Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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    I v. I
Schatzman Makes His First
' Appearance With Omaha
and Hurls One-Hit
St '.Joseph, July 3. Pitcher
Schatzman held the Saints to one
hit here today, and the Rourkes
took the second game of the series,
2 to 0. Score:
OMAHA. , .
A.B. K. B.H. P.O. A. K.
Jackson, lb ........ 4
Graham, ef 4
Klrhy, If
rlpellmaa. 4 0
Maa, h .......... t 1
Barbeaa, b S
Hum. rf S 1
Nchaizmaa. B . .... S 0
totals SO 1 4 tt 10 1
A.B. B. B.H. P.O. A. J.
Pitt, rt 8 2 I 2 a
Hargrave, eb 4 0 2 ! ! 2
Kelleher, ss
Butcher, ef 0
Bonowlta. If 2
Hrubaker, Sb 8 0
lleall. lb 2
Hrenagan, J 2
Mimic, p "2
Williams, p J 2
Connolly ......... I
0 4
O 0
0 0
0 0
Totals ........... J8 0 1 11 1
Batted for Bom in eighth.
Amahs. 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 t
2?"".??-J Snaooooo o
Bl vvsvfu w
Two-baso hit! Barheao. K?,nh,,1i
Glslasoa. Left O" bancs! St. Joseph, 3,
Omaha, 1. Itaae. on balls; ' JJ-fc-V
aff ffc-hatsman, 8. Struck out: By Kose,
S- by WlUlams, 1. Hltss Off Boss.
sSnnlaii, rff'wiUlams. 0 In 1 Inning.
Stolen basest Pitt, Hasen. Time: 1:65.
Umpires: Decker and Shannon.
Soos Have Easy Time With
Boosters Winning, 7 to 1
Des Moines, Mjr 3. Dimock was
easy for Sioux City today and the
visitors easily defeated Des Moines
here this afternooX 7 to 1. Barnes
held the locals to seven scattered
hits. Two home run drives by De-
fo featured. Score:
Blo1H1.I6.B. " AbVh.O,
i imt vm VTvS
Mnrin. ci i '
Milan. If t
G'wln, lb 4
Delate, ss 4
E.Wejr.Jf 8
Rob'on, rf h
B'kaw, lb 4
Sch'idt, o t
Jonas, 3b 4
Barnes, p 4
C fsy. 8b 4
Cass, cf 8
W'ght. 3b 4
8 0
2 0
4 0
5 0
3 1
6 1
1 0
0, e
J 0
H'OK, lD-p .
TAn'tv. rf 4
IJ.W'ker, o 4
H fora, ss
Dimock. p 1
'Idt, 10 s
Total. S 1J 27 s! Total- 36 7 27 2
Batted for Dimock in fifth.
ti.. city 0 10 10 10 07
Home runs: Defate. 8. Two.bse hits :
E Walker (2). Moran. ' Stolen bases. E
Wnlker - Hartford, Cass. Left on bases.
Bloux cJlty! ! DeJ Moines. . Struck out:
Bytmock. 2 : by Hasbrook. 4; by Barnes,
S'bEU on balls: Off Dimock 1 : off
Ha-brook. 8: off Barnes 1. Wild pitch
Hasbrook. Passed balls. .,r;;aJrKer;
Karned runs and hits: Off Dimock. 4
fnd In five Innings; off Hasbrook. 2
and 4 In four Innings; off Barnes, 0 and 7
li nine Innings. Double play: Delete
to GoSSwiS to Brokaw. Umpires: Jacobs
and Daly.
Cooties Outhit Oilers .
Oklahoma City, July 1Okla
homa City out-hit Tulsa today but
tho visitors hit in the, pinches and
won the second game of the series,
Wuffll. ss 8
B'tery, lb 8
J.'mnrl. ss 6 2 4
0 Bensen, 2b 8 1 8
0 Orlfflft. ef J 02
0 Adams, lb I 1 12
0 trails If 4 2 1
Dllts, U
Th'son, cf 4
Oland. 3b 4
Davis, rf 8
T'rney.Jb 4
Manlon.0 J
Sparks, p J
Burke " J
Bayne, P 1
0 Griggs, rf 8
OlHauk, 3b 3
0 Griffith, o 4
1 1
2 2
0 2
2 1
M'dows. D 3
1 0
Masters, p 9 0 0
Totals 32 10 27 0 Totals 34 13 27 8
Batted for Sparks In seventh.
- xBattsd for Meadows In eighth.
rtft.1.. . 10000031 0 4
SklXoma-citr::::::. uuuow
Two-base hits: Meadows. Hays Davis,
Manion. Three-base hits: Falk. Griggs.
Bacr flee hits: Bensen, Sparks. Stolen
base Cleveland. Double plays: Benson
and Adams; Wuffll. Tlerney and Slattery.
Struck out: By Meadows. 2; by Sparks,
l; by Bayns. 8. Bases on balls: Off
Meadow. 4: off Sparks. 4 ; off Bayna, 1.
Hits: Off Meadpws, In lnni. g Va .
tanlut off Bayne 2 In 8 Inning;. Bit
hy pitcher: Falk, by Bayne. Left on
base: Oklahoma City. 12; Tulsa. 8. Time:
8:15. Umpires: Eckman and Hurlburt.
Witches' Batjjng Rally in
EightlfGave Them Victory
" Wichita, Kansas, July . 3. Wich
ita staged a rally in the eighth after
Mapel had held them safe and won
out, 6 to 3. Waldbauer relieved
Norman in the sixth and let the
miner down without a run after
that Score:' .
AB. H. O. B.
An. H. O. E,
Lamb, ss 5
Wllholt. ef 4.1 2
Th'son, 3b
B hler. cf S
Nutt, If 4
Iluls'U 3b 4
Hall, rf 4
B'beck. lb 4
WM'ller, lb 3
1 14
1 0
McB'ae, ir s
Toln n. rf 2
W'urn, 2b 3
T'yan. 3b 4
Wallln. 8
Smith, e 8
Mapel, P 8
Burwell 1
OlNe'asha. e 4
IKnrmtn. D 1
IWald'er, p 1
xBowman x-
' Total 37 10 24 2 Total 88 10 27, 8
Batted for Mapel In ninth.
zBatted for Norman lnsflfth.
Jopltn 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 03
Wichita, 0 0 0 0 1 1 04 6
Two-basa hits: Lamb, Brlebeck, Boeh
ler, McBride. Berger 2). Sacrifice hits:
Thompson, Mueller,"- McBrldp. Sacrifice
fly: Washburn. Double plays: Lamb. Huls
wltt and Brlebeck; Hulswitt and Brlebeck;
Berger, Washburn and Mueller. Left on
bases: WJchlta 6; Joplln. t. Base on
balls: Off Waldbauer. 2; off Mapel, It.
Struck out: By Norman,, 4; by Mapel, 2;
by Waldbauer. 1. Hits: Off Norman, 8
in 8. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Holme and
Vltter. - o
Chamber of Commerce
Plans Royal Welcome
For Omahar Ball Team
The ; Chamber of Commerce is
behind a movement to make next
VVfdn? srtav Allied Oreaniration dav
at ourke park. That j day . Bill
Rourke's base ball team, after a
month away from home, returns and
meets the Oklahoma City club.
Chamber of Commerce members are
preparing to boost for the game and
secure a large attendance.
K the plans as now being worked
out fully mature, the Chamber f
Commerce drum corps will head? a
parade of business and, professional
men, all of whom will go to the ball
park, spread over the grandstand
and bleachers and there root for the
Omaha team. ' ' v
" Southern Association.
i At Atlanta, 8.- Mobile, t.
.At rhiHinmn. tl Nubvllla. t.
At Little Rock, 4; Memphis,'?.
At Birmingham, f; Mi w. Or leans, 8.
srunis , i i i I. i . i , ...
Principals in
$ 1
Vtwta - " 1 )A. CADDO CK.
Gaddock Third Man in Ring
at Stecher-Lewis 'Match
Wre&lers Both on Hand and Stage All Set for Big
Event at the Auditorium This Afternoon; Huge
Crowd Is Looked For.
Earl Caddock,of Anita, la., heavy
weight wrestling champion of the
world, will he the third man in the
ring at the Joe Stecher and
"Strangler". Lewis match at the
Auditorium this afternoon. Lewis
through his manager, Billy Saudow,
threatened to call off the bout un
less a referee living outside of the
state was selected. '
Caddock, who was in the city in
conference with Gene Melady, hi:,
manager and promoter of today's
bout, finally consented, to officiate
in case he could secure his release
from his promise to attend 'a sol
diers' homecoming celebration in his
home town. The committee in
charge of the celebration held a spe
cial meeting last night and, after the
conditions of the wrestling match
were explained, consented to releas
ing Earl on condition that he would
hurry home in time for the evening
No Standing Room.
Gene Melady reiterated last night
his decision that under no circum
stances would any standing room
seats be sold. "I have guaranteed
comfort for the spectators who have
purchased and I will not
crowd the building so it will be un
comfortable," said Mr. Melady.
"The 20 tons of ice and the circulat
ing fans will be put in operation
early so that the building will be
thoroughly cooled before the crowd
starts to arrive."
Large delegations from Lincoln,
York, Holdrege,' Dodge andFre
mont arrived last night for the bout.
The first money in any large
amounts to be bet n Lewis to win
came from Lincoln and several size
able Wagers were made. Stecher
still ranks the favorite in Omaha.
Joe Stecher anrj his wife and
brother Antone arrived in Omaha'
last night, driving down from their
home in an auto. Joe was in the
best of spirits and looking hard as
nails. He is brimming over with
"Doc" Elwood Posts $1,000
Forfeit for Match With
Winner or Any Other
J. W. Elwood has Hosted $1,000
with tke sporting editor of The Bee
as a forfeit in a challenge he issues
on behalf of Marin Plestina to'the
winner of the Stecher-Lewis match
this afternoon at the Omaha audit
orium. The following challenge ex
plains itself: v
"I hand you herewith $1,000 to
back up the following challenge:
"I hereby challenge the winner of
the Stecher-Lewis match today, to
wrestlii, Marin Plestina a finish
time within sixty days for a side
match, two falls , out of three any
bet of $10,000 (ten thousand dollars)
or any part, of it, and further the
winner to take all the gate receipts.
If this challenge is accepted, time
and place to be agreed upon.
"If. the winner of this match will
not meet Plestina then this offer
goes for Caddock, Pesek, or any
other wrestler in America.
"Plestina is now under the man
agement of Bernarr McFadden pub
lisher of the Physical etlture Maga
zine, New York. Mr. McFadden is
known throughout the world as a
sportsman of the highest type and
one of our greatest exponents of
good health and cjean sports
"I am jusf in receipt of a com
munication from Mr. McFadden au
thorizing me to say that he willback
Plestina in a finish match, two tfalls
out of three against Stecher, Zbysz
ko, Lewis, Caddock or. Pesek for all
or any part of $25,000.
"This money will be left in your
hands for ten days, which is ample
time for any of these wrestlers to
speak up,- '
Today's Bout
Wrestling match, i
3 p. m. at Auditorium.
Joe Stecher, weight 215 pounds.
Strangler Lewis, weight 235
To a finish, best two in three
, Purse, 60 per cent of gross, es
timated at $22,000.
Winner take all.
Doors open 1 p. m.
Tom Ray, Omaha favorite mid
dleweight, vs. Charlie Lawson,
middleweight champion of the
Joe Smeal, 250-pound training
partner of Stecher, vs. Bill Dris
ty, Omaha heavyweight.
Referee, Earl Caddock.
Promoter, Gene Melady.
Manager, Carl Marfisi.
Announcer, Dave Stevens.
Special entertainment, Parker's
jazz band and telegraphic returns
direct from the ringside of the
Willard-Dempsey fight in Toledo.
confidence and anticipated an early
ending to the match.
Returns From Fight
A special wire will bring returns
of the Willard-Dempsey fight to the
Auditorium by rounds. Announcer
Stevens of the Missouri Athletic
club, Kansas City, has been secured
to tell of the fight and make the an
nouncements in connection with the
wrestling match. Parker's 15-piece
"jazz" band will furnish the music.
Earl Caddock, wrestling championj
and reteree ot the Mecher-Lewis
match at the Auditorium today, has
political ambitions. Earl is consid
ering tossing his hat into the ring
for congress at the next election.
"I have just one law I want to be
sure gets on the statute books,"
said Earl. "I favor sentencing ev
ery man to life imprisonment who
raises carrots. Not only should he
be given this sentence, but he should
be made to' live on carrots. The
worst insult any man could give me
would be to offer me carrots. While
in France I had carrots for break
fast, carrots for dinner, carrots for
supper.and any time iwas hungry
they gave me more carrots."
After Second Lieuts.
Earl has another ambition since
his return from overseas. He wants
to meet every second lieutenant in
the' army on the wrestling mat.
Earl says he will meet them any
way, . one-at a time or by squads.
"I would like to get a head- scissors
on every second lieut in the coun
try and brother, I would sure clamp
it cm tight," the champion said.
The army did not treat Earl kind
ly and he is badly out of condition.
His weight is now 20 pounds less
than when he left and he has gained
7 pounds since his return. He now
weighs 172 pounds. The canned
"chow" of army life, h says, did not
agree with him.
One year ago, he savs, will always
be remembered. On a forced march
with little to eat and less to drink,
he was wearily dragging along when
a comrade, much older than himself,
dropped from the ranks exhausted.
Rather than leave him behind, Earl
carrjed his pack and permitted him
to stay with his command.
To Defend Title.
After the' Fourth Caddock will
leave for Excelsior Springs to get
in condition to defend his title.
"After I am in condition I will cer
tainly defend the title as the public
demands," said Earl. "I appreciate
he courtesies the public has ac
corded ie and will do all in my
power to return them."
Sari was requested to return to
France and participate irr the inter
allied athletic games. He answered
in one word. "Nix." "Iowa is plenty
go6d enough for me," he said. ' "I
am now in the real estate business
and after watching, the land increase
in value, I know it is the best place
in the orld '
Sunday Base Ball Carries.
Fremont, Neb., July 3. At a spe
cial election in North Bend, Sunday-
base ball carried by 23 votes. The
question was hard fought and both
sides were "on the job" till the polls
(closed. v
Cooner Pitches Good Bail
for Pittsburgh, T6am,
While Douglas Is Hit
( Hard.
Pittsburgh, July 3. Chicago was
defeated today, 4 to 2, in a well
played game. Cooper held the vis
itors to three hits for seven innings,
but weakened in the last two. Doug
las was hit hard in the early part
of the contest. Score:
R. H. E.
Chicago IMUM1 1 T v I
Pittsburgh ....0 1J00100 xt S I
Batteries: Douglas, Martin and Kills
fsr; Cooper and Schmidt.
Reds Beat Cardinals.
Cincinnati, July .- With Ruether pitch
ing his seventh straight victory, Cincin
nati defeated St Vouls today, 4 to 1.
Scors: .
R. H. E.
St. Louis ....... 0 1 t t 8 0 01 t t
Cincinnati 0 0200101 04 10 1
Batteries'. Ames, Meadows and Snyder;
Ruether said Wlngo.
Braves Make Clean Sweep.
Boston, July S. Boston made a clean
sweep of Its series wtth Philadelphia by
winning, 3 to 2, today. Rlggert hit a home
run In the fifth with Scott or first. Score:
R. H. E.
Philadelphia ..1 0000010 02 0
Boston 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 X J 2
Batteries: Smith! and Adams; Scott,
Demaree and Wilson. .
Dodgers Defeat Giants.
New York, July 3. Brooklyn mads It
two out of three from New York, win
ning the last game of the series ( to 3.
Brooklyn knocked Benton out of ths box
in the fourth Inning .scoring four rupe on
three hits, a sacrifice fly and errors by
Fletcher and Kauff. Score:
Brooklyn 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 O-o' i 0
New York 0 0000300 03 7 3
Batteries: Mamaux and Miller; Benton,
Ragan, Perrltt and McCarty.
Tigers BeatBrowns
and Even Up Series
on St. Louis Diamond
T.niiie Tnlv 1 TTJimlr Vilt
hLouis to three hits while his team
mates bunched two hits, two walks
and a sacrifice hit and fly in the
first inning, obtaining a lead which
the locals could not overcome. De
troit evening up the series by win
ning, 3 to 1. Score:
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 10 1
St Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 3 2
Batteries: Ehmke and Alnsmtth;
Shocker and Severeld.
Senators Shut Out Yanks.
Washington. July 3. Although Shore
Ditched good ball for New York today.
Johnson was more effective, especially as
regards men on bases, and Washington
won, 1 to 0. New York failed to get a
man as far as third base. Score:
K. H. B.
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1
Washington ...1 0000000 x 1 7 0
Batteries: Schneider, Shore and Han
nah; Johnson and Oharrity.
Champions Win Again.
Philadelphia. July 3. Walker's home
run in the first Inning with Witt on base
gave Philadelphia a flying start today,
but Naylor, after holding Boston hltless
for four innings, went to pieces and the
champions made It two out of three by
winning, to z. score:
R. H. E.
Boston 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 08 10 0
Philadelphia ..20000000 02 7 2
Batteries: Jones and Schang; Naylor,
Selbold, Rogers and Perkins.
Sox Win Easily.
Cleveland pitchers at will today and won,
Cleveland pitchers at will today and won
17 to 1. Cleveland's errors were costly,
the 10 runs In the fourth Inning being
scored after chances to retire the side.
R. H. E.
Chicago 0 1 0 10 3 3 0 0 017 15 2
Clecelsnd ...100 00000 0 1 6 4
Batteries: William and Schalk; Mor
ton, Enzmann Phillips, Klepfer, Jamleson
and O'Neill, Uunamaker.
Naps Release Turner.
Cleveland, July 3. Terry Turner,
dean of the American league base
ball players, was given ten days'
notice of unconditional release by
the Cleveland club today. He had
been a member of the local team
15 years. All the other American
league clubs waived on his release,
which was made necessary to keep
within the player limit, jt was an
nounced, i .
Base Ball Standings
Won Lost Pet.'
Oklahoma City 31 23 .674
Joplln 29 26 .627
OMAHA 30 27 .526
Des Moines 26 27 .600
Tulsa , 29 31 .483
Sioux City a.. 1 25 27 .481
St. Joseph ., 24 28 .462
Wichita ...J.., 26 31 .456
Yesterday's Results. v
I Omaha, 2; St. Joseph, 0.
Tulsa, 4; Oklahoma City, 3.
Wichita, 6; Joplln, 3.
Sioux City, 7; Des Moines, 1.
' Today' Games.
Omaha at 8t. Joseph (two games).
Joplln at Wichita (two games).
Sioux City at Des Moines (two games).
Tulsa at Oklahoma City (two games).
' Won. Lost Pet.
Cincinnati 39 22 .638
New York 37 21 .638
Pittsburgh 33 29 .632
Chicago 33 31 .516
Brooklyn 30 30 .600
St,Louhv -. 27 34 .443
Boston . :-. 22 35 .386
Philadelphia 13 S" .337
Yesterday's Results.
Boston, 3; Philadelphia, 2. '
Brooklyn. ; New York, 3.
Pittsburgh, 4; Chicago, 2.
Cincinnati, 4; St. Louis, 1.
Today's Games.
. Boston at Brooklyn (two games).
N Chicago at Pittsburgh (two games).
New York at Philadelphia (two games).
St. Louis at Cincinnati (two games).
Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 34 20 .630
Chicago . 37 24 .607
Cleveland 34 26 .567
St. Louis 29 28 .627
Detroit 31 28 .525
Boston .' 26 31 .466
Washington 25 34 , .424
Philadelphia .t 15 40 .273
Yesterday's Results. ,
Washington, 1; New York. 0.
Chicago, 17; Cleveland, 1. .
Detroit. 3; St. Louis, 1.
Boston, 8; Philadelphia, 2. , .
Today's Games. '
Detroit at Chicago (two games).
Washington at New York (two games).
St. Louis at Cleveland (two games).
Philadelphia at Boston (two games). 1
, Won. Lost. Pet
St. Paul ,... 21 v21
Louisville 37 23 .617
Indianapolis. 33 i 26 .669
Columbus 28 I 27 .509
Kansas City 29 28 .509
Minneapolis 28 28 .500
Milwaukee 23 37 .373
Toledo 17- 20 .362
Yesterday's Results.
Toledo, 2-8; Columbus, 1-7. '
St Paul, 4: Milwaukee. 3. .
Louisville, 4; IndJanapolU, 2, 1
next imt
ILLARD will knock him for
jicic will slap the old bird colder than shrimps on ice. Jess will be
picking -Jack's knuckles out of his stomach for the next eleven years.
xours until Bevo gets dangerous.
Dempsey couldn't whio Tess in
lt'j rabbits against bulldogs. Me
I expect to land on Amerioan soil about the same time that Jack
lands on Willard's smeller. If Dempsey doesn't crash him bow-legged
he will outfourteenpoint him. WOODY.
It's in lik last year's crop of alfalfa. Dempsey from handshake to
smelling salts. Yours until they put sugar on pretzels. ORLANDO.
j I was a loser but a winne I know when I see him. Willard looks
good fromolland. So does the jailhouse by London. BILLHELM.
Pempsey will take everything but the beating. It's a peanut roaster
against a machine gun loaded with mules' hind feet. Jack will knock
him deader than a two-hour-old street car transfer. Yours until there's
a red bridge over the Atlantic PRINCE OF WALES.
,P. S. Make that bridge any color. "
Willard will poison him with a punch. The third man in the ring
should be. a -coroner. What I don't know about picking winners would
empty a library. Yours until the moon barks back at the pups, THE
If gloves were bombs, Jess might have a laundryman's chance. Demp
sey will crack him stiffer than a celluloid collar. They'll be feeding the
big whale through a quill. THE CHINESE AMBASSADOR.
Willard will wallop Dempsey like prohibition smears the internal
revenue. That bird will leave quicker than a mushroom arrives. You
know me. I never booted the second guess yet. Yours until John D.
needs a shampoo. THE WEATHER MAN.
Jack should slap him bow-legged in about one round and an inter
mission. After the kid gets stepping, "Jess will think he's on a slanting
roof with roller skates on. I won't be at the fight hut I'll be as close to' it
as a ten-dollar ticket will take you. Yours until landlords refuse the rent.
Heavyweight Championship
Crown Will Be Retained By
Willard; Kid Graves Thinks
Firmly Believes Cleverness
Ability Not Offset By
Challenger, Though
Decide Bout.
Former Welterweight Champion.
Toledo, O., July 3. (Special
Telegram).: The greatest event in
the pugilistic history of America, if
not the world, will be staged in this
city Friday afternoon when Jess
Willard and Jack Dempsey meet to
decide who is king of heavyweights.
The first preliminary of eight
rounds will start at 10 a. in. between
Tommy O'Boyle of Toledo and
Solly Epstein of Indianapolis.
Jimmy Devers of Jackson, Mich.,
will referee.
The second preliminary between
Wop English of Toledo and Wh'irl
wind Wendt of Chicago for eight
rounds will start at 10:40 with
Tommy McGinty of Cleveland
referee. The third bout will be for
10 rounds between Johnny Lewis of
Toledo ' and Tommy Long of De
troit. Danny Dunn of Cleveland
will referee.
The fourth preliminary of eight
rounds between Johnny Rose of To
ledo and Battling Balliere of the
army will begin at 12:20, and will be
refereed by Tom Bodkin of Pitts
burgh. The fifth event will bring togeth
er Jock Malone of St. Paul, Demp
sey s sparring partner, and Navy
Ralston of Joliet. It will begin at
p. m. Lou Bauman of Cincinnati
will referee. The semi-windup
will be another championship affair,
Paperweight Champion Frankie
Mason of Fort Wayne defending his
title against Carl Tremaine of De
troit in a 10-round bout at 2 p. m.
Billy Rooks" of Detroit will referee
this bouU f 1
Main Bout al 3 P. M.
The maiii event, the battle for. the
world's heavyweight championship,
will go on at 3. It will prove to be
the best boufbetweeh heavyweights
ever seert.or one of the very poor
est. Judging from the conditton of
the men it shduld be the best.
It will certainly be a history-making
contest in either event. It
practically means the making or
breaking of the boxing .game in
America. Should it prove a bloom
er, hope for legalized boxing in
Nebraska and many other states will
be dead. If it is a great fight the
hopes of boxing fans n the various
states will b5om and bills will be
presented to almost every state leg
islature in the country.
This bout will be attended .by
some of thf foremost men in public
life in the country, including finan
ciers, politicians, business men and
a host of celebrities of-the sporting
Some of those in the sporting fra
ternity who are here are "Sunshine
Jim" Coffroth. the Frisco promoter,
an in his party are the two former
heavyweight champions, Jim Jef
fries afid Jim Corbett; Johnny Cou
lon, former bantamweight cham
pion; Frank Moran, Benny Leonard,
lightweight champion; Jack Britton,
welterweight i champion; Battling
Levinsky. Billy Miske. light heavy
weight champion; Johnny Kilbane,
featherweight champion; Jimmy
Dunn, Tad Dorgan, Bob Edgren, Ed
Smith, Sik Keener, Jas. Dougherty,
Jack Dillon, George Chip, Battling
Nelson, Emil Thierry, Tom Jones,
Tom Andrews, Larney Lichenstein.
Gene Delmont. Richie Mitchell, Bil
ly Gibson, Jack Hanlon, Billy Mc
Carney, Billy Rocap, and a host of
other leading lights of sportdom,
too numerous to mention.
Has a Friend at Court.
I moved my quarters to a more
central location today, going into
the StXlair hotel with Sid Keener
and another St. Louis sport writer.
Our favorite diversion is matching
for the beer, and we get real beer
from a gent that knows where to
get it at 50 cents a bottle, and oh,
boy, it is a real drink in this kind of
weather. It is 93 in the -shade and
the weather man says hotter Fri
- - I I
w r ig mi a is ww
ii ft i' ah x il.
a row of totem poles. PREMIER
Lc.JN1in r. and-TKOTSKY.
a four-acre lot of four-leaf clovers.
and you until the Rockies are a rut,
of Jess and Hard-Hitting
Nimbler Tactics of Dempsey,
First "Haymaker" Likely to
day. We will take raw meat, to the
ringside with us for lunch and it
will be well broiled by lunch time.
A crowd of Kansas cowboys blew
in at noon, some of them as big as
Champion Willard, and they have a
roll that would make a camel drink
every day to bet on Willard. Some
Lawrence, Kan., business men are
distributing Kansas dollar bills to
all the newsboys and bell hops and
boosting Willard.
They call themselves the Kansas
Jayhawkers, boosting Lawrence and
Crowds Rolling In.
The crowds are rolling in on
trains, interurbans and in autos.
The hotels are filling rapidly and
any kind of room brings $10 ,per
night and it must be taken for two
nights and paid for in advance and
you double or triple with someone
else to boot. To get a room alone
it costs 25 iron' men and you cough
up $50 for the privilege s a guar
antee for two nights.
Challenger anti champion are
resting and their retinue of helpers
are breakirfg up training camps.
Each is confident of winning and
the majority of fans and writers are
on the fence when it comes to pick
ing a winner. -
My choice is Willard because I
figure him to keep Jack off until
he can sink a hard one over on
Dempsey's jaw. The first one to
land a solid punch will win this
bout as sure as you're a foot high
and I pick Willard 4o land it on
account of his cleverness and ability
to evade dempseys clouts long
enough to get one of his own over.
Marital Objection
May Keep Biddle
From July 4 Fight
Toledo, O., July 3. When Phila
delphia Jack O'Brien arrived in To
ledo Thursday morning he appeared
very mysterious. ,
He gave out word that he was
acting for Maj. A. J.'Drexjl Biddle
and announced that became of mar
ital objections and' army doties, Mr.
Biddle would probably be unable to
be at the ringside of the Willard
Dempsey fracas an act as judge.
. O'Brien said Promoter Tex Rick
ard would be officially notified.
xWhen Rickard was questioned re
garding O'Brien's story he merely
said, "ThereS" nothing to ft at all."
Should it be a fact, no one in au
thority knows who will be selected
to act as judge in Blddle's stead. It
may mean that' Frank Flourney,
Rickard's partner in the venture,
will be the man " to take Biddle's
place, but there is a strong rumor
that some newspaper man will be
asked to fill the position. Details
will not be known until Today and
the affair will in no way delay the
American Association.
Toledo, O., July 3. Score:
R. H. E.
Columbus 1 9 4
Toledo 2 7 3
Batteries: Wilkinson and Wagner; Brady
and Murphy.
Louisville, Ky., July 3. Score:
K. H. E.
Indianapolis 2 10 0
Louisville 4 11 1
Batteries: Crum and Gessett; ' Stewart
and Kocher.
St. Paul, Minn., July 3. Score:
Milwaukee 3 S
St. Paul i 10 3
Batteries: Williams and Huhn; Merrltt,
Brown and McMenemy.
-j R. H. E.
Columbus .i 7 9 5
Toled 8 11
Batteries: Hartman, Park, George and
Hartal ; McCall. Adams and Kelly.
Gibbons Gets Decision.
Denver, Jaly 3. Tommy Gibbons
of St. Paul had the be'st of George
"Knockout" Brown of Chicago in
every round of their' 12-round bout
here tonight
Local Sandlotters to Enter
tain Public In Omaha and
at Nearby
Omaha amateur base ball teams
will hold the center of the stage
here and at nearby towns on July 4,
as an elaborate program has been
arranged bv the local base ballists,
. The feature game in Omaha for
firecracker day will hold fourth at
Kourke park, where the crack Ar
mours, Omaha s semi-pro aggrega
tion, will lock horns with the fast
Lincoln "Cleaners and Dyers. It will
be remembered by many of the ama
teur followers here that the Lincoln
aggregation won' the world's ama
teur base ball championship in 1917
by defeating the St. Paul and
Minneapolis teams of the western
division and winnings over one of
the eastern cities for trie world's
As an additional attraction the re
turns "hot . off the wire" of the
world championship fight between
Willard and d)empsey will be an
nounced. Brandeis at Blair.
The big out-of-town attraction for
tomorrow will be at Blair, where
the Marty O'Toole Brandeis Store
team- will clash in a double-header,
playing Herman in the opener and
Blair in the main event.
Probably the biggest crowd that
ever attended on out-of-town game
will be in attendance, as it is ex
pected that nearly 700 Omahans will
be present, as the Brandeis Stores
employes will have their annual pic
nic. Manager O'Toole announced
this morning that automobiles and
trucks will start to leave the store
about 7 o'clock.
Fontenelle park will be the scene
of three of the six local amateur
games as part of the July 4 cele
bration to be staged there. The
first game will start at 10:30 a. m.,
and will be between the Union Out
fitting Co. and the Mickel Victro
las of the City league. Two con
tests will hold forth in the after
noon, the Willard Storage Battery
of the City league will clash with
the Riggs Optical Co. of the Amer
ican league, and the World-Herald
team of the Booster league meet
the Paxton-Vierlings of the Amer
ican league. The first afternoon
game will start at 2:30 o'clock, and
the second at 5 o'clock. A purse of
$25 are hung up for each game.
At Elmwood Park.
Three postponed games are also
booker. At Elmwood park east
diamonds, at 3:30 o'clock, the Ram
blers meet Trinkle Brothers. In the
Gate City league, the Hermansky
Pharmacy meet the Originals at
Thirty-second and Dewey avenue,
3:30, and the Townsends battle with
the Omaha Print Juniors at River
view park at the same hour.
The Nebraska Power Co. of the
Greater Omaha league, will journey
to Fairbury, Neb., where they will
play Utica, Neb., team for a $300
purse, and the Ernie Holmes White
Sox of the same league will play a
double-header at Plattsmouth.
Over across the "Big Muddy" the
McCaffrey Motor crew of the City
league will iock horns with the
Longeways of Council Bluffs at the
Athletic park. ,
McCaffrey Manager
Barred Indefinitel;
by League Offii
Directors ot the Municipal Ama
teur Baseball association at their
meeting last night at the office of
Park Commissioner Falconer in the
city hall upheld Secretary Isaacson's
decision in suspending Manager
Horace Rosenblum of the McCaf
frey Motor team, for threatening to
withdraw his team from the City
league, on account of'a recent ver
dict of that body when they ordered
the protested game between his
team and the Bowen Furnitures re
played on the ground that Frank
Mirasky was a Class A player.
Rosenblum's suspension, which is
indefinite, is also based on the fact
that he failed to abide by the in
structions of Secretary Isaacson and
Frank Jacobs, the latter president
of the City league. Both Isaacson
and Jacobs, it was 'brought out at
the meeting, notified Rosenblum not
to use Mirasky. t 1
The meeting was one of the
stormiest held by the amateur body
thus far. Both Rosenblum and T.
S. McCaffrey, the latter backer of
the team, were given a hearing on
the matter. However, it is rossible
that the McCaffrey manager will be
reinstated before the season is over,
but nothing definitely was decided.
The directors also overruled the
decision of the City league man
agers jn the McCaffrey-Bowen pro
test, and ordered the game to stand
as played. The McCaffreys won
the game by a 2 to 1 score.
R. R. Bitney and Jerry Fratt of
the Willard Storage Battery-team
of the City league asked for their
release from the team in order to
play class A ball, but instead they
signed up with the Bowen Furni
tures. The directors passed a mo
tion that these two men must either
play class A ball or play with the
Willards for the remainder of the
season, or they will be barred.
Player Bogue was allowed to play
with the Orchard-Wilhelm team of
the Commercial league because he
is employed by that firm.
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Racine: Hammer meeting of Kentucky
Jockey club, at tatonla, Ky. Summer
meeting; of Queens County Jockey club, at
Aqueduct. L. I.
Ron-in: Openlnir of Henley Rea-erta,
on the Thames river, Knaiand. Pacific
coast championship regatta, at San Fran
cisco. Annual regatta of w England
Amateur Rowing ssAclatlon, at Boston.
Yachting: Annual regatta of Lake
Michigan Yacht association, at Chicago.
Motnrhoat: Annual regatt of Missis
sippi Valley Power Boat association, at
Mollne. 111.
Athletics:: National meet of American
Industrial Athletlo association. t Gary,
Ind. 7 .,
Shooting! Trapshootlng championship
of Vnlted States army and navy, at Wash
ington. D. C.
Bench Show: Annual ahaw of Youngs
town (O.) Hnstnn Terrier club.
Tennis: California sectional doable
championship, at I Angeles.
Boxing: Jess Willard vs. Jack Dempsey,
13 rounds, at Toledo, O., (or world's heavy-
' t
Increasing Crowd Falls tor
Raise Gloom for Holders
of Big , Blocks of 'v
Fight Duckets.
Toledo,)., JulyN 3. The fight
crowd gathering here increased to
a marked extent tonight, but not
sufficiently to remove 'the look of
gloom observed on the faces of
ticket speculators. They were in
many prominent places offering
their commodity at less than salei'
(jin-cs auuuugn.ine more optimistic
were holding back in honei of
. .111 t. .l. . . ..
boom Friday forenoon..
One reason is that 80.000 seats is
a lot of seats, and it became appar
ent that any one desiring to witness
tlie big show could do so at the
legal price. The plight of the snec-
ulators in no wise 'indicated that
followers of the fight game are not
here in full force, for they are, and
sleeping in close quarters all over
town, hundreds in the Pullmans
which brought them here. An in
spection of the vast octagonal arena
made one prediction fairly safe, it
was said, and that was that Bay
View Park would be the hottest
place in the United States Fridav.
as it was Thursday.
It is a great expanse of terrached
lumber still rich in pitch which
gathers and holds the heat. There
is, of course, no roof and the July
sun oeats down in multiplied in
tensity. Thursday night workmen
gave the boards a wetting down as
a precaution against fire.
Telegraph linemen were busy dur
ing the day installing special wires
and one company estimated that it
would hand Itr close to half a million
The streets were thronged tonight
in the vicinity of the hotel and thea
ters. There was something which
man found amusing in the sight of
sporty-booking individuals sipping
soft drinks at soda fountains and
looking reminiscent of Nw Or
leans, Reno, Carson City and the
cool Arcades of Havana.
Withington Defeats
Col. Salier inlhe
Kingswood Sculls
Henley, Eng., July 3. Maior
Paul Withington of the American
army defeated Colonel E. L. Salier
of Great Britain in-the Kingswood
sculls on the Henley coruse today.
Major Withington won by three
lengths. .The time was nine
minutes, 28 seconds.
For the Leander cup, the Leander
crew defeated the American second
crew. v
The American army eight-oared .
crew beat the French army crew to
day in the elimination trials for the
king's cup. The Americans won by
three lengths. The time was seven
minutes, forty seconds.
In the race for the Leander cup
the Leander crew leaped off, rowing
40 strokes to the minute, as against
34 by the Americans, gaining a lead
of about a length. The Americans,
finding the wind annoying, steered
into Leander's waters. The Lean- ;
der crew maintained high speed and
was nearly two lengths ahead of
the Americans at Fawley Reach.
The Americans attempted to
quicken their stroke but failed to
attain' the speed of their opponents.
The Americans were beaten by a
length. The time was 8 minutes
12 seconds.
As the American and French
crews took the water they received
an ovation, bands playingihe "Mar
seillaise" and the "Star Spangled
Banner." The Americans ' rowed
approximately 39 strokes during the
first minute with the French mak
ing 37. At Temple Island the
Americans let out and increased.,
their lead to a length and a half at
the half way mark. Later the
French got within a length but,
rowing with great power, the Amer
icans led by two length at the mile
United States JVins ,
Meter Relay Race
in the Allied Games
Pershing Stadium, France, July 3.
The United States won the 1600
meter relay race in the inter-allied
games here today. The Australian
team was second and the French
third. The time was 3 minutes and
20 4-5 seconds.
weight championship. , Jack Britton vs.
Johnny Griffiths, 15 rotands, at Canton. O. s.
Fete Herman vs. Dirk Griffin, 10 rounds,
at Fort Worth. Mike Gibbons vs. Jeff
Smith, 1 Orounds, at Kansas City. John- ' .
ny Pundee . Harvey Thropp, 15 rounds, '
nt Kansas City. Harry- Greb ts. BUI
Rrennan, 15 rounds, at Tulsa, Okl. Bob
hv Hughes vs. Earl Puryear, 15 rounds, at
Tulsa. Okl. nick Load man vs. Walter
Stewart, 10 rounds, at Wheeling, W. Ya.
Joe. Lynch vs. "Kid" Wolfe, 15 ronnds, at
Baltimore. Lew Tenaier vs. jsaaie moy,
10 rounds, at Anentown, Fa. Otto Wal
lace vs. "Kid" Carter, 15 rounds, at LI
Paso. Te.
Automobile: One-hundred-mlle race at ;
Sheepshead Bay N. Y.) speedway. ,
Wrestling; Flnlsn matcn Between woo
Stecher and "Strangler" Lewis, at Omaha. .
Hotel Loyal