Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE. BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1919.
Iowa Heads List in Organiza
tion; Special Course
of Instruction Now
f ; V Being Held.
Iowa'headed the list of states for
Red Cross organization and work,
' with a membership of 50 per cent,
and Council Bluffs chapter, com
prising the counties of Pottawatta
mie, Mills and Harrison, stood first
( nearly 80 per cent of the entire pop-
Council Bluffs has been chosen
as one of the two central divisions
to hold home service schools of in
struction during the next six weeks.
,j niv. ' HI' i i r . i -1 1
wnt 4 it. i,-. .-. I.-. .. .1 a., (ltd (- , n , a e sf
.'Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa
.-;' and Nebraska.
In Chicago the course of instruc
tion will cover a period of three
months and only college graduates
:" will be eligible. In Council Bluffs
mixed classes will be formed and
r the instruction will continue until
August 12. A class has already been
formed and Miss Margaret Bergen
of Chicago has been sent by the
.government to take charge of the
school. She is assisted by Miss
Kathrine Ewing, also of Chicago.
Those desiring to get in touch
with the work must do so through
the office of the local chapter.
Five Boys Charged With
s Plundering Ice Boxes
Five boys were arrested last
night at Twentieth and Farnam
T streets and charged with incorrigi
bility. According . to the police,
they have been plundering ice boxes
in the vicinity of Farnam and Doug
. las streets near Twentieth. The
boys are: Cas Monroe, age 14, 2208
Harney street; Edgar Day, 13, 2109
Douglas street; Earl Cassaday, 11,
2210 Harney street; Abraham
Goldsberg, 11, 819 South Twenty
first street; Roland Welch, 13, 2303
Douglas street.
They were turned over to Juven
ile Officer Visburg.
Bill at , the Empress.
A Chinese dancing novelty head
lines the show at the Empress. An
v other act worth mention is the
comedy playlet "Partners," in which
Irving Geer and his company of
players offer a satire on modern
business methods.
JxVers of Good Drinks
find inis Setter Beverage
r ,. 7 , m . r.i . .
In most things tastes vary. But not in Gund's
Peerless Beverage. From old age to youth
and irvbetween everybody finds this newer
ana better beverage entirely to their liking.
Nothing strange about that. Gund's is the
very limit of beverage goodness.
After pund's "The E very-Day Soft
Drink" your thirst and desire for beverage
refreshment settle right down into a state of
absolute contentment. Gund's does satisfy as
no other beverage ever did.
By the Glut or Case for Home use. Your Dealer Has Itl
Max Olsen & Company, Wholesale Distributors.
. fcSfcBiBjj,t-
He' Will Announce Progress
of Big Fight Round by Round
This is the megaphone
man, who will announce
the result of the Demp-sey-Willard
fight in To
ledo round by round to
fight fans who assemble
on the Seventeenth street
side of The Bee build
ing. As soon as Kid
Graves, former welter
weight champion of the
world and The Bee's
sporting editor has sent
in his report over the
special wire, which leads
from the arena in Toledo
direct into The Bee's of
fice, this man will tell the
fans all about it. He also
will report the progress
of the Stecher-Lewis
wrestling match in the
Auditorium. Who is he?
He's the man with the
big voice.
The fight is scheduled
for 3 o'clock and the first
bulletin will be an
nounced at that time.
to JneirLitimq-
South Side
Grace Methodist to Hold Spe
cial Services at Demobiliza
tion of Service Flag;
Ringer to Speak.
Twenty-five soldiers of the Grace
Methodist church will be honor
guests at a celebration at 11 a. m.
Sunday in the church auditorium.
The church service flag will be "de
mobilized." J. Dean Ringer, commissioner of
police and former superintendent of
the church Sunday school, will de
liver the address of welcome on be
half of the church. Rev. C. E. Wil
son, the pastor, will deliver a patri
otic address. Musical numbers by
choir and individuals will form a
part of the special program,.
Miss Gertrude Broadwell will
give a selection entitled "There Is a
Flag on Our Church Wall." Miss
Spaulding will sing. The choir, led
by Ed Baker, will sing several an
thems, with Miss Olive Lehmer pre
siding at the piano.
Families of the returned soldier
boys have been especially invited.
$55,000 Is Raised in
Drive to Establish
Lutheran College
Fifty-five thousand dollars has
been raised throughout the state in
the campaign for $250,000 for the
building of Nebraska's first Luther
an college, the Midland at Fremont,
according to announcement of Rev.
S. H." Yerian, pastor of St. Luke's
Lutheran church, chairman of the
campaign committee.
Rev. Mr. Yerian is established at
headquarters at Fremont. He re
ports that $30,000 has been raised
among American Lutheran churches
and $25,000 among German Luther
an churches.
The Normal college at Fremont
has been leased by the school board
to be used temporarily as a base
for the institution until new build
ings can be erected.
South Side Brevities
For Rent Large, first class, east tront,
furnished room. 4124 South 20th.
For Sale Cheap 7-room house, corner
lot. good location. See Wllg Brothers.
Dr. Rachael Long- la spending the week
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Wil
son of Grace Methodist church'. 2414. E
Victory Furniture and Clothing Empor
ium buys and sells second-hand furniture,
clothing, etc. 4824 S. 22d. Tel. S. 2370.
We have a few more refrigerators that
we are closing out at special reduced
prices. Contaky-Pavllk Co.
For Sale 70 acres, Improved, one mile
south of South Omaha city limits.
4811 S. 24th Street. South; 71.
A FIRE and tornado policy on your
Dwelling and household goods in tne
Springfield F. & M. Insurance Company
will protect you against loss.
J. L. DUFF. Agent,
2312 L street.
Plvnn's will be open until 10 this even
ing and closed tomorrow, July 4, all day.
Supply yourself with your needs for the
hot days, we are snowing me awenesi
line of bathing suits for males and fe
males you can find west 'of Chicago. Thin
clothes for all the family. And our prices
must meet your approval. Enough said.
Too hot to linger. Shop and save at
Flynn's. .
Hogs Reach New High Level
In Omaha With Top of $21.85
Hogs soared on the South Side
markjet again yesterday, making a
newop of 21.85. Wednesday the
high mark was raised when 21.40
naiH fnr a choice load. Yester
day's new price was paid for 105
head shipped inby truck.
Closed Until Monday.
The Chamber of Commerce will
be closed the remainder of the week
and no meals will be served either
Friday or Saturday.
Railroad headquarters and all
other company offices will be closed
but Saturday the regular half hali
day will be the rule.
known vaudeville comedian,
and the late featured principal
with "Toot Sweet," is to take a try
at the movies with the William Mor-rissey-Harry
Green producing com
pany. Miss Brice, who is to return
to vaudeville for some immediate
dates, is to make the first of her
films during the later summer
Rialto Alice Brady in "Red
Head" has a stirring story of a
young man who marries a red
headed chorus girl, when both are
under the influence of liquor. She
decides the next morning that a bar
gain's a bargain and that she will
make-a man of him and in the end
they both find happiness.
Strand Geraldine Farrar in "The
Stronger Vow" has a strong dra
matic photoplay with a difficult part
for the star to carry. In addition to
the feature there is shown a Harold
Lloyd comedy and the pictures of
Jack Dempsey in training.
Sun William Farnum in "The
Lone Star Ranger" portrays a big,
virile character in the screen ver
sion of Zane Grey's well known
novel of the same title. There are
some fine outdoor scenes and lots
of cowboys with Farnum in the
Muse Norma Talmadge in "Mar
tha's Vindication" will be the fea
ture at the Muse today and Satur
day. It is one of Miss Talmadge's
crook plays and one in which she
scored a -big success. ,
Brandeis "The "Fin Flingers,"
in which Rupert Julian plays a
double role, and which tells a' very
interesting story of how a crook re
formed and how another lost out.
' Empress Billy Rhodes in "The
Lion and the Lamb," a tale well
told and well worth telling.
Wife Granted Divorce
When She Tells Court
Of Alleged Cruelty
Mrs. Anna Wipf broke down and
cried on the witness stand in Dis
trict Judw Day's court yesterday as
she related the details of the death
of her first-born child some years
She was granted a divorce by
Judge Day with $5,500 alimony and
Mr. Wipf was also ordered to .pay
$40 a month for the support of their
three children.
"The baby was' two years and
four months old," she "said. "When
I, ant Mr Winf said his
I.V g V . It V. . , - ' ' I
mother in Germany didn't need a
doctor and she raised many chil
dren. The baby got worse and
then we took him in the buggy and
went to town to the doctor. He
died on the way."
Mrs. Wipf's sobs at this point in
terrupted the trial for a few mo
ments. N
Married in 105, she said, the first
year was very happy. "Then he
began drinking," she declared.
"Sometimes he wquld drink half a
gallon of wine in one evenirlg."
In addition to doing the house
work and attending the children,
she said she did the hardest kind
of work in the Nfields. She said he
told her to use soup bones and po
tatoes for herself and the children.
By their efforts they acquired a
20-acre farm on West Leavenworth
street, worth. $13,000 and four
houses 'on South Eighteenth street
worth $4,000. Mrs. Wipf finally
left him and came with the children
to live at 2422 South Eighteenth
Says Victory Ribbons
Will Be Issued Soon;
Warns Against Fakes
Victory ribbons, worn by a large
number of discharged soldiers, are
but cheap imitations of the genuine
Victory ribbon to be issued by the
government in a short time, and
their sle should be stopped, accord
ing to Sergt. A. C. Rogers of the
local recruiting station.
"Merchants, anticipating the is
suance of such a ribbon, have stock
ed up with cheap imitations," said
Sergeant Rogers. "Their sale
should be discouraged. The real
Victory ribbon has not yet been is
sued by the government, and only
those who ..have worn- a uniform
from the time war was declared u .il
the armistice was signed will e
entitled to wear them.
"We expect these ribbons soon,
however. They will be the same as
the old campaign ribbon, but with
different colors. A bronze medal
will be attached for wear at dress
Lieutenant Keyser
Of Omaha Decorated
With Croix de Guerre
Lieut. George A. Keyser ot
Omaha has been decorated with the
Croix de Guerre. Lieutenant Key
ser was one of the first Snelling
men to land in France and is now
with the army of occupation, acting
in the capacity pf adjutant of the
18th infantry, First division. He
was wounded three times, first at
Cantigny, and was in all of the big
engagements of the war with the
exception of Chauteau Thierry,
which occurred during his confine
ment in the hospital. On December
9, 1918, he was cited for dis
tinguished conduct in the operations
between the Argonne and the
Meuse. 1
Lieutenant Keyser is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Keyser, 4425
Parker street. He is a graduate of
the arts and law departments of
Creighton university.
Pioneer Nebraska Woman
Dies at Her Home In Omaha
.Mrs. Emijy C. Vawter, widow of
Rev. J. J. Vawter, died at the home
of her son, George E. Vawter, 4231
Erskine street, Wednesday. She was
a pioneer of the state, coming here
in 1876. Her husband for several
years was pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Alexandria, Neb. Mrs.
Vawter lived with her son in Omaha
for the past 17 years. '
it Neighborhood Houses
DIAMOND 24th and Lake.
GLOVE," No. 16.
APOLI.O 29th and Leavenworth.
ORPHEUM South Side. 24th and M.
Sl'BURBAN 24th and Ames.
GRAND 16th and BInney.
I.OTHROP 24th and Lothrop.
Eugene O'Brien appears as co-star
with Marguerite Clark in her next
Paramount' play, "Come Out of the
Kitchen," which was seen in Cin
cinnati as a stage play last season.
Incidentally, the next time you'll
see O'Brien will be as a star all by
his lonesome. He's starred in "The
Great Lover" for the first time.
Mary Miles Minter has signed to
star for the newly organized Realart,
and is scheduled to begin work at
once. She is to make six pictures a
year on a three-year contract. Big
novels and stage successes are to be
used as film material, it is an
nounced. "The Cup of Fury," by Rupert
Hughes is the first picture made by
the Eminent Authors. It has been
published serially in a magazine,'
and also in book form. Major
Hughes and Anthony Paul Kelly are
at work on the adaptation in the
New York.
Kitty Gordon has the distinction
of being "released" simultaneously
in two pictures, each by different
producers. She is star of "Play
things of Passion" and "Stolen
Orders," both near-by releases.
Mother of Girl Who Commit
ted Suicide April 2 Named
In Amended Petition for
Mrs. Hellena G. Walker filed an
amended petition in her suit for di
vorce from Harvey D. Walker in
district court yesterday in which she
names Mrs. May Houltz as co-respondent
and gives names and dates
of her husBand's alleged associa
tions with Mrs. Hoaltz.
Mrs. Houltz is the mother of Mil
dred Houltz, pretty 16-year-old girl
who committed suicide pril 2, 1919,
at her home, leaving a note ad
dressed to her mother, admonishing
her to "lead a clean and happy life."
The coroner's inquest at that time
was sensational. Mr. Walker was
present with Mrs. Houltz.
The Walker home is at 2787 Capi
tol avenue 'and Mrs. Hoult lives
across the street at 114 North
Twenty-eighth avenue. Mr. Walk
er is a salesman for the Mid-West
Motor & Supply Co.
Mrs. Walker's amended petition,
filed through her attorney, Charles
Goss, states that she and her daugh
ters are church members and have
done everything possible to keep
Mr. Walker from his associations.
In spite of their efforts, says the
petition, he has consorted with
women of loose moral views and
dates are given as follows:
"October 25, 1918, Mr. Walker
was1 out with Mrs. May Houltz until
2 o'clock in the morning.
"December 31, 1918, he was with
other men and women at a wine
party until 3:30 o'clock in the rhorn
ing. -
"January 1, 1919, he was at Mrs.
Hoilltz's home until a late hour.
"January 4, 1919, he was at Mrs.
Houltz's home until midnight and
she accompanied him to the door in
negligee dress.
"March 29, 1919, he was with Mrs.
Houltz until 2 o'clock in the morn
ing. "March 30, 1919, he accompanied
her to Elmwood park and therte al
lowed her to use insulting language
toward Mrs. Walker and her daugh
ters. "April 2, 1919, he was with Mrs.
Houltz until midnight.
"April 4, 1919, he was with Mrs.
Houltz at a coroner's inquest and
was written up in the papers.
"May 7, 1919, he was holding
Mrs. Houltz on his lap on the front
"May 31, 1919, he accompanied
Mrs. Houltz to Lincoln."
These allegations are made by
Mrs. Walker in response to the mo
tion made by her husband that she
make her original petition for di
vorce more definite.
She says her husband makes $200
a month and that she herself has
no othef means of support than
keeping boarders. She is 55 years
Brief City News
Have Root Print It Beacon Press.
Klec. Fans $8.50 BurgessGranden,
Patronize the American State
Bank. Adv.
Pierce-Arrow Ambulance Service
Stack & Falconer. Harney 64.
Four Per Cent Interest on time de
posits. American State Bank. Adv.
Dr. J. W. Duncan Offices, 1620
City National Bank building; hours,
11:12 a. m.. 2:40 p. m. Telephone,
Douglas 7752. dv.
Speaks at Tllden Albert S.
Ritchie, Omaha attorney, will be the
orator at the Fourth tf July peace
festival at Tildeh. Neb.
Victory Furniture ami CJothng
Kmporitiin Buys and sells second
hand furniture, clothing etc. 4824 S.
22d. Telephone South 2370.
Southern Home Cooking and serv
ice; Alfred Jones, cater; merchants'
lunch, 11:30 to 3, Hotel Castle cafe;
table de hote dinner, 5:30 to 9. $1.
Judge Patrick On Vacation
Judge Robert W. Tatrlck of munici
pal court started for Atlantic City
to attend the annual convention of
Elks. He will visit eastern cities
while on his vacation.
Discharged From Army William
Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Harrison, 4911 Military avenue,
has returned from Fort Sill, Okl.,
after 18 months of service In the
army. He enlisted in December,
Trucks Parade" Streets Many
trucks, Including two from the
Firestone Tire and Rubber com
pany which are touring the country,
took part in a parade through
downtown streets yesterday, led by
Dan Desdune's band.
iSues for $10,000 Albert Simmons
filed suit in district court yesterday
against George Durnall, who has a
soft drink parlor at Twenty-fourth
and Li Streets, asking $1,000
damages on the allegation that
Durnall refused to serve him with
ice cream last Monday. Simmons
Is a negro.
Ordinance On Meat Inspection
City Commissioner Ringer offered to
the city council a proposed revised
ordinance on post-mortem meat in
spection. The ordinance was referred
to the committee of the whole for
discussion next Monday morninjr.
The measure was rrerared bv Dr. W.
C. Herrold, packing house inspector,
attached to the health department.
Sale of Two Buildings
Involves Sum of $350,000
The Finance company, a sub
sidiary of the H. A. Wolf company
yesterday closed a deal with John
Flack and the Bankers Mortgage &
Loan company, whereby the Wolf
company sells the old Telephone
and the Kennedy ibuildings. The
consideration is said to be $250,000.
The two buildings occupy ground
132 feet square, with equal frontage
on both Nineteenth and Douglas
streets. The new owners purchased
the buildings as an investment and
expect to rent them for office use.
No building program is contem
plated by the new owners.
Get Your Ice Early. ( ,
The municipal "jitney" ice sta
tions will be open until noon today.
ourth of July
INDEPENDENCE DAY a day which stands out as
pre-eminently American the day which ap
peals especially to that sentiment of
patriotism and national pride
which grows in every
loyal Ameri
can heart.
Since that eventful day July 4, 1776 when our fore
fathers signed the Declaration of Independence,
this country has gone through many conflicts,
coming from under fire with the flag of
Freedom still fluttering in the
Now as this Independence Day dawns we have a new
rejoicing in our hearts the thought that once
again our country is at peace and a new sort of
independence reigns'throughout the world.
Let us mingle something of gratitude with our joy;
something of reverence with our gratitude, and some
thing of duty with our reverence.
We Will Observe the Day by Having Our
Store Closed All Day
Three Men JFined On Disor
derly Charge Held for.
Physical Exam- i
ination. ,
Men arrested hereafter by the po
lice will be forced to undergo ex
aminations for social diseases and
submit to the same treatment as
women who have been found to be
The men -will be held at -the city
jail, regardless of whether, their'
cases have been heard and disposed
of in police court, until city physi
cians announce their physical 'con
dition. If found to be infected they will
be sent to the county jail and treat
ed there. .
This; was the announcement
made yesterday by police officials
after the trial in police court of .
three men alleged to have been in
mates of a disorderly house at 716
North Sixteenth street. The men,
Jeff Haner, J. Bamberger and J. P.
Case, were tried first in police
court before Judge Fitzgerald, and
after being fined $10 and costs each
on an "inmate" charge were order
ed held for physical examination.
Five women, arrested at the same
time as the three men, were com
mitted to the Detention Hospital
for Women. ' i
The sound of a heart-beat ' Is
caused by the closing of the valves
In the heartdurlng the pumping'
Physician & Surgeon
614 Branded Bide
Tel. TyUr 2960. Harnay 4741.
After each meal YOU sH one
and get full food value and real stom
ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart
barn, Moated, fassy feelinft, STOPS
acidity, foci repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the
'tomach sweet and pure. t:
EATONIC I the boat remedy and only aoats
t eent or two day to ut it Yon will ba da
fehted with result. Satisfaction guaraateao'
money back. Please call and trr I
Green's Pharmacy, Cor. 16th and Howard
Sts? Omaha. Neb.