous blooded Holstein bull, was sold bv Mrs. Helen Mass- enat, of the Pequest stock farm here to E. B. Hager of Algonquin, 111., "for $100,0(10. Insurance of $70,000 is carried on King Pontiac. He is 5 years old and weighs a"bout 2,100 pounds. EAST PROMISED RELIEF FROM EXCESSIVE HEAT. ' Washington, July 5. Relief from the hot wave which spread over the eastern half of the country is prom ised by the weather bureau. Ttiiniflprfif nrtiic anH rani lufrp PV- pectcd to break it up, beginning Saturday night, and by Monday tem peratures may reach normal. Boston and Baltimore, each with 102 degrees, took top place, -while Washington was next with 101. Philadelphia. Albany, Harrisburg, Pa., and a few other points regis tered 100. The New Vork maximum U'9C Of TIDE STEALS MAN'S LEG, WHILE HE SWIMS. San Francisco. Cal., July 5. James Bourke, miner, from Good springs, Nev., and his wooden leg marched down to the beach here for a look around. Bourke says he hummed the theme of "Dear Old Pal of Mine" to his wooden leg long before the song of that title gained its present popularity. The bathing scenes fascinated Bourke. He heard the children scream with glee when the tide tickled their toes. He hesitated about taking a dip on account of his wooden Jeg, which, among other virtues, posesses the buoyancy of a life preserver. So he donned a bath ing suit and, arriving near the water line, parted company wi(h his woo3 en leg. After a half hour's fling in the, tide he returned to the beach to assemble himself. His white pine pal was gone. There was no mystery about it, he say. The tide mocked him as it told him about stealing his wooden leg. " Bourke floundered 'to the bath house, dressed, borrowed a lantern, and then sat dowji on the beach to await the possible return of his wooden leg on the flood tide. COUNSEL REPEATS PLEA BECAUSE JUROR SLEPT. Cleveland, O., July S. It was very warm in the court room. ' And' a bis fly buzzed incessantly in the corner of the jury box. Juror Bruno Stadler says the buzzing principally caused him to fall asleep. The result was that the other 11 members of the jury had to listen a second time to the arguments of counsel and the charge of Judge rritrhfidH. Stadler's slumbers were detected as the jury was about to retire. REVEALS $1,000 THEFT FROM LIEUT. ASTOR. H New York. Julv 5. Theft of a purse containing $1,000 from Lieut. Vincent siui, u.- . , .,... he was returning recently to Amer ica on the German U-boat 117, re vealed here today by Mrs. J. A. MacColl, known as "Mother" Mac Coll, for her interest in soldiers .and sailors against whom charges have beenmade. ' Announcing that she was going io Washington to intercede in be half of a seaman held in connection "with the theft. i"Mother" MacColl declared that Mr. Astor was averse to prosecuting him but felt that, 9 lie waa on uiiiw. v. - at : the' time, he was compelled to enter the charge. WILSON WISHED TO BE A SAILOR WHEN A YOUTH. turA TT f5 S Georee Wash ington. July S. President Wilson "might have been an American sailor he told seamen of the Washington in the course of a stirring tribute he paid to the American navy, and the part it had throughout the war. His speech to the crew was made when the sailors assembled between decks to give the president a hearty greeting as he moved about among them. . It was the navy, he said, which had put the army in the fighting field by safely transporting 2,000,000 men across the Atlantic and it is the navy now that is engaged in the prodigious task of promptly and safely returning the great host back home again. The president then disclosed his youthful wish to be come a sailor, a wish that would have taken him jnto the American navy if he had not been dissuaded from it by his parents. .The sailors cheered their commander-in-chief as he concluded his tali;.. , The sea is as smooth as a lake with a gentle breeze blowing, with bright sun shining. The president received by wire- ' and i" the peace. One message is from the sultan of Persia; another from President-elect Pessoa of Bra zil. The president ol Panama sent ' greetings from "the smallest coun try declaring war against Germany." General Pilsudski, Polish chief of state, sent a wireless message read ing: "It "was your voice, Mr. Presi dent, which first lifted itself to arficlayn the rights of our nations." h VOL. XLIX NO. 3. BEADY TO TRY! AS SLAYER Trial of Roy Emerson of Cres ton, Charged With Murder of His Mother, Will Begin at Mt. Ayr Next Tuesday. PROSECUTION WILL ASK FOR DEATH PENALTY Circumstantial Evidence, In troduced at Coroner's In quest and Given to Grand Jury, Leads to Indictment. Creston, la., July 5. (By a Spe cial Correspondent.) The trial of Roy Emerson, who is charged with the murder of his mother, Mrs. Kate Emerson, opens - next Tuesday at Mt. Ayr, where the case was taken on the request of the defendant's attorneys for a change of venue. Attorneys for hoth sides have made extensive preparation for the trial, hoth prosecution and defense have an able array of legal talent and the hardest fought murder ca-se in the history of this section of the state is expected. County Attorney E. L. Carroll of this city will be assisted in the prosecution of the case by D. W. Higbce of Creston and Frank Fuller of Mt. Ayr, brother of Judge Homer Fuller, who will occupy the bench. The lawyers for the defense are Thos. L. Max well and Kenneth Davenport of Creston, Judge Mitchell of Council Bluffs and Robert Spence and H. C. Beard of Mt. Ayr. Find Body in Shaft. The tragedy, of which the trial is the final chapter, was one of the most shocking that ever occurred in this community. On the evening of May 6, the body of Mrs. Kate Emerson was found it the foot of the elevator shaft in; the undertak ing establishment by the son, Roy, who with a couple of his employees had gone down to the basement of the building to examine a body which they had kept for a number of days. Mrs. Emerson's skull was broken in three places, one on each side and one in the back of the head. In addition both legs were broken just above the ankles. The elevator was standing at the second floor of the building, a height of about 20 feet from the foot of the shaft. Drs. J. W. and Orlo Coakley, joint owners with the Emerson estate of the building, in which their office adjoins the undertaking parlors, were called immediately, and after an examination announced that death had occurred two or three hours previous to the discovery of the body. Both physicians scorned the theory of accident and advanced opinions of murder. For the greater part of two days, with excitement running high in Creston. a coroner's jury heard evi dence of quarrels between Roy and his mother, threats which Mrs. Em (Contlnurd on Page Two, Column Three.) Thousands of Foreigners Plan to Return Home J From the United States Milwaukee, July S. That thou sands of foreigners are olannine to return to their native lands -was in dicated when it was learned that steamship agents have . been swamned with reouests for orices of transportation to Norway, Sweden, Hungary, .uermany, Italy ana tne Balkan states. The strict regulations in regard to passports, the government .require ments relating to income tax re- riMc and fht snnrfairp nf shins in handling the immigration are de laying actual departures, A prominent steamship agent coiH full,, Iwn.lhirH: nf tho SO (TOO Slavic people in Milwaukee and other parts ot Wisconsin will leave next year. Plane, on Trip to N. Y. is Compelled to Land Halifax. N. S., July 5. The giant Handlev-Paee biplane Atlantic, un der command of Vice Admiral Kerr, which left Harbor Grace. N. I., yesterday enroute to New York or Atlantic City, landed in the streets of Parrsboro at 5:30 this morning. The big airplane was forced to de scend owing to engine trouble and in landing was damaged beyond im mediate repair. No member of the crew injured. Democratic National Chairman in Spokane Spokane, Wash., July 5. Homer S. Cummings, democratic national chairman, and members of his party attended a meeting of democrats of eastern Washington here. He de clared that 80 to 90 per cent of the people of the United States are in favor of the league of nations. ' v (M Eit4 neoa-eUw ntttar May 2S, 1906. it Omaha P. 0. MaV at March 3. 1179. SPECIAL SESSION OFLEGISLATURE TO MEET JULY 28 Governor Considers Epworth Assembly in Fixing Date; Consults Members. Lincoln, July 5. The special ses sion of the legislature will be called for Monday, July 28, according to a statement made by Governor Mc Kelvie Saturday. The governor had about decided upon July 21, a- week earlier, but farmer members were of the opinion that July 28 would be a better date, and if no objection is made, that will be the time for the session to convene. The governor also has in mind the big Epworth assembly, which will be in session that week, and will enable the families of the mem bers to take in the rich treats always found on the program of the assem bly, and also enable the members to use their evenings there. Lowden to Speak. One of the addresses for the week will be by Governor Lowden of Illi nois, and it might not be beyond the possibilities that the Illinois governor might be asked to ad dress the legislature upon topics in teresting to the members. Governor McKelvie also gives reason for postponing the date of the convening of the special ses sion that the state board of equali zation meets the week beginning July 21 and will likely be in session all the week. Writes Each Member. Governor McKelvie has addressed a letter to each member of the leg islature and if his plan meets with the approval of a majority he will call the session for July 28. Just what will be in the call with thj exception of ratification of the national constitutional amendment relating to universal suffrage and amendments to the code law where the provisions of the law conflict, the governor was not prepared to say. That will be referred to later. It is probable that the senate will have to meet in the supreme court chamber -as the senate chamber has been taken over by the engineering department and the automobile de partment. THREE KILLED AS MAIL TRAIN STRIKES AUTO Mell Williams. Wife and Small Son, Lose Lives at Pres cott, Iowa. Creston, la., July S. (Special Tel egram.) Mell Williams, age 34 years; his wife, 24, and their 6-year-old son were killed, and three other children between the ages of 2 and 7 years were seriously injured at Prescott, la., 15 miles west of here, at 9:30 Saturday night when a mail train on the Burlington railway struck the automobile in which they were ridingj The automobile was thrown nearly 100 yards. Mrs. Williams, who was thrown over 200 feet, was dead when wit nesses reached her side. Williams and the child died on the train while being -taken to a hospital in Cres ton. i The family, who lived about five miles southj of Prescott, had been attending a delayed Fourth of July celebration in the town and were on their way home. The mail train does not stop there, and witnesses estimated that it was running 40 to 60. miles an hour. 2, 100 Tons Supplies Moved Daily From Trieste, Hoover Says NewYork, July 5. A recent re port by Herbert Hoover to the Su preme Economic Council on the work of the special mission ap pointed by the American relief ad ministration to re-establish trans portation in central Europe was made public by the American relief administration here on receipt of a cablegram from Mr. Hoover. In thisj cablegram Mr. Hoover quoted Lieut. Col. William G. At wood of Chattanooga, head of the mission, to the effect that an aver age ol 2,100 tons of supplies had been moved daily from Trieste since March23, an increase of 1,400 tons daily over the amount moved from that port before the American mis sion went into action. Since March 23 there were de livered to the Austrian republic 125.000 tons and to Czecho-Slovakia 52,000 tons. Waive Price' Restriction in Agreement on Silver Washington, July 5. Secretary .Glass announces that the treasury has waived price restrictions con tained in an agreement between the Uriited States and Great Britain for purchase here of 200,000,000 ounces of silver. The price first was $1 an ounce, then $1.01 here. Silver re cently has sold as high as $1.14. Colonel. Murtagh Dead. San Francisco, Cal., July 5. Col. J. A. Murtagh. aged 53, U. S. A., medical corps, died at the Letterman General hospital here from an ail meat of the heart. OMAHA, SUNDAY KILLS GIRL HE ADORES IN FRENZY Man Who Says He Is Son of Indiana Senator Hauls Vic tim to Police Headquarters and Gives Himself Up. REFUSED TO WED HIM SO HE KILLED HER Was Soon to Have Child, She Told Him; Quarreled Over Thought Another May Have Been Intimate With Her. Los Angeles, July 5. "i killed her because I loved her and she wouldn't marry me as she promised. I love her still and am ready to die for my act because I want to go to her." Lying on a cot in the city jail here, Harry S. New of Glendale, said to be the son of United States Sen ator Harry S. New of Indiana, thus concluded an account of the killing of Miss Frieda Lesser, his fiancee, at a lonely spot inTopanga canyon, about 25 miles northwest of here, early today. Calmly and without apparent re morse, New reviewed in detail to newspaper men and police officers his actions, which included his driv ing to the central police station with his fiancee's body in the rear seat and surrendering. Planned To Be Married. "We had planned to be married today," he said. "At the last mo ment Frieda interposed objections and I proposed that we take an automobile ride to some quiet spot where we could talk things over. Reaching a lonely spot, I started pleading with her to marry me at oitce. "She remained obdurate and told me that she was expecting to be come a mother and that she had de cided to undergo a surgical opera tion rather than marry me. That made me mad. I lost my head and almost before I knew it, had snatched a revolver which was kept in the machine as protection against highwaymen and shot her through the head. I believe she di'ed almost instantly. "For nearly two hours I drove with Frieda lying beside me. Then it dawned on me what a horrible deed I had done. I decided the best thing to do was to bring the body to the police station and surrender." ' New, who is 30 years old, is a graduate of an Indiana military academy. He said he later attended Notre Dame university. He met Miss Lesser at a local manufactur ing plant, where he was employed as a truck driver and she as a stenog rapher. The young woman was 21 years old. Borrowed Car From Mother. He" said he had borrowed the au tomobile from his mother, Mrs. Lulu M. Burger of Glendive, and had driven with the girl to Venice, then through Hollywood, and final ly up the Top Ango Canyon road where their quarrel culminated in the shooting. He told the officers, they said, that for three hours after which he drove around town, trying to make up his mind to surrender to the police. New is of slight built! and small stature. He showed no evidence of excitement and offi cers said he had not been drinking. An autopsy will be held on the young woman it was said by the police to determine the truth of cer tain portions of New's statement. Says New Is Senator's Son. Indianapolis, July 5. Mrs. Lula Burger, mother of Harry S. New, who surrendered to Los Angeles police as the murderer of Miss Frieda Lesser, has' left Indianapo lis for her home "In Glendale, Cal. Mrs. Burger stated that New is the son of Senator Harry S. New of Indiana and that she was divorced from Senator New about 18 years ago. Mrs. Burger also said she ex pected to wire Senator New and solicit his aid in behalf of her son. Denies Mrs. Burger's Words. Washington, July 5. Senator New issued , a statement denying that(he and Mrs. Burger ever were married or divorced. When shown a dispatch from In djanapolis quoting Mrs. Burger, Senatot New said: "Th only thing I care to add is that the statement from any source that Mrs. Burger and I were ever either married or divorced at any time or under any name is absolute ly untrue.", Villa and Men Moving VSouth to Enter Parral El Paso. July 5. Francisco Villa and 60 followers were seen going southeast toward Statevo,' Chihua hua, yesterday afternoon, a telegram received here from Chihuahua City today stated. , Satevcf is 45 miles southeast of San Andreas, where Villa captured or killed 40 home guards and executed the mayor Tuesday. Satevo is on the main road to Parral. MORNING, JULY 6, 1919. The Good Old Summer Time ASKS $45,000 A YEAR TO HANDLE CITY GARBAGE City Commissioners to Take Up Question of Awarding Contract Monday; Seeks Injunctions Against 15. The garbage question is causing the mayor and city commissioners considerable concern. The city council committee of the whole Monday morning will con sider whether Henry Pollack should be paid $45,000 a year for five years for collection and disposal of gar bage, according to his bid received last week. The city legal department has gone into district court to restrain various restaurant and hotel propri etors from selling their garbage by private contracts and for their own pecuniary benefits, according to an act of the recent legislature. The city attorney contends that this legislative measure is only a "scrap of papef" insofar as its legality is concerned, and he is ready to test it in the courts. Some of the big hotel and restau rant men assert that their garbage for the period of a year is a valuable by-product of , their business and they should have the right to dispose of it as they please. The city legal department takes the position that under the police powers of the city no discrimination can be shown to ward any class in connection with the collection and disposal of gar bage. Therefore, a legal battle im pends. The injunction sought by the city is directed against the proprietors (Continued on Pace Three, Column Three.) Missouri Legislature Passes Bill to Restore Death Penalty; 20 to I Jefferson City, Mo., July 6. The Missouri senate met at 12:05 o'clock this morning and passed the bill to restore the death penalty in Mis souri by a vote of 20 to 1. There was no debate. The senate en grossed the measure Saturday with out opposition, i The house will meet Sunday to read the senate bill the first time. It will be read the second time Mon-. day and action will be taken on it Tuesday. The senate adjourned following passage of the bill. London Honors Own Men Who Participated in War London, July 5. London had her own victory celebration Saturday, quite distinct from the national cel ebrations to be held July 19, when th- iLondon regiments which partic ipated in the war, after a review by the king at Buckingham palace, marched through the streets to Tower Hill. It was the most spectacular mili tary event in London since the armistice. Twenty thousand men from various regiments participated and London, a great lover of spec tacles, gave her sons a welcome which jrould be hard to surpass. v' By Mall (I yaarl. Dally. U.S0: Sunday, Oally aid Sun.. $S.M; outslda Nab. aoMaga Visiting Nurses With Aid from Readers of Bee Sav Hundreds of Babies' Iives One Thousand Infants Born in Omaha Duiihg, Three Summer Months Need Exceptional Caro Lack of Proper Handling Claimed 109 Last YeAi Bee Ice and Milk Fund Enables Nurses to Save ,Many Lives. By TRUMA KITCHEN One thousand little boy and girl babies were given to Omaha during the three hottest months of last year June, July and August. One thousand mysterious, undevel oped latent possibilities came from out of the "Somewhere," asking of Time only love and care to unfold them for the world. Many found their heritage of both, while others right in Omaha found only heat, ignorance, neglect and dirt. And because of this 109 of them during those three months slipped away. i One hundred and nine little babies went back to their other home and no one shall know what gift of great price they carried with jthem. V. N. A. Saves Many. It was the Visiting Nurse asso ciation, with' Miss Florence McCabe as superintendent, who meant that Omaha's summer babies, in the poorer districts, should have a "fair show." They worked eagerly and diligently at the three baby stations. People were interested and doctors gave their time, for never before, did people so realize the value aird Kaiser's Offspring Offer Themselves Sacrifice for Father Berlin, july 5. (By the, Asso ciated Press.) Prince Eitel Fred erick of Prussia, second son of- the former German emperor, has sent the following telegram to , 'King George: "To His Majesty, the King of Great Britain and Ireland;: "In fulfillment of natural duty of son and officer, I with my four younger, brothers, place myself at your disposal at your majesty's dis posal, in place of my imperial father, in the event of his extradition in order by our sacrifice to spare him such degradation. "In the name of Trinces Adalbert, August William, Oscar and Joachim. (Signed) "Eitel Frederick." Swiss Naturalization . Laws to Be More Severe Berne, July 5. The Swiss federal council has just submitted to parlia ment a bill to make the naturaliza tion laws more rigid. The bill re quires that before citizenship is granted the applicant must reside in Switzerland for six vears. Wilson to Present Treaty Thursday Is Announcement New York. July 5. Joseph P. Tu multy, secretary to President Wil son, announced here today that ac cording to the presentt program, Mr. Wilson will address the senate on Thursday. FIVE CENTS. possibility of one -little baby life. While the call,' for Belgium ba bies, for Arnyenian babies, for French orphan t and all refugees, were paramount with some, these people cared for Omaha's baby boys and girls who, otherwise would have been neglected during the three most trying months 'for a tiny help less child. ' They caed for 451 children be tween 1 rind 2 years 'at the three baby stations and out of all these only one little patient died. Into 543-hones the nurses went to dem onstrate how each and every direc tion s'iould be carried out in order that each new life might develop into -the kind of - man or woman that America was fast establishing as a standard. Teach Proper Care. They found no pink and white croing adored baby who had every kf.own care to withstand the sum mer heat. They found babies. even five and six blocks from our own "down town where five and six children shared with them one, hot, stifling unsanitary room. They (Continued on Pace Two, Column Five.) Mexicans Indignant Over Death Order for Manufacturing Mescal Aguaprieta, Sonora, Mex., July S. According to Deputy Jose Pes quiera. who has just returned here from Mexico City, the now famous "circular order number 158," recently issued by Governor Calles of Sonora decreeing death to those persons caught in Sonora in the manufac ture, transportation or wholesaling of mescal,. has caused a tremendous wave of indignation at the national capital, which may result in his re moval from office before his term expires in September, or at least in the abrogation of the order. Recently in the national chamber of deputies, Deputy Jose Pesquiera of Sonora, charged Governor Calles with assuming powers imposed only in the president of the republic, that of imposing a death penalty for an oitense in times of peace. Words of Honor for Foch, Joffre and Pctain Paris, Jujy S. Marshals Foch, Joffre and Petain will be presented on July 13 with swords of honor by Paris. Special aiguilettes will be bestowed upon certain regiments, after which there will be a spectac ular fete winding up with a ballet entitled "Alsace-Lorraine." Kolchak's Envoy in Paris. Paris, July 5. General Drago miroff. sent by Admiral Kolchak oa a special mission to the French gov ernment, has arrived in Paris. He is accompanied by a number of army officers. 2J.t; Mva. A m. A a. m. 7 n. m . a a. m. a, m. in a. m . 11 a. m. 13 noon. 501 141 ! Ml m: ml 1 1 , It. m an l. m : . SI l. m..... j... Stl io)n JlDUz. BIG BLIMP IS ALMOST EXHAUSTED Nearing Conclusion of Trans atlantic Flight Balloon, Runs Short of Gasoline and Sus taining Hydrogen Gas. REQUESTS FOR HELP RECEIVED ALL DAY American Warship Only Sue- ceeds in Locating English men Late Saturday; Follows " Them Across Gulf of Maine. Washington, July 6. At 1:29 a. . m. Sunday, the navy communica tion's officer received the follow ing communication directly from the vessel: "Will land Montauk Point. Re port time later." Washington. July S. Contact with the British dirigible R-34, whose calls for help continued tc grow more urgent all day as she neared the finish of her trans-Atlantic journey only to find gasoline and -sustaining hydrogen gas ' was ex-, hausted, was established Saturday ' night at 11 :40 by the destroyer Ban croft of the United States navy. . ' - The Bancroft at that hour," ac cording to hiessages whichxreached the navy department, was i trailing j : the dirigible as it proceeded south west across the Gulf of Maine. The R-34 was still under her own power. , ; The following message was rer . ceived from the R-34 at 'the navy . department at 11:23 p. m.: - 'Flying 1,500 feet above sea. Come down and meet us. ' Making for Boston. " Rush. Very short of gasoline." "4 : Ten Destroyers in Readiness. There are about 10 destroyets at Boston navy yard in addition to the two searching for the R-34. The , : cruiser Birmingham, a high-speed scouting vessel, is at Boston, and will be sent to gea as will a number" i of submarine chasers, probably to talling 10 or 12, stationed along the Maine coast also will be sent out as . a result of Admiral Benson's order. Weather conditions are not likely to add to the hardships of the R-34, according to the special report . flashed to the vessel from (he Unit- ' ed States weather bureau. The up per winds, for the next 24 hours along the north Atlantic coast west ward and northwestward, are mod erate. Local squalls and rainstorms art likely, however. V -" ' ' A. H. Bowie, supervising forecast-' er explained that the upper winds, . above the 1.000-fopt level, were chiefly important to the aeronauts. ; .; The prediction concerning them is based on the bureau's work with pilot balloons, which have beeq re- leased each day at 4 p. m. from a number of stations over the United States, while along the Atlantic , coast they have been sent up twice .' daily for some time. " ' Orders Sent Out. Orders were sent late Saturday . night to the commandant of the first naval -district at Boston "to get out everything available im mediately" in an effort xto render assistance to the dirigible. : The orders, sent by Rear Ad-" miral Benson, chief of naval oper-' ations. and acting secretary of the navy, said: t "Communicate with all stations along the Maine coast. Get out everything available immediately and get in touch with, and keep in, touch with R-34. Render every as- . sistance -possible. Keep department - " informed of action." ' Suggests Destroyers Sent. Mineola. N. Y.. Julv 5. Lieut. Col. Frederick Lucas, R. A. F., in-'' charge of British'arrangements he're for the arrival of the dirigible 34 has sent a wireless message to the air ship's commander urging (hat he make every effort to proceed as . far as Montauk Point before alight-: ing for fuel. He suggested Amer- ' ican destroyers could be sent to tow ; the dirigible; to Montauk Point. Two hundred naval mechanics ? (Continued on Tago Seven. Coloma Two.) t ' Nebraskan in Field for High Office in Elks , Atlantic City. N. T.. Julv 5. Dele- Rations of F.Iks began to arrive Sat- unirtj ivi we peace victory re- -union of Jhe Grand lodge, which will . open Monday and continue the en- ' tire week. Grand Exalted Ruler 1 Bruce M. Campbell and has cabinet were among the arrivals. , Chicago, Los Angeles and Louis- -ville have started campaigns for the ! next reunion. . There are two candidates already in the field for grand exalted ruler. , They are Alfred T. Broppv of -Brooklyn, N. Y., and Frank L.Ram ' of Fairbury.'Neb. ' , Allies Consider Hungary. Parisrjuly 5. The allied council -today considered questions relating to Hungary and the opening up of the Danube. ' No decision was reached. .