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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1919)
THE BEE! OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1919. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Minnesota Lands. GERMANY HAS SIGNED Wf have the lgnatur that muni money to you If you get busy Inside of ten day from data. LISTEN. Mobbed and ordered out of the country. We have hie holdlnca of twelve hundred acrea of beautiful land, every acre tillable, and beat of aoll. The cream of aouthoastern Minneaota located twenty-five miles north of the Iowa, Una, seventy-two mllea south of the Twin Cttlea In a aura cropping country. There are I fine aeta of buildings on thla land that you would be proud of. Cloa to good up-to-date towna, schools and churches. Write today for price and terms. Address box K 87, Omaha Bee Uo-ACRE Improved farm 60 mllea from Minneapolis, one-half under cultivation; balance meadow and pasture land, no waste land; 6-room house, eorn-crlb, ' granary, barn that will hold 10 brad ot cattle and six horses, hoghouse and chicken house, good will of water. Price 117.60 per acre, 13,000 cash, balance five year, t per cant. Schwab Bros., 10JS Iowa Lands. IOWA farm for aale four miles from Ne braska City; 180 acrei Improved, li cultivation, 60 pasture; good farm at 1160 per acre. A. Albertson, Perclval. Iowa. Nebraska Lands FOR SALE BY OWNER 140-acre ranch In Custer county, 1! mllea from Dunning, two miles from tor. Fenced and cross-fenced. 66 aarea In crops, balance well grassed and medow. New house, good barn, cattle ' aheds, fine well, wind mill. Improve ment cannot be replaced for 12.600. Cattle, horses and machinery go with place If desired. No agents, no trades. Reasonable terma to right party. Box la. uunniny, neu. 1,000-acre ranch, Holt county, half of It fin hay land; good set Improvements; 400 acres farm land. Possession any time. A bargain, for the next 10 daya. A plat and description on request. 1,000-acre ranch. Rock county, fair ranch Improvements, 160 acrea cultivat ed, running water, good aoll, all fenced. $11.60 per acre; would consider a resi dence. MID-WEST RBALTT EXCHANGE, 111 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4281. 1,000 ACRES harldan county; 10 mllea south of Gordon; 1 mllea Niobrara river frontage: 1,000 acrea best farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber along river and In two large draws. Priced much below anything else offered In thla county, s 8 a . E. MONTGOMERY. 1 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. i viiy .m. .,. , Hr TOU wish to buy, sell or exchange astern weoraa-a iarro ianus, uu on Paul Peterson, 864 Branded theater. I offer farm loans lowest rates, best terms. KIMBALL County, Neb., Laramie county Wyoming, farm land; particulars from a V. NELSON. w HI Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LAItsuw, ventral uy, ncn. f OR Western Nebraska and Eastern Colo- rado land! see HELD LAND CO., 4 Brana-iia mag. WHITE ma for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches in good o d Dawes county. Arab, L. Hungerford, Crawford, IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmes, Buehnell, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. Ml Kartach Blk. Tyler 614. South Dakota Lands. BEST RANCH IN SOUTH DAKOTA. 6,600 acrea deeded land, 6,000 acres leased land; all fenced and crosa fenced; fence all new cedar and ateel posts; water In every pasture; 400 acres under cultivation; good new -room house, team heat; good barns, aheds, corrals, etc. Ranch now running 1,000 head of cattle, CO head horses, 20 hogs. This ranch will stand closest Investigation. Price en deed land 130 per acre: leases thrown In. Will sell all live stock and machinery If wanted. Pon't waste time In'- writing. Come and make us show the goods. The O'Rlelly Land Co., Draper, 8. D. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a home in the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa . and . cattle. Address, Jordan Valley Farms. Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING ranch, 1000 acrea. Water right, .mineral rights. Patented land, -' sell to close an estate. Address Flo La Chapelle, Kemmerer, Wyo. , FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely salea; qulek returns. Held Land Co. 64 Brandela Bldf. -AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. Used Car Department. 1082 FARNAM ST. We have at present as nice a line ot used car a there 1 in the city. Also we are tn a position to give our customers honeat value for what they buy. Don't forget the number nor that we are the originator of the three-day money back guarantee and It la still holding good. We consider it the only fair way for a proapectlve customer that Is not an ex perienced buyer to Invest In a used car. Write. Phone or drop In and aee us. It Dodge Roadster (1,060.00 Bulck H 46........ 1,300.00 It Dodge Touring 800.00 Bulck H 46.. 1,200.00 Bulck B 4t. 1018 860.00 1 Dodge Touring 650.00 Oakland Coups 826 00 Oakland Coup 800.00 Tnrt Tourtnr Car 660.00 Maxwell 17 , 360.00 Chevrolet U ' 360.00 Dodge Roadster; like new 1,050.00 Dodge Touring, 1916 660.00 Mitchell C Touring 660.00 1T Ford Roadster 326.00 .UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. Used Car Department. J0S2 FARNAM ST. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 1912-14-16 Farnam. OMAHA'S LARGEST USED - CAR STORE OFFERS THE FOLLOWING LIST OF HIGH-GRADE USED CARS FOR YOUR INSPECTION: I IT Bulck C roadsters, $750 and $800 ltlT Bulck I touring, like new 850 ltlT Bulck t touring 750 ltl Bulck touring 650 16 Bulck "C" "25" 500 ltlT Studebaker 4 500 1917 Studebaker 6 650 ltlt Chevrolet 650 1918 Overland Country Club 650 1918 Premier 1.200 - ltlT Saxon roadster 600 ltlS Saxon 6 touring 350 Ford speedster, starter and lights. . 600 Ford speedster 225 ltlt StuU roadster 1,000 1916 Franklin C 1,000 1117 Ford roadster 400 1918 Ford sedan 650 ltlT Patterson 6; Chummy roadster 800 1916 M75" Overland 300 All the above car are In perfect shape and aold with the original three-day money-back guarantee. Don't forget that we carry the itock and make the price. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 1912-14-16 Farnam. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL - AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C ROGERS, Mgr., Tyler 176T. - 1407-11 Capital Avenue. OmaAci Jjdifzkiyni sdiux&rty-. BRINGING UP L U P1L 7 Mr f&l II ! Wfc EVESiVTOPAT J SEEN -INCE. WE. I f- - I V TT' THIS QUIET OLO U COT HERE '!-J O s - DID I -W I i' AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE On account of falling health am compelled to cut down stock and will offer you bargain In a few trucks end autos. H4-ton Grant truck with cab and 8 In one body, brand new, only driven from Omaha, worth $2,200 will take 11.900. One grant six touring car used for demonstration, driven 600 miles; price, tl.000. One Bowser curb 2-gallon gasoline pump with 280-gallon tank, new, never haa been uncrRted; price, $325. Don't offer any trade we want the cash or good paper; better come or call at once Win. Bredehoeft, Beemer, Neb. Just Have a Look. It Essex, 18 Oakland 6 touring. 18 Chevrolet touring and roadsters, 18 Dodgo roadster, 17 Bulck 6 touring, 16 Bulck t touring and roadster, Cadillac 8 touring, 17 Haynes 6 couvert, 18 Mon roe touring, 17 Overland touring, 16 Hup touring, 17 Chalmers touring and road ster. Many others from $200 up. TRAWVER AUTO CO., LU..o cmfwyp ahrdlu cmfwypp cmfwy RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF li CENTS PER MILE. TOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD DELIVERY CO. DOUG. S622. 1314 HOWARD. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 19 PER ROADSTERS J-"- MILE TRUCKS. CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Melcher Service Co., 1616 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 4899. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONET FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. 6768. 2914 FARNAM FT. USED CARS. 1 Overland, touring, 1916 $400.00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1917 20') CO 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap .... 260.00 1511 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1511 Davenport St: MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. FORD MARKET, 2230 Farnam. Used Ford. Time, cash. Liberty bond, new bodies, $96. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sale. Get our prices. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto I Co., 8701 South 24th St.. P-nnna. A. LEE A COMPANY. Expert automobile washers, almonyer and polishers; all work guaranteed. 2:i)7 N. 18th St. Victor Oarage. Ph. Web. 307. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self -spacing af finity spark plug. Baysdorfer. 210 N 18th USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha, Nob. Used car of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITfi, 2563 Farnam St. Douc. 1970. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th and Howard Sts. Tyler 176 FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for the red seal on wind shield. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLAS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; aervlce station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. BARGAIN IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor" Co. 15th & Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3500. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for sale. rirs class condition. Very classy. Red 6081. 402 North Sixteenth St. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. FOR SALE Cheap; touring car. 601S South 22nd. NEW Ford touring car at a sacrifice. Box K-60, Bee. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. TWO automobiles for sale or exchange. C J. Canan. 306 McCague Bldg. Repairing ana Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour service for Auto, Truck & Tractor. Ex pert radiator and fender repairing Body Dents removed. New fenders malt. OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St Tyler 917. F. P. BARNUM CO.. $126 Cuming. Doug la 8044. High grade automobile painting. Tires and Supplies. Tires at Half Price DRY-CURE PROCESS. We make them good as new. New ribbed tread. Non- Plaln. Ribbed. skid. $0x3- $8.50 10.00 11.00 30x3H 10.60 11.60 13.00 32x31, 12.50 13.60 14.60 33x4 16.00 17.25 19.60 34x4 17.00 17.60 20. 32x4 16.00 16.50 18.00 OUAKANTEED 3,500 MILES BEST ON THE MARKET." 2-in-l Vulcanizing Co., Dougla 1241. 1516 Davenport St WE will Bhip, subject tu examination, our 1,600-mile guaranteed tire at these prices: Plain. Non-Skid 30x1 $7.80 $ 9 90 30x3 Vi 8.95 1190 3ZX3Y 10.60 12.60 34x4 12.00 14.76 Express prepaid when cash accompanies oraer. Standard Tire Co., 410 North 16th St Phone Douglas 1830 FATHER AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supllies. WHY PAY MORE FOR TIRES? We use the best rebuilding process. Will run thousands of miles. 30x3 $7.85 I 32x4 $10.50 30x3 H $8.80 33x4 $11.25 32x3U $9.75 I 34x4 $12.65 Free One new Inner tube with each tire purchased. GOOD-WEAR TIRE CO. 72S S. 27th. Douglas 422. NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flsk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 Farnam. BARGAINS IN TIRES. New, used and seconds, all sizes. Omaha Radiator & Tire Co. 1819 Cum ing St. Tyler 917. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We rettead and rebuild tire by Drv-Cure process. Ideal Tire Service, 2576 Har ney St. GAIN more miles; have your tire re treaded by G. & Q. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machlnea. Victor II Roos, the Motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Streets. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. , We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. W. A., or May, or Marie Phllbrlck. Wm. A. Phll brlck. GRADUATE nurse will give Swedish mas sage at your home or do nursing by the hour. Walnut 1806. WANTED Use of piano for storage. No children. Webster 1702. Horses Live StockVehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Blrdhaver. Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. S. Pettis, Agent. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 1210 Farnam FIRST $150 takes team, harness ind ball bearing wagon. Hurry. 2421 Cumli'K Douglas 4959. 5-YR.-OLD cow. Yellow hair. Calf In August. Autal Kutl, 4911 No. 18th St. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos ihd notes as security $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total. $3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 66 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICB 1301 DOUGLAS ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND 1 r.t hf.rtv BONns. n m O W. C. FLAT AU. EST. 1892. 10 6TH FLR; SECURITY BLDG. TY. 950. For Sale Office Fixtures and Lease On account of moving to our new offices, 18th and Dodge Sts., we offer for sale our Office Fix tures and Lease to run 2 years in our present location, southwest corner 17th and Douglas Sts., Brandeis Theater Bldg., ground floor. American Security Co. and Home Builder, Inc. You Have Passed up a Hun dred Fortunes at Burkburnett Over $7,400,000.00 has b.en declared in dividends by inde pendent Burkburnett companies, and field was discovered only last August. Despite bitter attacks made by special interests, in dependent companies control situation, and own choice leases. That's the reason it is the small investor's paradise. $100.00 in Fowler Co. brought $15,000.00. $100.00 in Burk-Waggoner brought $3,333.33. Burk-Bonanza expected to do as well or better. BURK-BONANZA OIL COMPANY This is probably your last chance to get this stock at par. Since last ad appeared, the Ard well, across Red river in Tillman County, Oklahoma, has passed through two oil sands. Oil men are so confident it will be a gusher, they are paying $1,000.00 an acre for nearby leases. We have 80 acres near this well. When it comes in, Burk-Bonanza either goes off the market or sells at 10 for 1. Ramming well, on Texas side of river, has come in, confirming belief of big companies that pool extends up river on Texas side. We have 110 acres west of Ramming well, value of which is increasing daily. It seems a sure shot for oil on each of our four leases, total ing 180 valuable acres. AN EXCLUSIVE BURKBURNETT COMPANY. The Burk-Bonanza Company is op erating exclusively in the Burkbur nett field because it is the small in vestors' field, as is shown by the miraculous dividend record made. We and the other independent com panies, composed of small investors, own the choice leases. Again, the wells at Burkburnett are bisrger nd produce a higher grade of oil. With our drilling fund of $65, 000.00. we can drill three gusher wells at Burkburnett; in some other fields we conld drill only one well for this money and then get a smaller well. Besides that, instead of $1.00 oil, such as found in Louisiana and Wyoming. Burkburnett oil is of the highest quality and the demand at from $2.25 to $2.50 a barrel, exceeds the supply. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY If you want this exceptional stock at par, send in your subscriptions AT ONCE. Recent developments indicate that each of our leases is underlaid with oil. If only one hits, it means a minimum of 5 to 1 for stockholders. You have passed up a hundred chances to make a fortune at Burk burnett . Don't delay on this one until too late. Fill out the coupon and send at once. Northland Investment Go. Licensed brokers at the heart of activities, handling only the best in oil investments. McCLURKAN BLDG., WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS. Reliable agents wanted. Market and Industrial News of LIVESTOCK Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., July 1, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs Sheep Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 53 C. & N. W east 3 C. & N. W., west 30 C, St. P., M. 0 14, C, B. & Q., east 20T C, B. & Q., west 91 C, R. I. & P., east 8 C, R. I. & P., west 6 Illinois Central 6 Chicago Gt. Western 1 2 41 19 66 22 3 28 7 68 Total receipts 229 191 70 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle Hog Morris A Co 755 1,823 Swift & Co 1,529 2,661 Cudahy Packing Co... 1,183 2,661 Armour & Co 1,359 3,163 Schwartz & Co 264 Sheep 702 2,430 6,308 2,303 J. W. Murphy 3,644 Morrell Lincoln Packing Co... So. Omaha Pack. Co.. Hlgglns Packing Co... Hoffman Bros John Roth & Sons. . . . Maverowlch & Vail... P. O'Dea Wilson F. P. Lewis Rosenstock Bros Werthelmer & Degen.. Sullivan Bros Mo. -Kan. C. & C. Co.. Jensen & Lundgren... 33 1 2 10 15 16 12 1 54 9 52 150 18 22 1 Dennis & Francis. . . 74 Omaha 23 Midwest 1 Other buyer 497 4,479 Total 6,016 14,208 15,222 Cattle The run of cattle was not very heavy again today, but the 6,700 fresh receipts were about one-third western rangers. Demand for the desirable light and handywelght cornfeds was again ac tive and prices strong to 1015c higher while the medium weight and heavy na tive cattle, as well as the general run of western beeves were slow sales at not far from steady figures. Cow and heifers wera ouotably about steady with yester day or around 1525c higher than last week. In stockers and feeder the de mand was good for anything carrying weight and quality but Indifferent for the general run of stock steers and heifers and these were slow sales at easier figures. BEEF HEIFERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 840 $12 00 9 735 $10 00 11 673 7 25 7 175 9 75 1 770 12 00 2 1110 12 00 8 924 10 50 4 455 10 25 2 375 9 50 BEEF STEERS. 41 1108 12 80 2 880 11 00 5 862 10 60 5 1140 13 25 51 1262 12 86 40 il36 13 60 65 972 10 25 27 1212 13 25 10 1074 12 75 43 1125 13 40 15 1137 13 25 29 950 11 60 5 910 9 60 YEARLINGS. 33 739 12 40 4 762 13 25 19 812 13 60 13 611 13 30 12 682 11 25 19 809 12 60 14 622 11 00 16 719 13 25 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime yearlings, S13.50 14.2S; good to choice yearlings. SI 2.76 gj 13. 25: fair to good year- I lings, $12.0012.76; common to fair year j lings, $9.5011.50; choice to prima beeves, $13.75Q14.26; good to choice Deeves, i3.uu 13.50; fair to good beeves, $12.6013.00; common to fair beeves, $10.5012.50; good to choice heifers, $10.0012.60; prime cows. $10.5011.50; good to choice cons, $9.0010.60; fair, to good cows, $7.60 9.00; common to fair cows, $5.507.50; good to choice feeders, $11.7512.60; med ium to good feeders, $10,0011.7o; good to choice stockers. $9,500)11.00: fair to good stockers, $8. 50 9. 60; common to fair stockers, 7.7os.9u; stocK neiter, ik.s'jsj 9.00; stock cows, $6.50(g)7.50; stock calves, $7.7510.50; veal calves, $9.0014.60; bulls, stags, etc., $9.0011.00. Hogs Hog receipts today amounted to NO PROMOTION STOCK. Not one dollar of promotion stock in this company. Leases cost company more than half of capitalization. $65,000.00, enough to drill three wells, in drilling fund. A square a deal as one could ask. A NO. 1 OFFICERS. Officers and trustees successful busines men. Reference, any bank in their respective homes, and to First National Bank, Wichita Falls, Texas. They offer you this wonder ful chance of making five to one on your money, because it take -worlds of money to operate in oil, and all of those not in the trust must pool their funds. Officers: A. E. Moore, Silver City, N. M.. Pres.: L. B. Walker, Seattle, Wash.. V-Pree.; W. B. Hay. Silver City, N. M., Sec'y-Treas. Sea Jigs and Maggi in Full Pag of Color in The Sunday Bee. 167 loads,' estimated at 13.300 head. Prices turned upward again today, the market Improving as trade advanced. The trade presented an uneven appearance and was quotable from 25 to 40c higher than yes terday. Bulk of todays. Bales was $20.50 20.90, and a top of $21.20. 10c higher than ever was paid on this market. Sheep and Lambs There was another liberal run of sheep and lambs, 71 loads, estimated at 17,700 head. Lambs did not present a very strong appearance, the first sale of the morning looking about like yesterday's weak close. Most of the lambs are selling from $15.75 to $16.36. There was a good call for sheep, especially the better grades, and they looked steady to In some cases as much as 25o higher. Best ewes this morning sold at $7.00. Yearling were reported up to $10.00, and wethers around $9.00. Feeder lambs are quotable from $7.50 to $12.75. HOGS. , No. Sh. Av. Pr. No. Sh. Av. jPr. 69. .283 ... 20 85 61. .244 ... 20 40 62. .270 80 20 60 20. .240 ... 20 60 64. .255 70 20 70 66. .264 ... 20 85 42. .235 ... 20 90 SHIPPERS. 61. .215 110 20 40 46. .260 110 20 60 66. .240 ... 20 65 64. .255 ... 20 60 64. .240 110 20 65 22. .276 ... 20 70 60. .296 ... 20 70 72. .204 ... 20 60 60. .218 ... 20 60 78. .150 70 20 00 70. .213 ... 21 10 79. .218 40 21 20 Quotations on Sheep: Lambs, handy weight, $16.0016.50; lambs, heavy weight, $14.6016.OO; lamb culls, $9.00 9 75; yearlings, $9.0010.00; wethers, $8.00 9.60; ewes, good to choice, $6.507.00; ewes, fair to good, $6.006.50; ewes, culls, t3.00 5.00. Chicago I-ve Stock. Chicago, July 1. Cattle Receipts. 14, 000; estimated tomorrow, 8,000; unset tled. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, $14.50 g) 15.50 ; And rood. $12. 35014. 60; com mon, $11.00jpl2.40. Light weight: Good and choice, $ 13. 50 1 5. 00 ; common and medium, $10. 00 1 3. 60. Butcher cattle: Heifers. $7.75013.50; cows, $7.4012.25; canners and cutters, $6.007.40; veal calves, light and handy weight, $17,260 18.25: feeder steers, I.25!)12.1); stocKer steers, $8.00 12.00. Hogs Receipts, 33,000; estimated to morrow, 28.000; active, 30c to 40c higher than vesterday's general trade; top, $21.75, new record. Bulk, $21.0021.65; heavy weight, $21.1621.60; medium weight, $21.0021.66; light welgnt, J2i.uuiazi. i d; lleht lleht." $19.2521.40; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.4O21.u; pocking sows. rough, xi9.zaQizu.23; pigs, iij.ims"'"' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000; es timated tomorrow, 10,000; strong. Lambs: 84 nounds down. $15.00(S)17.60; culls and common, $8.504814.50. Yearling wethers, $10.2514.00. Ewes: Medium, gooa ana choice. $6.758.75; culls and common, $2.256.25. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, July 1. (U. 8. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 7,000; lower. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, medium and good, $11.25 1 4.50; common, $10.60 11.25 ; light weight, good and choice, $14.00; common and medium, $9.75011.00. Butcher cattle: Heifers, $8.2513.76; cows, $7.2510.76; canners and cutters, $5.257.25; veal calves, light and handy weight, $11,000 17.00; feeder steers, $S.2511.00; stock er steers, $7.2510.75. Hogs Receipts, 13,500; higher. Top, $21.75. Bulk, $21.1021.60; heavy weight, $21.00021.70; medium weight, $21.25 21.75; light weight, $20.25 21.60 ; light light, $19.0020.25; heavy packing sows, $18.75()19.75; packing sows, rough, $17.00 18.75; pigs, $11.0019.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500; sheep steady; lambs lower. Lambs: 84 pounds down, $14.0016.35; culls and common, $8.0011.50; yearling wethers, $11.5012.50. Ewes: Medium and choice, $7.007.50; culls and common, $2.50 6.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., July 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.400; market strong to higher; steers, $10.50(14,50; cows and heifers, $5.O013.50; calves, $7.6015.25. Hogs Receipts, 7,500; market higher; top, $21.10; bulk, $2O.7521.05. Sheep Receipts, 3,200; market , steady; spring lambs, $15.00 16.25; ewes, $5.50 7.00. Five miles west of old Burk burnett pool, which came in esti mated at 3,000 barrels. Texas Co. and others believe this well opens up field that extends far ther west. Ramming well, just come in, confirms their opinion. Burk-Bonanza has 100 acres of splendid leases in this territory. WEST OF FORTUNE AHEAD OF THE DRILL. (Make checks payable to Northland Investment Co., McCIurkaH Bldg., Wichita Falls, Texas.) 1919. Gentlemen: I make appli cation for shares of the capital stock of the Burk-Bonanza Oil Co. at par value, $10 per share, and herewith enclose , in full payment for same. It is agreedVthat in event of my application reaching you too late to participate in this offering, through over subscription, or an advance in price, that you will at onee refund me the above amount in full. Name St. Address , City and State GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain. Omaha, July 1, 1919. There was some Increase In corn ar rivals today, as compared to the average recently, while other grains continued very light. Receipts were 9 cars ot wheat, 69 cars of corn, 17 cars of oats, 3 cars ot rye and 2 cars of barley. Corn sold at yesterday's prices, with the offerings In slow demand. Oats advanced one-half cent. Barley was a cent higher, and rye was up about the same amount. Wheat was steady. Cash sales today were: Corn No. 2 white: 3 cars, $1.83; 1 3-5 cars, $1.82. No. 3 white: 2 cars, $1.80. No. 4 white: 3 cars, $1.78. No. 5 white: 1 car, $1.74Mi. No. 6 white; 1 car, $1.70. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.77. No. 2 yel low: Id cars, $1.77; 4 2-5 cars, $1.76; car, $1.76. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.76; 2 cars, $1.76. . Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.68 (heating); 1 car, $1.56 (heating); 1 car, $1.55. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.76; 1 car, $1.75. No. 3 mixed: 1 1-5 cars, $1.74. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.65 (heating); 1 car, $1.60 (heating); 1 car, $1.58; 1 car, $1.37 (heating). Oats No, 3 white oat, 6 carloads, 68c; No. 4 white oats, 1 carload, 67 c. 1 car load, 67 4o; No. S mixed oats, 1 carload, 674 d. Rye No. 4 rye, 1 carload, $1.27. Barley No. 3 barley, 2 carloads, $1.18; No. 4 barley. 2 carloads, $1.12. Wheat No. 2 hard, 3-5 carload, $2.41 (smutty); No. 3 mixed, 3-6 carload, $2.40 (smutty.) Omaha Grain Movement. Receipts: Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 9 8 7 Corn 69 20 62 Oats 17 7 24 Rye : 3 2 0 Barley 2. 1 2 Shipments: Wheat 9 17 0 Corn 64 78 49 Oats 28 61 42 Rye 0 0 0 Barley 3 6 Receipts In other markets: Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 12 248 199 Kansas City 14 18 21 St. Louis 6 36 60 Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of gram of the several grades Inspected "In" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 2 hard, 4; No. 3 hard, 1; No. 6 hard, 1; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 3 mixed, 3; No. 6 mixed, 1; No. 1 spring, 1; No. 2 spring, 1; No, 3 spring, 1; total, 14. Corn No. 2 white, 15; No. 3 white, ; No. 4 white, 2; sample white, 4; No. 2 yellow, 21; No. 3 yellow, 8; No. 4 yellow, 1; No. 6 yellow, 4; sample yellow, 10; No. 2 mixed, 12; No. 3 mixed, 5; No. 6 mixed, 2; sample mixed, 4; total, 97. Oats No. 2 white, 1; No. 3 white, 32; No. 4 white, 2; total 35. Barley No. 2, 1; No. 3. 1; No. 4, 1, to tal, 3. Kansas City Grain, Kansas City, Mo., July 1. Corn, July, $1.79; September. $1,78; December, $1.56. JULY1, 1919 RESQURCES Real Estate Loans Stock Loans Office Building Real Estate Real Estate Sold on Contract Accrued Interest on Real Estate Loans Accrued Interest on Securities Loans in Foreclosure ' State and Municipal Securities Liberty Loan Bonds War Saving Stamps Cash on Hand and in Banks Capital Stock Incomplete Loans Contingent Loss Fund Undivided Profits Twenty-eight years ago the Occidental Building & Loan Association started to do business in this state and it has enjoyed uninterrupted success and growth since its establishment. Beginning in a modest way, it has grown until today its total resources amount to $8,000,000.00 and it has set aside a Contingent Loss Fund of $310,000.00. The Association is under the direct supervision of the State Banking Board and its funds are invested in first mortgages on improved farm and city properties and in U. S. Liberty Loan Bonds. Your account is solicited. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS John F. Flack, President. R. A. McEachron, Vice President. Geo. C. Flack, Treasurer. John T. Brownlee, Assistant Secretary. Robert Dempster. Drawn for The Bee by McManu. Copyright Hit International News Service. the Day FINANCIAL New York, July 1. Dealings In stocks today were decidedly mixed and Irregular as to standard shares, while specialties of various descriptions continued their upward course under the guidance of professional interests. There were no factors of Influence other than the money situation, opening of the fiscal year being attended by Increased firmness of call loans. Mixed collateral ruled at 8 per cent, but as high a 12 was demanded for all Industrials. Additional railroad returns for May, In cluding those of several leading systems, were not entirely favorable and to thla was attributed the reaction among Invest ment Issues, especially Canadian Pacific. Texas & Pacific again proved superior to the heaviness of other rails, mounting to the new high record of 68 M on absorp tion of the -same substantial character a has characterized its steady rise of recent months. Food Issues and related can share, equipments, tobaccos, rubbers, shipping, copper and equipments provided the mo tive power of the session at gross gain of 2 to almost 8 point. United States Steel rose spiritedly tn the last hour to 109, It top price in several weeks, carrying Independent steel and some of the less prominent equipment In its train, but oils were restrained by the Mexican situation and Industrial Alcohol was subjected to further pressure on reports affecting its dividend. Sale amounte dto 1,200,000 shares. Attention was drawn to the foreign exchange market by the heaviness of sterling, demand bills declining to $4.67, the lowest rate In almost four years. In banking circles no explanation was vouch safed excepting the heavy offerings of bills. Domestic and foreign bonds, Including liberty Issues, were Irregular. Total sales (par value) were $10,800,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, July 1. Flour, unchanged. Barley, $1,020)1.11. Rye. No. 2, $1.32; Bran, $35.00. Flax, $5.35 5.37. tSKIINIMEIR PACKING COMPANY i KVvSL POULTRY m BUTTER & ?r.n TRADE M4SH 1116 -1118 -Douglas St: Tol Douglas 1521 sHUHB-H-M-H--H , Dividends-Payable Quarterly FINANCIAL STATEMENT uilding'&Loan ASSOCIATION CORNER I8-&HARNEY LIABILITIES Office: 322 South 18th Street Dividends-Payable Quarterly Local Stocks and Bonds Quotation furnished by Burn. Brlnhei A Co.. 449 Omaha National Bank building; Quotation furnished by Burns, Brlnket A Co., 449 Omaha National Bank build ing. Omaha. Stock: Bid Asked Armour A Co., 7 pet. pfd 10$ 1034 Cudahy Pkg. Co., com lit 1174 Dougla Motors, com 46 60 Flsk Rubber Co., 7 pet. pfd... 994 100 Uooch Milling Elevator Co., 7 pet. pfd.. -B" 99 M 100 Oooch Food Products, 7 pel. pfd. (with bonus) 99 100 Harding Cream Co. 7 pet. pfd. 101 101 V Lincoln T. T. com 7 pet.... 90 Orch. A Wll. f pet pfd 100 100i M. C. Peters M. Co. 7 pet. pfd 99 100 Swift & Co 136 136H Union Stk. Yds. Stk., Omaha 99 Vs 101 Union P. A L Co. 7 pet. pfd. 99 100 Bonds: Armour A Co. 44s. 193 $7 $7S Fed. Land Bk. iy, 1939 lOOVi 100H Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank .Is, 1938 101 101 O. A C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928 77 80 City ot Omaha, various 4.66 pot. Studebaker Corp. 7s. 12.... 100 101 Swift A Co. 6, Aug. 1921 100 100 Swift & Co. 6s, 1944 97 Wilson A Co. conv. 6s, 1928.. 102 102 New York Coffee. New York, July 1, The market fot coffee futures was comparatively quiet to. day. Owing to a delay in the official ca bles the trade was left without any treat line on the attitude of Brasll, and fresh business was also restricted by the ap proach of the three-day adjournment, ai the market will not reopen for buslnesl after the close on Thursday until Monday morning. The opening was unchanged tc 20 points higher and after selling at 20.60c early March rallied to 06c. or 40 points net higher, r-rices eased off later under realising, however, with March closing at 20.66c snd with the gen eral list closing at a net advance of 5 tn 15 points. July. 21.60c; September. 21.30e: October, 31.15c; December, 20.86c; Jan uary, 20.76c; March. 20.66c; May 20.66c Spot Coffee: Quiet. Rio 7,.. !2 2!c; Santo 4s, 28c. Liberty Bond Mice. New York. July 1. Liberty bond at 11:30 were; 34s, 99.40; ftrst 4s, 94.90; second 4s, 93.86; first 4'is, 96.16; eoond 4. 94.12; third 4V4s, 96.06; fourth 4. 94.08; Victory 3(, 100.14; Victory 4. 99.94. Liberty bond final price today were: 3s, 99.34; first 4s, 94.90; second 4s, 3-J8: first 44s, 95.14; second 4s, 94.10: third 414, 95.08; fourth 4. 94.04; Vlotorjr iB, 100.14; Victory 4. 99.96, Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, July 1. Turpentln firm, lie; sales, 479 bbls.; receipts, 627 bbl.; hlp ments, 12 bbl.; stock. 7,676 bbl. " Rosin firm; salea. 1.127 bbla ; receipt. 1,823 bbls.; shipments. 199 bbls.; stock, 56,494 bbls. Quote: B, $14.76; D, IJ5.0J! . E, $15,06i815.10; F, $15.101S.26; O, $16.11 15.35; H. $15.2015.40; I. $15.30O15.S6 K, $16.3516.60; M, $16.6016.60; N, $17.00; WO, $17.25; WW. $17.60. Victory Bonds and Liberty Bonds Coupon and Registered. BOUGHT AND SOLD New York Market Quotations. MACK'S BOND HOUSE 1421 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tel. Tyler 3644. Are You Going to Move? Do You Want Storage? If so, you will find that we are very well equipped to fill your needs. A trial will con vince you. It has thou sands. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO.! Phone Dougla 4 1 63. ' , , 806 South 16th Street .$6,998,282.25 25,650.00 248,000.00 None 87,220.79 36,103.48 3,265.82 11,568.15 24,587.66 204,800.00 269.94 357,219.65 $7,996,967.74 $7,654,464.?5 115,223.68 310,000.00 7,279.31 $7,996,967.74