Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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    TtfE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1919.
The Omaha Bee
Tha Auoclated Preaf of which The Bae Is a member, H
clvahely entitled tn the m for publication of ell ! dispatches
(edited la It or not otherotM credited tn tali Paper, end also the
local nnra rrahllihed kmln. All nghli or DUDUcauon n our apa-
etal dltpetrbea an all
PrWat Branch Sxchanae. Aak for till Tvlftp 1000
Paparuueot or Particular Ptnon Wanted. J 4ti
For Nifht or Sunday SarvUa Call:
Mltorlal Dti-artBiMit War IOO0L.
ClrculaUon IWperunent Tyltr 1008L.
AdnrUaliui Department Tyler 1008L.
Horn Office, Bm Building, 17th and ftroam.
R ranch Of float: .
Ames 4110 North SI Park M15 Leaten worth.
Banana 6114 Military Are. South 8ld 3318 N Street.
Council Bluff 14 N. Main Vinton S7 South lth
lake IS11 North 84th Walnut 81) North 40th.
Out-of-Town Offices i
New Tort City 280 Fifth Ate. ' Waihinfton 1311 O Btrot.
Chicago Seeaer Bids'. I Lincoln 1330 H Street.
Daily 65, 830 Sunday 63,444
Ararat circulation for the month subscribed and sworn to fcf
E. R. Baian. Circulation Manaier.
Subacrlbor leaving th city ahould have Tha Bm mailed
to them. Addreaa 'chanied as often a requested.
You should know that
Omaha is the leading city in the
United States in per capita owner
ship of automobiles.
Oh, such a headache 1
It will not be a "wet" Fourth.
Omaha barbers are doing all they can to
induce men to shave themselves.
A Sleepy Eye man won the Minnesota shoot
ing tournament, if you still think there is any
thing in a name.
Nebraska is said to be buying automobiles
at the rate of 300 per day, but just wait till the
assessor makes his rounds.
"Gasoline and whisky will not mix," says
an Omaha police magistrate, yet a lot of drivers
will not desist from experimenting with the two.
The French Chamber of Deputies has been
given the text of the peace treaty. Pretty soon
the United States senate will get the glad news.
Our mayor still thinks that folks can get
along without ice on the Sabbath, but for
tunately the commission does not agree with him.
Von Bethmann-Hollweg offers himself as i
vicarious sacrifice for Herr Hohenzollern. He
need not worry; his own case may come on in
Omaha will be glad to see a regular army
unit back at Fort Crook, and the Twentieth will
find it quite a relief after its long stay in Utah
and Kansas.
Nebraska's small grain harvest is exceeding
estimates, and old King Corn is doing better
than ever, so the. future holds nothing but rosy
i Jight W this state.
Omaha was spared the proceedings that
marked the exit of the saloon from cities such
as San Francisco, Kansas City, Milwaukee and
.the like. Prohibition has some advantages,
after all.
Nebraska "suffs" have finally won their suit
in the supreme court, leaving the "antis" to pay
the costs. This contention will be recalled by
many long after the federal amendment has gone
into effect and the now limited suffrage is made
1 Germans are already talking loudly of re
jl.'venge, but they had better forget it and go to
i work. They spent forty years in preparation
and toasting "der tag," only, to get soundly
1; thrashed in the end, arid they will never get
J another such an opportunity to fool the world.
!., ' Judge Flansburg of. Lancaster county has
' started something, in holding that the Scottish
? Rite Masonic cathedral at Lincoln is subject to
, 1 taxation. If his reasoning is good, it will affect
i not only the property of Masons but of other
similar organizations throughout Nebraska.
' Until the supreme court has passed on the case
r"7"The- outcome can not be told, but it will be
watched with interest by many societies who
have "looked upon their property as being ex
, e'mpt from txation because of the use to which
it is put.
Keep the Desirables
If Something ought to be done to dissuade the
million or more men of foreign birth, some of
' them naturalized citizens and most of them in-
dustrious, law-abiding, from going home to
their native lands. A great exodus of this kind
is expected, once peace is established, because
; these men think that conditions in the home
land are better now than they were before the
1 war better for them because they have saved
up in each individual case hundreds, possibly
thousands, of dollars during their residence in
this country and are prepared to make the most
of the opportunities and very unusual advan
tages which the possession of money is sup
r posed to give where men of their station rarely
' have so much accumulated wealth.
This means the loss of much needed labor,
and the sudden withdrawal of many millions of
! money from use in this country. We are
J preparing to prohibit temporarily or to limit
J immigration, which has been reduced to prac
' tically nothing during the war. We are, how
: ever, at the beginning of an era of expansion
These laborers will be needed more than ever
and at high wages. Their opportunities here
1 will be better than ever; they have no assurance
of improved conditions in the old countries.
' Indeed, conditions are so unsettled in many of
' the European states that they can have no guar
; antee that they may not be walking into liabil
' ity for military service instead of fancied
; chances for financial and social advancement.
Perhaps the government might restrict the
removal of the large sums of money from the
f country and retard the migration by arbitrary
regulations; but it would be better to educate
the desirable element of this foreign popula
; tjon to consider carefully the wisdom of the
; proposed return to the. old country. It may
not be the highest and most unselfish form of
1 interest in these people, but its exercise need not
interfer with the manifestation of the higher
; concern for their welfare which consists of ef
' forts at Americanization. They will certainly
i appreciate in years to come the interest shown
in them, whether actuated by the selfish or the
unselfish motive. Minneapolis Tribune.
Advocates of national development of hydro
electric power term to have their long fight
nearly won. The prospect for a general measure
passing congress is better now than ever before.
What remains is to determine if the expectations
of the champions- of "white coal" will be real
ized. No one has questioned the feasibility of
turning water power into electricity. In the
western mountain regions of the country mil
lions of horsepower are going to waste. As long
as the sun shines, the Pacific ocean rolls and the
mountains stand, just that long will cascades
tumble or ctaracts roar down the cliffs and tum
ble through the gorges. These are potential
sources of energy, only needing to be harnessed
to be made of possible service.
Here comes the greatest question of all.
How is the power to be distributed to the user?
Already on the western coast industry is amply
supplied with hydro-electric current, and in
many places it is actually allowed to waste.
Seattle and Tacoma, for excnple, have a sur
plus, while San Francisco and Portland have all
that can be economically used. In the east, where
the great power-using industrial plants are lo
cated, current is generated through steam or
other engines almost if not quite as cheaply as
by water. Before the price of fuel took the
great upward turn electric power was created
by engines in many places for less money than
at the great Keokuk plant.
The question of getting the current to the
market is yet to be answered. When the time
comes that electricity can be safely and
economically transported, it will be the power.
Until that time, its successful competition with
the steam or internal combustion engine will be
possible only in such regions as are fortuitously
within easy reach of a reliable water fall. Pas
sage of the Esch, the Jones, the Lenroot, or any
of the other measures now before congress,
will have the effect of encouraging develop
ment, for it will largely eliminate the danger
of monopolization of a great natural resouce,
but the element of delivery of product will re
main the controlling factor in the problem.
High Tide for the Bruiser.
Within the easy memory of man prize fight
ing was a proscribed occupation. Its followers
were compelled to shun the sheriff, and prac
ticed their trade in secrecy, frequently spend
ing a considerable post-meeting time in durance
vile. But the world do move, and behold the
pugilist, now transformed into a big business
He is exploited with such fanfare of pub
licity as might please the most puissant of po
tentates, his daily downsittings and uprisings
are chronicled with detail as meticulous as ever
bestowed on an empress and her court. No so
ciety queen draws in her train 50 large a con
course of the curious; no showman ever beheld
eager spectators vieing to pay for tickets such
sums -as are offered for the privilege of viewing
from afar the progress of the affair that is set
for next Friday.
A princely fortune awaits each of the burly
boxers, no matter which one wins, while the
promoters of the affair look ahead to profits
equally munificent All this while the thrifty
burghers of the community where the perform
ance is to take place are garnering a rich har
vest from the multitudes who throng the city,
idly spending easy money while they discuss
the prowess of the principals and wager on the
issue of the meeting. News of the peace con
ference is crowded out of its first page im
portance by accounts of the preparation being
made, the record of the varying opinions of self
denominated experts, and public excitement is
brought to fever pitch.
Rome never packed the Coliseum with a
mob so mad as that which will gather a To
ledo, nor "has the world witnessed anything like
the lunacy inspired by this event. It is more
than the apotheosis of the pugilist; it is the
sublimation of national damfoolishness.
Will the Kaiser Be Tried?
The offer of Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg,
former imperial chancellor of the German em
pire, to take on himself all blame for starting
the war, coupled with the confident assertion
of a Dutch newspaper that the allies will not
ask Holland to surrender the refugee Hohenzol
lern, arouses a little curiosity. In the treaty
of peace just signed the personal guilt of the
ex-kaiser is alleged, and his extradition is
asked, that he may be put on trial before an in
ternational court. The Dutch paper argues that
the entente will be satisfied with the publica
tion of the ex-kaiser's moral guilt, and the
imposition of a sentence that he be forever de
posed. It is possible that this conclusion is
not warranted. Grave question has been raised
as to whether the late emperor of Germany can
be put on trial for offenses committed in his
official capacity. It is held that as a private
citizen he is both morally and legally absolved
from the acts of the government of which he
was head. Dissent from this view is taken by
many who have given the matter close atten
tion, they holding that legal as well as moral
guilt is personal. Especially does this view at
tach to an autocrat, whose acts are not subject
to review by another branch of the govern
ment. The moral guilt of the former despot
Germany can not be gainsaid, and his personal
responsibility ought to be established, if only
as a precedent.
Clean Out the "Reds."
Congress is asked to provide $2,000,000 to
finance a general campaign against the anarch
ists, now infesting the country. It will be
money well spent if it results in ridding the
United States of the undesirables who are now
threatening dire things. It is not alone the
"red" who hurls a bomb however, who de
mands corrective attention. The so-called "high
brow" who encourages the bolder or less re
strained by his continual sneering at the gov
ernment, who has prated of liberty while in
sisting on license, is quite as dangerous as the
assassin who spreads the "terror." These men
and women have fostered bolshevism, and to
them may be traced the inspiration if not the
actual crime. Slackers in time of war, they were
leniently dealt with by an over-indulgent gov
ernment, and now repay that misplaced kindness
by further outrages. Money in plenty should
be furnished, that the pursuit of anarchy be not
interrupted for want of funds, and all honest
American citizens will applaud the day when the
government lays hold of the last of these secret
enemies who are conniving to destroy its organization.
Postage stamps go back to the pre-war price
today. . Here is a pointer for other thing.
Women in Legislatures
W. L. George in Harper's Magazine.
What effect the entry of the political woman
will have upon the legislatures is not easy to
say, because what we know of the female tem
perament does not necessarily imply to the
political woman. The comic papers in England
like to make jokes about female members of
Parliament, to print cartoons where they are
shown doing fancy work or powdering their
noses during the debates. I do not think that
the women legislators will be as representative
as all that, and I chronicle with regret the view
that they seldom powder their noses.
No, the woman legislators will not become a
legislator until she has some virile quality. She
will approximate to man, but I think her influ
ence in congress will be rather different; she
will probably import, as did Miss Rankin, a cer
tain emotional atmosphere, which I, for one,
think valuable in assemblies always a little in
human. As regards the question that interests
the public more namely, her influence on the
moral tone of politics, this will depend upon the
politics she finds herself in. Thus, in France,
she will find herself in a parliament inclined to
financial corruption; in such countries as Spain
and Portugal, in a mechanical system of alter
native rule by sham conservatives and sham
radicals; in America, in an assembly where
financial interests juggle with the law and con
tinually conflict with the representatives of pop
ular morality and justice; in England, in a par
liament where financial corruption is very
slight, but where faiths can be seduced by a post
of power or a lunch with a duke.
The woman legislator will be influenced by
the nature of her temptation, and I think she
will best resist the temptation of money. The
type of woman who is interested in politics
does not, as a rule, care for money, either be
cause she belongs to the laboring class and has
few desires, or because she belongs to the rich
class. In England we don't bribe people; we
make them rich first, and, as Anatole France
says, the rich exhibit over the poor this moral
superiority, that they neither beg in the street
nor steal bread.
But where her weakness may lie is probably
in the direction of honors and of power. For
thousands of years we have so much encouraged
woman's vanity that self-exaltation has in many
become a habit; I am credibly told that a large
proportion of the titles which have showered
from the Lloyd George government as water
from a leaky bath, have been accepted by men
because their wives wanted to be Lady X, And,
whereas it is becoming an act of good form
to refuse the order of the British empire, I
hear of no woman who has declined to be made
a dame.
As to power, I have, during this war, seen
women in minor positions controling nurses,
directing wages, even running filing rooms, and
always filled with a bitter, earnest delight in
controlling other women. From that point of
view the woman legislator will be corruptible;
she will expose you if you offer her a hundred
thousand dollars, but if you offer her a sub-deputy-assistant-directorship,
she may very well
vote for you. That is, if you make no bargain,
for the art of corruption consists in not seeming
to corrupt; the born corrupter prefers in inocu
late with the microbes of gratitude and loyalty.
How About the Garage?
Henry Ford is reported to have in mind the
construction of a "gasoline buggy" which will
be still less expensive than any he has ever per
petrated. He is not the only automobile manu
facturer who has in mind a tremendous expan
sion in the production of this form of vehicle.
Recently it was discovered that the highly
paid ship workers- who had occupied certain
charming little homes in the government-built
village of Hilton, near Newport News, Va., were
storing their automobiles on the front porches
of their houses, the design of the village not
having included either public or private garage..
It is obvious that these machines must be
stored. It is desirable, probably, that they be
stored close to the homes of the owners. Many
instances come to the mind of anyone of how
the cheap garage has been introduced into the
back yard, destroying the little garden, and
looking in the city no less uncomfortable and
inappropriate than a boil on the owner's nose!
Yet with the great housing movement necessar
ily going forward in the United States, it is not
noticed that the archietcts and the town plan
ners have yet realized the necessity for provid
ing adequately for the automobile. None of
the new government projects, admirable in
many ways, make any provision for automobile
storage beyond the provision of location for
public garages. The automobile is still archi
tecturally considered as a luxury, a possession
of the wealthy man, despite the fact that 6,000,
000 gasoline-propelled machines use American
streets and roads.
Isn't it time for the architects and town
planners to become aware that these 6,000,000
automobiles in the nation will soon be doubled
in quantity and must be stored, and that they
must be "parked" when away from the garage,
some part of every day?
We are paying much attention to the looks
of our towns, but unless we consider this mat
ter of the location and character of the garage
in connection with the location and character
of the house, all our town planning may fail to
give us the adjunct of beauty and good order
so desirable. To neglect provision for the ga
rage in connection with town planning is only
a little less neglectful than to continue to over
look the street traffic and street "parking" prob
lems. Let us wake up the architects and the town
planners by demanding that each of them in his
work accept the possibility that every wage
earner whose income exceeds $1,000 a year is
likely to own an automobile within the next
five years, which must have room to run and to
stand and be conveniently stored when not in
active use. J. Horace McFarland, President
American Civic Association.
Norway Sugar Production.
Norway produces no sugar within its own
borders and the sweet sirups produced from
vegetable sources are of slight importance, so
this country is in a position of almost absolute
dendence on imports for its sweetening
The Day We Celebrate.
Nathan Bernstein, insurance man, born 1871.
George Forgan, president of the Forgan In
vestment company, born 1871.
Harry B. Fleharty, city solicitor, born 1872.
Thomas E. Mickel, Mickel Bros.' company,
horn 1864.
Hon. Charles Marcil, former speaker of the
Dominion House of Commons, born in Quebec
59 years ago.
Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, Harvard univer
sity professor and noted publicist, born at
Clarksville, Pa., 65 years ago. '
George W. Donaghey, former governor of
Arkansas, born at Oakland, La., 63 years ago.
Edward J. King, representative in congress
of the 15th Illinois district, born at Springfield,
Mass., 52 years ago.
William A. Ashbrook, representative in con
gress of the 17th Ohio district, born at Johns
town, O., 52 years ago.
Friend of the Soldier
Replies will be given in this
, column to questions relating
x to the soldier and his prob
lems, in and out of the army.
"Names will not be printed.
Ask The Bee to Answer.
Payment of Allotments.
Soldier's Mother Last month it
was announced that the Bureau of
War Risk had determined to com
mence sending out delayed allotment
checks in anticipation of the ap
propriation then being hurried
through congress. The money has
been set apart by the present con
gress to meet all claims, and only
the accumulation of business may
be taken to account for any delay in
the payment of allotments. If your
son still is in the service in France,
the payments should be made to you
regularly. Would suggest that you
write again to the Bureau of War
Risk, allotment division, and call at
tention to the delay in your case.
Many Questions Answered.
M. M. B. The 16th balloon com
pany has not yet been released for
return to the United States.
Mrs. J. H. Field remount
squadron No. 342 still is at St.
Nazaire, but will very likely leave
there some time this month.
Mrs. R. The Sixth division still is
In the army of occupation. It was
released for early return, but the
orders were recalled. When it is
to start can not be said, but with
peace at hand the original order
may be renewed at any time. This
applies to all units of the division.
A Reader Mobile veterinary hos
pital No. 1, at last accounts, still was
waiting for transport home. Watch
papers for announcement of its ar
rival. M. B. Veterinary units Nos. 13
and 17 are under orders to return,
waiting for transport.
A Soldier's Mother No date has
been set for the return of the
veterinary unit No. 18, but it will
not long be delayed. The Fourth
division still is held in the army or
occupation, and no time is fixed for
Its early withdrawal.
Mrs. W. P. T. The last station
given for the 91st transportation
company was Tours; the headquar
ters for the service of supply. As
this is being withdrawn from
France, the transportation units may
De looked lor on the sailing list soon.
Miss H. H. Write to the adjutant
general of the army, Washington, D.
C, for the information you request
We can not furnish the address of an
individual soldier.
B. C. A. General intermediate
storage depot, A. P. O. 713, is located
at Gievres, Loire-et-Cher. Prison
ers are allowed to write home at
stated intervals and to receive mail
during good behavior. American
soldiers who are undergoing punish
ment in France will be brought
home; many already have been so
returned. If a soldier dies in prison
his relatlvees are notified of his
Mrs. G. B. M. The 15th cavalry
was scattered pretty widely over
France, and while some of the units
have returneed, most of the regi
ment still is on the other side.
The so-called cork legs do not
owe their name to their composi
tion, but to the fact that their in
ventor was a Dr. Cork.
Only 466 Austrailians have assets
exceeding tb 100,000 each, while
2,156,560 of those who have over
lb J 00, the lowest assets considered,
have less than rb 1,000.
Street railways in England have
been experimenting with a com
pound rail, the worn portion of
which can be renewed without in
terfering with the roadbed.
It is estimated that the total
number of houses required in the
United Kingdom to meet the de
mands within the next few years
will be not less than 300,000.
A Montana man has invented a
chicken-coop equipped with ap
paratus that drops a spot of color
ing matter on a hen's back to show
when she has laid an egg.
An adjustable subframe has been
Invented by an Ohio man to enable
a standard type of motor-truck
body to be fitted to trucks of dif
ferent widths and lengths.
The National Exposition of
Venezuela, which was to have' been
inaugurated about June 1, has been
postponed until July in order that
more complete arrangements may
be made for it.
The value of the imports from
the United States into all parts of
the Madras Presidency In 1917-18
was 12,716,224. There was an in
crease in imports of miscellaneous
articles, but a reduction in im
ports of motor cars and railway
Wo are the people! We, who Broke
In ages past the stubborn yoke
Of Aryan kings, that fell upon
The painted walls of Babylon. 1
On Freedom's sacrificial fire
We offered Nineveh and Tyre.
Proud ancient temples, built to stand
For tyrant gods, have felt our hand.
And crumble now In dust that speaks
The vengeance man for bondage wreaks.
Rome, fallen, witnesses our might
To surge toward liberty and light.
And down the ages we have slain
The hope of every monarch vain
With power. Pharaoh and Caesar fell,
And Alexander. Lo! the knell
Of tyranny for kings to heed
Rang long ago at Runnymede.
And St. Helena stands to show
The way that lustful emperors go.
Oh. blind, vainglorious, little Powers
Who dared to match your strength with
Could you not see In centuries done
The way that all your mates have run?
Did you not know our mighty cause
Is justice, liberty, and laws
Of brotherhood, to make earth whole?
One King is ours, one hope, one goal!
We are the People! None prevail
With us! God's Freedom la our Grail!
Hilda Morris.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
Mrs. Byron Reed is in Colorado
The Metropolitan club gave a lawn party at
the J. L. Brandeis home in honocof Arthur D.
Brandeis, who soon leaves for Detroit, where
he will marry Miss Friedman.
A pleasant impromptu reception was ten
dered Corporal Tanner, commissioner of pen
sions, by Mr. John Grant at his residence on
Park avenue.
Eggs were selling at 10 and 11 cents per
dozen; butter from 14 to 18 cents a pound and
live hen from $3.50 to $4 per dozen.
rnoirouT ON THE
ouf ukk3 rnh study
where: i wont be
LTllSTURftp-n 1 T7
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(Peggy and Billy, guided by the fairies.
Hopeful Smiles and Cheer-up, pursue
Joyousness up a mountain side. Frown
ing Phil and Wantit Myway chase aft;r
On the Mountain Peak.
PEGGY and Billy could see Joy
ousness flitting swiftly up the
steep, rocky slopes, and for a mo
ment they were sorry the train hud
to take the longer, winding climb up
the pass. They were afraid they
might lose her. ,
"Joyousness will wait for us at the
top," laughed Hopeful Smiles.
"And the way up the pass, though
slower, is filled with beauty," added
So Peggy and Billy found it. Tho
wonderful mountain scenery made
their hearts leap with gladness. A
brook roared beside them, waterfalls
hung from high cliffs like dainty
bridal veils, chasms yawned below
them, forests swallowed them for
minutes at a time, sudden turns
brought them out upon dizzy heights
presenting views that made them
gasp in pleased amazement.
"Can't you hurry this train along?
We'll not catch Joyousness at this
rate," complained Frowning , Phil,
who had been so out of breath from
his chase after the train that he
couldn't talk.
"Zowie! There you go upsetting
me again!" wailed Wantlt Myway,
rolling over on his head.
"Aw, shoot! Stop that topsy-turvy
business," shouted Frowning Phil,
turning upside down in the car. "I'm
getting seasick as well as disgusted.
"It's all your own fault," retorted
"Zowle! There you go upsetting
me again!" wailed Wantit Myway.
34. 33. , ?
35,W Nr''
3b ,29 )
40 lo 5 '
9 2.
41 11 IS 27
4 V
'"Vv, 4i 12 is
V I. 2
Trace the lines to fifty-three
And a pretty you'll see.
Draw from on to two and so on te th and.
Wantit Myway.
"Huh! I suppose it was my fault
that we were upside down when the
train started and had to run after it
through that dark tunnel," said Phil
"Of course it was. And it was
your fault that we missed that danc
ing show," declared Wantit Myway.
"If you didn't throw those fits of
discontent when things go other than
you expect, we wouldn't get upset."
And so Frowning Phil and Wantit
Myway quarreled all the way up the
mountain and so of course they
missed the beautiful scenery that was
delighting Peggy and Billy, and
didn't enjoy the trip a bit
Higher and higher crept the train.
climbing above the trees to the bar
wind-swept rocks, and then
among the clouds themselves. It wa
all very astonishing and exciting to
Peggy and Billy, the more so be
cause Hopeful Smiles and Cheer-Up
didn't let them miss a single thrill
of the Journey.
As they reached the top of thi
very highest peak, Frowning Phil
and Wantit Myway quit quarreling.
They looked around eagerly for Joy
ousness. She was nowhere in sight
"Aw, shoot! I told you we'd never
catch her in this slow old train,'
howled Frowning Phil.
"Zowle! There it is again." And
over flopped Wantit Myway. And
over flopped Frowning Phil In com
pany with him.
But Peggy and Billy were keenly
enjoying themselves. The inspiring
view, the feeling that they were at
the very top of the world, the queer
sensation of being up among the
clouds delighted them through and
through. And besides that Joyous
ness was there, hiding merrily be
hind a wisp of mist. She nodded at
them and pointed upward with her
There they saw a striking picture.
Cloud King was rushing along bear
ing struggling Snow Maiden in- his
arms. Around the peak swirled
Swift Wind. Sweeping at Cloud
King, he smote him hard. Cloud
King staggered from the blow, and
quickly Swift Wind snatched Snow
Maiden from his arms, bearing her
away trlumphanly, while Cloud
King vainly pursued.
Frowning Phil missed all this pic
ture, but turned right side up in
time to catch a glimpse of Joyous
ness, as she danced away again.
"There she goes! After her! She
is getting away from us!" he
Hopeful Smiles laughed. "Joyous
ness never gets away from those who
know how to pursue her," she sang.
Peggy and Billy wondered what she
meant. ' Soon they were to learn.
(In tomorrow's chapter' Frowning Phil
mlrsrs a thrilling ride and runs Into
Omaha's Rotten Police,
Seward, Neb., June 28. To the
Editor of The Bee: Have been keep
ing tab on the fight The Bee is mak
ing against graft and unlawful meth
ods of the police department of
Omaha. This is a worthy cause and
should be commended by every law
abiding citizen who has the well be
ing of the community in which he
lives at heart Mr. Editor, you are
laying bare the festering sore that
afflicts the Omaha city government.
The Bee's expose of the gambling
outfit on the Patterson show grounds
under the eyes of the police officers
goes to show that they got hush
money to protect this grambling out
fit. Concerning the Detention home
for women, the same methods were
used and according to the confes
sion of one of the inmates they were
let out for a price. Another wo
man of the underworld stated that
she paid tribute to the police offi
cers for protection, and now we
come to the last act, the invasion
of Mrs. Thomas Brown's home with
out a warrant at 2 o'clock a. m.
The officer who arrested her per
sisted in staying in the room while
she put on her clothes until her son
came and kicked the brute aut. The
boy smelled liquor on him; there is
no doubt he was drung, for there is
no sober man with any self-respect
who would do such a thing. This
good Christian lady was taken to
Jail without bail. The girls who
lived in Mrs. Brown's flat were taken
to Jail also without a warrant. This
is an outrage on justice. At the trial
the police failed to prove their
charge and the court dismissed the
defendants. They let Kelly getaway;
they didn't want him. He knew too
much. This is the man who, with
two officers, helped to carry out the
frame-up to defame the character
of Mrs. Brown and those two girls.
What their object was no one
knows. These acts of delinquency
in the police department of Omaha
are by men who swore to uphold an(
execute the laws, who turn round
and perjure themselves and lose the
respect of their fellow men. '
After all the evidence The Bee has
brough to light, law-abiding citi
zens can come to but one conclusion
that the police department is rot
ten to the core and needs cleaning
out from top to bottom. In fact,
Mayor Smith confirms this view in
his letter to the Board of Commis
sioners, although he didn't intend
this for publicaation. We need more
men like Ole Hanson to enforce the
laws. Yours for law enforcement,
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What About the Law.
Beaver City, Neb., June 27. To
the Editor of The Bee: What ails
the people of Omaha? Is there no
law to punish a crime so heinous
as committed by those policemen?
There is no stain blacker on the
pages of history in our state. .. If
there are no laws to reach them
after all the precious lives and
money spent for liberty and freedom
of the world, I would be in favor of
the people taking the law in their
own hands and resorting to mob vio
lence. If Armstrong and Herdzina
could pull hemp for a short time it
might be a useful lesson for future
police. I am quite disappointed in
Mr. Ed P. Smith, mayor. I did not
look for him to stand for crime in
its vilest form.
She I never could see why they call a
boat "she."
He Evidently you never tried to steer
one. London Ideas.
Louis XIV announced: "I am the
York Sun.
replied a later sojoulirier In
"I am all, the states'' New
"A man is as old as he feels," quoted
the parlor philosopher.
"And a woman is as old as her pro
tograph taken about 15 years ago," add
ed the mere man. Pearson's Weekly.
"How did Hicks manage to reform that
nagging wife of his?"
"Bribed her masseuse to tell her that
talking caused wrinkles'" Boston Transcript.
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