Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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-The Omaha' Bee
Tk Asaodsted Prase of whlca Ths B to SMmbar. U -luilnl;
mulled to the um for puMlcttloo ol all ntm dispatches
ersdlted ts It or ml otherwise mdlud In thti paper, and alio toe
local nws published herein. All right of puMleatloii of ow sps
clal dispatches an alio i nan ad.
FTtrato Branch Ixejiann. Aak for tha TPvl 1 000
Department or Particular Parson Want! J Ivl A VW
For Nlfht or Sunday Service Call)
PAHsrlal Department ..... Trlrr ISOOL.
tlrculnuoa Depart muit ..... T1 1008L.
IdrarUstaa Department ..... Tiler 10081.
Horn Office. Bat Building, 17th and Fsmsa.
Branca urnces:
sous 4110 North U
Sentoa 6114 Military Are.
JouaoU Bluff 1 N. Matn
to M16 North th
South Sid
Ssw York City
Out-of-Town OfflCeSt
1M Fifth Ara. I Washington
Setter Bldf. I Unoolo
MIS Le? worth.
WIS N Btreet.
J46T South 14th
lit North 40th.
1S11 O Strati
1M0 H Street.
Daily 65, 830 Sunday 63,444
Ararat elrenlatloa for th month
a. It, sunn, circulation atanetar.
subscribed and sworn to by
Subscribers Imvlnff tha city thould hava Tha Baa ma i lad
to than. Addraa changed at often requested.
You should know that
There are 75,000 farms within 50
( miles of Omaha which average in
value $10,000 apiece.
Did you guess the winner?
Omaha had a really sane Fourth, and feels
good this morning, thank you.
The irrespressible Mexicans persist in play
ing with matches around the powder house.
Manitoba is given power to grant divorces,
but that will not put much of a crimp into Reno.
Toledo will not worry about the headache
until the cash is all counted and a balance struck.
With a seaplane in active operation here
abouts, all Omaha needs now is a submarine and
it will be a real seaport.
Uncle Sam's boys are showing the Allies
that they are some punkins on the athletic as
well as on the battle field.
Atlantic City prices for strong drink ought
to be sufficient to enforce the dry laws, without
( aid from the federal authorities.
Herr Hphenzollern is promised at one
more visit to London, this time for the purpose
of saying, "Good morning, judge!"
Heroes could face the bullets in France, but
shy at meeting "crowds in America, deserve all
the more the recognition given them.
The telegraph companies will have to invent
a new excuse for delay or nondelivery of mes
sages, now that the strike has collapsed.
A Connecticut juvenile court judge has ad
. vised spanking as a corrective measure, but the
, difficulty is to get parents to assume this respon
. dibility.
Vilhjamur Steffansson finds the .- of New
York "vitiating and enervating," but one does
not need to be an Arctic explorer to, experience
that feeling on Manhattan island.
p Pershing proposes that the American force
j in Germany be cut down to 6,000" if the peace
t,- treaty is observed. Amend this to bring the
i " boys all home as soon as possible.
Any part of the future that depends on wheat
is now assured. Nebraska 'and Kansas have
produced enough to feed the country, and the
rest of the states can take care of the world.
v Governor Allen failed to get help from the
government ' In harvesting the Kansas wheat
crop, but he did get the secretary of war and the
secretary of the navy on record.
Twenty-two powers are expected to unite in
asking the extradition of Wilhelm the Worst,
who looks to Holland for protection. His
chances are getting slimmer all the time.
Turkey's case is "unfinished business" at
Paris, where the powers are unable to agree on
conditions for the "unspeakable." May we not
express the hope that no more Berlin or Vienna
experiments be tried?
The Illinois man who wants to lay. a special
tax on prohibitionists ought to be careful how
he monkeys with that phase of the proposition.
If he gets the drys waked up to its possibilities,
he may get another proof of the power of
"brutal majorities." .
Uncle. Sam's vigilance against bomb throw
ers should not be relaxed, just because the
Fourth has passed. Any day is good to over
haul an anarchist. Every ship returning to
Europe should carry its quota of "reds" till
the country is ridded of them.
Railroads and Harvest
A . The demand which Governor Allen is mak
ing upon the railroad administration for rates
for harvest hands to the Kansas wheat fields
does not. appear unreasonable. Under private
control the roads have granted the rates in for-
. iner 'years, and Kansas has received help from
as far east as Pittsburgh and from Cleveland.
The excuse offered by Walker D. Hines for
the administration, that if the rate is granted
to Kansas other states will demand rates for
" men who work in the different industries of vital
importance, does not present any serious prob
lem. If the demand for labor in any vital in-
' dustry is as important as the Kansas wheat sit
uation, there should be no hesitancy on the
part of, the railroads to co-operate in getting
the labor to the place of demand.
The suggestion made? by Mr. Hines that the
Kansas farmers are prosperous and should pay
wages that will attract men from all sections of
" the country is gratuitous advice from Mr.
Hines. No complaint is made of the wages.
From four to five dollars a day for harvest
hands is regarded as very attractive. But the
period of harvest labor is so short that it would
be impossible to pay wages' that would justify
. harvest hands from Ohio and Pennsylvania pay
ing full fare on the railroads at present rates,
anyway for the two or three weeks' work in
- the harvest fields.
The position taken by Mr. Hines has not
added to the popularity of the railroad admin-
istration by the government. Possibly it was
apt intended that it thould. Kansas City Star. ,
With the understanding that an extra session
of the Nebraska legislature is to be convened
shortly to ratify the federal suffrage amend
ment. Governor McKelvie has to decide whether
he shall include in the call the amendment and
re-enactment of the administrative code law
with an emergency clause that will put it into
immediate operation. '
The administrative code is part of the party
program upon which the governor was voted
into 'office together with a legislature over
whelmingly republican in both houses, and the
measure itself is the laborious work of careful
adaptation of this system to the needs of Ne
braska by special committees of each house.
Had it been enacted originally with the emer
gency clause there would have been'no objec
tion or complaint, but the operation of the law
is now threatened by a referendum invoked by
democratic agencies through hired 'autograph
collectors securing signatures to a petition to
defeat it. Re-enactment with the emergency
clause would, of course, be followed by a cry
from the democrats that such action is a nullifi
cation of the right of the people to a referen
dum, when in fact the proposed referendum is
a nullification of the vote already taken by the
people at the time they elected the republican
governor and legislature and the referendum
can still be taken only by way of repeal rather
than of suspension.
If the administrative code system after a fair
trial has made good, the people will want to
continue it. If it does not meet expectation, it
can be repealed either by direct vote or by
action of the next legislature. The real ques
tion therefore, is whether the code law will
stand on its merits as a piece of constructive
legislation, whether it really marks an advanced
step for efficient and economical state govern
ment as compared with the present administra
tion through the multiplicity of boards and
commissioners, which all agree is cumbersome,
costly and inefficient. 1
, China's Case Before the World.
Another weak feature of the Paris peace
treaty is that which sets up justification for the
retention of the Shantung peninsula by Japan
because it was taken from Germany and not
from China. That Germany took the land from
China twenty-one years ago, even under pre
tense of a concession is scarcely a sustainable
reason why it should not be returned to its na
tionality. A peace treaty that orders the return
to its rightful owners of the venerated skull of
a dead and gone chief of an African tribe surely
might without violence take cognizance of the
fact that a rich bit of territory properly belong
ing to China is now held by Japan under pretext
of having seized it from Germany.
If the German title were indefeasible, the
action of the peace conference in allowing the
Nipponese to hold Shantung may be defended.
China, however, contends that the concession
made to the Germans was under duress, at a
time when the spoliation of the weak and decay
ing empire was exciting European powers, and
asks the restoration of the territory to its
original sovereignty. Confirming Japan in its
pretentions to succession to German rights in
the rich mineral deposits of the peninsula con-r
trasts strangely with the professions of the "big
four," as to the establishment of justice for weak
as well as strong nations.
That it holds the germ of a future war be
tween China and Japan is clear, and that
genuine statesmanship will be required to avert
that war is as plain. The Chinese are in no
sense satisfied with the Paris decision.
Just a Matter of Business.
We are not especially concerned as to
whether the so-called championship of the world
in the realm of heavyweight prize fighting
changed hands at Toledo. Whatever of admira
tion may exist for the physical prowess of the
mighty Willard, or the splendid forces of the
agile Dempsey, is swallowed up in contempla
tion of the business acumen of the men who
promoted the affair.
Gauging the mood of the American people
with such accuracy as almost amount to
prescience, these entrepreneurs have in their
own parlance "stood the public on its head."
They (seized the opportune moment, diverted
attention from the more serious aspects of na
tional existence, and centered an unduly large
share of notice on the movements of a pair of
pugilists. This was but preliminary to and in
a measure a screen for the operations of the
business end of the game.
Once the great athlete was admired by all
and envied by many. He was an example of the
possibility'of physical and mental development
and co-ordination. On his mind as well as his
muscles depended his pre-eminence in his es
pecial line of endeavor, and the all-around man
was a source of inspiration because of his vigor.
Am6ng savage and semi-civilized people he was
chief, and the highly cultivated paid him tribute
of respect because of his beauty and grace as
well as his ability.
Not so these days. The professional athlete
is first of all a business man. His real triumph
is found in the box office, his trophies take the
form of cash in hand, and his glory is invested
in lands and stocks. His leadership may pass,
but the usufruct of his endeavor is substantial
and enduring. Even should he, as many of the
ilk have done, dissipate his gains foolishly, it
remains true that it was not the sporting instinct
nor the joy of winning that led him to the top,
Nbut the sordid longing for the hard cash.
"May the best man winl" is a mockery now,
because the outcome is really determined by the
money taken at the door.
Nebraskans will follow Silas A. Holcomb
to his new home with all hopes that in the
change of climate he will find better health and
relief from his physical ills. The people he
served so long and in so many capacities have
not lost their interest in him because of his en
forced retirement.
The downfall of the former head of the Ne
braska Anti-Saloon league may be due to a
frame-up, or to a constitutional inability to tell
near-beer from the real thing, but it is not edi
fying in any regard.
Omaha loan and building associations make
such a showing of vigorous health and activity
as must convince the world of their soundness
and of the enterprise of their management.
Japan now sets up a plea that China slipped
the double-cross to the land of the Rising Sun.
That is nothing to what the Celestials have in
store for their little brown bosses.
Trial for Murderers of
frliss Cavell
J. P. Collins in Boston Transcript.
For 20 years Maitre do Leval was legal ad
vocate of the British legation in Brussels, and
after the war began he got an appointment in
a similar capacity to the American minister,
Brand Whitlock. greatest of Miss Cavell's cham
pions and friends.
The Maitre said Miss Cavell had done more
for the war by her death than many generals
had done in living. When she was warned of
what she must expect if she were caught in the
act of helping prisoners to get away home, her
reply was simply, 1 know, but I must go on,
and on the work went.
After Mons and Charleroi, great numbers of
allied fugitives had to be collected in all sorts
of dark and obscure places, and Belgian farmers
found harboring any of these were shot with
the captives themselves. But nobody ever con
ceived of women being shot for any such act
of mercy.
Maitre de Leval made it clear, at any rate,
that she was only one of a group concerned in
the noble work of obtaining life and liberty for
brave men who had risked their lives for the
liberty of others, and he showed moreover what
a clever plan was improvised by the patriotic
Pfince de Croy and his sister for succoring
these men.
I hey brought them to their chateau, or
somewhere near it, had them photographed,
gave them Flemish names, taught them the ru
diments of thejanguage, prepared false identity
papers for them and even located their birth in
places which never existed.
When the majority of this devoted group
were arrested and they were betrayed by a
man said to be a Pole the Prince de Croy was
one of the few who escaped, and it was gener
ally believed that the women would survive.
Most of them did, but one of them was doomed
from the first and knew it. Nurse Cavell had
o one near her to tell her what to say. She
cVvned to saving these men's lives, 200 in all,
and openly said it was her work and her duty
in life. If she had handed these countrymen
of hers over to the Germans, she said simply,
they would have been shot.
When remonstrance was made to the Ger
mans through American authorities, the reply
was given that there was no need for M. Leval
to see her; besides, no political prisoner could
be seen by anyone 'till sentence was passed, and
in any case, being a Belgian, M. de Leval could
not plead in a German court. When another
man was obtained, M. Sadi Kirschen, he was
told the case was not very grave.
It is' clear now that a game had started to
put her friends off and give the machinery of
murder plenty of time to go forward.
As a rule, even in German law, the public
prosecutor in military courts was a man versed
in the procedure and innocent of bias; but in
this case a man named Stoebef was employed,
whose son had been killed on the English front,
and he seems to have left no stone unturned to
be revenged.
He was an elegant, cynical, incompetent, un
scrupulous ruffian, fashionably dressed, with a
waxed mustache, and he set himself to bully
Nurse Cavell in the most horrible way. He
treated her like a slave and told her she lied;
he bullied her advocate for using a word which
was not German, and made the whole defense
a mockery.
There was no capital offense to be proved
against her, for she was only an accomplice in
helping soldiers into neutral territory, Holland.
Moreover, she never guided "enemy" troops
into enemy lands, as was alleged in order to
bring her into the toils.
As a matter of fact, a law was enacted only
after her death to give warrant for her sen
tence. She herself was in no doubt at any time as
to her fate. "I am English," she said, "and they
want my life."
Fearing the worst possibility, her few friends
prepared a petition for her addressed to the
governor, Von Bissing,, and his creature, Von
Lancken. When they asked for Von Lancken
(having heard the worst) he was at a frivolous
play and sent word they must wait till the play
was over. Then he grumbled at being disturbed
at that time of night, though it was her last
night alive. First he denied the death sen
tence, but later admitted it, saying he could
only be a messenger, and not even the kaiser
could release her then.
She was bound to a chain and fired at by 12
soldiers, but these are held blameless. They
simply carried out orders.
The men to answer for it all are the kaiser,
Stoeber, Von Bissing and Von Sauberzweig,
and it looks as if we are to have all four at the
Friend of the Soldier
Replies will be given in this
column to questions relating
to the soldier and his prob
lems, in and out of the army.
Names will not be printed.
Ask The Bee to Answer.
A Just Judge
Magistrate Geismar at Coney Island has
fought a valiant rear-guard action in the lost
battle for personal liberty. A woman was
brought into his court, charged with the hein
ous offense of wearing a bathing suit on the
street but under a complete and decorous
equipment of street clothing. Her culpability
was discovered by a vigilant policeman who de
tected the bathing suit, and who arrested the
woman's husband for objecting to his methods.
Now the magistrate holds that the right of the
citizen to self-determination in undergarments
should be inviolate, so long as outer garments
meet the demands of propriety; that wearing
a bathing suit is a crime only in some circum
stances, and that the police are not entitled to
go about disrobing citizens to find out if they
are wearing anything offensive to the official
moral sense. v
"Thus freedom now so seldom wakes, the
only throb she gives is when some heart indig
nant breaks to show that still she lives." Though
our legislative bodies will no doubt hasten to
remedy the oversight, it is a relief to feel that
for a few days at least there is something which
is not a crime. New York Times.
Revival of British Industry.
An article in the London Times of April 17
claims that the world of British industry is
gradually being remade. From one end of the
country to the1 other munition factories are
being closed, dismantled and then adapted and
refitted for the work of peace, though the Brit
ish manufacturers are silent during the period of
The Day We Celebrate.
Jesse C. McNish, president .of the McNish
Cattle Loan company, born 1878.
J. D. ("Dad") Weaver, secretary of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, bori 1851.
Jan Kubelik, one of the most celebrated of
living violinists, born in Prague, Bohemia, 39
years ago.
' Will N. Harben, author of "The Inner Law"
and other, popular novels, born at Dalton, Ga.,
51 years ago.
Dr. Judah L, Magnes, noted New York rabbi
and Jewish scholar, born in San Francisco 42
years ago.
Frances Tiernan ("Christian Reid"),v writer
of many popular novels, born at Salisbury, N.
C, 73 years ago.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
The committee appointed by the Board of
Trade to examine the plans for a union depot
met to prepare their report.
Hon. Liang-Ting-Tsau of San Francisco, his
imperial Chinese majesty's consul general,
passed through Omaha.
R. C. Patterson has decided to build o $15,000
three-story brick structure on Farnam street,
between the New York Life and Ames buildings.
The Nebraska Press association assembled
here and left for an excursion to the Pacific
northwest Editors and their wives were given
a drive over the city by courtesy of the Board
of Trade. i .
Confusion In Published Orders.
M. R. J. You are not alone In
your predicament; others are also
confused by the apparently contra
dictory orders that are published
from time to time with reference to
the army. Things have moved fast
in the last few weeks, and as events
have developed changes have been
forced in the military program. It
is only certain that the American
forces in France are being removed
as speedily as possible, arid that
within the present month they may
all be out of that country. It is also
settled that troops held in Germany
will berremoved with all expedition.
The army bill just passed provides
for an army of 400,000 for the com
ing year, which necessitates the de
mobilization of forces at home with
utmost expedition. The latest an
nouncement from the War depart
ment to the effect that the army will
be reduced to 233,000 officers and
men by September 30 is interpreted
to mean that all American soldiers
will be returned from Europe by
that time.
Many Questions Answered.
An Anxious Mother The 320th
supply company, quartermaster's
corps, was demobilized in February.
Its members were transferred to
other units.
L. E. C. Write to the zone finance
officer, allotment branch, bond di
visions, , Lemon building, Washing
ton, D. C. for information concern
ing the Lroerty boad you did not re
ceive. M. 8. The 20th infantry did not
go to France; it was employed in
this country during the war, mainly
in Utah, and on station in Texas and
J. R. M. The 80th artillery
reached New York on June 20, and
has since been demobilized.
R. S. L. The latest news we have
concerning camp hospital No. 41 is
that it was assigned to early convoy.
This unit has been stationed at Is-sur-Tille.
M. J. Field bakery company No.
322 Is In the army of occupation,
with the Fifth division, and has not
yet been assigned a sailing date for
L. E. J. The 312th engineers
reached Newport News June 11 on
the OrizHba.
T. R. L. No orders have yet been
Issued for the return of mobile
laboratory No. 49. It Is in the service,
of supply.
Soldier's Friend No orders have
as yet been issued for the return of
the 19th field artillery. This regi
ment is in the Fifth division, and
is, part of the American forces in
Soldier's Sweetheart Casual com
panies are made up of men from all
states and all branches of the serv
ice. These have been detached from
regular units for many reasons, and
are grouped and sent home as such.
The number of such a company
gives no idea as to what men are in
it, or from wflat state or branch of
the service they come.
(In this story Peggy and Billy visit
the Ur.dtr-the-Water folks and ara caught
In a remarkable adventure.)
The Two-Finger SIgnnl.
"PEGGY'S father, returning home
from a. business trip, had
brought her a charming green bath
ing suit as a present. It was so
pretty Peggy had to try it on at
And after she had it on, she
thought what fun it would be to
frolic in the spray of the lawn hose.
Out she ran to the back yard, but
when she got there she found Norah,
the maid, using the hose to wash
windows. So Peggy ran up and down
the lawn in her bare feet, enjoying
the tickling sensation of the grass.
When she grew tired she sat in the
hammock to rest until Nor; A was
"Hoo-hoo!" cried Billy Belgium
from the shrubbery at the side of the
yard. "Hoo-hoo!" and he held up
iwo ringers.
The two figures looked to PeRgy
like some kind of a signal and she
wondered what they meant. She
wondered, too, why Billy kept him
self so closely hidden in the shrub
bery, showing only his head and his
partly closed hand with the two
fingers standing up straight.
"Hoo-hoo!" cried Billy again,
shaking the two fingers at her vig
"Hello, Billy, come on in," said
Peggy, but Billy only shook his fin
gers commandingly, while once more
he uttered the mysterious call, "Hoo-hoo!"
Peggy's curiosity was aroused and
she ran to the edge of the shrubbery.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"Don't you know what that
means?" whispered Billy, as he
shook his two fingers before her CVS-
"No, I don t, frankly admitted
"Oh, ofj coure not. You're Just
a girl. It means, 'Come on in swimming'?"
"Swimming?" Peggy was much
Clergymen in Oakland, Cal., have
formed a labor union.
The red and white flag of Monaco
flies over the nation of least area,
but there are three smaller in popu
lation. It has 23,000 Inhabitants, as
compared with 6,321 for Andorra,
10,000 for Liechtenstein and 11;513
for San Marino.
At the beginning of the war in
Europe it was believed that there
would be much work for cavalry
units, but the system of trench war
fare, which developed, made that
important military arm of much less
service than in previous wars.
Agricultural implements in con
siderable quantity will be in de
mand for a new Natal (South
Africa) settlement scheme for ex
soldiers, especially windmills, fenc
ing material and dipping tanks, says
the British and South African Ex
port Gazette.
Pedestrian Hey. mister! you're loalnr
Autolst What Is It?
Pad. Th TilpfiniirA Af mv nnmninv In
your auto. Judge.
"Lady outside wants to see you."
"I wonder If she's worth seeing?"
"She is. Blue eyes, golden hair, per
fect figure. Oh. boy!" Louisville Courier-
"Ah. waiter, tell me. are the oysters
"The ones I ate were, mister, but I don't
know how you're going to tell whether
or not one oyster Is good by eating an
other." Detroit Free Press.
Mr. Flatbush She has a very difficult
part In the new play.
Mrs. Flatbush Difficult? Why, h
doesn't say a word.
"Well, Isn't that difficult for a wom
an?" Yonkers Statesman.
"What about my case?"
TTou are only technically guilty," said
the lawyer.
"As for your being In Jail "
"It's a mere technicality, I know, but
how about getting me out?" Kansas City
In these days of summer heat
I should like to make retreat
To the mountains, or the lake,
Where my thirst I fain would slake
From the rippling hillside stream;
Or perchance, could sit and dream
Of the bass and mountain trout
Idly swarming all about,
Round my hook on every aide
Mindful not of time or tide; '
Birds a-slnglng in the trees;
Pine trees murmuring In the breeze;
Then, mayhap. In summer heat,
I could keep my temper sweet.
Omaha, Neb.
"This Is the way to dive and
swim," continued General Croaker.
9 II 3 .
,39 Z r
s 1 ,
Noodle says "Trace fifty-four,
Then you'd better add one more."
Draw from one to two and so on to the end.
surprised. "Why, the bathing beach
is miles from here."
"But there's a dandy deep hole In
the river," responded Billy, and, now
Peggy saw the reason he had kept
himself partly hidden; he was dressed
in his bathing suit.
"Oh, I'd love to go swimming
but "
What Peggy Intended to say was
left unfinished, for Billy seized her
by the hand and drew her running
toward the river. They never paused
until they reached the fishing place
where, in a former adventure, they
had been puzzled by the mystery of
the vanishing fish.
"Whee!" shouted Billy, diving into
the dark water, only to rise a mo later aid begin swimming witlj
a strong crawl stroke.
"Oh, I wish I could dive and swim
like that," cried Peggy from the
"Cro-ak! Cro-ak! That's a funny
way to swim," boomed a hoarSe voic-i
from beneath her feet, scaring
Peggy so much that she almost
leaped out of her skin. Looking
down she saw General Croaker
watching Billy with a queer look of
disgust on his face. "This is the
Roosters and the Welfare Board.
Omaha, July 2. To the Editor of
The Bee: Orchard Hill is con
vulsed with merriment. Your nar
rative about the Welfare board and
the rooster brought down the house.
Nearly everybody up here keeps
chickens. So also did the folks who
don't like the rooster's crow, until
the chickens refused to thrive and
finally died under the cold persistent
cynical nagging of their household.
A rooster can die and have peace,
but some men have to live on. (See
Mr. Jiggs.) The sentiment is about
equally divided as to whether 3846
Hamilton street should be lynched
for disturbing the sweet slumbers of
his neighbors by tolerating a
rooster that persists in sending forth
his clarion tones In the wee small
hours of the morning; or whether
he should be Induced to start a
sanitarium to restore the hearing of
the deaf. Why is it some folks can
not hear the door bell when the bill
collector calls, but is disturbed by
the mild notes of a poor rooster who
is only fulfilling the instincts of na
ture? We are going to put plush
rugs out in the street so that the
autos will not disturb our sensitive
neiehbora! Rnr. sav Mr tr.HHn.
why should an old hen object to
iiib crowing vi a rooster: rne wel
fare board is not living up to its op
portunities. It should protect our
suffering citizens. Would it not be
a good move to commence action in
the supreme court to abate this
nerve-racking noise! N
Police Service for the Sick.
Omaha, July 3. To the Editor of
The Bee: "Motorcycle Officers
Emery and Croft have been sta
tioned at the residence of C. P.
Boyer, 724 South Thirty-sixth street,
to prohibit automobile drivers pass
ing that place with cut-outs open.
Mr. Boyer is reported to be danger
ously ill and his physicians say the
noise disturbs him greatly."
Do you suppose you or I would
be given the services our esteemed
police commissioner has given Mr.
While I do not question the ad-
"Business Is Oooo.TwaIYou"
vantage of having everything quiet
around the sick, if he is entitled to
this service, why not every sick per
son in Omaha?
Is it possible every hospital is
filled to capacity, or some other
place where the auto traffic is not
so heavy as on South Thirty-sixth?
Let's hear from sick people who
want all noise abolished whife they
are ill. Yours for a new polrce
Services Appreciated.
Omaha, July 2. To the. Editor of
The Bee: On behalf of the League
to Enforce Peace I want to say that
we all very much appreciate the
manner in which you treated the re
cent visit of Rabbi Coffee of Chicago
to this city. Yours truly,
Secretary Nebraska Branch.
way to dive and swim," continued
General Croaker. With that he toolc
a header from the bank, landed ker
plunk in the water, and swam abfcut
with graceful, easy strokes.
"I wish I could swim frog-fashion."
cried Peggy and Billy together.
"I'll give you a lesson," volunteered
General Croaker. "But you are al
together too big for me to iach you
In -this pool. I'll ha-e to get some
water nymph grass to make you
General Croaker dived out of
sight, but a moment later appeared
brinsing to shore a spray of. water
"Nibble this!'" he said to Billy.
Billy nibbled, and in a trice he was
as small as the frog. "Nibble!" said
General Croaker to Peggy, and in the
wink of an eye she was as small as
Billy, and looking wonderfully like
a frog in her pretty green bathing
"Now follow me!" ordered Gen
eral Croaker, diving from the bank
into the pool. Kerplug! Billy leaped tl
after him.
To Peggy, how frog size, the bank
looked as high as a hill, while the
pool looked like avlake, it was so
large. She drew back hesitatingly.
"Come on! Are you afraid?"
croaked General Croaker.
Splash! Peggy plunged boldly Into
the river. As the waters closed above
her head she found herself going
down, down, down, into a strange
and wonderful forest peopled by
creatures of most startling appearance.
The great tragedy that must com into
everyone's life demands the service of an
experienced, able undertaker. We have
every facility in our perfect organization
to conduct a funeral in a manner that is
fitting. The funeral can be priced to meet
the exigencies.
Funeral Parlor' (Etablished I8SS)
17th and Cuming Sts. Douglas 1060
ire. is more fltarv
supreme musical deligKt
m ine matchless tone
of the
Mnsoxt mtditt
Piano-there is inspira
tion, for the ViiaUft-
expression of art, in. all
its forms. rs-
splendid tone? cJecares
os ins Gaj premier
c&mseose ej'oJe, Aas i'ti
spired me o accompfsfr
results cviicJj. arMoufA
,7J I I -a
'-'"-"r' 'ran? jucai jmpojjjMe.
Following is a list of pianos which
may be seen on our floors some of
them we have handled for 45 years:
Kranich & Bach, Cable Nelson, Bush A
Lane. Kimball, Brambach, Vose A Sons
and Hospe pianos.
Grands and uprights at prices from
$295 and better.
Cash prims or terms If desired.
1513 Douglas Street
Just One Application
and the Hairs Vanish
(Modes of Today)
A harmless, yet very effective,
treatment is here given for the
quick removal of hairy growths:
Mix enough powdered delatone and
water to cover the undesirable hairs,
apply paste and after 2 or 3 minutes
remove, wash the skin and the hairs
have vanished. One application
usually is sufficient, but to be cer
tain of results, buy the delatone in
an original package. Adv.
1 ..v v: T
IV.N.CH0U6 oil Company
Stop Itching Skin
There is one safe, dependable treat
mentthat relieves itching torture and
skin irritation almost instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
ofZemo and apply it as directed. Soon
you will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm
and similar skin troubles will disappear.
A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis
fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most skin eruptions, makes
the skin soft, smooth and healthy.'
Tbe E. W. Rote Co., CleveUnd.0.
11 OMAHA ft, Jl
I C0M,fNY ffig I
I mil nn mi) Ifff 1 I
Commercial Printers -Lithographers steel die Embossers
Dorit try to hide ybiir lace when people look at you
Although that unsightly skin eniption is conspicuous, it may be
overcome with Resinoi Ointment Decide at once to give the
healing medication of this ointment a chance to correct your
trouble. Best and speedier results are obtained by the joint use
of Resinoi Soap and Resinoi Ointment This soap contains in a
modified form the same soothing medication as is embodied in
the ointment. The combined use of the ointment and soap
, Fr trial eldom fails to relieve other annoying
mtuinnttiuni.wriiiitai- skin disorders on the body and limbs.
avA BmUimun, M4. AU oVugiiits sell tills soa aai olDtmaat