THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1919 10 WANT AD RATES (Cash With Order.) ;cpr word on day rtc per word two consecutive davi Me per word three consecutive day ' la mu . i . I j.r"' ........ ivw. vummuiiv umjr to par word ........five conaacutlva days To. par word ......... its nniMuilvi divi .f la par word seven conaacutlva daya ' . Aad ona cant par word each additional nay. No ada takan for laaa than a total of I0 ot laaa than lOe per day. CHARGE. ,l$u par Una (count $ .word to Una) 1 day I2o par Una ....r.". .two conaacutlva daya 3c par Una three conaecutlve daya Ho . par Una aeven conaecutlve daya $2.49 per Una thirty conaacutlva day " : CARDS OF THANKS AND i FUNERAL NOTICES. . Ito per line each Insertion . Minimum charge, 50 cent. These rate apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee.. All advertlaementa ap pear In both morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. Contract Rate an Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ad will be accepted at the following off. tea: MAIN OFFICfil Bee Building Amer Office 4416 North' 30th St. Lake Office 1518 North 34th St. Vinton Off lea 1467 South 16th St. Park Of flea . .'. 3616 Leavenworth St. South Side 2311 N St. ,. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inaertlon of an advertiaement ordered fop more than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Edltiona , 11:00 M Morning Edition f. 10:00 P. M. Sunday Edltiona 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES. '..LYNAM Miss Catherine; aged 35 years. Funeral Wednesday morning, July 2, at - 0:30 from residence of her brother, i William C. Lynam, 2312 South Four teenth street to St. Patrick' church at a. m. . 4 Interment Holy Sepucher cemetery. There are left to mourn her loss, her mother, Mrs. Ellen Lynam and two .brothers, William C. and Edward J. ORD Mrs. Anna, July 1st. She is sur vived by four aona, Patrick, John, James and William ot South Side; one daugh ter, Mrs. William Gilbert. Funeral Thursday morning from resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. William Gil bert, 1211 South 15th street, at 8:30 a. m. to St. Patrick's church, I a. m. Inter ment St. Mary's cemetery. NIGHTINGALE Eva D., at local hospi tal, June .10, 1019, aged 21 yeara. Mra Nlfrhtingale la survived by her husband, father and mother, Mr. and . Mrs1. J. E. Collins of Lincoln, Neb.; one . slater, Cleone Astell, of Omaha. Fu- neral from the residence, 4425 North Twenty-second street, Thursday, July I 3, at 1 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn i cemetery. JsiGHTINGALB Eva D., at local hoa pltal Monday, June 34, 1913; age 21 yeara. Mra. Nightingale la survived by her husband, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Collin of Lincoln, Neb., and ona slater, Cleone Astell of Omaha, ' Funeral from th residence, 4426 North J2d St., Thursday, .July 3., 1919, at 1 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRED E. FERO , FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Attendant 134 and Cuming St. Phone Douglaa 577. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmera. Phon B. 265. Office, 2611 Farnam, , HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director 701 & 15th St. Phone Doug. Hit. 7 TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER9. Telephone Douglaa 714. 1313 Cuming St. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 32d Far. H. 54. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, Undertaker and Embalmer, 8411 Farnam St. Harney 98. DUFFY & JOHNSTON ' UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. lth St. Tyler 1678. .FLORISTS. LEE L. larmon 'ar 1814 Douglas St. Dougla. 8244. ' JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 3000 Henderson. 1619 Farnam. D. 1248 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE (arrest dlsDlay of monument In th United State. FRANK BffOBODA, lilt & 13th. Phone Douglas imi-mif. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Georze and Alice Casey, girl Joseph and Brunlslava Bant, boy; Ralph : and Lenora Lane, boy; Glovanln and Ma ria Blsiarrt, girl; George and Christine Hoffman, boy;. Mali ana Mamie renneu, girl. - - , Deaths jRlchard Thomas, 33, 1315 Grace street; Catherine Lyman, 35, hospital; Paul ostein, 73, 1903 South Sixteenth street; '-Elijah B. Egan, 58, 1810 Dcatur street; Brother John Taa-giaco. 60. hospital: WIU llawn. Peter Bcjtmlti, ia. .nospuai; josepn .r ChalupacekO months, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. "' Th following license wera Issued to ". wed:" ' ' . , Nama and Address. ' Age. William King, Omaha...:. 24 Marli Eekxldg. Kansaa City, Mo 21 .Tamea Vaughn. Omaha 34 A via Edwards, Shenandoah la ..36 HarryO. Todtmann. Oman 80 VitJIIanv B. Grtffln, Omaha 29 ArVhur R. Turner, Iorth Platte, Neb. . . .3 MarSilt Juno Welch, North Platte, Neb.. .2 ye-TSan F. Prenslow, Omaha over 81 Margaret Magnuasen, Omaha.. .. .over 18 ' .Frank S. ) Daley, Omaha 13 - ' Eva V. Anderson, Planklngton, S. D...38 -, Heftier Bogan, Omaha 26 , Estela-Gibson, Omaha 15 'Clarence P. Brabham, Callaway, over 21 - Laura M. Idell, uallaway, eo. . . .over zi Charlee Leisure, Omaha 19 Myrtle White. Council Bluff, la 25 Frahk Apfelback, Omaha 31 . Alice Tucker, Omaha.... v. 32 " Harry V, Patera, Omaha 25 , Margaret E. McAvoy, Omaha 13 Frank F Vanous, Omaha... 26 " ' Agnes Hruby, Omaha f 13 Carl F. Swanaon. Omaha.'. over 11 - ,J I. Cecelia Lofmark. Omaha over 18 BUILDING PERMITS. . J. L. Hiatt Co., frame dwelling, 1618 South Twenty-fifth avenue and 2968 Fonte nelle boulevard, $2,600 each; W. N. Bar ham, 1133 Young street, frame and stucco dwelling, 11,500; W. H. Smalls, 5105 Nich ols 'Street, frame dwelling, $5,00; W. H. ! Smalls, 111 South Fifty-first street, frame dwelling, $5,600; S. W. Horton, 4809 Deca tur street, frame dwelling, $1,000; Fred A. Cuscaden, 5101 Cuming street, brick veneer dwelling, $9,600; Ralph Russell, 6111 Web ster street, brick veneer dwelling, $9,600; C G. .Carlberg, eight frame dweNlngs, $1,600 each, a follows: 3001 South' Thirty second street, 3006 South Thirty-second street, 801 South Thirty-second street; 3014 South Thirty-second street; 3018 South Thirty-second street; 3012 South Thirty second street; 8035 South Thirty-second street. 3051 South Thirty-second street. .. ATTRACTIONS. - . , 5 FOR sat all klnda noveltiea, dolla, bull--dog with diamond syea. Give away - Slum flash goods, etc. , VINNICK'8 NOVELTY HOUSE. - 110 No. 15th 8 tree t. a AVIATORS and celebration attraction wanted tor July 18 and 14. Give par ticulars. M. C. Burnham, secretary, Murdo. 8. P. LOST FOUND REWARDS. '" FOR ARTICLES LOST oa atreet carrtele v phon Tyler 800. W are anxious t re- - Itoro loat article to rightful owner. , ' ' OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. CO. X v LOST In Havden s grocery department Saturday afternoon, a email bill folder , containing 8103 In currency. Reward of - $50 if returned to Bee Office 'wLOST On L. H. between JClkhorn and Fremont. Gladstone bag. Name F. M Smith. Reward. Call South 2080. Ij-ist Small black Durse containing $16 on Farnam car Saturday at 4 p. m. Llb- eral reward, uouglaa 9650. ' LOST OR 8TOLEN Red cow, weight -about 1,100 pounds. Reward ot $50. Walnut 1400. LOST Cameo, on plaid tie, between 19th " and Dougla and 19th and Farnam. Dougla 460. or Tyler 1223. Reward. t.iiRT-a nsarl crescent Din. Liberal re ward om account ot association. Ty ler 4733. , LOt Brown and whit Boston terrlor. cellar inscribed Frlta. walnut ztei. Reward. LoST-i-$l in- currency; downtown. Please call Mr. Gibson. Douglaa 4670, Liberal reward.. LOST Doctor'- grip, out ot machine. - aaoat Sunday soon. Webster 1838. Re- . Ward. . LOT Black and white fox terrier, tag . Ha .Rewara. Webster 164. ST Diamond pin with ruby eaatv. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods AUCTION! AUCTION! Eitra High-grade Furniture, Piano. Ruga and Linens of 10 Extra Good Home. INT MT AUCTION HOUSE SOUTHEAST CORNER 18TH AUD WEBSTER STREETS. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2ND. STARTS AT 10 A. M. SHARP. This Is one of the largeat sales I have had for a long time, Consist, in part a follow: 1 nearly pew Milton Player piano, and about too music roll, also 1 Fisher piano; parlor aulte; 1 large leath er Davenport, and 1 leather Doufold' nearly new Oliver typewriter; nearlj new atnger sewing machine, and 1 new White Rotary aewlng machine; 1 extra good Anglo-Persian rug and t nearly new Wilton velvet rugs, all site 1x12, also T Axmlnlster and Body Brussel rugs, xll, and about 40 other rugs all sixes; 3 trunks, and 1 trunks of fancy linen, mahogany library table, and 4 massive oak library tables, beautiful picture and paintings drapea and statues and vaces; 5 very expensive oak dining room sets; 1 fumed oak dining room aet like new; 54-Inch table, China cabinet, beau tiful buffet, and chairs and serving ta ble, all matched, and 4 other extra good dining seta; 5 massive brass beds, best springs and mattresses, writing desks; book esses; beautiful dressers In oak and mahogany, chiffoniers and ward robe; 3 very best Hoosler kitchen cabl neta, 4 very best High Oven porcelain gas ranges, linoleum; several extra good Ice boxes; 2 steel ranges; 1 very ex pensive steel range like new Quick Meal; porcelain doorsj and thousands ot articles too numerous to mention. This Is a big sale and will start promptly at 10 a. nV.. Wednesday, July 2. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call Red Tyler 966-W or Colfax L-424. TOPMOST VALUES IN 1 FURNITURE Is our claim and by this ws mean Bet ter Furniture for Less Money. Furni ture equal In material, construction and design at a positive saving a dollar spent with the STATE FURNITURE CO. for furniture will do a greater duty. We quote 119.75 dressers for 113.50; 127.50 dresser for 118 60: 335.00 dresser for 128.00; 335.00 Buffet for $24.75; 322.50 Chiffonier for $13.95. Bargains throughout every line. We specialise on complete home outfit. Liberty bond taken at par. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY 14th and Dodge St. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FURNITURE bought Bold and exchanged. our motto la: "Prices that satisfy you." 8421 Cuming St.. Douglas 4559. FURNITURE for 6 rooms, separate or to- getner. Bargain, call In afternoon on ly. 610 South 35th St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A HflSPTC itfl Everything In art and music Planoa for rent. 14.00 per month. Store and Office Fixtures. FURNITURE FOR OFFICE 'OR HOME. THb. G. A. SKANS CO., 1903 FARNAM ST DOUGLAS 7998. Typewriters and Supplies. BIO reduction In (lightly used and re- duih typewriter. Write for list. Mid land Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months lor se.uu. unver Agency, 1905 Farnam St., City, SALE No. 6 Remington, first-class con- dltlon, $20. Red 1459. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney 8ta. Doug. 1971. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The moat complete line of Typewrit! and Adding Machlnea weat of Chicago. Cln furnish any make at most iny price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makea and will buy or ,rade tor your old machine. Every machine guaranteed, see ua Derore you buy CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 16 years.) Douglas 4131. - 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, riDoons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6031 OFFICE EQUIPS1ENT CO.. 106 North 15th St. . TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, 205 8. 18th St. Tel. D. S9! Clothing and Furs. DIAMOND ear screws, latest mounting, combined weight over carat. Walnut 3832. PINK linen dress, size 36. Latest style. Too large. Mrs. Garten. Douglas 9650. Machinery and Engines. USED machinery of all kinds. Boilers, vertical or tubular, 3 to 150 h. p. En- ginea, all makes, 6 to 250 h. p.; hoists pipe; rail; compressors, etc. Largest stock clean machinery In district. Stock aheet for the risking. LANDRETH MACHINERY CO. Joplln. Mo. Miscellaneous. DRINK KXanb;,e, old port, $1 per gallon: .grape cider, 60c apple cider, 60c; all In 16-gallon ker. Remittance with order. No charge fcr kegs; return empties. Porto Beverage Co., 2444 Burt St. Phane Doug. 84S2. FOR SALE First class machine tools, part new, balance same as new, Milling ma chine, Shaper, drill preas, etc. Also - woodworking tools, hand joiner band aaw etc. Address Y 577, Omaha Bee. AUCTION All kinds of swell 4-room furniture. Kvery kind. 2213 Mason St WE buy, sell nnd make deaks, ssfes, (how caiea, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 11th and Douglaa D. 2714. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattieaae made over to new ticking at half the price of new one. 1907 Cuming. unuglaZ467 ALL kind ot furniture must be sold at once, cheap. 939 N. 24th. street. KINDLING delivered. 13.50 load. Web. 459 WANTED TO BUY LIBERTY BONDS If you have a Liberty bond to sell, ee ua We pay spot cash for all Iieuo Also buy partial payment receipts. 300 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge St. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment 'receipt oougnt ror caan; immediate remittance maae ror Dona sent by mall. LEWIS A CO.. BROKERS. 411 M'CAGtJE BLDG. Highest Cash Price . Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO. 610 World-Herald Bldg. 1 Tyler 59 LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the hlghvst market price, with accrued interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR BONDS. EDWIN T. SWOBB ft CO., INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ' 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS and receipts bought at prevailing New lorK prices, plus accrued Interest, plus nananng cnarge or M) centa per nun dred. Minimum charge of $1.00 reg isterea; si.tu jess tnan coupon bond. HILL INVESTMENT CO.. 54! Securities Bldg. Tyler 4037. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All issues bought. Special price this week on 1st, 3d, and 6th Issues. Get them before selling or you will lose money. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota tions. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO. Tyler 1736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. H. DOLGOFF, Furniture and Hardware Furniture, ruga, linoleum, lea boxes, tea atovea. office furniture, show case trunks, suit cases, bedding, Mnen, I ul try netting and garden tools. Better gcods for less money. Credit If you v;tsh. 1139-47 North 24th. Web. 160 WANTED TO BUY Watch th dally bond quotation In thla paper and get th market price for your Liberty bonds, com to us E. H LOUGEE, INC. - 638-40 Keellne Bldg. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk; used desk bought (did and traded. J. C. Reed. 1101 Farnam. D. 8146 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS, HIGH SPOT CASH PRICES. HILL JNVEST MENT CO.. 641 Securitlea (Roie) Bldg.. Omaha. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS, OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE WANTED Nice pair of aecond hand pat ent or dull kid pumps, with French heels: size 8. Webster 4911. VAT P pays highest price for old A AAJAJ cloth, shoes and trunk Call Douglaa 3013. WILL buy second-hand clothing, hoe and furniture. , Tyler 1(18. A, Zavett. 101 North .l.ti St,' . WANTED TO BUY. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, ruga. and stoves, call Doug. WE buy old battery plate.- Western Smelting end Refining Co. Art Savings Stamps. Harney 3687. Immediate cash. LIBERTY BONDS bought. 315 So. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Acordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttona, all sues and atyles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO, 300-301 Brown Bldg. Phone, D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co.. 411-17 Paxton Block. Phone. Doug. 310. Appliances. 7 ELECTRIC fans, 18.5,0 and, up; washing mac nines, !9.u; vacuum cieanera, 37.50. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam. Baggage and Express. The Only Way" 5' Ticket 336 Omaha Transfer Co. Fisher Transfer Co., 4J7 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C. 311 Bee Bldg. D. 3071. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machln gray Iron caatings. Dancing Academies. KEEPS', Hotel Rome, closed for summer. Will reopen In September. KEL.-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 rarnam. Class ana rnv. lessons, u. Ttiu. Dentists. Dr Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W; Bldg. Detectives. AMES ALLAN 312 Neville Block. Evl- dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1130. BEAR'S SECRET SERVICE ASS'N, 12 Everett Block. Council Bluffs. See us first. FORMER U. S. revenue officer. Legal ad- vice free. Tyler 2730. Hat Cleaners. THE most up-to-date hat cleaning dept. in tne city. Bring your hata in now and avoid the rush. Tyler 3299-J. LAMBRQS. BROS.. 1521 Farnam St. Electrical Utilities. "HTTP lV'TrElectrl washing machines XJ UAVXVXlleiectrlo Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas SMS. Jewelry. TiT A MfiNnSWa pay tn" best prlc Ul AiYlWrN UOWtn privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. lfith St. Red 6081 Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 508 Om. Nat. Office. Tyler 759. Rea. 3218. Film Developing. M'CULLOUGH, photo finishing, best ma terial, best workmanship, copying ana enlarging a "specialty. Mall order so licited. 5403 South 38th St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Photo Craft Shop, 1405 Farnam. ILMS developed free. Mail orders so licited THE ENSIGN CU- Mownrq. . Insurance. INSURES' AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness AWRENSON. 300 BEE BLDG TYLER 1606. Osteopaths. DRV MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Optometrist. f"T AQQU'C! THAT FIT VjIjAooHiO accurately. SEE CRONK. 201 SECURITIES BLDG. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational ratent wo., obj nruuti D. 6691. , Painting. PAINTING, painted walls, wall paper cleaning. J. jsau. wainm Plating EAGLE ELECTRO PLATING WORKS. We have Just opened a new plating plant In Omaha and ready for business. We plate and replate all finishes of the art known to the metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. Phone Douglas 7532. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel. juougias e. Silos. KRETCHMER MFG. CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. "HAS YOUR SILO." Safes. SA-FES BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. Tailors. VICTORY TAILORS have opened up a' 1612 Capitol Av. Tailor-made Suits a Specialty. MAX SCHWARTZ, ladles tailor; 614 Pax- tor blocK, moved to zu t;rounse diock. Dledrick, P. L 216 S. 20'h. Tailor. D. 432. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Printing Co.. Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Tolliver Printing Co?? Commercial Printers. Mary's Ave. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co., 307-9 South 17th. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. 11th D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL Imported Italian cheese, Im ported Italian Galame. Rlalto Delica tessen, 15th and Douglas. TTTOTrp Our new Delicatessen Store. VIOII Open Sunday. 203 3. 18th St. ALL kinds of hata cleaned and blocked 1520 Harney St. Red 4073. "BusiriEss chances; h-irst class tracery and meat business eexcellent cash trade or over n.ouu per month; 2-story brick building, 60x65; corner lot. 70x126. Owner retiring and wanta to sell business and property to gether Stock, fixtures and trucks about $7,000. Property cheap at $20,000. Clean-up price on both, $23,000; $7,000 cash, $5,000 can be carried, and Jll.HO In good Improved eastern Nebraska or Iowa . farm. Exceptional opportunity. Property really worth price asked for the whole thing. Will atand the closest investigation. Don't answer unless you mean business and have the money. Box K-49 Bee. , INVESTORS, -If you want to share In the Immense profits to be made from oper ating In and developing the vast re sources of Texas-nd at the same tlYne have absolute safety, ypu will be Inter ested in our 7 per cent prererrea siock, which also shares in excess profits. Ab solutely non-speculative; officers and trustees leading citizens of Texas; active head one of state's most prominent re altors; no promotion stock. Write for particulars. Reliable agents wanted. Texas Investment Syndicate, 707 Ohio Ave., Wichita Falls, Texas. FOR SALE My furniture store; $2,000 win handle business, in 1918. tnrougn my bank, I did $20,000 cash business, and carry $2,000 on my works. Bulld iaar rents for $50. Experience not necessary. Reason for selling, poor health. , Write W. E. Round, Grand Island, -Neb. : FOR SALE OR TRADE A restaurant with building complete: building, 22x64. good location, good trading town, will trade ' for some land, but rather sell. Want to go weat. Write for particulars to M. H. Cilek. Owner. Arcadia. Neb. CANDY KITCHEN FOR SALE Good lo cation for restaurant and candy kitchen. Address Hamburg Candy Kitchen. Price 32.300. -J BEAUTIFUL ice cream parlor, only one on boulevard. Doing $200 week. Rent $10. $800 to $900 will handle the deal. Tyler 4679-W. FOR Sale Exclusive millinery shop in progressive town. Excellent trade. No competition. Address Graham Hat Shop, Adair, I a. FOR SALE Three stores, confectionery, etc. Doing good business. Sallah Zlden, 101 So. 14th. Tyler 3173-W. FOR 8ALE Good paying grocery bual ness. Inquire J. J. Schneider, 1243 S. 13th. or telephone Douglas 1814. FOR SALE City cafe, at reasonable price. Address Box 108, car City Cafe, Plalnvlew. Neb. FOR SALE Tailor shop doing good busi ness, modem equipped, Webster 892, BUSINESS CHANCES. WILLARD Battery Station is open for some good man to buy In on. You know what a Wlllard Station la and this Is a good chance for a live man. National Electric Battery Co., 337 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market, t a bargain. Call Harney 1877. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male THE BEE will publish tree a altuatlon wanted ad under thla classification for soldiers, satlora and marines who will show their discharge papers at -,ur office in the lobby of Th Bfe building. Seventeenth and Farnam. Painting, papering and general house repairing. Red 6478. WANTED POSITION BY A YOUNG CAPTAIN SOON TO BE DISCHARGED. HAS PROVED ABILITY AS AN OR GANIZER AND EXECUTIVE. ALSO PREVIOUS EXXPERIENCE IN SELL ING AND OFFICE ROUTINE. CAN MAKE MODERATE INVESTMENT IF NECESSARY. ADDRESS K-26. OMAHA BEE. CHARLES M. MILLER, general carpen ter work, stair building, sleeping porch, window screening, glazing, cabinefrnak Ing and finishing. Tyler 1549. AUTO mechanic wishes position driving Ford car In Ford garage. Best ref erences. Phone Walnut 4266. FARMERS, we can furnish you farm hands; wire, write or phone. Savage'a Labor Agency. 110 R 12th St. D 7879 YOUNG man, married, desires general of fice work; clerical experience. Call Websrer 1664. s TEACHER wishes temporary work for summer. Call Harney 31 30. REFUSE hauled, weeds cut. Wal. .18 Female WANTED Situation as housekeeper by widow, competent and a goad cook. Mrs. Ira L. Beldler, 214 Benton Ave., East. Albla. Iowa. WHITE catereas and substitute cook, best of references. Tyler 1633. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED lady, ironing and clean lng. Harney 6168. COLORED woman wanta bundle washing. Call Douglas 6871. BUNDLES, curtains, Webster 4283. blankets laundred. BUNDLE washing. Webster 3955. day work wanted. SWEEPING and cleaning. Webster 4816. DAY WORK wanted. Call Webstei 6920 DAT WORK wanted. Call Webster 4224. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices TRAVELING salesman, mercantile line, $125-3150 and expenses; bookkeeper, wholesale, $125-3150 ; junior office clerk, experience not necessary, $60; traveling salesman, building materials, $200 and expenses; stenographer and bookkeeper, small Jobbing firm, $100; stenographer and assistant to department manager, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $90 and $85. Bookkeeper, $75 to $90. Shipping clerk, $100 to $125, some knowledge ot plumb ing supplies. Salesmen meats, $175; , stoves, $150; groceries, $150 to $175; autos, $150, $175 and $200; auto acces sory, $150, and tires, $125. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., "No charge till placed." Suite 224, Bee Building. WANTED. Bookkeeper for safe-guard ledger; good position and opportunity 4o advance If hard and willing worker. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davenport St. SALESMAN, cleaning product, $200 and bonus. "-Salesman, gaa heater, cofri. and exp. Paper cutter, $90-$100, stock clerks, 23 to 25 yeara old, $85-100; steno. $95x$100. THE MART COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $125; stenographer and bookkeeper, zioo; ware house man, $85. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bk. AMERICAN Field Labor Concertorate Harvest Hands meeting at Sioux City, la., July 15. Professions and Trades Men Wanted for Steady Work in Bakery. We work 8 hours, Monday to Fridays, Inclusive, and our week' work ends Sat urday noon. A 10 per cent bonus Is paid you at the end of each four weeks of steady work, so it pays you to be a steady worker. Apply to office, second floor, middle of block, and ask for Superintendent, Iten Biscuit Co., Snow White Bakery, Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. Porter Wanted. Apply 7 A. M. Strand Theater. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLY UNION DEPOT. OFFICE AMERICAN RAIL WAY EXPRESS. REGISTERED druggist, single; must he registered In North Dakota or state that reciprocate. Good chance fot right fellow. Answer at once, stating salary, experience, etc. Y-578, Omaha Bee. WANTED An architectural draftsman; steady position; give full particulars In first letter stating experience and salary expected. Architectural and Engineer ing company, Pocatello, Ida., Box 430. WANTED First class ear repairers and rough carpenters with tools to work on freight car body work, 68c per hour. Apply at Cass Street Gate. U. P. Shops. 7 a. m. WANTED At once 10 experienced line men on transmission line and distribu tion systems. Come to Grand Island. Report to Central Power company. WANTED First-class Job compositors, cylinder pressmen and feeders. Best wages. Printers Assn., 308 Assn. of Commerce, Grand Rapids, Mich. WANTED Three or four first claaa tire renalr men. State age. experience sal ary expected In first letter. Year Tire ft Rubber Co., Sioux Falls. 8. D. WANTED Good all-around carpenters, steady work all summer and fall, 81 c per hour. S. .rioitze & son, jjoug l- O, C-l Tnwa AUTO painters; good Job, steady work, for high-grade men. . e. oarnum -o, 2122 Cuming St. WANTED Granite letterer at once. The Cherokee Monument Work Cherokee, Iowa. CEMENT packers, steady work, big wages. Northwestern Sates Portland Cement Co.. Mason City. Ia. EXPERIENCED Water Gas maker. Apply to Roy Pledger, Central Power Co.. Kearney, Neb. a WANTWD A good brick burner. Apply J. H. Krltenbrlnk & Son, 13th and Fred rick Sts. . HOUSEMAN wanted at once. Apply Wise Memorial Hospital. START RIGHT. Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto school. Service menj Salesmen and Solicitors JOBBING SALESMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERI ENCE; GOOD TERRI TORY FOR UP-TO-DATE SALESMAN LEIGHTON SUPPLY CO., FORT DODGE, IA WANTED Sslesmen for Iowa, with car, to sail direct to farmer on a commis sion bssls; must be honest and furnish references: a lea. must have some past experience dealing with farmers. If you can qualify: we teach you how and will demonstrate that this Job will pay (100 per week and up, witn expenses. No money to aavance. Aaaresa &J Omaha Be. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMAN. Grocery SDeclalty. 1260. Salesman. Automobile Specialties. $150. Salesman, Lumber or Cement experience. $150. Salesman, Film Co.. $35 per week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg; WANTED Young man of neat appearance about 21 years of age, to solicit want ad advertising. Excellent opportunity for the right young man to learn the ad vertising businesa. Call after 3 p. m., classified advertising manager. The Omaha Bee. IF YOU can sell insurance and can com clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an eatabllshed company offering a full line of standard policlea. No stock-selling or organisa tion proposition. Address Lock Box 832. Omsha. Neb. ' WANTED Live salesman with car to aell a commodity that Is an absolute neces sity to farmers. Must have experience selling to farmer Will stand the clos est Investigation. This Is a real job for a man willing to work; no money to advance. AtMrcsa Box K-36 Omaha Bee.. SALESMAN with $800 to Invest, with serv ices, in established installment jewelry company. Shares In profits of business. Box K-18, Omaha Bee. , RETURNED officera and soldiers who ifre willing to begin at $36 weekly, call at 1814 St. Mary's Ave. Inquire for Mr. Hixenbaugh. WANTED Two advertising solicitors. Call after four p. m. 333 Brandelss The ater. 'J Boys BOYS FOR GOOD EVENING ROUTES APPLY BEE PARK STATION, 2615 LEAVENWORTH Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED. Men to work on wagon, steady work all the year round. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO.. 18th and Marcey Sts. WANTED teamster, married man. Na tional Roofing Co.. 627 Paxton Blk. BOY wanted to assist at soda fountain; good pay. Beaton Drug Co. Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL, Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National tuto 8chool. 2814 North 20tb St.. Omaha. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Middle aged single man to do the cleaning and take care of orrtce at night Ogtlen Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Four young; men to wait ta bles; gooa wagee. Appiy riatiron Cafe. St. Mary's Ave. and 17th 8t. WANTED Experienced cafeteria help for Sundays and holidays, see Mr. Mi:;tr at Manawa park. WANTED Experienced help for refresh ment stands for Sundays and holidays See Mr. Scholes. Manawa park. Miscellaneous. POSITIONS, locations etc.. for druggists. dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians. F. V. Kniest, 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, manufacturing firm. South Side, $85; stenographer, storage firm, $85; stenographer, wholesale, $75-$85 ; stenographer, farm loan firm, up town, small office, $75-$85; stenog rapher and bookkeeper, student, $65 $75; stenographer and clerk, student, $65; stenographer and bookkeeper, small Jobbing firm, $100; file clerk, $45; dictaphone operator and stenog rapher, $100; posting machine operator, $75-385. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, ATTENTION: Private secretary, $125, $100, $90, $85, $80 and $75, all good positions. Combination steno. and bookkeeper, $90 and $86. Stenoi and clerical, $75. Typist and clerk, $60. Typists, $65, $60 and $56. File clerks, $55 and $60. Comptometer opr.. $75. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO., "No charge till placed." Suite 224, Bee Building. BURROUGHS calculating machine opr., $15-380. Comptometer opr., $65-$70. ' Billing clerk, $75; file clerk, $50-$55. Stenographer and clerk, $70-$75. THE MARTI COMPANY 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. V STENO. and bookkeeper, $90; diet, opr., $75; office clerk, $60; biller, $85; book keeper, out of town, $126, bookkeeper, wholesale, $125; file clerk, $50. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bk. WANTED Good stenographer with cleri cal experience; cannot use beginner; po sition permanent. Phone Doug. 394 Fleming evenings. Colfax 2566. Wanted Colored Girls. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18th and Marcy Sts., Doug. 159. Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELE PHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY Offers, an exceptional opportunity to sev eral bright, well-educated young ladies between ages of 17 and 23 to learn LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE WORK. Thl consist of establishment of telephone connections between Oma ha and distant points, such as Chicago, New York, Washington, D. C; New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., .and San Francisco, Cal. It 1 interesting work, the surroundings are congenial, a lib eral salary is paid while learning and advancement Is rapid. There 1 an at tractive future for those of ability. Ap ply to Miss Cox, 1315 Telephone Building. WANTED Woman to 'mend overalls, who unaereianas running power macnine. Coakley Overalls Laundry, 1711 Cuming St. Phone Red 6838 WANTED Experienced shirt maker. Albert Cahn, 1322 Farnam St. WANTED An apprentice for hair dress ing parlor. Call 202 Balrd Bldg. The Delft Hair Parlors. WANTED Trimmers, makers, dressmak ers and ladles' handy with needle, living In city; good wages; steady employment. Thlele-Scharf Co., 12th and Farnam. Household and Domestics. WANTED Thoroughly competent house maid; family of two; cook and laun dress kept; call In person with refer ences. 3722 Dewey Ave., or Telephone Harney 393. WOMAN, white or colored, for general housework on modern farm, 20 miles from city One whole day off every oth er week. Use of car to and from city. Top wages. Harney 3461. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, no washing; three In fam ily; best wages. Mra. Jeanle B. Lauer, Walnut 3621. 109 South 60th Ave. TWO salesladies for city or small towns working with our crew la pleasant Good returns, guarantee and commission. 512 Karbach. Block. WANTED Cook, white or colored, for smali family. One who will assist with 2-year-ohl child. Call Wal. 5104. WANTED Girl for general housework. good pay, no washing. Call at 3214 F St WANTED A cook at one. Call Douglas Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Good woman cook for Com mercial hotel: need not be experienced but must be able to do general cooking; good wages. Address Y-681. Omaha Bee. WANTF.n Middle-aged colored chamber maid for colored hotel. Nice chance for the right party. Apply In person. War den hotel. Sixteenth and cuming. WANTED. Maids at once. Apply to housekeeper. HOTEL FONTENELLE. WANTED Experienced chamber maids for half-day's work. Hours from 12 to 6. Apply Clatrmont Inn. two waitresses wanted at once: short houra. Flatiron Cafe. 1720 St. Marys Ave. ' WANTED A cook and waitress. Apply Central Hotel. 11th and Dodge. Good waites. WANTED Goood helper in the kitchen. Wise Memorial Hospital. . Miscellaneous. GIRLS over 18 for cabaret show; must be ladles at all times; steady work: this how Is booked solid. Call .Red 306$. - HELP WANTED. MOVING AND STORAGE. Male anu Female , SARATOGA COOKS and kitchen help can get gocd VAN and STORAGE CO wagea In Colorado Springs and Manliou V tX1U 1 VXVVUIH Hotela and Restaurants. Cool climate COLFAX 601. delightful acenery four months season. MOVING, PACKING STORAGE Apply In person or write Sec. Pikes iFfi m "n A rwTTf rnT Peak Hotel & Restaurant Mens' Assn. MlllTKOPOLITAN AGENTS WANTED, male and female, for VAN and STORAGE CO good business; house-to-house work; also ... , .,. business center: good commission; also Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. bonus. Call from 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. WE will furnish you any all truck by 200 Bromley Bldg. hour, month or year. WANTED Men. ladlea and boya to n H ARTIING'S St0,J . CO. barber trade: big demand: wagea wall. U 1 VJ O and Transfer -V. learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976, 1403( Dodg St Trl-Cl.y Barber CoH. TJION TRANSFER CO. r i ,i t-. Let ua estimate your moving packing nd JODS IOr tne Ueat torage 1606 Davenport, rwiug 1903 or Hard of Hearing BROWN TRANSFER CO Prompt Servlc. Tylr 966-W. WE CAN USE TWO OR THREE WOMEN . - - AND TWO OR THREE MEN WHO DE- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. SIRE TO LEARN A TRADE AT WHICH , THEY CAN ALWAYS GET WORK AND W AT WHICH THEIR DEAFNESS WILL wesT- iRFSNS?NOHOTTAINO AvnsKwfvo NEW. up-to-date. 6 rooms, oak finish. t pressing, spotting AND SEWING. location: price $5 250: terms; ocatton MEN AS PRESSING MACHINE OPER- 611 N 4 7 1 h St Norrls A- Norrls D. 4170. ATORS. GOOD WAGES WHILE YOU f-n morris , ARE LEARNING AND INCREASE AS ."- 2H"t?iV, 5rVi-V- v YOU BECOME PROFICIENT. BRING J J M T TT j VI H I LL THIS AD WITH YOU. ' " ' V A 1 X A a- t -p, . 100 Brandela Theater Bldg Doug 96 The Pantonum, WEST FARNAM, 1516 JONES ST. . f( $1 1 ,000. WANTED An experienced multlgraph One of the best homes In the district operator. Apply 404 City National for within $5,000 of the price. Big living Bank Bldg. room, library, dining roem and kitchen "J-Tn LZ'lk t'lKi 'bK abFo4r "Quarter" .Tw'S! o."2 FtoVe3 .ffVre VVa'""' rTnkdrnn,ngfrm. f,rePpeUletbcU"VnI: TEACHERS WANTED Registration free, usually fine light basement with laundry Inter-Mountain West Serice. Inc., Ogden, tubs, furnace room, fruit and vegetable Utan- cellars. Corner lot 66x124. Garage spare rriTTP ATTrM at fr two cars, cement driveway. Beauti- JiDUCAI 1UN AL,. fui fruit ami shade trees. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL WALSH-ELMER CO., BOYLES COLLEGE.' , , . ,,.,. ' Student, are admitted at any tl.r.e. Arni "'-f'cuHtles Dlrte Complete course In accountancy, mi. ryler l,.3h securities ning. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, shr.rt- QOTTHTTTW H15rr hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail- OUU iHltUOl. road and wireless telegraphy, civil ssrv- On 34th street just south of Martha, Ice and all English and commereiul a good six-room house, strictly modern, branches. Write, call or phone Douglns in first-class condition. Two fine lots 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. 100 by 140 feet with all kinds of shrubs Address, and fruit. Everything up In first class BOYLES COLLEGE, condition. Price $5,500.00. Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb. T-v V OTJST T?C! APrOTTNTAMfV U' V. &HULil!& UU., XXljl-'UrN XiVlNV X C. P. A. Douglas 46. 915 City Natl. Bank Bldg. The highest paid profession taught thor- WE have cash buyers for West Farnam oughly In a few months of home study and Dundee homes. Phone Douglas by new system. FREE BOOK. 6074 and we will call and Inspect your International Accountanta Society. property. Shuler & Carr. 638 Paxton Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit- Owner leaving city. Will sell 7-roora lng In our day school or by mall. Spe- modern house, 3310 Dewey. Phone Har- clal short summer course for Gregg ney 4402. writer. Omaha Businesa College. 7th ' floor Bee Bldg. Douglas 6528. North. Van Sant School of Business. nf'TJBlll00 Bemis Park Residence. . Douglas 6890. Seven-room, full 2-story residence; 3 ANNIE E. GLASCOW. voice and piano, large rooms on first floor, finished In oak, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phon Red 4 nice bedrooms and bath on second floor, 185. 209 South 15th St. full cement basement: furnace heat, large "IT., attic south front, corner lot on paved FOR RENT ROOMS street, paving paid, garage, price $6,000. This Is a real bargain for the money. Furnished Rooms Can K,ve P-session real soon. r ""itsncu xwoins. p . y-KT-p tSjVFSTMFNT 2047 Dodge St. Attractively furnished Ail V liOl lrllil X large front room with alcove, 4 large COTVTPANY windows, exceptionally cool, bath room JJ VIX A , floor, suitable for two. Gentlemen pre- 537 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781 BEAUTIFUL, cool, airy room for gentle- Miller Park District, walking distance. Farnam car line. Call 6-R. and Sun Room, $4,500. Harney 6968. 6622 Nortn 24th Street. Two story. COOL, sleeping rooms, gentlemen, reason- Living room, dining room, flno large sun able; Crelghton college region. Phone room and kitchen first floor. Three bed- H. 496. rooms and tiled bath second floor. Only 2011 Cass St. One nicely furnished room, f"1"" years old and a snap at the price. lady preferred; private home, half block $1,200 cash will handle. Call Tyler 50 from car line. and as'c fr Mr. Manville. RESPECTABLE young man desires room HaStingS & Hevden, private family, close In, where there Is. ,-,7 . o. a piano. Box K-51, Omaha Bee. 1614 Harney St. CLEAN, cool room In strictly modern pri- Sq. of KOUntZC Park, vate-home; walking distance; near car. , , Harnev 1913. Owner has Informed us that he must r : . , ;; : sell his home at once. A neat 6-r. house, TV,?,nTe f,rnt .v,0m'' ulta,ble J two' large rooms, all modern. South front 2313 Douglas. Phone Douglas 7268. ,ot paved B;reet and pa)d close to car LARGE cool front room, nicely furnished, Vt blk. from boulevard. Price for quick walking distance. Douglas 7468. sale $4,600. $1,000 cash. FOR RENT Rooms, large and small. 418 RASP BROS North 25th St. Tyler 4550. ftAOr OIVUO, ROOM and private bath in modern home. 210 Kee"ne Blllg- Tyler 7"' Call Webster 3564. SPECIAL FOR $3,900. LirE21f2r0OnCa8 8rOTyrer3U4B5t9rCOrat- 20 Miami street, newly pa'lnted. 6 room and bath, strictly modern; also FURNISHED room in modern apartment.. garage; paving all paid; close to boule- Park avenue. Harney 3827. vard and CKT Iine. jf you are ookine NICE room In private family, close In. for the right priced place, here It la. rJqmB "oV gentlemen. 2417 California. ... 5" TEBBENS CO., -Uunfurrli'shed ' 808 Om- Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2182. COOL and airy, suite of rooms, private FLORENCE BLVD. lavatory; t Good, 7-room house, all modern: oak yt . finish; furnace heat; east front lot, no JHOUSeKeeping KOOmS. paving to pay; close to 3 cars. A pickup VERY desirable furnished room, south and t $3,750; about $L750 cash. west exposure, In private home, near T?ASP RT?OS Hanscom park, lovely neighborhood; AtrrkJA references required. H. 5225. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. COMPLETELY furnished, 2 and 3-room BY OWNER, good modern house of 8 apartments; also Individual room with rooms and bath and reception hall; has running hot and cold water. Brown slate roof; full basement; lot 60x150; apartments, Red 8950. garage; just across utreet from Sacred ROOMS for rent, both sleeping and light ,Hart ,?h?rCJf, "nd H!ch1?-IaJ. C!i' any housekeeping. 1711 Dodge, one-half time. 2211 Blnney St. Web. 1810. block from postoffice, right on car line HOUSE for rent. Also good furniture for to depot. 4 rooms for sale or trade. Will trade LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms tnT far- Ty"''' 9 nr I2" Charles St. for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 608 MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer he N. 17th St. best opportunity to Inveat your money. 3007 South 20th; two good housekeeping PHone Tyler 187. rooms, furnished completely. Red 6287. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. TWO light housekeeping rooms, furnished. ... o.ER1I?ttN!,BECURITrT,al!ft, , Private family. 704 N. 30th St. Har. 4317. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6018. T. 3-ROOM house, 2 lots In garden, fenced. FOR RENT FURWISHED $1,000. $300 down, rent payments for A i balance. H. G. Foster. 3919 N. 42d St. Apartments. By OWNER, good seven-room modern 3 ROOMS and bath, completely furnished house; full basement: fine location, apartment, near 26th and Harney, all Call any time. 2928 North 24th St. ready to move Into; $55. D. 1734 or D. . 6499. . N South. BLACKSTONE HOTEL . " ,7.h dhrnr.0s!rp,aertrnt, SEMI-BUNGALOW. EL-BEFUhDORHAPAyRTMENTS. REAL BARGAIN. I8TH AND DODGE STREET. ,308 s- 14th st- ' dandy aemt-bunga- Two and three-room apartment, com- Iow, having five rooms all on one floor pletely furntshed. Hotel ervlc. Tyler an1 n extra room partly finished on the 4200 second floor. Good furnace; cemented Xtrtfi PMT Hnim-Q basement east front on paved street. fUK KHlN 1 rHJUorjQ. Lots of fruit ad shrubbery on premises. w . Lot 40x126. Can be sold on desirable i681- terms at $3,850. Look at It today. FLAT. 2305 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, $25. PA YNF1 Rr ST.ATPT? CCl Flats. 2039 North 21st, 3 room, $9. A n. A 1 1 XJ Ot OUAHjH KjJ., JOHN N. FRENZER 616 Om. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. Poso'uth.54 5-R00M BUNGALOW BIRKETT & CO. Nearly new, occupied one year, mod. Real estate; sell, Insure and rent Price, $3,600; $800 cash, balance like 250 Bee Bldg. Dougla 633. rent. 3 LARGE ROOMS, second floor, $10.00. A. W. TOLAND, 4411 South 26th St. Tyler 1812 J. D. 6707 694 Brandels Bldg. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. STORES $20.00 1422 South 16th Street, 22x60. $16.002225 North 20th Street, 22x60. FLATS $35.00 2045 Howard Street, 4 rooms. $iz.oo 1430 wortn zotn street, 4 rooms. $17.601420 North 17th Street, 6 rooms (upstairs). $16.00 842 14 South 24th Street, 5 rooms. $16.00 842 Vi South 24th Street, 5 rooms. HOUSE $55.00842 South 24th Street, 11 rooms. H. A. WOLF COMPANY 612 Electric Bldg. Tyler 85 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialist in Apartment management. LIST your property tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. CREIGH 8QN8 CO.. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Doug. 2011. 600 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT "Business Prooertv Stores. GOOD store rooms, 15th and Douglaa Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone, Douglaa 5342- 715 S. 24th, 14x60 ..$20 00 WALSH-ELMER CO., 333 Securities Bldg. Tyleii63 STORE $50 mo. Chicago. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Miscellaneous. BLACKSMITH shop and tools; good loca- tion, Z0Z5 Vinton. Call Webster zbor MOVING AND STORAGE. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338, auto or wagon service. FIDELITY 0DRVS CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. , ' FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. $06 South 16th. Doug. 4163. $0,800.00 Fine 7-room, modern home In Dundee. $5,250.00 Large corner lot with one 6 and one 10-room, modern house, 23d and H Sts. For Borne or Investment; don't mlsu it. $4,500.00 7-room, modern house. 23d ani Spragtfe. $10.000.00 10-room. modern house. 19th and Jackson. An Ideal location for an apartment house. $5,500.00 Two 7-room, modern houses. 24th and Caldwell. $2,000.00 8-room house, large lot Near Ft. Omaha. Pay like rent. $4,500.00 Two 5-room house. 81st Ave. and Dodge St. These are a few of the bargains we are offering. MOREARTY & CONBOY, Phone Douglaa 3841, Tyler 4677-W. 640 Bee Bldg. 6-R00M HOUSE Two-stcry up-to-date house. Frame construction, brick foundation: large light rooms, fine lot, shade trees: pav ing paid; a snap at $5,500. For further Information call Tyler 3540 and ask for Mr. Benson, Jr. FOUR-ROOM stucco cottage; full lot $2,000. Easy terms. C. D. ARMSTRONG. Realtor. Tel. Douglas 1280. 326-6 Securities Bi.1, HAVE Inquiries for good homes In good locationa. Do you want to sell your property. List It with C. A. Grlmmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM, all-modern residence; sleeping porch; 15 blocks to postoffice. Can be bought right. 513 Bee Bldg: Tyler 4281. KOR SALE 8-room apartment, beautl. fully furnlahed, on car line and walking distance to town. Phone, Douglas 6160 CLl'SK-lN INVESTMENTS Leavenworth St., Capitol ave., Cuming St. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY. D ll NEAR HanHcom park, t-r house, on latxe corner lot, with garage and shed for storage. J W Roliblns poueias ";2 FOR SALE Two 6-room cnttagrs to be mov-d. In good repair Traver Bros., 81? First Nat, linnn. BARGAINS irf nnmes. investment prop erties ecreage near Omaha Hani on A Morton, 916 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. REAL ESTATE-Businest Property BUSINESS property and Investment, A V. TUKLT i BUJM. 4 20 Fhrst Na MonaJBankBjdf, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FINEST BUILT APARTMENT HOUSE, OMAHA. 16 splendid apartments, atrlctly mod ern, solid brick, poured concrete, alwaya full, long waiting list. To cloae part, nershlp, sacrifice sale. Splendid largo corner grounds, cloae In. Take In over 10 per cent on over $80,000. .Better than $8,000 a year. Want offer. Might consider some clear property, farm or houses OSBORNE REALTY CO. 858 Om.. X t. Bk. Bldg. TyJ?ri.: REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. South. BIO BARGAIN LOTS. $1 00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEES buy fine garden tract, 47x183; only f blocks from West Center car line an one block to paved atreet; high nd tghtly, black soil: price linb and 8340. THE BYRON REED CO., 161 a h'arnam. Dougla $87. FOR SALE Two lots, 60x150. Juat aoutt of Elmwood park. Address Y-671, Omaha Be. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 10 lots located at the corner of I7th treet and 6th avenue, with aewer and water In street. Inquire of owner. Loull Schneider, Wickham Block. Council Bluffs. Ia. 7-ROOM HOUSE, close to school; away from mud and water. Terma Call Red 654. ' Benson. $3 250. 6-room bungalow, one-half block to car In Benson: fine repair; term. 1508 cash, balance $30 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3540. N1-:V oak bungalow, fine condition, east front, corner lot; price $4,400; easy terms; $5m) cash. Call day. Doug. 1734. Dundee. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE BRICK AND STUCCO , HOME OWNER LEAVING CITY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. First floor has tile vestibule , coat closet, reception hall, large living room with brick fireplace: attractive dining room, breakfast room, and convenient kitchen with built-in features; finished In oak except kitchen. Second floor ha 4 corner bedroms; enclosed aleepln; porch with tile bath room and plenty, of closet room finished In white enamel with mahogany-mirrored door. Attia -finished in one large room and atorag room. Full cement basement, til lined; oversize furnace with thermoatat; toilet room; fruit room and laundry tub. House built about three year. Full sized lot, shrubbery and combination driveway. House tapestry brick and stucco. Storm windows, screen, shade and rods on all windows. Convenient to Dundee school and Happy Hollow elub. Price $11,000. GEORGE & COMPANY, Realtor. Sole Agent. Doug. 766. 908 City Nat Bk. Bldg. We specialize In Dundee h'omea, C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National . Pougla 8T8T, CHOICE lots in Dundee and Field elub districts. Morearty A Conboy, Bo Bldg. Phone D. 3841. South Side. JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 34th St.. "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Real estate mortgage loan promptly made. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should aee Jaa. H Koplets, real es tate Investments. 4733 South 84th St. A, W. JONES, South Omaha, buy, sella, exchangee all kind of property. Foi rtsults. quick action, ae ua REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 12 LOTS, Council Bluffs, right between the two cities; good high ground and Improving steadily around it; fine for home or Investment ct $1,308 for the bunch. McGee Real Etat Co., 1"5 Pearl St.. Council Bluff. GOING east, will sacrifice my equity ll three fine lots near Center St car line. P. O. Box 968. Sioux City, la. 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. " We have cash buyer for well located bungalows and residence worth th money. For quick result list with u. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It, but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 926 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. LIST your property with ua. W nav call for homes and Investment. McCAGUE INV. CO.. Phone D. 415. 16th and Dodg. IF your property Is for sale or rent, list It with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 2705 Lake. Webster 640. FOR quick results list your property with S. P. BOSTWICK A SON, 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1806. FOR quick sales list . your property with W. O. 8HRIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat. Fk. Bldg. Doug. 1138 LIST your property for sal with J. H. Robinson for quick sale. 441 Bee Bl1g. Phone Douglaa 8097. - WANTED to hear from owner of farm . for sale. Mr. W. Booth, H. P. Bta., Dea A Moines, Ia. FINANCIAL. Private Money. BHOPEN A COMPANY. Dour. 4T$i. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. . CONVERT that installment loan on your" home Into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthlv navmants. E. H. LOUGEE, Inc., 538 Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMA8 A SON. 22 8 Keellne Bldg. CITY and farm loans: $H and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co- 11$ Keellne Bldg.' LOW rates without delay. C. G. CARLBERG. 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. STIC. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO BORROW $7,600 on flrt mortgage at 6 per cent on $18,008 In come property. Address Box K-18. Omaha Bee. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. WEST DODGE ACREAGE. 53 ACRES, $25,000. A fine tract with a fine future. Ha amall Improvement suitable for rental purposes. Some orchard and grapes. This Is less than $475 an acre. ' $8,000 carh will handle. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manville. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. , ACREAGE NO OF KRUG PARK. 5 acres north Krug park, few block to paved road. High and sightly loca tion. Cheapest acreage In thla district Price $2,500, terms J. L. HIATT CO., QVk FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Cfi TYLER W BANK BLDG. Colorado Lands. LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. . Come with us next Tunsilay for th Flagler district and secure a farm wher prices are still low $25 to $40. Don't wait phon us today. D. 4154. 8hedd( Investment Company, Railway Ex change. Omaha. 30.000 ACRES choice raw or improved Lin coln Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. Kasr terms. See J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo Missouri Lands. LARGE PASTURE. 8.000 acres all under fence, abundance of water, six miles from railroad, lo cated In Dent county, Missouri; now pasturing 800 cattle; 1.000. 000 mining props on land. Price, $5 per aero term If desired. F. E. DenKon. Roll. Ma. t ! V NT v libera! reward, , Tyif III 3. - . - w' V , T8S9S8 iWi