Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    'South-Side j
E9ash tewrc
BUY what you need for the
"Fourth" on Thursday.
Our store is closed all day Fri
day. B1
iEAUTIFUL colored bands
for women's and chil
dren's sport hats. Choice, 25c
Wednesday, July 2, 1919.'
-Phone Douglas 2100
Will Make Opening Address at
. Session of National Live
Stock Traders Fri
day Morning.
Gov. S. R. McKelvie will spend
his Fourth in Opia'lia, as principal
speaker at the opening session of
the National Traders' Live Stock
exchange, which opens under the
V,.V-,.,.; r.l I U Rll, Dmi.
ha, president of the exchange.
The meeting will continue two
days, executive sessions being held
the first day. A complimentary
luncheon will be held at 1 o'clock, at
which Governor McKelvie speaks.
Delegates will be entertained at the
Happy Hollow club In the evening.
A. W. Miller, assistant to J. H.
Mohler, chief of the bureau of ani
i :ii I. ,u c
IIM 111, MIX, W. Will n ,t dli A L LI C L )FI I
urday sessions. A. Sykes of Ida
Grove, la., is also on the program, j
J. M. Tanner of South Omaha will j
deliver an address ana tne aeie
, gates will be guests at luncheon of
the Chamber of Commerce.
South Omaha People
to Hold Celebration
at Mandan Park Friday
Mandan park at the end of the
Albright carline will be the center
of a big Independence day program
tomorrow afternoon given under
the direction of Mrs. C. L. Alstadt,
park supervisor.
Fifty elders and children will
take part. Henry Murphy, former
city attorney under the South
Omaha administration, will be
principal speaker.
"We had arranged to co-operate
with South Omaha business men in
their plans to give a big celebra
tion," Mrs. Alstadt said yesterday,
"and when the plan fell through we
went ahead with our plans. More
than SO children are taking part."
Athletic contests of all kinds
have been arranged to start at 4
; o'clock. Vocal solos, violin play
ing, readings, dances and songs by
children will form a part of the
afternoon's festivities. Prizes have
been donated by local business
Rev. R. L. Wheeler, pastor of the
Wheeler Memorial church and his
son Perrv Wheeler, clerk of the
South Side police court, have been
invited to speak.
Eagles to Make Special
. Membership Campaign
H. Rothholz, state secretary of
the Nebraska Order of Eagles, an
nounced that a special drive will be
made Jhis week by members of the
local degree team, No. 154, under the
new- "membership campaign rules.
"The legree team will make a
special trip to Beatrice soon to ini
tiate a large class of incoming mem
bers," Rothholz said. "We expect
to have a class of SO ready in a
month or so."
At the state convention held two
weeks, ago, campaign plans for the
entire state were made.
South Side Brevities
For Sale Cheap 7-roora house, corner
lot, good location. See Wllg Brothers.
Open Thursday evening until 10 o'clock.
Wo close all day July 4. Wllg Brothers.
A FIRE and tornado policy on your
Dwelling and household goods In the
Springfield F. & M. Insurance Company
will protect you against loss.
J. L. DUFF. Agent,
2312 L street.
Man Arrested as Auto Thief
Is Held on Liquor Charge
Homer D. Gibson, 2026 St Marys
avenue, arrested by detectives Tues
day night, and found to be the
wrong man, was investigated
further Wednesday and turned over
to the federal authorities on a
charge of violating federal liquor
Gibson was first arrested on ad
vice of Oklahoma City police for an
alleged auto theft.
" Omaha police wired the news of
his arrest and received the informa
tion .that they had the wrong man.
Gibson offered to go to Okla
homa without extradition papers.
G. A. R. Chief Returns From
x Visit to 37 State Meetings
Col. C. E. Adams, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Re
public, has returned from a trip
which took him through 37 states,
where he addressed encampments.
He predicts that the annual
national encampment of the Grand
Army in .Columbus, 0., September
7 to 14, will be a memorable gather
ing. President Wilson and the sec
retary of war will attend the
v Colonel Adams will deliver an ad
dress at Neligh, Neb., July 4.
Former Omaha Girl, Married
s in Italy, to Return Soon
Mrs. E. N. Fortson, formerly Miss
. Helen Prettyman of Omaha, will
arrive here this week to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pret
tyman, 3018 Dewey avenue.
, 'Mrs. Fortson was a moving pic
ture actress and was in Italy at the
time this country entered the war.
She entered Red Cross canteen
work, where she met Lieutenant
. Dr. C. A. Stokes Cited.
Dr. A. C. Stokes has been men
tioned by General Pershing for mer
itorious service.
The doctor organized Base hospi
tal No. 49, which was composed of
Qmaha and Nebraska men and
women. He accompanied the unit
overseas and recently returned to
Omaha after performing special hos
pital duty in New York City.
Lincoln, July 2. (Special.) Dr.
this evening by the boys and
Let Burgess-Nosh Help You Prepare tor the " Fourth of July"
Are you prepared for the "Fourth?"
The grandest and most glorious Fourth
America has ever seen.
A great many of "Our Boys" are home. They want to see
our spirit, to see us show our colors and we must do it.
Here are some good values in flags.
At lc Each
4-6 inches, muslin, white
wood staff, lc.
At 89c
3-5-foot, printed stars and
stripes upon good, heavy,
starchless muslin. Good colors,
3-5, 89c.
At 8c Each
Good quality muslin printed
flag, 12-22, 8c.
All other sized flags are in
cluded in our assortment.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Stora
At $1.69
Printed stars ori heavy mus
lin and stripes sewed from same
material. A good big flag at a
reasonable price, 4-6, $1.69.
The same flag as above but
5-8 size at $2.85.
Presenting Smart and Skillfully
Designed Bathing Suits at
This assortment is well chos
en and represents the produc
tion of the best designers,
which is important, for there
are many bathing suits that de
tract from, rather than add to
the smartness of those who
0wear them.
In all bright colors the
popular wool jerseys, trimmed
in unique ways, straps, wing
effects, soutache braiding, etc.
Your choice ol a large selec
tion at $4.95.
Bathing Caps That Are Becoming
A gorgeous array of colors and dozens of A Of
styles from which to choose. Tiss
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Our Stationery Section Will
Supply You With Picnic Needs
THERE are numerous things that you have probably forgotten
and these suggestions will help you to remember.
Paper plates, various sizes,
dozen 5c.
Wax paper, roll Be.
Lunch sets, 10c, 15c and 25c.
Lily sanitary cups, package
Sanispoons, package 6c
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Bamboo knife and fork sets,
set 5c.
Paper napkins, pure white,
100 30c.
Thermopak ice cream con
tainers, each $1.25.
Also other picnic articles.
You'll Want To Take a Few
Pictures Over the"Fourth"
OUR kodak section is well able to supply your
every want for the Fourth. These will help you:
No. 2 Brownie camera $2.93.
No. 2A Brownie camera $2.73.
No. 3 Brownie camera, $4.80.
No. 2 Folding autographic Brownie, $8.53.
No. 2 Folding autographic Brownie, RR
lens, $10.13.
No. 2A Folding autographic
Brownie, RR lens, $9.60.
No. 2A Folding autographic
Brownie, RR lens, $11.73.
No. 2C Autographic Brownie,
No. 2C Autographic Brownie,
RR lens, $14.40.
No. 3A Autographic Brownie,
No. 3A Autographic Brown
ie, RR lens, $16.00.
No. 1 Premoette Jr., Achro
matic lens, $8.48.
No. 1 Premoette Jr., Planto
graph lens, $10.60.
3 Premoette Jr., RR lens,
2 Pocket Premo, Achro-
lens, $10.60.
2C Leatridge Premo,
2 Folding Premo, $7.42.
2A Folding Premo,
0 Vest Pocket, $8.00.
1 Kodak Jr., $14.40.
1A Kodak Jr,. $16.53.
3 Autographic Kodak,
3A Autographic Kodak,
Developing and Printing
All work left before 12:30 ready next day 11:30. All
work left before 4 ready next day 3:30.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
We Haven't Forgotten
the Children Four Specials
Thursday in the Downstairs Store
THE children will need to be all dressed up in a new
dress for the Fourth of July celebration.
White Dresses 95c
White dresses, sizes 2 to 6
years, made of lawn and ba
tiste, trimmed with all-over em
broidery Swiss, or embroidery
and lace insertion, embroidery
motifs, ribbon sashes, very spe
cial, 95c
Middies 66c
'Middies of white galatea,
trimmed with contrasting col
ors. Special, 66c. 6 to 16
Colored Dresses 50c
Colored dresses of gingham,
percale and chambray,: special
50c 2 to 6 years.
Rompers 57c
Colored rompers, of gingham
and chambray, 57c. 1 to 6
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Stora
Daily Feature Sale ihmsiay
I & UWU d$JLoWW x
f i
i4 OFF
Exclusive blouse models, in
cluding only one of a kind. In
the lot are French hand-made
blouses of batiste, voile, net and
Trimming of real Venice,
filet and Val.
These blouses were priced
from $1G.50 up and Thursday
we offer them at just 1-4 off
the original price.
T T is hard to imagine waists as dainty as these at such a low. price
and when you see them you will be astonished at the values.
Made of voile, batiste and dimity, all white or white with
colored stripes, in such, a variety of styles we cannot begin to de
scribe them.
All sizes from 34 to 46.
On account of the extremely low price there will be no re
funds, no exchanges and no C. 0. D.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
Another big shipment of
georgette blouses arrived in
time for this big event. In a
great variety of styles that are
usually found only in the more
expensive models.
The colors are flesh, rose,
grey, bisque; also black and
white. Sizes, 34 to 46.
For Thursday Only We Offer High
Lace Canvas Boots for Outing Wear
mHESE high boots are just the shoes for
J. women and girls to wear during vaca
tion and for outing. Many styles at $3.95.
Oxfords and Pumps $3.95
New summer weight in
brown kid skin tan kid skin.
brown russia calfskin, turn and ive It soles,
covered and leather Louis heels
Thursday V2 regular price.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
These Drugs Will Make You
Comfortable Over the "Fourth"
Listerine, large size 79c.
Peroxide, 4 oz. bottle, 8c.
Peroxide, 8 oz. bottle 16c.
Sloan's liniment, 19c.
4 oz. powdered Henna, 39c.
Callocide Foot Remedy, 19c.
Freezone for Corns, 29c.
Djer Kiss Face Powder, all
shades, 62c.
Djer Kiss Face Powder, all
shades, $1.05.
Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 39c.
Kolynos Tooth Paste, 23c
Enthymol Tooth Paste, 19c.
Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder,
White Rose Perfume, oz.
Pamole Face Powder, 19c
Dorin Brunette Rouge, 29c.
Jardin de Rose Face Powder,
' Burgess-Nash Co.
Palm Olive Face Powder, 39c.
Lux, the package, 10c.
Creme Elcaya Vanishing
Cream, 49c
D. & R. Cold Cream, medium,
Pompeian Night Cream,
39c t '
Ingram's Milkweed Cream,
small, 39c.
Sempre Giovine, 49c
Sanitol Cold Cream, 29c.
Resinol Soap, 21c.
Williams' Old English Soap,
Pure Olive Oil Castile, 15c.
Rose Bath Soap, 9c.
Four Pound Bar Service Cas
tile, 99c.
Four Pound Castile, $1.69.
No phone order; we reserve
the right to limit quantities.
. Mala Floor.
MEN! Here's a Section Thai Was Written Especially for You
A Remarkable Offering
of Burke Golf Clubs
o a a
Iodoooo A
Moo cm aaaA
o 0 onotjf
j Choice
WITHOUT doubt the greatest opportunity you have had
for a long time to secure golf clubs, and then, toor
it's just in time for the "Fourth."
There are
Golf Balls
SILVER KING Golf Balls, Bramble brand, at 75c each or $9.00
dozen. ,
SILVER KING Golf Balls, Mesh brand, at $1.00 each or $12.00
RADIO Golf Balls, Mesh brand, at 90c each or $10.50 dozen.
TAPLOW Golf Balls, Bramble brand, at 45c each or $5.00 dozen.
RED FLASH Golf Balls, Mesh brand, at 70c each or $8.30 dozen.
TAPLOW Floater Golf Balls, Mesh marking, 55c each or $6.00
Golf Bags
In a variety of kinds, $1.95 to $12.00. Heavy canvas golf bags,
shoulder strap and leather trimmings and pocket for balls, $1.95 and
Buagsrs-Nash Co. Fourth Floor.
Lincoln spark plugs, assorted
sizes, 39c.
Highway all rubber patch, ap
plied without cement, 39c.
Grease Guns, 59c.
Tail lamp for Ford, complete
with bulb, 89c.
Oils and grease, Polarine
lubricating oil, gallon. 75c.
Mabiloil "A," lubricating oil,
gallon, $1.10.
Polarine transmission grease,
5 lb. can, 69c.
Veedol cups grease, pound
Victor auto jacks, made of
malleable iron, capacity 2,000
lbs., $1.69.
Stewart speedometers, for
Ford cars, $10.95.
Howe search light, the lamp
with wondedrful bracket, best
grade reflector, complete with
bulb and rear view mirror,
Lunch Kits
Fitted lunch kits, service for
two, $8.50.
Fitted lunch kits, service for
four, $11.50.
Running board lunch kits,
fitted service for four, $19.50.
Auto refrigerators, can be
fastened to the running board,
Keep Cool in OneofTheseSilkShirts
PLAIN color crepe de chine silk shirts with separate collar to
match. They come in beautiful shades of blue, green, pink and
maize. A splendid quality of heavy crepe that will give excellent
Meris Silk Shirts
$6.85 to $12.00
A big selection of fine Jersey silks,
crepe de chine, broadcloth and Empire
silks. Ranging in price from $6.85 to
Wash Neckwear
50c to $1.00
Men's washable scarfs in crepe de1
chine silk, silk mixtures and French
piques; bright, attractive colorings in
panel effects and novel stripings, also
many new ideas in embroidered designs.
Men's Silk Hose, 85c
Men's pure thread silk hose in colors of
black, white, navy, gray, cordovan,, palm beach
and srreen. Interwoven and Mesco dualities:
ml lg they are splendid, durable silks, that will give
N1 yTi excellent service.
Burgess-Nosh Co. Main Floor.
Mr. Man! Have You Your
Bathing Suit?
A LARGE and complete assortment to
choose from. We feature the Califor
nia one-piece garments, in cotton, wool and
fiber silk. Beautiful colorings and strip
ings, also plain colors. Prices, from $1.50
to $12.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.