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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
!' IB 1, v- ' BEE Want ads will help you to the job yqu seek or to the man for the job. J- . t 4 THE WEATHER: . Thunder showers and cooler Friday; Saturday probably fair: warmer in west' and central por tion. RIEF RIG HT REEZ Y The Omaha Daily BE 5 a. m. , (M .. 1 a. at., S av. m . . . m . . 10 a m. . 11 a. m.. U noon . . ... 75 ...14 ... 14. ... 151 B 1 p. m. ..,).,., t p. m p. m. ......... M 4 p. m , M 5 p. m , M p. m f p. m tl p. m M BITS OF NEWS ... 17 ... 19 yOL. 490. 14., Eittrat h MM4-elait aiatttf May 21. ISO, it Omaha P. O. act af March 3. II7S. OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1919. By Mall (I yaar. Dally. 14.10: Saaday. IJ.Mt Oally ana Saa.. MM: outllda Nah. aoataaa aatra. TWO CENTS. ... 87 ... 871 WARNS AGAINST SHORTAGE IN U. S. Washington, July 3. In warning that still higher prices and a greater shortage of supply might be ex pected in the United States if for eign purchases are permitted to continue on the same basis as .the last few years, the federal reserve board in its July bulletin declared the war oeriod in exoortation had nn JV $ come to an end and that it now was : -s v a the duty of the investigating public to finance shipments needed by Europe. ARTIC EXPLORER FINDS N.( Y. AIR "VITIATING." New York, July 3. Vilhjamur Stefansson, the Arctic explorer, who since his five years' expedition in the far north for the Canadian govern ment has beenengaged in writing a book telling of his experiences and scientific researches, left here for i Glacier, B. C for a few good shivers. He said he found new York's swel tering, sub-tropical climate "vitiat ing." USE BAYONETS ON HUN RIOTERS IN ENGLAND. London, July 3. (By Universal Service.) A riot of 2,000 Germr.n prisoners of war in the Oswestry camp was quelled by British gov ernment troops. Bayonets were used freely. The riot was caused by delay in giving the prisoners their . rations. DELINQUENT CHILDREN -FINED" A SPANKING Stamford. Conn., July 3. (By ; Universal Service.) A new meth 4 od of dealing with juvenile de linquents was tried by Judge Sam uel Young in the city court. When eight youngsters were arraigned for trespassing on the property of the New Haven railroad the judge sen tenced each of (hem to pay a fine. He then suspended the fine and di ' rected the parents of the youngsters to give, them a sound spanking. WOUNDED 25 TIMES, YET "AFRAID" TO FACE CROWDS. Des Koines. July ..-Private Clyde M. Boyd of Payne, O., cared so little for danger when facing " German fire in France that he came out of the war with 25 wounds, one leg missing, one thumb missing, a finger split in two, the Croix .de Guerre, the Distinguished Service 1 Cross and a special letter of tfom - mendation from General Pershing. However, he and Private Joseph Buffalo ,of Bixby, Okf., and Cor poral John Coakley, of Kansas City, sent a communication to the commanding officer at Fort Des Moines asking that decorations they are to receive Sunday be pre sented in the hospital because they were "afraid to face the crowd," expected to attend the July Fourth celebration. The request was re fused. URGES MEN TO RETAIN , THEIR WAR INSURANCE. -Washington, July 3. Men who earned the right to government in surance were urged by President Wilson to retain their policies per manently, converted into such forms as they personally desire, in a wireless message from the George Washington to the "nations fight ing forces" and made publrc by the War Risk'bureau. Ringer Writes, Letter-Gets Hot Answer Mr. Ringer's Letter. Omaha, July 2 Mr. Victor Rosewater, Editor of The Bee Dear Sir: The following para graphs are quoted from The Omaha Sunday Bee of June 29, last, under the caption, "Bootleg-7 gers expect to continue V their V 'trade' in spite of wartime dry act." "DdKng the last four weeks thousands of gallons of whisky have been brought to this city. It - is estimated that never before in' - the history of Omaha have such great stores of liquor been con . veyed here. Persons who are in i close touch with the situation de- , ,.v clare that not even when licensed saloons were running full blast was there as much whisky stored . in Omaha as there is today." . " 'We never did have much fear of the Omaha police said one ( man who came into thje-city from "". Missouri yesterday with his car loaded down with 36 cases of whisky. 'I have always figured that I would get caught with about one load out of 25, and would charge it off to profit and loss. I have been caught just twice, "Snd was fined once.' " "With the great amount of whisky now stored in Omaha, ' -which is being augmented hourly iday and night, it is estimated the supply will meet the demand for the next six months." - - "Omaha bootleggers say they will continue in their occupation, excepting to contend with the law, as they have done in the past; ex ' V pecting to pay for protection V when compelled to do so by offi cers of the law, as has been their practice heretofore, and expecting to pay a fine when they meet an honest enforcer of the statutes, A which sometimes is the case." In the interest of law enforce ment, will you kindly "assist the police department by giving us the names . of the reporters who have the information upon which - this article is basedso that we ran call on them and get full data for the purpose of prosecution of those who are violating the law? Everyone, except the criminal, is interested in seeing that the laws are vigorously enforced, and we ask that you co-operate with us in the way herein suggested. Yours trulv. - - J. D. RINGER, Superintendent of Police. The Answer. Omaha, July 3, 1919 Mr. J. D. Ringer, Superintendent Depart " ment-. of Police Sanitation and PnbHc Safety, City of Omaha - - Xa(laut4 oa ttgt Xw. Colgna XIwm.) PUGILISTIC PRINCIPALS T Jess Willard and Jack Demp sey, Both Said to Be in Top Notch Trim, to Decide Heavy weight Championship Today. FIGHT EXPECTED TO BE GREATEST EVER STAGED Queensbury Rules; One Min ute Rest Periods; Ollie Re cord, Referee; Two fudges; Twelve Rounds; Even Bets. Toledo, July 3. (By the Associ-' ated Press.) With the world's heavyweight pugilistic championship at stake, Champion Jess Willard and Challenger Jack Dempsey will box 12 rounds at Bay View park, on the banks of the Maumee river here, July 4, in what is expected to be the greatest event of its kind ever staged.- Eclipsing all previous records in this direction, Promoter Rickard had guaranteed $100,000 to Willard, win, lose or draw, and $27,500 to Dempsey under the same conditions, while the -profits from the moving pictures will be divided into thirds. An arena to seat 80,000 spectators has been erected at a cost of $150, 000 and if the gate receipts are up to expectations, more than $1,000,000 will pass through the hands of the promoter. Seven per cent will go to local authorities, 10 per cent to the government in the form of a war tax, while scores of other -expense details will cut heavily into the huge sum. The giant boxers agreed to box under the Marquis of Queensbury" rules, with the kidney punch land the side hand chop blow or rabbit punch barred. There will be one minute rest periods between rounds and a referee and two judges to pass on the pugilistic merits of the contenders in case both men are on their feet at the close of the 12th round. Referee's Decision Final In case of a knockout, the action of the referee in counting out the fallen boxer will close the bout. If the judges disagree after 12 founds of boxing the referee will cast the deciding vote. He will 'also be re quired to secure confirmation of at least one judge before disqualifying a principal for fouling or other vio lation of the rules. Although Dempsey will wear especially constructed five-ounce gloves, Willard's will weigh nearer six ounces, due to the size of his hands. There will be no more pad ding in his gloves, however, than in those of the challenger. The contest, will be fought in a 20-foot square ring and each boxer will De allowed a seconas in ms corner. Soft bandages and a rea- (Continutd on Page Two, Column, One.) Move to Determine Whether 2.75 Drinks, Intoxicating or Not Washington, July 3. In line with the announced policy of the depart ment of Justice to proceed imme diately to bring test cases in all jurisdictions wherr beverages con taining more than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol are being sold,. As sistant Attorney General Fieson issued orders to all district , attor neys in "wet" territory to prosecute all cases thus arising. Specific instructions were sent to the district attorneys of San Fran cisco and Chicago, where alleged violation of the- wartime prohibition law had been reported, to act at once to have the courts decide whether 2i per cent drinks are intoxicating. A report from the district attorney at Atlantic City saida number of arrest, had been made thtere and that the sale of alcoholic drinks had been stopped. Manitoba's Right to Grant Divorce Affirmed by Law Ottawa, July 3. The province of Manitoba's initiative and referendum law was held to be unconstitutional by the imperial privy council, accord WAI GONG ing to cable advices received today from London. The decision, in dis missing Manitoba's appeal, held that the provincial government lacks the right -to institute "direct legislation." The privy council at the same time affirmed Manitoba's right to grant divorces as a result of which, local barristers predict there will be a rush of from 200 to 250 husbands pr wives with separation petitions to the,courts at Winnipeg. Movie Shippers Strike. Chicago, July 3. One hundred and fiity members of the Film ex change Shipping Clerks and Help ers' -union went on a strike for a minimum wage1 of $40 a week. vSix teen of the largest moving picture exchanges in the city are affected. ..... . 4 ' 1 O IT Ml uiard oure ne u -Retain His Title; -"111 Win"-Dempsey Toledo, July 3. In statements prepared for the Associated Press, Willard and Dempsey gave their views on their contest. Champion Jess Willard said: "From the day I signed the contract to defend the champion ship it has been my one idea to enter the ring in condition to give my best efforts to the pub lic and titular honors, which I am fortunate enough to hold. "I have trained with this in mind for a period of more jthan three months to the best of ray ability, and intend to give every ounce of strength and degree of skill that I possess to the defense of the championship. I know hat some followers, of boxing do not agree with my system of training, but I am convinced I know myself and my condition ing requirements. I believe that I am in perfect shape and confi dent that I shall successfully de fend the championship. If it should prove that I am wrong I shall stand up like a man and admit the superior boxing ability of my opponent without quibble, excuse or alibi. Beyond that I feel -that events must speak for themselves." w Challenger Jack Dempsey fore cast his victory in the following words: "Six weeks of consistent train ing has made me fit for the big event of my life. In all my career I never felt better than I do right now and I am as certain of victory as man cn be. The bigness of Willard does not both er me. I like the big ones. Carl Morris and Fred Fulton were not dwarfs and I put both of them away, doing the trick every time in less than one round. No man in the world can withstand the attack I will wage when I enter the ring with Willard. My youth, strength and natural fight ing ability will prove more than an offset to the extra poundage of the champion. "That I have real confidence in my ability to take the title away from Willard is to be be lieved. I have never yet met a man I feared. They all look alike to me and unless Willard is. the superman claimed by his supporters, I will knock him out in a hurry". I would not be sur prised to listhim along -with Fulton, Morris and the other one-rounders. He may get by the first, but if he does he is only framing a lot f trouble for him self. I'm sure ready to go to hira. I hope it is a good battle, no matter how short it is. Take it fronf me, though, you are talk ing to the winner." EX-DRY LEADER IS ARRESTED ON ' LIQUOR CHARGE ! 1 Former Omaha Anti-Saloon: League Head Held to , Grand Jury. J. M. Leidy, well known in. Oma ha as the head of the Anti-saloon league a Jew years ago, was held to the jury in Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon under $1,000 bonds after arraignment before Justice Cooper on the charge of maintaining a liq uor nuisance. A pool hall conduct ed by him at 540 Broadway was raided by Sheriff Groneweg's men and seven pints of whisky seized. An application for a liquor injunc tion was also filed against Leidy by County Attorney Swanson. Leidy has been in business in Council Bluffs since, leaving Omahac German National Body Will Likely Dispose of Peace Treaty by July 3 1 Weimar, July 3. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The German na tional assembly, it is expectedwill dispose of the constitution and 'war time measures by the end of this month and then adjourn to recon vene in October. Elections are not expected toNbe held before January. Lightning Kills Jhree at Dance Near Belle Fourche Belle Fourche. S. D., July 3. (Special Telegram.) Lightning which struck a halt in which a dance wasm progress 20 miles east of here Thursday evening killed George Hughes, orchestra leader, and t,wo others. Several of the dancers were injured. Miske and Levinsky Fight 12-Round Draw Toledo, July 3. Billy Miske of St. Paul and Battling Levinsky of New "York fought a slow 12-round draw in an open air arena here to night before 10,000 persons. Dead Bluffs Officer Honored With D. S. IT. Washington, July 3. Award of the Distinguished Service Cross to Lieut.- Charles M. Ford (deceased), Council Bluffs, la., was announced today. T . EMAISER TO BE TRIED L Lloyd George Tells Members of British House of Commons Former. German Emperor Soon Will Face Inquisitors. SOME OF TREATY TERMS TERRIBLE, PREMIER SAYS Deeds That Justified Harsh Pact Also Terrible; Teutons, if They Had Won, Would Have Exacted Worse Terms. London, July 3. William Ho henzollern, the former German ' emperor, will be brought to Eng land in a British ship and impris oned in the Tower of London, ac cording to the Daily Mail. The death penalty, will not be sought, the newspaper points out, but if he is found guilty the allies ask his banishment for life to a remote island, following the pre cedent of Napoleon's exile on St. Helena. The international trial court had intended to try the former em peror alone, the Daily Mail says, but it is possible that the former crown prince Frederick -William will also be arraigned before it. London, July 3. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Premier Lloyd George delivered in the House of Commons Thursday afternoon an explanation of the peace treaty, which he described as "the most momentous document to which the British empire ever affixed its seal." Speaks With Fervor. Though showing-he effects of his long labors at Paris and lacking his usual fire, the premier at Jimes made impassioned utterances- and was loudly cheered. His announce ment that the former German em peror would soon be placed on trial before a tribunal sitting in London was cheered most of all, while his presentation . of the Anglo-French convention, providing for British aid if Germany should attack France unprovoked a convention analo gous to one between the United States and France was greeted with unrestrairied approval. The scene recalled some of the great speeches of the War. All the seats were taken and every inch of standing room was pre-empted. The Prince of Wales, the American am bassador, John V. Davis, and Thomas Nelson Page, the Japanese and Italian ambassadors and many other noted persons were in the dis tinguished visitors' gallery. The gallery behind them was unusually colorful, because under the recent rules all were admitted to this sec tion, and nearly monopolized the space. ' Premier Well Received. The premier had a good reception from, all sections of the house. His speech was largely impromptu and discursive. He told of the peace (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) Gompers Says Acute Unrest in Detroit " Due to Prohibition Washington, July 3. Prohibition in Detroit, Mich., has brought about an "industrial situation acute and charged with danger, owing to the spread of radicalism and the deadly doctrines of the I. W. W.," Presi dent Gompers of the American Fed eration of Labor asserts in a report filed with the senate judiciary com mittee. The document, which was made public, supplements Mr. Gom pers' testimony before the commit tee June 14, opposing prohibition. Atlantic City Saloon Men Hsld for Selling Whisky Atlantic City, July 3. Nine saloon keepers were held in $1,000 bail in a hearing before the United States commissioner charged with violating the war emergency dry law by sell ing whisky and . wine. Apparently no charge of beer selling was lodged against the offenders. iThe proprietor of a leading board walk cabaret emporium was singled out as the chief offender and his bail was fixed at $2,000. A number of bartenders and waiters gave bail in $5Q0 to $200. Their cases will come before jthe federal grand jury in Trenton. Mexicans Raid Ranch. El Paso,' July 3. Mexican bandits raided the ranch of the Palomas Land- and Cattle company, a Los Angeles corporation, June 27, driv ing off .40 head of steers, H. S. Stephenson, general manager an nounced. A letter signed "Maximo Cervantes" was left at the ranch say irrg the bandits woyld kill any of the ranch managersjand employes who attempted to follow them. The Palomas ranch is southwest of Co lumbus. N. M.. in Chihuahua. . 010N PARDONS GIVEN MEN WHO SERVED LONGEST TERMS Thomas Collins and FranR1 Dinsmore, Under Life Sen tence for Murder, Freed by the Governor, t Lincoln, July 3. Thomas Collins, who has served the longest period of all pf'isoneri in the state peni tentiary, and Frank L. DinsmSre, who stands next to Collins in time served, both life men, will be given their liberty on the Fourth of July. Taking advantage of the law which permits the executive of the state to pardon on the Fourth of July two men, Governor McKelvie issued pardons which were present ed to the two named Thursday eve ning. Thomas Collins was sent up from Omaha for killing the owner of a sapon in the redlight district, in September, 1899" and was received at the penitentiary January 3, 1900. Frank L. Dinsmore was received at the same institution April 30, 1901, for killing his wife and the husband of another woman. He was born in Ohio, but was sent up from pawson county. Collins has been a "trusty"v for many years and has been at the orthopedic hospital ir Lincoln most of the time. Dinsmore was a drug gist at the time of his sentence and has been a valuable man at the in stitution, acting in the capacity of druggist, physician, teacher in the prison school and in many other capacities. Michigan Forest Fires Again Threaten Towns Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., July 3. Forest fires, believed Wednesday to have been brought under control, were again assuming threatening proportions in Chippewa county Thursday, as 'the result of a brisk southeasterly Svind. The situation is, regarded as par ticularly serious at the village ni Raco, about 20, miles west of here. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 3. Por tions of four counties are being swept by forest fires. Around the village of" Vanderbilt, in Otsego county, a number of families already have been driven from their homes,, and in Kalkaska county household ers in three towns are preparing to leave if the flames sweeping toward them are not cnecked before night. It is estimated the monetary loss in the four counties will total close to $1,000,000. On the G. 0. Doorstep MILLION UNION WORKERS TO GO ON STRIKE TODAY Walkout Protest Against Re fusal of New Trial to Mooney. ' San Francisco, July 3. One mil lion workers will commence Friday a five-day strike as a protest against refusal of California courts to grant a new trial to Thomas J. Mooney, convicted in San Francisco of mur der in connection with the prepared ness day bomb explosion, a state ment from the International Work ers' Defense league said. The de fense league has been considering the campaign to free Mooney and Warren K. Billings, also serving a life sentence for murder. Fifteen hundred local unions in the United States and Canada have voted in favor of the strike. Felix Schulberg of the Defense league's executive committee "said, and $wo international organizations, the jew elry workers and custom tailors, voted to go out as a, unit. Tfyee Killed When Train -Hits Auto Near Onawa, la. "-Sioux City, la., July 3. A Chi cago passenger train on the North western struck an automobile con taining five persons, two miles east of Onawa, la., south of here, Thurs day night, killing David Lamb, a farmer, his 14-year-old daughter; fatally injuring Winnifred Marshall, a school teacher, and seriously in juring two other daughters of Mr. Lamb, aged 7 and 9 years. Miss Marshall died from her injuries in a Sioux City hospital. All of the vic tims lived at Onawa. Esthonian Warships Take Fortress oi, Boldera Copenhagen, July 3, Esthonian warships have captured the fortress of Boldera, at the mouth of the Dvina river and have cleared the river of German armed vessels as far as the Muehlgrabe canal. An Esthonian official statement con taining this announcement says that four German vessels were captured. Use of Fireworks July 4 , Forbidden by Law, But Washington, July 3. Use of fire works and explosives in the cele bration of Independence today is prohibited under the wartime ex plosives law, but as congress failed to make any appropriation for- the enforcement of the act this fiscal year, officials said violators proba bly would escape punishment. A BIG DIRIGIBLE, WELL, NEARS AMERICA AbouHOO Miles -Northeast of St. Johns, Newfoundland, - According to Wireless (yiessage. St. Johns, N. F., July 3. The British dirigible R-34 was about 400 miles northeast of St. Johns at 10 p. m. Greenwich time, according to a message received tonight at the admiralty wireless station here. Spoken By Steamer Tiger. London, July 3. (By the Asso ciated Tress.) ThPur ministryan nounced that his majesty's steam ship Tiger had spoken to the R-34 at 6:30 p. m. in latitude 50 degrees 20 minutes north," longitude 40 de grees west. Apparently all is well on board the dirigible. Due at Mineola Today. Washington, July. 3. The British dirigible R-34, en route to the UniteB States on an attempted round trip trans-Atlantic flight, is expected to reach Mineola, Long Island, some time Friday, a British admiralty wireless picked up by' the Otter Cliffs' main radio station lat,e Thursday and relayed to the navy department, said. Text of American Agreement to Assist France Pelade Public Paris, July 3 (By jhe Associated Press.) The texts oPthe agree ments between France and the United States and France and Great Britain were given' out by the foreign office yesterday. The agreement with the United States cites articles of the peace treaty prohibiting Germany from tortifying either the right or left bank of the Rhine or assembling forces within 30 miles east of the Rhine and pro vides, in case these provisions do not assure France proper security and protection, the United States is bound to c$mie immediately to the aid of France if any unprovoked act of aggression is made against it by Germany. It is provided that the treaty shall be submitted to the council of the league of nations, which shall de cide whether to recognize it as an engagement in conformity with the league covenant, and also provides that the treaty shall be submitted to the United States senate and the French Parliament for approval.. RUNNING POLICE IN ALL CITIES ON ALERT Warning in Pittsburgh Vicin ity to Maintain Special Guards at Plants Issued From the State Headquarters. SPOKANE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTS FEDERAL HELP. Extra Precautions Are Taken to Protect Rich New Yorkers From Attacks of Radical Anarchists and Socialists. - Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 3. A warn ing to industrial plants in this vicin ity to 'maintain special guards as a precaution against bomb outrages Friday, was contained in a telegram from George F. Lumb, acting super intendent of state. police at Harris- : burg, received by Chief of Detec-' lives Clyde S. Edeburji. The. tele gram said the state police had re ceived reports of thefts of large quantities of powder and dynamite , in different parts of the state in the last few days, believed to have been stolen by radicat agents. Request State Troops. ' Spokane, Wash., July 3.- A re-; quest for state or federal troops, as a protective measure against possi ble radical outbreaks here July 4,. irr connection with a reported dem onstration against the imprisonment of so-called political prisoners, was . sent to the war department and to Governor Hart by the city council. A request to the commandant of sent to the War department and to Maior Thnmjn Ashtnn. ramminil. ing the third battalion of the state, militia, was met with the statement that- trir 1 i rXrA out lirtritwr t out the troops. The petition then 1 . ITT f , . was carried to wasnington ana, Olympia. . . nu x-oucc muDiuzco. New York, July 3. Every man of New York's police and detective force, more than 11,000 in number,"" was mobilized Thursday to remain on continuous duty until Saturday morning as a precaution against another possible attempt by anarch ists to inaugurate a reign of terror .' independence day. Special guards were thrown about the city's public buildings and the homes of promi nent citizens. As an added precaution, plans, were perfected for the rapid mobi lization of the city regiments of the state guard in the event of any widespread disturbance. . The city hall, the sub-treasury, the criminal courts building, St. Patricks cathedral and several other important public buildings , and churches were placed under guard.' Guards also were sent . to the homes of former Senator Clark of Montana, Cornelius Vanderbilt, (Continued on Pnre Two. Column Two. I , Baker Orders Army Reduced September 1 to Peace Time Basis Washington, July 3. Orders for the demobilization of the army by September 30, to the peace-time strength of approximately 233,308 officers and men authorized by the national jdefense act, were issued to day by the War department. By that date all officers of the regular army must be returned to their ptfmanent grades and officers holding commissions only for the emergency, including applicants or permanent appointment discharged. ' ' " Annonucement that the armyv would be reduced to less than 240, 000 officers ,and men by September 30, was accepted here to mean that I alio liau UCCII 1IIAUC IU j-withdraw practically the eTItire merican expeditionary torces be fore many weeks. - 'va- De Valera Will Address Hibernian Convention San Francisco, July 3. United States Senator James D. Phelan ' telegraphed to the committee in charge of arrangements for the na tional convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in San Fran cisco, July IS, that Eamonn De . Valera, provisional president of the Irish republic, had accepted an in vitation to address the convention. . The convention committee plans to ask De Valera to unveil in Golden Gate park a statue of Robert .Em met. N .' U. S. Airplanes to Patrol ( i on vi uioAiuaii uui ui El Paso, July 3. Airplanes will , patrol the Mexican border from San Diego to Brownville, with Fort Blissx near here, as the principal station, Brig. Gen. William Mitchell of the United States army airplane service, announced. He is her O establish the post air Italia , : -,y . '