Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY' 4, 1919.
1 m m m m mm m mm m m m mmm
lAitlti4 nnA namncau Dnth
,1111101 U aiiu htllipdBj UUUI
'! Said to Be in Top-Nqjch
' Trim frp tTvnaatorl ftroatocr
t .111111 I VI LApiiUlVU UIVHIVDt
i Pugilistic Go in History.
y . (Continued From Fags One.)
ionable amount of tape will be per
mitted in bandaging the hands of
the contestants and they will wear
the customary one-piece boxing
More than the-usual number of
officials will be employed in pass
ing upon the merits of the boxers,
for in addition to the referee there
will be two judges, similar to the
system in vogue in England.
Ollie Pecord of Toledo will act as
referee, assisted by Tex Rickard
and Maj. Anthony J. Drexel Biddlc.
of Philadelphia, in the capacity of
judges. They will sit on different
sides of the ring and will reach any
decisions required of them without
consultation. Jack Skelly of Mount
Vernon, N. Y., will be alternate ref
eree and W. Warren Barbour of
New York will be official time
keeper. Each boxer will also have
a timekeeper. ,
' Both in Splendid Shape.
Both principals appear to be
trained to perfect condition and
. each expresses perfect satisfaction
with his physical and mental condi
Willard probably will enter the
rinir weighing about 245 pounds,
while Dempsey is expected to be
near the 200 mark. In almost every
physical measurement, the cham
pion will have the advantage ot tne
challenger, ' being the largest man
who ever held the title. Notwith
standing these ohvsical handicaps
Dempsey has the popular following
and he is selected to win Dy many
shrewd ring followers, partly due
to his youth,, for he is 24 years old,
to WiUard's 37, and his impressive
rushing, fighting style of boxing.
Wagering; on the bout indicated
the uncertainty that prevails re
garding the outcome. Even money
is ouoted in some commission
rooms, while just across the street
Willard adherents are giving 10 to
9. In no case are the sums laid
large in comparison to bets made
on past heavyweight matches. Play
in the pari-mutuel department
showed opinion about evenly
divided on the result should the
affair go the full 12 rounds. Bet
ting on the probability of a knock
ont centers about rounds seven and
eight as has been the case for
several days.
Many Unusual Angles.
While wagering reflects the opin
Jon of those who take more than a
casual interest in such matches, it
has, no effect upon, the ability of the
principals. More -heavyweight
championship holders have been de
feated while carrying the popular
jiivsin jr man 3 in; i v wi ov voov,
There sp many unusual angles to
Fridayjrr i contest that ; this is "not
considered, ho wever.fran axiom to
night. :Were Willard and Dempsey
matched over a long distance rang
ing from 25 to 45 rounds, it is likely
the younger of the two would be
an outstanding favorite in the bet
ting. Willard's great size, bulk and
Strength form an impressive mental
barrier that even the Dempsey sup
porters hesitate to hurdle financial-1
ly when f is realized that he is re
quired to box 36 minutes and hold
his own to gain at least a draw, de
cision. - The champion is generally
conceded to be the better boxer of
the two, but Dempsey has achieved
a remarkable ring record with his
incessant rushing, free hitting type
of offense. His followers base their
predictions of his victory on his
ability to rush and Batter his way
On Face and Neck. Itching and
. Burning Unbearable.
"I hid ft very bad case of eczema
on my face and neck, and it spread
up into my Hair. It broke
out in pimples and the
skin was sore and red. It
caused almost unbearable
itching and burning and
there were great red scaly
spots on my face and neck.
which made me look terribly.
"I wrote for free sample of Cuti
cura Sop and Ointment I purchased
more, and after using the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment for six weeks 1
was healed." (Signed) G. Brown,
37 Watts St.. Dayton, Ohio.
; Rely on Cutkura Soap, Ointment
and Talcum to care for your skin.
Siftpijc-Ohf t 18 Me. Talent
Me. Sold throughout the world. For
a ipU tach fan address: "C.btmrmUfc-
ygM. IMPS. It. WW. Mass,'
through Willard's guard and reach
a vulnerable spot with one or more
of the crushing blows which have
disposed of so majiy previous op
ponents. Dempsey More Aggressive.
Dempsey is considered a more
aggressive type of boxer than Wil
lard, but the champion has atways
been thought to have a store of re
serve strength upon which to draw
should the occasion demand. While
his knockout record is not nearly
as impressive as that of the chal
lenger, the champion has at times
shown flashes of tremendous speed
and hitting power fully in keeping
with his huge bulk. Many close ob
servers hold the opinion that the
Fourth of July bout will call this
into use if he is to triumph over
his youthful and hard-hitting rival.
While neither boxer has made any
public statement regarding his plan
of ring campaign, reports from the
training quarters indicate that there
will be little time wasted in long
range sparring during the early
rounds of the contest at least.
Dempsey is noted for his eagerness
to get to close quarters with an op
ponent, and standing toe to toe to
demonstrate that he Is the better
man in a two-fisted combat. This
is not, as a rule, the system adopted
by. Willard, but is said by close
friends of the title holder that he
has been greatly displeased by re
ports of alleged indifferent training
and inability ,to meet Dempsey at
his own game, despite his physical
advantages. In discussing this angle
of the match, the champion's clos
est friends indicate their belief that
he will startle the boxing world by
a display of aggressiveness and hard,
fast hitting heretofore foreign to
his ring campaigns. Willard evi
dently expects some close action,
for he has requested that no atten
tion be paid to any unintentional
foul committed by his opponent.
Police in All Cities
on Alert for Plotters
(Continued From Page One.)
Henry C. Frick, Andrew Carnegie,
Mrs. Finley J. Shepard and others.
Authorities Are Ready.
Chicago, July 3. Although no
evidence of any plot by radicals
for unlawful demonstration Friday
had been found, the police and fed
eral authorities announced they
were prepared for any emergency.
All policemen were ordered held on
duty from 6 p. m. until Monday
Homes of officials and others and
industrial plants will be guarded,
with mounted police on duty at the
stock yards. About 1,000 volun
teers, including 500 American legion
veterans, will aid the federal agents.
The Chicago Mooney strike com
mittee has called for a "peaceful"
five days strike beginning Friday.
Numerous meetings were scheduled
for July 4, and agents of the police
will attend all.
All Agencies Co-operating.
Washington, July 3. Every law
enforcing agency in the country will
co-operate Friday in preserving or
der against reported plans of an
archists and other radicals to create
a reign of terror by bomb explo
sions. ;
Officials of the Department of
Justice have said they knew of no
concerted plot set for Independence
day, but n chances are being taken.
The bureau of investigation has en
listed the police of all large cities
in their purpose to put an end to
criminal agitation. The plans have
not been divulged but it is known
that many suspected persons have
been under surveillance and that
they will be arrested ,on the least
suspicious move. '
Adequate precautions have been
taken, for the protection of public
officials, but the nature of the safe
guards have been kept secret.
Expect Radical Demonstration.
Oakland, Cal., July 3. Forewarn
ed, they charged, of -a plot to stage
an uprising here Thursday as part
ot a nation-wide demonstration by
radicals, Oakland police began a
roundup of alleged "reds" on war
rants issued under the new state
The first two arrested were Alex
ander Venho, aged 33, and David A.
Graham, 38, drillers' helpers in the
shipyards. They were taken while
at work. Warrants for 14 more
have been prepared, the police an
nounced. Plans for an outburst of radical
ism on July 4. are believed to have
been carefully laid and officials say
tney nave proot of a plot the dis
covery of which mav result in
breaking up a dangerous nest of-
The officials said that they would
have startling disclosures to make
as soon as the remaining warrants
are served.
Guard Mine Properties.
Hibbing, Minn., July 3. As a
precaution against an outbreak of
radicals here July 4, mine proper
ties in the Hibbing district are be
ing closely watched. Extra 'watch
men are reported on duty.
Warned Against Plot.
Portland, Ore., July 3. Officials
connected with the United States
Department of Justice here received
numbers by telegraph from Wash
ington, D. C, to guard against a
plot to burn logging camps and
mills of the northwest, where mem
bers of the Loyal Legion of Log
gers and Lumbermen are employed.
Men Chosen to Continue
Work of Peace Making
Paris, July 3. (By the Associated
Press.) The council of five has ap
pointed three commissions for the
purpose of continuing the work of
the peace conference.
The commission for the execution
of the German treaty consists of
John Foster Dulles, United States;
Sir Irec Crowe, England; Capt. An
dre Tardieu, France, and Viterio
Scialcia, Italy.
The commission for the "organiza
tion of permanent reparations con
sists of Louis' Locheur, France;
Sydney Peel, England; Dr. Silvio
Crespi, Italy, and M. Moni, Japan.
Allied Forces Make
Gains on Russian Reds
London, (Via Montreal.) July 3.
Successes agains the bolsheviki by
the allied troops on the Dvina
river and Murmask railway fronts
is .reported in an official statement
received today from Archangel. On
the left bank of the Dvina the allies
have captured Yakovlevskoe.
Special Train Halted Six
Hour While Troops Ran
sacked Baggage; Protest
Tokio, June 20. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Ernest
W. Harris the American consul gen
eral of Irkutsk, had a disagreeable
experience recently at Dauria, be
tween Manchouli and Chita, accord
ing to Siberian advices, when his
baggage was forcibly opened by
troops of General Semenoff, the
Cossack leader.
Mr. Harris was traveling east
ward from Omsk on a special train.
Semenoff's men composed of Rus
sians, Buriats, Mongolians and
Chinese, boarded the train and in
sisted upon inspecting the baggage
of Mr. Harris and his party. This
demand was refused, and the train
was held at the station six hours
pending a decision of Semfenoff's
officers as to whether they should
open the baggage or not. Guards
were kept on board Mr. .Harris'
car during the interval, and machine
guns stationed so as to bear directly
on the American consul general's
The Semenoff commander finally
decided that the baggage must be in
spected, so, at midnight, his men
broke open all the trunks, boxes
and bags in the possession of the
American party and made a hasty
search of their contents. ' It does
not appear that they levied any du
ties or took away any property be
longing to Mr. Harris or his com
panions. The baggage was closed
by the troops before leaving
Dauria station is on the section
of the transsiberian railway that is
under supervision of the Japanese.
Ringer Writes Letter
and Gets Hot Answer
(Continued From rage One.)
My Dear Mr. Ringer: I have your
letter of July 2 to which I hasten
to reply because I fully agree
with you that "everyone except
the criminal is interested in seeing
that the laws, are vigorously en
forced," although you more par
ticularly, because of your oath of
office, have a special duty and re
sponsibility far beyond the ordi
nary citizen.
You, Mr. Ringer, however, seem
to be obsessed with the idea that
the law against bootlegging is the
only law on the statute book in
stead of only one of the laws you
are expected to enforce.
You ask me for specific infor
mation that will enable you to get
full data for the purpose of prose
cuting those who are violating
the law against .bootlegging, but
you, for some reason I can not
understand, show no disposition
to go after the violation of other
laws when specific information is
furnished you.
You know, or should know, that
a traveling gang of (skin-game
gamblers, known as the Patterson
shows, recently operated in Oma
ha unmolested for three days, that
a detail of ten of your men under
Sergeant Dillon, in uniform and
in plain clothes, personally su
perintended the robbery on those
grounds of little boys and girls
with lawless gambling devices un
til they learned The Bee was tak
ing photographs, when they
merely ordered the law breakers
to stop.
Gambling Carnival.
If this gambling carnival was
not unlawful, why did your police
close it? was unlawful, why
did they make no arrests? If you
want testimony about this I will
furnish it, having myself been a
witness. If you are as eager for
law enforcement as you profess,
why have you taken no action as
to the officers who protected and
connived in this law breaking?
You further certainly know that
another member of your police
department has been publicly as
cused of releasing an automobile
thief whom he was sent to bring
back from Hastings, in consider
ation of the payment of $110 by
the prisoner, who was thereupon
released, arid' that while the
charge is made by a criminal, it is
corroborated by much circumstan
tial evidence. So far as I know,
this officer was not even suspend
ed pending investigation. What
have you done to enforce the law
against bribe-taking in this case?
The abuses practiced in your'
detention home have been repeat
edly brought to your notice, but
the doctor who was shaking down
the poor women of the street for
money to keep out of that vile
place is still connected with your
I make only passing reference
to the outrageous Brown case.
Instead of suspending or dismiss
ing the culpable officers, you are
demanding the resignation of a
patrol driver for telling the truth
about them. When the excuse
was made for this inexcusable out
rage that the police always arrest
the owner or agent of a raided
house, a picture was printed of
another raided house whose oyrner
has not yet been arrested, pre
sumably because he is your friend
and active supporter. If you are
so eager for law-enforcement, why
don't you do something?
Now, Mr. Ringer, The Bee and
I supported you for the commis
sion in the belief that you meant
Did You Know That We Can Quote
A Lower Price On Fur Making and
Repairing During the Summer?
Dyrs, Cleaners,
Hatter. Furriers, -Tailors,
Cleaners. Shoe Re
pairers. Main Office and
Fern am St.
Phone Trier S4S.
German Ex-Kaiser ,
to Be Tried in London
(Continued From Page One.)
conference's efforts to prevent wars
in the future and reviewed some of
the striking restrictions put upon
Germany in the treaty signed at
The premier ended with an appeal
for the victory loan,, with one of his
typical flashes "Don't demobolize
the spirit of patriotism."
Discussing the determination of
the allied and associated powers to
place on trial in London, William
Hohenzollern, the former German
emperor, as the man held chiefly
responsible for .the war, he declared
that if such a course had been fol
lowed after other wars "there would
have been fewer wars." It was4he
intention to make such an example
of Germany as to discourage others
from "ever attempting to repeat
this infamy."
There was a significant passage
when the premier first mentioned
the league of nations. Many of the
members cheered, but seemingly
an equal number burst into laugh
ter. Pleas for, League.
"I beg of you to try it. I beg of
you to take it seriously," the pre
mier protested.
Proceeding, he declared: "If it
saved only one generation from the
horrors of war, it would be a great
One member shouted: "Nobody
wants it."
The German army, the premier
said, was at present inadequate to
disturb the peace of the feeblest' of
the neighbors of Germany.
Terrible Terms Justified.
The terms of the treaty with Ger
many in some respects were terri
ble, the premier said, but terrible
were. the deeds which justified it and
still more terrible would have been
the consequences if Germany had
German officers who had commit
ted appalling infamies, the premier
added, would be placed on trial.
Mr. Lloyd George declared that
the British delegation has taken a
stand resolutely opposing any at
tempt to put a predominantly Ger
man population under .Polish rule.
Woman Creates Scene.
There was a scene like those
which frequently occurred in the
"suffragette" days during the debate
after the ' premier's speech. A wo
man in the gallery shouted: There
is no need to send men to Russia.
The war is over."
Attendants carried her out strug
gling and crying that her son was
being sent to Russia.
Another woman took up the cry
and while she was being dragged
out, two men had a fist fight. The
galleries were then cleared.
Four Bank Robbers
Are Sentenced to Die
After They Confess
Gary, Ind., July 3. Within 24
hours of their confession four ban
dits were sentenced to be electro
cuted and two to life imprisonment
in Crown Point circuit court today
for the murder of Hermann Uecker,
Tolleston bank cashier, killed in the
bank holdup June 24.
Al Batchelor, Chicago; Tom
Batchelor, Valparaiso, Ind.; Harry
Parker, Chicago, and Dan Trkulja,
Gary, leader of the gang, were those
sentenced to be electrocuted. Lee
Spiers and Danjan Bielick of Gary,
Ind., the two sentenced to life im
prisonment. Nick Trkulja. also
held in connection with the robbery
and murder, will stand trial.
Italians Will Strike
Against Cost of Living
Rome, July 3. (By the Asso
ciated Press). A general strike to
protest against the high cost of
living has been declared at Faenza,
Ancona and other ' towns in the
Romagna districts of central Italy,
in sympathy with the movement at
Forli, where many shops are de
stroyed. In the Romagna district
socialist republican parties are said
to be in virtual control of the local
what you said about giving us
an. efficient police administration,
and that you would be on the
square. For this support you
came and thanked me. Your letter-to
me asking for information
about bootlegging information
which your retinue of police
officers, detectives and morals
squad men are paid to get is
the most naive admission of the
woeful inefficiency of your de
partment that could be' furnished.
I don't wonder that you feel that
you are falling down in enforc
ing the law against bootlegging
when the bootleggers are so num
erous and so brazen, and when
it can be proved that members
of your own police department
have been peddling booze.
But what's the use of giving
,you further information until you
show some gopd faith by acting
on the facts you already possess,
which I have enumerated. When
you do something to clean out the
crooks and incompetents from
your own department, I will be
glad to back you up and go the
limit with you for law-enforcement
without favor or discrimina
tion. I have the honor to be,
-Very truly yours,
Editor of The Bee.
Horlick's the Original
Malted Milk Avoid
Imitations & Substitutes
Branch Office:
Dresher, The Tai
lor, 1515 Farnam
St.; Pompeian
Room of Brandeis
Stores, West end of
Main Floor ol Bur-(ess-Nash
Bee Milk and Ice Fund
Unless subscriptions come in
more rapidly to The Bee's fund, a
number of very needy and deserving
cases will have to be neglected.
The Bee appeals for the interest
of its readers in the fund. Almost
anybody can spare something for
the benefit of babies and little chil
dren whose health is at stake
throughout this hot weather.
EVERY PENNY received goes
to buy milk or ice for the succor
of the helpless little 'ones of the
very poor.
Just send of bring your contribu
tion to The Bee office.
Previously acknowledged. .$266.75
Laura . Lewis, Lebanon, '
Kans 1.00
Mrs. Alice Ostrander, Nio
brara, Neb 2.50
Total $270.25
Special Meeting of
, National Committee
Called by Tearney
Chicago, Julyf 3. A call for a
meeting of the committee represent
ing the National Association of Mi
nor Leagues to be held in Chicago
July 10 was sent out by A. R.
Tearney, chairman of the commit-
tee- 4,
Mr. Tearney said it was the pur
pose of this gathering to take some
action in regard to the break in
January between the National As
sociation of Minor Leagues and the
national committee representing the
major leagues.
July 4 Celebration in
France Begun Thursday
Paris, July J. The Independence
day celebration in France began
formally Thursday afternoon with
a brilliant reception at the Hotel
De Ville in honor of General Persh
ing and Rear Admiral Harry S.
Knapp. Among the guests was
Marshal Foch.
M. Evain, president of the mu
nicipal council, greeted the guests:
A lib i uuuii vi J my is iivuiui ill
a popular fete day in France, some
thing like our Fourteenth of July,"
M. Evain said, "because for us these
two days make only one, our senti
ments are so intimately bound to
General Pershing replied to the
greeting for the United States.
Anti-Bolsheviki Forces
Control Tzaritzen City
London, July 3. The forces of
General Denekine, the anti-bolshevik
leader in south Russia, have
occupied the city of Tzaritzin, on
the Volga river, south of Saratov,
according to a Russian wireless re
port. The city previously had been
abandoned by the bolsheviki.
Wonderful Results from
your Hair Color"
...says l(trs. Burns
"I don't know what the
price is," writes Mrs. Burns,
"but I have got such wonderul
results from Mrs. Graham's Hair
Color Restorer that I must have
three bottles for ' myself and
two friends at once."
Thousands of other women
have obtained equally wonderful
results from this preparation. It
is a colorless liquid that restores
gray and faded hair to its natural
color. It is positive in its re
sults and makes the hair rich and
glossy. Perfectly harmless
easily applied will not stain the
skin or scalp. You can get it
at the following stores price,
Sherman k McConnell Stores, Rialto
Drug Store, Beaton Drug Co., Green's
Pharmacy, Haines Drug Co., Thomp-son-Fenton
Co., Merritt Drug Stores,
Fenton Drug Co., South Omaha.
We have announced July 1st as
the date of our .removal to the
Barker Block, 15th and Farnam
streets. We have stated that
this would be the finest dental
office in the middle west. That
the public may know, we invite
them t to visit us.
In the past number of years
we have done dental work for
thousands always with the un
derstanding that we guaranteed
our work. To these we suggest
that if they so desire, we would
be glad to inspect the work done
and if any attention is necessary
we are ready and would be glad
of the opportunity to make good
our guarantee. I'
With larger office quarters,
improved facilities, greater ca
pacity; the presence of special
ists in every branch of dental
surgery, we can renew our
promise to our friends and pa
trons that all our work in the
future as in the past, is done
under a guarantee which at all
times we stand prepared to-protect.
We may be found after July
1st in our new home on the
Fourth Floor, Barker Block.
Wants Specific Charges Filed
Against Him; Will Appeal
Case From Commission
to Court.
Patrol Driver Edward Hegg,
who was suspended from the police
force because he refused to assist
Commissioner Ringer and Chief
Eberstein in whitewashing Detec
tives Herdzina and Armstrong for
the unlawful part they played in
raiding the Brown apartments
June 6, has retained Richard C.
Hunter as his attorney.
Officer Hegg incurred the dis
pleasure of Commissioner Ringer
when he testified at the Brown
hearing that Herdzina and Arm
strong were drunk when he took
them to their homes following the
Although orders were issued im
mediately for Hegg's dismissal, no
charges have yet been filed with the
city clerk. Hegg has been sus
pended pending a hearing before
the city commission, but he has
been given no opportunity to pre
pare himself against any additional
charges it may suit the police heads
to bring in order to get rid of him.
Says Commission Plan Violated.
This is in violation of the city
commission plan, according to At
torney Hunter.
"I do not believe Mr. Ringer
would have attempted to make
Hegg lose his place if he had not
been assured by a sufficient num
ber ot. the council to sustain him
in his unfair procedure," declared
Mr. Hunter. "The same council
men who voted to whitewash Herd
zina and Armstrong will vote to dis
charge Hegg regardless of his guilt
or innocence." .
With ( Mayor Smith and Commis
sioners Falconer, Towl and Ure
lined up back of Ringer, there is no
hope of obtaining justice for his
client at a hearing of the city com
mission, according to Mr. Hunter.
"Regardless of facts and truth, these
men have already indicated what ac
tion they will take when Hegg's
case is called." continued Mr. Hun
ter. "Our only hope will be to apJ
peai tne case ana secure a iair ucm
ing before a judge of the district
Officer Hegg has made repeated
attempts to get Mr. Ringer or Chief
Eberstein to file formal and specific
charges against him so he can make
preparations to defend himself when
he is called for trial. His efforts
have been unsuccessful.
Asked to make a verbal statement
as to why he was suspended, Chief
Eberstein told Hegg that his prin
cipal offense was his testimony
against Herdzina and Armstrong,
Hegg says.
Said Officers Were Drunk.
Hegg was one of a half dozen
witnesses who declared under oath
the two detectives were drunk when
they raided the Brown flats without
warrants. Hegg still maintains that
he told the absolute truth and that
no inducement can be offered him
to get him to repudiate his state
ment. Officers Potasch and Vanous
also testified that Herdzina and
Armstrong had been drinking.
Commissioner Ringer has not sus
pended either of these policemen.
Closed All Day Friday
in Celebration as the
Greatest Fourth of July
in All History...
Thompson-Belden & Co.
...Established 1886...
Don't Let Mother Do It
Let the
It's a Superb, Economical
CyliAder Type
Electric Washer
The cost of the wash after
the vacation trip may exceed
the initial payment of $5 neces
sary to place a Thor in your
A turn of the switch", the
Thor is in operation, and you
can sit idly by and watch it
work with no regrets.
Vibration - Circulation - Health
A Guaranteed Electric
Have you seen them on
Electric Shop Retail?
Your Electric Service Company
PHONES: Tyler Three One Hundred. South Three
Mr. Ringer attempted to make it
appear at the hearing that Hegg
had neglected his duty by not re
porting to a superior officer the
condition in which he had seen the
two detectives. It developed, how
ever, that Hegg did report the mat
ter, and that in addition to Hegg's
having told Sergeant Vanous, under
whose orders he works on the night
moral squad, Officer Fotasch told
Commissioner Ringer himself that
Herdzina and Armstrong hd been
reported for being drunk.
Mr. Ringer took no action what
ever to ascertain the facts in the
case. The only effort he exerted
was to whitewash the two detec
tives he set out to exonerate im
mediately following their disgrace
ful actions in -the Brown flats, re
gardless of whether they were
drunk or sober or right or wrong.
Herdzina and Armstrong have
been removed from the morals squad
and placed on the Douglas street
bridge to watch for bootleggers
transporting whisky from Iowa,
Roy Kelly, who gave out a state
ment over his signature declaring
Herdzina and Armstrong made him
drunk and then framed the raid on
the Brown flats, boasted openly
and repeatedly that he was in the
habit of paying the policemen on
the bridge $50 for every load of
whisky he brought into Omaha.
Kelly did not say he ever paid
Herdzina and Armstrong any
money on the bridge, but he did
assert that other policemen sta
tioned there accepted hundreds of
dollars from nim.
Postof f ice to Remain
Closed All Day Fourth
Only perishable parcel post mat
ter and special delivery letters will
be delivered by the Omaha postof
fice today. The postoffice will be
closed the same as o'n Sunday in
observance of Independence day.
flTf r A
display in our
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